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Last active June 14, 2023 16:56
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Shortcuts for Python 3's venv for virtualenvwrapper users.
export VENV_HOME=~/.venvs
export VENV_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6
fn_workon() {
if [ -f "${VENV_HOME}/${1}/bin/activate" ]; then
export VENV_CURRENT="${VENV_HOME}/${1}"
# Run commands before activation
if [ -f "${VENV_CURRENT}/" ]; then
echo "Activating venv ${1}..."
. "${VENV_CURRENT}/bin/activate"
# Run commands after activation
if [ -f "${VENV_CURRENT}/" ]; then
echo "Could not find the venv '${1}'. Here is a list of venvs:"
alias workon=fn_workon
fn_mkvirtualenv() {
if [ -z "${VENV_HOME}" ]; then
echo "VENV_HOME is not set; we don't know where to create your venv."
echo "Creating a new venv at: ${VENV_HOME}/${1}..."
# Create the venv
${VENV_PYTHON} -m venv "${VENV_HOME}/${1}"
# Create script to run before venv activation
echo "# Commands to be run before venv activation" >> "${VENV_HOME}/${1}/"
# Create script to run after venv activation, default to current directory
echo "# Commands to be run after venv activation" >> "${VENV_HOME}/${1}/"
echo "cd ${PWD}" >> "${VENV_HOME}/${1}/"
# Activate the new venv
fn_workon "${1}"
# Get the latest pip
echo "Upgrading to latest pip..."
pip install --quiet --upgrade pip
alias mkvirtualenv=fn_mkvirtualenv
fn_rmvirtualenv() {
if [ -z "${VENV_HOME}" ]; then
echo "VENV_HOME is not set; not removing."
echo "Removing venv at: ${VENV_HOME}/${1}..."
deactivate 2>/dev/null
rm -rf "${VENV_HOME}/${1}"
alias rmvirtualenv=fn_rmvirtualenv
fn_lsvirtualenv() {
if [ -z "${VENV_HOME}" ]; then
echo "VENV_HOME is not set; can not show venvs."
ls -1 "${VENV_HOME}/"
alias lsvirtualenv=fn_lsvirtualenv
fn_cdvirtualenv() {
alias cdvirtualenv=fn_cdvirtualenv
# Tab Completions
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(ls $VENV_HOME)"))
complete -F _venv_completions workon
complete -F _venv_completions cdvirtualenv
complete -F _venv_completions rmvirtualenv
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vsalvino commented Jul 26, 2019

I have a similar setup for PowerShell. Works well in both Windows PowerShell, and the new cross-platform open source PowerShell Core (which I really am loving).

Put this in your profile, which you can open with: notepad $PROFILE from a powershell prompt.

Update 2023: I have improved my script a bit, so this comment was edited with the new scripts below. I use --symlinks when creating a virtualenv, so if the python version on the system is updated, it is updated automatically in all the venvs you created. Out of convention, I also put my venvs in the project folder in a folder named .venv, so you'll want to gitignore that.

function workon {
    & (Join-Path (Get-Location) ".venv" "Scripts" "Activate.ps1")

function mkvenv {
    $cwd = Get-Item (Get-Location)
    $dir = Join-Path $cwd ".venv"
    if (Test-Path $dir) {
        Remove-Item -Recurse -Path $dir
    & python -m venv --symlinks --prompt $($cwd.BaseName) $dir
    & (Join-Path $dir "Scripts" "Activate.ps1")
    & (Join-Path $dir "Scripts" "python.exe") -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

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