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Created September 26, 2012 05:20
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API Metadata Schema Examples
"apis": [
"title": "Alternative Fuel Stations - List All",
"description": "Get all alternative fuel stations that match your query",
"keywords": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"],
"agency": "Department of Energy",
"dataDictionary": "",
"accessURL": {
"absoluteURI": "{format}",
"methodName": "GET"
"title": "Alternative Fuel Stations - Show",
"description": "Get the alternative fuel station with the given ID",
"keywords": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"],
"agency": "Department of Energy",
"dataDictionary": "",
"accessURL": {
"absoluteURI": "{id}.{format}",
"methodName": "GET"
"title": "Alternative Fuel Stations - Create",
"description": "Create a new alternative fuel station",
"keywords": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"],
"agency": "Department of Energy",
"dataDictionary": "",
"accessURL": {
"absoluteURI": "{format}",
"methodName": "POST"
"title": "Alternative Fuel Stations - Update",
"description": "Update an alternative fuel station",
"keywords": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"],
"agency": "Department of Energy",
"dataDictionary": "",
"accessURL": {
"absoluteURI": "{id}.{format}",
"methodName": "PUT"
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dcat: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix http: <> .
a dcat:Dataset;
dcterms:title "Alternative Fuel Stations - List All";
dcterms:description "Get all alternative fuel stations that match your query";
dcat:keyword "alternative fuel", "transportation";
datagov:agency "Department of Energy";
dcat:dataDictionary <>;
dcat:accessURL [
a http:Request;
http:absoluteURI "{format}";
http:methodName "GET";
a dcat:Dataset;
dcterms:title "Alternative Fuel Stations - Show";
dcterms:description "Get the alternative fuel station with the given ID";
dcat:keyword "alternative fuel", "transportation";
datagov:agency "Department of Energy";
dcat:dataDictionary <>;
dcat:accessURL [
a http:Request;
http:absoluteURI "{id}.{format}";
http:methodName "GET";
a dcat:Dataset;
dcterms:title "Alternative Fuel Stations - Create";
dcterms:description "Create a new alternative fuel station";
dcat:keyword "alternative fuel", "transportation";
datagov:agency "Department of Energy";
dcat:dataDictionary <>;
dcat:accessURL [
a http:Request;
http:absoluteURI "{format}";
http:methodName "POST";
a dcat:Dataset;
dcterms:title "Alternative Fuel Stations - Update";
dcterms:description "Update an alternative fuel station";
dcat:keyword "alternative fuel", "transportation";
datagov:agency "Department of Energy";
dcat:dataDictionary <>;
dcat:accessURL [
a http:Request;
http:absoluteURI "{id}.{format}";
http:methodName "PUT";
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<dcterms:title>Alternative Fuel Stations - List All</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description>Get all alternative fuel stations that match your query</dcterms:description>
<dcat:keyword>alternative fuel</dcat:keyword>
<datagov:agency>Department of Energy</datagov:agency>
<dcat:dataDicationary rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:title>Alternative Fuel Stations - Show</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description>Get the alternative fuel station with the given ID</dcterms:description>
<dcat:keyword>alternative fuel</dcat:keyword>
<datagov:agency>Department of Energy</datagov:agency>
<dcat:dataDicationary rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:title>Alternative Fuel Stations - Create</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description>Create a new alternative fuel station</dcterms:description>
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<datagov:agency>Department of Energy</datagov:agency>
<dcat:dataDicationary rdf:resource="" />
<dcterms:title>Alternative Fuel Stations - Update</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description>Update an alternative fuel station</dcterms:description>
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<datagov:agency>Department of Energy</datagov:agency>
<dcat:dataDicationary rdf:resource="" />
"apiVersion": "0.2",
"swaggerVersion": "1.1",
"basePath": "",
"agency": "Department of Energy", # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"apis": [
"path": "/alt-fuel-stations/v1.{format}",
"description": "Operations on alternative fuel stations",
"tags": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"], # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"operations": [
"httpMethod": "GET",
"nickname": "getAllStations",
"summary": "Get all alternative fuel stations that match your query",
"documentationUri": "" # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"httpMethod": "POST",
"nickname": "createStation",
"summary": "Create a new alternative fuel station"
"documentationUri": "" # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"path": "/alt-fuel-stations/v1/{id}.{format}",
"description": "Operations on a specific alternative fuel station",
"tags": ["alternative fuel", "transportation"], # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"operations": [
"httpMethod": "GET",
"nickname": "getStationById",
"summary": "Get the alternative fuel station with the given ID",
"documentationUri": "" # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
"httpMethod": "PUT",
"nickname": "updateStation",
"summary": "Update an alternative fuel station",
"documentationUri": "" # API.DATA.GOV CUSTOM ADDITION
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