June 9, 2018 12:15
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beta version of Citation Helper for StackExchange userscript
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// ==UserScript== | |
// @name Citation Helper for StackExchange | |
// @description Helps insert citations easily on StackExchange | |
// @author Gaurang Tandon | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @match *://** | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://* | |
// @exclude *://*/review | |
// @grant none | |
// @version 0.1 | |
// @history 0.1 Hello world! | |
// ==/UserScript== | |
// jshint -W014 | |
// | |
// | |
// <-- latest working | |
/** | |
this is missing the date_parts property (the one i'm using) | | | | | |
issue raised - | |
1. pressing enter automatically submits my form to submit Short citation, also, it is hijacking the enter key on title and edit summary fields | |
awaiting response - | |
*/ | |
// | |
// Awesomplete - Lea Verou - MIT license | |
!function(){var t=function(e,i){var s=this;t.count=(t.count||0)+1,this.count=t.count,this.isOpened=!1,this.input=n(e),this.input.setAttribute("autocomplete","off"),this.input.setAttribute("aria-owns","awesomplete_list_"+this.count),this.input.setAttribute("role","combobox"),this.options=i=i||{},function(t,e,i){for(var n in e){var s=e[n],r=t.input.getAttribute("data-"+n.toLowerCase());"number"==typeof s?t[n]=parseInt(r):!1===s?t[n]=null!==r:s instanceof Function?t[n]=null:t[n]=r,t[n]||0===t[n]||(t[n]=n in 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n.create("div",{className:"awesomplete",around:t})},t.ITEM=function(t,e,i){var s=""===e.trim()?t:t.replace(RegExp(n.regExpEscape(e.trim()),"gi"),"<mark>$&</mark>");return n.create("li",{innerHTML:s,"aria-selected":"false",id:"awesomplete_list_"+this.count+"_item_"+i})},t.REPLACE=function(t){this.input.value=t.value},t.DATA=function(t){return t},Object.defineProperty(e.prototype=Object.create(String.prototype),"length",{get:function(){return this.label.length}}),e.prototype.toString=e.prototype.valueOf=function(){return""+this.label};var i=Array.prototype.slice;function n(t,e){return"string"==typeof t?(e||document).querySelector(t):t||null}function s(t,e){return||document).querySelectorAll(t))}function r(){s("input.awesomplete").forEach(function(e){new t(e)})}n.create=function(t,e){var i=document.createElement(t);for(var s in e){var r=e[s];if("inside"===s)n(r).appendChild(i);else if("around"===s){var 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var LS_KEY = "cachedEntries", J_KEY = "journalList"; | |
if(!localStorage.getItem(LS_KEY)) localStorage.setItem(LS_KEY, "{}"); | |
(function() { | |
(function handleModals() { | |
var PLACEHOLDER = "reference (DOI/URL/plain text)"; | |
function addButton(ul) { | |
var li = document.createElement("LI"), | |
// different userscripts insert their own elements into the mix | |
// so make sure to insert just after the redo button for consistency | |
lastChild = ul.querySelector("li[id^=wmd-redo-button]").nextElementSibling; | |
ul.insertBefore(li, lastChild); | |
li.className = "wmd-button wmd-doi tmAdded"; | |
// tmAdded required when also running this userscript | |
li.innerHTML = "<span>doi</span>"; | |
li.title = "insert doi"; | |
li.onclick = function () { | |
toggleModal(ul.parentElement); | |
}; | |
return li; | |
} | |
function createModal(container) { | |
var div = document.createElement("div"), | |
input = document.createElement("input"), | |
shortBtn = document.createElement("button"), | |
longBtn = document.createElement("button"); | | = "doi-box"; | |
input.type = "text"; | |
input.className = "awesomplete"; | |
input.setAttribute("placeholder", PLACEHOLDER); | |
input.onkeydown = function(e){ | |
