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FriendsAtDawn /
Last active October 7, 2023 01:08
Numbers to spelling-words

I have previously attempted this with Lua, but was unsuccessful. I barely know how to do scripts. This is not one, it's just a little trick for newbies.

  1. Install num2words from Python.

  2. Load the shellesc package in LaTeX.

  3. Run the program, e.g. pdflatex with the --shell-escape flag. Example: pdflatex --shell-escape [other flags] "main".tex. Without it, LaTeX is not granted access to shell.

  4. Write something like this in the preamble:\newcommand{\nWords}[1]{\ShellEscape{num2words #1 -l is > #1.aux} \input{#1.aux}}. This produces a file nWords.aux in the main directory, you can delete it when delete all the aux files. I know there are other ways I left to your skills.

FriendsAtDawn / Nú
Last active August 1, 2023 22:16
Truco para novatos que quieren escribir montos en LaTex.

Numeros a letras en LaTex

He intentado antes con Lua, sin exito. No se hacer scripts. Este no es uno, es apenas un pequeño desvío para novatos.

Se necesita:

  1. Instalar num2words de Phyton.
  2. Cargar el paquete shellesc en LaTex.
  3. Correr el programa, digamos, pdflatex con el flag --shell-escape. Ejemplo: pdflatex --shell-escape [otros flags] "main".tex. Sin ello, LaTeX no tiene permiso.
  4. Escribir en el preambulo algo como: \newcommand{\letras}[1]{\ShellEscape{num2words #1 -l es > #1.aux} \input{#1.aux}}.

Keybase proof

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  • I am friendsatdawn on github.
  • I am villalba ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAMclivbcuzhSplvUAzJsSxXdntK0A7_pVPJNSg8xv8Ewo

To claim this, I am signing this object: