Save GeekProgram007/eade43694abed3db5d99e775cc687f1d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// | |
// build.gradle in TeamCode | |
// | |
// Most of the definitions for building your module reside in a common, shared | |
// file 'build.common.gradle'. Being factored in this way makes it easier to | |
// integrate updates to the FTC into your code. If you really need to customize | |
// the build definitions, you can place those customizations in this file, but | |
// please think carefully as to whether such customizations are really necessary | |
// before doing so. | |
// Custom definitions may go here | |
// Include common definitions from above. | |
apply from: '../build.common.gradle' |
dependencies { | |
compile project(':FtcRobotController') | |
compile (name: 'RobotCore-release', ext: 'aar') | |
compile (name: 'Hardware-release', ext: 'aar') | |
compile (name: 'FtcCommon-release', ext: 'aar') | |
compile (name:'Analytics-release', ext:'aar') | |
compile (name:'WirelessP2p-release', ext:'aar') | |
} |
/** | |
* Automatically generated file. DO NOT MODIFY | |
*/ | |
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode; | |
public final class BuildConfig { | |
public static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.parseBoolean("true"); | |
public static final String APPLICATION_ID = "com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller"; | |
public static final String BUILD_TYPE = "debug"; | |
public static final String FLAVOR = ""; | |
public static final int VERSION_CODE = 25; | |
public static final String VERSION_NAME = "3.5"; | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.google.blocks; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogInput = 0x7f080004; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogOutput = 0x7f080005; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device = 0x7f080006; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device_lynx = 0x7f080007; | |
public static final int choice_array_legacy_module = 0x7f080008; | |
public static final int choice_array_servo = 0x7f080009; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_options_array = 0x7f08000a; | |
public static final int lynx_module_options_array = 0x7f08000b; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class dimen { | |
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000; | |
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int black_border = 0x7f020000; | |
public static final int button_shape = 0x7f020001; | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020003; | |
public static final int icon_menu = 0x7f020004; | |
public static final int icon_robotcontroller = 0x7f020005; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int aboutList = 0x7f0c0000; | |
public static final int action_help = 0x7f0c00c3; | |
public static final int active_connections = 0x7f0c0053; | |
public static final int activity_fix_misconfig_wifi_direct = 0x7f0c0002; | |
public static final int addButton = 0x7f0c0066; | |
public static final int addressListCaption = 0x7f0c001f; | |
public static final int airplaneMode = 0x7f0c002e; | |
public static final int appsInstalled = 0x7f0c0039; | |
public static final int appsStatus = 0x7f0c003a; | |
public static final int attached_title = 0x7f0c0089; | |
public static final int backgroundDarkGrayHolder = 0x7f0c0081; | |
public static final int backgroundLightHolder = 0x7f0c007f; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumHolder = 0x7f0c0080; | |
public static final int bannerParent = 0x7f0c0062; | |
public static final int batteryLevel = 0x7f0c002c; | |
public static final int bluetoothEnabled = 0x7f0c0030; | |
public static final int buttonList = 0x7f0c0063; | |
public static final int cancelButton = 0x7f0c0065; | |
public static final int channelPickList = 0x7f0c0023; | |
public static final int checkbox_port = 0x7f0c00b0; | |
public static final int choiceMotorSpinner = 0x7f0c00b1; | |
public static final int choiceSpinner = 0x7f0c005d; | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int configIsReadOnlyFeedback = 0x7f0c0079; | |
public static final int configureButton = 0x7f0c00b8; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0c004c; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplateArea = 0x7f0c004b; | |
public static final int controller_name = 0x7f0c00b2; | |
public static final int controller_name_prompt_text = 0x7f0c0087; | |
public static final int controllersList = 0x7f0c000d; | |
public static final int darker_gray_line = 0x7f0c007e; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0c006b; | |
public static final int devices_holder = 0x7f0c000b; | |
public static final int devices_info_btn = 0x7f0c000c; | |
public static final int disconnect_from_wifidirect = 0x7f0c00c2; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button = 0x7f0c0056; | |
public static final int doneButton = 0x7f0c0064; | |
public static final int dropdown_layout = 0x7f0c00b4; | |
public static final int editTextResult = 0x7f0c005e; | |
public static final int edit_controller_btn = 0x7f0c00b5; | |
public static final int empty_filelist = 0x7f0c004a; | |
public static final int entire_screen = 0x7f0c000e; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchor = 0x7f0c0009; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchorDuplicateNames = 0x7f0c000a; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0c007c; | |
public static final int file_buttons = 0x7f0c0075; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0c007d; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0c007b; | |
public static final int file_info_layout = 0x7f0c0074; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0c0078; | |
public static final int files_holder = 0x7f0c0047; | |
public static final int fixButton = 0x7f0c0068; | |
public static final int groupList = 0x7f0c0024; | |
public static final int holds_buttons = 0x7f0c0045; | |
public static final int horizontalButtons = 0x7f0c007a; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigHeader = 0x7f0c0082; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigName = 0x7f0c0083; | |
public static final int included_header = 0x7f0c0005; | |
public static final int inclusionlayout = 0x7f0c0049; | |
public static final int infoButton = 0x7f0c00b7; | |
public static final int info_btn = 0x7f0c0085; | |
public static final int instructions_and_status_container = 0x7f0c004e; | |
public static final int isCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0043; | |
public static final int isDSInstalled = 0x7f0c0040; | |
public static final int isRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003d; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f0c0086; | |
public static final int labelManufacturer = 0x7f0c0025; | |
public static final int labelModel = 0x7f0c0027; | |
public static final int linearLayout = 0x7f0c0077; | |
public static final int linearLayout0 = 0x7f0c008c; | |
public static final int linearLayout1 = 0x7f0c008f; | |
public static final int linearLayout2 = 0x7f0c0092; | |
public static final int linearLayout3 = 0x7f0c0095; | |
public static final int linearLayout4 = 0x7f0c0098; | |
public static final int linearLayout5 = 0x7f0c009b; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix1 = 0x7f0c00a7; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix2 = 0x7f0c00a8; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix3 = 0x7f0c00a9; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix4 = 0x7f0c00aa; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix5 = 0x7f0c00ac; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix6 = 0x7f0c00ad; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix7 = 0x7f0c00ae; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix8 = 0x7f0c00af; | |
public static final int listView_devices = 0x7f0c006d; | |
public static final int load_bottom = 0x7f0c0006; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
public static final int log = 0x7f0c0055; | |
public static final int log_container = 0x7f0c0054; | |
public static final int lynxAddressButtons = 0x7f0c001d; | |
public static final int lynxAddressListInstructions = 0x7f0c001e; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareInstructions = 0x7f0c0021; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateButton = 0x7f0c0022; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceModules = 0x7f0c00a4; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceName = 0x7f0c00a3; | |
public static final int lynx_module_devices = 0x7f0c009f; | |
public static final int lynx_module_name = 0x7f0c009e; | |
public static final int matrixcontroller_name = 0x7f0c00a5; | |
public static final int menu_buttons = 0x7f0c0012; | |
public static final int moduleAddressText = 0x7f0c00a1; | |
public static final int moduleList = 0x7f0c0020; | |
public static final int moduleSerialText = 0x7f0c00a0; | |
public static final int motors_title = 0x7f0c00ab; | |
public static final int network_name = 0x7f0c004f; | |
public static final int new_button = 0x7f0c0046; | |
public static final int orange_end_of_list_anchor = 0x7f0c0058; | |
public static final int osVersion = 0x7f0c002a; | |
public static final int passphrase = 0x7f0c0050; | |
public static final int port0 = 0x7f0c008b; | |
public static final int port1 = 0x7f0c008e; | |
public static final int port2 = 0x7f0c0091; | |
public static final int port3 = 0x7f0c0094; | |
public static final int port4 = 0x7f0c0097; | |
public static final int port5 = 0x7f0c009a; | |
public static final int portNumber = 0x7f0c00b3; | |
public static final int port_number = 0x7f0c005c; | |
public static final int port_title = 0x7f0c0088; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0c0048; | |
public static final int robotIcon = 0x7f0c0010; | |
public static final int row_port = 0x7f0c005b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0c008a; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0c008d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0c0090; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0c0093; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0c0096; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0c0099; | |
public static final int row_port_digital_device = 0x7f0c006e; | |
public static final int row_port_i2c = 0x7f0c0084; | |
public static final int scanButton = 0x7f0c0067; | |
public static final int scrollView = 0x7f0c0059; | |
public static final int serialNumber = 0x7f0c006c; | |
public static final int server_status = 0x7f0c0052; | |
public static final int server_url = 0x7f0c0051; | |
public static final int servos_title = 0x7f0c00a6; | |
public static final int spinnerChooseAddress = 0x7f0c00a2; | |
public static final int swapButton = 0x7f0c0069; | |
public static final int swapCaption = 0x7f0c0057; | |
public static final int tableLayout = 0x7f0c006f; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analogOutput_devices = 0x7f0c0061; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analog_input_devices = 0x7f0c0060; | |
public static final int table_header = 0x7f0c0076; | |
public static final int templateList = 0x7f0c0008; | |
public static final int templateListCaption = 0x7f0c0007; | |
public static final int templateNameText = 0x7f0c00b6; | |
public static final int textAdbLogs = 0x7f0c005a; | |
public static final int textBadDeviceName = 0x7f0c0004; | |
public static final int textDeviceName = 0x7f0c0011; | |
public static final int textPleaseWait = 0x7f0c0003; | |
public static final int textView = 0x7f0c0035; | |
public static final int textView10 = 0x7f0c002d; | |
public static final int textView11 = 0x7f0c0033; | |
public static final int textView12 = 0x7f0c0029; | |
public static final int textView13 = 0x7f0c002f; | |
public static final int textView3 = 0x7f0c003b; | |
public static final int textView4 = 0x7f0c003e; | |
public static final int textView5 = 0x7f0c0041; | |
public static final int textView6 = 0x7f0c0037; | |
public static final int textView7 = 0x7f0c0031; | |
public static final int textView8 = 0x7f0c002b; | |
public static final int textView9 = 0x7f0c0044; | |
public static final int titleTextView = 0x7f0c005f; | |
public static final int top_bar = 0x7f0c000f; | |
public static final int txtIsCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0042; | |
public static final int txtIsDSInstalled = 0x7f0c003f; | |
public static final int txtIsRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003c; | |
public static final int txtManufacturer = 0x7f0c0026; | |
public static final int txtModel = 0x7f0c0028; | |
public static final int webView = 0x7f0c004d; | |
public static final int webViewBlockly = 0x7f0c0001; | |
public static final int widiConnected = 0x7f0c0038; | |
public static final int widiName = 0x7f0c0036; | |
public static final int wifiConnected = 0x7f0c0034; | |
public static final int wifiEnabled = 0x7f0c0032; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int activity_about = 0x7f030000; | |
public static final int activity_blocks = 0x7f030001; | |
public static final int activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f030002; | |
public static final int activity_configure_from_template = 0x7f030003; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_configuration = 0x7f030004; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_address_update = 0x7f030006; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_fw_update = 0x7f030007; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f030008; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_remembered_groups = 0x7f030009; | |
public static final int activity_generic_settings = 0x7f03000a; | |
public static final int activity_inspection = 0x7f03000b; | |
public static final int activity_load = 0x7f03000c; | |
public static final int activity_program_and_manage = 0x7f03000d; | |
public static final int activity_programming_mode = 0x7f03000e; | |
public static final int activity_swap_usb_devices = 0x7f03000f; | |
public static final int activity_view_logs = 0x7f030010; | |
public static final int analog_input_device = 0x7f030011; | |
public static final int analog_inputs = 0x7f030012; | |
public static final int analog_output_device = 0x7f030013; | |
public static final int analog_outputs = 0x7f030014; | |
public static final int banner_parent = 0x7f030015; | |
public static final int button_list = 0x7f030016; | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int device_interface_module = 0x7f030018; | |
public static final int digital_device = 0x7f030019; | |
public static final int digital_device_lynx = 0x7f03001a; | |
public static final int digital_devices = 0x7f03001b; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int file_info = 0x7f03001d; | |
public static final int gray_line = 0x7f03001e; | |
public static final int header = 0x7f03001f; | |
public static final int i2c_device = 0x7f030020; | |
public static final int i2cs = 0x7f030021; | |
public static final int info_button = 0x7f030022; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f030023; | |
public static final int legacy = 0x7f030024; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
public static final int lynx_module = 0x7f030026; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address = 0x7f030027; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address_spin_item = 0x7f030028; | |
public static final int lynx_usb_device = 0x7f030029; | |
public static final int matrices = 0x7f03002a; | |
public static final int matrix_devices = 0x7f03002b; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f03002c; | |
public static final int motor_controller_banner = 0x7f03002d; | |
public static final int motor_list = 0x7f03002e; | |
public static final int port_attached_row = 0x7f03002f; | |
public static final int pwm_device = 0x7f030030; | |
public static final int pwms = 0x7f030031; | |
public static final int red_line = 0x7f030032; | |
public static final int servo = 0x7f030033; | |
public static final int servo_controller_banner = 0x7f030034; | |
public static final int servo_list = 0x7f030035; | |
public static final int simple_device = 0x7f030036; | |
public static final int template_info = 0x7f030037; | |
} | |
public static final class menu { | |
public static final int main_menu = 0x7f0b0001; | |
public static final int menu_server = 0x7f0b0002; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int chimeconnect = 0x7f050000; | |
public static final int chimedisconnect = 0x7f050001; | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int errormessage = 0x7f050005; | |
public static final int nxtstartupsound = 0x7f050006; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
public static final int warningmessage = 0x7f05000a; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int about_activity = 0x7f0a000a; | |
public static final int about_app_version = 0x7f0a000b; | |
public static final int about_build_time = 0x7f0a000c; | |
public static final int about_library_version = 0x7f0a000d; | |
public static final int about_network_connection_info = 0x7f0a000f; | |
public static final int about_network_protocol_version = 0x7f0a0010; | |
public static final int about_wifi_connected = 0x7f0a0011; | |
public static final int about_wifi_direct_info = 0x7f0a0012; | |
public static final int about_wifi_group_owner = 0x7f0a0013; | |
public static final int about_wifi_ip = 0x7f0a0014; | |
public static final int about_wifi_is_group_owner = 0x7f0a0015; | |
public static final int about_wifi_name = 0x7f0a0016; | |
public static final int about_wifi_no_info = 0x7f0a0017; | |
public static final int about_wifi_passphrase = 0x7f0a0018; | |
public static final int action_configuration = 0x7f0a0019; | |
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f0a001a; | |
public static final int action_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a001b; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int activeConfigCaption = 0x7f0a0022; | |
public static final int active_connections_label = 0x7f0a0023; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int add_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0027; | |
public static final int add_servo_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0028; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailed = 0x7f0a0029; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailedTitle = 0x7f0a002a; | |
public static final int alertMessageNoActionGetContent = 0x7f0a002b; | |
public static final int alertTitleRobotControllerConsole = 0x7f0a002c; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int attached = 0x7f0a0033; | |
public static final int availableConfigListCaption = 0x7f0a0034; | |
public static final int availableConfigsInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0035; | |
public static final int availableModuleListCaption = 0x7f0a0036; | |
public static final int availableTemplateListCaption = 0x7f0a0037; | |
public static final int blocks_activity = 0x7f0a0038; | |
public static final int buttonExitWithoutSaving = 0x7f0a003a; | |
public static final int buttonNameAdd = 0x7f0a003b; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigure = 0x7f0a003d; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigureModuleAddress = 0x7f0a003e; | |
public static final int buttonNameDone = 0x7f0a003f; | |
public static final int buttonNameFix = 0x7f0a0040; | |
public static final int buttonNameInfo = 0x7f0a0041; | |
public static final int buttonNameNew = 0x7f0a0042; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int buttonNameSave = 0x7f0a0044; | |
public static final int buttonNameScan = 0x7f0a0045; | |
public static final int buttonNameSwap = 0x7f0a0046; | |
public static final int captionAvailableSwapDevices = 0x7f0a0047; | |
public static final int captionAvailableUsbDevices = 0x7f0a0048; | |
public static final int choice_prompt = 0x7f0a0049; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogInput = 0x7f0a004a; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogOutput = 0x7f0a004b; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_digital_device = 0x7f0a004c; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_i2c = 0x7f0a004d; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_module_address = 0x7f0a004e; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_motor = 0x7f0a004f; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_servo = 0x7f0a0050; | |
public static final int clear_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a0051; | |
public static final int configDirtyLabel = 0x7f0a0052; | |
public static final int configFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a0053; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0054; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoTitle = 0x7f0a0055; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configNameEmpty = 0x7f0a0057; | |
public static final int configNameExists = 0x7f0a0058; | |
public static final int configNameIllegalCharacters = 0x7f0a0059; | |
public static final int configNamePromptBanter = 0x7f0a005a; | |
public static final int configNamePromptTitle = 0x7f0a005b; | |
public static final int configNameReadOnly = 0x7f0a005c; | |
public static final int configNameReserved = 0x7f0a005d; | |
public static final int configNameWhitespace = 0x7f0a005e; | |
public static final int configTemplateInstructions = 0x7f0a005f; | |
public static final int configToDeleteDoesNotExist = 0x7f0a0060; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int configurationNotSaved = 0x7f0a0086; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0a0087; | |
public static final int configure_activity = 0x7f0a0088; | |
public static final int configure_menu_item = 0x7f0a0089; | |
public static final int configure_settings = 0x7f0a008b; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteMessage = 0x7f0a008c; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteTitle = 0x7f0a008d; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int controllerPortConnectionInfoFormat = 0x7f0a0090; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int default_port = 0x7f0a0099; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int deviceInterfaceModuleName = 0x7f0a009c; | |
public static final int device_info = 0x7f0a009d; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int device_type = 0x7f0a00a0; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button = 0x7f0a00a4; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a5; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00a6; | |
public static final int edit_analog_output_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a7; | |
public static final int edit_controller = 0x7f0a00a8; | |
public static final int edit_core_device_interface_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00a9; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00aa; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00ab; | |
public static final int edit_i2c_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00ac; | |
public static final int edit_legacy_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ad; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ae; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_usb_device_activity = 0x7f0a00af; | |
public static final int edit_matrix_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b0; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b1; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a00b2; | |
public static final int edit_pwm_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b3; | |
public static final int edit_servo_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b4; | |
public static final int edit_swap_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b5; | |
public static final int errorConfigurationNotFound = 0x7f0a00b6; | |
public static final int errorExpansionHubIsMissing = 0x7f0a00b7; | |
public static final int errorFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a00b8; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int errorParsingConfiguration = 0x7f0a00ba; | |
public static final int error_text_error = 0x7f0a00bb; | |
public static final int error_text_warning = 0x7f0a00bc; | |
public static final int expansionHubFirmwareUpdateMessage = 0x7f0a00be; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0a00bf; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0a00c0; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0a00c1; | |
public static final int file_prompt = 0x7f0a00c2; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0a00c3; | |
public static final int fixFailDuplicate = 0x7f0a00c4; | |
public static final int fixFailNoneAvailable = 0x7f0a00c5; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanning = 0x7f0a00c6; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanningFailed = 0x7f0a00c7; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToCreateRobot = 0x7f0a00c8; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToStartRobot = 0x7f0a00c9; | |
public static final int group_owner = 0x7f0a00ca; | |
public static final int help_content = 0x7f0a00cb; | |
public static final int help_menu_item = 0x7f0a00cc; | |
public static final int hide_server_log_button = 0x7f0a00cd; | |
public static final int hwDeviceDescriptionAndConnection = 0x7f0a00ce; | |
public static final int hwPoorlyNamedDevice = 0x7f0a00cf; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int input_name_hint = 0x7f0a00d1; | |
public static final int input_name_label = 0x7f0a00d2; | |
public static final int inspection_activity = 0x7f0a00d3; | |
public static final int launch_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a00d5; | |
public static final int legacy_controller_name = 0x7f0a00d6; | |
public static final int load_menu_item = 0x7f0a00d7; | |
public static final int log_label = 0x7f0a00d8; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a00dc; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_module_address = 0x7f0a00e3; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_new_module_address = 0x7f0a00e4; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_no_change = 0x7f0a00e5; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_not_changeable = 0x7f0a00e6; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00e7; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_static = 0x7f0a00e8; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00e9; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_binary = 0x7f0a00ed; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00ee; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00ef; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name = 0x7f0a00f0; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f1; | |
public static final int matrix_motor_title = 0x7f0a00f2; | |
public static final int matrix_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f3; | |
public static final int matrix_port0 = 0x7f0a00f4; | |
public static final int matrix_port1 = 0x7f0a00f5; | |
public static final int matrix_port2 = 0x7f0a00f6; | |
public static final int matrix_port3 = 0x7f0a00f7; | |
public static final int matrix_port4 = 0x7f0a00f8; | |
public static final int matrix_port5 = 0x7f0a00f9; | |
public static final int matrix_port6 = 0x7f0a00fa; | |
public static final int matrix_port7 = 0x7f0a00fb; | |
public static final int matrix_servo_title = 0x7f0a00fc; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f0a0102; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0103; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0104; | |
public static final int motor_name = 0x7f0a0105; | |
public static final int motor_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0106; | |
public static final int motor_port = 0x7f0a0107; | |
public static final int motor_port1 = 0x7f0a0108; | |
public static final int motor_port2 = 0x7f0a0109; | |
public static final int msgAlertBeforeScan = 0x7f0a010a; | |
public static final int msgInfoHowToUse = 0x7f0a010b; | |
public static final int msgInfoSave = 0x7f0a010c; | |
public static final int name_prompt_text = 0x7f0a010d; | |
public static final int name_prompt_undertext = 0x7f0a010e; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0113; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int network_name_label = 0x7f0a0117; | |
public static final int network_not_ok = 0x7f0a0118; | |
public static final int noCurrentConfigFile = 0x7f0a0119; | |
public static final int noDeviceAttached = 0x7f0a011a; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011b; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011c; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011d; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011e; | |
public static final int noRememberedGroupsFound = 0x7f0a011f; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0121; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0122; | |
public static final int noVoltageSensor = 0x7f0a0123; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0124; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0125; | |
public static final int not_available = 0x7f0a0126; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int passphrase_label = 0x7f0a012c; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int port = 0x7f0a012f; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_hardware_config_filename = 0x7f0a013d; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int program_and_manage_activity = 0x7f0a0176; | |
public static final int programming_and_manage = 0x7f0a0178; | |
public static final int programming_mode = 0x7f0a0179; | |
public static final int programming_mode_activity = 0x7f0a017a; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int progressUpdatingDeviceFirmware = 0x7f0a017d; | |
public static final int quotes = 0x7f0a017e; | |
public static final int readOnlyConfigFeedback = 0x7f0a017f; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0a0180; | |
public static final int readXML_text = 0x7f0a0181; | |
public static final int rescanButton_text = 0x7f0a0182; | |
public static final int restore_settings = 0x7f0a0184; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotControllerAppUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a018a; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0192; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0a019c; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0a019d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0a019e; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0a019f; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0a01a0; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0a01a1; | |
public static final int row_port6 = 0x7f0a01a2; | |
public static final int saveButton_text = 0x7f0a01a3; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessage = 0x7f0a01a4; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessageScreen = 0x7f0a01a5; | |
public static final int saveChangesTitle = 0x7f0a01a6; | |
public static final int save_configuration = 0x7f0a01a7; | |
public static final int serialNumberNotAttached = 0x7f0a01a8; | |
public static final int server_not_ok = 0x7f0a01a9; | |
public static final int server_ok = 0x7f0a01aa; | |
public static final int server_status_label = 0x7f0a01ab; | |
public static final int server_url_label = 0x7f0a01ac; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a01ad; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01ae; | |
public static final int servo_name = 0x7f0a01af; | |
public static final int servo_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01b0; | |
public static final int servo_port = 0x7f0a01b1; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int settings_activity = 0x7f0a01b4; | |
public static final int stringManufacturer = 0x7f0a01b6; | |
public static final int stringModel = 0x7f0a01b7; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelHeading = 0x7f0a01b8; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelInstructions = 0x7f0a01b9; | |
public static final int string_WifiRememberedGroupsInstructions = 0x7f0a01ba; | |
public static final int summaryAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01bb; | |
public static final int summaryLynxAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01bc; | |
public static final int summaryLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01bd; | |
public static final int swapPrompt = 0x7f0a01be; | |
public static final int templateConfigurationInstructions = 0x7f0a01bf; | |
public static final int templateConfigureConfigurationInstructionsTitle = 0x7f0a01c0; | |
public static final int templateConfigureDuplicateNameExceptionMessage = 0x7f0a01c1; | |
public static final int templateConfigureFailedToOpenUSBScanManager = 0x7f0a01c2; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDescriptionAvailable = 0x7f0a01c3; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c4; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c5; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNothing = 0x7f0a01c6; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c7; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c8; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01c9; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings2 = 0x7f0a01ca; | |
public static final int titleDevices = 0x7f0a01cb; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportDS = 0x7f0a01cc; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportRC = 0x7f0a01cd; | |
public static final int titleLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01ce; | |
public static final int titleLynxModuleAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01cf; | |
public static final int titleSaveConfiguration = 0x7f0a01d0; | |
public static final int titleText_view = 0x7f0a01d1; | |
public static final int titleUnsavedChanges = 0x7f0a01d2; | |
public static final int title_activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f0a01d3; | |
public static final int title_activity_configfromtemplate = 0x7f0a01d4; | |
public static final int title_activity_load = 0x7f0a01d5; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a01d6; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_remembered_groups_editor = 0x7f0a01d7; | |
public static final int toastCantCreateRobotConfigFilesDir = 0x7f0a01d8; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastDuplicateName = 0x7f0a01db; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeComplete = 0x7f0a01dd; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeFailed = 0x7f0a01de; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeNothingToDo = 0x7f0a01df; | |
public static final int toastLynxFirmwareUpdateSuccessful = 0x7f0a01e0; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int toastRestartRobotComplete = 0x7f0a01e3; | |
public static final int toastRestartingRobot = 0x7f0a01e4; | |
public static final int toastSaved = 0x7f0a01e5; | |
public static final int toastUnableToLaunchZTEWifiChannelEditor = 0x7f0a01e6; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadFile = 0x7f0a01e7; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadsComplete = 0x7f0a01e8; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pChannelChangeRequestedDS = 0x7f0a01ea; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pRememberedGroupsCleared = 0x7f0a01eb; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unhealthyDevice = 0x7f0a01f2; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
public static final int update_lynx_firmware = 0x7f0a01f4; | |
public static final int userSensorTypeBusDefault = 0x7f0a01f5; | |
public static final int view_logs_activity = 0x7f0a01f6; | |
public static final int warningProblemCommunicatingWithUSBDevice = 0x7f0a01f7; | |
public static final int warningUSBDeviceDetached = 0x7f0a01f8; | |
public static final int warningUnableToOpen = 0x7f0a01f9; | |
public static final int webViewDownloadRequestDescription = 0x7f0a01fa; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_bad_device_name = 0x7f0a01fb; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_update_settings = 0x7f0a01fc; | |
public static final int writeXML_prompt = 0x7f0a01fd; | |
public static final int writeXML_text = 0x7f0a01fe; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
public static final class xml { | |
public static final int advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f040000; | |
public static final int app_settings = 0x7f040001; | |
public static final int k9legacybot = 0x7f040003; | |
public static final int k9usbbot = 0x7f040004; | |
public static final int maxmodules = 0x7f040005; | |
public static final int pushbot = 0x7f040006; | |
public static final int pushbotsens = 0x7f040007; | |
public static final int rev_scoot = 0x7f040008; | |
public static final int squarebot = 0x7f040009; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.analyticsmodule; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.ftccommon; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogInput = 0x7f080004; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogOutput = 0x7f080005; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device = 0x7f080006; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device_lynx = 0x7f080007; | |
public static final int choice_array_legacy_module = 0x7f080008; | |
public static final int choice_array_servo = 0x7f080009; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_options_array = 0x7f08000a; | |
public static final int lynx_module_options_array = 0x7f08000b; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class dimen { | |
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000; | |
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int button_shape = 0x7f020001; | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020003; | |
public static final int icon_menu = 0x7f020004; | |
public static final int icon_robotcontroller = 0x7f020005; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int aboutList = 0x7f0c0000; | |
public static final int activity_fix_misconfig_wifi_direct = 0x7f0c0002; | |
public static final int addButton = 0x7f0c0066; | |
public static final int addressListCaption = 0x7f0c001f; | |
public static final int airplaneMode = 0x7f0c002e; | |
public static final int appsInstalled = 0x7f0c0039; | |
public static final int appsStatus = 0x7f0c003a; | |
public static final int attached_title = 0x7f0c0089; | |
public static final int backgroundDarkGrayHolder = 0x7f0c0081; | |
public static final int backgroundLightHolder = 0x7f0c007f; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumHolder = 0x7f0c0080; | |
public static final int bannerParent = 0x7f0c0062; | |
public static final int batteryLevel = 0x7f0c002c; | |
public static final int bluetoothEnabled = 0x7f0c0030; | |
public static final int buttonList = 0x7f0c0063; | |
public static final int cancelButton = 0x7f0c0065; | |
public static final int channelPickList = 0x7f0c0023; | |
public static final int checkbox_port = 0x7f0c00b0; | |
public static final int choiceMotorSpinner = 0x7f0c00b1; | |
public static final int choiceSpinner = 0x7f0c005d; | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int configIsReadOnlyFeedback = 0x7f0c0079; | |
public static final int configureButton = 0x7f0c00b8; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0c004c; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplateArea = 0x7f0c004b; | |
public static final int controller_name = 0x7f0c00b2; | |
public static final int controller_name_prompt_text = 0x7f0c0087; | |
public static final int controllersList = 0x7f0c000d; | |
public static final int darker_gray_line = 0x7f0c007e; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0c006b; | |
public static final int devices_holder = 0x7f0c000b; | |
public static final int devices_info_btn = 0x7f0c000c; | |
public static final int disconnect_from_wifidirect = 0x7f0c00c2; | |
public static final int doneButton = 0x7f0c0064; | |
public static final int dropdown_layout = 0x7f0c00b4; | |
public static final int editTextResult = 0x7f0c005e; | |
public static final int edit_controller_btn = 0x7f0c00b5; | |
public static final int empty_filelist = 0x7f0c004a; | |
