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[2020-10-04 17:54:42.994 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"AddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully
[2020-10-04 17:54:42.995 +02:00] [INF] Applying migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"'
[2020-10-04 17:54:42.995 +02:00] [INF] Migration '"ReaddDefaultPluginRepository"' applied successfully
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.002 +02:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on all interfaces
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.077 +02:00] [WRN] No XML encryptor configured. Key {9783f246-e45b-4479-b6e7-13b769196985} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.108 +02:00] [INF] Running startup tasks
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.119 +02:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 10/05/2020 02:00, which is 8:05:16.8806705 from now.
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.141 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "4.3.1"
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.162 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "mp3"]
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.173 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "aac", "ac3", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "libvorbis", "srt"]
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.182 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["vdpau", "cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl"]
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.182 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: SetByArgument: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.184 +02:00] [INF] ServerId: "44c566abb43f4f7c9f49b290a2fa1d9e"
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.477 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.518 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.554 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.577 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.606 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.633 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.657 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.681 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.708 +02:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.5145217
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.708 +02:00] [INF] Core startup complete
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.871 +02:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1637729
[2020-10-04 17:54:43.872 +02:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:02.9424007
[2020-10-04 17:54:46.125 +02:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins"
[2020-10-04 17:54:46.129 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "PluginUpdateTask"
[2020-10-04 17:54:46.140 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins"
[2020-10-04 17:54:46.828 +02:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 17:54:46.896 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 17:55:59.184 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 17:55:59.186 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:55:59.199 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 17:55:59.249 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL: ""
System.ArgumentException: User Id specified in the query does not exist. (Parameter 'query')
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.UserViewManager.GetUserViews(UserViewQuery query)
at MediaBrowser.Api.UserLibrary.UserViewsService.Get(GetUserViews request)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.Execute(Type serviceType, IRequest request, Object instance, Object requestDto, String requestName)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.Execute(HttpListenerHost httpHost, Object requestDto, IRequest req)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost httpHost, IRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IHttpRequest httpReq, String urlString, String host, String localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.273 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.288 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.312 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.313 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.314 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.361 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:56:03.374 +02:00] [WRN] No users, creating one with username "jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 17:56:09.945 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:58:40.691 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.0650242. ""
[2020-10-04 17:58:55.995 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:58:56.012 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 17:58:56.015 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 17:58:56.033 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL: ""
System.ArgumentException: User Id specified in the query does not exist. (Parameter 'query')
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.UserViewManager.GetUserViews(UserViewQuery query)
at MediaBrowser.Api.UserLibrary.UserViewsService.Get(GetUserViews request)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.Execute(Type serviceType, IRequest request, Object instance, Object requestDto, String requestName)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.Execute(HttpListenerHost httpHost, Object requestDto, IRequest req)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost httpHost, IRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IHttpRequest httpReq, String urlString, String host, String localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 17:59:00.863 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:59:00.883 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:59:00.886 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 17:59:00.886 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 17:59:00.925 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 17:59:04.078 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:00:42.685 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.007364. ""
[2020-10-04 18:01:31.252 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:05.1378641. ""
[2020-10-04 18:01:31.253 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.972729. ""
[2020-10-04 18:02:18.457 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.0067931. ""
[2020-10-04 18:02:43.314 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:04.8634398. ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:32.620 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.0046031. ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:33.933 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:03:38.458 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:03:38.484 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:03:38.486 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 18:03:38.487 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:03:42.000 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:03:42.010 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 18:03:42.011 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.277 +02:00] [INF] "CustomAuthentication" was not authenticated. Failure message: "Invalid user"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.281 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.284 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.291 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "RefreshMediaLibraryTask"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.292 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.299 +02:00] [INF] Validating media library
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.780 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "f27caa37e5142225cceded48f6553502"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.790 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.844 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 18:03:43.854 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.261 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.304 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.304 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.325 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.325 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.346 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.346 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.366 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.366 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.395 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.395 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.426 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.426 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.587 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.588 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.588 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.588 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.602 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.603 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.605 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL: ""
System.ArgumentException: User Id specified in the query does not exist. (Parameter 'query')
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.UserViewManager.GetUserViews(UserViewQuery query)
at MediaBrowser.Api.UserLibrary.UserViewsService.Get(GetUserViews request)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.Execute(Type serviceType, IRequest request, Object instance, Object requestDto, String requestName)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.Execute(HttpListenerHost httpHost, Object requestDto, IRequest req)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost httpHost, IRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IHttpRequest httpReq, String urlString, String host, String localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.628 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.629 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.648 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.648 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.668 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.668 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.697 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.697 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.699 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.699 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.736 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.737 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.762 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.763 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.802 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.802 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.836 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.836 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.885 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.885 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.905 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.905 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.926 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.926 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.955 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.955 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.982 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 18:03:44.982 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.007 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.008 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.065 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.065 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.087 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.087 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.108 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.108 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.144 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.144 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.164 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.164 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.186 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.187 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.224 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.224 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.224 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.250 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.308 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.336 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.336 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.367 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.388 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.389 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.389 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.389 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.390 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.390 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.390 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.415 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.448 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.450 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.450 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.452 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.452 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.452 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.452 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.467 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.498 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.520 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.544 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.544 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.544 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.563 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.600 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.601 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.601 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.643 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.643 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.662 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.690 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.690 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.690 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.709 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.746 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.746 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.771 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.771 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.771 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.797 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.822 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.823 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.823 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.848 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.887 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.887 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.916 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.916 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.941 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.941 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.966 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.966 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 18:03:45.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 18:03:46.012 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 18:03:46.019 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 18:03:47.794 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "roy" has succeeded.
