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Created March 5, 2025 11:30
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<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
<!-- 電車の背景 -->
<rect width="800" height="600" fill="#f5f5f5"/>
<!-- 電車の内装 -->
<rect x="50" y="150" width="700" height="300" fill="#e8e8e8" stroke="#cccccc" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- 窓 -->
<rect x="100" y="180" width="150" height="120" rx="10" fill="#b3d9ff" stroke="#999999" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="300" y="180" width="150" height="120" rx="10" fill="#b3d9ff" stroke="#999999" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="500" y="180" width="150" height="120" rx="10" fill="#b3d9ff" stroke="#999999" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- 窓の外の景色 (建物や木々) -->
<rect x="110" y="190" width="130" height="100" fill="#87CEEB"/>
<rect x="310" y="190" width="130" height="100" fill="#87CEEB"/>
<rect x="510" y="190" width="130" height="100" fill="#87CEEB"/>
<!-- 窓の外の建物 (1番目の窓) -->
<rect x="120" y="230" width="30" height="60" fill="#8B4513"/>
<rect x="160" y="210" width="40" height="80" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="210" y="240" width="20" height="50" fill="#8B4513"/>
<!-- 窓の外の建物 (2番目の窓) -->
<rect x="320" y="220" width="35" height="70" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="370" y="240" width="25" height="50" fill="#8B4513"/>
<rect x="410" y="230" width="20" height="60" fill="#A0522D"/>
<!-- 窓の外の建物 (3番目の窓) -->
<rect x="520" y="210" width="40" height="80" fill="#8B4513"/>
<rect x="570" y="240" width="30" height="50" fill="#A0522D"/>
<rect x="610" y="220" width="25" height="70" fill="#8B4513"/>
<!-- 手すり -->
<line x1="50" y1="320" x2="750" y2="320" stroke="#aaaaaa" stroke-width="3"/>
<!-- 座席 -->
<rect x="80" y="350" width="200" height="80" rx="10" fill="#9999cc" stroke="#7777aa" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="300" y="350" width="200" height="80" rx="10" fill="#9999cc" stroke="#7777aa" stroke-width="2"/>
<rect x="520" y="350" width="200" height="80" rx="10" fill="#9999cc" stroke="#7777aa" stroke-width="2"/>
<!-- 広告ポスター -->
<rect x="100" y="80" width="120" height="60" fill="#ffeeaa" stroke="#ddcc88" stroke-width="1"/>
<text x="160" y="115" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#555555" text-anchor="middle">東京メトロ</text>
<rect x="340" y="80" width="120" height="60" fill="#aaeeff" stroke="#88ccdd" stroke-width="1"/>
<text x="400" y="115" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#555555" text-anchor="middle">新宿駅まであと3分</text>
<rect x="580" y="80" width="120" height="60" fill="#ffaaaa" stroke="#dd8888" stroke-width="1"/>
<text x="640" y="105" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#555555" text-anchor="middle">数学の力で</text>
<text x="640" y="125" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#555555" text-anchor="middle">世界を変えよう!</text>
<!-- 電車のつり革 -->
<path d="M150,50 L150,90" stroke="#777777" stroke-width="2"/>
<path d="M250,50 L250,90" stroke="#777777" stroke-width="2"/>
<path d="M350,50 L350,90" stroke="#777777" stroke-width="2"/>
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<ellipse cx="650" cy="95" rx="8" ry="5" fill="#999999" stroke="#777777" stroke-width="1"/>
<!-- クォートマン(黄色いハゲのヒーロー) - 笑っている様子 -->
<g id="laughing-quartman" transform="translate(400, 400)">
<!-- 体 -->
<rect x="-30" y="0" width="60" height="100" rx="10" fill="#3a4ad0"/>
<!-- 首 -->