public static final int entire_screen = 0x7f0c000e; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchor = 0x7f0c0009; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchorDuplicateNames = 0x7f0c000a; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0c007c; | |
public static final int file_buttons = 0x7f0c0075; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0c007d; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0c007b; | |
public static final int file_info_layout = 0x7f0c0074; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0c0078; | |
public static final int files_holder = 0x7f0c0047; | |
public static final int fixButton = 0x7f0c0068; | |
public static final int groupList = 0x7f0c0024; | |
public static final int holds_buttons = 0x7f0c0045; | |
public static final int horizontalButtons = 0x7f0c007a; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigHeader = 0x7f0c0082; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigName = 0x7f0c0083; | |
public static final int included_header = 0x7f0c0005; | |
public static final int inclusionlayout = 0x7f0c0049; | |
public static final int infoButton = 0x7f0c00b7; | |
public static final int info_btn = 0x7f0c0085; | |
public static final int isCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0043; | |
public static final int isDSInstalled = 0x7f0c0040; | |
public static final int isRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003d; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f0c0086; | |
public static final int labelManufacturer = 0x7f0c0025; | |
public static final int labelModel = 0x7f0c0027; | |
public static final int linearLayout = 0x7f0c0077; | |
public static final int linearLayout0 = 0x7f0c008c; | |
public static final int linearLayout1 = 0x7f0c008f; | |
public static final int linearLayout2 = 0x7f0c0092; | |
public static final int linearLayout3 = 0x7f0c0095; | |
public static final int linearLayout4 = 0x7f0c0098; | |
public static final int linearLayout5 = 0x7f0c009b; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix1 = 0x7f0c00a7; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix2 = 0x7f0c00a8; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix3 = 0x7f0c00a9; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix4 = 0x7f0c00aa; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix5 = 0x7f0c00ac; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix6 = 0x7f0c00ad; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix7 = 0x7f0c00ae; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix8 = 0x7f0c00af; | |
public static final int listView_devices = 0x7f0c006d; | |
public static final int load_bottom = 0x7f0c0006; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
public static final int lynxAddressButtons = 0x7f0c001d; | |
public static final int lynxAddressListInstructions = 0x7f0c001e; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareInstructions = 0x7f0c0021; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateButton = 0x7f0c0022; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceModules = 0x7f0c00a4; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceName = 0x7f0c00a3; | |
public static final int lynx_module_devices = 0x7f0c009f; | |
public static final int lynx_module_name = 0x7f0c009e; | |
public static final int matrixcontroller_name = 0x7f0c00a5; | |
public static final int menu_buttons = 0x7f0c0012; | |
public static final int moduleAddressText = 0x7f0c00a1; | |
public static final int moduleList = 0x7f0c0020; | |
public static final int moduleSerialText = 0x7f0c00a0; | |
public static final int motors_title = 0x7f0c00ab; | |
public static final int new_button = 0x7f0c0046; | |
public static final int orange_end_of_list_anchor = 0x7f0c0058; | |
public static final int osVersion = 0x7f0c002a; | |
public static final int port0 = 0x7f0c008b; | |
public static final int port1 = 0x7f0c008e; | |
public static final int port2 = 0x7f0c0091; | |
public static final int port3 = 0x7f0c0094; | |
public static final int port4 = 0x7f0c0097; | |
public static final int port5 = 0x7f0c009a; | |
public static final int portNumber = 0x7f0c00b3; | |
public static final int port_number = 0x7f0c005c; | |
public static final int port_title = 0x7f0c0088; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0c0048; | |
public static final int robotIcon = 0x7f0c0010; | |
public static final int row_port = 0x7f0c005b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0c008a; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0c008d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0c0090; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0c0093; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0c0096; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0c0099; | |
public static final int row_port_digital_device = 0x7f0c006e; | |
public static final int row_port_i2c = 0x7f0c0084; | |
public static final int scanButton = 0x7f0c0067; | |
public static final int scrollView = 0x7f0c0059; | |
public static final int serialNumber = 0x7f0c006c; | |
public static final int servos_title = 0x7f0c00a6; | |
public static final int spinnerChooseAddress = 0x7f0c00a2; | |
public static final int swapButton = 0x7f0c0069; | |
public static final int swapCaption = 0x7f0c0057; | |
public static final int tableLayout = 0x7f0c006f; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analogOutput_devices = 0x7f0c0061; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analog_input_devices = 0x7f0c0060; | |
public static final int table_header = 0x7f0c0076; | |
public static final int templateList = 0x7f0c0008; | |
public static final int templateListCaption = 0x7f0c0007; | |
public static final int templateNameText = 0x7f0c00b6; | |
public static final int textAdbLogs = 0x7f0c005a; | |
public static final int textBadDeviceName = 0x7f0c0004; | |
public static final int textDeviceName = 0x7f0c0011; | |
public static final int textPleaseWait = 0x7f0c0003; | |
public static final int textView = 0x7f0c0035; | |
public static final int textView10 = 0x7f0c002d; | |
public static final int textView11 = 0x7f0c0033; | |
public static final int textView12 = 0x7f0c0029; | |
public static final int textView13 = 0x7f0c002f; | |
public static final int textView3 = 0x7f0c003b; | |
public static final int textView4 = 0x7f0c003e; | |
public static final int textView5 = 0x7f0c0041; | |
public static final int textView6 = 0x7f0c0037; | |
public static final int textView7 = 0x7f0c0031; | |
public static final int textView8 = 0x7f0c002b; | |
public static final int textView9 = 0x7f0c0044; | |
public static final int titleTextView = 0x7f0c005f; | |
public static final int top_bar = 0x7f0c000f; | |
public static final int txtIsCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0042; | |
public static final int txtIsDSInstalled = 0x7f0c003f; | |
public static final int txtIsRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003c; | |
public static final int txtManufacturer = 0x7f0c0026; | |
public static final int txtModel = 0x7f0c0028; | |
public static final int webView = 0x7f0c004d; | |
public static final int widiConnected = 0x7f0c0038; | |
public static final int widiName = 0x7f0c0036; | |
public static final int wifiConnected = 0x7f0c0034; | |
public static final int wifiEnabled = 0x7f0c0032; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int activity_about = 0x7f030000; | |
public static final int activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f030002; | |
public static final int activity_configure_from_template = 0x7f030003; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_configuration = 0x7f030004; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_address_update = 0x7f030006; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_fw_update = 0x7f030007; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f030008; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_remembered_groups = 0x7f030009; | |
public static final int activity_generic_settings = 0x7f03000a; | |
public static final int activity_inspection = 0x7f03000b; | |
public static final int activity_load = 0x7f03000c; | |
public static final int activity_program_and_manage = 0x7f03000d; | |
public static final int activity_swap_usb_devices = 0x7f03000f; | |
public static final int activity_view_logs = 0x7f030010; | |
public static final int analog_input_device = 0x7f030011; | |
public static final int analog_inputs = 0x7f030012; | |
public static final int analog_output_device = 0x7f030013; | |
public static final int analog_outputs = 0x7f030014; | |
public static final int banner_parent = 0x7f030015; | |
public static final int button_list = 0x7f030016; | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int device_interface_module = 0x7f030018; | |
public static final int digital_device = 0x7f030019; | |
public static final int digital_device_lynx = 0x7f03001a; | |
public static final int digital_devices = 0x7f03001b; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int file_info = 0x7f03001d; | |
public static final int gray_line = 0x7f03001e; | |
public static final int header = 0x7f03001f; | |
public static final int i2c_device = 0x7f030020; | |
public static final int i2cs = 0x7f030021; | |
public static final int info_button = 0x7f030022; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f030023; | |
public static final int legacy = 0x7f030024; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
public static final int lynx_module = 0x7f030026; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address = 0x7f030027; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address_spin_item = 0x7f030028; | |
public static final int lynx_usb_device = 0x7f030029; | |
public static final int matrices = 0x7f03002a; | |
public static final int matrix_devices = 0x7f03002b; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f03002c; | |
public static final int motor_controller_banner = 0x7f03002d; | |
public static final int motor_list = 0x7f03002e; | |
public static final int port_attached_row = 0x7f03002f; | |
public static final int pwm_device = 0x7f030030; | |
public static final int pwms = 0x7f030031; | |
public static final int red_line = 0x7f030032; | |
public static final int servo = 0x7f030033; | |
public static final int servo_controller_banner = 0x7f030034; | |
public static final int servo_list = 0x7f030035; | |
public static final int simple_device = 0x7f030036; | |
public static final int template_info = 0x7f030037; | |
} | |
public static final class menu { | |
public static final int main_menu = 0x7f0b0001; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int chimeconnect = 0x7f050000; | |
public static final int chimedisconnect = 0x7f050001; | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int errormessage = 0x7f050005; | |
public static final int nxtstartupsound = 0x7f050006; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
public static final int warningmessage = 0x7f05000a; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int about_activity = 0x7f0a000a; | |
public static final int about_app_version = 0x7f0a000b; | |
public static final int about_build_time = 0x7f0a000c; | |
public static final int about_library_version = 0x7f0a000d; | |
public static final int about_network_connection_info = 0x7f0a000f; | |
public static final int about_network_protocol_version = 0x7f0a0010; | |
public static final int about_wifi_connected = 0x7f0a0011; | |
public static final int about_wifi_direct_info = 0x7f0a0012; | |
public static final int about_wifi_group_owner = 0x7f0a0013; | |
public static final int about_wifi_ip = 0x7f0a0014; | |
public static final int about_wifi_is_group_owner = 0x7f0a0015; | |
public static final int about_wifi_name = 0x7f0a0016; | |
public static final int about_wifi_no_info = 0x7f0a0017; | |
public static final int about_wifi_passphrase = 0x7f0a0018; | |
public static final int action_configuration = 0x7f0a0019; | |
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f0a001a; | |
public static final int action_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a001b; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int activeConfigCaption = 0x7f0a0022; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int add_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0027; | |
public static final int add_servo_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0028; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailed = 0x7f0a0029; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailedTitle = 0x7f0a002a; | |
public static final int alertMessageNoActionGetContent = 0x7f0a002b; | |
public static final int alertTitleRobotControllerConsole = 0x7f0a002c; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int attached = 0x7f0a0033; | |
public static final int availableConfigListCaption = 0x7f0a0034; | |
public static final int availableConfigsInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0035; | |
public static final int availableModuleListCaption = 0x7f0a0036; | |
public static final int availableTemplateListCaption = 0x7f0a0037; | |
public static final int buttonExitWithoutSaving = 0x7f0a003a; | |
public static final int buttonNameAdd = 0x7f0a003b; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigure = 0x7f0a003d; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigureModuleAddress = 0x7f0a003e; | |
public static final int buttonNameDone = 0x7f0a003f; | |
public static final int buttonNameFix = 0x7f0a0040; | |
public static final int buttonNameInfo = 0x7f0a0041; | |
public static final int buttonNameNew = 0x7f0a0042; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int buttonNameSave = 0x7f0a0044; | |
public static final int buttonNameScan = 0x7f0a0045; | |
public static final int buttonNameSwap = 0x7f0a0046; | |
public static final int captionAvailableSwapDevices = 0x7f0a0047; | |
public static final int captionAvailableUsbDevices = 0x7f0a0048; | |
public static final int choice_prompt = 0x7f0a0049; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogInput = 0x7f0a004a; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogOutput = 0x7f0a004b; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_digital_device = 0x7f0a004c; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_i2c = 0x7f0a004d; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_module_address = 0x7f0a004e; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_motor = 0x7f0a004f; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_servo = 0x7f0a0050; | |
public static final int clear_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a0051; | |
public static final int configDirtyLabel = 0x7f0a0052; | |
public static final int configFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a0053; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0054; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoTitle = 0x7f0a0055; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configNameEmpty = 0x7f0a0057; | |
public static final int configNameExists = 0x7f0a0058; | |
public static final int configNameIllegalCharacters = 0x7f0a0059; | |
public static final int configNamePromptBanter = 0x7f0a005a; | |
public static final int configNamePromptTitle = 0x7f0a005b; | |
public static final int configNameReadOnly = 0x7f0a005c; | |
public static final int configNameReserved = 0x7f0a005d; | |
public static final int configNameWhitespace = 0x7f0a005e; | |
public static final int configTemplateInstructions = 0x7f0a005f; | |
public static final int configToDeleteDoesNotExist = 0x7f0a0060; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int configurationNotSaved = 0x7f0a0086; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0a0087; | |
public static final int configure_activity = 0x7f0a0088; | |
public static final int configure_menu_item = 0x7f0a0089; | |
public static final int configure_settings = 0x7f0a008b; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteMessage = 0x7f0a008c; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteTitle = 0x7f0a008d; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int controllerPortConnectionInfoFormat = 0x7f0a0090; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int default_port = 0x7f0a0099; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int deviceInterfaceModuleName = 0x7f0a009c; | |
public static final int device_info = 0x7f0a009d; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int device_type = 0x7f0a00a0; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a5; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00a6; | |
public static final int edit_analog_output_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a7; | |
public static final int edit_controller = 0x7f0a00a8; | |
public static final int edit_core_device_interface_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00a9; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00aa; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00ab; | |
public static final int edit_i2c_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00ac; | |
public static final int edit_legacy_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ad; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ae; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_usb_device_activity = 0x7f0a00af; | |
public static final int edit_matrix_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b0; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b1; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a00b2; | |
public static final int edit_pwm_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b3; | |
public static final int edit_servo_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b4; | |
public static final int edit_swap_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b5; | |
public static final int errorConfigurationNotFound = 0x7f0a00b6; | |
public static final int errorExpansionHubIsMissing = 0x7f0a00b7; | |
public static final int errorFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a00b8; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int errorParsingConfiguration = 0x7f0a00ba; | |
public static final int error_text_error = 0x7f0a00bb; | |
public static final int error_text_warning = 0x7f0a00bc; | |
public static final int expansionHubFirmwareUpdateMessage = 0x7f0a00be; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0a00bf; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0a00c0; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0a00c1; | |
public static final int file_prompt = 0x7f0a00c2; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0a00c3; | |
public static final int fixFailDuplicate = 0x7f0a00c4; | |
public static final int fixFailNoneAvailable = 0x7f0a00c5; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanning = 0x7f0a00c6; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanningFailed = 0x7f0a00c7; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToCreateRobot = 0x7f0a00c8; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToStartRobot = 0x7f0a00c9; | |
public static final int hwDeviceDescriptionAndConnection = 0x7f0a00ce; | |
public static final int hwPoorlyNamedDevice = 0x7f0a00cf; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int input_name_hint = 0x7f0a00d1; | |
public static final int input_name_label = 0x7f0a00d2; | |
public static final int inspection_activity = 0x7f0a00d3; | |
public static final int launch_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a00d5; | |
public static final int legacy_controller_name = 0x7f0a00d6; | |
public static final int load_menu_item = 0x7f0a00d7; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a00dc; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_module_address = 0x7f0a00e3; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_new_module_address = 0x7f0a00e4; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_no_change = 0x7f0a00e5; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_not_changeable = 0x7f0a00e6; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00e7; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_static = 0x7f0a00e8; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00e9; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_binary = 0x7f0a00ed; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00ee; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00ef; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name = 0x7f0a00f0; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f1; | |
public static final int matrix_motor_title = 0x7f0a00f2; | |
public static final int matrix_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f3; | |
public static final int matrix_port0 = 0x7f0a00f4; | |
public static final int matrix_port1 = 0x7f0a00f5; | |
public static final int matrix_port2 = 0x7f0a00f6; | |
public static final int matrix_port3 = 0x7f0a00f7; | |
public static final int matrix_port4 = 0x7f0a00f8; | |
public static final int matrix_port5 = 0x7f0a00f9; | |
public static final int matrix_port6 = 0x7f0a00fa; | |
public static final int matrix_port7 = 0x7f0a00fb; | |
public static final int matrix_servo_title = 0x7f0a00fc; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f0a0102; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0103; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0104; | |
public static final int motor_name = 0x7f0a0105; | |
public static final int motor_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0106; | |
public static final int motor_port = 0x7f0a0107; | |
public static final int motor_port1 = 0x7f0a0108; | |
public static final int motor_port2 = 0x7f0a0109; | |
public static final int msgAlertBeforeScan = 0x7f0a010a; | |
public static final int msgInfoHowToUse = 0x7f0a010b; | |
public static final int msgInfoSave = 0x7f0a010c; | |
public static final int name_prompt_text = 0x7f0a010d; | |
public static final int name_prompt_undertext = 0x7f0a010e; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0113; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int noCurrentConfigFile = 0x7f0a0119; | |
public static final int noDeviceAttached = 0x7f0a011a; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011b; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011c; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011d; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011e; | |
public static final int noRememberedGroupsFound = 0x7f0a011f; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0121; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0122; | |
public static final int noVoltageSensor = 0x7f0a0123; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0124; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0125; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int port = 0x7f0a012f; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_hardware_config_filename = 0x7f0a013d; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int progressUpdatingDeviceFirmware = 0x7f0a017d; | |
public static final int quotes = 0x7f0a017e; | |
public static final int readOnlyConfigFeedback = 0x7f0a017f; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0a0180; | |
public static final int readXML_text = 0x7f0a0181; | |
public static final int rescanButton_text = 0x7f0a0182; | |
public static final int restore_settings = 0x7f0a0184; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotControllerAppUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a018a; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0192; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0a019c; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0a019d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0a019e; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0a019f; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0a01a0; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0a01a1; | |
public static final int row_port6 = 0x7f0a01a2; | |
public static final int saveButton_text = 0x7f0a01a3; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessage = 0x7f0a01a4; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessageScreen = 0x7f0a01a5; | |
public static final int saveChangesTitle = 0x7f0a01a6; | |
public static final int save_configuration = 0x7f0a01a7; | |
public static final int serialNumberNotAttached = 0x7f0a01a8; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a01ad; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01ae; | |
public static final int servo_name = 0x7f0a01af; | |
public static final int servo_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01b0; | |
public static final int servo_port = 0x7f0a01b1; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int settings_activity = 0x7f0a01b4; | |
public static final int stringManufacturer = 0x7f0a01b6; | |
public static final int stringModel = 0x7f0a01b7; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelHeading = 0x7f0a01b8; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelInstructions = 0x7f0a01b9; | |
public static final int string_WifiRememberedGroupsInstructions = 0x7f0a01ba; | |
public static final int summaryAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01bb; | |
public static final int summaryLynxAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01bc; | |
public static final int summaryLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01bd; | |
public static final int swapPrompt = 0x7f0a01be; | |
public static final int templateConfigurationInstructions = 0x7f0a01bf; | |
public static final int templateConfigureConfigurationInstructionsTitle = 0x7f0a01c0; | |
public static final int templateConfigureDuplicateNameExceptionMessage = 0x7f0a01c1; | |
public static final int templateConfigureFailedToOpenUSBScanManager = 0x7f0a01c2; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDescriptionAvailable = 0x7f0a01c3; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c4; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c5; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNothing = 0x7f0a01c6; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c7; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c8; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01c9; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings2 = 0x7f0a01ca; | |
public static final int titleDevices = 0x7f0a01cb; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportDS = 0x7f0a01cc; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportRC = 0x7f0a01cd; | |
public static final int titleLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01ce; | |
public static final int titleLynxModuleAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01cf; | |
public static final int titleSaveConfiguration = 0x7f0a01d0; | |
public static final int titleText_view = 0x7f0a01d1; | |
public static final int titleUnsavedChanges = 0x7f0a01d2; | |
public static final int title_activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f0a01d3; | |
public static final int title_activity_configfromtemplate = 0x7f0a01d4; | |
public static final int title_activity_load = 0x7f0a01d5; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a01d6; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_remembered_groups_editor = 0x7f0a01d7; | |
public static final int toastCantCreateRobotConfigFilesDir = 0x7f0a01d8; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastDuplicateName = 0x7f0a01db; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeComplete = 0x7f0a01dd; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeFailed = 0x7f0a01de; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeNothingToDo = 0x7f0a01df; | |
public static final int toastLynxFirmwareUpdateSuccessful = 0x7f0a01e0; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int toastRestartRobotComplete = 0x7f0a01e3; | |
public static final int toastRestartingRobot = 0x7f0a01e4; | |
public static final int toastSaved = 0x7f0a01e5; | |
public static final int toastUnableToLaunchZTEWifiChannelEditor = 0x7f0a01e6; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadFile = 0x7f0a01e7; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadsComplete = 0x7f0a01e8; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pChannelChangeRequestedDS = 0x7f0a01ea; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pRememberedGroupsCleared = 0x7f0a01eb; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unhealthyDevice = 0x7f0a01f2; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
public static final int update_lynx_firmware = 0x7f0a01f4; | |
public static final int userSensorTypeBusDefault = 0x7f0a01f5; | |
public static final int view_logs_activity = 0x7f0a01f6; | |
public static final int warningProblemCommunicatingWithUSBDevice = 0x7f0a01f7; | |
public static final int warningUSBDeviceDetached = 0x7f0a01f8; | |
public static final int warningUnableToOpen = 0x7f0a01f9; | |
public static final int webViewDownloadRequestDescription = 0x7f0a01fa; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_bad_device_name = 0x7f0a01fb; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_update_settings = 0x7f0a01fc; | |
public static final int writeXML_prompt = 0x7f0a01fd; | |
public static final int writeXML_text = 0x7f0a01fe; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
public static final class xml { | |
public static final int advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f040000; | |
public static final int app_settings = 0x7f040001; | |
public static final int k9legacybot = 0x7f040003; | |
public static final int k9usbbot = 0x7f040004; | |
public static final int maxmodules = 0x7f040005; | |
public static final int pushbot = 0x7f040006; | |
public static final int pushbotsens = 0x7f040007; | |
public static final int rev_scoot = 0x7f040008; | |
public static final int squarebot = 0x7f040009; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogInput = 0x7f080004; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogOutput = 0x7f080005; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device = 0x7f080006; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device_lynx = 0x7f080007; | |
public static final int choice_array_legacy_module = 0x7f080008; | |
public static final int choice_array_servo = 0x7f080009; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_options_array = 0x7f08000a; | |
public static final int lynx_module_options_array = 0x7f08000b; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class dimen { | |
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000; | |
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int black_border = 0x7f020000; | |
public static final int button_shape = 0x7f020001; | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
public static final int ic_launcher = 0x7f020003; | |
public static final int icon_menu = 0x7f020004; | |
public static final int icon_robotcontroller = 0x7f020005; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int RelativeLayout = 0x7f0c0013; | |
public static final int aboutList = 0x7f0c0000; | |
public static final int action_about = 0x7f0c00c0; | |
public static final int action_blocks = 0x7f0c00bc; | |
public static final int action_configure_robot = 0x7f0c00bb; | |
public static final int action_exit_app = 0x7f0c00c1; | |
public static final int action_help = 0x7f0c00c3; | |
public static final int action_inspection_mode = 0x7f0c00bf; | |
public static final int action_program_and_manage = 0x7f0c00be; | |
public static final int action_programming_mode = 0x7f0c00bd; | |
public static final int action_restart_robot = 0x7f0c00ba; | |
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f0c00b9; | |
public static final int active_connections = 0x7f0c0053; | |
public static final int activity_fix_misconfig_wifi_direct = 0x7f0c0002; | |
public static final int addButton = 0x7f0c0066; | |
public static final int addressListCaption = 0x7f0c001f; | |
public static final int airplaneMode = 0x7f0c002e; | |
public static final int appsInstalled = 0x7f0c0039; | |
public static final int appsStatus = 0x7f0c003a; | |
public static final int attached_title = 0x7f0c0089; | |
public static final int backgroundDarkGrayHolder = 0x7f0c0081; | |
public static final int backgroundLightHolder = 0x7f0c007f; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumHolder = 0x7f0c0080; | |
public static final int bannerParent = 0x7f0c0062; | |
public static final int batteryLevel = 0x7f0c002c; | |
public static final int bluetoothEnabled = 0x7f0c0030; | |
public static final int buttonList = 0x7f0c0063; | |
public static final int cameraMonitorViewId = 0x7f0c0018; | |
public static final int cancelButton = 0x7f0c0065; | |
public static final int channelPickList = 0x7f0c0023; | |
public static final int checkbox_port = 0x7f0c00b0; | |
public static final int choiceMotorSpinner = 0x7f0c00b1; | |
public static final int choiceSpinner = 0x7f0c005d; | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int configIsReadOnlyFeedback = 0x7f0c0079; | |
public static final int configureButton = 0x7f0c00b8; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0c004c; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplateArea = 0x7f0c004b; | |
public static final int controller_name = 0x7f0c00b2; | |
public static final int controller_name_prompt_text = 0x7f0c0087; | |
public static final int controllersList = 0x7f0c000d; | |
public static final int darker_gray_line = 0x7f0c007e; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0c006b; | |
public static final int devices_holder = 0x7f0c000b; | |
public static final int devices_info_btn = 0x7f0c000c; | |
public static final int disconnect_from_wifidirect = 0x7f0c00c2; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button = 0x7f0c0056; | |
public static final int doneButton = 0x7f0c0064; | |
public static final int dropdown_layout = 0x7f0c00b4; | |
public static final int editTextResult = 0x7f0c005e; | |
public static final int edit_controller_btn = 0x7f0c00b5; | |
public static final int empty_filelist = 0x7f0c004a; | |
public static final int entire_screen = 0x7f0c000e; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchor = 0x7f0c0009; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchorDuplicateNames = 0x7f0c000a; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0c007c; | |
public static final int file_buttons = 0x7f0c0075; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0c007d; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0c007b; | |
public static final int file_info_layout = 0x7f0c0074; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0c0078; | |
public static final int files_holder = 0x7f0c0047; | |
public static final int fixButton = 0x7f0c0068; | |
public static final int groupList = 0x7f0c0024; | |
public static final int holds_buttons = 0x7f0c0045; | |
public static final int horizontalButtons = 0x7f0c007a; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigHeader = 0x7f0c0082; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigName = 0x7f0c0083; | |
public static final int included_header = 0x7f0c0005; | |
public static final int inclusionlayout = 0x7f0c0049; | |
public static final int infoButton = 0x7f0c00b7; | |
public static final int info_btn = 0x7f0c0085; | |
public static final int instructions_and_status_container = 0x7f0c004e; | |
public static final int isCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0043; | |
public static final int isDSInstalled = 0x7f0c0040; | |
public static final int isRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003d; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f0c0086; | |
public static final int labelManufacturer = 0x7f0c0025; | |
public static final int labelModel = 0x7f0c0027; | |
public static final int linearLayout = 0x7f0c0077; | |
public static final int linearLayout0 = 0x7f0c008c; | |
public static final int linearLayout1 = 0x7f0c008f; | |
public static final int linearLayout2 = 0x7f0c0092; | |
public static final int linearLayout3 = 0x7f0c0095; | |
public static final int linearLayout4 = 0x7f0c0098; | |
public static final int linearLayout5 = 0x7f0c009b; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix1 = 0x7f0c00a7; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix2 = 0x7f0c00a8; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix3 = 0x7f0c00a9; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix4 = 0x7f0c00aa; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix5 = 0x7f0c00ac; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix6 = 0x7f0c00ad; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix7 = 0x7f0c00ae; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix8 = 0x7f0c00af; | |
public static final int listView_devices = 0x7f0c006d; | |
public static final int load_bottom = 0x7f0c0006; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
public static final int log = 0x7f0c0055; | |
public static final int log_container = 0x7f0c0054; | |
public static final int lynxAddressButtons = 0x7f0c001d; | |
public static final int lynxAddressListInstructions = 0x7f0c001e; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareInstructions = 0x7f0c0021; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateButton = 0x7f0c0022; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceModules = 0x7f0c00a4; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceName = 0x7f0c00a3; | |
public static final int lynx_module_devices = 0x7f0c009f; | |
public static final int lynx_module_name = 0x7f0c009e; | |
public static final int matrixcontroller_name = 0x7f0c00a5; | |
public static final int menu_buttons = 0x7f0c0012; | |
public static final int moduleAddressText = 0x7f0c00a1; | |
public static final int moduleList = 0x7f0c0020; | |
public static final int moduleSerialText = 0x7f0c00a0; | |
public static final int motors_title = 0x7f0c00ab; | |
public static final int network_name = 0x7f0c004f; | |
public static final int new_button = 0x7f0c0046; | |
public static final int orange_end_of_list_anchor = 0x7f0c0058; | |
public static final int osVersion = 0x7f0c002a; | |
public static final int passphrase = 0x7f0c0050; | |
public static final int port0 = 0x7f0c008b; | |
public static final int port1 = 0x7f0c008e; | |
public static final int port2 = 0x7f0c0091; | |
public static final int port3 = 0x7f0c0094; | |
public static final int port4 = 0x7f0c0097; | |
public static final int port5 = 0x7f0c009a; | |
public static final int portNumber = 0x7f0c00b3; | |
public static final int port_number = 0x7f0c005c; | |
public static final int port_title = 0x7f0c0088; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0c0048; | |
public static final int robotIcon = 0x7f0c0010; | |
public static final int row_port = 0x7f0c005b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0c008a; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0c008d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0c0090; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0c0093; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0c0096; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0c0099; | |
public static final int row_port_digital_device = 0x7f0c006e; | |
public static final int row_port_i2c = 0x7f0c0084; | |
public static final int scanButton = 0x7f0c0067; | |
public static final int scrollView = 0x7f0c0059; | |
public static final int serialNumber = 0x7f0c006c; | |
public static final int server_status = 0x7f0c0052; | |
public static final int server_url = 0x7f0c0051; | |
public static final int servos_title = 0x7f0c00a6; | |
public static final int spinnerChooseAddress = 0x7f0c00a2; | |
public static final int swapButton = 0x7f0c0069; | |
public static final int swapCaption = 0x7f0c0057; | |
public static final int tableLayout = 0x7f0c006f; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analogOutput_devices = 0x7f0c0061; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analog_input_devices = 0x7f0c0060; | |
public static final int table_header = 0x7f0c0076; | |
public static final int templateList = 0x7f0c0008; | |
public static final int templateListCaption = 0x7f0c0007; | |
public static final int templateNameText = 0x7f0c00b6; | |
public static final int textAdbLogs = 0x7f0c005a; | |
public static final int textBadDeviceName = 0x7f0c0004; | |
public static final int textDeviceName = 0x7f0c0011; | |
public static final int textErrorMessage = 0x7f0c0019; | |
public static final int textGamepad1 = 0x7f0c0017; | |
