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import vapoursynth as vs
import re
from functools import partial
import havsfunc as haf #
import mvsfunc as mvf #
import muvsfunc as muf #
import nnedi3_rpow2 #
# Small collection of VapourSynth functions I used at least once.
# Most are simple wrappers or ports of AviSynth functions.
# Included functions:
# GradFun3mod
# DescaleM (DebilinearM, DebicubicM etc.)
# Downscale444
# OverlayInter
# AutoDeblock
# ReplaceFrames (ReplaceFramesSimple)
# maa
# TemporalDegrain
# DescaleAA
# InsertSign
core = vs.core
VapourSynth port of Gebbi's GradFun3mod
Based on Muonium's GradFun3 port:
If you don't use any of the newly added arguments
it will behave just like unmodified GradFun3.
- added smode=5 that uses a bilateral filter on the GPU (CUDA)
output should be very similar to smode=2
- fixed the strength of the bilateral filter when using
smode=2 to match the AviSynth version
- changed argument lsb to bits (default is input bitdepth)
- case of the resizer doesn't matter anymore
- every resizer supported by fmtconv.resample can be specified
- yuv444 can now be used with any output resolution
- removed fh and fv arguments for all resizers
- muvsfunc
- havsfunc
- mvsfunc
- Bilateral
- BilateralGPU (optional, needs OpenCV 3.2 with CUDA module)
- fmtconv
- Descale (optional)
- dfttest
- nnedi3
- nnedi3_rpow2
Original header:
# High bitdepth tools for Avisynth - GradFun3mod r6
# based on Dither v1.27.2
# Author: Firesledge, slightly modified by Gebbi
# What?
# - This is a slightly modified version of the original GradFun3.
# - It combines the usual color banding removal stuff with resizers during the process
# for sexier results (less detail loss, especially for downscales of cartoons).
# - This is a starter script, not everything is covered through parameters. Modify it to your needs.
# Requirements (in addition to the Dither requirements):
# - AviSynth 2.6.x
# - Debilinear, Debicubic, DebilinearM
# - NNEDI3 + nnedi3_resize16
# Changes from the original GradFun3:
# - yuv444 = true
# (4:2:0 -> 4:4:4 colorspace conversion, needs 1920x1080 input)
# - resizer = [ "none", "Debilinear", "DebilinearM", "Debicubic", "DebicubicM", "Spline16",
# "Spline36", "Spline64", "lineart_rpow2", "lineart_rpow2_bicubic" ]
# (use it only for downscales)
# NOTE: As of r2 Debicubic doesn't have 16-bit precision, so a Y (luma) plane fix by torch is used here,
# more info:
# Without yuv444=true Dither_resize16 is used with an inverse bicubic kernel.
# - w = 1280, h = 720
# (output width & height for the resizers; or production resolution for resizer="lineart_rpow2")
# - smode = 4
# (the old GradFun3mod behaviour for legacy reasons; based on smode = 1 (dfttest);
# not useful anymore in most cases, use smode = 2 instead (less detail loss))
# - deb = true
# (legacy parameter; same as resizer = "DebilinearM")
# Usage examples:
# - Source is bilinear 720p->1080p upscale (BD) with 1080p credits overlayed,
# revert the upscale without fucking up the credits:
# lwlibavvideosource("lol.m2ts")
# GradFun3mod(smode=1, yuv444=true, resizer="DebilinearM")
# - same as above, but bicubic Catmull-Rom upscale (outlines are kind of "blocky" and oversharped):
# GradFun3mod(smode=1, yuv444=true, resizer="DebicubicM", b=0, c=1)
# (you may try any value between 0 and 0.2 for b, and between 0.7 and 1 for c)
# - You just want to get rid off the banding without changing the resolution:
# GradFun3(smode=2)
# - Source is 1080p production (BD), downscale to 720p:
# GradFun3mod(smode=2, yuv444=true, resizer="Spline36")
# - Source is a HDTV transportstream (or CR or whatever), downscale to 720p:
# GradFun3mod(smode=2, resizer="Spline36")
# - Source is anime, 720p->1080p upscale, keep the resolution
# but with smoother lineart instead of bilinear upscaled shit:
# GradFun3mod(smode=2, resizer="lineart_rpow2")
# This won't actually resize the video but instead mask the lineart and re-upscale it using
# nnedi3_rpow2 which often results in much better looking lineart (script mostly by Daiz).
# Note: Those examples don't include parameters like thr, radius, elast, mode, ampo, ampn, staticnoise.
# You probably don't want to use the default values.
# For 16-bit output use:
# GradFun3mod(lsb=true).Dither_out()
# What's the production resolution of my korean cartoon?
# - Use your eyes combined with Debilinear(1280,720) - if it looks like oversharped shit,
# it was probably produced in a higher resolution.
# - Use Debilinear(1280,720).BilinearResize(1920,1080) for detail loss search.
# - Alternatively you can lookup the (estimated) production resolution at
# (but don't blindly trust those results)
# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
# the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
# To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
# for more details.
def GradFun3(src, thr=None, radius=None, elast=None, mask=None, mode=None, ampo=None,
ampn=None, pat=None, dyn=None, staticnoise=None, smode=None, thr_det=None,
debug=None, thrc=None, radiusc=None, elastc=None, planes=None, ref=None,
yuv444=None, w=None, h=None, resizer=None, b=None, c=None, bits=None):
def smooth_mod(src_16, ref_16, smode, radius, thr, elast, planes):
if smode == 0:
return muf.GF3_smoothgrad_multistage(src_16, ref_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
elif smode == 1:
return muf.GF3_dfttest(src_16, ref_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
elif smode == 2:
return bilateral(src_16, ref_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
elif smode == 3:
return muf.GF3_smoothgrad_multistage_3(src_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
elif smode == 4:
return dfttest_mod(src_16, ref_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
elif smode == 5:
return bilateral_gpu(src_16, ref_16, radius, thr, elast, planes)
raise ValueError(funcname + ': wrong smode value!')
