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Created September 23, 2022 20:07
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  • Save GeoSn0w/506bedf8b85617c3aed03fc0b7d255cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GeoSn0w/506bedf8b85617c3aed03fc0b7d255cc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
userland panic
:: Supervisor iBoot for n112, Copyright 2007-2022, Apple Inc.
:: Remote boot, Board 0x16 (n112ap)/Rev 0xf
:: BUILD_TAG: iBoot-7459.102.5
Delaying boot for 0 seconds. Hit enter to break into the command prompt...
Entering recovery mode, starting command prompt
Kernelcache image not valid
loaded device tree at <ptr> of size 0x100000, from image at <ptr>
======== End of iBoot serial output. ========
iBoot version: iBoot-7459.102.5
Darwin Image4 Validator Version 4.2.0: Wed Aug 10 15:36:23 PDT 2022; root:AppleImage4-158.100.11~2960/AppleImage4/RELEASE_ARM64
AppleImage4: failed to read nvram property: oblit-inprogress: 2
AppleCredentialManager: init: called, instance = <ptr>.
AppleARMBacklight::start: Using new Backlight Architecture 1
AppleARMBacklight::start: no DBV offset data
AppleARMBacklight::start: no DBV max data
AppleARMBacklight::start: _calibratedMaxCurrent=20000
AppleARMBacklight::start: _calibratedMidCurrent=5800
AppleARMBacklight::start: mA2Nits2ndOrderCoef=-1
AppleARMBacklight::start: mA2Nits1stOrderCoef=58
AppleARMBacklight::start: no mA2Nits0thOrderCoef data, use zero
AppleARMBacklight::start: nits2mAmps2ndOrderCoef=3328
AppleARMBacklight::start: nits2mAmps1stOrderCoef=16773
AppleARMBacklight::start: no nits2mAmps0thOrderCoef data, use zero
AppleARMBacklight::start: _lMaxProduct=30474240
AppleARMBacklight::start: _lMidProduct=9175040
AppleARMBacklight::start: _lMinProduct=380941
AppleARMBacklight::start: Backlight calibration data 50
AppleARMBacklight::start: vers=1.0, iMid=5346, iMax=20000, nitsAt20mA=568
AppleARMBacklight::exportCalibration: _lMaxProduct=30474240, _lMidProduct=9175040, _lMinProduct=380941, _lMaxPanel=37124480, _lMidPanel=11124280, _lMinPanel=463942, _milliAmps2NitsScaleFactor=568000
AppleARMBacklight::start: _minDACLevel=471 _maxDACLevel=1973
AppleInterruptController::start: Num Shared Timestamps == 16
ApplePMGR: Starting AppleT8010PMGR
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS8000AES::start: registers at phys:0x0x20a108000/0x0x2102d0000 virt:0x<ptr>/0x0x4000 / 0x<ptr>/0x0x4000
AppleGPIOICController::start: this: <ptr>, _gpioicBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c0 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c1 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8940XI2CController::start: i2c2 this: <ptr> _i2cBaseAddress: <ptr>
AppleS5L8960XUSBPhy::start: hsic disabled
virtual bool IOMobileFramebufferLegacy::start(IOService *)
IOMFB: driver commit:
AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver[<ptr>]::start(provider <ptr>): Name scaler0 Lock <ptr> max_msrs=7 start_number=0
virtual bool AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver::start(IOService *) MSR Driver Waiting for IOSurfaceRoot
37331750 80 AVE : AppleAVE2Driver compiled on Aug 10 2022 15:47:52 prod
pci (build 15:35:55 Aug 10 2022), flags 0xc3008
AppleEmbeddedPCIE::start this = <ptr>, _debugFlags = 0x80000001
ACMFirstResponderKernelService: init: called, .
AppleSocHot::start _tempSensorSochotDebugHackEnabled
virtual bool AppleARMLightEmUp::start(IOService *): starting...
AppleDieTempController::setupLegacyControlLoop: Setting up legacy style (single loop) fast die control
AppleDieTempController::initLoopConfig: Successfully configured 1 loops
AppleDieTempController::handleBootArgs: In handleBootArgs routine
AppleDieTempController::cpuPerfControllerArrivalHandler: boot_dvd_factor 0x00006666
AppleT8010CLPC: Consumer array full
ACMRM-S: init: called, starting PersistentStore service.
ACMRM-C: init: called, starting AccessoryCache service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache size = 16 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: acc-cache expiration = 2592000 (default).
ACMRM: init: called, starting TRM service.
ACMRM-A: init: called, starting TRM Analytics service.
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: analytics collection period = 86400 (default).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: policy mode timeout = 259200 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyStandardModeTimeoutChanged: called, value = 259200 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: (bounded) grace period timeout = 3600 (default).
ACMRM-A: notifyGracePeriodTimeoutChanged: called, value = 3600 (modified = YES).
ACMKernelService: initValueFromBootArgAliasesUInt32: enabled = 1 (default).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO* BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO* LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _loadDisabledByOSEnvironment: disabled by OSEnvironment: NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO* | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyTimeout = 259200.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 4294967295 -/ff).
AppleCredentialManager: init: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsHub::start(IOService *)::114:CoreAnalyticsHub start
Warning: arc4random not implemented
Warning: arc4random not implemented
Warning: arc4random not implemented
AppleSSE::start called
AppleSSE::start returning, result = 1
AppleSEPKeyStore:319:0: starting (BUILT: Aug 10 2022 15:48:19)
AppleSEPKeyStore:524:0: _sep_enabled = 1
AppleCredentialManager: start: called, instance = <ptr>.
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeTimeout = 259200.
AppleCredentialManager: start: initializing power management.
AppleCredentialManager: start: will join SEPManager's PM tree in getSEPEndpoint().
AppleCredentialManager: start: registering notifications.
AppleCredentialManager: start: started, instance = <ptr>.
AppleCredentialManager: start: returning, result = true, instance = <ptr>.
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
RTBuddy(PMP): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 10 2022@15:46:58)
AppleT8010PMPFirmware: Found firmware t8010pmp for PMP
RTBuddy(PMP): Loaded firmware: Release - [email protected]/06/17@20:43:05
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
virtual bool AppleSEPManager::start(IOService *):
virtual bool AppleSEPManager::start(IOService *): SEP memory IS coherent
virtual bool AppleSEPManager::start(IOService *): control endpoints created
virtual bool AppleSEPManager::start(IOService *): PM init done
virtual bool AppleSEPManager::start(IOService *): registered
?DV::init initSEPManager::_setPowerState(unsigned long *): power state 0 -> 2
AppleIDV::start started
Ap?eCredentialManager: sepManagerMatchedGated: AppleSEPManager matched.