[2020-10-04 18:03:47.797 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user 0a8b49f2-09f5-4041-812c-ff5570d96823
[2020-10-04 18:03:47.962 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:03:47.963 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.133 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E18.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.406 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E18.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.409 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: dfea1723-a845-3760-529a-594a822a61e2
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.432 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E18.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.494 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E10.PROPER.1080p.WEB.x264-ASCENDANCE[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.616 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Better.Call.Saul.S05E10.PROPER.1080p.WEB.x264-ASCENDANCE[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.616 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 6cd9ff80-53ab-b34c-bee3-44caa9b6e2df
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.636 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 5" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E10.PROPER.1080p.WEB.x264-ASCENDANCE[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.717 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S08E15.Go.Tina.on.the.Mountain.REPACK.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-SiGMA[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.896 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S08E15.Go.Tina.on.the.Mountain.REPACK.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-SiGMA[rarbg]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.896 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 0a9329b8-aabc-96f4-afba-1df004bc49a4
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.914 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 8" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S08E15.Go.Tina.on.the.Mountain.REPACK.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x264-SiGMA[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:50.982 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E19.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.159 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E19.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.159 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 64a2a94a-fb65-207f-8c68-40d9027bc572
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.183 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E19.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.578 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E07.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.736 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Better.Call.Saul.S05E07.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.736 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: f11b3db9-0727-d108-71f7-b3190b3e2289
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.752 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 5" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E07.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:51.839 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Twin Peaks Season 3 Complete 720p HDTV x264 [i_c]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.186 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Twin Peaks Season 3 Complete 720p HDTV x264 [i_c]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.186 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 5e9db952-73c2-56df-4e85-e2ad010649c4
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.192 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 3" entry for "Twin Peaks Season 3 Complete 720p HDTV x264 [i_c]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.268 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E11.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.288 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.382 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.382 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 0d00d238-5050-bb25-c4a3-1019b487c9b2
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.386 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 5" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E08.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.400 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E22.1080p.WEB.H264-ALiGN[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.466 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E22.1080p.WEB.H264-ALiGN[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.466 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 619abe12-bd6e-57f0-6dde-7183c27c58c2
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.471 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E22.1080p.WEB.H264-ALiGN[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:53.495 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) (Season 1) (BD 1080p)(HEVC x265 10bit)(Dual-Audio)(Eng-Subs)-Judas[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:54.641 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) (Season 1) (BD 1080p)(HEVC x265 10bit)(Dual-Audio)(Eng-Subs)-Judas[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:54.641 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 1d24f9fa-0a21-2e38-bfaf-2cb438de1891
[2020-10-04 18:03:54.648 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 1" entry for "Yakusoku no Neverland (The Promised Neverland) (Season 1) (BD 1080p)(HEVC x265 10bit)(Dual-Audio)(Eng-Subs)-Judas[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:54.836 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bob's Burgers"
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.764 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bob's Burgers" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.764 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 46543c02-ea39-1013-dd37-c4ac0e4ed1ca
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.772 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 9" entry for "Bob's Burgers"
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.865 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E09.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.936 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Better.Call.Saul.S05E09.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.936 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 467e9f37-b738-eddd-4632-b131bfee0727
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.942 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 5" entry for "Better.Call.Saul.S05E09.1080p.WEB.H264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:56.958 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Twin Peaks (1990) Season 3 S03 + Extras (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)"
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.052 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.145 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.241 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.336 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.426 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.517 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.528 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Twin Peaks (1990) Season 3 S03 + Extras (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.528 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: bc03d800-8a27-3aac-9ece-18cfd106607d
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.532 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 3" entry for "Twin Peaks (1990) Season 3 S03 + Extras (1080p BluRay x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 RCVR)"
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.547 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E17.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.631 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E17.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.631 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: b29006f2-8af2-3d88-687b-ae1d3b2abdef
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.635 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E17.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:57.688 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.02.S02.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA"
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.908 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.02.S02.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.909 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 5ae79a70-0ae9-630d-c5e9-62a041e95552
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.917 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 2" entry for "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.02.S02.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA"
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.936 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E20.1080p.WEB.X264-ALiGN[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.999 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E20.1080p.WEB.X264-ALiGN[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:58.999 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: adf5d5cf-4ed1-119c-91c6-4ffd8c6faf69
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.003 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E20.1080p.WEB.X264-ALiGN[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.020 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E21.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.079 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E21.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.079 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 104a94e9-40c5-e9ef-92c4-311d6c001446
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.083 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E21.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.111 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.01.S01.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.555 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.01.S01.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.555 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 42dfff17-5d4a-2f7a-5d9c-5b08a79dfa25
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.560 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 1" entry for "Twin.Peaks.SEASON.01.S01.COMPLETE.1080p.10bit.BluRay.6CH.x265.HEVC-PSA"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.575 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E16.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.639 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E16.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[rarbg]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.640 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 35dd4dae-f82c-78b8-5bb2-8d9b3da7c369
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.644 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E16.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.662 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E15.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.706 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.706 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.738 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E15.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.738 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 43e53d5e-0006-729d-8938-912ce057927e
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.743 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E15.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:03:59.806 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bob's Burgers (2011) Season 8 S08 (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 ImE)"
[2020-10-04 18:04:00.989 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bob's Burgers (2011) Season 8 S08 (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 ImE)" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:00.989 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 753a90b4-010d-3ae7-5847-555aec4c4752
[2020-10-04 18:04:00.996 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 8" entry for "Bob's Burgers (2011) Season 8 S08 (1080p AMZN WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 5.1 ImE)"
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.014 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S08E16.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.076 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S08E16.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[rarbg]" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.076 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 96b4d334-a332-35c4-afe9-fa893ab4b319
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.080 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 8" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S08E16.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[rarbg]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.096 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E14.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.163 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E14.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.163 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: f7177d9e-8625-87bb-2a82-2a3dc8e8b5bb
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.167 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E14.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:01.217 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "[Hakata Ramen] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) {Season 1} [1080p][HEVC][10bit][Opus][Multi-Subs](Doc_Ramen)"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.120 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "[Hakata Ramen] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) {Season 1} [1080p][HEVC][10bit][Opus][Multi-Subs](Doc_Ramen)" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.120 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 8895bd42-f60f-ca65-c6cf-bdd3ec0034ac
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.128 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 1" entry for "[Hakata Ramen] Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer) {Season 1} [1080p][HEVC][10bit][Opus][Multi-Subs](Doc_Ramen)"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.147 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E10.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.216 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E10.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.216 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 6a2a437b-46f0-0416-3d73-b1cc78d44438
