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  • Save FranckSilvestre/ede77cd96c03c7622074c40df11ce8be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FranckSilvestre/ede77cd96c03c7622074c40df11ce8be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
v3.2 on OurBusinessProject 2023-2024
package ourbusinessproject;
import jakarta.transaction.Transactional;
import jakarta.validation.ConstraintViolationException;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
class EnterpriseProjectServiceIntegrationTest {
private EnterpriseProjectService enterpriseProjectService;
private Bootstrap bootstrap;
private Enterprise enterprise;
private Project project;
public void setUp() {
// given: a persisted enterprise
enterprise = enterpriseProjectService.newEnterprise(
"a name",
"a description",
"a contact name",
"[email protected]"
@DisplayName("Test a valid project is saved when created")
public void testProjectIsSavedWhenCreated() {
// Given: a persisted project
project = enterpriseProjectService.newProject(
"a title",
"a description",
// then: the project as generated id
// when trying to find the project by id
Project foundProject = enterpriseProjectService.findProjectById(project.getId());
// then: the found project is the same as the created project
assertEquals(project, foundProject);
// and: the found project has the same enterprise as the created project
assertEquals(enterprise, foundProject.getEnterprise());
// and: the enterprise has the project in its list of projects
@DisplayName("Test a valid project is saved when created even with a detached enterprise")
public void testProjectIsSavedWhenCreatedWithDetachedEnterprise() {
// Given: a detached enterprise
// Given: a persisted project
project = enterpriseProjectService.newProject(
"a title",
"a description",
// then: the project as generated id
// when trying to find the project by id
Project foundProject = enterpriseProjectService.findProjectById(project.getId());
// then: the found project is the same as the created project
assertEquals(project, foundProject);
// and: the found project has the same enterprise as the created project
assertEquals(enterprise, foundProject.getEnterprise());
// and: the enterprise has the project in its list of projects
@DisplayName("Test a valid enterprise is saved when created")
public void testEnterpriseIsSavedWhenCreated() {
// Given: a persisted enterprise
// then: the enterprise as a generated id
// when: trying to find the enterprise by id
Enterprise foundEnterprise = enterpriseProjectService.findEnterpriseById(enterprise.getId());
// then: the found enterprise is the same as the created enterprise
assertEquals(enterprise, foundEnterprise);
@DisplayName("Test a non valid project is not saved when created")
public void testProjectIsNotSavedWhenCreated() {
// when: trying to get a new project with invalid parameters
// then: ConstraintViolationException is thrown
() -> enterpriseProjectService.newProject("title", "a description", null));
@DisplayName("Test a non valid enterprise is not saved when created")
public void testEnterpriseIsNotSavedWhenCreated() {
// when: trying to get a new enterprise with invalid parameters
// then: ConstraintViolationException is thrown
() -> enterpriseProjectService.newEnterprise(
"a name",
"a description",
"a contact name",
public void testFindAllProjects() {
// given an enterprise
// and three persisted projects
enterpriseProjectService.newProject("_p1", "p1 description", enterprise);
enterpriseProjectService.newProject("_p3", "p3 description", enterprise);
enterpriseProjectService.newProject("_p2", "p2 description", enterprise);
// when searching for all projects
List<Project> projects = enterpriseProjectService.findAllProjects();
// then the three projects are fetched
assertEquals(6, projects.size());// 3 + 3 from bootstrap
// and projects are sorted by title
assertEquals("_p1", projects.get(0).getTitle());
assertEquals("_p2", projects.get(1).getTitle());
assertEquals("_p3", projects.get(2).getTitle());
public void testFindAllProjectsFromInitialization() {
// Given the initialization service of the bootstrap component
InitializationService initializationService = bootstrap.getInitializationService();
// when searching for all projects
List<Project> projects = enterpriseProjectService.findAllProjects();
// then three projects are fetched
assertEquals(3, projects.size());
// and projects are sorted by title
// and projects have the good enterprise affected
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