ApplePMP: Connected to AppleCLPC
ApplePMP: started
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
Started AppleSerialShim for device: uart
Identified Serial Port uart5 at 0x20a0d4000(<ptr>)
AppleA7IOPNub: withRegistryEntry, 47: allocated nub <ptr>
AppleIDV::start returning, result = 1
AppleIDV::setPowerState / 118
AppleIDV::setPowerStateGated / 176 - current state: ON, new state: ON
AppleIDV::setPowerStateGated returning 0x0
Identified Serial Port uart6 at 0x20a0d8000(<ptr>)
[PMP:main.cpp:579] PMP started
AppleSmartIO::start CHIPID:0x8010
RTBuddy(GFX): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 10 2022@15:46:58)
Identified Serial Port uart1 at 0x20a0c4000(<ptr>)
Identified Serial Port uart4 at 0x20a0d0000(<ptr>)
Voice: Could not find the safety offset seed property.
pmu fault log: btn_rst
AppleOLYHAL::probe: score = 1000
AppleARMRTC started!#####
ApplePinotLCD: _lcdPanelID: 0xb3c21dce _lcdPanelClass: 2
AppleARMRTC registering service!@@@@@@
AppleARMRTC service registered!$$$$$
AppleARMRTC publishing service!^^^^^^
apfs_module_start:2590: load:, v1934.142.1, apfs-1934.142.1, 2022/08/10 kmod start
AppleTriStar2::start: tristar: accessory high current ldobm3 power function not found
apfs_sysctl_register:1451: done registering sysctls. load succeeded
virtual void DPBDriverV2::bypass(bool) DPB bypassed.
virtual bool AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver::start(IOService *) DONE Waiting for IOSurfaceRoot
void AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver::getPerfStatesByEDTValue(IOService *) mMaxPerfStateClock = 0
WARNING: getDartPowerByEDTValue, Line=5271: Scaler DRIVER: EDT key direct-dart-power not found: EDT key manual-availability needed. Driver may fail.
AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver[<ptr>]::start(provider <ptr>): Name scaler0 scalerId=0 start_number=0
virtual bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::mapRegisterMemory(IOService *): Scaler 0 RegisterMemoryMap[<ptr>]: base=<ptr> physical address = 0x207900000 length = 16384
Scaler HW version at start is 0x70000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x1, and table version 0x10001
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x1, and table version 0x10002
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x2, and table version 0x20000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x2, and table version 0x30000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x2, and table version 0x40000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x3, and table version 0x50000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x5, and table version 0x60000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents(): Checking for SOC 0x6, HwVersion 0x70000, against table SOC 0x6, and table version 0x70000
bool AppleM2ScalerCSCHal::initScalerPropertiesAndExtents() Found properties and extents entry 7
virtual bool AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver::start(IOService *) Object=<ptr>: Provider=<ptr>: Register Service
virtual bool AppleM2ScalerCSCDriver::start(IOService *): this=<ptr>, Added Scaler Number = 0
L2TP domain init
L2TP domain init complete
Load request for failed: -603946991
virtual void DPBDriverV2::bypass(bool) DPB bypassed.
virtual void DPBDriverV2::bypass(bool) DPB bypassed.
IOMFB use_scaled_brightness: doit=0
bool IOMFBColorManagerDriver_Impl::Primary::init(IOService *): version mismatch: 0 != 1
bool IOMFBColorManagerDriver_Impl::Primary::init(IOService *): Could not find table 'primary-calibration-matrix' in EDT. Using default table.
AppleJPEGDriver: ** virtual bool AppleJPEGDriver::start(IOService *)[<ptr>] : intForPM with provider=<ptr>
IOMFB setup_table: Could not find table 'display-temp-compensation' in registry. Using default table.
IOMFB setup_table: Could not find table 'display-backlight-compensation' in registry. Using default table.
38021253 80 AVE : AppleAVE2Driver HW: 1 1 1
38032747 83 AVE WARN: AVE_Drv::IO_setPowerState:585 <ptr> 0 <- 1 0
38032786 83 AVE WARN: AVE_Drv::IO_setPowerState:585 <ptr> 1 <- 0 0
Speaker: Could not find the safety offset seed property.
AppleOLYHAL::start: entry with provider 0xeec4188224889d9b
Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict ID="2"><key>Partition ID</key><integer size="64" ID="3">0x1</integer></dict></dict>
RTBuddy(GFX): Loaded firmware: - Release
void AppleH7DisplayPipe::detectFBFormat_gated(): default FB format BGRA detected. (key = 11010)
void AppleDisplayPipe::updateFrequencies(): minimum-frequency property not found, using getClockFrequency(0) instead.
Creating an object of AppleOLYHALPlatformFunctionEmbedded class
000038.052472 wlan0.A[1] start@2238: Raised adjustBusy(+1), getBusyState() -> 1
000038.052483 wlan0.A[2] setupNotifier@2303:Setting up notifier for CoreAnalyticsHub
AppleMultitouchN1SPI: successfully started
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolaccess Index 0 Size 64 flags 0x1 ramUserMap 0x5
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolCAL0 8000 CAL1 8048 KNOB 8198 CAL2 81b8 USER0 8348 _pmuOffset 8348
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolaccess Index 1 Size 40 flags 0x1 ramUserMap 0x5
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolCAL0 8000 CAL1 8048 KNOB 8198 CAL2 81b8 USER0 8348 _pmuOffset 8388
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolaccess Index 2 Size 48 flags 0x1 ramUserMap 0x5
AppleD2333PMURamAccessFunction::initWithTargetDataAndSymbolCAL0 8000 CAL1 8048 KNOB 8198 CAL2 81b8 USER0 8348 _pmuOffset 83b0
AppleCBTL1610: authcp_fix_mode 109AppleCBTL1610: _needsAuthCPMGWorkaround 0 -> 0
AppleTriStar2::readBrickID: tristar: !outVoltage
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::start: tristar: kIOAccDockLocBuiltIn, _voltageDetectionES <ptr>, _voltageDetectionEnabled 1, _voltageDetectionIntervalSec 30
IOAccessoryManager::configureAccessoryPowerGated: tristar: Configuring Accessory Power to (1)
AppleTriStar2::configureAccessoryPowerGated: PowerModeOff
AppleTriStar2::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: _powerState=1, _powerStateInternal=0, _sleeping=0, _accessoryPowerModeExtOffRequested 0
AppleTriStar2::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: !getAccessoryPowerReady(); set PowerModeOff?
AppleTriStar2::handleAccessoryPowerWillChange: ret=0xe00002f0 acc1=0xaaaaaaaa, acc2=0xaaaaaaaa, set PowerModeOff?
AppleTriStar2::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: handleAccessoryPowerWillChange, confirm PowerModeOff
AppleTriStar2::setAccessoryPower: (enabled=0 highCurrent=0 sleepPower=0 BM3=0 lowVoltage=0)
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleAccessoryPowerDidChange: tristar: Processing power state change to 1
[ERROR] IOPort::_setSupportedTransportsForRegistryEntry(): [Port-Lightning@101] Could not find transports-supported property! (entry: IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@2F40000/AppleT8010IO/i2c0@A110000/AppleS5L8940XI2CController/tristar@1A)
[ERROR] IOPort::_setSupportedTransportsForRegistryEntry(): [Port-Lightning@101] Error setting supported transports for Port-Lightning@101!
IOPort::start(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service... (portType: 12, portNumber: 101, providerPath: IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@2F40000/AppleT8010IO/i2c0@A110000/AppleS5L8940XI2CController/tristar@1A)
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
AppleCBTL1610::readIDResponse: Port-Lightning: invalid ID CRC: found 0 expected 0x1c
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleAccessoryDetect: tristar: Port-Lightning::handleAccessoryDetect: setPowerHandshakeState(kPowerHandshakeLimit)
Port-Lightning::setPowerHandshakeState: Set InflowDisable
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim::publishResources: Port-Lightning: status 0xe00002d7
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim::publishResources: Port-Lightning: status 0xe00002d7
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableDetect 0
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: USB Power (VBUS) Present: 0, Physical Connection (CON_DET): 1
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::getDPDNConfig: tristar: getAccessoryDigitalID: 0xe00002f0
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableType Detached
IOAccessoryTRM::start(): Found USB Connect Shim during start! (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
IOAccessoryTRM::start(): inRestoreMode: NO, dockSupportsTRM: YES (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
[ERROR] IOAccessoryTRM::_getACMTRMStatus(): Couldn't find ACM TRM state!
