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Last active October 16, 2020 08:41
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How (not to) speed up your Python code

I've recently encountered an article that showed some ways to speed up one's Python code. Some of these methods seemed rather peculiar, so I decided to do some extra complex data analysis to try to understand whether these methods actually work.

Python version: 3.7.1

Here's a quick summary of the methods proposed in that article that I found odd.

Decreasing the use of for loop

The article said that, since for loops are "dynamic" (not sure what this means), they're slower than while loops. I compared the following two loops and found that, on average, the for loop was about 2.5 times faster than the corresponding while loop:

# Fast!
for _ in range(50):
# Slow...
i = 0
while i < 50:
    i += 1

Using tuple unpacking to assign to multiple variables

Indeed, in the following code, assignment via tuple unpacking was on average 1.47 times faster than consecutive assignment:

# Fast!
a, b, c, d = 2, 3, 5, 7

# Slow...
a = 2
b = 3
c = 5
d = 7

Using 1 for infinite loops

The article claimed that using while 1 instead of while True "will reduce some runtime". Testing an infinite loop doesn't seem feasible because doing so will take quite some time, so I tested if statements instead, because a while loop is basically an if statement with a jump. Turns out, if 1 is indeed faster, but the difference is small:

# About 5% faster
if 1:
if True:

If you run this test with and then perform the Welch Two Sample t-test on the data in R, you'll find that the 95% confidence interval is (-0.0005672652 -0.0005465111), which does not include zero (so the difference is significant), but is rediculously tiny and close to zero:

> one_true = read.csv("one_true.csv")
> t.test(one_true$one, one_true[["true"]])

	Welch Two Sample t-test

data:  one_true$one and one_true[["true"]]
t = -105.19, df = 14599, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.0005672652 -0.0005465111
sample estimates:
 mean of x  mean of y 
0.01025956 0.01081645
Code that runs the tests.
Run with `python3`, follow the instructions and WAIT.
import timeit
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def mean(lst: list) -> float:
return sum(lst) / len(lst)
def write_csv(fname: str, fieldnames: list, times1: list, times2: list):
assert len(fieldnames) == 2
assert len(times1) == len(times2)
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=fieldnames)
{fieldnames[0]: t1, fieldnames[1]: t2}
for t1, t2 in zip(times1, times2)
def print_stats(title: str, times: list):
print(f"{title:<15} {min(times):6.03f} {mean(times):6.03f} {max(times):6.03f} => {sum(times):6.03} (min/avg/max => total)")
def plot_hist(title: str, bins: int, times1: list, code1: str, times2: list, code2: str):
setup = {'bins': bins, 'alpha': 0.5}
plt.hist(times1, label=code1, **setup)
plt.hist(times2, label=code2, **setup)
def decrease_the_use_of_for_loop(fname: str, nrep: int):
Check if `for` loops are slower than `while` loops
Nloop = 50
code1 = f"for _ in range({Nloop}):\n\tpass"
code2 = f"i=0\nwhile i < {Nloop}:\n\ti += 1"
times1 = timeit.repeat(code1, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("For loop", times1)
times2 = timeit.repeat(code2, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("While loop", times2)
write_csv(fname, ['For', 'While'], times1, times2)
"Are `for` loops slower than `while` loops?", nrep // 3,
times1, code1, times2, code2
def assignment(fname: str, nrep: int):
Check if tuple unpacking is faster than consecutive assignment
code1 = 'a = 2\nb = 3\nc = 5\nd = 7'
code2 = 'a, b, c, d = 2, 3, 5, 7'
times1 = timeit.repeat(code1, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("Consecutive", times1)
times2 = timeit.repeat(code2, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("Unpacking", times2)
write_csv(fname, ['consecutive', 'unpacking'], times1, times2)
"Are consecutive assignments slower than tuple unpacking?", nrep // 3,
times1, code1, times2, code2
def one_for_inf(fname: str, nrep: int):
Check if using `1` instead of `True` for infinite loops is faster
code1 = 'if 1:\n\tpass'
code2 = 'if True:\n\tpass'
times1 = timeit.repeat(code1, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("One", times1)
times2 = timeit.repeat(code2, repeat=nrep)
print_stats("True", times2)
write_csv(fname, ['one', 'true'], times1, times2)
"Is `1` faster than `True`?", nrep // 3,
times1, code1, times2, code2
if __name__ == '__main__':
choices = {
'for_while': decrease_the_use_of_for_loop,
'assignment': assignment,
'one_true': one_for_inf
csv_file = input(f"What to test? ({', '.join(choices.keys())}): ").strip()
test_fn = choices[csv_file]
nrep = int(input("Number of repetitions: "))
csv_file += '.csv'
print("\nData will be written to", csv_file)
print(f"Running {test_fn}...")
test_fn(csv_file, nrep)
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