public static final int textGamepad2 = 0x7f0c001a; | |
public static final int textNetworkConnectionStatus = 0x7f0c0014; | |
public static final int textOpMode = 0x7f0c0016; | |
public static final int textPleaseWait = 0x7f0c0003; | |
public static final int textRemoteProgrammingMode = 0x7f0c001b; | |
public static final int textRobotStatus = 0x7f0c0015; | |
public static final int textView = 0x7f0c0035; | |
public static final int textView10 = 0x7f0c002d; | |
public static final int textView11 = 0x7f0c0033; | |
public static final int textView12 = 0x7f0c0029; | |
public static final int textView13 = 0x7f0c002f; | |
public static final int textView3 = 0x7f0c003b; | |
public static final int textView4 = 0x7f0c003e; | |
public static final int textView5 = 0x7f0c0041; | |
public static final int textView6 = 0x7f0c0037; | |
public static final int textView7 = 0x7f0c0031; | |
public static final int textView8 = 0x7f0c002b; | |
public static final int textView9 = 0x7f0c0044; | |
public static final int titleTextView = 0x7f0c005f; | |
public static final int top_bar = 0x7f0c000f; | |
public static final int txtIsCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0042; | |
public static final int txtIsDSInstalled = 0x7f0c003f; | |
public static final int txtIsRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003c; | |
public static final int txtManufacturer = 0x7f0c0026; | |
public static final int txtModel = 0x7f0c0028; | |
public static final int webView = 0x7f0c004d; | |
public static final int webViewBlockly = 0x7f0c0001; | |
public static final int webViewBlocksRuntime = 0x7f0c001c; | |
public static final int widiConnected = 0x7f0c0038; | |
public static final int widiName = 0x7f0c0036; | |
public static final int wifiConnected = 0x7f0c0034; | |
public static final int wifiEnabled = 0x7f0c0032; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int activity_about = 0x7f030000; | |
public static final int activity_blocks = 0x7f030001; | |
public static final int activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f030002; | |
public static final int activity_configure_from_template = 0x7f030003; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_configuration = 0x7f030004; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_controller = 0x7f030005; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_address_update = 0x7f030006; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_fw_update = 0x7f030007; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f030008; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_remembered_groups = 0x7f030009; | |
public static final int activity_generic_settings = 0x7f03000a; | |
public static final int activity_inspection = 0x7f03000b; | |
public static final int activity_load = 0x7f03000c; | |
public static final int activity_program_and_manage = 0x7f03000d; | |
public static final int activity_programming_mode = 0x7f03000e; | |
public static final int activity_swap_usb_devices = 0x7f03000f; | |
public static final int activity_view_logs = 0x7f030010; | |
public static final int analog_input_device = 0x7f030011; | |
public static final int analog_inputs = 0x7f030012; | |
public static final int analog_output_device = 0x7f030013; | |
public static final int analog_outputs = 0x7f030014; | |
public static final int banner_parent = 0x7f030015; | |
public static final int button_list = 0x7f030016; | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int device_interface_module = 0x7f030018; | |
public static final int digital_device = 0x7f030019; | |
public static final int digital_device_lynx = 0x7f03001a; | |
public static final int digital_devices = 0x7f03001b; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int file_info = 0x7f03001d; | |
public static final int gray_line = 0x7f03001e; | |
public static final int header = 0x7f03001f; | |
public static final int i2c_device = 0x7f030020; | |
public static final int i2cs = 0x7f030021; | |
public static final int info_button = 0x7f030022; | |
public static final int item_list_parent = 0x7f030023; | |
public static final int legacy = 0x7f030024; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
public static final int lynx_module = 0x7f030026; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address = 0x7f030027; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address_spin_item = 0x7f030028; | |
public static final int lynx_usb_device = 0x7f030029; | |
public static final int matrices = 0x7f03002a; | |
public static final int matrix_devices = 0x7f03002b; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f03002c; | |
public static final int motor_controller_banner = 0x7f03002d; | |
public static final int motor_list = 0x7f03002e; | |
public static final int port_attached_row = 0x7f03002f; | |
public static final int pwm_device = 0x7f030030; | |
public static final int pwms = 0x7f030031; | |
public static final int red_line = 0x7f030032; | |
public static final int servo = 0x7f030033; | |
public static final int servo_controller_banner = 0x7f030034; | |
public static final int servo_list = 0x7f030035; | |
public static final int simple_device = 0x7f030036; | |
public static final int template_info = 0x7f030037; | |
} | |
public static final class menu { | |
public static final int ftc_robot_controller = 0x7f0b0000; | |
public static final int main_menu = 0x7f0b0001; | |
public static final int menu_server = 0x7f0b0002; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int chimeconnect = 0x7f050000; | |
public static final int chimedisconnect = 0x7f050001; | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int errormessage = 0x7f050005; | |
public static final int nxtstartupsound = 0x7f050006; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
public static final int warningmessage = 0x7f05000a; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int about_activity = 0x7f0a000a; | |
public static final int about_app_version = 0x7f0a000b; | |
public static final int about_build_time = 0x7f0a000c; | |
public static final int about_library_version = 0x7f0a000d; | |
public static final int about_menu_item = 0x7f0a000e; | |
public static final int about_network_connection_info = 0x7f0a000f; | |
public static final int about_network_protocol_version = 0x7f0a0010; | |
public static final int about_wifi_connected = 0x7f0a0011; | |
public static final int about_wifi_direct_info = 0x7f0a0012; | |
public static final int about_wifi_group_owner = 0x7f0a0013; | |
public static final int about_wifi_ip = 0x7f0a0014; | |
public static final int about_wifi_is_group_owner = 0x7f0a0015; | |
public static final int about_wifi_name = 0x7f0a0016; | |
public static final int about_wifi_no_info = 0x7f0a0017; | |
public static final int about_wifi_passphrase = 0x7f0a0018; | |
public static final int action_configuration = 0x7f0a0019; | |
public static final int action_settings = 0x7f0a001a; | |
public static final int action_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a001b; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int activeConfigCaption = 0x7f0a0022; | |
public static final int active_connections_label = 0x7f0a0023; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int add_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0027; | |
public static final int add_servo_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a0028; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailed = 0x7f0a0029; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailedTitle = 0x7f0a002a; | |
public static final int alertMessageNoActionGetContent = 0x7f0a002b; | |
public static final int alertTitleRobotControllerConsole = 0x7f0a002c; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int attached = 0x7f0a0033; | |
public static final int availableConfigListCaption = 0x7f0a0034; | |
public static final int availableConfigsInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0035; | |
public static final int availableModuleListCaption = 0x7f0a0036; | |
public static final int availableTemplateListCaption = 0x7f0a0037; | |
public static final int blocks_activity = 0x7f0a0038; | |
public static final int blocks_menu_item = 0x7f0a0039; | |
public static final int buttonExitWithoutSaving = 0x7f0a003a; | |
public static final int buttonNameAdd = 0x7f0a003b; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigure = 0x7f0a003d; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigureModuleAddress = 0x7f0a003e; | |
public static final int buttonNameDone = 0x7f0a003f; | |
public static final int buttonNameFix = 0x7f0a0040; | |
public static final int buttonNameInfo = 0x7f0a0041; | |
public static final int buttonNameNew = 0x7f0a0042; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int buttonNameSave = 0x7f0a0044; | |
public static final int buttonNameScan = 0x7f0a0045; | |
public static final int buttonNameSwap = 0x7f0a0046; | |
public static final int captionAvailableSwapDevices = 0x7f0a0047; | |
public static final int captionAvailableUsbDevices = 0x7f0a0048; | |
public static final int choice_prompt = 0x7f0a0049; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogInput = 0x7f0a004a; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogOutput = 0x7f0a004b; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_digital_device = 0x7f0a004c; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_i2c = 0x7f0a004d; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_module_address = 0x7f0a004e; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_motor = 0x7f0a004f; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_servo = 0x7f0a0050; | |
public static final int clear_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a0051; | |
public static final int configDirtyLabel = 0x7f0a0052; | |
public static final int configFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a0053; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoMessage = 0x7f0a0054; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoTitle = 0x7f0a0055; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configNameEmpty = 0x7f0a0057; | |
public static final int configNameExists = 0x7f0a0058; | |
public static final int configNameIllegalCharacters = 0x7f0a0059; | |
public static final int configNamePromptBanter = 0x7f0a005a; | |
public static final int configNamePromptTitle = 0x7f0a005b; | |
public static final int configNameReadOnly = 0x7f0a005c; | |
public static final int configNameReserved = 0x7f0a005d; | |
public static final int configNameWhitespace = 0x7f0a005e; | |
public static final int configTemplateInstructions = 0x7f0a005f; | |
public static final int configToDeleteDoesNotExist = 0x7f0a0060; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int configurationNotSaved = 0x7f0a0086; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate = 0x7f0a0087; | |
public static final int configure_activity = 0x7f0a0088; | |
public static final int configure_menu_item = 0x7f0a0089; | |
public static final int configure_robot_menu_item = 0x7f0a008a; | |
public static final int configure_settings = 0x7f0a008b; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteMessage = 0x7f0a008c; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteTitle = 0x7f0a008d; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int controllerPortConnectionInfoFormat = 0x7f0a0090; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int default_port = 0x7f0a0099; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int deviceInterfaceModuleName = 0x7f0a009c; | |
public static final int device_info = 0x7f0a009d; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int device_type = 0x7f0a00a0; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button = 0x7f0a00a4; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a5; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00a6; | |
public static final int edit_analog_output_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00a7; | |
public static final int edit_controller = 0x7f0a00a8; | |
public static final int edit_core_device_interface_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00a9; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00aa; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity_lynx = 0x7f0a00ab; | |
public static final int edit_i2c_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00ac; | |
public static final int edit_legacy_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ad; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_module_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00ae; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_usb_device_activity = 0x7f0a00af; | |
public static final int edit_matrix_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b0; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b1; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_menu_item = 0x7f0a00b2; | |
public static final int edit_pwm_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b3; | |
public static final int edit_servo_controller_activity = 0x7f0a00b4; | |
public static final int edit_swap_devices_activity = 0x7f0a00b5; | |
public static final int errorConfigurationNotFound = 0x7f0a00b6; | |
public static final int errorExpansionHubIsMissing = 0x7f0a00b7; | |
public static final int errorFailedToOpenDeviceManager = 0x7f0a00b8; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int errorParsingConfiguration = 0x7f0a00ba; | |
public static final int error_text_error = 0x7f0a00bb; | |
public static final int error_text_warning = 0x7f0a00bc; | |
public static final int exit_menu_item = 0x7f0a00bd; | |
public static final int expansionHubFirmwareUpdateMessage = 0x7f0a00be; | |
public static final int file_activate_button = 0x7f0a00bf; | |
public static final int file_delete_button = 0x7f0a00c0; | |
public static final int file_edit_button = 0x7f0a00c1; | |
public static final int file_prompt = 0x7f0a00c2; | |
public static final int filename_editText = 0x7f0a00c3; | |
public static final int fixFailDuplicate = 0x7f0a00c4; | |
public static final int fixFailNoneAvailable = 0x7f0a00c5; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanning = 0x7f0a00c6; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanningFailed = 0x7f0a00c7; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToCreateRobot = 0x7f0a00c8; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToStartRobot = 0x7f0a00c9; | |
public static final int group_owner = 0x7f0a00ca; | |
public static final int help_content = 0x7f0a00cb; | |
public static final int help_menu_item = 0x7f0a00cc; | |
public static final int hide_server_log_button = 0x7f0a00cd; | |
public static final int hwDeviceDescriptionAndConnection = 0x7f0a00ce; | |
public static final int hwPoorlyNamedDevice = 0x7f0a00cf; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int input_name_hint = 0x7f0a00d1; | |
public static final int input_name_label = 0x7f0a00d2; | |
public static final int inspection_activity = 0x7f0a00d3; | |
public static final int inspection_mode_menu_item = 0x7f0a00d4; | |
public static final int launch_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a00d5; | |
public static final int legacy_controller_name = 0x7f0a00d6; | |
public static final int load_menu_item = 0x7f0a00d7; | |
public static final int log_label = 0x7f0a00d8; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a00dc; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_module_address = 0x7f0a00e3; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_new_module_address = 0x7f0a00e4; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_no_change = 0x7f0a00e5; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_not_changeable = 0x7f0a00e6; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00e7; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_static = 0x7f0a00e8; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00e9; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_binary = 0x7f0a00ed; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_devices = 0x7f0a00ee; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_update = 0x7f0a00ef; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name = 0x7f0a00f0; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f1; | |
public static final int matrix_motor_title = 0x7f0a00f2; | |
public static final int matrix_name_prompt = 0x7f0a00f3; | |
public static final int matrix_port0 = 0x7f0a00f4; | |
public static final int matrix_port1 = 0x7f0a00f5; | |
public static final int matrix_port2 = 0x7f0a00f6; | |
public static final int matrix_port3 = 0x7f0a00f7; | |
public static final int matrix_port4 = 0x7f0a00f8; | |
public static final int matrix_port5 = 0x7f0a00f9; | |
public static final int matrix_port6 = 0x7f0a00fa; | |
public static final int matrix_port7 = 0x7f0a00fb; | |
public static final int matrix_servo_title = 0x7f0a00fc; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int motor = 0x7f0a0102; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0103; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0104; | |
public static final int motor_name = 0x7f0a0105; | |
public static final int motor_name_prompt = 0x7f0a0106; | |
public static final int motor_port = 0x7f0a0107; | |
public static final int motor_port1 = 0x7f0a0108; | |
public static final int motor_port2 = 0x7f0a0109; | |
public static final int msgAlertBeforeScan = 0x7f0a010a; | |
public static final int msgInfoHowToUse = 0x7f0a010b; | |
public static final int msgInfoSave = 0x7f0a010c; | |
public static final int name_prompt_text = 0x7f0a010d; | |
public static final int name_prompt_undertext = 0x7f0a010e; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0113; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int network_name_label = 0x7f0a0117; | |
public static final int network_not_ok = 0x7f0a0118; | |
public static final int noCurrentConfigFile = 0x7f0a0119; | |
public static final int noDeviceAttached = 0x7f0a011a; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011b; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011c; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a011d; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a011e; | |
public static final int noRememberedGroupsFound = 0x7f0a011f; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0121; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0122; | |
public static final int noVoltageSensor = 0x7f0a0123; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a0124; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a0125; | |
public static final int not_available = 0x7f0a0126; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int passphrase_label = 0x7f0a012c; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int port = 0x7f0a012f; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_hardware_config_filename = 0x7f0a013d; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int program_and_manage_activity = 0x7f0a0176; | |
public static final int program_and_manage_menu_item = 0x7f0a0177; | |
public static final int programming_and_manage = 0x7f0a0178; | |
public static final int programming_mode = 0x7f0a0179; | |
public static final int programming_mode_activity = 0x7f0a017a; | |
public static final int programming_mode_menu_item = 0x7f0a017b; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int progressUpdatingDeviceFirmware = 0x7f0a017d; | |
public static final int quotes = 0x7f0a017e; | |
public static final int readOnlyConfigFeedback = 0x7f0a017f; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation = 0x7f0a0180; | |
public static final int readXML_text = 0x7f0a0181; | |
public static final int rescanButton_text = 0x7f0a0182; | |
public static final int restart_robot_menu_item = 0x7f0a0183; | |
public static final int restore_settings = 0x7f0a0184; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotControllerAppUpdateReadme = 0x7f0a018a; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusFormat = 0x7f0a0192; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int row_port0 = 0x7f0a019c; | |
public static final int row_port1 = 0x7f0a019d; | |
public static final int row_port2 = 0x7f0a019e; | |
public static final int row_port3 = 0x7f0a019f; | |
public static final int row_port4 = 0x7f0a01a0; | |
public static final int row_port5 = 0x7f0a01a1; | |
public static final int row_port6 = 0x7f0a01a2; | |
public static final int saveButton_text = 0x7f0a01a3; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessage = 0x7f0a01a4; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessageScreen = 0x7f0a01a5; | |
public static final int saveChangesTitle = 0x7f0a01a6; | |
public static final int save_configuration = 0x7f0a01a7; | |
public static final int serialNumberNotAttached = 0x7f0a01a8; | |
public static final int server_not_ok = 0x7f0a01a9; | |
public static final int server_ok = 0x7f0a01aa; | |
public static final int server_status_label = 0x7f0a01ab; | |
public static final int server_url_label = 0x7f0a01ac; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a01ad; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01ae; | |
public static final int servo_name = 0x7f0a01af; | |
public static final int servo_name_prompt = 0x7f0a01b0; | |
public static final int servo_port = 0x7f0a01b1; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int settings_activity = 0x7f0a01b4; | |
public static final int settings_menu_item = 0x7f0a01b5; | |
public static final int stringManufacturer = 0x7f0a01b6; | |
public static final int stringModel = 0x7f0a01b7; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelHeading = 0x7f0a01b8; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelInstructions = 0x7f0a01b9; | |
public static final int string_WifiRememberedGroupsInstructions = 0x7f0a01ba; | |
public static final int summaryAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01bb; | |
public static final int summaryLynxAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01bc; | |
public static final int summaryLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01bd; | |
public static final int swapPrompt = 0x7f0a01be; | |
public static final int templateConfigurationInstructions = 0x7f0a01bf; | |
public static final int templateConfigureConfigurationInstructionsTitle = 0x7f0a01c0; | |
public static final int templateConfigureDuplicateNameExceptionMessage = 0x7f0a01c1; | |
public static final int templateConfigureFailedToOpenUSBScanManager = 0x7f0a01c2; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDescriptionAvailable = 0x7f0a01c3; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c4; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c5; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNothing = 0x7f0a01c6; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundMessage = 0x7f0a01c7; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundTitle = 0x7f0a01c8; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings = 0x7f0a01c9; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings2 = 0x7f0a01ca; | |
public static final int titleDevices = 0x7f0a01cb; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportDS = 0x7f0a01cc; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportRC = 0x7f0a01cd; | |
public static final int titleLynxFirmwareUpdate = 0x7f0a01ce; | |
public static final int titleLynxModuleAddressUpdate = 0x7f0a01cf; | |
public static final int titleSaveConfiguration = 0x7f0a01d0; | |
public static final int titleText_view = 0x7f0a01d1; | |
public static final int titleUnsavedChanges = 0x7f0a01d2; | |
public static final int title_activity_config_wifi_direct = 0x7f0a01d3; | |
public static final int title_activity_configfromtemplate = 0x7f0a01d4; | |
public static final int title_activity_load = 0x7f0a01d5; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_channel_selector = 0x7f0a01d6; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_remembered_groups_editor = 0x7f0a01d7; | |
public static final int toastCantCreateRobotConfigFilesDir = 0x7f0a01d8; | |
public static final int toastConfigureRobotBeforeProgrammingMode = 0x7f0a01d9; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastDuplicateName = 0x7f0a01db; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeComplete = 0x7f0a01dd; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeFailed = 0x7f0a01de; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeNothingToDo = 0x7f0a01df; | |
public static final int toastLynxFirmwareUpdateSuccessful = 0x7f0a01e0; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int toastRestartRobotComplete = 0x7f0a01e3; | |
public static final int toastRestartingRobot = 0x7f0a01e4; | |
public static final int toastSaved = 0x7f0a01e5; | |
public static final int toastUnableToLaunchZTEWifiChannelEditor = 0x7f0a01e6; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadFile = 0x7f0a01e7; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadsComplete = 0x7f0a01e8; | |
public static final int toastWifiConfigurationComplete = 0x7f0a01e9; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pChannelChangeRequestedDS = 0x7f0a01ea; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pRememberedGroupsCleared = 0x7f0a01eb; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unhealthyDevice = 0x7f0a01f2; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
public static final int update_lynx_firmware = 0x7f0a01f4; | |
public static final int userSensorTypeBusDefault = 0x7f0a01f5; | |
public static final int view_logs_activity = 0x7f0a01f6; | |
public static final int warningProblemCommunicatingWithUSBDevice = 0x7f0a01f7; | |
public static final int warningUSBDeviceDetached = 0x7f0a01f8; | |
public static final int warningUnableToOpen = 0x7f0a01f9; | |
public static final int webViewDownloadRequestDescription = 0x7f0a01fa; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_bad_device_name = 0x7f0a01fb; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_update_settings = 0x7f0a01fc; | |
public static final int writeXML_prompt = 0x7f0a01fd; | |
public static final int writeXML_text = 0x7f0a01fe; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppThemeBlueRC = 0x7f070008; | |
public static final int AppThemeGreenRC = 0x7f070009; | |
public static final int AppThemeOrangeRC = 0x7f07000a; | |
public static final int AppThemePurpleRC = 0x7f07000b; | |
public static final int AppThemeRedRC = 0x7f07000c; | |
public static final int AppThemeTealRC = 0x7f07000d; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
public static final class xml { | |
public static final int advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f040000; | |
public static final int app_settings = 0x7f040001; | |
public static final int device_filter = 0x7f040002; | |
public static final int k9legacybot = 0x7f040003; | |
public static final int k9usbbot = 0x7f040004; | |
public static final int maxmodules = 0x7f040005; | |
public static final int pushbot = 0x7f040006; | |
public static final int pushbotsens = 0x7f040007; | |
public static final int rev_scoot = 0x7f040008; | |
public static final int squarebot = 0x7f040009; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.hardware; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int controllerPortConnectionInfoFormat = 0x7f0a0090; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int errorExpansionHubIsMissing = 0x7f0a00b7; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int hwDeviceDescriptionAndConnection = 0x7f0a00ce; | |
public static final int hwPoorlyNamedDevice = 0x7f0a00cf; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int progressUpdatingDeviceFirmware = 0x7f0a017d; | |
public static final int quotes = 0x7f0a017e; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unhealthyDevice = 0x7f0a01f2; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
public static final int warningProblemCommunicatingWithUSBDevice = 0x7f0a01f7; | |
public static final int warningUSBDeviceDetached = 0x7f0a01f8; | |
public static final int warningUnableToOpen = 0x7f0a01f9; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.robotcore; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package com.qualcomm.WirelessP2p; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
} | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* aapt tool from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors=0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids=0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names=0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens=0x7f080003; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogInput=0x7f080004; | |
public static final int choice_array_analogOutput=0x7f080005; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device=0x7f080006; | |
public static final int choice_array_digital_device_lynx=0x7f080007; | |
public static final int choice_array_legacy_module=0x7f080008; | |
public static final int choice_array_servo=0x7f080009; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_options_array=0x7f08000a; | |
public static final int lynx_module_options_array=0x7f08000b; | |
/** | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 36</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 40</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 44</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 48</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 149</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 153</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 157</item> | |
<item>5GHz, Channel 161</item> | |
*/ | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels=0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark=0x7f010000; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundDark=0x7f010001; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundLight=0x7f010002; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundMedium=0x7f010003; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark=0x7f010004; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight=0x7f010005; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium=0x7f010006; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark=0x7f010007; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark=0x7f010008; | |
/** <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" | |
or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". | |
*/ | |
public static final int colors=0x7f010018; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int feedbackBackground=0x7f010009; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int feedbackBorder=0x7f01000a; | |
/** <p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" | |
or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". | |
*/ | |
public static final int feedbackShape=0x7f01000b; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int lineBright=0x7f01000c; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int lineLight=0x7f01000d; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textBright=0x7f01000e; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textLight=0x7f01000f; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textMedium=0x7f010010; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark=0x7f010011; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textMediumDark=0x7f010012; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textMediumLight=0x7f010013; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textMediumMedium=0x7f010014; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textVeryDark=0x7f010015; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark=0x7f010016; | |
/** <p>Must be a color value, in the form of "<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>", "<code>#<i>argb</i></code>", | |
"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code>", or "<code>#<i>aarrggbb</i></code>". | |
<p>This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form | |
"<code>@[<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>") or | |
theme attribute (in the form | |
"<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>") | |
containing a value of this type. | |
*/ | |
public static final int textWhite=0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green=0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue=0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green=0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange=0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple=0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red=0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal=0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black=0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray=0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange=0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white=0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange=0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue=0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green=0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange=0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple=0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red=0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal=0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue=0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green=0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange=0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple=0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red=0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal=0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue=0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen=0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange=0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred=0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray=0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow=0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue=0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green=0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange=0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple=0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red=0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal=0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray=0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue=0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue=0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green=0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange=0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple=0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red=0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal=0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green=0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue=0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green=0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange=0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple=0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red=0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal=0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue=0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green=0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange=0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple=0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red=0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal=0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange=0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple=0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red=0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal=0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error=0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay=0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast=0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning=0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white=0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue=0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green=0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange=0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple=0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red=0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal=0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue=0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green=0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange=0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple=0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red=0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal=0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class dimen { | |
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin=0x7f060000; | |
public static final int activity_vertical_margin=0x7f060001; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int black_border=0x7f020000; | |
public static final int button_shape=0x7f020001; | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange=0x7f020002; | |
public static final int ic_launcher=0x7f020003; | |
public static final int icon_menu=0x7f020004; | |
public static final int icon_robotcontroller=0x7f020005; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int RelativeLayout=0x7f0c0013; | |
public static final int aboutList=0x7f0c0000; | |
public static final int action_about=0x7f0c00c0; | |
public static final int action_blocks=0x7f0c00bc; | |
public static final int action_configure_robot=0x7f0c00bb; | |
public static final int action_exit_app=0x7f0c00c1; | |
public static final int action_help=0x7f0c00c3; | |
public static final int action_inspection_mode=0x7f0c00bf; | |
public static final int action_program_and_manage=0x7f0c00be; | |
public static final int action_programming_mode=0x7f0c00bd; | |
public static final int action_restart_robot=0x7f0c00ba; | |
public static final int action_settings=0x7f0c00b9; | |
public static final int active_connections=0x7f0c0053; | |
public static final int activity_fix_misconfig_wifi_direct=0x7f0c0002; | |
public static final int addButton=0x7f0c0066; | |
public static final int addressListCaption=0x7f0c001f; | |
public static final int airplaneMode=0x7f0c002e; | |
public static final int appsInstalled=0x7f0c0039; | |
public static final int appsStatus=0x7f0c003a; | |
public static final int attached_title=0x7f0c0089; | |
public static final int backgroundDarkGrayHolder=0x7f0c0081; | |
public static final int backgroundLightHolder=0x7f0c007f; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumHolder=0x7f0c0080; | |
public static final int bannerParent=0x7f0c0062; | |
public static final int batteryLevel=0x7f0c002c; | |
public static final int bluetoothEnabled=0x7f0c0030; | |
public static final int buttonList=0x7f0c0063; | |
public static final int cameraMonitorViewId=0x7f0c0018; | |
public static final int cancelButton=0x7f0c0065; | |
public static final int channelPickList=0x7f0c0023; | |
public static final int checkbox_port=0x7f0c00b0; | |
public static final int choiceMotorSpinner=0x7f0c00b1; | |
public static final int choiceSpinner=0x7f0c005d; | |
public static final int colorSwatch=0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int configIsReadOnlyFeedback=0x7f0c0079; | |
public static final int configureButton=0x7f0c00b8; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate=0x7f0c004c; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplateArea=0x7f0c004b; | |
public static final int controller_name=0x7f0c00b2; | |
public static final int controller_name_prompt_text=0x7f0c0087; | |
public static final int controllersList=0x7f0c000d; | |
public static final int darker_gray_line=0x7f0c007e; | |
public static final int device_interface_module_name=0x7f0c006b; | |
public static final int devices_holder=0x7f0c000b; | |
public static final int devices_info_btn=0x7f0c000c; | |
public static final int disconnect_from_wifidirect=0x7f0c00c2; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button=0x7f0c0056; | |
public static final int doneButton=0x7f0c0064; | |
public static final int dropdown_layout=0x7f0c00b4; | |
public static final int editTextResult=0x7f0c005e; | |
public static final int edit_controller_btn=0x7f0c00b5; | |
public static final int empty_filelist=0x7f0c004a; | |
public static final int entire_screen=0x7f0c000e; | |