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.221 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E10.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.237 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E12.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.303 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Bobs.Burgers.S10E12.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]" null
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.303 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: 1746ef8b-779f-df8a-d0b3-18ec04e05791
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.307 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E12.1080p.WEB.x264-XLF[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:03.381 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 10" entry for "Bobs.Burgers.S10E02.1080p.WEB.x264-TBS[TGx]"
[2020-10-04 18:04:09.449 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Threads" (1984)
[2020-10-04 18:04:17.428 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:04:17.428 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:04:23.575 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "A Clockwork Orange" (1971)
[2020-10-04 18:04:28.750 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:04:28.751 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:04:38.471 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mulholland Drive" (2001)
[2020-10-04 18:04:40.471 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:04:40.471 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:04:46.634 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:04:46.634 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:05:11.583 +02:00] [ERR] ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:05:11.583 +02:00] [ERR] I-frame image extraction failed, will attempt standard way. Input: "file:\"/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv\""
System.Exception: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv"
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.ExtractImageInternal(String inputPath, String container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 imageStreamIndex, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, Boolean useIFrame, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.ExtractImage(String[] inputFiles, String container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 imageStreamIndex, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:05:11.932 +02:00] [ERR] ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:05:11.932 +02:00] [ERR] Error extracting chapter images for "/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv"
System.Exception: ffmpeg image extraction failed for file:"/mnt/king1/Films/Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior (1981).mkv"
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.ExtractImageInternal(String inputPath, String container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 imageStreamIndex, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, Boolean useIFrame, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.ExtractImage(String[] inputFiles, String container, MediaStream videoStream, Nullable`1 imageStreamIndex, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 threedFormat, Nullable`1 offset, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.MediaEncoder.EncodingManager.RefreshChapterImages(Video video, IDirectoryService directoryService, IReadOnlyList`1 chapters, Boolean extractImages, Boolean saveChapters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:05:11.980 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mad Max 2 Il The Road Warrior" (1981)
[2020-10-04 18:05:15.720 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mad Max 1 Interceptor" (1979)
[2020-10-04 18:05:24.391 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Dead Zone" (1983)
[2020-10-04 18:05:35.541 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Boondock Saints Director s Cut" (1999)
[2020-10-04 18:05:37.804 +02:00] [INF] Saving system configuration
[2020-10-04 18:05:37.805 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:05:39.249 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mad Max 1 Interceptor" (1979)
[2020-10-04 18:05:39.360 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:05:39.360 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:05:53.079 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mad Max 2 Il guerriero della strada The Road Warrior" (1981)
[2020-10-04 18:05:58.864 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Mad Max 3 Oltre la sfera del tuono Beyond Thunderdome" (1985)
[2020-10-04 18:06:06.668 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Salesman" (2016)
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.244 +02:00] [INF] Attempting to update encoder path to "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg". pathType: "Custom"
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.256 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "4.3.1"
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.270 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "mp3"]
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.287 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "aac", "ac3", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "libvorbis", "srt"]
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.297 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["vdpau", "cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl"]
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.297 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: Custom: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"
[2020-10-04 18:06:11.588 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Rubber" (2010)
[2020-10-04 18:06:19.080 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Office Space" (1999)
[2020-10-04 18:06:32.885 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug" (2013)
[2020-10-04 18:06:35.420 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:06:35.423 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request. URL: ""
System.ArgumentException: User Id specified in the query does not exist. (Parameter 'query')
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Library.UserViewManager.GetUserViews(UserViewQuery query)
at MediaBrowser.Api.UserLibrary.UserViewsService.Get(GetUserViews request)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceExecGeneral.Execute(Type serviceType, IRequest request, Object instance, Object requestDto, String requestName)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceController.Execute(HttpListenerHost httpHost, Object requestDto, IRequest req)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.Services.ServiceHandler.ProcessRequestAsync(HttpListenerHost httpHost, IRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes, ILogger logger, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost.RequestHandler(IHttpRequest httpReq, String urlString, String host, String localPath, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:06:35.426 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Access token is invalid or expired". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:06:37.458 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "roy" has succeeded.
[2020-10-04 18:06:37.459 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user 0a8b49f2-09f5-4041-812c-ff5570d96823
[2020-10-04 18:06:37.526 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:06:37.526 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:06:42.238 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "ETRG" (null)
[2020-10-04 18:06:43.419 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:06:43.419 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:06:52.382 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:06:52.383 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:06:53.637 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Hobbit An Unexpected Journey" (2012)
[2020-10-04 18:06:57.935 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "ETRG" (null)
[2020-10-04 18:07:05.800 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Parasite" (2019)
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.041 +02:00] [INF] Received a SIGTERM signal, shutting down
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.046 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "CoreAppHost"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.047 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ActivityLogWebSocketListener"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.050 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "SessionInfoWebSocketListener"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.054 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ScheduledTasksWebSocketListener"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.055 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "SessionWebSocketListener"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.057 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EmbyTV"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.059 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ApiEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.059 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ServerEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.060 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.060 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryMonitorStartup"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.060 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ExternalPortForwarding"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.060 +02:00] [INF] Stopping NAT discovery
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.060 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "LibraryChangedNotifier"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.062 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "RecordingNotifier"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.063 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ServerEventNotifier"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.066 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "StartupWizard"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.066 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UdpServerEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.067 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "UserDataChangeNotifier"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.068 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "ActivityLogEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.070 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DlnaEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.071 +02:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpDevicePublisher
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.181 +02:00] [INF] Disposing PlayToManager
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.182 +02:00] [INF] Disposing DeviceDiscovery
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.184 +02:00] [INF] Disposing SsdpCommunicationsServer
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.185 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing _BroadcastListenSocket
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.188 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" Disposing 10 sendSockets
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.189 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.189 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.189 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.189 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] "SsdpCommunicationsServer" disposing sendSocket from ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.190 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "NotificationEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.192 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "EntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.193 +02:00] [INF] Disposing "DeviceAccessEntryPoint"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.535 +02:00] [INF] Jellyfin version: "10.6.4"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.554 +02:00] [INF] Environment Variables: ["[JELLYFIN_CACHE_DIR, /var/cache/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_CONFIG_DIR, /etc/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_USER, jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_LOG_DIR, /var/log/jellyfin]", "[JELLYFIN_ARGS, $JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT $JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT $JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT $JELLYFIN_SERVICE_OPT $JELLYFIN_NOWEBAPP_OPT]", "[JELLYFIN_FFMPEG_OPT, --ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg]", "[JELLYFIN_RESTART_OPT, --restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/]", "[JELLYFIN_WEB_OPT, --webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web]", "[JELLYFIN_DATA_DIR, /var/lib/jellyfin]"]
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.556 +02:00] [INF] Arguments: ["/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/jellyfin.dll", "--webdir=/usr/share/jellyfin/web", "--restartpath=/usr/lib/jellyfin/", "--ffmpeg=/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg", ""]
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.557 +02:00] [INF] Operating system: "Linux"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.557 +02:00] [INF] Architecture: X64
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] 64-Bit Process: True
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] User Interactive: True
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] Processor count: 8
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] Program data path: "/var/lib/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] Web resources path: "/usr/share/jellyfin/web"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.558 +02:00] [INF] Application directory: "/usr/lib/jellyfin/bin/"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.688 +02:00] [INF] Setting cache path: "/var/cache/jellyfin"
[2020-10-04 18:07:07.694 +02:00] [INF] Loading assemblies
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.005 +02:00] [INF] Kestrel listening on all interfaces
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.094 +02:00] [INF] Running startup tasks
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.105 +02:00] [INF] Daily trigger for "Extract Chapter Images" set to fire at 10/05/2020 02:00, which is 7:52:50.8943955 from now.
