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Created November 2, 2015 00:31
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(ns cea.buddy-token
"The token based authentication and authorization backends."
(:require [buddy.auth.protocols :as proto]
[buddy.auth.http :as http]
[buddy.auth :refer [authenticated?]]
[buddy.sign.jws :as jws]
[buddy.sign.jwe :as jwe]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(defn- handle-unauthorized-default
"A default response constructor for an unathorized request."
(if (authenticated? request)
{:status 403 :headers {} :body "Permission denied"}
{:status 401 :headers {} :body "Unauthorized"}))
(defn- parse-cookie-token-header
[request token-name]
(let [cookie (or (http/-get-header request "cookie") "")]
(or (re-find (re-pattern (str token-name "=(.+); ")) cookie)
(re-find (re-pattern (str token-name "=(.+)$")) cookie))
(s/replace #"; " ""))))
(defn jws-in-cookies-backend
"Create an instance of the jws (json web signature)
based authentication backend.
This backends also implements authorization workflow
with some defaults. This means that you can provide
own unauthorized-handler hook if the default not
satisfies you."
[{:keys [secret unauthorized-handler options token-name on-error]
:or {token-name "token"}}]
(-parse [_ request]
(let [token (parse-cookie-token-header request token-name)]
(-authenticate [_ request data]
(jws/unsign data secret options)
(catch clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo e
(let [data (ex-data e)]
(when (fn? on-error)
(on-error request e))
(-handle-unauthorized [_ request metadata]
(if unauthorized-handler
(unauthorized-handler request metadata)
(handle-unauthorized-default request)))))
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