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Created November 6, 2023 09:22
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Check if the creadit card is vaild with Ruby
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'creditcard'
# Usage: checkValidCreditCard.rb [card_number_0] [card_number_1] [card_number_???]
puts "Usage: checkValidCreditCard.rb [card_number_0] [card_number_1] [card_number_???]" if ARGV.empty?
index = 0
while (card_number = ARGV.shift)
puts "---------------------------"
puts "Card #{index}: #{card_number}"
puts '=> Valid: True'
puts "=> Type: #{card_number.creditcard_type}"
puts "---------------------------"
puts "---------------------------"
puts "Card #{index}: ${card_number}"
puts '=> Valid: True'
puts '=> Valid: False'
puts "---------------------------"
index += 1
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