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List of all 'top'-like CLI programs on Linux

List of all 'top'-like CLI programs

Here is a table with all the 'top'-like commands I found.

apachetop htop itop mytop qtop top
atop iftop jnettop numatop radeontop usbtop
ctop intel_gpu_top kerneltop nvtop rtop wmtop
dnstop iotop latencytop pg_top sntop xrestop
gtop irqtop logtop powertop tiptop zktop


display real-time web server statistics


apachetop [-f filename] [-H hits | -T time] [-q] [-l] [-s segments] [-p] [-r secs]


ApacheTop watches a logfile generated by Apache (in standard common or combined logformat, and generates human-parsable output in realtime.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


AT Computing's System & Process Monitor


Interactive usage:

atop [-g|-m|-d|-n|-u|-p|-s|-c|-v|-o] [-C|-M|-D|-N|-A] [-af1x] [-L linelen] [-Plabel[,label]...] [interval [samples]]

Writing and reading raw logfiles:

atop -w rawfile [-a] [-S] [interval [samples]]
atop -r [rawfile] [-b hh:mm] [-e hh:mm] [-g|-m|-d|-n|-u|-p|-s|-c|-v|-o] [-C|-M|-D|-N|-A] [-f1x] [-L linelen] [-Plabel[,label]...]


The program atop is an interactive monitor to view the load on a Linux system. It shows the occupation of the most critical hardware resources (from a performance point of view) on system level, i.e. cpu, memory, disk and network. It also shows which processes are responsible for the indicated load with respect to cpu- and memory load on process level. Disk load is shown if per process "storage accounting" is active in the kernel or if the kernel patch 'cnt' has been installed. Network load is only shown per process if the kernel patch 'cnt' has been installed.

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Ubuntu package page


command line / text based Linux Containers monitoring tool


ctop [options]


ctop will help you see what's going on at the container level. Basically, containers are a logical group of processes isolated using kernel's cgroups and namespaces. Recently, they have been made popular by Docker and they are also heavily used under the hood by systemd and a load of container tools like lxc, rocket, lmctfy and many others.

Under the hood, ctop will collect all metrics it can from cgroups in realtime and render them to instantly give you an overview of the global system health.

It currently collects metrics related to cpu, memory and block IO usage as well as metadata such as owning user (mostly for systemd based containers), uptime and attempts to guess the container managing technology behind.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network


dnstop [-46apsQR] [-b expression] [-i address] [-f filter] [-r interval] [device] [savefile]


dnstop is a small tool to listen on device or to parse the file savefile and collect and print statistics on the local network's DNS traffic. You must have read access to /dev/bpf*

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Top three intensive processes plugin for gkrellm

Ubuntu package page


Perl interface to libgtop


use GTop ();
my $gtop = GTop->new;


Perl interface to libgtop

Linux man page


interactive process viewer


htop [-dChusv]


htop is a free (GPL) ncurses-based process viewer for Linux.

It is similar to top, but allows you to scroll vertically and horizontally, so you can see all the processes running on the system, along with their full command lines, as well as viewing them as a process tree, selecting multiple processes and acting on them all at once.

Tasks related to processes (killing, renicing) can be done without entering their PIDs.

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Ubuntu package page


display bandwidth usage on an interface by host


iftop -h | [-nNpblBP] [-i interface] [-f filter code] [-F net/mask] [-G net6/mask6]


iftop listens to network traffic on a named interface, or on the first interface it can find which looks like an external interface if none is specified, and displays a table of current bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. iftop must be run with sufficient permissions to monitor all network traffic on the interface; see pcap (3) for more information, but on most systems this means that it must be run as root.

By default, iftop will look up the hostnames associated with addresses it finds in packets. This can cause substantial traffic of itself, and may result in a confusing display. You may wish to suppress display of DNS traffic by using filter code such as not port domain, or switch it off entirely, by using the -n option or by pressing r when the program is running.

By default, iftop counts all IP packets that pass through the filter, and the direction of the packet is determined according to the direction the packet is moving across the interface. Using the -F option it is possible to get iftop to show packets entering and leaving a given network. For example, iftop -F will analyse packets flowing in and out of the 10.* network.