IOAccessoryTRM::start(): Registering service IOAccessoryTRM... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
CBAT 100:98 490:487 500:500 990:986 1000:1005 2000:1995 0x3
IOHIDInterface(0x100000369): matching deferred by IOHIDEventDriver
000038.083819 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@: IOUSBDeviceController::prepareDefaults: model iPod version 9.1
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
handleIDBusState: already in progress
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOPortTransportState::start(): [Port-Lightning@101: AIDBus] m_parentPort->isFeatureSupported(kIOPortFeatureTRM): NO, this->isTRMSupported(): NO, inRestoreMode: NO (transportType: 7, parentPortType: 12, parentPortNumber: 101)
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: AIDBus] Registering service AIDBus@... (transportType: 7, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOPortTransportState::start(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] m_parentPort->isFeatureSupported(kIOPortFeatureTRM): NO, this->isTRMSupported(): YES, inRestoreMode: NO (transportType: 2, parentPortType: 12, parentPortNumber: 101)
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
handleIDBusState: already in progress
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
releasePinsForType: UNSUPPORTED!Codec: Could not find the safety offset seed property.
[ PCI configuration begin ]
[ PCI configuration end, bridges 3, devices 1 ]
000038.126344 wlan0.A[3] halt@5945:Issuing trap Before issuing flr in halt()
000038.126358 wlan0.A[4] trapDevice@17807:Chip already trapped or chip not yet booted
000038.126993 wlan0.A[5] destroyFirmwarePCIeIPC@8966:destroy ipc
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetNamespacesStruct()::194:Obtained 7 namespaces from DT
virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::778:IONVMeController::start
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AreNamespacesPresent()::4397:namespaces-present 7
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IsFullInit()::304:Horizon/DCSD context with valid namespaces or fsboot iBEC
RTBuddy(AOP): start(<ptr>) - (Aug 10 2022@15:46:58)
static AppleNVMeRequestPoolTagReserve *AppleNVMeRequestPoolTagReserve::Create(AppleNVMeWorkLoop *, uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, bool, NVMeBufferAllocator *, lck_mtx_t *, bool, IOMapper *)::138:NVMe Request Pool Init (Tag Reservation Case). First phase, Revirtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3125:SQ index=0 entrysize=64
virtual IOReturn IONVMeController::CreateSubmissionQueue(uint16_t, uint8_t)::3125:SQ index=1 entrysize=64
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
Port-Lightning::handleIDBusCommand: Set InflowDisable for Power Handshake
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableDetect 1
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: USB Power (VBUS) Present: 1, Physical Connection (CON_DET): 1
handleIDBusState: already in progress
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
reservePinsForType: UNSUPPORTED!virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeRequestPoolTagReserve::Rebuild(uint8_t, uint32_t, bool, bool, IOMapper *)::181:NVMe Request Pool Init (Tag Reservation Case). Second phase, RequestCount = 64
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2008:nvme: Vendor ID : 0x106b
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2009:nvme: Model Number : APPLE SSD AP0032K
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2010:nvme: Serial Number : 0087DC4005D411F60
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2011:nvme: Firmware Rev : 57.20.01
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2044:nvme: S3E B0 Sandisk 3d-g3 tlc 3D 2 plane 32GB NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2053:ECCVersion : 1
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2054:FTL Rev : 23.1
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2055:DM_Version : 101
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2056:=======================
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::IdentifyNamespaces()::2063:Found 7 namespaces in current NAND
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[1] as nstype[1]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[2] as nstype[2]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[3] as nstype[3]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[4] as nstype[4]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[5] as nstype[5]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[6] as nstype[6]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::DetermineNamespaces()::2475:Identified nsid[7] as nstype[8]
bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::SetSwapWriteLimit(uint32_t)::2236: Swap limit set to 1073741824bytes, 1GB
AppleSPUFirmwareService: found node AOP
releasePinsForType: UNSUPPORTED!IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryTRM::_setPropertiesGated(): Setting USB Restricted Mode: YES... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
Port-Lightning::getVBUSDetect: VBUS=5024mVPort-Lightning::getVBUSDetect: VBUS=574mVAppleMultitouchN1SPI: detected HBPP. driver will be kept alive
000038.363464 wlan0.A[6] detectSabotage@19265:failed to obtain TCM address for chip 43452
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
000038.374175 wlan0.A[7] publishHWIdentifiers@5293:Platform set to "module-instance=baccus-2"
000038.374589 wlan0.A[8] attachPCIeBusGated@3738: Published 'WiFiCapability': [awdl:1, ranging:0]
Port-Lightning::setPowerHandshakeState: Clear InflowDisable, Power Handshake completed
AppleBCMWLANTimeSyncEngine::AppleBCMWLANTimeSyncEngine: Enabling Time Sync Engine
AppleBCMWLANCore::init IO80211-960.1 "IO80211-960.1" Aug 10 2022 15:45:06
000038.460234 wlan0.A[9] createFirmwareLogger@15852: CCFlags: 0x0, CCLevel: 127 ConsoleFlags: 0x0, ConsoleLevel: -1
AppleBCMWLANCore::getFeatures(): supported features = 0x0
IO80211Controller::createIOReporters 0xeec418830ad7c39b
000038.461284 wlan0.A[10] deferredStart@2755: Lowered adjustBusy(-1), getBusyState() -> 3
CCFlags: 0x0, CCLevel: 5 ConsoleFlags: 0x0, ConsoleLevel: -1
Not adding subscription due to missing boot-arg wlan.iorsubscriptions
CCFlags: 0x0, CCLevel: 5 ConsoleFlags: 0x0, ConsoleLevel: -1
CCFlags: 0x0, CCLevel: 5 ConsoleFlags: 0x0, ConsoleLevel: -1
IO80211Controller::findAndAttachToFaultReporter found matching faultReporter
IO80211Controller::start _controller is 0xeec418830ad7c39b, provider is 0xeec41884d78595bb
000038.493940 wlan0.A[11] gatherBaudRate@847: WARNING, Wifi 'serial baud rate' does not exist in the device tree
000038.495910 wlan0.A[12] setRateThreshold@209:Applying command rate threshold of 0 commands within 0 ms
000038.497902 wlan0.A[13] start@2227:Could not create SAC function interface
000038.498810 wlan0.A[14] start@2340:Checking firmware loaded[0]
000038.498891 wlan0.A[15] start@2356: Request WiFiFirmwareLoader notification
000038.498934 wlan0.A[16] start@2383: WiFi driver started
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
uint32_t AppleEmbeddedNVMeNVRAM::GetNVRAMSize()::564:NVRAM size is 8192 bytes
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1622:allocateAll 1
AppleARMBacklight::start: Pre-strobe iDAC=1973 default
IOMFB setup_table: Could not find table 'display-backlight-compensation' in registry. Using default table.
