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Created April 2, 2020 21:27
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Simulate prey fields with a spectral power law of spatial frequency to the –1.5
powpow <- function(n, a, b) {
# based on answers at:
# Thank you Sam!
if (n %% 2 != 0)
stop("n must be even")
n0 <- n / 2
# the frequencies for the FFT of a time serie with n samples
freqs <- 0:(n0 - 1) / n
freqs <- c(freqs, -n0 / n, -rev(freqs[2:n0]))
pow <- a * abs(freqs)^b # the power-law power spectrum we want
pow[1] <- 1 # make the 0-frequency term finite
phase <- runif(n0, 0, 2 * pi)
phase <- c(phase, -phase)
xft <- sqrt(pow) * exp(phase * 1i)
Re(fft(xft, inverse = TRUE))
# simulate a 2d prey field
sim_prey <- function(n, a, b, r_sz, xmn, xmx, ymn, ymx) {
prey <- tibble(x = powpow(n, a, b),
y = powpow(n, a, b)) %>%
mutate(x = rescale(x, to = c(xmn, xmx)),
y = rescale(y, to = c(ymn, ymx)))
# rasterize to get density
r <- raster(matrix(0, r_sz, r_sz),
xmn = xmn, xmx = xmx,
ymn = ymn, ymx = ymx)
counts <- table(cellFromXY(r, as.matrix(prey)))
r[as.numeric(names(counts))] <- counts
prey_fields <- map(1:9, ~ sim_prey(2^22, 0.05, -1.5, 2.5e2, 0, 1e2, 0, 1e2))
par(mfrow = c(3, 3))
for (i in seq_along(prey_fields)) {
plot(prey_fields[[i]], main = paste("Prey field", i))
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
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