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.162 +02:00] [INF] Found ffmpeg version "4.3.1"
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.186 +02:00] [INF] Available "decoders": ["h264", "h264_qsv", "h264_cuvid", "hevc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_cuvid", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2_qsv", "mpeg2_cuvid", "mpeg4", "mpeg4_cuvid", "msmpeg4", "vc1_qsv", "vc1_cuvid", "vp8_cuvid", "vp8_qsv", "vp9_cuvid", "vp9_qsv", "aac", "ac3", "mp3"]
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.196 +02:00] [INF] Available "encoders": ["libx264", "h264_amf", "h264_nvenc", "h264_qsv", "h264_v4l2m2m", "h264_vaapi", "libx265", "hevc_amf", "hevc_nvenc", "hevc_qsv", "hevc_vaapi", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4", "aac", "ac3", "libmp3lame", "libopus", "libvorbis", "srt"]
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.205 +02:00] [INF] Available hwaccel types: ["vdpau", "cuda", "vaapi", "qsv", "drm", "opencl"]
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.205 +02:00] [INF] FFmpeg: Custom: "/usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg"
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.207 +02:00] [INF] ServerId: "44c566abb43f4f7c9f49b290a2fa1d9e"
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.464 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.508 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.532 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.557 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.580 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.602 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.625 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.648 +02:00] [INF] Registering publisher for "urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1" on ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.675 +02:00] [INF] Executed all pre-startup entry points in 0:00:00.4596448
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.675 +02:00] [INF] Core startup complete
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.816 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Ebooks
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.816 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Series
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.817 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/downloads
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.819 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Films
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.825 +02:00] [INF] Executed all post-startup entry points in 0:00:00.1499083
[2020-10-04 18:07:09.825 +02:00] [INF] Startup complete 0:00:02.4182953
[2020-10-04 18:07:12.140 +02:00] [INF] "StartupTrigger" fired for task: "Update Plugins"
[2020-10-04 18:07:12.141 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "PluginUpdateTask"
[2020-10-04 18:07:12.144 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Update Plugins"
[2020-10-04 18:07:12.866 +02:00] [INF] "Update Plugins" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 18:07:13.265 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 18:07:13.807 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:07:13.810 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:15.548 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/controllers/home.js"
[2020-10-04 18:07:15.551 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:42.201 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:07:42.202 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:49.463 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:07:49.463 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:07:50.556 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:07:50.557 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.417 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.421 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/downloads"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.422 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Ebooks"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.422 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Films"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.422 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Series"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.424 +02:00] [INF] Validating media library
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.723 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "f27caa37e5142225cceded48f6553502"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.731 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.761 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 18:08:18.770 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.010 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.012 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.012 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.013 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.013 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.014 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.014 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.015 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.015 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.016 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.016 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.019 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.019 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.091 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.091 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.091 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.091 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.120 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.120 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.121 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.121 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.122 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.122 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.125 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.125 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.127 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.127 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.137 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.137 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.138 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.138 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.140 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.140 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.141 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.141 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.145 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.146 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.146 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.146 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.147 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.147 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.150 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.150 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.151 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.151 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.151 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.151 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.156 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.156 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.157 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.157 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.158 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.158 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.163 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.164 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.164 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.164 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.165 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.165 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.166 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.167 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.167 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.167 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.179 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.206 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.213 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.213 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.219 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.221 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.222 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.224 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.226 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.227 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.235 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.244 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.246 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.249 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.249 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.249 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.249 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.253 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.253 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.253 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.256 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.257 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.257 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.260 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.260 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.260 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.261 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.263 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.263 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.264 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.264 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.264 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.264 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.265 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.265 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.265 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.269 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.271 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.272 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.275 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.275 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.277 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.277 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.280 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.280 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.283 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.283 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.283 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.290 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 18:08:19.294 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 18:08:26.709 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Parasite" (2019)
[2020-10-04 18:08:44.674 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Days of Heaven" (1978)
[2020-10-04 18:08:54.563 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Pulp Fiction" (1994)
[2020-10-04 18:09:06.474 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Gummo" (1997)
[2020-10-04 18:09:08.462 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies" (2014)
[2020-10-04 18:09:20.210 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "The Grand Budapest Hotel" (2014)
[2020-10-04 18:09:35.914 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:09:35.914 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:10:41.439 +02:00] [INF] TmdbSearch: Finding id for item: "Twin Peaks" (null)
[2020-10-04 18:10:42.270 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season Unknown" entry for "Twin Peaks"
[2020-10-04 18:12:37.505 +02:00] [INF] Removing virtual season "Twin Peaks" null
[2020-10-04 18:12:37.509 +02:00] [INF] Removing item, Type: "Season", Name: "Season Unknown", Path: "", Id: d95a73bd-e9f5-31c2-0dbd-39bcac7452b3
[2020-10-04 18:12:37.536 +02:00] [INF] Creating Season "Season 2" entry for "Twin Peaks"
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.089 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.183 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.272 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.361 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.448 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.512 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.600 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:40.681 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:43.392 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:48.155 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:12:50.612 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:15:00.544 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "f27caa37e5142225cceded48f6553502"
[2020-10-04 18:15:00.589 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/5f1f6f402cce48c597a628944af0ee7a.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:00.917 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/5f1f6f402cce48c597a628944af0ee7a.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:01.002 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cd3b0ed18ece4540805d635eca79a266.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:01.350 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cd3b0ed18ece4540805d635eca79a266.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:01.436 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cb2149bf19f842a5bf60612404ca97fb.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:01.621 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cb2149bf19f842a5bf60612404ca97fb.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:01.701 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/01b629b1473d4e5abe1d43762e10b6ff.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.086 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/01b629b1473d4e5abe1d43762e10b6ff.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.168 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cbbb430b1ac54df6a8acd4df03968540.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.447 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/cbbb430b1ac54df6a8acd4df03968540.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.533 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f26aa7e434e44d7fa4a969707ea6bb8b.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.747 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/f26aa7e434e44d7fa4a969707ea6bb8b.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:02.830 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/75812d93a9da40969a26ac0663d4bd56.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.186 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/75812d93a9da40969a26ac0663d4bd56.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.267 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/6c933dbb714e4424a0c16966a51abdd1.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.399 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/6c933dbb714e4424a0c16966a51abdd1.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.473 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/19097bbeb39742ee936dc29db12f3968.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.658 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/19097bbeb39742ee936dc29db12f3968.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:03.739 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/fc330158b7f54c31bd2bf9459705f6a1.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.015 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/fc330158b7f54c31bd2bf9459705f6a1.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.102 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2d79456e057d4fc582c46cccf8165d9d.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.337 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2d79456e057d4fc582c46cccf8165d9d.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.417 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/538e5c6e2eaa46d58924fdb0c2b09d2b.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.638 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/538e5c6e2eaa46d58924fdb0c2b09d2b.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.716 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/88847d9a69f04f1bb9d8d586a75cf0c7.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.859 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/88847d9a69f04f1bb9d8d586a75cf0c7.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:04.941 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/342db480445a4d838bba93477bf0d8e8.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:05.147 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/342db480445a4d838bba93477bf0d8e8.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:05.226 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2766a5e260e94f7eacd3dac784477170.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:05.434 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/2766a5e260e94f7eacd3dac784477170.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:05.513 +02:00] [INF] Creating image collage and saving to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/6f0d396a08da415ab49400da5f0f111d.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:05.701 +02:00] [INF] Completed creation of image collage and saved to "/var/cache/jellyfin/temp/6f0d396a08da415ab49400da5f0f111d.png"
