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/* | |
Snippet is nuts and bolts for creating/moving to an isolated tempdb drive. | |
After you run this, SQL Server must be restarted for it to take effect | |
*/ | |
DECLARE @DriveSizeGB INT = 40 | |
,@FileCount INT = 9 | |
,@InstanceCount TINYINT = 1 | |
,@VolumeBuffer DECIMAL(8, 2) = .8 /* Set to amount of volume TempDB can fill. */ | |
,@RowID INT | |
,@FileSize VARCHAR(10) | |
,@InitialXPCmdshellValue SQL_VARIANT | |
,@CreateDirectoryIfNotExists BIT = 1 /* Flag to have SQL create the directories if they don't exist */ | |
,@GreenLight BIT = 1 /* Flag for proceeding once directories are created, or halting if something is wrong */ | |
,@xp_cmd VARCHAR(255) | |
,@xp_cmd_message VARCHAR(255) | |
,@DrivePath VARCHAR(100) = 'T:\' + @@SERVICENAME + '\' | |
,@Debug BIT = 1; | |
/* Get Initial xp_cmdshell value */ | |
SELECT @InitialXPCmdshellValue = c.value | |
FROM sys.configurations AS c | |
WHERE c.name LIKE '%xp_cmd%'; | |
/* Placeholder for xp_cmdshell output */ | |
( | |
Column1 VARCHAR(MAX) | |
); | |
IF @InitialXPCmdshellValue = 0 | |
/* Enable xp_cmdshell */ | |
EXEC sys.sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1; | |
EXEC sys.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1; | |
END; | |
/* Sanitize path */ | |
IF (RIGHT(@DrivePath, 1) <> '\') | |
SET @DrivePath = @DrivePath + '\'; | |
END; | |
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataResults') IS NOT NULL | |
DROP TABLE #DataResults; | |
END; | |
/* Check to ensure directory is valid and accessible by SQL Service */ | |
CREATE TABLE #DataResults | |
( | |
FileExists INT | |
,IsDirectory INT | |
,ParentDirExists INT | |
); | |
INSERT INTO #DataResults | |
EXEC master..xp_fileexist @DrivePath; | |
/************************/ | |
/* Path Validation */ | |
/************************/ | |
/* If specified directory not exists and @CreateDirectory parameter is FALSE */ | |
SELECT 1 | |
FROM #DataResults AS r | |
WHERE r.IsDirectory = 1 | |
) | |
AND @CreateDirectoryIfNotExists = 0 | |
SELECT @GreenLight = 0; | |
SELECT 'Data directory not exists and @CreateDirectoryIfNotExists is FALSE' AS Message | |
,@GreenLight AS GreenLight; | |
END; | |
/* If specified directory not exists and @CreateDirectory parameter is TRUE */ | |
SELECT 1 | |
FROM #DataResults AS r | |
WHERE r.IsDirectory = 1 | |
) | |
AND @CreateDirectoryIfNotExists = 1 | |
SET @xp_cmd = 'mkdir ' + @DrivePath; | |
INSERT INTO @Output | |
( | |
Column1 | |
) | |
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @xp_cmd; | |
/* Return message from xp_cmdshell */ | |
@xp_cmd_message = o.Column1 | |
FROM @Output AS o | |
WHERE o.Column1 IS NOT NULL; | |
/* If an error was returned, set GreenLight to FALSE and return message*/ | |
IF @xp_cmd_message IS NOT NULL | |
SET @GreenLight = 0; | |
SELECT 'Problem with path' AS Message | |
,@xp_cmd_message AS ErrorMessage | |
,@GreenLight AS GreenLight; | |
END; | |
END; | |
/* Reduce available space if requried by company policy */ | |
IF ISNULL(@VolumeBuffer, 0) > 0 | |
/* Allocates 80% of volume for TempDB */ | |
SELECT @DriveSizeGB = (@DriveSizeGB / @InstanceCount) * .8; | |
END; | |
/* Converts GB to MB */ | |
SELECT @DriveSizeGB = @DriveSizeGB * 1000; | |
/* Splits size by the nine files */ | |
SELECT @FileSize = @DriveSizeGB / @FileCount; | |
/* Table to house requisite SQL statements that will modify the files to the standardized name, and size */ | |
DECLARE @Command TABLE | |
( | |
RowID INT IDENTITY(1, 1) | |
,Command NVARCHAR(MAX) | |
