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Created June 30, 2021 18:04
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How unlikely was it to randomly generate 24/25 points in mussels in a quadrat photo?
# These were my measurements for mussel area and quadrat area respectively
musselfrac <- 0.043 / 0.097
# dbinom() is the probability of n successes out of x trials with probability p
# So dbinom(0:25, 25, musselfrac) is the chance of: [0 points in mussels, 1
# point in mussels, 2 points in mussels, ..., 25 points in mussels]
musselprobs <- tibble(n = 0:25,
p = dbinom(0:25, 25, musselfrac))
# This is the probability of 24/25 points in mussels
outlier <- tibble(n = 24,
p = dbinom(24, 25, musselfrac),
# sprintf() is a function for formatting text
l = sprintf("p(24) = %0.2e", p))
# This creates a plot of the probabilities of the number of points in mussels
ggplot(musselprobs, aes(x = n, y = p)) +
# Vertical segments
geom_segment(aes(xend = n, yend = 0)) +
# Hollow red points
geom_point(color = "red", shape = 21) +
# Label the outlier (notice the label aesthetic and outlier data)
geom_text_repel(aes(label = l), data = outlier,
# Nudge up a little bit for clarity
nudge_y = 0.03) +
# Axis labels
labs(x = "Number of points in mussels",
y = "Probability") +
# A cleaner theme than the default
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