# from | |
def tf_confusion_metrics(model, actual_classes, session, feed_dict): | |
predictions = tf.argmax(model, 1) | |
actuals = tf.argmax(actual_classes, 1) | |
ones_like_actuals = tf.ones_like(actuals) | |
zeros_like_actuals = tf.zeros_like(actuals) | |
ones_like_predictions = tf.ones_like(predictions) | |
zeros_like_predictions = tf.zeros_like(predictions) |
# migrating from | |
# Aliases | |
alias g='git' | |
#compdef g=git | |
alias gst='git status' | |
#compdef _git gst=git-status | |
alias gd='git diff' | |
#compdef _git gd=git-diff | |
alias gdc='git diff --cached' |
NOTE: This is a copy of AcademicHacker's post on College Confidential, which is currently unavailable. I have edited it for clarity, but it is otherwise unchanged.
A simple priority queue implementation with O(n log n) sorting. The underlying data structure is a binary heap.
This implementation uses a binary heap where each node is less than or equal to its children. Nodes can be anything as long as they're comparable.
Like all priority queues, this implementation efficiently retrieves the minimum element (by comparative value) in the queue. You can also insert elements and delete elements if they are "labeled". (See examples below.)
# migrating from | |
# Aliases | |
alias g='git' | |
#compdef g=git | |
alias gst='git status' | |
#compdef _git gst=git-status | |
alias gd='git diff' | |
#compdef _git gd=git-diff | |
alias gdc='git diff --cached' |