public static final int feedback=0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchor=0x7f0c0009; | |
public static final int feedbackAnchorDuplicateNames=0x7f0c000a; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton=0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0=0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1=0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int file_activate_button=0x7f0c007c; | |
public static final int file_buttons=0x7f0c0075; | |
public static final int file_delete_button=0x7f0c007d; | |
public static final int file_edit_button=0x7f0c007b; | |
public static final int file_info_layout=0x7f0c0074; | |
public static final int filename_editText=0x7f0c0078; | |
public static final int files_holder=0x7f0c0047; | |
public static final int fixButton=0x7f0c0068; | |
public static final int groupList=0x7f0c0024; | |
public static final int holds_buttons=0x7f0c0045; | |
public static final int horizontalButtons=0x7f0c007a; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigHeader=0x7f0c0082; | |
public static final int idActiveConfigName=0x7f0c0083; | |
public static final int included_header=0x7f0c0005; | |
public static final int inclusionlayout=0x7f0c0049; | |
public static final int infoButton=0x7f0c00b7; | |
public static final int info_btn=0x7f0c0085; | |
public static final int instructions_and_status_container=0x7f0c004e; | |
public static final int isCCInstalled=0x7f0c0043; | |
public static final int isDSInstalled=0x7f0c0040; | |
public static final int isRCInstalled=0x7f0c003d; | |
public static final int item_list_parent=0x7f0c0086; | |
public static final int labelManufacturer=0x7f0c0025; | |
public static final int labelModel=0x7f0c0027; | |
public static final int linearLayout=0x7f0c0077; | |
public static final int linearLayout0=0x7f0c008c; | |
public static final int linearLayout1=0x7f0c008f; | |
public static final int linearLayout2=0x7f0c0092; | |
public static final int linearLayout3=0x7f0c0095; | |
public static final int linearLayout4=0x7f0c0098; | |
public static final int linearLayout5=0x7f0c009b; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix1=0x7f0c00a7; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix2=0x7f0c00a8; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix3=0x7f0c00a9; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix4=0x7f0c00aa; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix5=0x7f0c00ac; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix6=0x7f0c00ad; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix7=0x7f0c00ae; | |
public static final int linearLayout_matrix8=0x7f0c00af; | |
public static final int listView_devices=0x7f0c006d; | |
public static final int load_bottom=0x7f0c0006; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator=0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay=0x7f0c009c; | |
public static final int log=0x7f0c0055; | |
public static final int log_container=0x7f0c0054; | |
public static final int lynxAddressButtons=0x7f0c001d; | |
public static final int lynxAddressListInstructions=0x7f0c001e; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareInstructions=0x7f0c0021; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateButton=0x7f0c0022; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceModules=0x7f0c00a4; | |
public static final int lynxUsbDeviceName=0x7f0c00a3; | |
public static final int lynx_module_devices=0x7f0c009f; | |
public static final int lynx_module_name=0x7f0c009e; | |
public static final int matrixcontroller_name=0x7f0c00a5; | |
public static final int menu_buttons=0x7f0c0012; | |
public static final int moduleAddressText=0x7f0c00a1; | |
public static final int moduleList=0x7f0c0020; | |
public static final int moduleSerialText=0x7f0c00a0; | |
public static final int motors_title=0x7f0c00ab; | |
public static final int network_name=0x7f0c004f; | |
public static final int new_button=0x7f0c0046; | |
public static final int orange_end_of_list_anchor=0x7f0c0058; | |
public static final int osVersion=0x7f0c002a; | |
public static final int passphrase=0x7f0c0050; | |
public static final int port0=0x7f0c008b; | |
public static final int port1=0x7f0c008e; | |
public static final int port2=0x7f0c0091; | |
public static final int port3=0x7f0c0094; | |
public static final int port4=0x7f0c0097; | |
public static final int port5=0x7f0c009a; | |
public static final int portNumber=0x7f0c00b3; | |
public static final int port_number=0x7f0c005c; | |
public static final int port_title=0x7f0c0088; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation=0x7f0c0048; | |
public static final int robotIcon=0x7f0c0010; | |
public static final int row_port=0x7f0c005b; | |
public static final int row_port0=0x7f0c008a; | |
public static final int row_port1=0x7f0c008d; | |
public static final int row_port2=0x7f0c0090; | |
public static final int row_port3=0x7f0c0093; | |
public static final int row_port4=0x7f0c0096; | |
public static final int row_port5=0x7f0c0099; | |
public static final int row_port_digital_device=0x7f0c006e; | |
public static final int row_port_i2c=0x7f0c0084; | |
public static final int scanButton=0x7f0c0067; | |
public static final int scrollView=0x7f0c0059; | |
public static final int serialNumber=0x7f0c006c; | |
public static final int server_status=0x7f0c0052; | |
public static final int server_url=0x7f0c0051; | |
public static final int servos_title=0x7f0c00a6; | |
public static final int spinnerChooseAddress=0x7f0c00a2; | |
public static final int swapButton=0x7f0c0069; | |
public static final int swapCaption=0x7f0c0057; | |
public static final int tableLayout=0x7f0c006f; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analogOutput_devices=0x7f0c0061; | |
public static final int tableLayout_analog_input_devices=0x7f0c0060; | |
public static final int table_header=0x7f0c0076; | |
public static final int templateList=0x7f0c0008; | |
public static final int templateListCaption=0x7f0c0007; | |
public static final int templateNameText=0x7f0c00b6; | |
public static final int textAdbLogs=0x7f0c005a; | |
public static final int textBadDeviceName=0x7f0c0004; | |
public static final int textDeviceName=0x7f0c0011; | |
public static final int textErrorMessage=0x7f0c0019; | |
public static final int textGamepad1=0x7f0c0017; | |
public static final int textGamepad2=0x7f0c001a; | |
public static final int textNetworkConnectionStatus=0x7f0c0014; | |
public static final int textOpMode=0x7f0c0016; | |
public static final int textPleaseWait=0x7f0c0003; | |
public static final int textRemoteProgrammingMode=0x7f0c001b; | |
public static final int textRobotStatus=0x7f0c0015; | |
public static final int textView=0x7f0c0035; | |
public static final int textView10=0x7f0c002d; | |
public static final int textView11=0x7f0c0033; | |
public static final int textView12=0x7f0c0029; | |
public static final int textView13=0x7f0c002f; | |
public static final int textView3=0x7f0c003b; | |
public static final int textView4=0x7f0c003e; | |
public static final int textView5=0x7f0c0041; | |
public static final int textView6=0x7f0c0037; | |
public static final int textView7=0x7f0c0031; | |
public static final int textView8=0x7f0c002b; | |
public static final int textView9=0x7f0c0044; | |
public static final int titleTextView=0x7f0c005f; | |
public static final int top_bar=0x7f0c000f; | |
public static final int txtIsCCInstalled=0x7f0c0042; | |
public static final int txtIsDSInstalled=0x7f0c003f; | |
public static final int txtIsRCInstalled=0x7f0c003c; | |
public static final int txtManufacturer=0x7f0c0026; | |
public static final int txtModel=0x7f0c0028; | |
public static final int webView=0x7f0c004d; | |
public static final int webViewBlockly=0x7f0c0001; | |
public static final int webViewBlocksRuntime=0x7f0c001c; | |
public static final int widiConnected=0x7f0c0038; | |
public static final int widiName=0x7f0c0036; | |
public static final int wifiConnected=0x7f0c0034; | |
public static final int wifiEnabled=0x7f0c0032; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int activity_about=0x7f030000; | |
public static final int activity_blocks=0x7f030001; | |
public static final int activity_config_wifi_direct=0x7f030002; | |
public static final int activity_configure_from_template=0x7f030003; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_configuration=0x7f030004; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_controller=0x7f030005; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_address_update=0x7f030006; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_lynx_fw_update=0x7f030007; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_channel_selector=0x7f030008; | |
public static final int activity_ftc_wifi_remembered_groups=0x7f030009; | |
public static final int activity_generic_settings=0x7f03000a; | |
public static final int activity_inspection=0x7f03000b; | |
public static final int activity_load=0x7f03000c; | |
public static final int activity_program_and_manage=0x7f03000d; | |
public static final int activity_programming_mode=0x7f03000e; | |
public static final int activity_swap_usb_devices=0x7f03000f; | |
public static final int activity_view_logs=0x7f030010; | |
public static final int analog_input_device=0x7f030011; | |
public static final int analog_inputs=0x7f030012; | |
public static final int analog_output_device=0x7f030013; | |
public static final int analog_outputs=0x7f030014; | |
public static final int banner_parent=0x7f030015; | |
public static final int button_list=0x7f030016; | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item=0x7f030017; | |
public static final int device_interface_module=0x7f030018; | |
public static final int digital_device=0x7f030019; | |
public static final int digital_device_lynx=0x7f03001a; | |
public static final int digital_devices=0x7f03001b; | |
public static final int feedback=0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int file_info=0x7f03001d; | |
public static final int gray_line=0x7f03001e; | |
public static final int header=0x7f03001f; | |
public static final int i2c_device=0x7f030020; | |
public static final int i2cs=0x7f030021; | |
public static final int info_button=0x7f030022; | |
public static final int item_list_parent=0x7f030023; | |
public static final int legacy=0x7f030024; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay=0x7f030025; | |
public static final int lynx_module=0x7f030026; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address=0x7f030027; | |
public static final int lynx_module_configure_address_spin_item=0x7f030028; | |
public static final int lynx_usb_device=0x7f030029; | |
public static final int matrices=0x7f03002a; | |
public static final int matrix_devices=0x7f03002b; | |
public static final int motor=0x7f03002c; | |
public static final int motor_controller_banner=0x7f03002d; | |
public static final int motor_list=0x7f03002e; | |
public static final int port_attached_row=0x7f03002f; | |
public static final int pwm_device=0x7f030030; | |
public static final int pwms=0x7f030031; | |
public static final int red_line=0x7f030032; | |
public static final int servo=0x7f030033; | |
public static final int servo_controller_banner=0x7f030034; | |
public static final int servo_list=0x7f030035; | |
public static final int simple_device=0x7f030036; | |
public static final int template_info=0x7f030037; | |
} | |
public static final class menu { | |
public static final int ftc_robot_controller=0x7f0b0000; | |
public static final int main_menu=0x7f0b0001; | |
public static final int menu_server=0x7f0b0002; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int chimeconnect=0x7f050000; | |
public static final int chimedisconnect=0x7f050001; | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader=0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader=0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader=0x7f050004; | |
public static final int errormessage=0x7f050005; | |
public static final int nxtstartupsound=0x7f050006; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader=0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader=0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader=0x7f050009; | |
public static final int warningmessage=0x7f05000a; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED=0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS=0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY=0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY=0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY=0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY=0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT=0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT=0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH=0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR=0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int about_activity=0x7f0a000a; | |
public static final int about_app_version=0x7f0a000b; | |
public static final int about_build_time=0x7f0a000c; | |
public static final int about_library_version=0x7f0a000d; | |
public static final int about_menu_item=0x7f0a000e; | |
public static final int about_network_connection_info=0x7f0a000f; | |
public static final int about_network_protocol_version=0x7f0a0010; | |
public static final int about_wifi_connected=0x7f0a0011; | |
public static final int about_wifi_direct_info=0x7f0a0012; | |
public static final int about_wifi_group_owner=0x7f0a0013; | |
public static final int about_wifi_ip=0x7f0a0014; | |
public static final int about_wifi_is_group_owner=0x7f0a0015; | |
public static final int about_wifi_name=0x7f0a0016; | |
public static final int about_wifi_no_info=0x7f0a0017; | |
public static final int about_wifi_passphrase=0x7f0a0018; | |
public static final int action_configuration=0x7f0a0019; | |
public static final int action_settings=0x7f0a001a; | |
public static final int action_wifi_channel_selector=0x7f0a001b; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy=0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error=0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p=0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests=0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi=0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown=0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int activeConfigCaption=0x7f0a0022; | |
public static final int active_connections_label=0x7f0a0023; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description=0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name=0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag=0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int add_motor_controller_menu_item=0x7f0a0027; | |
public static final int add_servo_controller_menu_item=0x7f0a0028; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailed=0x7f0a0029; | |
public static final int alertLynxFirmwareUpdateFailedTitle=0x7f0a002a; | |
public static final int alertMessageNoActionGetContent=0x7f0a002b; | |
public static final int alertTitleRobotControllerConsole=0x7f0a002c; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation=0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController=0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown=0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS=0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC=0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name=0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int attached=0x7f0a0033; | |
public static final int availableConfigListCaption=0x7f0a0034; | |
public static final int availableConfigsInfoMessage=0x7f0a0035; | |
public static final int availableModuleListCaption=0x7f0a0036; | |
public static final int availableTemplateListCaption=0x7f0a0037; | |
public static final int blocks_activity=0x7f0a0038; | |
public static final int blocks_menu_item=0x7f0a0039; | |
public static final int buttonExitWithoutSaving=0x7f0a003a; | |
public static final int buttonNameAdd=0x7f0a003b; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel=0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigure=0x7f0a003d; | |
public static final int buttonNameConfigureModuleAddress=0x7f0a003e; | |
public static final int buttonNameDone=0x7f0a003f; | |
public static final int buttonNameFix=0x7f0a0040; | |
public static final int buttonNameInfo=0x7f0a0041; | |
public static final int buttonNameNew=0x7f0a0042; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK=0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int buttonNameSave=0x7f0a0044; | |
public static final int buttonNameScan=0x7f0a0045; | |
public static final int buttonNameSwap=0x7f0a0046; | |
public static final int captionAvailableSwapDevices=0x7f0a0047; | |
public static final int captionAvailableUsbDevices=0x7f0a0048; | |
public static final int choice_prompt=0x7f0a0049; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogInput=0x7f0a004a; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_analogOutput=0x7f0a004b; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_digital_device=0x7f0a004c; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_i2c=0x7f0a004d; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_module_address=0x7f0a004e; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_motor=0x7f0a004f; | |
public static final int choice_prompt_servo=0x7f0a0050; | |
public static final int clear_remembered_groups=0x7f0a0051; | |
public static final int configDirtyLabel=0x7f0a0052; | |
public static final int configFailedToOpenDeviceManager=0x7f0a0053; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoMessage=0x7f0a0054; | |
public static final int configFromTemplateInfoTitle=0x7f0a0055; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand=0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configNameEmpty=0x7f0a0057; | |
public static final int configNameExists=0x7f0a0058; | |
public static final int configNameIllegalCharacters=0x7f0a0059; | |
public static final int configNamePromptBanter=0x7f0a005a; | |
public static final int configNamePromptTitle=0x7f0a005b; | |
public static final int configNameReadOnly=0x7f0a005c; | |
public static final int configNameReserved=0x7f0a005d; | |
public static final int configNameWhitespace=0x7f0a005e; | |
public static final int configTemplateInstructions=0x7f0a005f; | |
public static final int configToDeleteDoesNotExist=0x7f0a0060; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor=0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput=0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput=0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor=0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo=0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule=0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice=0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro=0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer=0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor=0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass=0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro=0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker=0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor=0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer=0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice=0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch=0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3=0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED=0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController=0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor=0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule=0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice=0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor=0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro=0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor=0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController=0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor=0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController=0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor=0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor=0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing=0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor=0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice=0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo=0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController=0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown=0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int configurationNotSaved=0x7f0a0086; | |
public static final int configureFromTemplate=0x7f0a0087; | |
public static final int configure_activity=0x7f0a0088; | |
public static final int configure_menu_item=0x7f0a0089; | |
public static final int configure_robot_menu_item=0x7f0a008a; | |
public static final int configure_settings=0x7f0a008b; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteMessage=0x7f0a008c; | |
public static final int confirmConfigDeleteTitle=0x7f0a008d; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default=0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default=0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int controllerPortConnectionInfoFormat=0x7f0a0090; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name=0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name=0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name=0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name=0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name=0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name=0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name=0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName=0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int default_port=0x7f0a0099; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule=0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice=0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int deviceInterfaceModuleName=0x7f0a009c; | |
public static final int device_info=0x7f0a009d; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds=0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc=0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int device_type=0x7f0a00a0; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait=0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController=0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController=0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int display_server_log_button=0x7f0a00a4; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity=0x7f0a00a5; | |
public static final int edit_analog_input_devices_activity_lynx=0x7f0a00a6; | |
public static final int edit_analog_output_devices_activity=0x7f0a00a7; | |
public static final int edit_controller=0x7f0a00a8; | |
public static final int edit_core_device_interface_module_controller_activity=0x7f0a00a9; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity=0x7f0a00aa; | |
public static final int edit_digital_devices_activity_lynx=0x7f0a00ab; | |
public static final int edit_i2c_devices_activity=0x7f0a00ac; | |
public static final int edit_legacy_module_controller_activity=0x7f0a00ad; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_module_controller_activity=0x7f0a00ae; | |
public static final int edit_lynx_usb_device_activity=0x7f0a00af; | |
public static final int edit_matrix_controller_activity=0x7f0a00b0; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_activity=0x7f0a00b1; | |
public static final int edit_motor_controller_menu_item=0x7f0a00b2; | |
public static final int edit_pwm_devices_activity=0x7f0a00b3; | |
public static final int edit_servo_controller_activity=0x7f0a00b4; | |
public static final int edit_swap_devices_activity=0x7f0a00b5; | |
public static final int errorConfigurationNotFound=0x7f0a00b6; | |
public static final int errorExpansionHubIsMissing=0x7f0a00b7; | |
public static final int errorFailedToOpenDeviceManager=0x7f0a00b8; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck=0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int errorParsingConfiguration=0x7f0a00ba; | |
public static final int error_text_error=0x7f0a00bb; | |
public static final int error_text_warning=0x7f0a00bc; | |
public static final int exit_menu_item=0x7f0a00bd; | |
public static final int expansionHubFirmwareUpdateMessage=0x7f0a00be; | |
public static final int file_activate_button=0x7f0a00bf; | |
public static final int file_delete_button=0x7f0a00c0; | |
public static final int file_edit_button=0x7f0a00c1; | |
public static final int file_prompt=0x7f0a00c2; | |
public static final int filename_editText=0x7f0a00c3; | |
public static final int fixFailDuplicate=0x7f0a00c4; | |
public static final int fixFailNoneAvailable=0x7f0a00c5; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanning=0x7f0a00c6; | |
public static final int ftcConfigScanningFailed=0x7f0a00c7; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToCreateRobot=0x7f0a00c8; | |
public static final int globalErrorFailedToStartRobot=0x7f0a00c9; | |
public static final int group_owner=0x7f0a00ca; | |
public static final int help_content=0x7f0a00cb; | |
public static final int help_menu_item=0x7f0a00cc; | |
public static final int hide_server_log_button=0x7f0a00cd; | |
public static final int hwDeviceDescriptionAndConnection=0x7f0a00ce; | |
public static final int hwPoorlyNamedDevice=0x7f0a00cf; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError=0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int input_name_hint=0x7f0a00d1; | |
public static final int input_name_label=0x7f0a00d2; | |
public static final int inspection_activity=0x7f0a00d3; | |
public static final int inspection_mode_menu_item=0x7f0a00d4; | |
public static final int launch_wifi_settings=0x7f0a00d5; | |
public static final int legacy_controller_name=0x7f0a00d6; | |
public static final int load_menu_item=0x7f0a00d7; | |
public static final int log_label=0x7f0a00d8; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName=0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName=0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName=0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxFirmwareUpdateReadme=0x7f0a00dc; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName=0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName=0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName=0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName=0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString=0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName=0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_module_address=0x7f0a00e3; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_new_module_address=0x7f0a00e4; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_no_change=0x7f0a00e5; | |
public static final int lynx_address_format_not_changeable=0x7f0a00e6; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_no_devices=0x7f0a00e7; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_static=0x7f0a00e8; | |
public static final int lynx_address_instructions_update=0x7f0a00e9; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description=0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name=0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag=0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_binary=0x7f0a00ed; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_no_devices=0x7f0a00ee; | |
public static final int lynx_fw_instructions_update=0x7f0a00ef; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name=0x7f0a00f0; | |
public static final int matrix_controller_name_prompt=0x7f0a00f1; | |
public static final int matrix_motor_title=0x7f0a00f2; | |
public static final int matrix_name_prompt=0x7f0a00f3; | |
public static final int matrix_port0=0x7f0a00f4; | |
public static final int matrix_port1=0x7f0a00f5; | |
public static final int matrix_port2=0x7f0a00f6; | |
public static final int matrix_port3=0x7f0a00f7; | |
public static final int matrix_port4=0x7f0a00f8; | |
public static final int matrix_port5=0x7f0a00f9; | |
public static final int matrix_port6=0x7f0a00fa; | |
public static final int matrix_port7=0x7f0a00fb; | |
public static final int matrix_servo_title=0x7f0a00fc; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM=0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule=0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice=0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController=0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController=0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int motor=0x7f0a0102; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name=0x7f0a0103; | |
public static final int motor_controller_name_prompt=0x7f0a0104; | |
public static final int motor_name=0x7f0a0105; | |
public static final int motor_name_prompt=0x7f0a0106; | |
public static final int motor_port=0x7f0a0107; | |
public static final int motor_port1=0x7f0a0108; | |
public static final int motor_port2=0x7f0a0109; | |
public static final int msgAlertBeforeScan=0x7f0a010a; | |
public static final int msgInfoHowToUse=0x7f0a010b; | |
public static final int msgInfoSave=0x7f0a010c; | |
public static final int name_prompt_text=0x7f0a010d; | |
public static final int name_prompt_undertext=0x7f0a010e; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive=0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection=0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled=0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError=0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusFormat=0x7f0a0113; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive=0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError=0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown=0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int network_name_label=0x7f0a0117; | |
public static final int network_not_ok=0x7f0a0118; | |
public static final int noCurrentConfigFile=0x7f0a0119; | |
public static final int noDeviceAttached=0x7f0a011a; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundMessage=0x7f0a011b; | |
public static final int noDevicesFoundTitle=0x7f0a011c; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundMessage=0x7f0a011d; | |
public static final int noFilesFoundTitle=0x7f0a011e; | |
public static final int noRememberedGroupsFound=0x7f0a011f; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber=0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundMessage=0x7f0a0121; | |
public static final int noTemplatesFoundTitle=0x7f0a0122; | |
public static final int noVoltageSensor=0x7f0a0123; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundMessage=0x7f0a0124; | |
public static final int notAllDevicesFoundTitle=0x7f0a0125; | |
public static final int not_available=0x7f0a0126; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName=0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName=0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName=0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation=0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController=0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int passphrase_label=0x7f0a012c; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected=0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected=0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int port=0x7f0a012f; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme=0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc=0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller=0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity=0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password=0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs=0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name=0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old=0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc=0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display=0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking=0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key=0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key=0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_hardware_config_filename=0x7f0a013d; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery=0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc=0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings=0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds=0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc=0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update=0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update=0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs=0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit=0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit=0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type=0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc=0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected=0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off=0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc=0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel=0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto=0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto=0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map=0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works=0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds=0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot=0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad=0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging=0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config=0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings=0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds=0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc=0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds=0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc=0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel=0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary=0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs=0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary=0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name=0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds=0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc=0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary=0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds=0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc=0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary=0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type=0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type=0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds=0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary=0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc=0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary=0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc=0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary=0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups=0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off=0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary=0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc=0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs=0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary=0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name=0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int program_and_manage_activity=0x7f0a0176; | |
public static final int program_and_manage_menu_item=0x7f0a0177; | |
public static final int programming_and_manage=0x7f0a0178; | |
public static final int programming_mode=0x7f0a0179; | |
public static final int programming_mode_activity=0x7f0a017a; | |
public static final int programming_mode_menu_item=0x7f0a017b; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait=0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int progressUpdatingDeviceFirmware=0x7f0a017d; | |
public static final int quotes=0x7f0a017e; | |
public static final int readOnlyConfigFeedback=0x7f0a017f; | |
public static final int readOnlyExplanation=0x7f0a0180; | |
public static final int readXML_text=0x7f0a0181; | |
public static final int rescanButton_text=0x7f0a0182; | |
public static final int restart_robot_menu_item=0x7f0a0183; | |
public static final int restore_settings=0x7f0a0184; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name=0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag=0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor=0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name=0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag=0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotControllerAppUpdateReadme=0x7f0a018a; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop=0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit=0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError=0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted=0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning=0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped=0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown=0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusFormat=0x7f0a0192; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError=0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut=0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB=0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot=0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot=0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown=0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection=0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi=0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect=0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int row_port0=0x7f0a019c; | |
public static final int row_port1=0x7f0a019d; | |
public static final int row_port2=0x7f0a019e; | |
public static final int row_port3=0x7f0a019f; | |
public static final int row_port4=0x7f0a01a0; | |
public static final int row_port5=0x7f0a01a1; | |
public static final int row_port6=0x7f0a01a2; | |
public static final int saveButton_text=0x7f0a01a3; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessage=0x7f0a01a4; | |
public static final int saveChangesMessageScreen=0x7f0a01a5; | |
public static final int saveChangesTitle=0x7f0a01a6; | |
public static final int save_configuration=0x7f0a01a7; | |
public static final int serialNumberNotAttached=0x7f0a01a8; | |
public static final int server_not_ok=0x7f0a01a9; | |
public static final int server_ok=0x7f0a01aa; | |
public static final int server_status_label=0x7f0a01ab; | |
public static final int server_url_label=0x7f0a01ac; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name=0x7f0a01ad; | |
public static final int servo_controller_name_prompt=0x7f0a01ae; | |
public static final int servo_name=0x7f0a01af; | |
public static final int servo_name_prompt=0x7f0a01b0; | |
public static final int servo_port=0x7f0a01b1; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure=0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess=0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int settings_activity=0x7f0a01b4; | |
public static final int settings_menu_item=0x7f0a01b5; | |
public static final int stringManufacturer=0x7f0a01b6; | |
public static final int stringModel=0x7f0a01b7; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelHeading=0x7f0a01b8; | |
public static final int string_WifiChannelInstructions=0x7f0a01b9; | |
public static final int string_WifiRememberedGroupsInstructions=0x7f0a01ba; | |
public static final int summaryAdvancedRCSettings=0x7f0a01bb; | |
public static final int summaryLynxAddressUpdate=0x7f0a01bc; | |
public static final int summaryLynxFirmwareUpdate=0x7f0a01bd; | |
public static final int swapPrompt=0x7f0a01be; | |
public static final int templateConfigurationInstructions=0x7f0a01bf; | |
public static final int templateConfigureConfigurationInstructionsTitle=0x7f0a01c0; | |
public static final int templateConfigureDuplicateNameExceptionMessage=0x7f0a01c1; | |