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.197 +02:00] [INF] "Scan Media Library" Completed after 7 minute(s) and 1 seconds
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.202 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Ebooks
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.208 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Series
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.217 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Films
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.218 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 18:15:20.246 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/downloads
[2020-10-04 18:16:22.611 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:16:22.612 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:16:22.728 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Extract Chapter Images"
[2020-10-04 18:16:22.798 +02:00] [INF] "Extract Chapter Images" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 18:16:22.803 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 18:18:23.448 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh People"
[2020-10-04 18:18:33.790 +02:00] [INF] People validation complete
[2020-10-04 18:18:33.790 +02:00] [INF] "Refresh People" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 10 seconds
[2020-10-04 18:18:33.801 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 18:19:36.592 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Download missing subtitles"
[2020-10-04 18:19:36.597 +02:00] [INF] "Download missing subtitles" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 18:19:36.603 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 18:19:44.828 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:19:44.828 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:19:46.039 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:19:46.039 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:19:47.677 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:19:47.678 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.567 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.633 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.841 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.852 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.859 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.878 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.879 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.879 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:20:01.879 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:20:02.309 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 357254809 -maxrate 357254809 -bufsize 714509618 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/9bb847061c534d9c03d74aa8c79a39c6/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/9bb847061c534d9c03d74aa8c79a39c6.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/9bb847061c534d9c03d74aa8c79a39c6%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:20:02.324 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:21:26.312 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:21:26.313 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:22:07.626 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:22:07.626 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.562 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.592 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.823 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.823 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.823 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.824 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.824 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.825 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:22:10.825 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:22:11.170 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E02 The Idea of North (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 381626182 -maxrate 381626182 -bufsize 763252364 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/cfe0457c88b3606994b7c4521801dce8/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/cfe0457c88b3606994b7c4521801dce8.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/cfe0457c88b3606994b7c4521801dce8%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:22:11.190 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:23:49.681 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:23:49.682 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:11.913 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:24:11.914 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:24.565 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:24:24.565 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:26.284 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:24:26.285 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:46.260 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:24:46.260 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:48.590 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:24:48.612 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:24:48.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Films/A Clockwork Orange (1971).mp4", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:24:48.616 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Films/A Clockwork Orange (1971).mp4", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:24:48.616 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Films/A Clockwork Orange (1971).mp4", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:24:54.011 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "The operation was canceled". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:54.011 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 206 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:05.0803525. ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:58.007 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "The operation was canceled". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:24:58.008 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 206 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:03.8844648. ""
[2020-10-04 18:25:00.691 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "A Clockwork Orange". Stopped at "476216" ms
[2020-10-04 18:25:00.701 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "The operation was canceled". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:25:00.701 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 206 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:02.6552308. ""
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.954 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:10.964 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:11.447 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:25:11.449 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 copy -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 6 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:11.972 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:00.5652106. ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=310919111&AudioBitrate=192000&PlaySessionId=5b8c42682db64d269d3d7e7752b0167f&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=1bfdf668fdb83d06d364d84f0c33dfa8&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:25:15.909 +02:00] [INF] Stopping ffmpeg process with q command for "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:15.956 +02:00] [INF] FFMpeg exited with code 0
[2020-10-04 18:25:15.957 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:25:15.957 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -ss 00:06:12.000 -fflags +genpts -noaccurate_seek -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Call the Midwife/Season 8/Call the Midwife - S08E08 - Episode 8 WEBDL-720p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 copy -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 6 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 62 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:18.041 +02:00] [INF] Stopping ffmpeg process with q command for "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:18.085 +02:00] [INF] FFMpeg exited with code 0
[2020-10-04 18:25:18.086 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/854857b9d8dabb8e48f1138a61e4f261.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:19.602 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "Episode 8". Stopped at "382211" ms
[2020-10-04 18:25:19.653 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.6167774. ""
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.600 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:21.612 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:22.086 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:25:22.086 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -fflags +genpts -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 copy -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 384000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 6 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:22.602 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:00.5490334. ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=310727111&AudioBitrate=384000&PlaySessionId=01965c10dee2446cbcd38ff8df144bfd&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=58ed65613292f675682d55e6c593cb71&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:25:25.339 +02:00] [INF] Stopping ffmpeg process with q command for "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:25.429 +02:00] [INF] FFMpeg exited with code 0
[2020-10-04 18:25:25.429 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:25:25.430 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -ss 00:08:12.000 -fflags +genpts -noaccurate_seek -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Better Call Saul/Season 1/Better Call Saul - S01E01 - Uno HDTV-720p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 copy -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 384000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 6 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 82 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:25.944 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 200 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:00.6135322. ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=310727111&AudioBitrate=384000&PlaySessionId=01965c10dee2446cbcd38ff8df144bfd&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=58ed65613292f675682d55e6c593cb71&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:25:28.178 +02:00] [INF] Stopping ffmpeg process with q command for "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:28.280 +02:00] [INF] FFMpeg exited with code 0
[2020-10-04 18:25:28.281 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bd4f8b5f64d358176975413e4e55ec2.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.797 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "Uno". Stopped at "496702" ms
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.842 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.6683173. ""
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.912 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.944 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:25:29.958 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:25:30.274 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 310919111 -maxrate 310919111 -bufsize 621838222 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/28d8af7b61a869a2b550f1b11238aa2e/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/28d8af7b61a869a2b550f1b11238aa2e.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/28d8af7b61a869a2b550f1b11238aa2e%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:25:30.292 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:26:42.139 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:26:42.139 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:27:44.503 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "roy" has succeeded.
[2020-10-04 18:27:44.505 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user 0a8b49f2-09f5-4041-812c-ff5570d96823
[2020-10-04 18:27:44.698 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:27:44.698 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.411 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.472 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.493 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.493 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.493 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.493 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.493 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.494 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.494 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.876 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 310919111 -maxrate 310919111 -bufsize 621838222 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/4753c98183c2fbe99f5cc4eb398e1b96/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/4753c98183c2fbe99f5cc4eb398e1b96.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/4753c98183c2fbe99f5cc4eb398e1b96%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:27:54.891 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:29:07.841 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:29:07.842 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:29:36.799 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:29:36.799 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:29:41.926 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "roy" has succeeded.
[2020-10-04 18:29:41.927 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user 0a8b49f2-09f5-4041-812c-ff5570d96823
[2020-10-04 18:29:42.163 +02:00] [INF] WS "::ffff:" request
[2020-10-04 18:29:45.929 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:29:45.982 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.014 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.014 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.014 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.014 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.015 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.015 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.015 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.414 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 139808000 -maxrate 139808000 -bufsize 279616000 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/684f12fb4bea96cacca363dda0862ae1/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/684f12fb4bea96cacca363dda0862ae1.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/684f12fb4bea96cacca363dda0862ae1%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:29:46.430 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:33:11.885 +02:00] [INF] WS "::ffff:" closed
[2020-10-04 18:34:23.097 +02:00] [INF] Authentication request for "roy" has succeeded.
