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Tobias Mayer GanbaruTobi

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radare2 is a very cool set of tools that you probably don't know how to use! Let's go through a simple exploit CTF challenge to understand how to use it for exploit development.

We'll be focusing on "ropasaurus rex" which is a simple challenge from Plaid CTF After checking out the latest and greatest radare from git, let's get started!

Open up ropasaurusrex in r2 and call analyze on the binary. We can list the functions with "afl"

Arignir /
Last active December 19, 2018 22:55
HoleyBeep exploit


This is an exploit for HoleyBeep.

To use it, place any command you want root to execute in /tmp/x.

$ cat /tmp/x
echo PWNED $(whoami)
GanbaruTobi /
Last active January 3, 2020 12:22
keepass unsupported version slow bruteforce
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pexpect
with open('Passwords.txt') as passwords:
for password in passwords:
p = pexpect.spawn('/bin/bash -c "keepassxc-cli open test.kdbx"')
p.expect("Enter password to unlock")
p.timeout = 2
SamantazFox / wintypes.h
Last active June 3, 2024 17:52
Header containing all C types used by the Microsoft Win32 API
* wintypes.h
* Windows Data Types
* Copyright 2020 (c) Samantaz Fox
* This file is in the public domain.
* Feel free to copy, modify, redistribute it!