def dfttest_mod(src, ref, radius, thr, elast, planes):
hrad = max(radius * 3 // 4, 1)
last = core.dfttest.DFTTest(src, sigma=thr * 12, sbsize=hrad * 4,
sosize=hrad * 3, tbsize=1, planes=planes)
last = mvf.LimitFilter(last, ref, thr=thr, elast=elast, planes=planes)
return last
def bilateral(src, ref, radius, thr, elast, planes):
thr_1 = max(thr * 4.5, 1.25)
thr_2 = max(thr * 9, 5.0)
r4 = max(radius * 4 / 3, 4.0)
r2 = max(radius * 2 / 3, 3.0)
r1 = max(radius * 1 / 3, 2.0)
last = src
last = core.bilateral.Bilateral(last, ref=ref, sigmaS=r4 / 2, sigmaR=thr_1 / 255,
planes=planes, algorithm=0)
# NOTE: I get much better results if I just call Bilateral once
#last = core.bilateral.Bilateral(last, ref=ref, sigmaS=r2 / 2, sigmaR=thr_2 / 255,
# planes=planes, algorithm=0)
#last = core.bilateral.Bilateral(last, ref=ref, sigmaS=r1 / 2, sigmaR=thr_2 / 255,
# planes=planes, algorithm=0)
last = mvf.LimitFilter(last, src, thr=thr, elast=elast, planes=planes)
return last
def bilateral_gpu(src, ref, radius, thr, elast, planes):
t = max(thr * 4.5, 1.25)
r = max(radius * 4 / 3, 4.0)
last = core.bilateralgpu.Bilateral(src, sigma_spatial=r / 2, sigma_color=t,
planes=planes, kernel_size=0, borderMode=4)
last = mvf.LimitFilter(last, ref, thr=thr, elast=elast, planes=planes)
return last
funcname = 'GradFun3'
# Type checking
kwargsdict = {'src': [src, (vs.VideoNode,)], 'thr': [thr, (int, float)], 'radius': [radius, (int,)],
'elast': [elast, (int, float)], 'mask': [mask, (int,)], 'mode': [mode, (int,)],
'ampo': [ampo, (int, float)], 'ampn': [ampn, (int, float)], 'pat': [pat, (int,)],
'dyn': [dyn, (bool,)], 'staticnoise': [staticnoise, (bool,)], 'smode': [smode, (int,)],
'thr_det': [thr_det, (int, float)], 'debug': [debug, (bool, int)], 'thrc': [thrc, (int, float)],
'radiusc': [radiusc, (int,)], 'elastc': [elastc, (int, float)], 'planes': [planes, (int, list)],
'ref': [ref, (vs.VideoNode,)], 'yuv444': [yuv444, (bool,)], 'w': [w, (int,)], 'h': [h, (int,)],
'resizer': [resizer, (str,)], 'b': [b, (int, float)], 'c': [c, (int, float)], 'bits': [bits, (int,)]}
for k, v in kwargsdict.items():
if v[0] is not None and not isinstance(v[0], v[1]):
raise TypeError('{funcname}: "{variable}" must be {types}!'
.format(funcname=funcname, variable=k, types=' or '.join([TYPEDICT[t] for t in v[1]])))
# Set defaults
if smode is None:
smode = 2
if thr is None:
thr = 0.35
if radius is None:
radius = 12 if smode not in [0, 3] else 9
if elast is None:
elast = 3.0
if mask is None:
mask = 2
if thr_det is None:
thr_det = 2 + round(max(thr - 0.35, 0) / 0.3)
if debug is None:
debug = False
if thrc is None:
thrc = thr
if radiusc is None:
radiusc = radius
if elastc is None:
elastc = elast
if planes is None:
planes = list(range(src.format.num_planes))
if ref is None:
ref = src
if yuv444 is None:
yuv444 = False
if w is None:
w = 1280
if h is None:
h = 720
if resizer is None:
resizer = ''
if yuv444 and not resizer:
resizer = 'spline36'
if b is None:
b = 1/3
if c is None:
c = 1/3
if bits is None:
bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
# Value checking
if src.format.color_family not in [vs.YUV, vs.GRAY, vs.YCOCG]:
raise TypeError(funcname + ': "src" must be YUV, GRAY or YCOCG color family!')
if ref.format.color_family not in [vs.YUV, vs.GRAY, vs.YCOCG]:
raise TypeError(funcname + ': "ref" must be YUV, GRAY or YCOCG color family!')
if thr < 0.1 or thr > 10.0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "thr" must be in [0.1, 10.0]!')
if thrc < 0.1 or thrc > 10.0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "thrc" must be in [0.1, 10.0]!')
if radius <= 0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radius" must be positive.')
if radiusc <= 0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radiusc" must be positive.')
if elast < 1:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': Valid range of "elast" is [1, +inf)!')
if elastc < 1:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': Valid range of "elastc" is [1, +inf)!')
if smode not in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "smode" must be in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]!')
if smode in [0, 3]:
if radius not in list(range(2, 10)):
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radius" must be in 2-9 for smode=0 or 3 !')
if radiusc not in list(range(2, 10)):
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radiusc" must be in 2-9 for smode=0 or 3 !')
elif smode in [1, 4]:
if radius not in list(range(1, 129)):
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radius" must be in 1-128 for smode=1 or smode=4 !')
if radiusc not in list(range(1, 129)):
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "radiusc" must be in 1-128 for smode=1 or smode=4 !')
if thr_det <= 0.0:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': "thr_det" must be positive!')
ow = src.width
oh = src.height
src_16 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(src, bits=16, planes=planes) if src.format.bits_per_sample < 16 else src
src_8 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(src, bits=8, dmode=1, planes=[0]) if src.format.bits_per_sample != 8 else src
ref_16 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(ref, bits=16, planes=planes) if ref.format.bits_per_sample < 16 else ref
# Do lineart smoothing first for sharper results
if resizer.lower() == 'lineart_rpow2':
src_16 = ProtectedDebiXAA(src_16, w, h, bicubic=False)
elif resizer.lower() == 'lineart_rpow2_bicubic':
src_16 = ProtectedDebiXAA(src_16, w, h, bicubic=True, b=b, c=c)
# Main debanding
chroma_flag = (thrc != thr or radiusc != radius or
elastc != elast) and 0 in planes and (1 in planes or 2 in planes)
if chroma_flag:
planes2 = [0] if 0 in planes else []
planes2 = planes
if not planes2:
raise ValueError(funcname + ': no plane is processed')
