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Last active July 18, 2018 21:34
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Save Frozenfire92/58e6b06cb4afb6278cbde6fec93094b0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { observer, get, set, getWithDefault } from '@ember/object';
import { later } from '@ember/runloop';
export default Component.extend({
// Required:
// value - the currently selected option
// options - the available options,
// ['Canada', 'USA', 'Mexico']
// [{value: 'word-cloud', label: 'Word Cloud'}]
// Optional:
// disabled - boolean
// required - boolean
// multiple - boolean
// name - string
tagName: 'select',
attributeBindings: [
didReceiveAttrs() {
set(this, 'noDefault', (get(this, 'value') && !get(this, 'keys')) ? false : true);
didInsertElement() {
this.$().val(get(this, 'value') || '');
didRender() {
this.$().val(get(this, 'value'));
if (get(this, 'isUserRoles') && get(this, 'value') === '') {
set(this, 'value', get(this, 'originalRole'));
willDestroyElement() {
if (get(this, 'isUserRoles')) {
set(this, 'value', '');
// For when value changes
valueWatcher: observer('value', function() {
let propValue = get(this, 'value');
let elValue = this.$().val();
if (elValue !== propValue) {
// For when element changes
change() {
let oldValue = get(this, 'value');
let newValue = this.$().val();
if (oldValue !== newValue) {
set(this, 'value', newValue);
if (get(this, 'changeAction')) {
later(()=>get(this, 'changeAction')(), getWithDefault(this, 'changeDelay', 0));
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle',
dropdownOptions: ['thing', 'thing2'],
selectedOption: null
<h1>Welcome to {{appName}}</h1>
{{select-dropdown options=dropdownOptions value=selectedOption}}
{{#if noDefault}}
<option value=""></option>
{{#if keys}}
{{#each options as |option|}}
<option value="{{get option keys.[1]}}">{{get option keys.[0]}}</option>
{{#each options as |o|}}
{{#if o.label}}
<option value="{{o.value}}">{{o.label}}</option>
<option value="{{o}}">{{o}}</option>
"version": "0.15.0",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "release",
"ember-template-compiler": "release",
"ember-testing": "release"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "3.2.0"
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