if(e.keyCode === 13){ | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
e.stopPropagation(); | |
console.log("I tried!"); | |
return false; | |
} | |
}; | |
shortBtn.innerHTML = "Short"; | |
longBtn.innerHTML = "Long"; | |
function commonInsertCitation(type){ | |
var fn = type === 1 ? insertShortCitation : insertLongCitation; | |
return function(e){ | |
e.preventDefault(); | |
TYPE = type; | |
var val = input.value, source = getSource(val); | |
switch(source[0]){ | |
case "doi": case "paperWeb": | |
citeDOI(source[1], function (citation) { | |
fn(container, citation); | |
}); | |
break; | |
case "web": | |
citeWebsite(val, function(citation){ | |
fn(container, citation); | |
}); | |
// it is not a DOI and there is no need to cache it (because it isn't fetched via an XHR) | |
// but adding it to the localStorage list helps autocomplete it later | |
// (think of a person referencing Vogel multiple times) | |
cacheDOI(val, val); | |
break; | |
// alternate of Manual citation | |
default: | |
cacheDOI(val, val); | |
fn(container, val); | |
} | |
}; | |
} | |
shortBtn.onclick = commonInsertCitation(1); | |
longBtn.onclick = commonInsertCitation(2); | |
div.appendChild(input); | |
div.appendChild(shortBtn); | |
div.appendChild(longBtn); | |
return div; | |
} | |
function insertShortCitation(container, citation) { | |
var textarea = container.parentNode.querySelector("textarea"), | |
selS = textarea.selectionStart, | |
selE = textarea.selectionEnd, | |
value = textarea.value, | |
valBefore = value.substring(0, selS), | |
valMid = value.substring(selS, selE), | |
valAfter = value.substring(selE); | |
textarea.value = valBefore + citation + valAfter; | |
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = (valBefore + citation).length; | |
toggleModal(container); | |
textarea.focus(); | |
// couldn't find the documentation for this, but it works ---v | |
// (widely used | |
StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.refreshAllPreviews(); | |
} | |
function getCurrentReferenceCount(value){ | |
var match = value.match(/Reference(.|\n)+(\d)\. [a-zA-Z]/); | |
// without the ` [a-zA-Z]`, this match also extends to even digits inside DOI URLs | |
if(!match) return 0; | |
else return +match[2]; | |
} | |
function insertLongCitation(container, citation) { | |
var textarea = container.parentNode.querySelector("textarea"), | |
selS = textarea.selectionStart, | |
selE = textarea.selectionEnd, | |
value = textarea.value, | |
currRefCount = getCurrentReferenceCount(value), | |
superscriptedCite = "<sup>\\[" + (currRefCount + 1) + "\\]</sup>", | |
valBefore = value.substring(0, selS), | |
valMid = value.substring(selS, selE), | |
valAfter = value.substring(selE); | |
value = valBefore + superscriptedCite + valAfter; | |
if(currRefCount === 0){ | |
value += "\n### References:\n\n1. " + citation; | |
textarea.value = value; | |
}else{ | |
var position = value.match(/Reference(.|\n)+\d\..+(\n|$)/), | |
startOfReferences = position.index, | |
lastReferenceNewline = startOfReferences + position[0].length, | |
textBeforeLastRefNewLine = value.substring(0, lastReferenceNewline), | |
textAfterLastRefNewLine = value.substring(lastReferenceNewline), | |
valToInsert = "\n" + (currRefCount + 1) + ". " + citation + "\n", | |
newValue = textBeforeLastRefNewLine + valToInsert + textAfterLastRefNewLine; | |
textarea.value = newValue; | |
} | |
textarea.selectionStart = textarea.selectionEnd = (valBefore + superscriptedCite).length; | |
toggleModal(container); | |
textarea.focus(); | |
StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.refreshAllPreviews(); | |
} | |
function toggleModal(container) { | |
var div = container.querySelector("#doi-box"), | |
input = div.querySelector("input"); | |