flt_y = smooth_mod(src_16, ref_16, smode, radius, thr, elast, planes2)
if chroma_flag:
flt_c = smooth_mod(src_16, ref_16, smode, radiusc, thrc, elastc, [x for x in planes if x != 0])
flt = core.std.ShufflePlanes([flt_y,flt_c], [0,1,2], src.format.color_family)
flt = flt_y
# Edge/detail mask
td_lo = max(thr_det * 0.75, 1.0)
td_hi = max(thr_det, 1.0)
mexpr = 'x {tl} - {th} {tl} - / 255 *'.format(tl=td_lo - 0.0001, th=td_hi + 0.0001)
if mask > 0:
dmask = mvf.GetPlane(src_8, 0)
dmask = muf.Build_gf3_range_mask(dmask, mask)
dmask = core.std.Expr([dmask], [mexpr])
dmask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(dmask, [22])
if mask > 1:
dmask = core.std.Convolution(dmask, matrix=[1,2,1,2,4,2,1,2,1])
if mask > 2:
dmask = core.std.Convolution(dmask, matrix=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])
dmask = core.fmtc.bitdepth(dmask, bits=16)
res_16 = core.std.MaskedMerge(flt, src_16, dmask, planes=planes, first_plane=True)
res_16 = flt
# Resizing / colorspace conversion (GradFun3mod)
res_16_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(res_16, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
if resizer.lower() == 'debilinear':
rkernel = Resize(res_16_y if yuv444 else res_16, w, h, kernel='bilinear', invks=True)
elif resizer.lower() == 'debicubic':
rkernel = Resize(res_16_y if yuv444 else res_16, w, h, kernel='bicubic', a1=b, a2=c, invks=True)
elif resizer.lower() == 'debilinearm':
rkernel = DebilinearM(res_16_y if yuv444 else res_16, w, h, chroma=not yuv444)
elif resizer.lower() == 'debicubicm':
rkernel = DebicubicM(res_16_y if yuv444 else res_16, w, h, b=b, c=c, chroma=not yuv444)
elif resizer.lower() in ('lineart_rpow2', 'lineart_rpow2_bicubic'):
if yuv444:
rkernel = Resize(res_16_y, w, h, kernel='spline36')
rkernel = res_16
elif not resizer:
rkernel = res_16
rkernel = Resize(res_16_y if yuv444 else res_16, w, h, kernel=resizer.lower())
if yuv444:
ly = rkernel
lu = core.std.ShufflePlanes(res_16, planes=1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
lv = core.std.ShufflePlanes(res_16, planes=2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
lu = Resize(lu, w, h, kernel='spline16', sx=0.25)
lv = Resize(lv, w, h, kernel='spline16', sx=0.25)
rkernel = core.std.ShufflePlanes([ly,lu,lv], planes=[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
res_16 = rkernel
# Dithering
result = res_16 if bits == 16 else core.fmtc.bitdepth(res_16, bits=bits, planes=planes, dmode=mode, ampo=ampo,
ampn=ampn, dyn=dyn, staticnoise=staticnoise, patsize=pat)
if debug:
last = dmask
if bits != 16:
last = core.fmtc.bitdepth(last, bits=bits)
last = result
return last
# GradFun3 alias
GradFun3mod = GradFun3
# GradFun3 alias
gf3 = GradFun3
VapourSynth port of DebilinearM
Currently only YUV420 and YUV422 input makes sense
- changed the cubic argument to descale_kernel,
so that this function is not limited to bilinear or bicubic
- chroma is never scaled with an inverted kernel
- added yuv444 argument to convert to yuv444
- added arguments to fine tune the resizers
It is recommended to use the function alias for the desired kernel:
DebilinearM(clip, 1280, 720)
DebicubicM(clip, 1280, 720, b=0, c=0.5)
DelanczosM(clip, 1280, 720, taps=3)
Despline16M(clip, 1280, 720)
Despline36M(clip, 1280, 720)
Original header:
DebilinearM is a wrapper function for the Debilinear and Debicubic plugins that masks parts of the frame that aren't upscaled,
such as text overlays, and uses a regular resize kernel to downscale those areas. It works by downscaling the input
clip to the target resolution with Debilinear or Debicubic, upscaling it again, comparing it to the original clip,
and masking pixels that have a difference greater than the specified threshold.
def DescaleM(src, w, h, thr=None, expand=None, inflate=None, descale_kernel=None, kernel=None, kernely=None, kerneluv=None,
taps=None, tapsy=None, tapsuv=None, a1=None, a2=None, a1y=None, a2y=None, a1uv=None, a2uv=None, b=None, c=None,
chroma=None, yuv444=None, showmask=None):
# Type checking
kwargsdict = {'src': [src, (vs.VideoNode,)], 'w': [w, (int,)], 'h': [h, (int,)], 'thr': [thr, (int,)],
'expand': [expand, (int,)], 'inflate': [inflate, (int,)],'descale_kernel': [descale_kernel, (str,)],
'kernel': [kernel, (str,)], 'kernely': [kernely, (str,)], 'kerneluv': [kerneluv, (str,)],
'taps': [taps, (int,)], 'tapsy': [tapsy, (int,)], 'tapsuv': [tapsuv, (int,)], 'a1': [a1, (int, float)],
'a2': [a2, (int, float)], 'a1y': [a1y, (int, float)], 'a2y': [a2y, (int, float)],
'a1uv': [a1uv, (int, float)], 'a2uv': [a2uv, (int, float)], 'b': [b, (int, float)],
'c': [c, (int, float)], 'chroma': [chroma, (bool,)], 'yuv444': [yuv444, (bool,)],
'showmask': [showmask, (int,)]}
for k, v in kwargsdict.items():
if v[0] is not None and not isinstance(v[0], v[1]):
raise TypeError('DescaleM: "{variable}" must be {types}!'
.format(variable=k, types=' or '.join([TYPEDICT[t] for t in v[1]])))
# Set defaults
if thr is None:
thr = 10
if expand is None:
expand = 1
if inflate is None:
inflate = 2
if chroma is None:
chroma = True
if src.format.num_planes == 1:
chroma = False
if yuv444 is None:
yuv444 = False
if showmask is None:
showmask = 0
if descale_kernel is None:
descale_kernel = 'bilinear'
elif descale_kernel.lower().startswith('de'):
descale_kernel = descale_kernel[2:]
if kernely is None:
kernely = kernel
if kerneluv is None:
kerneluv = kernel
if tapsy is None:
tapsy = taps
if tapsuv is None:
tapsuv = taps
if a1y is None:
a1y = a1
if a2y is None:
a2y = a2
if a1uv is None:
a1uv = a1
if a2uv is None:
a2uv = a2
# Value checking
if thr < 0 or thr > 0xFF:
raise ValueError('DebilinearM: "thr" must be in the range of 0 and 255!')
if showmask < 0 or showmask > 2:
raise ValueError('DebilinearM: "showmask" must be 0, 1 or 2!')
if yuv444 and not chroma:
raise ValueError('DebilinearM: "yuv444=True" and "chroma=False" cannot be used at the same time!')
