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Gonçalo Sá GNSPS

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GNSPS / ProxyFactory.sol
Last active December 11, 2024 21:58
Improved `delegatecall` proxy contract factory (Solidity) [v0.0.5]
* Shoutouts:
* Bytecode origin
* Modified version of Vitalik's
* Credits to Jorge Izquierdo (@izqui) for coming up with this design here:
* Credits to Stefan George (@Georgi87) for inspiration for many of the improvements from Gnosis Safe:
* This version has many improvements over the original @izqui's library like using REVERT instead of THROWing on failed calls.
* It also implements the awesome design pattern for initializing code as seen in Gnosis Safe Factory:
GNSPS / solc-changer
Last active December 7, 2017 01:19
Bash script meant to easily change the version of `solc` that comes packaged with Truffle when you install it globally
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# [GNSPS] Truffle's solc version changer
# Bash script to change the version of the solc the
# Truffle module comes packaged with.
# Installation: save this file as
Last active July 20, 2017 00:52
my compiled findings and conclusions about June 19th Parity wallet attack addresses
Created April 30, 2017 02:09
Rinkeby Faucet Gist Auth


Keybase proof

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  • I am gnsps on github.
  • I am gnsps ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDWTWKdxSyiEOANCbtGq_PvJXxY0CXFMqxQzUj-fWvHEQo

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