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Part of intel-gpu-tools

Display a top-like summary of Intel GPU usage


intel_gpu_top [parameters]


intel_gpu_top is a tool to display usage information of an Intel GPU. It requires root privilege to map the graphics device.

Note that idle units are not displayed, so an entirely idle GPU will only display the ring status and header.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


simple top-like I/O monitor


iotop [options]


iotop watches I/O usage information output by the Linux kernel (requires 2.6.20 or later) and displays a table of current I/O usage by processes or threads on the system. At least the CONFIG_TASK_DELAY_ACCT, CONFIG_TASK_IO_ACCOUNTING, CONFIG_TASKSTATS and CONFIG_VM_EVENT_COUNTERS options need to be enabled in your Linux kernel build configuration.

iotop displays columns for the I/O bandwidth read and written by each process/thread during the sampling period. It also displays the percentage of time the thread/process spent while swapping in and while waiting on I/O. For each process, its I/O priority (class/level) is shown. In addition, the total I/O bandwidth read and written during the sampling period is displayed at the top of the interface.

Use the left and right arrows to change the sorting, r to reverse the sorting order, o to toggle the --only option, p to toggle the --processes option, a to toggle the --accumulated option, q to quit or i to change the priority of a thread or a process' thread(s). Any other key will force a refresh.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


utility to display kernel interrupt information

Observe IRQ and SoftIRQ in a top-like fashion


irqtop [options]


Display kernel interrupt counter information in top (1) style view.

The default output is subject to change. So whenever possible, you should avoid using default outputs in your scripts. Always explicitly define expected columns by using --output.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


simple top-like interrupt load monitor


itop [options]


itop is a simple interrupt load monitor which opens and monitors /proc/interrupts in a top-like way. It can be set to monitor the file a specific number of times and monitor all interrupts, not only the ones being used.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic


jnettop [options] [-i interface] [-d filename] [-f filename] [-x rule]


jnettop captures traffic coming across the host it is running on and displays streams sorted by bandwidth they use. Result is a nice listing of communication on network by host and port, how many bytes went through this transport and the bandwidth it is consuming.

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Ubuntu package page


shows kernel function usage in an interactive style like 'top'


kerneltop [options]


The kerneltop command uses the /proc/profile and the kernel system map to print ascii data on standard output, updated once a second. The output is organized in three columns: the first is the address of the function, the second is the name of the C function in the kernel, and the third number of clock ticks the function has taken. The output is filled with blanks to ease readability, and can either be sorted by the number of ticks per function (the default), or the address of the function.

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a tool for developers to visualize system latencies


latencytop [--unknown] [processes...]


latencytop is a Linux* tool for software developers (both kernel and userspace), aimed at identifying where in the system latency is happening, and what kind of operation/action is causing the latency to happen so that the code can be changed to avoid the worst latency hiccups.

LatencyTOP focuses on the cases where the applications want to run and execute useful code, but there's some resource that's not currently available (and the kernel then blocks the process). This is done both on a system level and on a per process level, so that you can see what's happening to the system, and which process is suffering and/or causing the delays.

You can walk the processes by using the cursor keys. If you press s followed by a letter, then only active processes starting with that lettter are displayed and walked. If you press s followed by 0 then that filter is reset.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


Realtime log line rate analyser


logtop [options]


logtop is a System Administrator tool analyzing line rate on stdin. It reads on stdin and print a constantly updated result displaying, in columns: Line number, count, frequency, and the actual line.

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Ubuntu package page


display MySQL server performance info like 'top'


mytop [options]


mytop was inspired by the system monitoring tool top. I routinely use top on Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris. You are likely to notice features from each of them here.