ow = src.width
oh = src.height
bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
maxvalue = (1 << bits) - 1
thr = thr * maxvalue // 0xFF
# Resizing
src_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
if chroma:
src_u = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, planes=1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
src_v = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, planes=2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
dbi = Resize(src_y, w, h, kernel=descale_kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps, invks=True)
dbi2 = Resize(dbi, ow, oh, kernel=descale_kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps)
if chroma and yuv444:
rs = Resize(src_y, w, h, kernel=kernely, taps=tapsy, a1=a1y, a2=a2y)
rs_u = Resize(src_u, w, h, kernel=kerneluv, taps=tapsuv, a1=a1uv, a2=a2uv, sx=0.25)
rs_v = Resize(src_v, w, h, kernel=kerneluv, taps=tapsuv, a1=a1uv, a2=a2uv, sx=0.25)
rs = Resize(src if chroma else src_y, w, h, kernel=kernely, taps=tapsy, a1=a1y, a2=a2y)
# Masking
diffmask = core.std.Expr([src_y, dbi2], 'x y - abs')
if showmask != 2:
diffmask = Resize(diffmask, w, h, kernel='bilinear')
diffmask = core.std.Binarize(diffmask, threshold=thr)
for _ in range(expand):
diffmask = core.std.Maximum(diffmask, planes=0)
for _ in range(inflate):
diffmask = core.std.Inflate(diffmask, planes=0)
if chroma:
merged = core.std.ShufflePlanes([dbi,rs_u,rs_v] if yuv444 else [dbi,rs], planes=[0,0,0] if yuv444 else [0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
merged = dbi
if showmask > 0:
out = diffmask
if yuv444:
rs = core.std.ShufflePlanes([rs,merged], planes=[0,1,2], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
out = core.std.MaskedMerge(merged, rs, diffmask, planes=0)
return out
# DescaleM alias
DebilinearM = partial(DescaleM, descale_kernel='bilinear')
# DescaleM alias
DebicubicM = partial(DescaleM, descale_kernel='bicubic')
# DescaleM alias
DelanczosM = partial(DescaleM, descale_kernel='lanczos')
# DescaleM alias
Despline16M = partial(DescaleM, descale_kernel='spline16')
# DescaleM alias
Despline36M = partial(DescaleM, descale_kernel='spline36')
Wrapper for fmtconv to scale each plane individually to the same size and fix chroma shift
Will only produce correct results if input is YUV420 or YUV422 with left aligned chroma
def Downscale444(clip, w=1280, h=720, kernely="spline36", kerneluv="spline16", tapsy=3, tapsuv=3, a1y=None,
a1uv=None, a2y=None, a2uv=None, a3y=None, a3uv=None, invks=False, invkstaps=None):
y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
u = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, planes=1, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
v = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clip, planes=2, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
y = Resize(y, w=w, h=h, kernel=kernely, taps=tapsy, a1=a1y, a2=a2y, a3=a3y, invks=invks, invkstaps=invkstaps)
u = Resize(u, w=w, h=h, kernel=kerneluv, taps=tapsuv, a1=a1uv, a2=a2uv, a3=a3uv, sx=0.25)
v = Resize(v, w=w, h=h, kernel=kerneluv, taps=tapsuv, a1=a1uv, a2=a2uv, a3=a3uv, sx=0.25)
out = core.std.ShufflePlanes(clips=[y,u,v], planes=[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
return out
VapourSynth port of JIVTC.
Original script by lovesyk (
JIVTC applies inverse telecine in a way to minimize artifacts often seen on Japanese
TV broadcasts followed by recalculating the fields that might still contain some.
Dependencies: yadifmod, nnedi3
clip src: Source clip. Has to be 60i (30000/1001).
int pattern: First frame of any clean-combed-combed-clean-clean sequence.
int threshold (10): This setting controls with how much probability one field has to
look better than the other to recalculate the other one using it.
Since there is no point dropping a field on a still (detail loss)
or an action (both results will look bad) scene, keep this above 0.
bool draft (false): If set to true, skip recalculate step (which means keep 50% of bad fields).
clip ivtced: Can be used to supply a custom IVTCed clip.
Keep in mind that the default IVTC process gets rid of 50% of
bad fields which might be "restored" depending on your supplied clip.
string bobber: Can be used to supply a custom bobber.
The less information the bobber uses from the other field,
the better the result will be.
bool show (false): If set to true, mark those frames that were recalculated.
def JIVTC(src, pattern, thr=10, draft=False, ivtced=None, bobber=None, show=False, tff=None):
def calculate(n, f, ivtced, bobbed):
diffprev = f[0].props.EvenDiff
diffnext = f[1].props.OddDiff
if diffnext > diffprev:
prerecalc = core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 2, 0)
prerecalc = core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 2, 1)
if abs(diffprev - diffnext) * 0xFF < thr:
return ivtced
if show:
prerecalc = core.text.Text(prerecalc, 'Recalculated')
return prerecalc
pattern = pattern % 5
defivtc = core.std.SeparateFields(src, tff=tff).std.DoubleWeave()
selectlist = [[0,3,6,8], [0,2,5,8], [0,2,4,7], [2,4,6,9], [1,4,6,8]]
defivtc = core.std.SelectEvery(defivtc, 10, selectlist[pattern])
ivtced = defivtc if ivtced is None else ivtced
if bobber is None:
bobbed = core.yadifmod.Yadifmod(ivtced, edeint=core.nnedi3.nnedi3(ivtced, 2), order=0, mode=1)
bobbed = bobber(ivtced)
if src.fps_num != 30000 or src.fps_den != 1001:
raise ValueError('JIVTC: This filter can only be used with 60i clips.')
if bobbed.fps_num != 48000 or bobbed.fps_den != 1001:
raise ValueError('JIVTC: The bobber you specified does not double the frame rate.')
sep = core.std.SeparateFields(ivtced)
even = core.std.SelectEvery(sep, 2, 0)
odd = core.std.SelectEvery(sep, 2, 1)
diffeven = core.std.PlaneStats(even, even.std.DuplicateFrames([0]), prop='Even')
diffodd = core.std.PlaneStats(odd, odd.std.DeleteFrames([0]), prop='Odd')
recalc = core.std.FrameEval(ivtced, partial(calculate, ivtced=ivtced, bobbed=bobbed),
inter = core.std.Interleave([ivtced, recalc])
selectlist = [[0,3,4,6], [0,2,5,6], [0,2,4,7], [0,2,4,7], [1,2,4,6]]
final = core.std.SelectEvery(inter, 8, selectlist[pattern])
out = ivtced if draft else final
out = core.std.SetFrameProp(out, prop='_FieldBased', intval=0)
return out
VapourSynth port of OverlayInter
Based on the AviSynth script by Majin3 and the already ported
ivtc_txt60mc by Firesledge that can be found inside havsfunc
It's much faster than ivtc_txt60mc because you can limit processing
to a small part of the clip.
