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Forked from tobinharris/.gitignore
Created December 1, 2009 18:04
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Save FilipDeVos/246492 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Standard .gitignore file & transform script for svn global-ignores
# .gitignore for .NET projects
# Thanks to Derick Bailey
# Additional Thanks to
# - Alexey Abramov
# Standard VS.NET and ReSharper Foo
# Exclude NuGet packages folder
!nuget.exe #Except for nuget.exe
# Stylecop things
# Other useful stuff
# NCrunch files
# Office Temp Files
# If you have a deploy folder
# Exclude ALL compiled files?
# Exclude svn folders for the freaks that put a git repo in the root of an svn working copy. (git-svn hates externals...)
# Exclude vss files
# SQL Server management studio stuff
# Monodevelop excludes
# Visual Basic 6 excludes
# ###################################################################################
# Powershell script to transform the .gitignore config to be subversion compatible and
# apply it to the subversion global-ignores configuration.
# Author: Filip De Vos
# Last updated: 3 Oct 2011
# License: WTFPL
# Compatibility: Tested on Windows 7 with 'powershell apply_to_svn_config.ps1'
# to use this script just call it from the same folder as your .gitignore file.
# If you don't like specifying the full path to the script you need to enable
# the executionpolicy remotesigned
# Notes: This script is very naive because I totally stink at powershell scripting.
# ###################################################################################
$content = get-content .gitignore | Where-Object {$_ -notlike '#*'}
$line = [string]::join(" ", $content)
$path = $env:USERPROFILE + "\AppData\Roaming\Subversion\config"
(Get-Content ($path)) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace '^global-ignores = .*$', ("global-ignores = " + $line)} | Set-Content ($path)
# ###################################################################################
# Shell script to transform the .gitignore config to be subversion compatible and
# apply it to the subversion global-ignores configuration.
# Author: Filip De Vos
# Last updated: Jan 26 2010
# License: WTFPL
# Compatibility: Tested on Windows 7 from the msysgit bash shell.
# to use this script just call it from the same folder as your .gitignore file
# you might have to make it executable with chmod +x
# Notes: This script is very naive because I totally stink at bash scripting.
# ###################################################################################
sed "s%^.*global-ignores =.*%global-ignores = .git `cat .gitignore | sed -e "/^#/d" | tr '\r\n' ' '`%g" ~/.subversion/config > updated_config
cp updated_config ~/.subversion/config
sed "s%^.*global-ignores =.*%global-ignores = .git `cat .gitignore | sed -e "/^#/d" | tr '\r\n' ' '`%g" ~/AppData/Roaming/Subversion/config > updated_config
cp updated_config ~/AppData/Roaming/Subversion/config
rm updated_config
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