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Eric Fernandez FernE97

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rozsival / sphp
Created March 3, 2021 16:16
Easy Brew PHP-FPM switch
#!/usr/bin/env bash
versions=("7.0" "7.1" "7.2" "7.4" "$latest")
valid=$(printf "|%s" "${versions[@]}")
ERROR=$(tput setaf 1)
SUCCESS=$(tput setaf 2)
if [ -z "$switch" ]
<!-- Modified from
Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius may need a future flag update -->
<select class="input-block-level" id="countryCode" name="countryCode">
<option data-countryCode="AF" value="93">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1EB Afghanistan (+93)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AL" value="355">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1FD Albania (+355)</option>
<option data-countryCode="DZ" value="213">&#x1F1E9&#x1F1FF Algeria (+213)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AD" value="376">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1E9 Andorra (+376)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AO" value="244">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1F4 Angola (+244)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AI" value="1264">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1EE Anguilla (+1264)</option>
<option data-countryCode="AG" value="1268">&#x1F1E6&#x1F1EC Antigua &amp; Barbuda (+1268)</option>
kesor / component-app.js
Last active April 23, 2024 15:18
Vue.js 3.x with ES6 modules in the browser using import-map
import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue'
const Content = defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./component-content.js'))
export default {
name: 'App',
components: { Content },
template: /*html*/`
<Content />
tusharf5 / change ssh port amazo ec2
Created September 28, 2019 22:44
Change SSH Port on Amazon EC2 Instance

Change SSH Port on Amazon EC2 Instance

1. Launch and connect to EC2 instance running Amazon Linux 2.
2. Promote to root and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
## sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
3. Edit line 17 (usually 17) #PORT 22. You'll need to un-comment the line and change the port to whatever you like. 
## PORT 9222
4. Save changes and exit
## :wq
joelvh / db.rake
Last active March 18, 2023 12:04 — forked from hopsoft/db.rake
Rails rake tasks for dump & restore of PostgreSQL databases
# Original source:
# Merged with:
namespace :db do
desc 'Dumps the database to backups'
task dump: :environment do
dump_fmt = ensure_format(ENV['format'])
dump_sfx = suffix_for_format(dump_fmt)
backup_dir = backup_directory(Rails.env, create: true)
full_path = nil
cmd = nil
SylarRuby / downloads_controller.rb
Last active August 25, 2022 06:43
Loop through all, zip and download from ActiveStorage
# In our gemfile:
# gem 'rubyzip'
require 'zip'
# private ?
def process_and_create_zip_file
# Simulation of an object with has_many_attached :documents
job = Job.first.documents
# Tmp folder to store the download files from S3
jacurtis / _spacing-helpers.scss
Last active January 4, 2025 05:05
SASS Margin and Padding Helpers Loop. Generates .m-t-10 type helper classes.
This .scss loop will create "margin helpers" and "padding helpers" for use in your web projects.
It will generate several classes such as:
.m-r-10 which gives margin-right 10 pixels.
.m-r-15 gives MARGIN to the RIGHT 15 pixels.
.m-t-15 gives MARGIN to the TOP 15 pixels and so on.
.p-b-5 gives PADDING to the BOTTOM of 5 pixels
.p-l-40 gives PADDING to the LEFT of 40 pixels
estrattonbailey / address-form.liquid
Created August 29, 2016 18:20
Shopify Address Form
<div id="{{form_outer_id}}" class="address__form relative w1 {{form_classes}}" style="display: none;">
{% form 'customer_address', form_action %}
{% assign form_id = %}
{% capture form_script %}{% if form_id == 'new' %}barrel.toggleNewForm(event){% else %}barrel.toggleForm(event, {{form_id}}){% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture form_suffix %}{% if form_id and form_id != 'new' %}_{{form_id}}{% endif %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture form_city_id %}{% if form_id == 'new' %}AddressCityNew{% else %}AddressCity{% endif %}{% endcapture%}
{% capture form_country_id %}{% if form_id == 'new' %}AddressCountryNew{% else %}AddressCountry{% endif %}{% endcapture%}
koenpunt / permit_recursive_params.out
Last active December 3, 2024 15:40
ActionController::Parameters -> permit_recursive_params
"string_array"=>["one", "two"],
"array_with_hashes"=>[{"a"=>"1"}, {"a"=>"2"}],
"type"=>{"name"=>"Other", "icon"=>"<i class=\"fa fa-pagelines\"></i>"},
traumverloren /
Last active March 29, 2024 00:54
Switch from RVM to rbenv

Switch from RVM to rbenv:

Get Rid of RVM if it's installed:

rvm implode

Cleanup your .bash_profile/.bashrc/.zshrc file to remove RVM from the path:

You should have something like this left from RVM. Delete it from the file. ``[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"```