[2020-10-04 18:34:23.099 +02:00] [INF] Creating new access token for user 0a8b49f2-09f5-4041-812c-ff5570d96823
[2020-10-04 18:34:23.283 +02:00] [INF] WS "::ffff:" request
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.254 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.280 +02:00] [ERR] Error in "ffprobe"
System.Exception: ffprobe failed - streams and format are both null.
at MediaBrowser.MediaEncoding.Encoder.MediaEncoder.GetMediaInfoInternal(String inputPath, String primaryPath, MediaProtocol protocol, Boolean extractChapters, String probeSizeArgument, Boolean isAudio, Nullable`1 videoType, Boolean forceEnableLogging, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.MediaInfo.FFProbeVideoInfo.ProbeVideo[T](T item, MetadataRefreshOptions options, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at MediaBrowser.Providers.Manager.MetadataService`2.RunCustomProvider(ICustomMetadataProvider`1 provider, TItemType item, String logName, MetadataRefreshOptions options, RefreshResult refreshResult, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.295 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.633 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -init_hw_device qsv=hw -filter_hw_device hw -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/His Dark Materials/Season 1/His Dark Materials (2019) S01E01 Lyras Jordan (1080p AMZN Webrip x265 10bit EAC3 5.1 - Goki).mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -sn -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 139808000 -maxrate 139808000 -bufsize 279616000 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -force_key_frames "expr:gte(t,n_forced*3)" -flags -global_header -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 192000 -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_entry_prefix "hls/b0e249eab6af2ebc665cba4ccaa24730/" -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b0e249eab6af2ebc665cba4ccaa24730.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b0e249eab6af2ebc665cba4ccaa24730%d.ts"
[2020-10-04 18:34:27.649 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:37:26.308 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:37:26.308 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:37:37.250 +02:00] [INF] WS "::ffff:" closed
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.175 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.188 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.188 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.188 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.188 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.188 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.189 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.189 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.673 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:12.674 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/68b7b0146eb65cf7ba00b4b3ffd8d902%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/68b7b0146eb65cf7ba00b4b3ffd8d902.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.736 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.787 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/68b7b0146eb65cf7ba00b4b3ffd8d9020.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.789 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/68b7b0146eb65cf7ba00b4b3ffd8d9020.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=5f86f062e7684621afbc14c496acd14f&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.789 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 404 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:05.1320938. ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=5f86f062e7684621afbc14c496acd14f&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.935 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.954 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.954 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.954 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:17.969 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/68b7b0146eb65cf7ba00b4b3ffd8d902.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.470 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.5072255. ""
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.642 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.642 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8a31a913c4ac88fb3fb8370f64c0df4d%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8a31a913c4ac88fb3fb8370f64c0df4d.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.742 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.754 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8a31a913c4ac88fb3fb8370f64c0df4d0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.754 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8a31a913c4ac88fb3fb8370f64c0df4d0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=b1c9312df7364fd893072aabc46ba778&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false"
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.772 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.784 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.784 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:19.784 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.001 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.001 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/ec5830fac070160be91e906e2cfa6329%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/ec5830fac070160be91e906e2cfa6329.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.098 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.115 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/ec5830fac070160be91e906e2cfa63290.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.116 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/ec5830fac070160be91e906e2cfa63290.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=2d8aac8657514213a68cf58adeebbb49&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false&allowAudioStreamCopy=false,false"
[2020-10-04 18:39:20.158 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Crash". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 18:39:21.094 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:39:21.095 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.341 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.341 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Crash". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.389 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.706 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.706 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/d82580dcc59f73a8236a41898d722f21%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/d82580dcc59f73a8236a41898d722f21.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.801 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.815 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/d82580dcc59f73a8236a41898d722f210.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.815 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/d82580dcc59f73a8236a41898d722f210.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=489a4379443e4bad8c27f5ee86583720&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 18:39:22.952 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:23.129 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:23.129 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:23.130 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:23.162 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/d82580dcc59f73a8236a41898d722f21.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:24.664 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.5203522. ""
[2020-10-04 18:39:24.958 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:24.959 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/6c90b1b50a2b4980d33e3c87ab15469b%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/6c90b1b50a2b4980d33e3c87ab15469b.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.064 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.070 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/6c90b1b50a2b4980d33e3c87ab15469b0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.070 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/6c90b1b50a2b4980d33e3c87ab15469b0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=f707deabc61546e8b42df1ffc3cbeec3&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false"
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.085 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.095 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.095 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.095 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.269 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.270 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b347b7bfe3fcb7e315a6e9fad709d7fc%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b347b7bfe3fcb7e315a6e9fad709d7fc.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.397 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.406 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b347b7bfe3fcb7e315a6e9fad709d7fc0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.406 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/b347b7bfe3fcb7e315a6e9fad709d7fc0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=316661132&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=c5b62708500f4bd7808820ccddca1ec1&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false&allowAudioStreamCopy=false,false"
[2020-10-04 18:39:25.441 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Hospital". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 18:39:29.254 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Hospital". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 18:49:00.976 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:49:00.977 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:49:19.960 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:49:19.961 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:49:25.381 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:49:25.381 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:49:29.702 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:49:29.702 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 18:52:19.365 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 18:52:19.366 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.104 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Download missing subtitles"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.104 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "SubtitleScheduledTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.105 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Download missing subtitles"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.105 +02:00] [INF] "Download missing subtitles" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.110 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Refresh People"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.111 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "PeopleValidationTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.111 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh People"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.139 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Scan Media Library"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Clean Log Directory"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Refresh Guide"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "RefreshMediaLibraryTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "DeleteLogFileTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "TasksRefreshChannels"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "RefreshChannelsScheduledTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Refresh Guide"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "RefreshChannelsScheduledTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Clean Log Directory"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Executing "TasksRefreshChannels"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] "IntervalTrigger" fired for task: "Clean Cache Directory"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.160 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Scan Media Library"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Queueing task "DeleteCacheFileTask"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Executing "Clean Cache Directory"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/downloads"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Ebooks"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Films"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.161 +02:00] [INF] Stopping directory watching for path "/mnt/king1/Series"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.162 +02:00] [INF] Validating media library