IOMFB setup_table: Could not find table 'display-backlight-compensation' in registry. Using default table.
dev_init:314: disk0 device accelerated crypto: 0 (compiled @ Aug 10 2022 15:37:29)
dev_init:317: disk0 device_handle block size 4096 block count 7812489 features 0 internal
nx_mount:1184: disk0 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064
nx_mount:1460: disk0 checkpoint search: largest xid 28911, best xid 28911 @ 41
nx_mount:1462: disk0 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 28911, superblock xid 14758
import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2867: importing root hash (basesystem ? 0)...
apfs_extract_root_hash_arm:10924: could not retrieve system-volume-auth-blob from device tree
import_iboot_forwarded_roothash:2872: apfs_extract_root_hash_and_manifest failed with error: No such file or directory (2)
Got boot device = IOService:/AppleARMPE/arm-io@2F40000/AppleT8010IO/apcie@10000000/AppleT8010PCIe/pci-bridge0@0/IOPP/s3e@0/AppleEmbeddedNVMeController/NS_01@1/IOBlockStorageDriver/APPLE SSD AP0032K Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Container@1
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1649:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 2, NSTYPE - 2
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1649:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 3, NSTYPE - 3
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1649:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 6, NSTYPE - 6
[effaceable:INIT] found current generation, 62, in group 0
[effaceable:INIT] started
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::AllocateNodes(bool)::1649:Creating blockdevice with NSID - 7, NSTYPE - 8
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::GetDeviceProperties()::272: Logical Blocks Size = 4096
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::GetDeviceProperties()::275: Block Count = 256
virtual bool AppleNVMeNamespaceDevice::start(IOService *)::111:NVMe Namespace Device registration done for NSID: 7, NSTYPE: 8
virtual bool AppleEmbeddedNVMeController::StartController()::1591:Setting NAND status to Ready
virtual bool IONVMeController::start(IOService *)::831:Successfully initialized NVMe drive
BSD root: disk0s1, major 1, minor 1
hfs_ValidateHFSPlusVolumeHeader: unknown Volume Signature : 0
hfs_mount: hfs_mountfs returned error=22 for device unknown-dev
apfs_vfsop_mountroot:2514: apfs: mountroot called!
dev_init:314: disk0s1 device accelerated crypto: 3 (compiled @ Aug 10 2022 15:37:29)
dev_init:317: disk0s1 device_handle block size 4096 block count 7812489 features 22 internal solidstate
nx_mount:1184: disk0s1 initializing cache w/hash_size 4096 and cache size 10064
nx_mount:1460: disk0s1 checkpoint search: largest xid 28911, best xid 28911 @ 41
nx_mount:1462: disk0s1 reloading after unclean unmount, checkpoint xid 28911, superblock xid 14758
apfs_vfsop_mount:2191: disk0s1 Promoter has been locked
apfs_vfsop_mount:2261: disk0s1s1 Rooting from snapshot with xid 40.
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 mounting volume System, requested by: kernel_task (pid 0); parent: kernel_task (pid 0)
handle_snapshot_mount:927: disk0s1s1 mounting snapshot w/snap_xid 40 and sblock oid 0x7558d1
handle_snapshot_mount:1088: disk0s1s1 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s1 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0001-766F6C756E00 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 28.0.12)
nx_volume_group_update:7762: disk0s1s1 Volume is not in a volume group
is_root_hash_authentication_required_ios:435: disk0s1s1 Release kext, booting xid: 0
is_root_hash_authentication_required:479: disk0s1s1 root volume, root hash authentication is required|2022-09-23 20:03:39.352011 <Notice>: hello|2022-09-23 20:03:39.354342 <Notice>: Darwin Bootstrapper Version 7.0.0: Fri Jun 17 23:50:10 PDT 2022; root:libxpc_executables-2236.140.2~15/launchd/RELEASE_ARM64|2022-09-23 20:03:39.354397 <Notice>: boot-args = debug=0x14e serial=3|2022-09-23 20:03:39.358299 (system) <Notice>: entering ondemand mode|2022-09-23 20:03:39.358384 (system) <Notice>: created|2022-09-23 20:03:39.358859 <Notice>: Doing boot task: fsck
** Checking the container superblock.
Checking the checkpoint with transaction ID 28911.
** Checking the object map.
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s1.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume System was formatted by newfs_apfs (1677. and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s2.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume Data was formatted by newfs_apfs (1934.142.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s3.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume xART was formatted by newfs_apfs (1934.142.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s4.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume Hardware was formatted by newfs_apfs (1934.142.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s5.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume Preboot was formatted by newfs_apfs (1934.142.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** Checking volume /dev/rdisk0s1s6.
** Checking the APFS volume superblock.
The volume Update was formatted by newfs_apfs (1934.142.1) and last modified by apfs_kext (1934.142.1).
** QUICKCHECK ONLY; FILESYSTEM CLEAN|2022-09-23 20:03:39.680934 <Notice>: Doing boot task: mount-phase-1
mount: found boot container: /dev/disk0s1, data volume: /dev/disk0s1s2 env: 1
spaceman_metazone_init:191: disk0s1 metazone for device 0 of size 244140 blocks (encrypted: 7568349-7690419 unencrypted: 7690419-7812489)
spaceman_datazone_init:625: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 1 blocks starting at paddr 4096000
spaceman_datazone_init:625: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 2 blocks starting at paddr 32768
spaceman_datazone_init:625: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 3 blocks starting at paddr 65536
spaceman_datazone_init:625: disk0s1 allocation zone on dev 0 for allocations of 4 blocks starting at paddr 98304
dev_dump:256: Aggregate constructed: dev=<ptr> di=0 dv_num_slice=27 dv_num_slice_blk=294912 dv_num_lslice_blk=144777
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s3 mounting volume xART, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 5); parent: mount (pid 4)
spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3172: disk0s1 scan took 0.006183 s (no trims)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s3 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0100-766F6C756D02 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s3 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7756: disk0s1s3 Volume xART role 100 Not a System or data volume
/dev/disk0s1s3 on /private/xarts (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 updating mounted volume, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 6); parent: mount (pid 4)
cleanup_snapshot_purgatory:1835: disk0s1s1 find_prev_snapshot hit 22 on / (apfs, sealed, local, nosuid, read-only, journaled, noatime)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s5 mounting volume Preboot, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 7); parent: mount (pid 4)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s5 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0010-766F6C756D04 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s5 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7756: disk0s1s5 Volume Preboot role 10 Not a System or data volume
/dev/disk0s1s5 on /private/preboot (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, read-only, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3154: disk0s1 scan took 0.149227 s, trims took 0.144703 s|2022-09-23 20:03:39.937671 <Notice>: Doing boot task: data-protection
spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3156: disk0s1 5587407 blocks free in 7454 extents
spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3164: disk0s1 5587407 blocks trimmed in 7454 extents (19 us/trim, 51512 trims/s)
spaceman_scan_free_blocks:3167: disk0s1 trim distribution 1:1465 2+:1213 4+:2026 16+:1080 64+:832 256+:838
init_data_protection: Gigalocker file (/private/xarts/ exists
init_data_protection: Gigalocker initialization completed
sepi digest (48 bytes): 2256d88b708cb7ee00759899ebec8e310ecee27cd172141e28a9b8852eaa9126b7a6ab364a5e7b7f2918fd08c8c46fb4
