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Last active September 6, 2023 21:50
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Obsidian IndexedDB Database with Vault hooks example
import localforage from 'localforage';
import { type EventRef, Events, Notice, type Plugin, TFile } from 'obsidian';
type DatabaseItem<T> = {
data: T,
mtime: number
export class EventComponent extends Events {
_events: (() => void)[] = [];
onunload() {
unload() {
while (this._events.length > 0) {
register(event_unload: () => void) {
registerEvent(event: EventRef) {
// @ts-ignore (Eventref contains reference to the Events object it was attached to)
this.register(() => event.e.offref(event));
* Generic database class for storing data in indexedDB, automatically updates on file changes
export class Database<T> extends EventComponent {
cache: typeof localforage;
on(name: 'database-update' | 'database-create', callback: (entries: DatabaseItem<T>[]) => void, ctx?: any) {
return, name, callback, ctx);
* Constructor for the database
* @param plugin The plugin that owns the database
* @param name Name of the database within indexedDB
* @param title Title of the database
* @param version Version of the database
* @param description Description of the database
* @param defaultValue Constructor for the default value of the database
* @param extractValue Provide new values for database on file modification
plugin: Plugin,
name: string,
title: string,
version: number,
description: string,
defaultValue: () => T,
extractValue: (file: TFile) => Promise<T>,
) {
// localforage does not offer a method for accessing the database version, so we store it separately
const oldVersion = parseFloat( + '-version')) || null;
this.cache = localforage.createInstance({
name: name + `/${}`,
driver: localforage.INDEXEDDB,
}); () => {
const document_fragment = new DocumentFragment();
const message = document_fragment.createEl('div');
const center = document_fragment.createEl('div', { cls: 'commentator-progress-bar' });
const markdownFiles =;
const progress_bar = center.createEl('progress');
progress_bar.setAttribute('max', markdownFiles.length.toString());
progress_bar.setAttribute('value', '0');
const notice = new Notice(document_fragment, 0);
if (oldVersion !== null && oldVersion < version && !await this.isEmpty()) {
message.textContent = `Migrating ${title} database...`;
// Current setting: rebuild the entire database
for (let i = 0; i < markdownFiles.length; i++) {
const file = markdownFiles[i];
await this.storeKey(file.path, await extractValue(file), file.stat.mtime);
progress_bar.setAttribute('value', (i + 1).toString());
setTimeout(async () => this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries()), 1000);
// this.trigger('database-migrate'); + '-version', version.toString());
} else if (await this.isEmpty()) {
message.textContent = `Initializing ${title} database...`;
for (let i = 0; i < markdownFiles.length; i++) {
const file = markdownFiles[i];
await this.storeKey(file.path, await extractValue(file), file.stat.mtime);
progress_bar.setAttribute('value', (i + 1).toString());
setTimeout(async () => this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries()), 1000);
} else {
message.textContent = `Loading ${title} database...`;
for (const key of await this.allKeys()) {
if (!markdownFiles.some(file => file.path === key))
await this.deleteKey(key);
for (let i = 0; i < markdownFiles.length; i++) {
const file = markdownFiles[i];
const value = await this.getItem(file.path);
if (value === null || value.mtime < file.stat.mtime)
await this.storeKey(file.path, await extractValue(file), file.stat.mtime);
progress_bar.setAttribute('value', (i + 1).toString());
setTimeout(async () => {
this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries());
}, 1000); + '-version', version.toString());
// Alternatives: use 'this.editorExtensions.push(EditorView.updateListener.of(async (update) => {'
// for instant View updates, but this requires the file to be read into the cache first
this.registerEvent('modify', async (file) => {
if (file instanceof TFile) {
await this.storeKey(file.path, await extractValue(file), file.stat.mtime);
this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries());
this.registerEvent('delete', async (file) => {
if (file instanceof TFile) {
await this.deleteKey(file.path);
this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries());
this.registerEvent('rename', async (file, oldPath) => {
if (file instanceof TFile) {
await this.renameKey(oldPath, file.path, file.stat.mtime);
this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries());
this.registerEvent('create', async (file) => {
if (file instanceof TFile) {
await this.storeKey(file.path, defaultValue(), file.stat.mtime);
this.trigger('database-update', await this.allEntries());
async storeKey(key: string, value: T, mtime?: number) {
await this.cache.setItem(key, {
data: value,
mtime: mtime ??,
async deleteKey(key: string) {
await this.cache.removeItem(key);
async renameKey(oldKey: string, newKey: string, mtime?: number) {
const value = await this.getItem(oldKey);
if (value == null) throw new Error('Key does not exist');
await this.storeKey(newKey,, mtime);
await this.deleteKey(oldKey);
async allKeys(): Promise<string[]> {
return await this.cache.keys();
async getValue(key: string): Promise<T | null> {
return (await this.cache.getItem(key) as DatabaseItem<T> | null)?.data ?? null;
async allValues(): Promise<T[]> {
const keys = await this.allKeys();
return await Promise.all( => this.getValue(key) as Promise<T>));
async getItem(key: string): Promise<DatabaseItem<T> | null> {
return await this.cache.getItem(key);
async allItems(): Promise<DatabaseItem<T>[]> {
const keys = await this.allKeys();
return await Promise.all( => this.cache.getItem(key) as Promise<DatabaseItem<T>>));
async allEntries(): Promise<[string, DatabaseItem<T>][] | null> {
const keys = await this.allKeys();
return await Promise.all( => this.cache.getItem(key).then(value => [key, value] as [string, DatabaseItem<T>])));
async dropDatabase() {
await this.cache.dropInstance();
async clearDatabase() {
await this.cache.clear();
async isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this.cache.length()) == 0;
export default class YourPlugin extends Plugin {
database: Database<YOURDATATYPE> = new Database(
() => YOURDATATYPE, /* Default value constructor, this may be whatever you want */
async (file) => {
// This function gets called whenever a file gets updated/created, it will parse the file contents
// The function should return the values you wish to store within the database
return new YOURDATATYPE(...)
async onload() {
// Event does not necessarily have to be registered here
// You can register multiple hooks on database-update this way
this.registerEvent(this.database.on('database-update', (entries) => { /* YOUR CALLBACK HERE */ });
this.registerEvent(this.database.on('database-create', (entries) => { /* YOUR CALLBACK HERE */ });
async onunload() {
// Unloads all database hooks on vault events -- do not forget to add this!
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Fevol commented Sep 6, 2023

Please refer to instead for much more optimized code.

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