public static final int templateConfigureFailedToOpenUSBScanManager=0x7f0a01c2; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDescriptionAvailable=0x7f0a01c3; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundMessage=0x7f0a01c4; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNoDevicesFoundTitle=0x7f0a01c5; | |
public static final int templateConfigureNothing=0x7f0a01c6; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundMessage=0x7f0a01c7; | |
public static final int templateConfigureWrongDevicesFoundTitle=0x7f0a01c8; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings=0x7f0a01c9; | |
public static final int titleAdvancedRCSettings2=0x7f0a01ca; | |
public static final int titleDevices=0x7f0a01cb; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportDS=0x7f0a01cc; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportRC=0x7f0a01cd; | |
public static final int titleLynxFirmwareUpdate=0x7f0a01ce; | |
public static final int titleLynxModuleAddressUpdate=0x7f0a01cf; | |
public static final int titleSaveConfiguration=0x7f0a01d0; | |
public static final int titleText_view=0x7f0a01d1; | |
public static final int titleUnsavedChanges=0x7f0a01d2; | |
public static final int title_activity_config_wifi_direct=0x7f0a01d3; | |
public static final int title_activity_configfromtemplate=0x7f0a01d4; | |
public static final int title_activity_load=0x7f0a01d5; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_channel_selector=0x7f0a01d6; | |
public static final int title_activity_wifi_remembered_groups_editor=0x7f0a01d7; | |
public static final int toastCantCreateRobotConfigFilesDir=0x7f0a01d8; | |
public static final int toastConfigureRobotBeforeProgrammingMode=0x7f0a01d9; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect=0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastDuplicateName=0x7f0a01db; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect=0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeComplete=0x7f0a01dd; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeFailed=0x7f0a01de; | |
public static final int toastLynxAddressChangeNothingToDo=0x7f0a01df; | |
public static final int toastLynxFirmwareUpdateSuccessful=0x7f0a01e0; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck=0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC=0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int toastRestartRobotComplete=0x7f0a01e3; | |
public static final int toastRestartingRobot=0x7f0a01e4; | |
public static final int toastSaved=0x7f0a01e5; | |
public static final int toastUnableToLaunchZTEWifiChannelEditor=0x7f0a01e6; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadFile=0x7f0a01e7; | |
public static final int toastWebViewDownloadsComplete=0x7f0a01e8; | |
public static final int toastWifiConfigurationComplete=0x7f0a01e9; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pChannelChangeRequestedDS=0x7f0a01ea; | |
public static final int toastWifiP2pRememberedGroupsCleared=0x7f0a01eb; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue=0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen=0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange=0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple=0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed=0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal=0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unhealthyDevice=0x7f0a01f2; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel=0x7f0a01f3; | |
public static final int update_lynx_firmware=0x7f0a01f4; | |
public static final int userSensorTypeBusDefault=0x7f0a01f5; | |
public static final int view_logs_activity=0x7f0a01f6; | |
public static final int warningProblemCommunicatingWithUSBDevice=0x7f0a01f7; | |
public static final int warningUSBDeviceDetached=0x7f0a01f8; | |
public static final int warningUnableToOpen=0x7f0a01f9; | |
public static final int webViewDownloadRequestDescription=0x7f0a01fa; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_bad_device_name=0x7f0a01fb; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_update_settings=0x7f0a01fc; | |
public static final int writeXML_prompt=0x7f0a01fd; | |
public static final int writeXML_text=0x7f0a01fe; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
/** API 11 theme customizations can go here. | |
API 14 theme customizations can go here. | |
Theme customizations available in newer API levels can go in res/values-vXX/styles.xml, | |
while customizations related to backward-compatibility can go here. | |
*/ | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme=0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme=0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue=0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green=0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange=0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple=0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red=0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal=0x7f070007; | |
public static final int AppThemeBlueRC=0x7f070008; | |
public static final int AppThemeGreenRC=0x7f070009; | |
public static final int AppThemeOrangeRC=0x7f07000a; | |
public static final int AppThemePurpleRC=0x7f07000b; | |
public static final int AppThemeRedRC=0x7f07000c; | |
public static final int AppThemeTealRC=0x7f07000d; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog=0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton=0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText=0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle=0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle=0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold=0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance=0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class xml { | |
public static final int advanced_rc_settings=0x7f040000; | |
public static final int app_settings=0x7f040001; | |
public static final int device_filter=0x7f040002; | |
public static final int k9legacybot=0x7f040003; | |
public static final int k9usbbot=0x7f040004; | |
public static final int maxmodules=0x7f040005; | |
public static final int pushbot=0x7f040006; | |
public static final int pushbotsens=0x7f040007; | |
public static final int rev_scoot=0x7f040008; | |
public static final int squarebot=0x7f040009; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
/** Attributes that can be used with a ColorListPreference. | |
<p>Includes the following attributes:</p> | |
<table> | |
<colgroup align="left" /> | |
<colgroup align="left" /> | |
<tr><th>Attribute</th><th>Description</th></tr> | |
<tr><td><code>{@link #ColorListPreference_colors com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller:colors}</code></td><td></td></tr> | |
</table> | |
@see #ColorListPreference_colors | |
*/ | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { | |
0x7f010018 | |
}; | |
/** | |
<p>This symbol is the offset where the {@link com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller.R.attr#colors} | |
attribute's value can be found in the {@link #ColorListPreference} array. | |
<p>Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>:<i>name</i></code>" | |
or to a theme attribute in the form "<code>?[<i>package</i>:][<i>type</i>:]<i>name</i></code>". | |
@attr name com.qualcomm.ftcrobotcontroller:colors | |
*/ | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
}; | |
} |
* | |
* This class was automatically generated by the | |
* gradle plugin from the resource data it found. It | |
* should not be modified by hand. | |
*/ | |
package org.firstinspires.inspection; | |
public final class R { | |
public static final class array { | |
public static final int app_theme_colors = 0x7f080000; | |
public static final int app_theme_ids = 0x7f080001; | |
public static final int app_theme_names = 0x7f080002; | |
public static final int app_theme_tokens = 0x7f080003; | |
public static final int wifi_direct_channels = 0x7f08000c; | |
} | |
public static final class attr { | |
public static final int backgroundAlmostDark = 0x7f010000; | |
public static final int backgroundDark = 0x7f010001; | |
public static final int backgroundLight = 0x7f010002; | |
public static final int backgroundMedium = 0x7f010003; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumDark = 0x7f010004; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumLight = 0x7f010005; | |
public static final int backgroundMediumMedium = 0x7f010006; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryDark = 0x7f010007; | |
public static final int backgroundVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010008; | |
public static final int colors = 0x7f010018; | |
public static final int feedbackBackground = 0x7f010009; | |
public static final int feedbackBorder = 0x7f01000a; | |
public static final int feedbackShape = 0x7f01000b; | |
public static final int lineBright = 0x7f01000c; | |
public static final int lineLight = 0x7f01000d; | |
public static final int textBright = 0x7f01000e; | |
public static final int textLight = 0x7f01000f; | |
public static final int textMedium = 0x7f010010; | |
public static final int textMediumAlmostDark = 0x7f010011; | |
public static final int textMediumDark = 0x7f010012; | |
public static final int textMediumLight = 0x7f010013; | |
public static final int textMediumMedium = 0x7f010014; | |
public static final int textVeryDark = 0x7f010015; | |
public static final int textVeryVeryDark = 0x7f010016; | |
public static final int textWhite = 0x7f010017; | |
} | |
public static final class color { | |
public static final int active_button_green = 0x7f090000; | |
public static final int almost_dark_blue = 0x7f090001; | |
public static final int almost_dark_green = 0x7f090002; | |
public static final int almost_dark_orange = 0x7f090003; | |
public static final int almost_dark_purple = 0x7f090004; | |
public static final int almost_dark_red = 0x7f090005; | |
public static final int almost_dark_teal = 0x7f090006; | |
public static final int background_black = 0x7f090007; | |
public static final int background_dark_gray = 0x7f090008; | |
public static final int background_orange = 0x7f090009; | |
public static final int background_white = 0x7f09000a; | |
public static final int border_orange = 0x7f09000b; | |
public static final int bright_blue = 0x7f09000c; | |
public static final int bright_green = 0x7f09000d; | |
public static final int bright_orange = 0x7f09000e; | |
public static final int bright_purple = 0x7f09000f; | |
public static final int bright_red = 0x7f090010; | |
public static final int bright_teal = 0x7f090011; | |
public static final int dark_blue = 0x7f090012; | |
public static final int dark_green = 0x7f090013; | |
public static final int dark_orange = 0x7f090014; | |
public static final int dark_purple = 0x7f090015; | |
public static final int dark_red = 0x7f090016; | |
public static final int dark_teal = 0x7f090017; | |
public static final int firstblue = 0x7f090018; | |
public static final int firstgreen = 0x7f090019; | |
public static final int firstorgange = 0x7f09001a; | |
public static final int firstred = 0x7f09001b; | |
public static final int inactive_button_gray = 0x7f09001c; | |
public static final int info_shadow = 0x7f09001d; | |
public static final int light_blue = 0x7f09001e; | |
public static final int light_green = 0x7f09001f; | |
public static final int light_orange = 0x7f090020; | |
public static final int light_purple = 0x7f090021; | |
public static final int light_red = 0x7f090022; | |
public static final int light_teal = 0x7f090023; | |
public static final int line_gray = 0x7f090024; | |
public static final int medium_blue = 0x7f090025; | |
public static final int medium_dark_blue = 0x7f090026; | |
public static final int medium_dark_green = 0x7f090027; | |
public static final int medium_dark_orange = 0x7f090028; | |
public static final int medium_dark_purple = 0x7f090029; | |
public static final int medium_dark_red = 0x7f09002a; | |
public static final int medium_dark_teal = 0x7f09002b; | |
public static final int medium_green = 0x7f09002c; | |
public static final int medium_light_blue = 0x7f09002d; | |
public static final int medium_light_green = 0x7f09002e; | |
public static final int medium_light_orange = 0x7f09002f; | |
public static final int medium_light_purple = 0x7f090030; | |
public static final int medium_light_red = 0x7f090031; | |
public static final int medium_light_teal = 0x7f090032; | |
public static final int medium_medium_blue = 0x7f090033; | |
public static final int medium_medium_green = 0x7f090034; | |
public static final int medium_medium_orange = 0x7f090035; | |
public static final int medium_medium_purple = 0x7f090036; | |
public static final int medium_medium_red = 0x7f090037; | |
public static final int medium_medium_teal = 0x7f090038; | |
public static final int medium_orange = 0x7f090039; | |
public static final int medium_purple = 0x7f09003a; | |
public static final int medium_red = 0x7f09003b; | |
public static final int medium_teal = 0x7f09003c; | |
public static final int text_error = 0x7f09003d; | |
public static final int text_okay = 0x7f09003e; | |
public static final int text_toast = 0x7f09003f; | |
public static final int text_warning = 0x7f090040; | |
public static final int text_white = 0x7f090041; | |
public static final int very_dark_blue = 0x7f090042; | |
public static final int very_dark_green = 0x7f090043; | |
public static final int very_dark_orange = 0x7f090044; | |
public static final int very_dark_purple = 0x7f090045; | |
public static final int very_dark_red = 0x7f090046; | |
public static final int very_dark_teal = 0x7f090047; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_blue = 0x7f090048; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_green = 0x7f090049; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_orange = 0x7f09004a; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_purple = 0x7f09004b; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_red = 0x7f09004c; | |
public static final int very_very_dark_teal = 0x7f09004d; | |
} | |
public static final class dimen { | |
public static final int activity_horizontal_margin = 0x7f060000; | |
public static final int activity_vertical_margin = 0x7f060001; | |
} | |
public static final class drawable { | |
public static final int feedback_shape_orange = 0x7f020002; | |
public static final int icon_menu = 0x7f020004; | |
public static final int icon_robotcontroller = 0x7f020005; | |
} | |
public static final class id { | |
public static final int airplaneMode = 0x7f0c002e; | |
public static final int appsInstalled = 0x7f0c0039; | |
public static final int appsStatus = 0x7f0c003a; | |
public static final int batteryLevel = 0x7f0c002c; | |
public static final int bluetoothEnabled = 0x7f0c0030; | |
public static final int colorSwatch = 0x7f0c006a; | |
public static final int disconnect_from_wifidirect = 0x7f0c00c2; | |
public static final int entire_screen = 0x7f0c000e; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f0c0070; | |
public static final int feedbackOKButton = 0x7f0c0073; | |
public static final int feedbackText0 = 0x7f0c0071; | |
public static final int feedbackText1 = 0x7f0c0072; | |
public static final int isCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0043; | |
public static final int isDSInstalled = 0x7f0c0040; | |
public static final int isRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003d; | |
public static final int labelManufacturer = 0x7f0c0025; | |
public static final int labelModel = 0x7f0c0027; | |
public static final int loadingIndicator = 0x7f0c009d; | |
public static final int loadingIndicatorOverlay = 0x7f0c009c; | |
public static final int menu_buttons = 0x7f0c0012; | |
public static final int osVersion = 0x7f0c002a; | |
public static final int robotIcon = 0x7f0c0010; | |
public static final int textDeviceName = 0x7f0c0011; | |
public static final int textView = 0x7f0c0035; | |
public static final int textView10 = 0x7f0c002d; | |
public static final int textView11 = 0x7f0c0033; | |
public static final int textView12 = 0x7f0c0029; | |
public static final int textView13 = 0x7f0c002f; | |
public static final int textView3 = 0x7f0c003b; | |
public static final int textView4 = 0x7f0c003e; | |
public static final int textView5 = 0x7f0c0041; | |
public static final int textView6 = 0x7f0c0037; | |
public static final int textView7 = 0x7f0c0031; | |
public static final int textView8 = 0x7f0c002b; | |
public static final int textView9 = 0x7f0c0044; | |
public static final int top_bar = 0x7f0c000f; | |
public static final int txtIsCCInstalled = 0x7f0c0042; | |
public static final int txtIsDSInstalled = 0x7f0c003f; | |
public static final int txtIsRCInstalled = 0x7f0c003c; | |
public static final int txtManufacturer = 0x7f0c0026; | |
public static final int txtModel = 0x7f0c0028; | |
public static final int widiConnected = 0x7f0c0038; | |
public static final int widiName = 0x7f0c0036; | |
public static final int wifiConnected = 0x7f0c0034; | |
public static final int wifiEnabled = 0x7f0c0032; | |
} | |
public static final class layout { | |
public static final int activity_inspection = 0x7f03000b; | |
public static final int color_list_preference_line_item = 0x7f030017; | |
public static final int feedback = 0x7f03001c; | |
public static final int loading_indicator_overlay = 0x7f030025; | |
} | |
public static final class menu { | |
public static final int main_menu = 0x7f0b0001; | |
} | |
public static final class raw { | |
public static final int color_fragment_shader = 0x7f050002; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_fragment_shader = 0x7f050003; | |
public static final int cube_mesh_vertex_shader = 0x7f050004; | |
public static final int simple_vertex_shader = 0x7f050007; | |
public static final int texture_fragment_shader = 0x7f050008; | |
public static final int texture_vertex_shader = 0x7f050009; | |
} | |
public static final class string { | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x7f0a0000; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_ERROR_NO_CAMERA_ACCESS = 0x7f0a0001; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_CANCELED_KEY = 0x7f0a0002; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_INVALID_KEY = 0x7f0a0003; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISMATCH_KEY = 0x7f0a0004; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_MISSING_KEY = 0x7f0a0005; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_PERMANENT = 0x7f0a0006; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_NO_NETWORK_TRANSIENT = 0x7f0a0007; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_PRODUCT_TYPE_MISMATCH = 0x7f0a0008; | |
public static final int VUFORIA_INIT_LICENSE_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0x7f0a0009; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_busy = 0x7f0a001c; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_error = 0x7f0a001d; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nop2p = 0x7f0a001e; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nosevicerequests = 0x7f0a001f; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_nowifi = 0x7f0a0020; | |
public static final int actionlistenerfailure_unknown = 0x7f0a0021; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_description = 0x7f0a0024; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_name = 0x7f0a0025; | |
public static final int adafruit_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a0026; | |
public static final int appNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a002d; | |
public static final int appNameRobotController = 0x7f0a002e; | |
public static final int appNameUnknown = 0x7f0a002f; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyDS = 0x7f0a0030; | |
public static final int appThemeChangeRestartNotifyRC = 0x7f0a0031; | |
public static final int app_name = 0x7f0a0032; | |
public static final int buttonNameCancel = 0x7f0a003c; | |
public static final int buttonNameOK = 0x7f0a0043; | |
public static final int configGivingUpOnCommand = 0x7f0a0056; | |
public static final int configTypeAdafruitColorSensor = 0x7f0a0061; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogInput = 0x7f0a0062; | |
public static final int configTypeAnalogOutput = 0x7f0a0063; | |
public static final int configTypeColorSensor = 0x7f0a0064; | |
public static final int configTypeContinuousRotationServo = 0x7f0a0065; | |
public static final int configTypeDeviceInterfaceModule = 0x7f0a0066; | |
public static final int configTypeDigitalDevice = 0x7f0a0067; | |
public static final int configTypeGyro = 0x7f0a0068; | |
public static final int configTypeHTAccelerometer = 0x7f0a0069; | |
public static final int configTypeHTColorSensor = 0x7f0a006a; | |
public static final int configTypeHTCompass = 0x7f0a006b; | |
public static final int configTypeHTGyro = 0x7f0a006c; | |
public static final int configTypeHTIrSeeker = 0x7f0a006d; | |
public static final int configTypeHTLightSensor = 0x7f0a006e; | |
public static final int configTypeHTTouchSensorMultiplexer = 0x7f0a006f; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDevice = 0x7f0a0070; | |
public static final int configTypeI2cDeviceSynch = 0x7f0a0071; | |
public static final int configTypeIrSeekerV3 = 0x7f0a0072; | |
public static final int configTypeLED = 0x7f0a0073; | |
public static final int configTypeLegacyModuleController = 0x7f0a0074; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxColorSensor = 0x7f0a0075; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxModule = 0x7f0a0076; | |
public static final int configTypeLynxUSBDevice = 0x7f0a0077; | |
public static final int configTypeMRColorSensor = 0x7f0a0078; | |
public static final int configTypeMRGyro = 0x7f0a0079; | |
public static final int configTypeMRTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007a; | |
public static final int configTypeMatrixController = 0x7f0a007b; | |
public static final int configTypeMotor = 0x7f0a007c; | |
public static final int configTypeMotorController = 0x7f0a007d; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTTouchSensor = 0x7f0a007e; | |
public static final int configTypeNXTUltrasonicSensor = 0x7f0a007f; | |
public static final int configTypeNothing = 0x7f0a0080; | |
public static final int configTypeOpticalDistanceSensor = 0x7f0a0081; | |
public static final int configTypePulseWidthDevice = 0x7f0a0082; | |
public static final int configTypeServo = 0x7f0a0083; | |
public static final int configTypeServoController = 0x7f0a0084; | |
public static final int configTypeUnknown = 0x7f0a0085; | |
public static final int connection_owner_default = 0x7f0a008e; | |
public static final int connection_owner_password_default = 0x7f0a008f; | |
public static final int counted_device_interface_module_name = 0x7f0a0091; | |
public static final int counted_imu_name = 0x7f0a0092; | |
public static final int counted_legacy_module_name = 0x7f0a0093; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_module_name = 0x7f0a0094; | |
public static final int counted_lynx_usb_device_name = 0x7f0a0095; | |
public static final int counted_motor_controller_name = 0x7f0a0096; | |
public static final int counted_servo_controller_name = 0x7f0a0097; | |
public static final int defaultOpModeName = 0x7f0a0098; | |
public static final int descriptionLynxEmbeddedModule = 0x7f0a009a; | |
public static final int deviceDisplayNameUnknownUSBDevice = 0x7f0a009b; | |
public static final int device_name_format_ds = 0x7f0a009e; | |
public static final int device_name_format_rc = 0x7f0a009f; | |
public static final int dialogMessagePleaseWait = 0x7f0a00a1; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixMotorController = 0x7f0a00a2; | |
public static final int displayNameMatrixServoController = 0x7f0a00a3; | |
public static final int errorOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a00b9; | |
public static final int incompatibleAppsError = 0x7f0a00d0; | |
public static final int inspection_activity = 0x7f0a00d3; | |
public static final int lynxAnalogInputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00d9; | |
public static final int lynxDcMotorControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00da; | |
public static final int lynxDigitalChannelControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00db; | |
public static final int lynxI2cDeviceSynchDisplayName = 0x7f0a00dd; | |
public static final int lynxModuleDisplayName = 0x7f0a00de; | |
public static final int lynxPwmOutputControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00df; | |
public static final int lynxServoControllerDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e0; | |
public static final int lynxUnavailableFWVersionString = 0x7f0a00e1; | |
public static final int lynxVoltageSensorDisplayName = 0x7f0a00e2; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_description = 0x7f0a00ea; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_name = 0x7f0a00eb; | |
public static final int lynx_embedded_imu_xmltag = 0x7f0a00ec; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameCDIM = 0x7f0a00fd; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLegacyModule = 0x7f0a00fe; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameLynxUsbDevice = 0x7f0a00ff; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameMotorController = 0x7f0a0100; | |
public static final int moduleDisplayNameServoController = 0x7f0a0101; | |
public static final int networkStatusActive = 0x7f0a010f; | |
public static final int networkStatusCreatedAPConnection = 0x7f0a0110; | |
public static final int networkStatusEnabled = 0x7f0a0111; | |
public static final int networkStatusError = 0x7f0a0112; | |
public static final int networkStatusInactive = 0x7f0a0114; | |
public static final int networkStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0115; | |
public static final int networkStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0116; | |
public static final int noSerialNumber = 0x7f0a0120; | |
public static final int nxtDcMotorControllerName = 0x7f0a0127; | |
public static final int nxtServoControllerName = 0x7f0a0128; | |
public static final int packageName = 0x7f0a0129; | |
public static final int packageNameDriverStation = 0x7f0a012a; | |
public static final int packageNameRobotController = 0x7f0a012b; | |
public static final int peerStatusConnected = 0x7f0a012d; | |
public static final int peerStatusDisconnected = 0x7f0a012e; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme = 0x7f0a0130; | |
public static final int pref_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0131; | |
public static final int pref_autostarted_robot_controller = 0x7f0a0132; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_identity = 0x7f0a0133; | |
public static final int pref_connection_owner_password = 0x7f0a0134; | |
public static final int pref_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a0135; | |
public static final int pref_device_name = 0x7f0a0136; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_old = 0x7f0a0137; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0138; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_rc_display = 0x7f0a0139; | |
public static final int pref_device_name_tracking = 0x7f0a013a; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user1_type_key = 0x7f0a013b; | |
public static final int pref_gamepad_user2_type_key = 0x7f0a013c; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery = 0x7f0a013e; | |
public static final int pref_has_independent_phone_battery_rc = 0x7f0a013f; | |
public static final int pref_launch_advanced_rc_settings = 0x7f0a0140; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0141; | |
public static final int pref_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a0142; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_address_update = 0x7f0a0143; | |
public static final int pref_launch_lynx_firmware_update = 0x7f0a0144; | |
public static final int pref_launch_viewlogs = 0x7f0a0145; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_channel_edit = 0x7f0a0146; | |
public static final int pref_launch_wifi_remembered_groups_edit = 0x7f0a0147; | |
public static final int pref_network_connection_type = 0x7f0a0148; | |
public static final int pref_pair_rc = 0x7f0a0149; | |
public static final int pref_rc_connected = 0x7f0a014a; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a014b; | |
public static final int pref_sound_on_off_rc = 0x7f0a014c; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_channel = 0x7f0a014d; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_connectedto = 0x7f0a014e; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_lastconnectedto = 0x7f0a014f; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_groupowner_map = 0x7f0a0150; | |
public static final int pref_wifip2p_remote_channel_change_works = 0x7f0a0151; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_ds = 0x7f0a0152; | |
public static final int prefcat_configure_robot = 0x7f0a0153; | |
public static final int prefcat_gamepad = 0x7f0a0154; | |
public static final int prefcat_logging = 0x7f0a0155; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_config = 0x7f0a0156; | |
public static final int prefcat_wifi_settings = 0x7f0a0157; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_ds = 0x7f0a0158; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_rc = 0x7f0a0159; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_ds = 0x7f0a015a; | |
public static final int prefedit_app_theme_summary_rc = 0x7f0a015b; | |
public static final int prefedit_change_wifi_channel = 0x7f0a015c; | |
public static final int prefedit_clear_remembered_groups_summary = 0x7f0a015d; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs = 0x7f0a015e; | |
public static final int prefedit_debug_driver_station_logs_summary = 0x7f0a015f; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name = 0x7f0a0160; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_ds = 0x7f0a0161; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_rc = 0x7f0a0162; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary = 0x7f0a0163; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_ds = 0x7f0a0164; | |
public static final int prefedit_device_name_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0165; | |
public static final int prefedit_edit_wifi_channel_summary = 0x7f0a0166; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user1_type = 0x7f0a0167; | |
public static final int prefedit_gamepad_user2_type = 0x7f0a0168; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds = 0x7f0a0169; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_ds_summary = 0x7f0a016a; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc = 0x7f0a016b; | |
public static final int prefedit_launch_inspect_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016c; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc = 0x7f0a016d; | |
public static final int prefedit_pair_rc_summary = 0x7f0a016e; | |
public static final int prefedit_remembered_groups = 0x7f0a016f; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off = 0x7f0a0170; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary = 0x7f0a0171; | |
public static final int prefedit_sound_on_off_summary_rc = 0x7f0a0172; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs = 0x7f0a0173; | |
public static final int prefedit_view_logs_summary = 0x7f0a0174; | |
public static final int preferred_imu_name = 0x7f0a0175; | |
public static final int progressPleaseWait = 0x7f0a017c; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_name = 0x7f0a0185; | |
public static final int rev_core_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0186; | |
public static final int rev_distributor = 0x7f0a0187; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_name = 0x7f0a0188; | |
public static final int rev_hd_hex_xmltag = 0x7f0a0189; | |
public static final int robotStateEmergencyStop = 0x7f0a018b; | |
public static final int robotStateInit = 0x7f0a018c; | |
public static final int robotStateInternalError = 0x7f0a018d; | |
public static final int robotStateNotStarted = 0x7f0a018e; | |
public static final int robotStateRunning = 0x7f0a018f; | |
public static final int robotStateStopped = 0x7f0a0190; | |
public static final int robotStateUnknown = 0x7f0a0191; | |
public static final int robotStatusInternalError = 0x7f0a0193; | |
public static final int robotStatusNetworkTimedOut = 0x7f0a0194; | |
public static final int robotStatusScanningUSB = 0x7f0a0195; | |
public static final int robotStatusStartingRobot = 0x7f0a0196; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnableToStartRobot = 0x7f0a0197; | |
public static final int robotStatusUnknown = 0x7f0a0198; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnNetworkConnection = 0x7f0a0199; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifi = 0x7f0a019a; | |
public static final int robotStatusWaitingOnWifiDirect = 0x7f0a019b; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelFailure = 0x7f0a01b2; | |
public static final int setWifiChannelSuccess = 0x7f0a01b3; | |
public static final int stringManufacturer = 0x7f0a01b6; | |
public static final int stringModel = 0x7f0a01b7; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportDS = 0x7f0a01cc; | |
public static final int titleInspectionReportRC = 0x7f0a01cd; | |
public static final int toastDisconnectedFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01da; | |
public static final int toastErrorDisconnectingFromWifiDirect = 0x7f0a01dc; | |
public static final int toastOpModeStuck = 0x7f0a01e1; | |
public static final int toastRebootRC = 0x7f0a01e2; | |
public static final int tokenThemeBlue = 0x7f0a01ec; | |
public static final int tokenThemeGreen = 0x7f0a01ed; | |
public static final int tokenThemeOrange = 0x7f0a01ee; | |
public static final int tokenThemePurple = 0x7f0a01ef; | |
public static final int tokenThemeRed = 0x7f0a01f0; | |
public static final int tokenThemeTeal = 0x7f0a01f1; | |
public static final int unknown_wifi_direct_channel = 0x7f0a01f3; | |
} | |
public static final class style { | |
public static final int AppBaseTheme = 0x7f070000; | |
public static final int AppTheme = 0x7f070001; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Blue = 0x7f070002; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Green = 0x7f070003; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Orange = 0x7f070004; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Purple = 0x7f070005; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Red = 0x7f070006; | |
public static final int AppTheme_Teal = 0x7f070007; | |
public static final int ConfigWifiDirectDialog = 0x7f07000e; | |
public static final int FeedbackButton = 0x7f07000f; | |
public static final int FeedbackText = 0x7f070010; | |
public static final int FtcButtonStyle = 0x7f070011; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyle = 0x7f070012; | |
public static final int FtcTextViewStyleBold = 0x7f070013; | |
public static final int OpModeDialogTextAppearance = 0x7f070014; | |
} | |
public static final class styleable { | |
public static final int[] ColorListPreference = { 0x7f010018 }; | |
public static final int ColorListPreference_colors = 0; | |
} | |
} |
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
45216 | |
-28.434134000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
8.556445000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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8.556445000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
8.556445000 | |
-12.434134000 | |
-0.003361000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
8.556445000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
8.556445000 | |
-12.434134000 | |
-0.003361000 | |
-7.443555000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
8.556445000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
-7.443555000 | |
-28.434134000 | |
0.126768000 | |
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-0.003361000 | |
8.556445000 | |
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0.126768000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
-6.443555000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
7.556445000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
7.556445000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
7.556445000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
7.556445000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
7.556445000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.187326000 | |
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0.034974000 | |
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3.215717000 | |
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3.215717000 | |
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-17.795851000 | |
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35.886574000 | |
3.215717000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
-17.455122000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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3.215717000 | |
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3.215717000 | |
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3.215717000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.116150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
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0.116150000 | |
5.561445000 | |
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0.106150000 | |
5.551445000 | |
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0.116150000 | |
5.561445000 | |
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0.116150000 | |
5.551445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
5.359482000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
28.111153000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.753407000 | |
-25.258160000 | |
27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
-25.455124000 | |
0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.556445000 | |
-23.455124000 | |
0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.556445000 | |
-25.455124000 | |
0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
28.111153000 | |
3.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
28.111153000 | |
3.753407000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
3.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
5.556445000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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5.556445000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.556445000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.556445000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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5.359482000 | |
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3.556445000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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3.753407000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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27.702038000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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0.111150000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
3.554873000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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-1.441862000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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3.554873000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
2.387032000 | |
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2.387032000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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2.555526000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
-24.273815000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
4.363647000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
4.363647000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
31.765995000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.363647000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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-16.631424000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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31.765995000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
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-18.268806000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
