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Created November 5, 2024 18:58
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A script I made based on an exam. It takes a csv table that represents the a state table, parses it, creates an implication table, reduces the states, gets the pairs and shows the new table.
import pandas as pd
from collections import defaultdict
import argparse
PS, 0, 1, z1, z2
A, F, D, 0, 0
B, J, C, 0, 0
C, A, F, 1, 1
D, I, B, 1, 1
E, I, G, 0, 0
F, G, A, 1, 0
G, J, B, 1, 1
H, E, I, 1, 1
I, D, E, 1, 0
J, G, A, 1, 0
def process_table(file_path):
# Load the CSV file into a pandas DataFrame
df1 = pd.read_csv(file_path)
print("CSV loaded successfully!")
# Clean up column names
df1.columns = df1.columns.str.strip()
letters = df1["PS"].to_list()
start_index_row = df1.index[1]
end_index_row = df1.index[-1]
start_index_col = df1.index[0]
end_index_col = df1.index[-2]
ps_subset_row = letters[start_index_row : end_index_row + 1]
ps_subset_col = letters[start_index_col : end_index_col + 1]
triangle_df = pd.DataFrame("", index=ps_subset_row, columns=ps_subset_col)
for i in range(len(ps_subset_row)):
for j in range(i, len(ps_subset_col)):
triangle_df.iloc[j, i] = ""
for i in range(len(df1)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(df1)):
ps_i = df1.iloc[i]["PS"]
ps_j = df1.iloc[j]["PS"]
z1_i = df1.iloc[i]["z1"]
z1_j = df1.iloc[j]["z1"]
z2_i = df1.iloc[i]["z2"]
z2_j = df1.iloc[j]["z2"]
n0_i = df1.iloc[i]["0"]
n0_j = df1.iloc[j]["0"]
n1_i = df1.iloc[i]["1"]
n1_j = df1.iloc[j]["1"]
if z1_i == z1_j and z2_i == z2_j:
if n0_j == n0_i and n1_j == n1_i:
triangle_df.loc[ps_j, ps_i] = "@"
triangle_df.loc[ps_j, ps_i] = "{}{}-{}{}".format(
n0_j, n0_i, n1_j, n1_i
triangle_df.loc[ps_j, ps_i] = "X"
pairs = []
for i in range(len(ps_subset_row)):
for j in range(i, len(ps_subset_col)):
value = triangle_df.iloc[j, i]
row_label = triangle_df.index[j]
col_label = triangle_df.columns[i]
if triangle_df.iloc[j, i] != "X":
pairs.append("{}{}".format(row_label, col_label))
graph = defaultdict(set)
for pair in pairs:
a, b = pair
def dfs(node, visited, component):
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if neighbor not in visited:
dfs(neighbor, visited, component)
visited = set()
components = []
for node in graph:
if node not in visited:
component = set()
dfs(node, visited, component)
components = [sorted(component) for component in components]
formatted_components = [
"(" + "".join(component) + ")" for component in components
result = "".join(formatted_components)
print("\n{}\n\n{}\n\n\n{}\n".format(triangle_df, pairs, result))
v = 0
for i in letters:
if i == components[v][0]:
print("{} | {}".format(i, ",".join(components[v])))
v = v + 1 if v < len(components) - 1 else v
print("{} | -".format(i))
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error loading CSV file: {e}")
def main():
# Set up argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Parse the path to a CSV file.")
parser.add_argument("csv_file", type=str, help="Path to the CSV file")
# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args()
# Load the CSV file using the provided path
if __name__ == "__main__":
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