blueprint: |
name: Unavailable Lights Notificator |
description: Notify when a light has been turned off using the switch |
domain: automation |
author: Edison Montes @_GeekMD_ |
homeassistant: |
min_version: 2024.6.0 |
input: |
delay: |
name: Time Delay |
description: Minutes awaited by the automation before notifying when a light has been turned off using the switch |
default: 10 |
selector: |
number: |
min: 0 |
max: 60 |
unit_of_measurement: minutes |
start_time: |
name: Start Time |
description: The notification will be executed after this time |
default: "08:00:00" |
selector: |
time: |
end_time: |
name: End Time |
description: The notification will be executed until this time |
default: "22:00:00" |
selector: |
time: |
ignored: |
name: Ignored Lights |
description: Lights that should be ignored |
selector: |
entity: |
domain: light |
multiple: true |
excluded: |
name: Ignore Individual Entities within a Group |
description: Ignore individual entities when they are part of a group |
default: true |
selector: |
boolean: |
actions: |
name: Actions |
description: Notifications or similar to be run. Remember to include {{ entities }} in the message, which is replaced with the name of lights that were turned off using the switch |
selector: |
action: {} |
variables: |
ignored: !input ignored |
excluded: !input excluded |
all_lights: > |
{{ states.light | selectattr("state","eq","unavailable") | map(attribute='entity_id') | list }} |
grouped: > |
{% if excluded %} |
{% set groups = integration_entities('group') %} |
{% set grouped_entities = namespace(items=[]) %} |
{% for group in groups %} |
{% set grouped_entities.items = grouped_entities.items + expand(group) | selectattr('state', 'defined') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list %} |
{% endfor %} |
{{ grouped_entities.items }} |
{% else %} |
{{ [] }} |
{% endif %} |
entities: > |
{% set filtered = all_lights | reject('in', ignored) | reject('in', grouped) | list %} |
{{ filtered }} |
has_unavailable: "{{ entities | count > 0 }}" |
trigger: |
# 🔹 Se activa cada vez que cambia la lista de luces 'unavailable' |
- platform: template |
value_template: "{{ states.light | selectattr('state','eq','unavailable') | list | count > 0 }}" |
for: |
minutes: !input delay |
# 🔹 Se activa cuando empieza el horario si hay luces 'unavailable' |
- platform: time |
at: !input start_time |
condition: |
- condition: template |
value_template: "{{ has_unavailable }}" |
- condition: time |
after: !input start_time |
before: !input end_time |
action: |
- choose: [] |
default: !input actions |
mode: single |