if ( === "0px") { | | = "45px"; | |
input.value = ""; | |
input.focus(); | |
} | |
else { | | = "0px"; | |
} | |
console.trace(); | |
} | |
var cachedKeys = Object.keys(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(LS_KEY))), | |
cachedKeysString; | |
if(cachedKeys.length !== 0){ | |
cachedKeysString = cachedKeys[0]; | |
for(var i = 1, len = cachedKeys.length; i < len; i++) cachedKeysString += ", " + cachedKeys[i]; | |
} | |
setInterval(function () { | |
var cont = document.querySelector(".wmd-container:not(.doi-processed)"), ul, | |
div, buttonBar, input; | |
if (cont && (ul = cont.querySelector(".wmd-button-bar ul"))) { | |
addButton(ul); | |
cont.classList.add("doi-processed"); | |
buttonBar = cont.querySelector("div[id^=wmd-button-bar]"); | |
div = createModal(buttonBar); | | = "0px"; | |
buttonBar.appendChild(div); | |
// only call the constructor after the input element | |
// is inside the DOM | |
input = div.querySelector("input"); | |
// for some unknown reason, using the properties in the instantiation object | |
// are not working, hence use dataset | |
input.dataset.list = cachedKeysString; | |
input.dataset.minchars = 1; | |
input.dataset.maxitems = 5; | |
input.dataset.autofirst = true; | |
new Awesomplete(input); | |
} | |
}, 500); | |
// there's no way to automatically read a clipboard content | |
// think of some other UI | |
// | |
})(); | |
})(); | |
function citeWebsite(URL, callback) { | |
// I cannot retrieve author/title of website without using my own external server :( | |
// so just do the bare citation | |
var citation = URL + " (accessed ", | |
time = new Date(), | |
months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; | |
citation += months[time.getMonth()] + " " + time.getDate() + ", " + time.getFullYear() + "."; | |, citation); | |
} | |
function cacheDOI(doi, metadata){ | |
var object = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(LS_KEY)); | |
object[doi] = metadata; | |
localStorage.setItem(LS_KEY, JSON.stringify(object)); | |
} | |
function getDOIMetaData(doi, callback) { | |
var cachedObject = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(LS_KEY)), cachedMetadata; | |
if(cachedObject && (cachedMetadata = cachedObject[doi])){ | |
citeDOI(doi, callback, cachedMetadata); | |
return; | |
} | |
// ISSUE: I'm supposed to send my email along with this API call, how'd I do that? | |
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |"GET", "" + doi, true); | |
xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/plain"); | |
xhttp.send(); | |
xhttp.onload = function (e) { | |
var response = JSON.parse(e.srcElement.response), metadata; | |
if (response.status !== "ok") { | |
// possibly not a cross-ref DOI | |
alert("Couldn't fetch citation for DOI: " + doi + ". Please report the doi to the userscript author."); | |
return; | |
} | |
metadata = response.message; | |
cacheDOI(doi, metadata); | |
citeDOI(doi, callback, metadata); | |
}; | |
} | |
// *J. Am. Chem. Soc.* **2018,** *140,* 1855 | |
// or *J. Am. Chem. Soc.* **2018,** *140* (2), 1855 | |
// Jounral name Year, Volume (Issue), Pages | |
function shortCiteDOI(doi, metadata) { | |
var output = "[" + getTitleYearIssuePagesForCitation(metadata) + "](" + doi + ")"; | |
return output; | |
} | |
// doi must be the doi (10(.\d+)+) and nothing else | |
function citeDOI(doi, callback, metadata) { | |
if (metadata === undefined) { getDOIMetaData(doi, callback); return; } | |
var output = ""; | |
console.log(metadata); | |
if (TYPE === 1) { | |, shortCiteDOI(doi, metadata)); | |
return; | |
} | |
output += citeAuthors(; | |
output += citeTitle(metadata.title[0]) + " "; | |
output += getTitleYearIssuePagesForCitation(metadata); | |
output += " [DOI: " + doi + "](" + doi + ")."; | |, output); | |