); | |
INSERT INTO @Command | |
( | |
Command | |
) | |
SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE (NAME = [' + f.name + '],' + ' FILENAME = ''' + @DrivePath + f.name | |
+ CASE | |
WHEN f.type = 1 THEN '.ldf' | |
ELSE '.mdf' | |
END + ''', SIZE = ' + @FileSize + ', FILEGROWTH=512);' | |
FROM sys.master_files AS f | |
WHERE f.database_id = DB_ID(N'tempdb'); | |
SET @RowID = @@ROWCOUNT; | |
/* If there are less files than indicated in @FileCount, add missing lines as ADD FILE commands */ | |
WHILE @RowID < @FileCount | |
INSERT INTO @Command | |
( | |
Command | |
) | |
SELECT 'ALTER DATABASE tempdb ADD FILE (NAME = [temp' + CAST(@RowID AS VARCHAR) + '],' + ' FILENAME = ''' | |
+ @DrivePath + 'temp' + CAST(@RowID AS VARCHAR) + '.mdf''' + ', SIZE=' + @FileSize + ', FILEGROWTH=512);'; | |
SET @RowID = @RowID + 1; | |
END; | |
/* Execute each line to process */ | |
WHILE @RowID > 0 | |
SELECT @WorkingSQL = Command | |
FROM @Command | |
WHERE RowID = @RowID; | |
PRINT @WorkingSQL; | |
IF @Debug = 0 | |
AND @GreenLight = 1 | |
EXEC (@WorkingSQL); | |
END; | |
SET @RowID = @RowID - 1; | |
END; | |
IF @InitialXPCmdshellValue = 0 | |
/* Enable xp_cmdshell */ | |
EXEC sys.sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1; | |
EXEC sys.sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 0; | |
END; | |
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#DataResults') IS NOT NULL | |
DROP TABLE #DataResults; | |
END; |
Brilliant script, really! I did a very minor tweak, changing the WHERE clause at line 48 from "WHERE RowID = @ROWID" to "WHERE RowID = @FileCount - @ROWID", just for altering/adding the files in the natural order
I tried your modification, and I kept ending up with 1 file short every time, even though they were created in ASC vs DESC order. I tweaked your mod to: "WHERE RowID = (@FileCount - @ROWID) + 1". This created the correct # of files as well as created them in an natural order.
Brilliant script, really! I did a very minor tweak, changing the WHERE clause at line 48 from "WHERE RowID = @ROWID" to "WHERE RowID = @FileCount - @ROWID", just for altering/adding the files in the natural order
I tried your modification, and I kept ending up with 1 file short every time, even though they were created in ASC vs DESC order. I tweaked your mod to: "WHERE RowID = (@FileCount - @ROWID) + 1". This created the correct # of files as well as created them in an natural order.
Thank you, @JLTN19! I completely missed the file count mismatch!
I have amended the script to my tempdb location however whenever I execute it I'm unable to start my SQL server instance - can anyone assist please?
Brilliant script, really! I did a very minor tweak, changing the WHERE clause at line 48 from "WHERE RowID = @ROWID" to "WHERE RowID = @FileCount - @ROWID", just for altering/adding the files in the natural order
I tried your modification, and I kept ending up with 1 file short every time, even though they were created in ASC vs DESC order. I tweaked your mod to: "WHERE RowID = (@FileCount - @ROWID) + 1". This created the correct # of files as well as created them in an natural order.
Thanks for the comment! I've added your modification into the code 🥇
The parameter @VolumeBuffer doesn't look to be used in the Drive size calculation. It looks to be hardcoded at .8
Should the following line be changed from:
SELECT @DriveSizeGB = (@DriveSizeGB / @InstanceCount) * .8;
SELECT @DriveSizeGB = (@DriveSizeGB / @InstanceCount) * @VolumeBuffer;
This is a great script - thanks for sharing!