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Created May 12, 2020 17:01
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImpredicativeTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
module View where
import Control.Lens hiding (view)
import Control.Lens.Unsound (lensProduct)
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Data.Text as T
import Shpadoinkle (Html, MonadJSM, text)
import qualified Shpadoinkle.Html as H
import Shpadoinkle.Lens ((<%), (<+))
import Shpadoinkle.Router (navigate, toHydration)
import Shpadoinkle.Widgets.Form.Dropdown as Dropdown (Dropdown (..),
Theme (..),
import qualified Shpadoinkle.Widgets.Form.Input as Input
import Shpadoinkle.Widgets.Table as Table
import Shpadoinkle.Widgets.Types (Consideration, Considered,
Control (..), Field,
Hygiene (..), Input (..),
Pick (..), Present,
Selected, Status (..),
Toggle (..), Validated (..),
fullset, fuzzySearch,
getValid, humanize,
validate, withOptions')
import Types
default (Text, [])
toEditForm :: SpaceCraft -> SpaceCraftUpdate 'Edit
toEditForm sc = SpaceCraftUpdate
{ _sku = pure $ sc ^. sku
, _description = pure $ sc ^. description
, _serial = pure $ sc ^. serial
, _squadron = (sc ^. squadron) `withOptions'` fullset
, _operable = (sc ^. operable) `withOptions'` fullset
formGroup :: [Html m a] -> Html m a
formGroup = H.div "form-group row"
:: forall t m a
. Eq t => IsString t => Coercible Text t => MonadJSM m
=> (forall v. Lens' (a v) (Field v Text Input (Maybe t)))
-> Text -> a 'Errors -> a 'Edit -> Html m (a 'Edit)
textControl l msg errs ef = formGroup
[ H.label [ H.for' hName, H.class' "col-sm-2 col-form-label" ] [ text msg ]
, H.div "col-sm-10" $
[ ef <% l . mapping (fromMaybe "" `iso` noEmpty) $ Input.text
[' hName
, H.className ("form-control":controlClass (errs ^. l) (ef ^. l .hygiene))
<> invalid (errs ^. l) (ef ^. l . hygiene)
] where hName = toHtmlName msg
noEmpty "" = Nothing
noEmpty x = Just x
:: forall n m a
. MonadJSM m => Integral n => Show n
=> (forall v. Lens' (a v) (Field v Text Input n))
-> Text -> a 'Errors -> a 'Edit -> Html m (a 'Edit)
intControl l msg errs ef = formGroup
[ H.label [ H.for' hName, H.class' "col-sm-2 col-form-label" ] [ text msg ]
, H.div "col-sm-10" $
[ ef <% l $ Input.integral @m
$ [' hName, H.step "1", H.min "0"
, H.className ("form-control":controlClass (errs ^. l) (ef ^. l .hygiene))
<> invalid (errs ^. l) (ef ^. l . hygiene)
] where hName = toHtmlName msg
:: forall p x m a
. MonadJSM m => Control (Dropdown p)
=> Considered p ~ Maybe => Consideration ConsideredChoice p
=> Present (Selected p x) => Present x => Ord x
=> (forall v. Lens' (a v) (Field v Text (Dropdown p) x))
-> Text -> a 'Errors -> a 'Edit -> Html m (a 'Edit)
selectControl l msg errs ef = formGroup
[ H.label [ H.for' (toHtmlName msg)
, H.class' "col-sm-2 col-form-label" ] [ text msg ]
, H.div "col-sm-10" $
[ ef <% l $ dropdown bootstrap defConfig ]
<> invalid (errs ^. l) (ef ^. l . hygiene)
bootstrap Dropdown {..} = Dropdown.Theme
{ _wrapper = H.div
[ H.className [ ("dropdown", True)
, ("show", _toggle == Open) ]
, _header = pure . H.button
[ H.className ([ "btn", "btn-secondary", "dropdown-toggle" ] :: [Text])
, H.type' "button"
, _list = H.div
[ H.className [ ("dropdown-menu", True)
, ("show", _toggle == Open) ]
, _item = H.a [ H.className "dropdown-item"
