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Last active April 16, 2024 18:52
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# Make the whole analysis
# The prequisite for all is the end of your pipeline (in this case, your model predictions)
.PHONY: all
all: models/predictions.pkl
# You can preview the sequence of commands in the pipeline with: make all -B --recon
# I recommend putting that in your README
# 1. Download raw data
### replace species.csv, species2.csv, etc with names of your raw data files
### the ampersand-colon &: tells make that this rule has multiple grouped targets
data/raw/species.csv data/raw/species2.csv &:
# replace this with something like: python src/data/
wget -O data/raw/species.csv
wget -O data/raw/species2.csv
# 2. Process data
data/processed/features.csv: data/raw/species.csv
python src/features/
# 3. Fit model
models/simple_features.pkl: data/processed/features.csv
python src/models/
# 4. Predict
models/predictions.pkl: models/simple_features.pkl
python src/models/
# Utilities
# clean up
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf data/raw/*
# notebook
jupyter notebook
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