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-22.455124000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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32.144428000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
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-22.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
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0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
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0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
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-18.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
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-3.443555000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.559301000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077865000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.077869000 | |
4.034752000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.559301000 | |
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2.559301000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
-22.636431000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.363647000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.363647000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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4.363647000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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2.558053000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.363647000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
32.144432000 | |
4.363647000 | |
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2.558053000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.558053000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
32.144436000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
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-3.443555000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-3.443555000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
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-3.262247000 | |
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-1.441955000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.442890000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
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-1.442890000 | |
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-3.262247000 | |
-16.631424000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
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-18.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
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-18.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
-18.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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-3.443555000 | |
-22.636431000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
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-2.950603000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
-22.636431000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
-22.636431000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
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-1.440700000 | |
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-3.262247000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-3.262247000 | |
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-1.440700000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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-1.440700000 | |
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-1.440404000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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-1.440404000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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4.034752000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
4.034752000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
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2.557103000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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2.726264000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
-18.268806000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-2.950603000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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-2.950603000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.726264000 | |
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-1.624864000 | |
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2.559596000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.624864000 | |
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-1.440404000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
4.556445000 | |
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4.556445000 | |
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-1.441955000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.558053000 | |
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0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
2.558053000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-16.953228000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
2.557103000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
-16.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.441955000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
32.144436000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-16.945602000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.442890000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
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0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-3.443555000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
2.559301000 | |
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32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
2.559300000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
0.077869000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-23.948895000 | |
32.144436000 | |
2.559596000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
32.144428000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
0.077867000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
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32.144432000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-24.455124000 | |
32.144432000 | |
-1.440700000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
0.077869000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-23.946560000 | |
32.144428000 | |
-1.440404000 | |
-23.453552000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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4.022406000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.022406000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.022406000 | |
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4.156039000 | |
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4.551130000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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4.708004000 | |
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4.551130000 | |
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4.708004000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.708004000 | |
-18.456816000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.708004000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-18.456816000 | |
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4.551130000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-22.454205000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.022406000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.022406000 | |
-18.456816000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.022406000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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4.156039000 | |
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4.156039000 | |
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4.551130000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.708004000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.708004000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.551130000 | |
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4.708004000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
-23.453552000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
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4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.684763000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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-22.285709000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
-18.625311000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
-22.285709000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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4.156039000 | |
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4.156039000 | |
-18.625311000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
-18.625311000 | |
3.808724000 | |
4.156039000 | |
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3.442785000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
4.708004000 | |
-18.625311000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.708004000 | |
-17.457470000 | |
3.442785000 | |
4.708004000 | |
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3.808724000 | |
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2.386256000 | |
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3.554098000 | |
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2.386256000 | |
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3.554098000 | |
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2.386256000 | |
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2.386256000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
3.554098000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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24.122511000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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27.076756000 | |
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-0.863508000 | |
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-1.064383000 | |
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-2.208506000 | |
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-3.039760000 | |
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-3.039760000 | |
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-3.352629000 | |
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-3.131531000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
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-3.352629000 | |
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-3.352629000 | |
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-3.131531000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
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-2.818662000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
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-2.818662000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
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-2.818662000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
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-2.617787000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
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-2.617787000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
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-2.548571000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
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-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
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-2.818662000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
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-3.525768000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.377251000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
-1.377251000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.376999000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.376999000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.622720000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-3.622720000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-2.645521000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.548571000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.617787000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-1.377253000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-1.377251000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.377251000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
-1.771490000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-5.307782000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-5.106908000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-4.794039000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-3.622720000 | |
51.146290000 | |
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-3.622720000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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-3.553503000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-3.352629000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-3.039760000 | |
51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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-1.377253000 | |
51.146290000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
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-1.377253000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-2.818662000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-1.064383000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.131531000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.525768000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
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51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.794292000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.863508000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-4.399801000 | |
-2.208506000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-3.962785000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-1.773132000 | |
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-1.773132000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.364036000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-2.653095000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.364036000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-2.653095000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-2.653095000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
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-5.092112000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
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-3.567240000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
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-3.567240000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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51.403584000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
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-3.940224000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
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-3.567240000 | |
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-3.500241000 | |
-3.636926000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-3.567240000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
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-3.365002000 | |
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-3.103328000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-3.365002000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
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-3.103328000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
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-2.788336000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
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-2.586098000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
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-2.516412000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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51.476246000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
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-2.586098000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
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-4.380206000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
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-3.940224000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
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-5.092113000 | |
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-4.777120000 | |
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-1.773132000 | |
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-5.092113000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
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-5.364036000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
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-5.092112000 | |
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51.403584000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
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-5.092112000 | |
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-4.777120000 | |
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-3.636926000 | |
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-4.380206000 | |
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51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-3.636926000 | |
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51.403584000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.403584000 | |
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-2.788336000 | |
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-2.516412000 | |
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-1.773132000 | |
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51.403584000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
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-3.103328000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
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-3.500241000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.376217000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092113000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.364036000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.364036000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.294350000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-5.092112000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.777120000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-3.636926000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.636926000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.567240000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.365002000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-3.050010000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.653095000 | |
51.476246000 | |
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-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.516412000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.773132000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.586098000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.376219000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-2.788336000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-1.061226000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.103328000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.500241000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.789303000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-0.858988000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-4.380206000 | |
-2.213114000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-3.940224000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
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-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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-2.167559000 | |
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-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-4.047880000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
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-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
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-4.010369000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
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-3.883263000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
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-3.870338000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.865884000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
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-3.928762000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
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-3.928762000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
65.723534000 | |
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-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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-2.109135000 | |
65.723534000 | |
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-2.122061000 | |
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-4.010369000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
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-2.286676000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
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-2.269297000 | |
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-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
53.551174000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.903395000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
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-3.883263000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
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-3.903395000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
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53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
53.551174000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
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-4.043426000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-4.047880000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.047880000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
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-4.043426000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.043426000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.030501000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-4.010369000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.985002000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
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-3.985002000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.286676000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
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-3.928762000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.282223000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.928762000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
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-3.903395000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.269297000 | |
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-3.903395000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
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-3.883263000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.249166000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.883263000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
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-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.956882000 | |
-2.223799000 | |
65.723534000 | |
-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.865884000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.865884000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
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-3.870338000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.167559000 | |
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-3.870338000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
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-3.883263000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.142191000 | |
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-3.883263000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
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-3.903395000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.122061000 | |
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-3.903395000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
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-3.928762000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
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-3.928762000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.195679000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.104681000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
-2.109135000 | |
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-3.985002000 | |
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-3.956882000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.652676000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.652676000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.499572000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.499572000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.652676000 | |
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0.499572000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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39.830360000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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41.590759000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.646816000 | |
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36.309563000 | |
0.493711000 | |
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0.646816000 | |
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1.650464000 | |
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1.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
-20.537294000 | |
36.309471000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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39.830269000 | |
1.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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41.590668000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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36.309471000 | |
0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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1.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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0.650464000 | |
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1.650464000 | |
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1.650464000 | |
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0.119937000 | |
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0.119937000 | |
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0.119937000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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-0.274301000 | |
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-19.623869000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
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-0.788045000 | |
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36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
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-0.788045000 | |
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-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.857261000 | |
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-0.788045000 | |
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-20.455122000 | |
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-0.857261000 | |
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-0.857261000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
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-0.857261000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
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-0.857261000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
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-0.788044000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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-21.599247000 | |
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-0.274301000 | |
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-0.587170000 | |
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36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-19.310999000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-19.310999000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.788045000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.857261000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.788045000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.788044000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.857261000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.788044000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
35.944225000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
35.944225000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-19.310999000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.310999000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.788045000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.788045000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.857261000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.857261000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.788044000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.788044000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.587170000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
-0.274301000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.869337000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.800121000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.599247000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-21.286377000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.892139000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.971167000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.018106000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.901950000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.623869000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.701076000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.311001000 | |
36.285675000 | |
1.388207000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110126000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.993969000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.040909000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-19.110125000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.119937000 | |
-20.455122000 | |
36.285675000 | |
0.556953000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
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36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
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39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
39.830437000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
41.590836000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.380606000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
0.493717000 | |
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36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
-20.533710000 | |
36.309639000 | |
-0.506283000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.019371000 | |
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-9.379096000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.019371000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
3.019371000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
3.019371000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.625132000 | |
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-9.579970000 | |
3.019371000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
3.019371000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.773903000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.773903000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.773903000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.773903000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
0.773903000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.773903000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
3.019369000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
3.019369000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.019369000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.019369000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.019369000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.019369000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.602329000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.602329000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.602329000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.602329000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.602329000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.602329000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.019371000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
3.019371000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.773903000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
0.773903000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
0.843119000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.043993000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
1.356861000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
1.751101000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.019369000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.625132000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.019369000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.332239000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.602329000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.602329000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
50.353466000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
3.019371000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.019371000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.649187000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.579970000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.379096000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-9.066227000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
0.773903000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.773903000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
0.843119000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.043993000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.356861000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
1.751101000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.820759000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.625132000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-6.889976000 | |
3.019369000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.019369000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.090850000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.332239000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.403719000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-7.797956000 | |
3.602329000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.602329000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.533113000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.671989000 | |
2.188116000 | |
51.146290000 | |
-8.234973000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.403584000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364301000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.636224000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.566538000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.364300000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-9.049308000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.759693000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
0.829380000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.031618000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.346611000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
1.743525000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858286000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.788600000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.623487000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-6.858287000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.020401000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.060524000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.335394000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.375516000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-7.772429000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.607317000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
3.537632000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.652394000 | |
2.183506000 | |
51.476246000 | |
-8.212412000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.109945000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.109945000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.109945000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.109945000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.109945000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.109945000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.291941000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.291941000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.291941000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.291941000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.291941000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.291941000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.109945000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.109945000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.114399000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.127325000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.147455000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.172823000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.229063000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.254431000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.274561000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.291941000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.291941000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
53.586765000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.320067000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.315614000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.302689000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.282557000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.109945000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.109945000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.114399000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.127325000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.147455000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.172823000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.138072000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.229063000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.142526000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.254431000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.155451000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.274561000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.175583000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.200950000 | |
