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ChrysaLisp Argument Processor
; argparse - ChrysaLisp Argument Processor
(defq +nl+ (ascii-char 10))
(defq +indent2+ 2)
(defq +indent4+ 4)
; Potential utility macros to embed in ChrysaLisp
(defmacro seq? (form)
; (seq? form) -> t|nil
`(or (lst? ,form) (str? ,form)))
(defmacro first (seq)
; (first seq) -> el
; Retrieves first element of sequence
; Example: (first '(1 2 3)) -> 1
`(elem 0 ,seq))
(defmacro second (seq)
; (second seq) -> el
; Retrieves second element from sequence
; Example: (second '(1 2 3)) -> 2
`(elem 1 ,seq))
(defmacro last (seq)
; (last seq) -> el
; Retrieves last element in sequence
; Example: (last '(1 2 3)) -> 3
`(elem (dec (length ,seq)) ,seq))
(defmacro rest (seq)
; (rest seq) -> seq
; Returns all but first in sequence
; Example: (rest '(1 2 3)) -> (2 3)
`(if (seq? ,seq)
(slice 1 -1 ,seq)
(throw "rest error - not a sequence" ,seq)))
(defmacro stack-peek (stack)
; (stack-peek stack) -> el|nil
`(last ,stack))
(defmacro stack-pop (stack)
; (stack-pop stack) -> el|nil
`(pop ,stack))
(defmacro stack-push (stack el)
; (stack-push stack) -> el|nil
`(push ,stack ,el))
(defmacro stack-empty? (stack)
`(= (length ,stack) 0))
(defmacro sfind (ss slst)
`(some (lambda (_tvar)
(if (eql ,ss _tvar) _)) ,slst))
(defmacro mapcat (fn seq)
; (mapcat fn seq)
`(if (seq? ,seq)
(reduce (lambda (acc el) (push acc (eval el))) (map ,fn ,seq) (list))
(throw "mapcat error - not a sequence" ,seq)))
(defun reverse (inlist)
; (reverse inlist)
; Reverses contents of list
(if (/= (length inlist) 0)
(reduce-rev (lambda (acc el)
(push acc el)) inlist (list))))
(def: '(type_none
command) (env))
(defun noop (&rest _) _)
; Main argparse structure template
(defun parser_template ()
(list arguments (list)) ; Collection of high level arguments
(list commands (list)) ; Collection of high level commands
(list in_args nil) ; Retain the original command line arguments
(list application "") ; Application name string
(list version "") ; Application version string
(list counter 0) ; Number of free form (not arg or cmd) values
(list handler noop) ; fn for parsed command line result
(list help ""))) ; Help string
(defun arg_template ()
(list argument nil) ; The argument flags e.g. ("-s" "--string")
(list counter 0) ; Number of values accepted for argument
(list type type_none) ; Type for term validation
(list dest argument) ; Term for argument parse results
(list validator noop) ; Argument value type validator fn
(list handler noop) ; fn for parsed argument
(list help ""))) ; Help string
(defun cmd_template ()
(list arguments (list)) ; Arguments for command
(list command "") ; Single command string
(list counter 0) ; Number of values accepted for command
(list dest command) ; Term for command parse results
(list validator noop) ; Command value type validator fn
(list handler noop) ; fn for parsed command
(list help ""))) ; Help string
(defun get-property-container (self prop_id)
; (get-property-container self prop_id)
(some (lambda (il)
(if (eql prop_id (first il))
il)) self))
(defun get-property (self prop_id &optional ifnil)
; (get-property self prop_id [ifnil])
(defq propc (get-property-container self prop_id))
(if (second propc)
(second propc)
(defun set-property (self prop_id value)
; (set-property self prop_id value) -> self
(defq property (get-property-container self prop_id))
(when property
(elem-set 1 property value))
(defun set-properties (self &rest in_props)
; (set-properties self [in_prop]) -> self
(defq props (reverse in_props))
(if (/= (logand (length props ) 1) 1)
(while (/= (length props) 0)
(set-property self (pop props) (pop props)))
(throw "Uneven property pairs" in_props))
(defun extend (self property value)
; (extend self property value)
(defq container (get-property-container self property))
(when container
(push (second container) value))
(defun add-argument (self in_argument)
; (add-argument self in_argument)
(extend self arguments in_argument))
(defun add-command (self in_cmd)
; (add-command self in_cmd)
(extend self commands in_cmd))
(defun container-for (self value container property)
; (container-for self value container property)
; For a containing type, find a match of
; value for a specific properties value
(defq res (get-property self container '()))
(some (lambda (el)
(defq argp (get-property el property))
(if (or (sfind value argp) (eql value argp))
(defun get-either-container (self value)
; (get-either-container self value)
(if (defq res (container-for self value commands command))
(container-for self value arguments argument)))
(defun isarg? (arg)
; (isarg? value)
; tests if argument type which has
; '-x' or, by definition, '--xname' prefix
(cond ((starts-with "-" arg) t) (t nil)))
(defun consume-argument (root self argstack result)
; (consume-argument root self argstack result)
(stack-pop argstack)
(push result (get-property self dest))
(defq cnt 0)
(< cnt (get-property self counter))
(not (stack-empty? argstack))
(not (get-either-container root (stack-peek argstack))))
(push result (stack-pop argstack))
(setq cnt (inc cnt)))
(defun consume-command (root self argstack result)
; (consume-command root self argstack result)
(stack-pop argstack)
(if (defq cmdi (get-property self handler))
(push result cmdi)
(push result (get-property self dest)))
(defq cmdres (list))
(push result (walk self argstack cmdres))
(defun walk (self arglist &optional res)
; (walk-arguments self arglist)
(defq result (opt res (list)))
