Overall it's a small repo so my comments are not very serious issues. It'd be great to see a larger project that you worked on. Also, send me your CV so I can have more context on your experience
You probably already know some points in the feedback, but I don't want to assume that so I'm sending all my comments
- nice project structure
- good use of async/await
In a serious project, you probably don't want to write your own date validation regex. Your time is better spent on business logic.
are two popular libraries for this -
Same for handling request timeout,
might be a good option here -
File https://github.com/abumostafa/gh-service/blob/master/src/service/github.js
- no param validaiton other than date,
is a popular lib for validation const q
avoid short vague variable names, maybe githubFilterParam?q.map(decodeURIComponent)
should this be encode or decode?lang && typeof lang === "string"
why do we needlang &&
page && !isNaN(Number(page))
why do we needpage &&
date && typeof date === "string" && isValidDate(date)
why not move all these checks to the validator?const url = `${GITHUB_API_HOST}/search/repositories?${queryStr}`;
better to use a URL builder library than string concatenation to avoid extra bugs due to/
will also take care of this- Try to avoid creating objects then mutating them later like
. It makes it harder to debug and understand the code as you might need several logs/breakpoints before and after every change to see what happened. Can be rewritten like
const repoFiltersFromParams = [ ...isValidDate(date) ? [`created:>${date}`] : [], ...typeof lang === "string" ? [`language:${lang}`] : [], ]; const repoFilters = repoFiltersFromParams.length ? repoFiltersFromParams : ["stars:>0"] const query = new URLSearchParams({ sort: "stars", order: "desc", page: isNaN(Number(page))? 1: page, itemsPerPage: isNaN(Number(itemsPerPage)) ? 10 : itemsPerPage, q: repoFilters.join('+'), // calling query.toString() should take care of encoding });
- no param validaiton other than date,
why use supervisor with docker? better to have docker handle restarts so you can monitor with docker tools
real prod app will use something cluster or pm2 to run more than 1 process
docker-compose should not have volumes for src in prod
better keep test files next to source files to make finding them easier
File https://github.com/abumostafa/gh-service/blob/master/test/functional/service/github.test.js
- Test does not validate the function return. It's fine in this case, but in a real app probably need to test it
File https://github.com/abumostafa/gh-service/blob/master/test/intergration/controller/repo.test.js
- describe/test callbacks can be replaced with arrow functions
- You can make test names more expressive by nesting
blocks. Easier to read and when a test fails it will give you more context
describe("Repo Controller", () => { describe("When home is called", () => { it("should return ok", async () => { const res = await request(app).get("/"); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); }); }); describe("When called with a wrong url", () => { it("should return 404", async () => { const res = await request(app).get("/v1/repo/search"); expect(res.status).toEqual(404); expect(res.body).toEqual({ error: "Page Not Found" }); }); }); ...