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Last active February 28, 2018 01:15
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  • Save FerPerales/c32059fee6d10dc2a422362db2ed3ee0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FerPerales/c32059fee6d10dc2a422362db2ed3ee0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" Set max chars in column
set colorcolumn=110
" Colorize extra whitespaces at the end of a line
highlight ExtraWhitespace ctermbg=red guibg=red
match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd BufWinEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
autocmd InsertEnter * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+\%#\@<!$/
autocmd InsertLeave * match ExtraWhitespace /\s\+$/
" Auto delete whitespaces on save
autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
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