(while (/= (length arglist) 0)
(defq current (stack-peek arglist))
((defq arg_object (container-for self current arguments argument))
(if arg_object
(setq arglist (consume-argument self arg_object arglist result))
(throw "Unrecognized argument " current)))
((defq cmd_object (container-for self current commands command))
(if cmd_object
(setq arglist (consume-command self cmd_object arglist result))
(throw "Unrecognized command " current)))
(t (push result (stack-pop arglist)))))
(defun process-args (self arglist)
; (process-args self arglist)
(if arglist
res (walk self arglist)
invoke (get-property self handler))
(if (and invoke (/= (length res) 0))
(invoke self res)
(defun argcontains (self argstring)
; (argcontains self argstring) -> t | nil
; Finds a match for string in argument list
(lambda (acc el)
(if (sfind argstring (get-property el argument))
(reduced el)
(get-property self arguments) '()))
(defun parse (self)
; (parse argparse)
; Parses and optinally executes command line
(sfind "-h" (get-property self in_args))
(sfind "--help" (get-property self in_args)))
(let ((targ (argcontains self "-h")))
((get-property targ handler) self)))
(sfind "-v" (get-property self in_args))
(sfind "--version" (get-property self in_args)))
(let ((targ (argcontains self "-v")))
((get-property targ handler) self)))
((not (get-property self in_args))
(let ((targ (argcontains self "-h")))
((get-property targ handler) self)))
(let ((cargs (copy (get-property self in_args))))
(process-args self cargs)))))
; Help dump
(defun format-row (arg arghelp)
;(format-row arg arghelp) -> "-arg,--arg arghelp"
(defq colbuff (- 30 (+ (length arg) +indent4+)))
(str (pad "" +indent4+) arg (pad "" colbuff) arghelp))
(defun format-command-str(cmds)
; (format-command-str seq) -> "{el [,el]}"
(str "{" (join (reduce (lambda (acc el)
(push acc (get-property el command))) cmds (list))
",") "}"))
(defun format-usage-str (self arglist cmdstr)
; (format-usage-str self arglist cmdstr) -> "usage ..."
(str (reduce
(lambda (acc el)
(cat acc (str "[" (first (get-property el argument)) "] ")))
(str "usage: " (get-property self application) " "))
cmdstr " ..."))
(defun dump-help (self)
; (dump-help self)
; Spits the help tree
arglist (get-property self arguments)
cmdlist (get-property self commands)
cmdstr (format-command-str cmdlist))
; Print usage string
(print (format-usage-str self arglist cmdstr))
; Print application help
(print +nl+ (get-property self help) +nl+)
; Print argparse arguments
(print "optional arguments:")
(print (reduce (lambda (acc el)
(defq args (get-property el argument))
(cat acc
(format-row (join args ",") (get-property el help))
arglist ""))
; Print argparse commands
; TODO: Need additional {cmd [,cmd]} when memory exception fixed
(when (/= (length cmdlist) 0)
(print "Actions:" +nl+
(pad "" +indent2+) cmdstr +nl+
(reduce (lambda (acc el)
(cat acc
(get-property el command)
(get-property el help))
cmdlist ""))))
(defun dump-version (self)
; (dump-version self)
; Spit the version
(print (get-property self application)
(pad "" +indent2+)
(get-property self version)))
(defun create-argument (args arg_help &optional handler_fn)
; (create-argument args arg_help &optional handler_fn)
; Create argument block
(defq instance (arg_template))
(set-properties instance
argument args
help arg_help
handler (opt handler_fn noop)))
(defun create-command (cmds cmd_help)
; (create-command cmds cmd_help)
; Create command block
(defq instance (cmd_template))
(set-properties instance
command cmds
help cmd_help))
(defun create-argparse (app_name app_version argstring)
; (create-argparse app_name app_version argstring)
; Creates the argument processor
(defq instance (parser_template))
(defq ha (create-argument
'("-h" "--help")
"displays application help and exits"
(set-properties ha type type_none)
(defq va (create-argument
'("-v" "--version")
"displays application version and exits"
(set-properties va type type_none)
; Load up the parser
(set-properties instance
application app_name
version app_version
in_args (reverse argstring))
; Add help and version arguments
(add-argument instance ha)
(add-argument instance va))
; tstap - Test driver for ChrysaLisp Argument Processor
(import 'class/
(import 'cmd/argparse.lisp)
;cat a file to stdout
(defun cat-file (_)
(if (setq _ (file-stream _))
(while (defq c (read-char _))
(prin (char c)))
(stream-flush (file-stream 'stdout))))
; Designated handler for 'cat' command
(defun fake-cat (self args)
(when (/= (length args) 0)
(if (find 'file_name args)
(cat-file (elem (inc (find 'file_name args)) args))
(print "cat-> " (join (slice 0 -1 args) " ")))))
; Designated handler for main processor
(defun main-invoke (self args)
(if (and (first args) (str? (first args)))
(print args)
((first args) self (second args))))
; Build the argparser, command and command arguments
(defun argparse (argv)
(defq parser (create-argparse (elem 0 argv) "v0.1" (slice 1 -1 argv)))
(set-properties parser
help "Test argparse module"
handler main-invoke
counter 0)
(defq cmd (create-command "cat" "emulates the cat command"))
(set-properties cmd
type type_string
dest 'cat
handler fake-cat)
(defq fn (create-argument
'("-f" "--file")
"name of file to cat to stdout"))
(set-properties fn
type type_string
counter 1
dest 'file_name)
(add-argument cmd fn)
(add-command parser cmd)
(defun main ()
(defq stdio (create-stdio))
(when stdio
(defq ap (argparse (stdio-get-args stdio)))
(parse ap)))
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