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Methods for dealing with Non Gregorian Calendars in SAS
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proc fcmp; | |
function to_jalali(sasdate) $ 200; | |
y=year(sasdate)-1600; | |
m=month(sasdate)-1; | |
d=day(sasdate)-1; | |
gd=365*y+floor((y+3)/4)-floor((y+99)/100)+floor((y+399)/400); | |
array gmond[12] _temporary_ (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31); | |
do i=1 to m; | |
gd+gmond[i]; | |
end; | |
if m>1 and ((mod(y,4)=0 and mod(y,100)^=0) or (mod(y,400)=0)) then gd+1; | |
gd+d; | |
jd=gd-79; | |
jnp=floor(jd/12053); | |
jd=mod(jd,12053); | |
jy=979+33*jnp+4*floor(jd/1461); | |
jd=mod(jd,1461); | |
if jd>=366 then do; | |
jy+floor((jd-1)/365); | |
jd=mod(jd-1,365); | |
end; | |
array jmond[12] _temporary_ (31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29); | |
do i=1 by 1 while(i<12 and jd>=jmond[i]); | |
jd+-jmond[i]; | |
end; | |
jm=i; | |
jd=jd+1; | |
return (catx('-',jy,jm,jd)); | |
endsub; | |
function from_jalali(_jy, _jm, _jd); | |
jy = _jy-979; | |
jm = _jm-1; | |
jd = _jd-1; | |
jdn=365*jy+floor(jy/33)*8+floor((mod(jy,33)+3)/4); | |
array jmond[12] _temporary_ (31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29); | |
do i=1 to jm; | |
jdn+jmond[i]; | |
end; | |
jdn+jd; | |
gd=jdn+79; | |
gy=1600+400*floor(gd/146097); | |
gd=mod(gd,146097); | |
leap=1; | |
if gd>=36525 then do; | |
gd+-1; | |
gy+100*floor(gd/36524); | |
gd=mod(gd,36524); | |
if gd>=365 then gd+1; | |
else leap=0; | |
end; | |
gy+4*floor(gd/1461); | |
gd = mod(gd, 1461); | |
if gd>=366 then do; | |
leap=0; | |
gd+-1; | |
gy+floor(gd/365); | |
gd=mod(gd,365); | |
end; | |
array gmond[12] _temporary_ (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31); | |
do i=1 by 1 while(gd>=gmond[i]+(i=2 and leap)); | |
gd+-gmond[i]+(i=2 and leap); | |
end; | |
gm=i; | |
gd=gd+1; | |
return(mdy(gm,gd,gy)); | |
endsub; | |
length x $200; | |
x=to_jalali('27OCT2014'd); | |
put x=; | |
y=from_jalali(1393,8,5); | |
put y= date9.; | |
quit; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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%macro to_jalali(in, out); | |
%local lidx y m d gd gmond i jd jdn jy jm jmond; | |
%let lidx=&sysindex.; | |
%let y=__y&lidx.; | |
%let m=__m&lidx.; | |
%let d=__d&lidx.; | |
%let gd=__gd&lidx.; | |
%let gmond=__gmond&lidx.; | |
%let i=__i&lidx.; | |
%let jd=__jd&lidx.; | |
%let jdn=__jdn&lidx.; | |
%let jy=__jy&lidx.; | |
%let jm=__jm&lidx.; | |
%let jmond=__jmond&lidx.; | |
&y.=year(&in.)-1600; | |
&m.=month(&in.)-1; | |
&d.=day(&in.)-1; | |
&gd.=365*&y.+floor((&y.+3)/4)-floor((&y.+99)/100)+floor((&y.+399)/400); | |
array &gmond.[12] _temporary_ (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31); | |
do &i.=1 to &m.; | |
&gd.+&gmond.[&i.]; | |
end; | |
if &m.>1 and ((mod(&y.,4)=0 and mod(&y.,100)^=0) or (mod(&y.,400)=0)) then &gd.+1; | |
&gd.+&d.; | |
&jd.=&gd.-79; | |
&jdn.=floor(&jd./12053); | |
&jd.=mod(&jd.,12053); | |
&jy.=979+33*&jdn.+4*floor(&jd./1461); | |
&jd.=mod(&jd.,1461); | |
if &jd.>=366 then do; | |
&jy.+floor((&jd.-1)/365); | |
&jd.=mod(&jd.-1,365); | |
end; | |
array &jmond.[12] _temporary_ (31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29); | |
do &i.=1 by 1 while(&i.<12 and &jd.>=&jmond.[&i.]); | |
&jd.+-&jmond.[&i.]; | |
end; | |
&jm.=&i.; | |
&jd.=&jd.+1; | |
&out.=catx('-',&jy.,&jm.,&jd.); | |
drop &y. &m. &d. &gd. &i. &jd. &jdn. &jy. &jm.; | |
%mend; | |
%macro from_jalali(year, month, day, out); | |
%local lidx jy jm jd jdn jmond i gd gy gmond leap; | |
%let lidx=&sysindex.; | |
%let jy=__jy&lidx.; | |
%let jm=__jm&lidx.; | |
%let jd=__jd&lidx.; | |
%let jdn=__jdn&lidx.; | |
%let jmond=__jmond&lidx.; | |
%let i=__i&lidx.; | |
%let gd=__gd&lidx.; | |