sepi nonce (20 bytes): 093fa739d85ddfb906e2668efb44f435408cb623
rsep digest (48 bytes): a0c9f84f37d901d7b675c4670928eaae79641a0b855a8a813d31123573b8bc23ab608c462716a843c3e4dd69b697fd04
rsep nonce (20 bytes): 093fa739d85ddfb906e2668efb44f435408cb623
void AppleSEPFirmware::_copyInFirmware(IOMemoryDescriptor *): sepos_va:<ptr> sepos_avail_size: 0xf00000
void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 1
void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP accepted Tz0
void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 2
void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP status: 2
IOReturn AppleSEPBooter::bootSEP(AppleSEPFirmware *, bool, AppleSEPSharedMemoryBuffer *, bool): SEP booting
IOReturn AppleSEPBooter::bootSEP(AppleSEPFirmware *, bool, AppleSEPSharedMemoryBuffer *, bool): Shmbuf for SEP: { slave addr = 0x80bd60000, size = 0xa000 }
void AppleSEPBooter::_bootAction(void *, void *): SEP accepted IMG4|2022-09-23 20:03:40.339565 <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-obliteration
Obliterator: In INIT check
Fri Sep 23 20:03:40 2022: checkOblitNVRAMkey: IORegistryEntryGetProperty failed, may be does not exist [gF: 0x0000000000000000]
Obliterator: No obliteration needed, continue booting, returning 0|2022-09-23 20:03:40.451749 <Notice>: Doing boot task: commit-boot-mode|2022-09-23 20:03:40.451845 <Notice>: boot-mode committed: (null)|2022-09-23 20:03:40.451882 <Notice>: Doing boot task: restore-datapartition|2022-09-23 20:03:40.476425 <Notice>: restore-datapartition: optional boot task not present|2022-09-23 20:03:40.476535 <Notice>: Doing boot task: mount-phase-2
mount: found boot container: /dev/disk0s1, data volume: /dev/disk0s1s2 env: 1
aks_migrate_SEPUUID2b_to_classM_key:1950: fetch wrapped media key (uuid = 4BB443B7-1E79-49DA-8AB1-847AC5406DF7, new_tag = 7), ret = 0
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1283: disk0s1s1 skipping unencrypted volume 1
void AppleSEPManager::_notifyOSActiveGated(): SEP/OS is alive
apfs_rawdev_create:658: disk0s1s3 Enable bypass mode on inode 16 on xART@disk0s1 as 2.0
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000010000000213
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART with CRC: 0x4333
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000010166000113
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched USER-xART with CRC: 0x9dff
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x00000001c0000313
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000413
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000513
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000613
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000713
AppleSEPKeyStore:3063:0: SEP timeout multiplier = 1
SEP EP 18 enabled
void AppleSEPManager::_updateDeviceTree(): updateDeviceTreeThread started
static void AppleSEPManager::_updateDeviceTreeThread(void *): updateDeviceTree Success
AppleSEPKeyStore:6204:0: negotiated to ipc header theirs:v2, ours:v2 -> negotiated:v2
AppleSEPKeyStore:6333:11: D-key effaceable locker does not exist, attempt to init it implicitly.
AppleSEPKeyStore:6174:0: re-seeded prng with 65 bytes
_aks_unwrap_media_class:152: AKS unwrap_media_key_from_class succeeded for tag = 7
aks_migrate_SEPUUID2b_to_classM_key:1950: fetch wrapped media key (uuid = 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01, new_tag = 8), ret = 0
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1294: disk0s1s2 media key migration succeeded 2
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1283: disk0s1s3 skipping unencrypted volume 3
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1283: disk0s1s4 skipping unencrypted volume 4
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1283: disk0s1s5 skipping unencrypted volume 5
migrate_media_keys_if_needed:1283: disk0s1s6 skipping unencrypted volume 6
mount: successfully migrated Media Keys
_aks_unwrap_media_class:152: AKS unwrap_media_key_from_class succeeded for tag = 8
apfs_meta_crypto_state_unwrap:1163: got key for volume 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s2 mounting volume Data, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 12); parent: mount (pid 11)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s2 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (encrypted; flags: 0x0; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s2 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7762: disk0s1s2 Volume Data is not in a volume group
/dev/disk0s1s2 on /private/var (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, protect)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s6 mounting volume Update, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 13); parent: mount (pid 11)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s6 vol-uuid: 214EE7AF-08E0-4C2B-BCC1-8B163C21A493 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s6 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7756: disk0s1s6 Volume Update role c0 Not a System or data volume
/dev/disk0s1s6 on /private/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s4 mounting volume Hardware, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 14); parent: mount (pid 11)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s4 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0140-766F6C756D03 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 8.0.2)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s4 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7756: disk0s1s4 Volume Hardware role 140 Not a System or data volume
/dev/disk0s1s4 on /private/var/hardware (apfs, local, nodev, nosuid, journaled, noatime, nobrowse)|2022-09-23 23:03:41.701498 <Notice>: Doing boot task: init-with-data-volume|2022-09-23 23:03:41.734851 <Notice>: Doing boot task: MSUEarlyBootTask
MSUEarlyBootTask: MSUEarlyBootTask running
main: Content from the ramdisk will be present at /private/var/MobileSoftwareUpdate//cf85a7a183123861cf138db714d3a2feeb212841a36b499e049c84f0ab87962171aa64530bbffd5c2d2daed0beb5fe1b-MSUData if it exists
MSUEarlyBootTask: I have nothing to do. Goodbye!!|2022-09-23 23:03:41.821057 <Notice>: Doing boot task: fips
Tracing: disabled
FIPSPOST_USER [1055431032] fipspost_post:156: [FIPSPOST][Module-ID] Apple corecrypto Module v12.0 [Apple ARM, User, Software, SL1]
FIPSPOST_USER [1055709230] fipspost_post:160: PASSED: (11 ms) - fipspost_post_hmac
FIPSPOST_USER [1055905075] fipspost_post:169: PASSED: (19 ms) - fipspost_post_integrity
FIPSPOST_USER [1056084123] fipspost_post:175: PASSED: (27 ms) - fipspost_post_indicator
FIPSPOST_USER [1056262169] fipspost_post:176: PASSED: (34 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_ecb
FIPSPOST_USER [1056437485] fipspost_post:177: PASSED: (41 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_cbc
FIPSPOST_USER [1057456345] fipspost_post:178: PASSED: (84 ms) - fipspost_post_rsa_sig
FIPSPOST_USER [1058780748] fipspost_post:179: PASSED: (139 ms) - fipspost_post_ecdsa
FIPSPOST_USER [1058995653] fipspost_post:180: PASSED: (148 ms) - fipspost_post_ecdh
FIPSPOST_USER [1059141562] fipspost_post:181: PASSED: (154 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_ccm
FIPSPOST_USER [1059360034] fipspost_post:182: PASSED: (163 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_cmac
FIPSPOST_USER [1059539862] fipspost_post:183: PASSED: (171 ms) - fipspost_post_hkdf
FIPSPOST_USER [1060528759] fipspost_post:184: PASSED: (212 ms) - fipspost_post_pbkdf
FIPSPOST_USER [1060678947] fipspost_post:186: PASSED: (218 ms) - fipspost_post_kdf_ctr
FIPSPOST_USER [1060896968] fipspost_post:187: PASSED: (227 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_gcm
FIPSPOST_USER [1061078864] fipspost_post:188: PASSED: (235 ms) - fipspost_post_aes_xts
FIPSPOST_USER [1061278374] fipspost_post:189: PASSED: (243 ms) - fipspost_post_tdes_ecb
FIPSPOST_USER [1061440377] fipspost_post:190: PASSED: (250 ms) - fipspost_post_drbg_ctr
FIPSPOST_USER [1061637772] fipspost_post:191: PASSED: (258 ms) - fipspost_post_drbg_hmac
FIPSPOST_USER [1063730779] fipspost_post:193: PASSED: (345 ms) - fipspost_post_ffdh
FIPSPOST_USER [1064553546] fipspost_post:194: PASSED: (380 ms) - fipspost_post_rsa_enc_dec
FIPSPOST_USER [1064723245] fipspost_post:213: all tests PASSED (387 ms)|2022-09-23 23:03:42.232514 <Notice>: Doing boot task: keybag
****** IN MKB_INIT ****
MKB_INIT: Loading System KeyBag
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x634d
