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Created September 16, 2014 11:15
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Check_disk NRPE script that more or less works on Solaris
# Version 0.0.2 - Jan/2009
# Changes: df -P (to avoid it from breaking long lines)
# by Thiago Varela - [email protected]
# Ripped from:
function help {
echo -e "\n\tThis plugin shows the % of used space of a mounted partition, using the 'df' utility\n\n\t$0:\n\t\t-c <integer>\tIf the % of used space is above <integer>, returns CRITICAL state\n\t\t-w <integer>\tIf the % of used space is below CRITICAL and above <integer>, returns WARNING state\n\t\t-d <device>\tThe partition or mountpoint to be checked. eg. "/dev/sda1", "/home", "/""
exit -1
# Getting parameters:
while getopts "d:w:c:h" OPT; do
case $OPT in
"d") device=$OPTARG;;
"w") warning=$OPTARG;;
"c") critical=$OPTARG;;
"h") help;;
# Checking parameters:
( [ "$warning" == "" ] || [ "$critical" == "" ] ) && echo "ERROR: You must specify warning and critical levels" && help
# [ "$device" == "" ] && echo "ERROR: You must specify the partition to be checked" && help
[[ "$warning" -ge "$critical" ]] && echo "ERROR: Critical level must be highter than warning level" && help
while read device
# ( [[ `df | grep -w $device | wc -l` -gt 1 ]] || [[ `df | grep -w $device | wc -l` -lt 1 ]] ) && echo "ERROR: Partition incorrectly specified" && help
( [[ `df | grep -w $device | wc -l` -gt 1 ]] || [[ `df | grep -w $device | wc -l` -lt 1 ]] ) && continue
# Doing the actual check:
used=`df -P | grep -w $device | awk '{ print $5 }' | cut -d% -f1`
# Comparing the result and setting the correct level:
if [[ $used -ge $critical ]]; then
echo "CRITICAL - $device space used=$used% | '$device usage'=$used%;$warning;$critical;"
exit 2
else if [[ $used -ge $warning ]]; then
done < <(mount | awk '{print $1}')
if [[ $device_warning != "" ]]; then
echo "WARNING - $device_warning space used=$used_warning% | '$device usage'=$used_warning%;$warning;$critical;"
exit 1
echo "OK - Sth here?" # | '$device usage'=$used%;$warning;$critical;"
exit 0
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