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Last active February 28, 2025 13:32
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Function for Obsidian to return tasks with GTD tags like #todo/next-action, then #todo/inbox if no tasks were found with the first tag, and so on.

Takes a specific tag as a parameter, so you can find tasks with any tag. Requires Dataview to work. Returns the dataview results, which can then be passed to a Templater suggester and then toggleTask.js or insertBlockEmbed.js.

async function nextActions(userTag = null) {
let actionTags = ["todo/next-action", "todo/inbox", "todo/someday-maybe"]
// const exclusion = "";
let nextActions;
let chosenTag = "";
if (userTag) {
for (const tag of actionTags) {
nextActions = await runQuery(tag);
if (nextActions.length > 0) {
chosenTag = tag;
if (userTag && chosenTag !== userTag) {
new Notice(`Found no tasks tagged ${userTag}, suggesting task from ${chosenTag} instead`, 5000);
new Notice(`Found ${nextActions.length} tasks tagged ${tag}`, 5000);
return [nextActions, chosenTag] || null;
async function runQuery(actionTag) {
const dv = app.plugins.plugins["dataview"].api;
const path = '""';
const where = `where !completed and contains(tags, "${actionTag}")`;
const query = `TASK from ${path} ${where} sort due desc`;
const DQL = await dv.tryQuery(query);
const results = DQL.values;
return results;
module.exports = nextActions;
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