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001053f000813
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x634d
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001053f000913
AppleSEPKeyStore:7917:17: set handle 1 as special bag 0
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x634d
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001053f000a13
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x634d
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001053f000b13
AppleSEPKeyStore:933:0: Sending lock change 0 for handle 0 value 1
MKB_INIT: APFSVolumePayloadGet len reveived to be 34
MKB_INIT: Successfully obtained the cookie for the volume with length:34
AppleSEPKeyStore:2695:17: mapped uuid 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01 to bag 0, persona none, compressed uuid: 2048435297
AppleSEPKeyStore:809:17: Unlock notification for volume (uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01, handle 0)
AppleSEPKeyStore:2716:17: notified volume uuid 61706673-7575-6964-0040-766F6C756D01 - lock state = 4259846 (err = 0)
handle_keybag_unlock:5305: disk0s1s2 apfs is now UN-locked! (flags 0x400000c2)
MKB_INIT: aks_set_keybag_for_volume_with_cookie SUCCESS
e with length:34
MKB_INIT: System Keybag loaded
MKB_INIT: Could not open /private/var//keybags/usersession.kb: No such file or directory
MKB_INIT: LoadAllUserSessions: diskLoadUserSessions failed
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): USER_XART_LOCKER with uuid 304F5643-06D2-F6A7-7C0D-1881950E9294 not found
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000000000000c13
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000d13
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x17db
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x000001006f000e13
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Saving SEP-xART with CRC: 0x8cd2
int gl_rec_write(struct gl_ctx *const, const struct gl_rec_id *const, const uint8_t *const, size_t): Writing record type: 2, uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, crc32: 3863476514 at idx 0
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x8cd2010000000f13
yMKB_INIT: Adding 1000 entry to persona Table with personaType:0
MKB_INIT: Adding 99 entry to persona Table with personaType:3
MKB_INIT: No Persona Generation ID from manifest setting to 1
MKB_INIT: Adding 199 entry to persona Table with personaType:5
MKB_INIT: Adding -1 entry to persona Table with personaType:4
MKB_INIT: setup kernel personas
sona Table with personaType:4
MKB_INIT: Failed to get notification token
MKB_INIT: Invalid Token to set state
****** DONE MKB_INIT ****|2022-09-23 23:03:42.748596 <Notice>: Doing boot task: usermanagerd|2022-09-23 23:03:42.756039 <Notice>: usermanagerd: optionavoid AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Saving SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0xf2d4
int gl_rec_write(struct gl_ctx *const, const struct gl_rec_id *const, const uint8_t *const, size_t): Writing record type: 4, uuid: 55C1432D-ED0B-47BA-4C47-FEE971B053C9, crc32: 1790495350 at idx 5
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0xf2d4010000001013
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Saving SEP-xART with CRC: 0x73e
int gl_rec_write(struct gl_ctx *const, const struct gl_rec_id *const, const uint8_t *const, size_t): Writing record type: 2, uuid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, crc32: 569865610 at idx 1
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x073e010000001113
l boot task not present|2022-09-23 23:03:42.756097 <Notice>: Doing boot task: dirs_cleaner
apfs_load_inode_internal:6462: disk0s1s2 *** reset ino 213055 size back to 802629 (from 814386)|2022-09-23 23:03:42.854281 <Notice>: launchd logging initialized. name: pid: 1|2022-09-23 23:03:42.854290 <Notice>: Doing boot task: xpcroleaccountd|2022-09-23 23:03:42.864508 <Notice>: Doing boot task: init_featureflags|2022-09-23 23:03:42.987974 <Notice>: Doing boot task: auearlyboot
auearlyboot: -[FudEarlyBoot doFUDEarlyBoot:](): Starting Early Boot
auearlyboot: -[AppleFirmwareUpdateController getEarlyBootListInternal:]: Pending critical earlyBoot entries (
auearlyboot: -[FudEarlyBoot doFUDEarlyBoot:](): sending the following dict {
IOMatchLaunchServiceID = 4294968201;
auearlyboot: -[FudEarlyBoot updateFWForDeviceClass:dict:]():
IOMatchLaunchServiceID = 4294968201;
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::validateFirmware() Performing img4 validation outside of workloop
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext[<ptr>]::validateImage4() Entering
AppleFirmwareDecodeImage4() Requesting AppleImage4 Validation
firmwareExecutionCallback() error = 0
firmwareExecutionCallback() Validation Successful
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext[<ptr>]::validationComplete() Exiting with status = 0x0
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Time Taken For IMG4 Validation: 42 ms
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Total Time Taken For User Space Request to complete: 42 ms
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Total Time Taken For Kernel Client's to complete: 6964 ms
auearlyboot: -[FudEarlyBoot calculateTimeTakenForEarlyBootEntries] Time Taken to wait for critical earlyBoot entries: 0.000000 sec
auearlyboot: -[FudEarlyBoot doFUDEarlyBoot:](): End Early Boot
auearlyboot: Exitng Early Boot|2022-09-23 23:03:43.171647 <Notice>: Doing boot task: tzinit
tzinit: New update not compatible or older version: 2022c.1.0 vs. 2022c.1.0: No such file or directory|2022-09-23 23:03:43.218281 <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-restore|2022-09-23 23:03:43.223761 <Notice>: Doing boot task: finish-demo-restore|2022-09-23 23:03:43.236416 <Notice>: Doing boot task: sysstatuscheck|2022-09-23 23:03:43.251749 <Notice>: Doing boot task: prng_seedctl
kern.prng.user_reseed_count: (-1) (2) No such file or directory
failed to load virtual random: (-147) (-536870212)|2022-09-23 23:03:43.274895 <Notice>: Doing boot task: launchd_cache_loader
0 Found valid port: 5123 Valid: 1
1 Found valid port: 0 Valid: 0
2 Found valid port: 0 Valid: 0
Using default cache paths
Code: /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist Sig: /System/Library/xpc/launchd.plist.sig
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Process 28 is checking if a cdhash is in the trust cache
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::isCdhashInTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): Returning IOReturn 0x0 to process 28
cdhash: {length = 20, bytes = 0x029b75c3a358e963851e23a3865987192c66f5ac} is trusted
Attached signature to file, checking ...
Trying to send bytes to launchd: 5123 16384
Sending validated cache to launchd
Cache sent to launchd successfully|2022-09-23 23:03:43.508647 <Notice>: launchd UUID: 5FB8E337-028F-3AF7-963F-532FD6CBCABE|2022-09-23 23:03:43.508692 <Notice>: Early boot complete. Continuing system boot.
AppleMultitouchN1SPI: downloaded 1024 bytes of calibration data ("built-in")
apfs_load_inode_internal:6462: disk0s1s2 *** reset ino 213087 size back to 3608824 (from 3684584)
AppleMultitouchN1SPI: downloaded firmware ("0x0266.bin") in 163ms.
deferred rematching count 1
DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003e5 waiting for server
apfs_load_inode_internal:6462: disk0s1s2 *** reset ino 19678 size back to 53248 (from 69632)
apfs_load_inode_internal:6462: disk0s1s2 *** reset ino 19708 size back to 3609152 (from 3617392)
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = Yes, user_id = c7 -> session_uid = ffffffff.
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = Yes, user_id = c7 -> session_uid = ffffffff.
virtual bool CoreAnalyticsUserClient::initWithTask(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *)::165:success
IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::setClientGated(CoreAnalyticsUserClient *)::321:adding userClient
IOReturn CoreAnalyticsHub::__newUserClientGated(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *, IOUserClient **)::276:Successfully opened
virtual IOReturn CoreAnalyticsUserClient::clientMemoryForType(UInt32, IOOptionBits *, IOMemoryDescriptor **)::269: got memory descriptor with 16432
ACMRM: _onDaemonStarted: called, allowedByMC=YES, alreadyStarted=NO.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO* DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO).
