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Last active May 10, 2019 00:29
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# from
def isqrt(n):
x = n
y = (x + 1) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
# everything from here on is a slightly modified version of
def getnewnr(x, y, carry, num):
"""Calcualtes the next numbers"""
y-=2 #Only odd numbers can be prime, subtract 2.
x+=(x*2+carry)//y #(2 rows + carry) over y
return x, y, carry
def initnumber(num):
"""Get initial value of x, y and carry"""
x = isqrt(num)
#We can also check for last digit 1, 3, 7 or 9 as prime number must end with one of these.
if x % 2 == 0: #not odd number
if y % 2 == 0: #not odd number
return x,y,carry
def new_factor(num):
x,y,carry = initnumber(num)
while carry != 0:
x, y, carry = getnewnr(x,y,carry,num)
return x, y, iterations
# output = (3119712991, 2274712361, 194601937)
# => 194601937 iterations
from functools import reduce
# from
def isqrt(n):
x = n
y = (x + 1) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
def comp_wheel(primes):
product = reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, primes)
wheel = [1] * product
for p in primes:
for i in range(0, product // p):
wheel[p*i] = 0
offsets = []
for i in range(product):
if wheel[i] == 1:
offsets += [i]
return product, list(reversed(offsets))
def naive_factor(n, primes = [2,3,5,7]):
wheel_size, wheel = comp_wheel(primes)
for p in primes:
if n % p == 0:
return p, 0
x = isqrt(n)
y = x // wheel_size
iterations = 0
for base in range(y * wheel_size, -wheel_size, -wheel_size):
for offset in wheel:
iterations += 1
tmp = base + offset
#print(f"{base} + {offset} = {tmp} => {tmp % n}")
if n % (base + offset) == 0 and tmp < n:
return base + offset, iterations
print(naive_factor(3119712991*2274712361, [2,3,5,7,11,13]))
# output = (2274712361, 74655377)
# => 74655377 iterations
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