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Created October 20, 2016 22:19
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**** = Editor's Choice(tm)
1Password - Password Manager
(Adium) - IM Client
**** App Cleaner
Dash - Code Documentation
(Grammarly) - Natural Language Editor
HandBrake - Transcoder
Hex Fiend - Hex Editor
Hopper Disassembler - falls Du einen brauchst, auf jeden Fall der Beste für mac
(HTTP Client) - ganz nettes "Curl GUI"
Insomnia - REST Client
**** Karabiner / Seil - Config Utility
Outbank - IMO bestes Online Banking tool
**** Parcel - Paket tracker
Pixelmator - Photoshop in nice
**** Progressive Downloader - BESTE Download utility of ever for real no shit
Screen Flow - Desktop Capture
Screens - VNC Client
Sequel Pro - Database Manager
Shazam - Music ID software
Transmit - FTP Client
Tunnelblick - VPN Client
VMWare Fusion - Virtual Machines
Yoink - Drag&Drop Helper
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