} | |
function getTitleYearIssuePagesForCitation(metadata){ | |
var issue = metadata.issue, | |
output = "*" + getShortJournalTitle(metadata) + "*", | |
volume = metadata.volume, page =; | |
output += " **" + getPublishedYear(metadata); // issue: 10.1021/ci00024a006 gives back 2005, though it was published in 1995 (legacy archives) | |
// books may not have volumes (10.1007/0-306-48639-3_12) | |
if(volume){ | |
output += ",** *" + volume; | |
output += (issue && "* (" + issue + ")") + (page ? issue ? "," : "" : "."); | |
} | |
console.log(output); | |
// page numbers are absent in ACS Article ASAP service or some other papers (10.1371/journal.pone.0068486) | |
if(page) output += (volume ? " " : ",** ") + getPageRange(page) + "."; | |
console.log(output); | |
if(!page && !volume) output += ".**"; | |
return output; | |
} | |
function getPublishedYear(metadata){ | |
// the last two are not always accurate ( | |
var usableDateParts = metadata["published-print"] || metadata["published-online"] || metadata["created"]; | |
return usableDateParts["date-parts"][0][0]; | |
} | |
function getShortJournalTitle(metadata){ | |
// user needs to install this via a GitHub Gist | |
var journalList = localStorage.getItem(J_KEY), title = metadata["container-title"], shortTitle = metadata["short-container-title"]; | |
// fallback to sometimes inaccurate CrossRef results in case user didn't install Gist | |
// (eg: missing the short-container-title field (10.1023/A:1008989800098); incorrect short form (Tetrahedron Letters instead of Tetrahedron Lett.) | |
// fallback to unabbrev. title in case neither list has the abbrev., or in case it's a book (not a journal - 10.1007/0-306-48639-3_12) | |
return journalList ? journalList[title] : | |
shortTitle.length !== 0 ? shortTitle[0] : title; | |
} | |
function citeAuthors(authors) { | |
// there needn't be authors all the time; (10.1007/0-306-48639-3_12) | |
if(!authors || authors.length === 0) return ""; | |
var citation = ""; | |
for (var i = 0, len = authors.length; i < len; i++) { | |
// 10.1248/cpb.49.1102 has all its author names in ALL CAPS; capitalize its only first letter | |
citation += capitalizeFirstLetter(authors[i].family) + "," + getInitials(authors[i].given); | |
citation += "; "; | |
} | |
// final two characters ("; ") are unnecessary | |
var strLen = citation.length; | |
citation = citation.substring(0, strLen - 2) + " "; | |
return citation; | |
} | |
function getInitials(givenName) { | |
return givenName.split(" ").reduce((citation, name) => citation + " " + name[0] + ".", ""); | |
} | |
var toTitleCase, capitalizeFirstLetter; | |
(function caseHelpers(){ | |
// from | |
var hasSpace = /\s/; | |
var hasSeparator = /(_|-|\.|:)/; | |
var hasCamel = /([a-z][A-Z]|[A-Z][a-z])/; | |
/** | |
* Remove any starting case from a `string`, like camel or snake, but keep | |
* spaces and punctuation that may be important otherwise. | |
* | |
* @param {String} string | |
* @return {String} | |
*/ | |
function toNoCase(string) { | |
if (hasSpace.test(string)) return string.toLowerCase(); | |
if (hasSeparator.test(string)) return (unseparate(string) || string).toLowerCase(); | |
if (hasCamel.test(string)) return uncamelize(string).toLowerCase(); | |
return string.toLowerCase(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Separator splitter. | |
*/ | |
var separatorSplitter = /[\W_]+(.|$)/g; | |
/** | |
* Un-separate a `string`. | |
* | |
* @param {String} string | |
* @return {String} | |
*/ | |
function unseparate(string) { | |
return string.replace(separatorSplitter, function (m, next) { | |
return next ? ' ' + next : ''; | |
}); | |
} | |
/** | |
* Camelcase splitter. | |
*/ | |
var camelSplitter = /(.)([A-Z]+)/g; | |
/** | |
* Un-camelcase a `string`. | |