2.291941000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.291941000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
2.287487000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.257190000 | |
2.200943000 | |
65.759125000 | |
-8.229070000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
8.002630000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-13.971060000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.012125000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.997370000 | |
0.142254000 | |
2.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
6.981642000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-12.971060000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.050460000 | |
1.028940000 | |
-7.018358000 | |
0.202812000 | |
1.028940000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
50.278469000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-1.379259000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-4.610159000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
4.573442000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.562860000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-10.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
-5.018358000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
0.132178000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
4.981642000 | |
51.918419000 | |
-0.971060000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
2.288002000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
4.865969000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
5.075659000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.653625000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
7.863316000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.441282000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
10.650971000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.228938000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
13.438628000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.016594000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
16.226286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
18.804253000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-5.174292000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.156799000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
19.013941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
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-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
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21.591908000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.591908000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
21.801598000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.379564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
24.589254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.167221000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
27.376911000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
29.954878000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
30.164568000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.742535000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
32.952225000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.530190000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
35.739880000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.317848000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
38.527538000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.105507000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
5.516329000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-11.505747000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.181981000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
-5.553045000 | |
0.983561000 | |
-0.436373000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-4.988238000 | |
5.650785000 | |
3.000000000 | |
-6.988238000 | |
3.970314000 | |
4.000000000 | |
-4.488238000 | |
3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
4.000000000 | |
-4.488238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
4.000000000 | |
-4.488238000 | |
3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488238000 | |
5.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-7.488238000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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5.650785000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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3.970314000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.981642000 | |
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0.028940000 | |
0.981642000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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-1.018356000 | |
3.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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-1.018356000 | |
3.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
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1.481644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-11.657381000 | |
1.481644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-11.976910000 | |
1.481644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-9.976910000 | |
0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-11.657381000 | |
1.481644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-9.976910000 | |
-1.518356000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-9.976910000 | |
0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-11.657381000 | |
0.981644000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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-1.518356000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-9.976910000 | |
-1.018356000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
-4.988239000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
-6.988239000 | |
-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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-6.035537000 | |
3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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4.000000000 | |
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4.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
-4.988239000 | |
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4.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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4.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
-7.488239000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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3.000000000 | |
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0.000000000 | |
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-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-7.488239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988239000 | |
-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-7.488239000 | |
-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-7.488239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988239000 | |
-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-7.488239000 | |
-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-6.988239000 | |
-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988239000 | |
-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488239000 | |
-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
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-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488239000 | |
-4.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.488239000 | |
-6.035537000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988239000 | |
-5.716007000 | |
0.000000000 | |
-4.988239000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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0.052874000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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0.052874000 | |
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-24.932816000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.444179000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.580166000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.580166000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
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0.052874000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
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-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
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3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
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2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
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3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.444179000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
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0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
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3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
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3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.580166000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
2.848799000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.444179000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-22.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.580166000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.580167000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-15.880049000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.419833000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-4.043597000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
-1.444178000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052874000 | |
4.984824000 | |
-24.932816000 | |
0.052874000 | |
2.555821000 | |
-22.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
-5.005692000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-14.892986000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-18.455122000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
3.306267000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-26.017260000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
0.052873000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-22.455124000 | |
2.848799000 | |
6.118581000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
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-4.166782000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.261501000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
-2.261501000 | |
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-2.261501000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.321821000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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-2.369692000 | |
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-2.369692000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
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-4.027856000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.369692000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.400427000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.411016000 | |
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-2.411016000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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-2.411016000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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-2.400427000 | |
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-2.369692000 | |
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-2.369692000 | |
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-3.785934000 | |
-2.369692000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.833805000 | |
-2.369692000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.321821000 | |
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-2.321821000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.321821000 | |
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-2.321821000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.785934000 | |
-2.261501000 | |
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-2.261501000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.755199000 | |
-2.261501000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.755199000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
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-2.194635000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.744608000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.744608000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.127769000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-2.127769000 | |
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-2.067450000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.755199000 | |
-2.127769000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.755199000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.067450000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.785934000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
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-3.785934000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.785934000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.019579000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.833805000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.833805000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.833805000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
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-3.894125000 | |
-1.978254000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
-1.978254000 | |
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-1.978254000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-1.978254000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
-1.978254000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-2.019579000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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-4.166782000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-4.166782000 | |
-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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-2.194635000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-2.369692000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-2.411016000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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-3.755199000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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-2.067450000 | |
51.516151000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
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51.516151000 | |
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-1.978254000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-3.894125000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-1.978254000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.067450000 | |
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-3.960990000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.177372000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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-4.177372000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-3.960990000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.136047000 | |
-2.369692000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.088176000 | |
-2.400427000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
-4.027856000 | |
-2.411016000 | |
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53.539513000 | |
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-2.369692000 | |
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-2.067450000 | |
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-3.833805000 | |
-1.988844000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
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-3.894125000 | |
-1.978254000 | |
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-1.988844000 | |
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-4.027856000 | |
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2.407778000 | |
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2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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2.407778000 | |
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2.377043000 | |
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2.377043000 | |
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2.377043000 | |
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2.329172000 | |
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2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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2.377043000 | |
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2.329172000 | |
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2.268852000 | |
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2.329172000 | |
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-8.408235000 | |
2.329172000 | |
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2.268852000 | |
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2.201986000 | |
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2.268852000 | |
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-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
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2.201986000 | |
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-8.449560000 | |
2.201986000 | |
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2.135120000 | |
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2.135120000 | |
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-8.438970000 | |
2.135120000 | |
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2.074800000 | |
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2.135120000 | |
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-8.438970000 | |
2.135120000 | |
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-8.438970000 | |
2.074800000 | |
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2.074800000 | |
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2.026930000 | |
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2.074800000 | |
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-8.408235000 | |
2.074800000 | |
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-8.408235000 | |
2.026930000 | |
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2.026930000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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-8.360364000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
1.996195000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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1.985605000 | |
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-8.300044000 | |
1.996195000 | |
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1.985605000 | |
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1.985605000 | |
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-8.233178000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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1.985605000 | |
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-8.233178000 | |
1.985605000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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1.996195000 | |
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2.026930000 | |
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-8.105992000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.418367000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.418367000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.418367000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.418367000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.418367000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.418367000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.449560000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.449560000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.985605000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
1.985605000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
1.996195000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.026930000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.074800000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.135120000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.268852000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.329172000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.377043000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.418367000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.418367000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
51.516151000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.449560000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.449560000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.438970000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.408235000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.360364000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
1.985605000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.985605000 | |
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-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
1.996195000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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2.026930000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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2.074800000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
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2.135120000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.016796000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.268852000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.027387000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.329172000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.058122000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.377043000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.105992000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.166312000 | |
2.418367000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.418367000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
2.407778000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.300044000 | |
2.201986000 | |
53.539513000 | |
-8.233178000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.630236000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.581532000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
35.541733000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.418434000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.012125000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.394709000 | |
0.142254000 | |
-5.369732000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.630236000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.581532000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.630236000 | |
11.426979000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.630236000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.012125000 | |
10.581532000 | |
35.574001000 | |
0.142254000 | |
10.581532000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.649281000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.604468000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
34.579048000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.395502000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.050460000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.361513000 | |
0.202812000 | |
-4.350691000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.649281000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.604468000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.649281000 | |
12.389750000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.649281000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.050460000 | |
9.604468000 | |
34.607285000 | |
0.202812000 | |
9.604468000 | |
32.496483000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.492447000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.608727000 | |
32.496483000 | |
3.220610000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.496483000 | |
3.220610000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.492447000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.608727000 | |
32.492447000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.608727000 | |
32.496483000 | |
3.220610000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.492447000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.608727000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
8.612758000 | |
30.496487000 | |
3.220610000 | |
8.612758000 | |
32.492447000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.608727000 | |
30.492453000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.496487000 | |
3.220610000 | |
8.612758000 | |
30.492453000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.496487000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.612758000 | |
30.496487000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.612758000 | |
30.492453000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.492453000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.496487000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.612758000 | |
30.492453000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.612761000 | |
32.496483000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.496483000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.608724000 | |
30.492453000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.612761000 | |
32.492447000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.608727000 | |
32.492447000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.608727000 | |
30.492453000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.612761000 | |
32.492447000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.608727000 | |
32.492447000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.608727000 | |
30.492453000 | |
0.031197000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.492453000 | |
3.220610000 | |
6.612761000 | |
30.496487000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.612758000 | |
32.496483000 | |
0.031197000 | |
8.608724000 | |
30.496487000 | |
3.220610000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.379152000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
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-3.379148000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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-1.383186000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-3.379148000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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-1.383186000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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-1.379152000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-1.383186000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.375118000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-3.375114000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
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-3.375114000 | |
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-3.371080000 | |
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-1.371084000 | |
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-3.371080000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.371084000 | |
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-1.371084000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
-3.371080000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-3.371080000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.371084000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-3.371080000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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-3.375114000 | |
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-3.375114000 | |
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-3.375114000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-3.371080000 | |
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-3.371080000 | |
22.476334000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.371084000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.375118000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
-1.371084000 | |
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-1.371084000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.375118000 | |
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-1.375118000 | |
20.476337000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.367050000 | |
20.472303000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.367046000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
-1.367050000 | |
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-1.367050000 | |
20.472303000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.367046000 | |
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-3.367046000 | |
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-1.367050000 | |
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-3.367046000 | |
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-1.363018000 | |
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-1.363018000 | |
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-3.367046000 | |
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-3.363014000 | |
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-1.363018000 | |
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-3.363014000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.363018000 | |
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-1.363018000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
-3.363014000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-3.363014000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-1.363018000 | |
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-3.363014000 | |
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-1.367050000 | |
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-1.367050000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
-3.363014000 | |
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-3.363014000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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20.476337000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.367050000 | |
18.476341000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.363018000 | |
18.476341000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.363018000 | |
20.476337000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.367050000 | |
20.476337000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.367050000 | |
16.476345000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.472311000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
16.476345000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.476345000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.472311000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
16.472311000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
16.476345000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.472311000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
14.476349000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.476349000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
16.472311000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
14.472315000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.476349000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.472315000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.476349000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.476349000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.472315000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.472315000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.476349000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.472315000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
16.476345000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.476345000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
14.472315000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
16.472311000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
16.472311000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
14.472315000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
16.472311000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
16.472311000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.358980000 | |
14.472315000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.472315000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.476349000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
16.476345000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
14.476349000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
14.476349000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.354950000 | |
16.476345000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
16.476345000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-1.358984000 | |
32.880966000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.113070000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.855728000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.087833000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.880966000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.863927000 | |
14.087833000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.855728000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.855728000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
2.678461000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.087833000 | |
3.321539000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.880966000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.863927000 | |
14.113070000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.880966000 | |
2.678461000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
3.321539000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.113070000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.855728000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.087833000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.087833000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.880966000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.863927000 | |
14.087833000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.855728000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
32.855728000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
4.629897000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.087833000 | |
5.272975000 | |
-3.610149000 | |
14.113070000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.880966000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.863927000 | |
14.113070000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.880966000 | |
4.629897000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
5.272975000 | |
8.863927000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.344480000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.344480000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.309402000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.471310000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.309402000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.344480000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.309402000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.471310000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.496518000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
32.496483000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
32.496483000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.496483000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.472279000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
14.472315000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
14.472315000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.496518000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.472315000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
32.496483000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.496483000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
14.472315000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
32.472279000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
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2.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.496518000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.472315000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
32.496483000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
32.496483000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.191563000 | |
13.962181000 | |
8.309402000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
32.168571000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.090698000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.472315000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.354946000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.800226000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.344480000 | |
14.777233000 | |
13.962181000 | |
-3.055620000 | |
14.496518000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.645029000 | |
32.496483000 | |
2.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.472279000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.496483000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.496483000 | |
13.962182000 | |
8.608724000 | |
32.472279000 | |
2.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.472279000 | |
13.962182000 | |
-3.391251000 | |
32.489761000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.485729000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.277336000 | |
32.489761000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.489761000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.485729000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.277336000 | |
32.485729000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.277336000 | |
32.489761000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.485729000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.277336000 | |
30.489767000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.489767000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.281366000 | |
32.485729000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.277336000 | |
30.485733000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.489767000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.485733000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.489767000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.489767000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.485733000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.485733000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.489767000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.485733000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.281370000 | |
32.489761000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.489761000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.277332000 | |
30.485733000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.281370000 | |
32.485729000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.277336000 | |
32.485729000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.277336000 | |
30.485733000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.281370000 | |
