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apt install git | |
git clone https://gitlab.com/st42/termux-sudo | |
cd termux-sudo | |
cat sudo > /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo | |
chmod 700 /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/sudo |
pkg install sudo
how to fix
su executable not found sudo requires su
uninstall tsu package
pkg remove tsu
reinstall tsu package again
pkg install tsu
it working.✓ (tested on android 13)
Thanks it worked 😀😀
pkg remove tsu
pkg install tsu
Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
Install wget: apt-get install wget -y
Install proot: apt-get install proot -y
Install git: apt-get install git -y
Go to HOME folder: cd ~
Download script: git clone https://github.com/MFDGaming/ubuntu-in-termux.git
Go to script folder: cd ubuntu-in-termux
Give execution permission: chmod +x ubuntu.sh
Run the script: ./ubuntu.sh -y
Now just start ubuntu: ./startubuntu.sh
Apt update
Apt upgrade
Apt install sudo
Update termux: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y Install wget: apt-get install wget -y Install proot: apt-get install proot -y Install git: apt-get install git -y Go to HOME folder: cd ~ Download script: git clone https://github.com/MFDGaming/ubuntu-in-termux.git Go to script folder: cd ubuntu-in-termux Give execution permission: chmod +x ubuntu.sh Run the script: ./ubuntu.sh -y Now just start ubuntu: ./startubuntu.sh
Apt update Apt upgrade Apt install sudo
hey!! this worked for me!!!
and now it's not
I added this and it fixed my issue
elif [ -x $(which su) ]; then SU=$(which su)
~/termux-sudo $ su
No su program found on this device. Termux
does not supply tools for rooting, see e.g.
http://www.androidcentral.com/root for
information about rooting Android.
What ro do now