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Created July 3, 2023 01:31
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Find the acceleration-minimizing curve between a list of points
-- Given a knot sequence p[1<=i<=n], solve for a sequence of cubic
-- splines s[1<=i<=n-1] such that the square of acceleration is minimized.
local gamma = {
0.50000000000000000, 0.28571428571428571, 0.26923076923076923, 0.26804123711340206,
0.26795580110497238, 0.26794966691339748, 0.26794922649742166, 0.26794919487697295,
0.26794919260672685, 0.26794919244373052, 0.26794919243202791, 0.26794919243118770,
0.26794919243112737, 0.26794919243112304, 0.26794919243112273, 0.26794919243112271,
local gammaLimit = gamma[#gamma]
local function naturalSpline(p)
-- Solve for d[1;;m]
-- {2 1 } {d[1] } {p[2]-p[1] }
-- {1 4 1 } {d[2] } {p[3]-p[1] }
-- { 1 4 1 } {d[3] } {p[4]-p[2] }
-- { . . . } {. . . } = 3{. . . }
-- { 1 4 1 } {d[m-2]} {p[m-1]-p[m-3]}
-- { 1 4 1} {d[m-1]} {p[m]-p[m-2] }
-- { 1 2} {d[m] } {p[m]-p[m-1] }
local m = #p - 1
-- Eliminate the lower diagonal by iterating up degrees of the
-- 1st Chebyshev polynomial T(1 <= i <= m, 2)
-- This sequence converges after 16 iterations in double precision.
--[[ Gamma LUT generator
if n_gamma < m then
local prev = gamma[n_gamma]
for i = n_gamma + 1, m do
prev = 1/(4 - prev)
gamma[i] = prev
n_gamma = m
-- Forward eliminate the input matrix
local prev = 1.5*(p[2] - p[1])
local delta = {prev}
for i = 2, m do
prev = (3*(p[i + 1] - p[i - 1]) - prev)*(gamma[i] or gammaLimit)
delta[i] = prev
-- Solve for knot derivatives by back subsituting while feeding
-- known values into the Hermite solver
local out = {}
local p1 = p[m + 1]
local d1 = (3*(p1 - p[m]) - prev)/(2 - (gamma[m] or gammaLimit))
for i = m, 1, -1 do
-- p0, p1: knot positions
-- d0, d1: knot derivatives
local p0 = p[i]
local d0 = delta[i] - (gamma[i] or gammaLimit)*d1
out[i] = (Hermite :: any)(p0, p1, d0, d1)
p1 = p0
d1 = d0
return out
return naturalSpline
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