* | |
* @param {String} string | |
* @return {String} | |
*/ | |
function uncamelize(string) { | |
return string.replace(camelSplitter, function (m, previous, uppers) { | |
return previous + ' ' + uppers.toLowerCase().split('').join(' '); | |
}); | |
} | |
// via and | |
var minors = ['a', 'an', 'and', 'as', 'at', 'but', 'by', 'en', 'for',' from', | |
'how', 'if', 'in', 'neither', 'nor', 'of', 'on', 'only', 'onto','out', | |
'or', 'per', 'so', 'than', 'that', 'the', 'to', 'until','up', 'upon', | |
'v', 'v.', 'versus', 'vs', 'vs.', 'via', 'when', 'with', 'without', 'yet'], | |
escaped ={ | |
return String(str).replace(/([.*+?=^!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); | |
}), | |
minorMatcher = new RegExp('[^^]\\b(' + escaped.join('|') + ')\\b', 'ig'), | |
punctuationMatcher = /:\s*(\w)/g; | |
function toSentenceCase(string) { | |
return toNoCase(string).replace(/[a-z]/i, function (letter) { | |
return letter.toUpperCase(); | |
}).trim(); | |
} | |
toTitleCase = function(string) { | |
return toSentenceCase(string) | |
.replace(/(^|\s)(\w)/g, function (matches, previous, letter) { | |
return previous + letter.toUpperCase(); | |
}) | |
.replace(minorMatcher, function (minor) { | |
return minor.toLowerCase(); | |
}) | |
.replace(punctuationMatcher, function (letter) { | |
return letter.toUpperCase(); | |
}); | |
}; | |
capitalizeFirstLetter = function(word){ | |
return word.charAt(0) + word.substring(1).toLowerCase(); | |
}; | |
})(); | |
function isAllUpcase(string){ | |
for(var i = 0, len = string.length, ch, isLowerCaseCharacter; i < len; i++){ | |
ch = string.charAt(i); | |
// logs false for up case characters, numbers, symbols | |
isLowerCaseCharacter = ch === ch.toLowerCase() && ch !== ch.toUpperCase(); | |
if(isLowerCaseCharacter) return false; | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
function citeTitle(title) { | |
// some titles are received in ALL CAPS (10.1021/ja01532a066) | |
// fix them to titlecase | |
if(isAllUpcase(title)) | |
title = toTitleCase(title); | |
var len = title.length; | |
// some paper titles don't end with a . | |
// example: 10.1021/ci00024a006 | |
if (title.charAt(len - 1) !== ".") title += "."; | |
return title; | |
} | |
function getPageRange(pages){ | |
return pages.replace(/[-]/, "–"); | |
} | |
// general DOI format: | |
/* | |
The following web URLs are being checked: (they follow the format specified here | |
- Wiley - | |
- Springer Verlag - | |
- Elsevier (ScienceDirect) - | |
- ACS - | |
- Nature - | |
- RSC -!divAbstract | |
The following websites are unsupported: | |
- American Press IDEAL (10.1006) (absorbed by Elsevier; web URLs non existent; DOIs still work) | |
- Cambridge UP - | |
can anyone tell how to extract DOI from this URL?! --^ | |
- i can work on these later | |
10.1046 Blackwell Publishers. Details to follow. | |
10.1055 G. Thieme Verlag (Synthesis).Structure: s-YEAR-XXXXX, where XXXXX is a 5-digit article code. | |
10.1063 American Institute of Physics. The DOI of recent articles (example: can be found on the online abstract of the paper. However, AIP offers a very convenient alternative (a kind-of "OpenURL avant-la-lettre"):, where "jou" is the three-letter journal abbreviation (e.g. jcp for Journal of Chemical Physics), "vol" is the volume number and "firstpage" the first page number. Example: will link to J. Chem. Phys. 115, 2051 (2001). | |
10.1073 PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [USA]). pnas.XXXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXXX is a 9-digit manuscript number. | |
10.1074 Journal of Biological Chemistry. Structure: jbc.MXXXXXXXXX, where XXXXXXXXX is a 9-digit manuscript number. | |