Original Header:
# OverlayInter 0.1 by Majin3 (06.09.2012)
# Converts 60i overlays (like scrolling credits) on top of telecined 24p video to 24p using motion interpolation.
# Required: MVTools2, QTGMC (if not using a custom bobber)
# int pattern: First frame of a clean-combed-combed-clean-clean sequence
# int pos (0): Overlay position: 0: whole screen - 1: left - 2: top - 3: right - 4: bottom
# int size (0): Overlay size in px from the corresponding position
# bool show (false): Enable this to show the area selected by "pos" and "size"
# bool draft (false): Enable this to speed up processing by using low-quality bobbing and motion interpolation
# string bobber: A custom bobber if you do not wish to use "QTGMC(Preset="Very Slow", SourceMatch=2, Lossless=2)"
# string ivtc: A custom IVTC if you do not wish to use simple IVTC based on "pattern"
# Based on ivtc_txt60mc 1.1 by Firesledge
def OverlayInter(src, pattern, pos=0, size=0, show=False, draft=False, bobber=None, ivtc=None, tff=None):
if bobber is None and not isinstance(tff, bool):
raise TypeError('OverlayInter: "tff" must be set. Setting tff to True means top field first. False means bottom field first')
field_ref = (pattern * 2) % 5
invpos = (5 - field_ref) % 5
pattern %= 5
croplist = [[0,0,0,0], [size,0,0,0], [0,0,size,0], [0,size,0,0], [0,0,0,size]]
keep = core.std.CropRel(src, *croplist[pos])
croplist = [[0,0,0,0], [0,src.width-size-4,0,0], [0,0,0,src.height-size-4],
[src.width-size-4,0,0,0], [0,0,src.height-size-4,0]]
bobbed = core.std.CropRel(src, *croplist[pos])
if draft:
bobbed = haf.Bob(bobbed, tff=tff)
elif bobber is None:
bobbed = haf.QTGMC(bobbed, Preset='very slow', SourceMatch=3, Lossless=2, TFF=tff)
bobbed = bobber(bobbed)
if ivtc is None:
ivtclist = [[0,3,6,8], [0,2,5,8], [0,2,4,7], [2,4,6,9], [1,4,6,8]]
ivtc = keep.std.SeparateFields(tff=tff).std.DoubleWeave().std.SelectEvery(10, ivtclist[pattern])
ivtc = ivtc(keep)
if invpos > 1:
clean = core.std.AssumeFPS(bobbed[0] + core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 5, [6 - invpos]),
fpsnum=12000, fpsden=1001)
clean = core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 5, [1 - invpos])
if invpos > 3:
jitter = core.std.AssumeFPS(bobbed[0] + core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 5, [4 - invpos, 8 - invpos]),
fpsnum=24000, fpsden=1001)
jitter = core.std.SelectEvery(bobbed, 5, [3 - invpos, 4 - invpos])
jsup =
vecsup = haf.DitherLumaRebuild(jitter, s0=1).mv.Super(rfilter=4)
vectb = if draft else vecsup, overlap=0 if draft else 4, blksize=16, isb=True)
if not draft:
vectb =, vectb, blksize=8, overlap=2)
vectf = if draft else vecsup, overlap=0 if draft else 4, blksize=16, isb=False)
if not draft:
vectf =, vectf, blksize=8, overlap=2)
comp =, jsup, vectb, vectf)
fixed = core.std.SelectEvery(comp, 2, 0)
fixed = core.std.Interleave([clean,fixed])[invpos // 2:]
croplist = [[0,0,0,0], [0,4,0,0], [0,0,0,4], [4,0,0,0], [0,0,4,0]]
fixed = core.std.CropRel(fixed, *croplist[pos])
if show:
maxvalue = (1 << src.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
offset = 32 * maxvalue // 0xFF
fixed = core.std.Expr(fixed, ['','x {} +'.format(offset),''])
if pos == 1:
out = core.std.StackHorizontal([fixed,ivtc])
elif pos == 2:
out = core.std.StackVertical([fixed,ivtc])
elif pos == 3:
out = core.std.StackHorizontal([ivtc,fixed])
elif pos == 4:
out = core.std.StackVertical([ivtc,fixed])
out = fixed
out = core.std.SetFrameProp(out, prop='_FieldBased', intval=0)
return out
VapourSynth port of AutoDeblock2. Original script by joletb, vinylfreak89, eXmendiC and Gebbi.
The purpose of this script is to automatically remove MPEG2 artifacts.
def AutoDeblock(src, edgevalue=24, db1=1, db2=6, db3=15, deblocky=True, deblockuv=True, debug=False, redfix=False,
fastdeblock=False, adb1=3, adb2=4, adb3=8, adb1d=2, adb2d=7, adb3d=11, planes=None):
def to8bit(f):
return f * 0xFF
def eval_deblock_strength(n, f, fastdeblock, unfiltered, fast, weakdeblock,
mediumdeblock, strongdeblock):
out = unfiltered
if fastdeblock:
if to8bit(f[0].props.OrigDiff) > adb1 and to8bit(f[1].props.YNextDiff) > adb1d:
return fast
return unfiltered
if to8bit(f[0].props.OrigDiff) > adb1 and to8bit(f[1].props.YNextDiff) > adb1d:
out = weakdeblock
if to8bit(f[0].props.OrigDiff) > adb2 and to8bit(f[1].props.YNextDiff) > adb2d:
out = mediumdeblock
if to8bit(f[0].props.OrigDiff) > adb3 and to8bit(f[1].props.YNextDiff) > adb3d:
out = strongdeblock
return out
def fix_red(n, f, unfiltered, autodeblock):
if (to8bit(f[0].props.YAverage) > 50 and to8bit(f[0].props.YAverage) < 130
and to8bit(f[1].props.UAverage) > 95 and to8bit(f[1].props.UAverage) < 130
and to8bit(f[2].props.VAverage) > 130 and to8bit(f[2].props.YAverage) < 155):
return unfiltered
return autodeblock
if redfix and fastdeblock:
raise ValueError('AutoDeblock: You cannot set both "redfix" and "fastdeblock" to True!')