AppleCredentialManager: getSEPEndpoint: Initializing SEP endpoint.
AppleCredentialManager: setPowerState: newState=1.
SEP EP 10 enabled
AppleCredentialManager: getSEPEndpoint: SEPEndpoint enabled.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(10) took 0/7 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(25) took 0/0 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
ACMRM-S: _loadAll: called, isLockerAvailable=YES.
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x2d3c
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000010014001213
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x2d3c
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000010014001313
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Fetched SEP-xART Locker with CRC: 0x2d3c
void AppleSEPXART::_handle_sep_driven_msg(AppleSEPXART::XARTMessage *): Replied to xART app: 0x0000010014001413
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(38) took 2/2 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
AssertMacros: !unexpectedShutdownDetected (value: 0x0), ---, file: /Library/Caches/
ACMRM-S: _loadAll: returning, err = -16.
AssertMacros: err == 0 (value: 0xfffffffffffffff0), ---, file: /Library/Caches/
ACMRM-S: onDaemonStarted: returning, err = -16.
ACMRM: _onDaemonStarted: failed to load persistent policy (due to unexpected shutdown: YES)!.
ACMRM: _logPolicy: LOADED: ver=0 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=0 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO.
ACMRM: _logConfig: caller=_loadConfig ver=1 gSw=1 GP=2 Ask=3.
ACMRM: _disableBy: [TRM ENABLED=YES] (mask=0, DISABLED BY: Def=NO BtArg=NO LegHW=NO OSEnv=NO | MngCo=NO DwnOS=NO ChkBd=NO coGSw=NO*).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_GracePeriodTimeout = 3600.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=1) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 -/ff 3600 -/ff miss=ff (CUR: 259200 -/ff 3600 -/ff).
ACMRM: _onDaemonStarted: timePolicyViolated=NO (saveTime=0 bootCalTime=1663963427 (delta=1663963427) bootUpTime=49 nowUp=1663963427).
ACMRM-A: _logAnalytics: caller=_loadAnalytics ver=6 rmLckDur=0 curPerTm=0 rmLckTm=0 actRMLckTm=0 rmPubTm=0 rmPubDur=0 blFPCnt=0/0 uSdn=0 blkAIDCnt=0.
ACMRM-A: _restartAnalytics: called, curPerTm=1663963427 rmLckTm=0 rmLckDur=0 rmPubTm=0 rmPubDur=0.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving analytics (len=52) in 3 seconds.
ACMRM-A: notifyUnexpectedShutdownDetected: count = 1.
[ERROR] IOAccessoryTRM::_getACMTRMStatus(): Couldn't find ACM TRM state!
ACMRM-C: onDaemonStarted: acc-cache ignored due to policy violation.
ACMRM: _publish: _onDaemonStarted DISABLED(2) reason=0 (on=NO pub=YES(255) pasThr=NO(410006) poRsn=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO cMs=NO suTm=0 tm=1663963427(0) | 3D=0/0 GP=0/0/(0)).
ACMRM: _publishIOResource: AppleUSBRestrictedModeWithReason = 0.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_PolicyReason = Unrestricted(0).
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: set TRM_CacheMiss = False.
ACMRM: _mapAndPublishTRM: sending kIOMessageServicePropertyChange(n=2) while DISABLED, TRM: 259200 U/0 3600 -/ff miss=0 (CUR: 259200 U/0 3600 X/0).
ACMRM: _logPolicy: SAVING (sync): ver=8 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=1663963427 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving policy (len=41) in 1 seconds.
ACMRM: _registerBioNotifier: Biometric driver not detected.
IOAccessoryTRM::_setPropertiesGated(): Setting USB Restricted Mode: NO... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
000049.903185 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_handleUSBCableConnect: cable connected, but don't have device configuration yet
AppleCredentialManager: setPowerStateGated: called, currentState=1 -> newState=1.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(43) took 0/0 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
ACMRM-S: _saveAll: pushing policy -> locker (gen=1 len=41) (csLen=55 critical=YES).
ACMRM-S: _saveAll: pushing analytics -> daemon (gen=1 len=52).
000051.294914 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP
[AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:266][0x1000003e5] Target embedded OS
open by AppleUserHIDEventDriver 0x1000003e5 (0x0)
[IOUserHIDEventService.cpp:161][0x1000003e5] Open interface: 0x100000369
[AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:222][0x1000003e5] parseElements: led: 0
[AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:988][0x1000003e5] parseElements: vendor (primary): 0 vendor (child): 0 multiaxis: 0 keyboard: 0 unicode: 0 0 biometric: 0 accel 0 gyro: 0 compass: 0 temperature: 0 orientation 0 0 sensorPropsCaps 0
[IOUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:934][0x1000003e5] parseElements: keyboard: 3 pointer: 0 0 scroll: 0 led: 0 digitizer: 0 proximity: 0 gameController: 0
[AppleUserHIDEventService.cpp:247][0x1000003e5] Start ret: 0x0
[AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:326][0x1000003e5] Start ret: 0x0
[AppleUserHIDEventDriver.cpp:116][0x1000003e5] Headset usagePage: 11 usage: 5 vid: 0 pid: 0
DK: AppleUserHIDEventDriver-0x1000003e5::start(IOHIDInterface-0x100000369) ok
000051.406697 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000051.510937 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: iPod USB Interface
000051.653492 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudioControl
000051.711300 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudioStreaming
000051.721067 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: IapOverUsbHid
000051.731624 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device
000051.742868 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000051.753549 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000051.764442 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Apple USB Ethernet
000051.777524 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000051.786053 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000051.796227 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBEthernet
000051.806014 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + Valeria
000051.819482 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000051.829159 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000051.840219 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: Valeria
000051.850174 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: Apple Mobile Device + Interdevice Audio
000051.862655 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000051.872147 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2Control
000051.884918 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2StreamIN
000051.895160 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: USBAudio2StreamOUT
000051.906634 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: IDAMInterface
000051.917461 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface association: Interdevice Audio Interfaces (First: 1, Count: 4)
000051.938036 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: configuration: PTP + Apple Mobile Device + NCM
000051.950654 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: PTP
000051.961412 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBMux
000051.971183 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMControl
000051.980965 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMData
000051.991977 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMControlAux
000052.003752 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::createUSBDevice: interface: AppleUSBNCMDataAux
000052.015539 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudioControl
AppleUSBDeviceMux build: Aug 10 2022 15:45:30
000052.033407 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBMux
000052.043354 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMControlAux
000052.054759 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2StreamOUT
000052.066004 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function IapOverUsbHid
000052.077403 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function IDAMInterface
000052.087265 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMControl
000052.098901 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2Control
000052.110195 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBEthernet
000052.121897 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudioStreaming
000052.133319 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMDataAux
000052.144669 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function USBAudio2StreamIN
000052.156161 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function AppleUSBNCMData
nameBSDInterface() [anpi 0] returning 0x00000000
AppleUSBEthernetDevice::start: no device-mac-address present
enableBSDInterface() [anpi0], returning 0x00000000
000052.176317 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function Valeria
000052.177409 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::gated_registerFunction: register function PTP
000052.177419 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::startUSBStack: starting usb stack
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=0mA type=0
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
configureIPv6LLOnBSDInterface() [anpi0], IPv6 enable returning 0x00000000
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableType Detached
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryTRM::_setPropertiesGated(): Setting USB Restricted Mode: NO... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
reservePinsForType: UNSUPPORTED!releasePinsForType: UNSUPPORTED!IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
IOPortTransportState::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101: USB2] Registering service USB2@... (transportType: 2, provider: Port-Lightning@101)
AppleSEPKeyStore:11114:131: operation failed (sel: 17 ret: e00002c2)
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: AppleUSBCableType USBHost
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryTRM::_setPropertiesGated(): Setting USB Restricted Mode: NO... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
IOAccessoryPortUSB::setUSBRoleSwitchMask Index 0 Value 0
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
000052.949502 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetAddress: setting USB device address 9
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
000052.960316 wlan0.A[17] setProperties@9094:setProperties: ERROR: Unexpected non-ioctl set property call for this platform
000052.960991 wlan0.A[18] isLimitedAggregationSupported@2494:isLimitedAggregationSupported: Yes
000052.961008 wlan0.A[19] buildWPSRollingHash@629:buildWPSRollingHash: Total memory used for buidling WPS info hash map: 832 bytes
000052.961052 wlan0.A[20] gatherParameterData@926: bypassing EDT roam profiles. Using default
000052.961064 wlan0.A[21] gatherParameterData@964:Using default power to duty cycle table.