10.1080 Taylor and Francis. This publisher uses 15-character PIIs like Elsevier; again, the PII can generally be found on the online abstract of the journal paper or on the first page of the printed paper. An example DOI URL is | |
10.1083 Rockefeller University Press (e.g. Journal of Cell Biology) | |
10.1092 Laser Pages Publishing (=Israel Journal of [fill in subject]). Structure: e.g. V0Q8-T3XM-N68W-D8NL. | |
10.1093 Oxford University Press, EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organisation). Structure: emboj/aaaXXX, where emboj stands for EMBO Journal and aaaXXX is a 3-letter, 3-digit article code. | |
10.1103 American Physical Society. Example: As you see, JournalName.Volume.ArticleNumber. Like for AIP, an alternative URL is given as follows: | |
10.1107 International Union of Crystallography (e.g. Acta Crystallographica series). Uses PIIs in same way as Elsevier (see above). | |
10.1126 SCIENCE magazine. Structure: science.XXXXXXX, where XXXXXXX is a 7-digit article code. | |
10.1161 American Heart Association. | |
10.1182 American Society of hematology (e.g. the journal Bloo | |
*/ | |
function getDOIFromPaperWebURL(originalURL) { | |
// remove query parameters | |
var queryMatch = originalURL.match(/[\?#]/), URL = originalURL; | |
if (queryMatch) | |
URL = URL.substring(0, queryMatch.index); | |
if (/wiley/.test(URL)) { | |
return URL.match(/10\.\d+(\.\d+)?\/.+/)[0]; | |
} else if (/springer/.test(URL)) { | |
var matcher = URL.match(/(10\.\d+(\.\d+)*?)(%2F)?(.+)/i); | |
return matcher[1] + "/" + matcher[4]; | |
} | |
else if (/sciencedirect/.test(URL)) { | |
var PII = URL.match(/pii\/(.+)\/?/i)[1], sPresent = /pii\/s/i.test(URL), doi = sPresent ? "S" : ""; | |
// the doi substring logic below requires the S to be removed if present | |
if(sPresent) PII = PII.substring(1); | |
// PII has to be split like "Sxxxx-xxxx(yy)zzzzz-c" (S can be upcase/lowercase/absent altogether) | |
doi += PII.substring(0, 4) + "-" + PII.substring(4, 8) + "(" + PII.substring(8, 10) + ")" + PII.substring(10, 15) + "-" + PII.substring(15, 16); | |
return "10.1016/" + doi; | |
} else if (/acs/.test(URL)) { | |
return URL.match(/10\.\d+(\.\d+)?\/.+/)[0]; | |
} else if (/nature/.test(URL)) { | |
return "10.1038/" + URL.match(/\/(s.+)/)[1]; | |
} else if (/rsc/.test(URL)) { | |
// rsc url may not always have unauth at its end | |
return "10.1039/" + (URL.match(/\/([\w]+)\/unAuth$/i) || URL.match(/\/([\w]+)$/))[1]; | |
}else if(/plos/.test(URL)){ // | |
// the id? query parameter gets stripped away in the URL | |
return "10.1371/journal.pone." + originalURL.match(/pone\.(\d+)/)[1]; | |
} | |
return null; | |
} | |
function getSource(URI) { | |
// URIs supported: "website"/"doi"/"paperWeb" | |
// "website" is any website like HyperPhysics | |
// "doi" is literally a DOI url | |
// "paperWeb" is a wiley/elsevier/nature/etc. URL | |
URI = URI.trim(); | |
var validDOIRegexes = | |
[/^DOI: ?(10\.\d+\/.+)$/i, /^(10\.\d+\/.+)$/i, | |
/^(https?:?\/?\/?)?(dx.)?\/(10\.\d+\/.+)$/i]; | |
for (var doiRegex, i = 0, len = validDOIRegexes.length; i < len; i++) { | |
doiRegex = validDOIRegexes[i]; | |
var match = URI.match(doiRegex); | |
if (match) { | |
return ["doi", match[match.length - 1]]; | |
} | |
} | |
var DOI = getDOIFromPaperWebURL(URI); | |
if (DOI) return ["paperWeb", DOI]; | |
var validWebsiteRegexes = [/^(https?:\/?\/?)?(www\.)?[\w\.]+?\.[a-z]+[\w\d\.\/]*$/]; | |
// port://www.completeDomain/path | |
for (var webRegex, j = 0, l = validWebsiteRegexes.length; j < l; j++) { | |
webRegex = validWebsiteRegexes[j]; | |
if (webRegex.test(URI)) return ["web", URI]; | |
} | |
return [null, null]; | |
} | |
// type of citation to insert; used by citeDOI | |
// short citation = 1; long citation = 2; | |
var TYPE = 1; | |
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