if planes is None:
planes = []
if deblocky: planes.append(0)
if deblockuv: planes.extend([1,2])
orig = core.std.Prewitt(src, 0, edgevalue)
orig_d = orig.rgvs.RemoveGrain(4).rgvs.RemoveGrain(4)
predeblock = haf.Deblock_QED(src.rgvs.RemoveGrain(2).rgvs.RemoveGrain(2))
fast = core.dfttest.DFTTest(predeblock, tbsize=1)
fast = core.text.Text(fast, 'deblock') if debug else fast
unfiltered = src
unfiltered = core.text.Text(unfiltered, 'unfiltered') if debug else unfiltered
weakdeblock = core.dfttest.DFTTest(predeblock, sigma=db1, tbsize=1, planes=planes)
weakdeblock = core.text.Text(weakdeblock, 'weakdeblock') if debug else weakdeblock
mediumdeblock = core.dfttest.DFTTest(predeblock, sigma=db2, tbsize=1, planes=planes)
mediumdeblock = core.text.Text(mediumdeblock, 'mediumdeblock') if debug else mediumdeblock
strongdeblock = core.dfttest.DFTTest(predeblock, sigma=db3, tbsize=1, planes=planes)
strongdeblock = core.text.Text(strongdeblock, 'strongdeblock') if debug else strongdeblock
difforig = core.std.PlaneStats(orig, orig_d, prop='Orig')
diffnext = core.std.PlaneStats(src, src.std.DeleteFrames([0]), prop='YNext')
autodeblock = core.std.FrameEval(unfiltered, partial(eval_deblock_strength, fastdeblock=fastdeblock,
unfiltered=unfiltered, fast=fast, weakdeblock=weakdeblock,
mediumdeblock=mediumdeblock, strongdeblock=strongdeblock),
if redfix:
src = core.std.PlaneStats(src, prop='Y')
src_u = core.std.PlaneStats(src, plane=1, prop='U')
src_v = core.std.PlaneStats(src, plane=2, prop='V')
autodeblock = core.std.FrameEval(unfiltered, partial(fix_red, unfiltered=unfiltered,
autodeblock=autodeblock), prop_src=[src,src_u,src_v])
return autodeblock
Basically a wrapper for std.Trim and std.Splice that recreates the functionality of
AviSynth's ReplaceFramesSimple (
that was part of the plugin RemapFrames by James D. Lin
Usage: ReplaceFrames(clipa, clipb, mappings="[200 300] [1100 1150] 400 1234")
This will replace frames 200..300, 1100..1150, 400 and 1234 from clipa with
the corresponding frames from clipb.
def ReplaceFrames(clipa, clipb, mappings=None, filename=None):
if not isinstance(clipa, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('ReplaceFrames: "clipa" must be a clip!')
if not isinstance(clipb, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('ReplaceFrames: "clipb" must be a clip!')
if !=
raise TypeError('ReplaceFrames: "clipa" and "clipb" must have the same format!')
if filename is not None and not isinstance(filename, str):
raise TypeError('ReplaceFrames: "filename" must be a string!')
if mappings is not None and not isinstance(mappings, str):
raise TypeError('ReplaceFrames: "mappings" must be a string!')
if mappings is None:
mappings = ''
if filename:
with open(filename, 'r') as mf:
mappings += '\n{}'.format(
# Some people used this as separators and wondered why it wasn't working
mappings = mappings.replace(',', ' ').replace(':', ' ')
frames = re.findall('\d+(?!\d*\s*\d*\s*\d*\])', mappings)
ranges = re.findall('\[\s*\d+\s+\d+\s*\]', mappings)
maps = []
for range_ in ranges:
maps.append([int(x) for x in range_.strip('[ ]').split()])
for frame in frames:
maps.append([int(frame), int(frame)])
for start, end in maps:
if start > end:
raise ValueError('ReplaceFrames: Start frame is bigger than end frame: [{} {}]'.format(start, end))
if end >= clipa.num_frames or end >= clipb.num_frames:
raise ValueError('ReplaceFrames: End frame too big, one of the clips has less frames: {}'.format(end))
out = clipa
for start, end in maps:
temp = clipb[start:end+1]
if start != 0:
temp = out[:start] + temp
if end < out.num_frames - 1:
temp = temp + out[end+1:]
out = temp
return out
# ReplaceFrames alias
ReplaceFramesSimple = ReplaceFrames
# ReplaceFrames alias
rfs = ReplaceFrames
This overlays a clip onto another.
Default matrix for RGB -> YUV conversion is 601 to match AviSynth's Overlay()
overlay should be a list of [video, mask] or a path string to an RGBA file
If you specifiy a clip instead it will just be spliced into the source
(RGBA videos opened by ffms2 are already such a list)
def InsertSign(clip, overlay, start, end=None, matrix='601'):
if isinstance(overlay, str):
overlay = core.ffms2.Source(overlay, alpha=True)
if not isinstance(overlay, list):
overlay = [overlay, None]
if end is None:
end = start + overlay[0].num_frames
end += 1
if end > clip.num_frames:
end = clip.num_frames
if start >= end:
raise ValueError('InsertSign: "start" must be smaller than or equal to "end"!')
clip_cf = clip.format.color_family
overlay_cf = overlay[0].format.color_family
before = clip[:start] if start != 0 else None
middle = clip[start:end]
after = clip[end:] if end != clip.num_frames else None
if overlay[1] is not None:
mask = core.resize.Bicubic(overlay[1], clip.width, clip.height)
mask = Depth(mask, bits=clip.format.bits_per_sample)
mask = None
if clip_cf != overlay_cf and (clip_cf == vs.YUV or overlay_cf == vs.YUV):
sign = core.fmtc.matrix(overlay[0], mat=matrix)
sign = overlay[0]
sign = core.resize.Spline36(sign, clip.width, clip.height,,
middle = core.std.MaskedMerge(middle, sign, mask) if mask is not None else sign
out = middle
if before is not None:
out = before + out
if after is not None:
out = out + after
return out
Downscale only lineart with an inverted kernel and interpolate
it back to its original resolution with NNEDI3.
Parts of higher resolution like credits are protected by a mask.
Basic idea stolen from a script made by Daiz.
def DescaleAA(src, w=1280, h=720, thr=10, kernel='bilinear', b=1/3, c=1/3, taps=3,
expand=3, inflate=3, showmask=False):
if kernel.lower().startswith('de'):
kernel = kernel[2:]
bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
maxvalue = (1 << bits) - 1
ow = src.width
oh = src.height
thr = thr * maxvalue // 0xFF
# Fix lineart
src_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, planes=0, colorfamily=vs.GRAY)
deb = Resize(src_y, w, h, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps, invks=True)
sharp = nnedi3_rpow2.nnedi3_rpow2(deb, 2, ow, oh)
edgemask = core.std.Prewitt(sharp, 4 * maxvalue // 0xFF, 24 * maxvalue // 0xFF, planes=0)
sharp = core.resize.Point(sharp,
# Restore true 1080p
deb_upscale = Resize(deb, ow, oh, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, taps=taps)
diffmask = core.std.Expr([src_y, deb_upscale], 'x y - abs')
for _ in range(expand):
diffmask = core.std.Maximum(diffmask, planes=0)
for _ in range(inflate):
diffmask = core.std.Inflate(diffmask, planes=0)
mask = core.std.Expr([diffmask,edgemask], 'x {thr} >= 0 y ?'.format(thr=thr))
mask = mask.std.Inflate().std.Deflate()
out = core.std.MaskedMerge(src, sharp, mask, planes=0)
if showmask:
out = mask
return out
# Legacy DescaleAA alias
def ProtectedDebiXAA(src, w=1280, h=720, thr=10, expand=3, inflate=3,
bicubic=False, b=1/3, c=1/3, showmask=False, bits=None):
if bicubic:
return DescaleAA(src, w=w, h=h, thr=thr, kernel='bicubic', b=b, c=c, taps=None,
expand=expand, inflate=inflate, showmask=showmask)
return DescaleAA(src, w=w, h=h, thr=thr, kernel='bilinear', b=None, c=None, taps=None,
expand=expand, inflate=inflate, showmask=showmask)
VapourSynth port of AviSynth's maa2 (
Works on any bitdepth
def maa(src, mask=None, chroma=None, ss=None, aa=None, aac=None, show=None):
def SangNomAA(src, ss=2.0, aa=48, aac=None):
ss_w = round(src.width * ss / 4) * 4
ss_h = round(src.height * ss / 4) * 4
out = core.resize.Spline36(src, ss_w, ss_h).std.Transpose()
out = core.sangnom.SangNom(out, aa=aa if aac is None else [aa, aac, aac]).std.Transpose()
out = core.sangnom.SangNom(out, aa=aa if aac is None else [aa, aac, aac])
out = core.resize.Spline36(out, src.width, src.height)
return out
# Type checking
kwargsdict = {'src': [src, (vs.VideoNode,)], 'mask': [mask, (int,)], 'ss': [ss, (int, float)],
'aa': [aa, (int,)], 'aac': [aac, (int,)], 'show': [show, (bool,)]}
for k, v in kwargsdict.items():
if v[0] is not None and not isinstance(v[0], v[1]):
raise TypeError('maa: "{variable}" must be {types}!'
