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Created February 20, 2025 19:21
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Manage your VS Code Remote Tunnel with PHP.
function println($s)
echo "$s\n";
function shell_exec_trim($cmd, $nonzero_throw = true)
$lines = array();
if (exec($cmd, $lines, $code) === false) {
throw new Exception("exec() failure");
if ($code !== 0 && $nonzero_throw) {
throw new Exception("`$cmd` exited with non-zero code: $code");
return trim(implode("\n", $lines));
function pchildren($p)
$t = shell_exec_trim("pgrep -P $p", nonzero_throw: false);
if (!$t) return array();
return explode("\n", $t);
function pall($p)
if (!$p) return array();
$ps = array($p);
foreach (pchildren($p) as $c) {
array_push($ps, ...pall($c));
return $ps;
function main()
$cmd = "/home/garciat/vscode/code tunnel";
$pid = shell_exec_trim("pgrep -f '$cmd'", nonzero_throw: false);
if ($pid) {
println("Running: $pid");
} else {
println("Not running");
$all_pids = pall($pid);
foreach ($all_pids as $p) {
println(shell_exec_trim("ps -o pid=,command= -p $p"));
if (isset($_GET["kill"])) {
if (!$pid) {
foreach ($all_pids as $p) {
println("Killing $p");
shell_exec_trim("kill -TERM $p");
} else {
if ($pid) {
shell_exec_trim("$cmd 2>/dev/null >/dev/null &");
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