<rect x="-10" y="-10" width="20" height="15" fill="#ffe087"/>
<!-- 頭 -->
<circle cx="0" cy="-40" r="40" fill="#ffe087"/>
<!-- 耳 -->
<ellipse cx="-30" cy="-50" rx="10" ry="15" fill="#ffe087"/>
<ellipse cx="30" cy="-50" rx="10" ry="15" fill="#ffe087"/>
<!-- 目 - 笑って細くなっている -->
<path d="M-25,-45 C-20,-35 -10,-35 -5,-45" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/>
<path d="M5,-45 C10,-35 20,-35 25,-45" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2" fill="none"/>
<!-- 口 - 大きく笑っている -->
<path d="M-25,-20 C-15,-5 15,-5 25,-20" stroke="#d04a3a" stroke-width="3" fill="#ffcccc"/>
<path d="M-20,-10 C-10,-15 10,-15 20,-10" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="none"/>
<!-- 光る頭のハイライト -->
<ellipse cx="-5" cy="-60" rx="15" ry="8" fill="white" opacity="0.4"/>
<!-- マント -->
<path d="M-30,10 C-60,40 -70,80 -40,150 L40,150 C70,80 60,40 30,10" fill="#2a3ad0"/>
<!-- Q記号のエンブレム -->
<circle cx="0" cy="35" r="20" fill="#ffcc00" stroke="#ffffff" stroke-width="2"/>
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<!-- 笑い声の効果 -->
<text x="60" y="-30" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="18" fill="#333333">ハハハ!</text>
<text x="-60" y="-50" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="16" fill="#333333">ワハハ!</text>
<text x="40" y="-60" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="14" fill="#333333">フフフ!</text>
<!-- 通勤客(男性) -->
<g transform="translate(150, 390)">
<!-- 体 -->
<rect x="-20" y="0" width="40" height="90" rx="5" fill="#333333"/>
<!-- 頭 -->
<circle cx="0" cy="-20" r="20" fill="#ffd1b3"/>
<!-- 顔 -->
<circle cx="-8" cy="-25" r="3" fill="#333333"/>
<circle cx="8" cy="-25" r="3" fill="#333333"/>
<path d="M-5,-15 L5,-15" stroke="#333333" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<!-- スマホを見ている -->
<rect x="-10" y="30" width="20" height="30" rx="2" fill="#dddddd" stroke="#999999" stroke-width="1"/>
<!-- 通勤客(女性) -->
<g transform="translate(650, 390)">
<!-- 体 -->
<rect x="-20" y="0" width="40" height="90" rx="8" fill="#cc9999"/>
<!-- 頭 -->
<circle cx="0" cy="-20" r="20" fill="#ffe0c0"/>
<!-- 髪 -->
<path d="M-20,-20 C-25,0 25,0 20,-20" fill="#663333"/>
<!-- 顔 -->
<circle cx="-8" cy="-25" r="2.5" fill="#333333"/>
<circle cx="8" cy="-25" r="2.5" fill="#333333"/>
<path d="M-5,-15 C-2,-13 2,-13 5,-15" stroke="#cc6666" stroke-width="1.5"/>
<!-- クォートマンを見て驚いている -->
<text x="25" y="-20" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#333333">!?</text>
<!-- 電車の表示パネル -->
<rect x="300" y="140" width="200" height="30" rx="5" fill="#222222"/>
<text x="400" y="160" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="14" fill="#ffff00" text-anchor="middle">次は新宿駅です</text>
<!-- 吹き出し - クォートマンの思考 -->
<g id="quartman-thought">
<path d="M460,270 C500,240 510,200 470,190 L370,190 C330,200 320,240 360,270 Z" fill="white" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2"/>
<circle cx="450" cy="290" r="7" fill="white" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2"/>
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<circle cx="432" cy="315" r="3" fill="white" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2"/>
<text x="415" y="215" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle">クォータニオンなら</text>
<text x="415" y="235" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle">この電車の揺れも</text>
<text x="415" y="255" font-family="Arial, sans-serif" font-size="12" fill="#000000" text-anchor="middle">数式で表現できるな!</text>
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