.format(variable=k, types=' or '.join([TYPEDICT[t] for t in v[1]])))
# Set defaults
if mask is None:
mask = 1
if chroma is None:
chroma = False
if ss is None:
ss = 2.0
if aa is None:
aa = 48
if aac is None:
aac = aa - 8
if show is None:
show = False
# Value checking
if mask < -0xFF or mask > 1:
raise ValueError('maa: "mask" must be between -255 and 1!')
if ss <= 0:
raise ValueError('maa: "ss" must be > 0!')
maxvalue = (1 << src.format.bits_per_sample) - 1
mthresh = -mask * maxvalue // 0xFF if mask < 0 else 7 * maxvalue // 0xFF
mthreshc = mthresh - 6 * maxvalue // 0xFF
if src.format.num_planes == 1:
chroma = False
if mask != 0:
m = core.std.Sobel(mvf.GetPlane(src, 0), mthresh, mthresh)
if chroma:
mu = core.std.Sobel(mvf.GetPlane(src, 1), mthreshc, mthreshc)
mv = core.std.Sobel(mvf.GetPlane(src, 2), mthreshc, mthreshc)
m = core.std.ShufflePlanes([m,mu,mv], planes=[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
if not chroma:
c_aa = SangNomAA(mvf.GetPlane(src, 0), ss, aa)
c_aa = SangNomAA(src, ss, aa, aac)
if not chroma and src.format.num_planes != 1:
c_aa = core.std.ShufflePlanes([c_aa, mvf.GetPlane(src, 1), mvf.GetPlane(src, 2)], planes=[0,0,0], colorfamily=vs.YUV)
if mask == 0:
out = c_aa
elif show:
out = m
out = core.std.MaskedMerge(src, c_aa, m)
return out
VapourSynth port of TemporalDegrain (
(only 8 bit YUV input)
- all keyword arguments are now lowercase
- hq > 0 is not implemented
- gpu=True is not implemented
def TemporalDegrain(input_, denoise=None, gpu=False, sigma=16, bw=16, bh=16, pel=2,
blksize=8, ov=None, degrain=2, limit=255, sad1=400, sad2=300, hq=0):
if not isinstance(input_, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "input_" must be a clip!')
if denoise is not None and not isinstance(denoise, vs.VideoNode):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "denoise" must be a clip!')
if not isinstance(gpu, bool):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "gpu" must be a bool!')
if gpu:
raise NotImplementedError('TemporalDegrain: "gpu=True" is not implemented!')
if not isinstance(sigma, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "sigma" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(bw, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "bw" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(bh, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "bh" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(pel, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "pel" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(blksize, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "blksize" must be an int!')
if ov is not None and not isinstance(ov, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "ov" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(degrain, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "degrain" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(limit, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "limit" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(sad1, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "sad1" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(sad2, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "sad2" must be an int!')
if not isinstance(hq, int):
raise TypeError('TemporalDegrain: "hq" must be an int!')
if hq > 0:
raise NotImplementedError('TemporalDegrain: "hq" > 0 is not implemented!')
o = input_
s2 = int(sigma * 0.625)
s3 = int(sigma * 0.375)
s4 = int(sigma * 0.250)
ow = int(bw / 2)
oh = int(bh / 2)
ov = int(blksize / 2) if not ov or ov*2 > blksize else ov
if denoise:
filter_ = denoise
elif gpu:
filter_ = o.FFT3DGPU(sigma=sigma, sigma2=s2 , sigma3=s3, sigma4=s4, bt=4, bw=bw, bh=bh, ow=ow, oh=oh) # not implemented
filter_ = core.fft3dfilter.FFT3DFilter(o, sigma=sigma, sigma2=s2, sigma3=s3, sigma4=s4, bt=4, bw=bw, bh=bh, ow=ow, oh=oh)
if hq >= 1:
filter_ = filter_.HQdn3D(4,3,6,3) # not implemented
spat = filter_
spatd = core.std.MakeDiff(o, spat)
srch = filter_
srch_super =, pel=pel)
if degrain == 3:
bvec3 =, isb=True, delta=3, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
bvec3 = core.std.BlankClip()
if degrain >= 2:
bvec2 =, isb=True, delta=2, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
bvec2 = core.std.BlankClip()
bvec1 =, isb=True, delta=1, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
fvec1 =, isb=False, delta=1, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
if degrain >= 2:
fvec2 =, isb=False, delta=2, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
fvec2 = core.std.BlankClip()
if degrain == 3:
fvec3 =, isb=False, delta=3, blksize=blksize, overlap=ov)
fvec3 = core.std.BlankClip()
o_super =, pel=2, levels=1)
if degrain == 3:
nr1 =, o_super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, bvec3, fvec3, thsad=sad1, limit=limit)
elif degrain == 2:
nr1 =, o_super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, thsad=sad1, limit=limit)
nr1 =, o_super, bvec1, fvec1, thsad=sad1, limit=limit)
nr1d = core.std.MakeDiff(o, nr1)
dd = core.std.Expr([spatd, nr1d], 'x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?')
