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Last active August 16, 2024 06:30
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  • Save FlorianRappl/fee731eea985d983fc48d10c648ecb17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FlorianRappl/fee731eea985d983fc48d10c648ecb17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The generic useCarousel hook.
import { useReducer, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSwipeable, SwipeableHandlers, EventData } from 'react-swipeable';
function previous(length: number, current: number) {
return (current - 1 + length) % length;
function next(length: number, current: number) {
return (current + 1) % length;
function threshold(target: EventTarget) {
const width = (target as HTMLElement).clientWidth;
return width / 3;
const transitionTime = 400;
const elastic = `transform ${transitionTime}ms cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)`;
const smooth = `transform ${transitionTime}ms ease`;
interface CarouselState {
offset: number;
desired: number;
active: number;
const initialCarouselState: CarouselState = {
offset: 0,
desired: 0,
active: 0,
interface CarouselNextAction {
type: 'next';
length: number;
interface CarouselPrevAction {
type: 'prev';
length: number;
interface CarouselJumpAction {
type: 'jump';
desired: number;
interface CarouselDoneAction {
type: 'done';
interface CarouselDragAction {
type: 'drag';
offset: number;
type CarouselAction =
| CarouselJumpAction
| CarouselNextAction
| CarouselPrevAction
| CarouselDragAction
| CarouselDoneAction;
function carouselReducer(state: CarouselState, action: CarouselAction): CarouselState {
switch (action.type) {
case 'jump':
return {
desired: action.desired,
case 'next':
return {
desired: next(action.length,,
case 'prev':
return {
desired: previous(action.length,,
case 'done':
return {
offset: NaN,
active: state.desired,
case 'drag':
return {
offset: action.offset,
return state;
function swiped(e: EventData, dispatch: React.Dispatch<CarouselAction>, length: number, dir: 1 | -1) {
const t = threshold(;
const d = dir * e.deltaX;
if (d >= t) {
type: dir > 0 ? 'next' : 'prev',
} else {
type: 'drag',
offset: 0,
export function useCarousel(
length: number,
interval: number,
): [number, (n: number) => void, SwipeableHandlers, React.CSSProperties] {
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(carouselReducer, initialCarouselState);
const handlers = useSwipeable({
onSwiping(e) {
type: 'drag',
offset: -e.deltaX,
onSwipedLeft(e) {
swiped(e, dispatch, length, 1);
onSwipedRight(e) {
swiped(e, dispatch, length, -1);
trackMouse: true,
trackTouch: true,
useEffect(() => {
const id = setTimeout(() => dispatch({ type: 'next', length }), interval);
return () => clearTimeout(id);
}, [state.offset,]);
useEffect(() => {
const id = setTimeout(() => dispatch({ type: 'done' }), transitionTime);
return () => clearTimeout(id);
}, [state.desired]);
const style: React.CSSProperties = {
transform: 'translateX(0)',
width: `${100 * (length + 2)}%`,
left: `-${( + 1) * 100}%`,
if (state.desired !== {
const dist = Math.abs( - state.desired);
const pref = Math.sign(state.offset || 0);
const dir = (dist > length / 2 ? 1 : -1) * Math.sign(state.desired -;
const shift = (100 * (pref || dir)) / (length + 2);
style.transition = smooth;
style.transform = `translateX(${shift}%)`;
} else if (!isNaN(state.offset)) {
if (state.offset !== 0) {
style.transform = `translateX(${state.offset}px)`;
} else {
style.transition = elastic;
return [, n => dispatch({ type: 'jump', desired: n }), handlers, style];
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Yes it should. For us it does / did not matter, these two props should never be changed (or will never change under normal circumstances, but in general they may be changed and thus you are totally right).

Thanks for the suggestion!

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