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Last active December 15, 2017 21:34
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  • Save Genora51/29ad767cbaa06dfe09f26c66aa94f13a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Genora51/29ad767cbaa06dfe09f26c66aa94f13a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#pragma config(I2C_Usage, I2C1, i2cSensors)
#pragma config(Sensor, I2C_1, armEncoder, sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign)
#pragma config(Motor, port1, rightFrontMotor, tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port2, leftFrontMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port3, rightBackMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port4, rightArmMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port5, leftIntakeMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port6, rightIntakeMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port7, clawLiftMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port8, leftArmMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop, encoderPort, I2C_1)
#pragma config(Motor, port9, clawMotor, tmotorVex393_MC29, openLoop)
#pragma config(Motor, port10, leftBackMotor, tmotorVex393_HBridge, openLoop)
//*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
#pragma platform(VEX)
//Competition Control and Duration Settings
#pragma competitionControl(Competition)
#pragma autonomousDuration(20)
#pragma userControlDuration(120)
#include "Vex_Competition_Includes.c" //Main competition background not modify!
// Pre-Autonomous Functions
// You may want to perform some actions before the competition starts. Do them in the
// following function.
float pid_Kp = 0.5;
float pid_Ki = 0.01;
float pid_Kd = 0.06;
void pre_auton()
// Set bStopTasksBetweenModes to false if you want to keep user created tasks running between
// Autonomous and Tele-Op modes. You will need to manage all user created tasks if set to false.
bStopTasksBetweenModes = true;
nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor] = 0;
// All activities that occur before the competition starts
// Example: clearing encoders, setting servo positions, ...
// Autonomous Task
// This task is used to control your robot during the autonomous phase of a VEX Competition.
// You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here.
task autonomous()
// .....................................................................................
// Insert user code here.
// .....................................................................................
motor[leftBackMotor] = -100;
motor[rightBackMotor] = 100;
motor[leftFrontMotor] = -100;
motor[rightFrontMotor] = 100;
motor[leftArmMotor] = 80;
motor[rightArmMotor] = -80;
int tgtPos = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor];
int err = 0;
int prevErr = 0;
int err_diff = 0;
int err_sum = 0;
int timer = 80;
while (timer > 0) {
err = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor] - tgtPos;
err_sum += err;
err_diff = err - prevErr;
motor[leftArmMotor] = (err_sum * pid_Ki) + (err * pid_Kp) + (err_diff * pid_Kd);
prevErr = err;
timer -= 1;
motor[leftBackMotor] = 0;
motor[rightBackMotor] = 0;
motor[leftFrontMotor] = 0;
motor[rightFrontMotor] = 0;
motor[leftIntakeMotor] = 127;
motor[rightIntakeMotor] = -127;
timer = 80;
while (true) {
err = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor] - tgtPos;
err_sum += err;
err_diff = err - prevErr;
motor[leftArmMotor] = (err_sum * pid_Ki) + (err * pid_Kp) + (err_diff * pid_Kd);
prevErr = err;
timer -= 1;
// Globvars
int armSpeed = 80;
bool clawAuto = false;
float clawRatio = 9.0 / 8.0;
// PID Values
int targetPos = 0;
bool offRun = true;
int error;
int prevError;
int error_diff;
int error_sum;
void manualArm()
offRun = true;
targetPos = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor];
setMotor(leftArmMotor, armSpeed);
else if(vexRT[Btn5D])
offRun = true;
targetPos = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor];
setMotor(leftArmMotor, -armSpeed);
if (offRun) {
offRun = false;
error_sum = 0;
prevError = 0;
setMotor(leftArmMotor, 0);
error = nMotorEncoder[leftArmMotor] - targetPos;
error_sum += error;
error_diff = error - prevError;
motor[leftArmMotor] = (error_sum * pid_Ki) + (error * pid_Kp) + (error_diff * pid_Kd);
prevError = error;
motor[rightArmMotor] = -motor[leftArmMotor];
// User Control Task
// This task is used to control your robot during the user control phase of a VEX Competition.
// You must modify the code to add your own robot specific commands here.
task usercontrol()
while (true)
int fd = vexRT[Ch3]; // Forward Joystick
int sd = vexRT[Ch4]; // Side Joystick
int tr = vexRT[Ch1]; // Turn Joystick
int lfv = fd + sd + tr; // Left front motor
int rfv = -fd + sd + tr; // Right front motor
int lbv = fd - sd + tr; // Left back motor
int rbv = -fd - sd + tr; // Right back motor
motor[leftFrontMotor] = -lfv;
motor[rightFrontMotor] = -rfv;
motor[rightBackMotor] = -rbv;
motor[leftBackMotor] = -lbv;
// Intake
armControl(leftIntakeMotor, Btn7D, Btn7U, -127);
armControl(rightIntakeMotor, Btn7D, Btn7U, 127);
// Claw
armControl(clawMotor, Btn6D, Btn6U, 60);
// Arm
if (vexRT[Btn7L]) armSpeed = 80;
if (vexRT[Btn7R]) armSpeed = 40;
if (vexRT[Btn8L]) clawAuto = true;
if (vexRT[Btn8R]) clawAuto = false;
if (clawAuto) {
armControl(clawLiftMotor, Btn5U, Btn5D, armSpeed * clawRatio);
else {
armControl(clawLiftMotor, Btn8U, Btn8D, 45);
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