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Last active November 26, 2021 18:55
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Running Kali linux on a free Oracle Cloud Instance

Go on and register a free account.

Visit the Oracle cloud marketplace at and search for kali.

You should find a Kali Linux available for free. Click on it and then on Get App.
Select the option Commercial Market and click Sign In to authenticate with your Oracle Cloud accout.
You should see the overview page reporting a "Software price per OCPU" of $0.00

Select the latest image version (2 in this case) and the right compartment.
Finally click Launch instance

Setting up the instance

Change or check the following fields:

Field Action
Name Change it to something meaningful
Placement Check that the domain is AD 1 Always Free-eligible
Image and shape Check that the image is Kali linux and the shape should be VM.Standard.E2 Always Free-eligible
Network Create or select an existing network/subnet and make sure that you select the option Assign a public IPv4 address
Add SSH keys Generate a pair of keys or upload an existing public key (more details here)
Boot volume Activate Use in-transit encryption

⚠️ If you generated a new pair of keys, make sure to save them before creating the instance!!

Click create amd wait for the image to start

Access the machine

You can get to the instance detail page visiting Oracle cloud homepage > Dashboard > Compute > Instances

Take note of the public IP assigned to the machine under Instance access section.

Also take note on your local computer of the path of the private SSH key you are using to access the machine.

SSH is disabled by default.
On the bottom left of the instance details' page click on Console connection and then on Launch Cloud Shell connection

Login with the default credentials: debian:debian

As a good measure, change the default password

passwd debian

Install and start ssh service

sudo apt install ssh
sudo service ssh start

update the installed software

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y

Keep an eye on the update, you may have to confirm a few steps This step will take a while

When asked, set the local ssh configuration file to be kept.
This will allow you to temporarely log into the machine using credentials

On your local computer:

ssh-copy-id -i path_to_private_key debian@IP

:note: You'll have to use a shell like git bash or anythng accepting ssh-copy-id as a command Alternatively you can copy the public key into the remote machine ~.ssh\known_hosts file

Test the connection:

ssh IP -l debian -i path_to_private_key

If you didn't set a passphrase for the key, you shouldn't get a prompt now

Disable the password login

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Uncomment the line

PasswordAuthentication no

Close the file (CTRL+X) and restart the ssh service

sudo service ssh restart

VNC access

The image comes with a VNC server installed
When you start the VNC server, you realize that you can't access it (the ports are probably closed for safety reasons).
However we can get around the problem using ssh tunnels.
Before starting the up the VNC server, you'll also have to start the x server

On a local terminal:

ssh IP -l debian -i path_to_private_key -L 5900:

Then on this remote session

sudo startx

Now press CTRL+B then D

tmux is a terminal multiplexer. The X server will be executed even after the ssh session is closed
the combination of CTRL+B then D will detach us from the tmux shell, leaving the S server running

Until this terminal stays open the local port 5900 will be tunneled to the remmote port 5902 of the machine

List the possible vnc instances to close them

ps ax | grep vnc
vncserver -kill :x

:x is the n-th vnc display to kill e.g. :1

Start a VNC instance with the command


The first time you will have to schoose a password for the connection

Check which port the VNC server is listening to (should be 5902)

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

If the port is not 5902, you will have to run another ssh session changing the tunneled destination port to the right one

Now you can start your favourite VNC client and connect to localhost::5900

SSH Keys

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