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FreeBirdLjj /
Created March 30, 2023 14:58
A useful macro to simulate a REPL in C++.
#include <iostream>
#define REPL(expr) std::cout << "> " << #expr << std::endl << (expr) << std::endl
int main()
int a = 1, b = 2;
REPL(a + b);
// print out:
// > a + b
FreeBirdLjj / y-combinator.rkt
Created September 19, 2014 02:58
A racket version of y-combinator.
(define (y-combinator fn)
((lambda (func)
(func func))
(lambda (f)
(fn (lambda args
(apply (f f) args))))))
FreeBirdLjj / switch.lua
Last active January 23, 2025 00:48
A way to write switch-case statements in lua.
print "Hello, switch"
-- If the default case does not have to be handled, we can use the following auxiliary function:
local function switch(value)
-- Handing `cases` to the returned function allows the `switch()` function to be used with a syntax closer to c code (see the example below).
-- This is because lua allows the parentheses around a table type argument to be omitted if it is the only argument.
return function(cases)
-- The default case is achieved through the metatable mechanism of lua tables (the `__index` operation).
setmetatable(cases, cases)