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.162 +02:00] [INF] "Clean Log Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.168 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.189 +02:00] [INF] "TasksRefreshChannels" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.192 +02:00] [INF] "Clean Cache Directory" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 0 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.195 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.246 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.268 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "f27caa37e5142225cceded48f6553502"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.270 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.281 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "6e960a9b913c7cae55d2181494fd63ff"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.295 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.372 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.373 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "919f7338e067db010dc5c38c547c2743"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.373 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.373 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e56a69fcfa9246252a5a440c2682b804"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.373 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.374 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2c55ca59133c2bc492489df9dbff9f0b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.374 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.375 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "236082809955da3c1f1be599c0d30bc4"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.375 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.376 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a53a9d45ba79564989d8d4beb74bd022"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.376 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.379 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8d66acc8fbe18bbc5ff7bdfe7a9a3436"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.379 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.380 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.401 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b6f9cc14e8cfe656413d9a4170c669cf"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.401 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23d68f496838511aa577412565b24756"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.401 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.459 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9da30a6230531f7d2c45abc7b02c8bf1"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.459 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.461 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "b00027583c9246a4d53b72b3f4386aa2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.461 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.462 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7bfedd1774323a983059b32d46db3b2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.462 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.466 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d03724556be30e1cc0a5ebee503abe14"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.466 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.468 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7b30e048367391be0765376e3812cfd8"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.468 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.511 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "37a5be1236a8a9a93b50b863b343f740"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.511 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.563 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0fab14a7da30b08e7791d1b5e856f5e7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.563 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.573 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "10e89d49b9d6edc5d86ed506c3f24099"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.573 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.577 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c7c361683fbb0f0f25b1e9f5e6e8f4f0"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.577 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.616 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff866b6fad28a2c2795d4855810c3f29"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.616 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.660 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "efc88d36547554706da459cdb31ec47b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.660 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.685 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9a3d244629e5151875ae81cef838c6a9"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.686 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.697 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "032a4416a76483e57b1aa2e548f87da3"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.697 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.700 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fa6bcbbd13d78462abf9125b7191835a"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.701 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.704 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "93984ad7d70ef2e0c7ab9480dcfeffdb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.704 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.737 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0a25c98ddf6a5d986b01eb215b202db6"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.737 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.786 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ceb5b5310c0dfa8c3438c3b05cdf0a33"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.786 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.812 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "736e58a94db5c35784c8f7b5994086fa"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.813 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.833 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "057ccec9325f8d9b02a5d799a4b58922"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.834 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.837 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "80497fac0deea4f1f291a69aad00a2c7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.838 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.862 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "85eb9a8ba9579814a5f431c242225192"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.862 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.887 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.888 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "3c8796c2220a70b730b2c81c23d9b806"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.888 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c653bc143823fb9d5f4068728c741a3f"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.889 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1aaaf420fd330448cb5e1ee990cd28cb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.913 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.971 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.991 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "7c563b53f77dc392b3d271b658d27caa"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.992 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.995 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.996 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.997 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0ed1330713c80e41c01c44c1eeb33f72"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.997 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "574cbfe5f5a3231a9cf9cfd45e46998b"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "4cf2efc7b9ce1b4ffd1c10e7158f4b9f"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c97662c7e1c39dc3ddbafc3a18990078"
[2020-10-04 19:07:09.998 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.022 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.048 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.053 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "73205a56681fd4656d8d998cb66b8261"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.053 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.055 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "cfccb9c8208888db302c98e5ec8410ef"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.056 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "81bdaaf5b0ea0368a6834bc0432d27c7"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.056 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2bfe0ae0ab73cf7738a4cb6424f945cd"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.056 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2e00a2dec8315b6eca15878e734cf550"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.079 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.112 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.114 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.120 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ae0c13b9c4c5c9f422996491207c1d46"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.120 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "d22f51fbbf24c0e154bc9a4090d45bfe"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.120 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.122 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.127 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0e50c772cec470f3f82e7ed3d76b95bc"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.127 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "8144f4949577b1e98f41d0a7377a728d"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.127 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.154 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "88a9a36a0821a49bc1f0c0635956c499"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.154 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.196 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.226 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "ff915fed75bd2e663a7798ab6d58a0ba"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.226 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "75a551eda3db20883f5b828cbdc81567"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.226 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.230 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.238 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "fd4909eab68aa5682e6830ff374db1da"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.238 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.241 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "0721c934980e4f7c40949de09bee2d36"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.241 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e7daab33624e5f8164c43e81962547a2"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.241 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.265 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.289 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "23b0e918383af8cc0e986c3c5138c7ce"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.289 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "9ad35a0c63479e357a4bd38d41236d84"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.289 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.299 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.309 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "2f994dbdfaf0f72da6d43672f56aee2c"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.310 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.340 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "a5e64e537f248b0564fb828acdf72d15"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.340 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.363 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "e595ae77bbd07fbc3269177989741573"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.363 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.392 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "078d60561c7195aef24e49c2cc6d6747"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.392 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.418 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "c110d12412ac5ee26cc45b9c32741ffb"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.418 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "5d34c164757f9adb08fb4c1ae1385b84"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.418 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "11328f922be08f901fe4f0c1034a80e5"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.440 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshStart "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.458 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "1071671e7bffa0532e930debee501d2e"
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.985 +02:00] [INF] People validation complete
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.985 +02:00] [INF] "Refresh People" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 1 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:10.989 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.290 +02:00] [INF] Refreshing guide with 7 days of guide data
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.309 +02:00] [INF] "Refresh Guide" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.313 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.925 +02:00] [INF] OnRefreshComplete "f27caa37e5142225cceded48f6553502"
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.944 +02:00] [INF] "Scan Media Library" Completed after 0 minute(s) and 3 seconds
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.945 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Ebooks
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.945 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Series
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.945 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/Films
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.946 +02:00] [INF] Watching directory /mnt/king1/downloads
[2020-10-04 19:07:12.949 +02:00] [INF] ExecuteQueuedTasks
