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Created June 10, 2020 23:39
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Overall it's a small repo so my comments are not very serious issues. It'd be great to see a larger project that you worked on. Also, send me your CV so I can have more context on your experience

You probably already know some points in the feedback, but I don't want to assume that so I'm sending all my comments

Good points

  • nice project structure
  • good use of async/await


  • In a serious project, you probably don't want to write your own date validation regex. Your time is better spent on business logic. moment & date-fns are two popular libraries for this

  • Same for handling request timeout, axios might be a good option here

  • File

    • no param validaiton other than date, joi is a popular lib for validation
    • const q avoid short vague variable names, maybe githubFilterParam?
    • should this be encode or decode?
    • lang && typeof lang === "string" why do we need lang &&
    • page && !isNaN(Number(page)) why do we need page &&
    • date && typeof date === "string" && isValidDate(date) why not move all these checks to the validator?
    • const url = `${GITHUB_API_HOST}/search/repositories?${queryStr}`; better to use a URL builder library than string concatenation to avoid extra bugs due to / or ?. axios will also take care of this
    • Try to avoid creating objects then mutating them later like query & q. It makes it harder to debug and understand the code as you might need several logs/breakpoints before and after every change to see what happened. Can be rewritten like
    const repoFiltersFromParams = [
      ...isValidDate(date) ? [`created:>${date}`] : [],
      ...typeof lang === "string" ? [`language:${lang}`] : [],
    const repoFilters = repoFiltersFromParams.length ? repoFiltersFromParams : ["stars:>0"]
    const query = new URLSearchParams({
      sort: "stars",
      order: "desc",
      page: isNaN(Number(page))? 1: page,
      itemsPerPage: isNaN(Number(itemsPerPage)) ? 10 : itemsPerPage,
      q: repoFilters.join('+'), // calling query.toString() should take care of encoding
  • why use supervisor with docker? better to have docker handle restarts so you can monitor with docker tools

  • real prod app will use something cluster or pm2 to run more than 1 process

  • docker-compose should not have volumes for src in prod

  • better keep test files next to source files to make finding them easier

  • File

    • Test does not validate the function return. It's fine in this case, but in a real app probably need to test it
  • File

    • describe/test callbacks can be replaced with arrow functions
    • You can make test names more expressive by nesting describe blocks. Easier to read and when a test fails it will give you more context
    describe("Repo Controller", () => {
      describe("When home is called", () => {
        it("should return ok", async () => {
            const res = await request(app).get("/");
      describe("When called with a wrong url", () => {
        it("should return 404", async () => {
          const res = await request(app).get("/v1/repo/search");
          expect(res.body).toEqual({ error: "Page Not Found" });
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