mytop will connect to a MySQL server and periodically run the SHOW PROCESSLIST and SHOW GLOBAL STATUS commands and attempt to summarize the information from them in a useful format.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


a tool for memory access locality characterization and analysis


numatop [-s] [-l] [-f] [-d]
numatop [-h]


numatop is a GUI tool that periodically tracks and analyzes the NUMA activity of processes and threads and displays useful metrics. Users can scroll up/down by using the up or down key to navigate in the current window and can use several hot keys shown at the bottom of the window, to switch between windows or to change the running state of the tool. For example, hotkey 'R' refreshes the data in the current window.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page




nvtop [-hv] [-si id1:id2:...] [-d delay]


nvtop is a ncurses-based GPU status viewer for NVIDIA GPUs.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


display and update information about the top cpu PostgreSQL processes


pg_top [option...] [number]


pg_top displays the top processes on the system and periodically updates this information. Raw cpu percentage is used to rank the processes. If number is given, then the top number processes will be displayed instead of the default.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


program to analyze power consumption on Intel-based laptops


powertop [-d] [-t DOUBLE] [-p] [-h] [-v]


powertop is a program that shows the power consumption on Intel-based laptops and makes suggestions on how to extend battery lifetime.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


A graphical alternative to show the running processes


qtop [options]

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


tool to show GPU utilization


radeontop [-chv] [-b bus] [-d file] [-l limit] [-t ticks]


RadeonTop shows the utilization of your GPU, both in general and by blocks.

Supported cards are R600 and up.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


Remote Server Monitoring over SSH


rtop [-i private-key-file] [user@]host[:port] [interval]


rtop is a simple, agent-less, remote server monitoring tool that works over plain SSH. It does not need any software to be installed on the server that you want to monitor. It works by establishing an SSH session, and running commands on the remote server to collect system metrics.



top-like console network status tool


sntop [options]


sntop (simple network top) is a console utility, in the spirit of top, that polls a list of hosts at a regular interval to determine if they are online, displaying the results in a formatted table. This list is read on load from a config file, sntoprc, located (by default) in ~/ or /etc. The polling is done via ICMP ping (1)

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


display hardware performance counters for Linux tasks


tiptop [option]
tiptop [option] -- command (EXPERIMENTAL)
ptiptop PATTERN [options]


The tiptop program provides a dynamic real-time view of the tasks running in the system. tiptop is very similar to top (1), but the information displayed comes from hardware counters.

tiptop has two running modes: live-mode and batch-mode. In both modes, the system is periodically queried for the values of hardware counters, and various ratios are printed for each task. In live-mode, the display is regularly updated with new values at constant time intervals. In batch-mode, the same information is emitted to stdout. Batch-mode is appropriate for saving to a file or for further processing. No interaction is possible in batch-mode.

Unless tiptop is run by root, or the executable is setuid-root, a user can only monitor the tasks it owns.

ptiptop is simply a shortcut for tiptop -p.

Ubuntu package page


display Linux processes


top -hv|-bcEeHiOSs1 -d secs -n max -u|U user -p pids -o field -w [cols]

The traditional switches '-' and whitespace are optional.


The top program provides a dynamic real-time view of a running system. It can display system summary information as well as a list of processes or threads currently being managed by the Linux kernel. The types of system summary information shown and the types, order and size of information displayed for processes are all user configurable and that configuration can be made persistent across restarts.

The program provides a limited interactive interface for process manipulation as well as a much more extensive interface for personal configuration -- encompassing every aspect of its operation. And while top is referred to throughout this document, you are free to name the program anything you wish. That new name, possibly an alias, will then be reflected on top's display and used when reading and writing a configuration file.

Linux man page


utility to show bandwidth on USB buses and devices


usbtop is a top-like utility that shows an estimated instantaneous bandwidth on USB buses and devices.

Github page

Ubuntu package page


WindowMaker dockapp


wmtop [-c command] [-U] [-x regexp] [-m]


wmtop displays the CPU or physical memory (under Linux only) usage of the top three processes. These may be refined by user supplied criteria, either via the command line or by clicking on the application.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


monitor server resources used by X11 clients


xrestop -help
xrestop [-display display] [--batch] [--delay-time seconds]


xrestop uses the X-Resource extension to provide 'top'-like statistics of each connected X11 client's server-side resource usage. It is intended as a developer tool to aid more efficient server resource usage and debug server-side resource leakage.

Linux man page

Ubuntu package page


top for Apache ZooKeeper

Synopsis [options]


zktop provides a unix “top” like utility for ZooKeeper. It is compatible with Python2.6, Python2.7 and Python3.

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