nr1x = core.std.MakeDiff(o, dd, planes=0)
nr1x_super =, pel=2, levels=1)
if degrain == 3:
nr2 =, nr1x_super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, bvec3, fvec3, thsad=sad2, limit=limit)
elif degrain == 2:
nr2 =, nr1x_super, bvec1, fvec1, bvec2, fvec2, thsad=sad2, limit=limit)
nr2 =, nr1x_super, bvec1, fvec1, thsad=sad2, limit=limit)
if hq >= 2:
nr2.HQDn3D(0,0,4,1) # not implemented
s = haf.MinBlur(nr2, 1, 0)
alld = core.std.MakeDiff(o, nr2)
temp = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(s, [11, 0])
ssd = core.std.MakeDiff(s, temp)
ssdd = core.rgvs.Repair(ssd, alld, 1)
ssdd = core.std.Expr([ssdd, ssd], 'x 128 - abs y 128 - abs < x y ?')
output = core.std.MergeDiff(nr2, ssdd, planes=0)
return output
# Helpers
# Wrapper with fmtconv syntax that tries to use the internal resizers whenever it is possible
def Resize(src, w, h, sx=None, sy=None, sw=None, sh=None, kernel='spline36', taps=None, a1=None,
a2=None, a3=None, invks=None, invkstaps=None, fulls=None, fulld=None):
bits = src.format.bits_per_sample
if (src.width, src.height, fulls) == (w, h, fulld):
return src
if kernel is None:
kernel = 'spline36'
kernel = kernel.lower()
if invks and kernel == 'bilinear' and hasattr(core, 'unresize') and invkstaps is None:
return core.unresize.Unresize(src, w, h, src_left=sx, src_top=sy)
if invks and kernel in ['bilinear', 'bicubic', 'lanczos', 'spline16', 'spline36'] and hasattr(core, 'descale') and invkstaps is None:
return Descale(src, w, h, kernel=kernel, b=a1, c=a2, taps=taps)
if not invks:
if kernel == 'bilinear':
return core.resize.Bilinear(src, w, h, range=fulld, range_in=fulls, src_left=sx, src_top=sy,
src_width=sw, src_height=sh)
if kernel == 'bicubic':
return core.resize.Bicubic(src, w, h, range=fulld, range_in=fulls, filter_param_a=a1, filter_param_b=a2,
src_left=sx, src_top=sy, src_width=sw, src_height=sh)
if kernel == 'spline16':
return core.resize.Spline16(src, w, h, range=fulld, range_in=fulls, src_left=sx, src_top=sy,
src_width=sw, src_height=sh)
if kernel == 'spline36':
return core.resize.Spline36(src, w, h, range=fulld, range_in=fulls, src_left=sx, src_top=sy,
src_width=sw, src_height=sh)
if kernel == 'lanczos':
return core.resize.Lanczos(src, w, h, range=fulld, range_in=fulls, filter_param_a=taps,
src_left=sx, src_top=sy, src_width=sw, src_height=sh)
return Depth(core.fmtc.resample(src, w, h, sx=sx, sy=sy, sw=sw, sh=sh, kernel=kernel, taps=taps,
a1=a1, a2=a2, a3=a3, invks=invks, invkstaps=invkstaps, fulls=fulls, fulld=fulld), bits)
def Debilinear(src, width, height, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
return Descale(src, width, height, kernel='bilinear', b=None, c=None, taps=None, yuv444=yuv444, gray=gray, chromaloc=chromaloc)
def Debicubic(src, width, height, b=1/3, c=1/3, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
return Descale(src, width, height, kernel='bicubic', b=b, c=c, taps=None, yuv444=yuv444, gray=gray, chromaloc=chromaloc)
def Delanczos(src, width, height, taps=3, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
return Descale(src, width, height, kernel='lanczos', b=None, c=None, taps=taps, yuv444=yuv444, gray=gray, chromaloc=chromaloc)
def Despline16(src, width, height, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
return Descale(src, width, height, kernel='spline16', b=None, c=None, taps=None, yuv444=yuv444, gray=gray, chromaloc=chromaloc)
def Despline36(src, width, height, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
return Descale(src, width, height, kernel='spline36', b=None, c=None, taps=None, yuv444=yuv444, gray=gray, chromaloc=chromaloc)
def Descale(src, width, height, kernel='bilinear', b=1/3, c=1/3, taps=3, yuv444=False, gray=False, chromaloc=None):
src_f = src.format
src_cf = src_f.color_family
src_st = src_f.sample_type
src_bits = src_f.bits_per_sample
src_sw = src_f.subsampling_w
src_sh = src_f.subsampling_h
descale_filter = get_descale_filter(b, c, taps, kernel)
if src_cf == vs.RGB and not gray:
rgb = descale_filter(to_rgbs(src), width, height)
return rgb.resize.Point(
y = descale_filter(to_grays(src), width, height)
y_f = core.register_format(vs.GRAY, src_st, src_bits, 0, 0)
y = y.resize.Point(
if src_cf == vs.GRAY or gray:
return y
if not yuv444 and ((width % 2 and src_sw) or (height % 2 and src_sh)):
raise ValueError('Descale: The output dimension and the subsampling are incompatible.')
uv_f = core.register_format(src_cf, src_st, src_bits, 0 if yuv444 else src_sw, 0 if yuv444 else src_sh)
uv = src.resize.Spline36(width, height,, chromaloc_s=chromaloc)
return core.std.ShufflePlanes([y,uv], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
def to_grays(src):
return src.resize.Point(format=vs.GRAYS)
def to_rgbs(src):
return src.resize.Point(format=vs.RGBS)
def get_plane(src, plane):
return core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, plane, vs.GRAY)
def get_descale_filter(b, c, taps, kernel):
kernel = kernel.lower()
if kernel == 'bilinear':
return core.descale.Debilinear
elif kernel == 'bicubic':
return partial(core.descale.Debicubic, b=b, c=c)
elif kernel == 'lanczos':
return partial(core.descale.Delanczos, taps=taps)
elif kernel == 'spline16':
return core.descale.Despline16
elif kernel == 'spline36':
return core.descale.Despline36
raise ValueError('Descale: Invalid kernel specified.')
def Depth(src, bits, dither_type='error_diffusion', range=None, range_in=None):
src_f = src.format
src_cf = src_f.color_family
src_st = src_f.sample_type
src_bits = src_f.bits_per_sample
src_sw = src_f.subsampling_w
src_sh = src_f.subsampling_h
dst_st = vs.INTEGER if bits < 32 else vs.FLOAT
if isinstance(range, str):
range = RANGEDICT[range]
if isinstance(range_in, str):
range_in = RANGEDICT[range_in]
if (src_bits, range_in) == (bits, range):
return src
out_f = core.register_format(src_cf, dst_st, bits, src_sw, src_sh)
return core.resize.Point(src,, dither_type=dither_type, range=range, range_in=range_in)
TYPEDICT = {vs.VideoNode: 'a clip', int: 'an int', float: 'a float', bool: 'a bool', str: 'a str', list: 'a list'}
RANGEDICT = {'limited': 0, 'full': 1}
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Can you share me autodeblock2 original script, i can't find out everywhere

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