32.485729000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.277336000 | |
32.485729000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.277336000 | |
30.485733000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.485733000 | |
3.220610000 | |
3.281370000 | |
30.489767000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.281366000 | |
32.489761000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.277332000 | |
30.489767000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.281366000 | |
30.489767000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.281366000 | |
32.489761000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.489761000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.277332000 | |
32.483032000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.478996000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
32.483032000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.483032000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.478996000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
32.478996000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
32.483032000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.478996000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
30.483036000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.483036000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.944174000 | |
32.478996000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
30.479002000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.483036000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.479002000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.483036000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.483036000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.479002000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.479002000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.483036000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.479002000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
32.483032000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.483032000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.940140000 | |
30.479002000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
32.478996000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
32.478996000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
30.479002000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
32.478996000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
32.478996000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.059856000 | |
30.479002000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.479002000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.055822000 | |
30.483036000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.944174000 | |
32.483032000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.940140000 | |
30.483036000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.944174000 | |
30.483036000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.944174000 | |
32.483032000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.483032000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.940140000 | |
32.880966000 | |
0.118851000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
0.118851000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
0.337176000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.880966000 | |
0.337176000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
0.118851000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.855728000 | |
0.337176000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
32.880966000 | |
0.337176000 | |
8.863927000 | |
32.855728000 | |
0.337176000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.113070000 | |
0.337176000 | |
8.901781000 | |
14.113070000 | |
0.337176000 | |
8.901781000 | |
32.855728000 | |
0.337176000 | |
-3.648003000 | |
14.087833000 | |
0.337176000 | |
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6.556445000 | |
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15.005266000 | |
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-3.299744000 | |
16.004864000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.500446000 | |
15.004866000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.005266000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
15.004866000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.005266000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
15.005266000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
15.004866000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.004866000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.005266000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
16.005264000 | |
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-3.301762000 | |
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-3.301762000 | |
15.004866000 | |
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-3.498428000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-3.500446000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-3.500446000 | |
15.004866000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
16.004864000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.500446000 | |
16.004864000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.500446000 | |
15.004866000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.004866000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.498428000 | |
15.005266000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
16.005264000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.301762000 | |
15.005266000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
15.005266000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.299744000 | |
16.005264000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.301762000 | |
16.005264000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.301762000 | |
31.969883000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969482000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
31.969883000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969883000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969482000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
31.969482000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
31.969883000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969482000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
30.969887000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969887000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
31.969482000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
30.969484000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969887000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969484000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969887000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969887000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969484000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969484000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969887000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969484000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
31.969883000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969883000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
30.969484000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
31.969482000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
31.969482000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
30.969484000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
31.969482000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
31.969482000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.532644000 | |
30.969484000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969484000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.530628000 | |
30.969887000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
31.969883000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
30.969887000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
30.969887000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.331944000 | |
31.969883000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
31.969883000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.333960000 | |
27.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
27.983744000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
27.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
27.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
27.983744000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
27.983744000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
27.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
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13.167896000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
26.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
27.983744000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
26.983746000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.983746000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.983746000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.983746000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.983746000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
27.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
27.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
26.983746000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
27.983744000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
27.983744000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
26.983746000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
27.983744000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
27.983744000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.524607000 | |
26.983746000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.983746000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.522589000 | |
26.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
27.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
26.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
26.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.323904000 | |
27.984146000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
27.984146000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.325922000 | |
23.965240000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
23.964840000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
23.965240000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
23.965240000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
23.964840000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
23.964840000 | |
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-3.516500000 | |
23.965240000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
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-3.516500000 | |
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-3.315798000 | |
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-3.315798000 | |
23.964840000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
22.964844000 | |
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-3.514482000 | |
22.965244000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
22.964844000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
22.965244000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
22.965244000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
22.964844000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
22.964844000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
22.965244000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
22.964844000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
23.965240000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
23.965240000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
22.964844000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
23.964840000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
23.964840000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
22.964844000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
23.964840000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
23.964840000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.516500000 | |
22.964844000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
22.964844000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.514482000 | |
22.965244000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
23.965240000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
22.965244000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
22.965244000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.315798000 | |
23.965240000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
23.965240000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.317816000 | |
19.980396000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.979996000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
19.980396000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.980396000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.979996000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
19.979996000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
19.980396000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.979996000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
18.980398000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.980398000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
19.979996000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
18.979998000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.980398000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.979998000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.980398000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.980398000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.979998000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.979998000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.980398000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.979998000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
19.980396000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.980396000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
18.979998000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
19.979996000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
18.979998000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
19.979996000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
19.979996000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.508463000 | |
18.979998000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.979998000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.506447000 | |
18.980398000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
19.980396000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
18.980398000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
18.980398000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.307762000 | |
19.980396000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
19.980396000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-3.309778000 | |
32.649376000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.450691000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.649376000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.649376000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.450691000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.450691000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.649376000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.450691000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.651390000 | |
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8.108764000 | |
32.651390000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.450691000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.452709000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.651390000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.452709000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.651390000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.651390000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.452709000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.452709000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.651390000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.452709000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.649376000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.649376000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.452709000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.109164000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.450691000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.452709000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.450691000 | |
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7.109166000 | |
32.450691000 | |
13.167896000 | |
7.109166000 | |
32.452709000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.109164000 | |
32.452709000 | |
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8.109164000 | |
32.651390000 | |
4.934816000 | |
8.108764000 | |
32.649376000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.651390000 | |
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8.108764000 | |
32.651390000 | |
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8.108764000 | |
32.649376000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.108766000 | |
32.649376000 | |
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7.108766000 | |
32.643188000 | |
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32.444504000 | |
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32.643188000 | |
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32.444504000 | |
4.934816000 | |
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32.643188000 | |
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32.645206000 | |
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5.042185000 | |
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5.042585000 | |
32.645206000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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32.446522000 | |
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5.042585000 | |
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5.042585000 | |
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-2.934475000 | |
32.629116000 | |
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-2.934875000 | |
32.629116000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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-2.934475000 | |
32.629116000 | |
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-2.934475000 | |
32.631134000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
32.430435000 | |
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-2.934475000 | |
32.432449000 | |
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-1.934477000 | |
32.631134000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
32.432449000 | |
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-1.934477000 | |
32.631134000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-1.934877000 | |
32.631134000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
32.432449000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-1.934477000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-1.934477000 | |
32.631134000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
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-1.934477000 | |
32.629116000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.934875000 | |
32.629116000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.934875000 | |
32.432449000 | |
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-1.934477000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-2.934475000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-2.934475000 | |
32.432449000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-1.934477000 | |
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13.167896000 | |
-2.934475000 | |
32.430435000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-2.934475000 | |
32.432449000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-1.934477000 | |
32.432449000 | |
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-1.934477000 | |
32.631134000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-1.934877000 | |
32.629116000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.934875000 | |
32.631134000 | |
13.167896000 | |
-1.934877000 | |
32.631134000 | |
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-1.934877000 | |
32.629116000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.934875000 | |
32.629116000 | |
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-2.934875000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
7.145247000 | |
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7.145648000 | |
14.561625000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
8.145246000 | |
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8.145246000 | |
14.364959000 | |
13.167896000 | |
8.145646000 | |
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8.145646000 | |
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7.145648000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
8.145646000 | |
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7.145648000 | |
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7.145648000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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8.145246000 | |
14.561625000 | |
4.934816000 | |
7.145247000 | |
14.563643000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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14.555441000 | |
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4.078669000 | |
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14.356757000 | |
4.934816000 | |
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5.078667000 | |
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5.079067000 | |
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5.079067000 | |
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5.079067000 | |
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5.078667000 | |
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0.096870000 | |
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0.097271000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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0.097271000 | |
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1.096869000 | |
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1.097269000 | |
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1.097269000 | |
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0.096870000 | |
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1.096869000 | |
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1.096869000 | |
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0.096870000 | |
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0.096870000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
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-2.897993000 | |
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-1.897995000 | |
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-1.898396000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-1.898396000 | |
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-1.898396000 | |
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-1.897995000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-1.897995000 | |
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-1.898396000 | |
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-2.897993000 | |
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-1.897995000 | |
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-2.897993000 | |
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-2.897993000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-1.897995000 | |
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-1.897995000 | |
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4.934816000 | |
-1.898396000 | |
14.541368000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.898394000 | |
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-1.898396000 | |
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-1.898396000 | |
14.541368000 | |
4.934816000 | |
-2.898394000 | |
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-2.898394000 | |
19.344339000 | |
13.536947000 | |
5.557505000 | |
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15.126131000 | |
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5.560324000 | |
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19.344339000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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17.947092000 | |
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5.560324000 | |
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5.557505000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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15.126131000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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5.897192000 | |
19.345026000 | |
15.126131000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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15.126131000 | |
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17.526676000 | |
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5.901893000 | |
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15.126131000 | |
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17.526676000 | |
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17.947779000 | |
15.126131000 | |
5.901044000 | |
17.526676000 | |
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13.536947000 | |
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17.947779000 | |
15.126131000 | |
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5.901044000 | |
17.526676000 | |
13.536947000 | |
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2.083063000 | |
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5.901044000 | |
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5.560324000 | |
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2.087765000 | |
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2.083063000 | |
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2.083063000 | |
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2.087765000 | |
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5.309607000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
3.313644000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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0.031197000 | |
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14.484375000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.313644000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
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3.309610000 | |
14.484375000 | |
0.031197000 | |
3.313644000 | |
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3.220610000 | |
3.313644000 | |
14.488409000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.313641000 | |
16.488405000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.309607000 | |
14.488409000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.313641000 | |
14.488409000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.313641000 | |
16.488405000 | |
0.031197000 | |
5.309607000 | |
16.488405000 | |
3.220610000 | |
5.309607000 | |
16.481674000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.477640000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
16.481674000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.481674000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.477640000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
16.477640000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
16.481674000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.477640000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
14.481678000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.481678000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.976448000 | |
16.477640000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
14.477644000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.481678000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.477644000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.481678000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.481678000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.477644000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.477644000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.481678000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.477644000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
16.481674000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.481674000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.972414000 | |
14.477644000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
16.477640000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
16.477640000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
14.477644000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
16.477640000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
16.477640000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.027582000 | |
14.477644000 | |
0.031197000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.477644000 | |
3.220610000 | |
-0.023548000 | |
14.481678000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.976448000 | |
16.481674000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.972414000 | |
14.481678000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.976448000 | |
14.481678000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.976448000 | |
16.481674000 | |
0.031197000 | |
1.972414000 | |
16.481674000 | |
3.220610000 | |
1.972414000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
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-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.895599000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
49.473564000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
41.320286000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
43.898254000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
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5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
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4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
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46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
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-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
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-5.174292000 | |
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-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
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-4.537008000 | |
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-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
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-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
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-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
5.137575000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
4.490557000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
5.137575000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-11.126993000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
4.490557000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
0.074505000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-5.878819000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-3.075732000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-10.060209000 | |
-4.537008000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-6.110124000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
44.107941000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-0.156799000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
-5.174292000 | |
46.685905000 | |
-0.815126000 | |
25.072641000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768718000 | |
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13.555535000 | |
7.882430000 | |
25.072641000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768718000 | |
25.072641000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768718000 | |
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25.072641000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768718000 | |
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25.198988000 | |
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7.768462000 | |
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7.768462000 | |
25.072870000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882430000 | |
25.199217000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.198988000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768462000 | |
25.199217000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.198988000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768462000 | |
25.198988000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768462000 | |
25.199217000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.199217000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.198988000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768462000 | |
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25.072641000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768718000 | |
25.072641000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768718000 | |
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7.882174000 | |
25.072870000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.882430000 | |
25.072870000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.882430000 | |
25.199217000 | |
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7.882174000 | |
25.072870000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882430000 | |
25.072870000 | |
16.148245000 | |
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25.199217000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.199217000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.882174000 | |
25.198988000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768462000 | |
25.072641000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768718000 | |
25.198988000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768462000 | |
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16.148245000 | |
7.768462000 | |
25.072641000 | |
13.555535000 | |
7.768718000 | |
25.072641000 | |
16.148245000 | |
7.768718000 | |
21.064732000 | |
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21.064732000 | |
14.810888000 | |
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21.064919000 | |
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7.973977000 | |
21.064919000 | |
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21.064732000 | |
14.810888000 | |
7.882016000 | |
21.064919000 | |
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7.973977000 | |
21.064919000 | |
17.155859000 | |
7.973977000 | |
21.064919000 | |
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7.962384000 | |
26.812380000 | |
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7.962384000 | |
21.064919000 | |
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7.973977000 | |
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26.812195000 | |
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7.694744000 | |
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6.684767000 | |
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7.694744000 | |
24.089348000 | |
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6.837858000 | |
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24.089039000 | |
13.555231000 | |
6.684767000 | |
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6.837858000 | |
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24.091188000 | |
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7.751080000 | |
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6.837858000 | |
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13.625128000 | |
7.692442000 | |
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6.684952000 | |
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6.838043000 | |
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7.751265000 | |
23.996862000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.838043000 | |
23.998590000 | |
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14.690714000 | |
7.751265000 | |
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23.998703000 | |
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7.751265000 | |
23.998590000 | |
14.523477000 | |
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23.998585000 | |
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6.684952000 | |
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6.838043000 | |
25.186220000 | |
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25.184492000 | |
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6.835649000 | |
25.184492000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835649000 | |
25.093735000 | |
14.523477000 | |
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25.092007000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835835000 | |
25.184492000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835649000 | |
25.092007000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835835000 | |
25.186216000 | |
13.625128000 | |
7.690233000 | |
25.186216000 | |
13.625128000 | |
7.690233000 | |
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6.835835000 | |
25.093731000 | |
13.625128000 | |
7.690418000 | |
25.186216000 | |
13.625128000 | |
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25.093731000 | |
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25.093735000 | |
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7.748871000 | |
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7.749056000 | |
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25.186335000 | |
13.555231000 | |
7.748871000 | |
25.093849000 | |
14.690714000 | |
7.749056000 | |
25.093849000 | |
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7.749056000 | |
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13.555231000 | |
6.682558000 | |
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6.682743000 | |
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7.748871000 | |
25.186335000 | |
14.690714000 | |
7.748871000 | |
25.091698000 | |
13.555231000 | |
6.682743000 | |
25.093849000 | |
14.690714000 | |
7.749056000 | |
25.186335000 | |
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7.748871000 | |
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13.555231000 | |
7.749056000 | |
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6.682558000 | |
25.184183000 | |
13.555231000 | |
6.682558000 | |
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13.555231000 | |
7.749056000 | |
25.091698000 | |
13.555231000 | |
6.682743000 | |
25.186335000 | |
14.690714000 | |
7.748871000 | |
25.186335000 | |
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7.748871000 | |
25.186220000 | |
14.523477000 | |
7.692535000 | |
25.186220000 | |
14.523477000 | |
7.692535000 | |
25.186335000 | |
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7.748871000 | |
25.186216000 | |
13.625128000 | |
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25.186335000 | |
14.690714000 | |
7.748871000 | |
25.186220000 | |
14.523477000 | |
7.692535000 | |
25.184183000 | |
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6.682558000 | |
25.186220000 | |
14.523477000 | |
7.692535000 | |
25.184492000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835649000 | |
25.184183000 | |
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6.682558000 | |
25.184183000 | |
13.555231000 | |
6.682558000 | |
25.184492000 | |
13.625128000 | |
6.835649000 | |
25.186335000 | |
13.555231000 |
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)
(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)