%let gy=__gy&lidx.; | |
%let gm=__gm&lidx.; | |
%let leap=__leap&lidx.; | |
%let gmond=__gmond&lidx.; | |
&jy.=&year.-979; | |
&jm.=&month.-1; | |
&jd.=&day.-1; | |
&jdn.=365*&jy.+floor(&jy./33)*8+floor((mod(&jy.,33)+3)/4); | |
array &jmond.[12] _temporary_ (31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29); | |
do &i.=1 to &jm.; | |
&jdn.+&jmond.[&i.]; | |
end; | |
&jdn.+&jd.; | |
&gd.=&jdn.+79; | |
&gy.=1600+400*floor(&gd./146097); | |
&gd.=mod(&gd.,146097); | |
&leap.=1; | |
if &gd.>=36525 then do; | |
&gd.+-1; | |
&gy.+100*floor(&gd/36524); | |
&gd.=mod(&gd.,36524); | |
if &gd.>=365 then &gd.+1; | |
else &leap.=0; | |
end; | |
&gy.+4*floor(&gd./1461); | |
&gd. = mod(&gd., 1461); | |
if &gd.>=366 then do; | |
&leap.=0; | |
&gd.+-1; | |
&gy.+floor(&gd./365); | |
&gd.=mod(&gd.,365); | |
end; | |
array &gmond.[0:11] _temporary_ (31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,30, 31, 30, 31); | |
do &i.=0 to 11 by 1 while(&gd.>=&gmond.[&i.]+(&i.=2 and &leap.)); | |
&gd.+-&gmond.[&i.]+(&i.=2 and &leap.); | |
end; | |
&gm.=&i.+1; | |
&gd.=&gd.+1; | |
&out.=mdy(&gm.,&gd.,&gy.); | |
drop &jy. &jm. &jd. &jdn. &i. &gd. &gm. &gy. &leap.; | |
%mend; | |
data foo; | |
format from_jalali date9.; | |
array jmond[12] _temporary_ (31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 31, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 29); | |
do year=1393 to 1393; | |
do month=1 to 12; | |
do day=1 to jmond[month]; | |
if year=1393 and month=8 and day>5 then stop; | |
%from_jalali(year, month, day, from_jalali) | |
output; | |
end; | |
end; | |
end; | |
run; |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
proc fcmp outlib=work.func.kuwaiti; | |
subroutine _kuwaiti(sasdate, imDate[3]); | |
outargs imDate; | |
d=day(sasdate); | |
m=month(sasdate); | |
y=year(sasdate); | |
if (m<3) then do; | |
y+-1; | |
m++12; | |
end; | |
a=floor(y/100); | |
b=2-a+floor(a/4); | |
if (y<1583) then b=0; | |
else if (y=1582) then do; | |
if (m>10) then b=-10; | |
else if (m=10) then do; | |
b=0; | |
if (d>4) then b=-10; | |
end; | |
end; | |
jd=floor(365.25*(y+4716))+floor(30.6001*(m+1))+d+b-1524; | |
b=0; | |
if jd>2299160 then do; | |
a=floor((jd-1867216.25)/36524.25); | |
b=1+a-floor(a/4); | |
end; | |
bb=jd+b+1524; | |
cc=floor((bb-122.1)/365.25); | |
dd=floor(365.25*cc); | |
ee=floor((bb-dd)/30.6001); | |
day=(bb-dd)-floor(30.6001*ee); | |
month=ee-1; | |
if(ee>13) then do; | |
cc+1; | |
month=ee-13; | |
end; | |
year=cc-4716; | |
wd=mod((mod(jd+1,7)+7),7); | |
iyear = 10631/30; | |
epochastro = 1948084; | |
epochcivil = 1948085; /*alternate epoch*/ | |
shift1 = 8.01/60; | |
z = jd-epochastro; | |
cyc=floor(z/10631); | |
z=z-10631*cyc; | |
j=floor((z-shift1)/iyear); | |
iy=30*cyc+j; | |
z=z-floor(j*iyear+shift1); | |
im=floor((z+28.5001)/29.5); | |
if im=13 then im=12; | |
id=z-floor(29.5001*im-29); | |
imDate[1]=iy; /*islamic year*/ | |
imDate[2]=im; /*islamic month*/ | |
imDate[3]=id; /*islamic day of month*/ | |
endsub; | |
function kuwaitidate(sasdate) $ 200; | |
array iDate[3] / nosymbols; | |
array iMon[12] $ 14 _temporary_ ("Muharram","Safar","Rabi'ul Awwal","Rabi'ul Akhir", | |
"Jumadal Ula","Jumadal Akhira","Rajab","Sha'ban", | |
"Ramadan","Shawwal","Dhul Qa'ada","Dhul Hijja"); | |
call _kuwaiti(sasdate, iDate); | |
return (put(sasdate,downame.) || ', ' || strip(put(iDate[3],best.)) || ' ' || strip(iMon[iDate[2]]) || ' ' || strip(put(iDate[1],best.)) || ' AH'); | |
endsub; | |
/*example usage*/ | |
length x $2000; | |
x=kuwaitidate('27OCT2014'd); | |
put x=; | |
quit; | |
options cmplib=(work.func); | |
proc format; | |
value kuwaitidate other=[kuwaitidate()]; | |
run; | |
%put %sysfunc(today(), kuwaitidate.); | |
/* Monday, 4 Muharram 1436 AH */ |
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