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Save space in Jenkins slave by setting BuildDiscarderProperty
import hudson.model.Job
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
import hudson.tasks.LogRotator
import jenkins.model.BuildDiscarderProperty
name = "test_master_builder_medium_blog"
job_daystokeep = -1
job_numtokeep = 20
artifact_numtokeep = 20
artifact_daystokeep = -1
Jenkins.instance.allItems(Job).each { job ->
try {
// Comment the below if statement to run for all the jobs.
if (job.fullDisplayName == name) {
// After removing above if all the jobs config will be updated.
if (job.isBuildable() && job.getProperty(BuildDiscarderProperty) && job.supportsLogRotator()) {
def log = new LogRotator(int daysToKeep = job_daystokeep, int numToKeep = job_numtokeep, int artifactDaysToKeep = artifact_daystokeep, int artifactNumToKeep = artifact_numtokeep)
def builderdiscard = new BuildDiscarderProperty(log)
println "Updated ${job.fullDisplayName}"
else {
println "Error : unable to update ${job.fullDisplayName}"
catch (Exception e) {
println ' Ignoring exception ' + e
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