[2020-10-04 19:13:23.571 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:13:23.572 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.832 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:32.843 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.303 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.304 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8153ea5524139ba5a21c925ce55d75a3%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8153ea5524139ba5a21c925ce55d75a3.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.395 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.415 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8153ea5524139ba5a21c925ce55d75a30.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.416 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8153ea5524139ba5a21c925ce55d75a30.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=0c7873d4e120460ea21eef539fd3d947&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.556 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.737 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.737 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.737 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:33.769 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8153ea5524139ba5a21c925ce55d75a3.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.272 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.5212194. ""
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.459 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.459 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/f5aaec8066aafc4138130b29f67ed55b%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/f5aaec8066aafc4138130b29f67ed55b.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.562 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.571 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/f5aaec8066aafc4138130b29f67ed55b0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.572 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/f5aaec8066aafc4138130b29f67ed55b0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=b326238f561a4708bdc3b99d8fdaab59&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false"
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.589 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.598 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.598 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:35.598 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.050 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.051 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E01 - The Crash WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8647276 -maxrate 8647276 -bufsize 17294552 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8d4f1c652a245c21b8e7d828bd19a77e%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8d4f1c652a245c21b8e7d828bd19a77e.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.149 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.164 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8d4f1c652a245c21b8e7d828bd19a77e0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.165 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/8d4f1c652a245c21b8e7d828bd19a77e0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=7ca751197fa34bca9b768f0fd3fc92a1&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=57bb89325eca3333ec5adbc7fccb8a3a&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false&allowAudioStreamCopy=false,false"
[2020-10-04 19:13:36.193 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Crash". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 19:13:54.107 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:13:54.107 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.697 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ass", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }, SubtitleProfile { Format: "ssa", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.701 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Crash". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.718 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.719 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.940 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:13:57.940 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bbdd3213ac58278803c14efddac67be%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bbdd3213ac58278803c14efddac67be.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.043 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.050 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bbdd3213ac58278803c14efddac67be0.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.050 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bbdd3213ac58278803c14efddac67be0.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=f469340186d3420da6e08e3032b57606&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported"
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.191 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.208 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.208 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.208 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:13:58.223 +02:00] [INF] Deleting partial stream file(s) "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3bbdd3213ac58278803c14efddac67be.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:13:59.722 +02:00] [WRN] HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:01.5035838. ""
[2020-10-04 19:13:59.941 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:13:59.942 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/c4d613cf0a33722379d83681ab3e0e78%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/c4d613cf0a33722379d83681ab3e0e78.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.059 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.155 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/c4d613cf0a33722379d83681ab3e0e780.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.157 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/c4d613cf0a33722379d83681ab3e0e780.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=1320d39ca57246aca8602d35b4bebc76&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false"
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.194 +02:00] [INF] GetPostedPlaybackInfo profile: DeviceProfile { Name: null, Id: null, Identification: null, FriendlyName: null, Manufacturer: null, ManufacturerUrl: null, ModelName: null, ModelDescription: null, ModelNumber: null, ModelUrl: null, SerialNumber: null, EnableAlbumArtInDidl: False, EnableSingleAlbumArtLimit: False, EnableSingleSubtitleLimit: False, SupportedMediaTypes: "Audio,Photo,Video", UserId: null, AlbumArtPn: null, MaxAlbumArtWidth: 0, MaxAlbumArtHeight: 0, MaxIconWidth: null, MaxIconHeight: null, MaxStreamingBitrate: 120000000, MaxStaticBitrate: 100000000, MusicStreamingTranscodingBitrate: 192000, MaxStaticMusicBitrate: null, SonyAggregationFlags: null, ProtocolInfo: null, TimelineOffsetSeconds: 0, RequiresPlainVideoItems: False, RequiresPlainFolders: False, EnableMSMediaReceiverRegistrar: False, IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests: False, XmlRootAttributes: [], DirectPlayProfiles: [DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webm", AudioCodec: "vorbis,opus", VideoCodec: "vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp4,m4v", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264,vp8,vp9,av1", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mov", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", VideoCodec: "h264", Type: Video }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "opus", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "mp3", AudioCodec: "mp3", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "aac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "m4a,m4b", AudioCodec: "aac", VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "flac", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "webma,webm", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "wav", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }, DirectPlayProfile { Container: "ogg", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Audio }], TranscodingProfiles: [TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "opus", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "opus", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp3", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "mp3", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "aac", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "aac", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "wav", Type: Audio, VideoCodec: null, AudioCodec: "wav", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "ts", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac", Protocol: "hls", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 1, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: True }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "webm", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "vpx", AudioCodec: "vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Streaming, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: "2", MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }, TranscodingProfile { Container: "mp4", Type: Video, VideoCodec: "h264", AudioCodec: "mp3,aac,opus,flac,vorbis", Protocol: "http", EstimateContentLength: False, EnableMpegtsM2TsMode: False, TranscodeSeekInfo: Auto, CopyTimestamps: False, Context: Static, EnableSubtitlesInManifest: False, MaxAudioChannels: null, MinSegments: 0, SegmentLength: 0, BreakOnNonKeyFrames: False }], ContainerProfiles: [], CodecProfiles: [CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "aac", Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: VideoAudio, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: Equals, Property: IsSecondaryAudio, Value: "false", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: null, Container: null }, CodecProfile { Type: Video, Conditions: [ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsAnamorphic, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: EqualsAny, Property: VideoProfile, Value: "high|main|baseline|constrained baseline|high 10", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: LessThanEqual, Property: VideoLevel, Value: "51", IsRequired: False }, ProfileCondition { Condition: NotEquals, Property: IsInterlaced, Value: "true", IsRequired: False }], ApplyConditions: [], Codec: "h264", Container: null }], ResponseProfiles: [ResponseProfile { Container: "m4v", AudioCodec: null, VideoCodec: null, Type: Video, OrgPn: null, MimeType: "video/mp4", Conditions: [] }], SubtitleProfiles: [SubtitleProfile { Format: "vtt", Method: External, DidlMode: null, Language: null, Container: null }] }
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.215 +02:00] [INF] User policy for "roy". EnablePlaybackRemuxing: True EnableVideoPlaybackTranscoding: True EnableAudioPlaybackTranscoding: True
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.215 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv", isEligibleForDirectPlay: True, isEligibleForDirectStream: True
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.215 +02:00] [INF] Profile: "Unknown Profile", No direct play profiles found for Path: "/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv"
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.397 +02:00] [INF] Current HLS implementation doesn't support non-keyframe breaks but one is requested, ignoring that request
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.398 +02:00] [INF] /usr/lib/jellyfin-ffmpeg/ffmpeg -c:v hevc_qsv -hwaccel qsv -i file:"/mnt/king1/Series/Undone/Season 1/Undone - S01E02 - The Hospital WEBDL-1080p.mkv" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map -0:s -codec:v:0 h264_qsv -preset 7 -look_ahead 0 -b:v 8014008 -maxrate 8014008 -bufsize 16028016 -profile:v high -level 4.1 -g 72 -keyint_min 72 -sc_threshold 0 -vf "vpp_qsv=format=nv12" -start_at_zero -vsync -1 -codec:a:0 libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 320000 -af "volume=2" -copyts -avoid_negative_ts disabled -f hls -max_delay 5000000 -hls_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -hls_segment_type mpegts -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3038db678bc79330e31cfc8a2e489695%d.ts" -hls_playlist_type vod -hls_list_size 0 -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3038db678bc79330e31cfc8a2e489695.m3u8"
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.493 +02:00] [ERR] FFMpeg exited with code 1
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.507 +02:00] [WRN] cannot serve "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3038db678bc79330e31cfc8a2e4896950.ts" as transcoding quit before we got there
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.508 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Could not find file '/var/lib/jellyfin/transcodes/3038db678bc79330e31cfc8a2e4896950.ts'". URL: ",aac&AudioStreamIndex=1&VideoBitrate=364897391&AudioBitrate=320000&PlaySessionId=28e721f76e8a44a6900a6462221c0482&TranscodingMaxAudioChannels=2&RequireAvc=false&Tag=86f94923c18d685f0f19bdbe90f090e1&SegmentContainer=ts&MinSegments=1&BreakOnNonKeyFrames=True&h264-profile=high,main,baseline,constrainedbaseline,high10&h264-level=51&h264-deinterlace=true&TranscodeReasons=VideoCodecNotSupported&allowVideoStreamCopy=false&allowAudioStreamCopy=false,false"
[2020-10-04 19:14:00.539 +02:00] [INF] Playback stopped reported by app "Jellyfin Web" "10.6.4" playing "The Hospital". Stopped at "0" ms
[2020-10-04 19:14:40.705 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:14:40.705 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:14:54.852 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:14:54.853 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:14:59.200 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:14:59.201 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:15:07.757 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:15:07.757 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:15:15.069 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:15:15.070 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:15:19.221 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:15:19.221 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
[2020-10-04 19:15:21.949 +02:00] [ERR] Could not find handler for "/socket"
[2020-10-04 19:15:21.950 +02:00] [ERR] Error processing request: "Unable to find the specified file". URL: ""
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