, H.textProperty "style" "cursor:pointer" ]
controlClass :: Validated e a -> Hygiene -> [Text]
controlClass (Invalid _ _) Dirty = ["is-invalid"]
controlClass (Validated _) Dirty = ["is-valid"]
controlClass _ Clean = []
invalid :: Validated Text a -> Hygiene -> [ Html m b ]
invalid (Invalid err errs) Dirty = (\e -> H.div "invalid-feedback" [ text e ]) <$> err:errs
invalid _ _ = []
toHtmlName :: Text -> Text
toHtmlName = toLower . replace " " "-"
editForm :: (CRUDSpaceCraft m, MonadJSM m) => Maybe SpaceCraftId -> SpaceCraftUpdate 'Edit -> Html m (SpaceCraftUpdate 'Edit)
editForm mid ef = H.div_
[ intControl @SKU sku "SKU" errs ef
, textControl @Description description "Description" errs ef
, intControl @SerialNumber serial "Serial Number" errs ef
, selectControl @'One @Squadron squadron "Squadron" errs ef
, selectControl @'AtleastOne @Operable operable "Operable" errs ef
, H.div "d-flex flex-row justify-content-end"
[ H.button
[ H.onClick' (ef <$ navigate @SPA (RList mempty))
, H.class' "btn btn-secondary"
] [ "Cancel" ]
, H.button
[ H.onClick' $ case isValid of
Nothing -> return ef
Just up -> do
case mid of Nothing -> () <$ createSpaceCraft up
Just sid -> updateSpaceCraft sid up
ef <$ navigate @SPA (RList mempty)
, H.class' "btn btn-primary"
, H.disabled $ isNothing isValid
] [ "Save" ]
] where errs = validate ef
isValid = getValid errs
start :: (Monad m, CRUDSpaceCraft m) => Route -> m Frontend
start = \case
RList s -> MList . Roster (SortCol SKUT ASC) s <$> listSpaceCraft
REcho t -> return $ MEcho t
RNew -> return $ MDetail Nothing emptyEditForm
RExisting i -> do
mcraft <- getSpaceCraft i
return $ case mcraft of
Just craft -> MDetail (Just i) $ toEditForm craft
_ -> M404
tableCfg :: Table.Theme m [SpaceCraft]
tableCfg = mempty
{ tableProps = [ H.class' "table table-striped table-bordered" ]
, tdProps = \case
ToolsT -> [ H.width 1 ]
_ -> "align-middle"
fuzzy :: [SpaceCraft -> Text]
fuzzy = flip (^.) <$>
[ sku . to humanize
, description . to humanize
, serial . to humanize
, squadron . to humanize
, operable . to humanize
view :: (MonadJSM m, CRUDSpaceCraft m) => Frontend -> Html m Frontend
view fe = case fe of
MList r -> MList <$> H.div "container-fluid"
[ H.div "row justify-content-between align-items-center"
[ H.h2_ [ "Space Craft Roster" ]
, H.div [ H.class' "input-group"
, H.textProperty "style" ("width:300px" :: Text)
[ r <% search $ [ H.class' "form-control", H.placeholder "Search" ]
, H.div "input-group-append mr-3"
[ H.button [ H.onClick' (r <$ navigate @SPA RNew), H.class' "btn btn-primary" ] [ "Register" ]
, r <+ lensProduct table sort $ Table.viewWith tableCfg
(r ^. table . to (fuzzySearch fuzzy $ r ^. search . value))
(r ^. sort)
MDetail sid form -> MDetail sid <$> H.div "row"
[ H.div "col-sm-8 offset-sm-2"
[ H.h2_ [ text $ maybe "Register New Space Craft" (const "Edit Space Craft") sid
, editForm sid form
MEcho t -> H.div_
[ maybe (text "Erie silence") text t
, H.a [ H.onClick' (fe <$ navigate @SPA (RList $ Input Clean "")) ] [ "Go To Space Craft Roster" ]
M404 -> text "404"
template :: Frontend -> Html m a -> Html m a
template fe stage = H.html_
[ H.head_
[ H.rel "stylesheet"
, H.href ""
, H.meta [ H.charset "ISO-8859-1" ] []
, toHydration fe
, H.script [ H.src "/all.js" ] []
, H.body_
[ stage
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