000052.961109 wlan0.A[22] gatherKvrParameterData@1286:EnterpriseEnhancementParams: enhancedDisAssociationInfo:1 beaconReporting:1 osVersionReporting:1!
000052.961312 wlan0.A[23] init@936:Setting AVC advisory notification periodicity to 300
000052.961330 wlan0.A[24] init@142:Override Adaptive Roaming support: 1
Skywalk resource ivars->fLlwTxRingSize 1024 ivars->fTxRingSize 512 ivars->fRxRingSize 1024 skywalkPacketPoolSize 4608
000052.963244 wlan0.A[25] setSkywalkEnable@19154:Skywalk enabled by system configuration
000052.963251 wlan0.A[26] setSkywalkEnable@19157:Skywalk enabled by boot-args
000052.963311 wlan0.A[27] createSkywalkInterface@48804:Creating skywalk interface 0 id:0 role:1, sif 0xeec41883f0a6839b
Skywalk Interface added monitor timers
Finding _faultReporter
000052.977944 wlan0.A[28] quiesce@1247:quiesce commander before fq 144 aq 0 obq 0 compq 0 pq 0
000052.977953 wlan0.A[29] quiesce@1278:quiesce commander after fq 144 aq 0 obq 0 compq 0 pq 0
000052.977959 wlan0.A[30] quiesce@1279:Command path disabled.
000052.977968 wlan0.A[31] halt@5945:Issuing trap Before issuing flr in halt()
000052.977972 wlan0.A[32] trapDevice@17807:Chip already trapped or chip not yet booted
000052.979747 wlan0.A[33] destroyFirmwarePCIeIPC@8966:destroy ipc
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = Yes, user_id = c7 -> session_uid = ffffffff.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(36) took 0/0 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(19) took 0/0 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
000053.081144 wlan0.A[34] resetOverrideChannelsInUserRoamCache@552:Failed to Configure User Roam Cache Channels in FW
000053.081153 wlan0.A[35] clearChannelsFromUserRoamCache@524:Failed to Configure User Roam Cache Channels in FW
000053.081166 wlan0.A[36] loadAndSetup@5253:Chip image loading begins.000053.209582 wlan0.A[37] detectSabotage@19265:failed to obtain TCM address for chip 43452
000053.215083 wlan0.A[38] publishHWIdentifiers@5293:Platform set to "module-instance=baccus-2"
000053.215135 wlan0.A[39] attachPCIeBusGated@3738: Published 'WiFiCapability': [awdl:1, ranging:0]
000053.231215 wlan0.A[40] loadImage@7177:Image: 0 [ 0< FIRMWARE{588307} >588307 | pad | 588416< NVRAM_PROVISIONED{26} >588442 | 588442< NVRAM{2537} >590979 | pad ] 606208
000053.231231 wlan0.A[41] loadImage@7200:Chip RAM: 0 [ 0< firmware{588307} >588307 | 588312 ~ 588312< free{228056} >816368 | 816632< nvram{2563} >819195 | 819200 ~ pad | 819196 @0xfd7e0281 ] 819200
000053.300422 wlan0.A[42] loadImage@7223:Chip RAM: Randomized bytes @ 816368< RANDOMIZED{264} >816632
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=0mA type=1
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
IOAccessoryManagerUserClient::extConfigurePower: PowerModeOff
IOAccessoryManager::configureAccessoryPowerGated: tristar: Configuring Accessory Power to (1)
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerGated: PowerModeOff
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: _powerState=1, _powerStateInternal=1, _sleeping=0, _accessoryPowerModeExtOffRequested 0
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: !getAccessoryPowerReady(); set PowerModeOff?
Port-Lightning::handleAccessoryPowerWillChange: ret=0x0 acc1=0x69646273, acc2=0x0, set PowerModeOff?
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: handleAccessoryPowerWillChange, confirm PowerModeOff
Port-Lightning::setAccessoryPower: (enabled=0 highCurrent=0 sleepPower=0 BM3=0 lowVoltage=0)
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleAccessoryPowerDidChange: tristar: Processing power state change to 1
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
IOAccessoryManager::configureAccessoryPowerReadyGated: tristar: Configuring Accessory Power Ready 0->0
000053.461744 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@0: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetAddress: setting USB device address 6
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=100mA type=0
000053.870928 AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device@6: IOUSBDeviceController::setupDeviceSetConfiguration: configuration 0 -> 5
AppleUSBDeviceMux::message - kMessageInterfaceWasActivated
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=500mA type=0
AppleCredentialManagerUserClient: start: edu_mode = No, persona = Yes, user_id = c7 -> session_uid = ffffffff.
ACMRM: _logPolicy: SAVING: ver=8 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=1663963431 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving policy (len=41) in 3 seconds.
ACMRM: _logPolicy: SAVING: ver=8 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=1663963431 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving policy (len=41) in 3 seconds.
IOAccessoryUSBConnectShim: chargerFunction: ilim=500mA type=0
000053.912183 wlan0.A[43] loadChipImage@6738:READ after: nvramPointerOffset[0x000c7ffc] 0x1FC1DC
000053.912201 wlan0.A[44] destroyFirmwarePCIeIPC@8966:destroy ipc
000053.912607 wlan0.A[45] createFirmwarePCIeIPC@8529:FW deviceShared flags[0x00010006], sharedAddressOffset[0x000c7ffc], sharedBackplaneAddress[0x001fc1dc], deviceSharedOffset[0x000641dc]
000053.912617 wlan0.A[46] createFirmwarePCIeIPC@8545:FW supports IPC protocol V6, Host supports V7
000053.912684 wlan0.A[47] createFirmwarePCIeIPC@8736:Segments: 0xeec41887a27ac39b
000053.912695 wlan0.A[48] createFirmwarePCIeIPC@8765:host fHWTimestampingCapable=0, host fSWTimestampingCapable=0
000053.915715 wlan0.A[49] initTransmitFlows@8481:Flows: max=40 reserved=3 maxId=43 fwmax=40 fwmaxsub=43 fwbtlognomaxqincrease=0
000053.915823 wlan0.A[50] loadAndSetup@5255:Chip image loading has finished.000053.916097 wlan0.A[51] reset@1350:reset commander before move fq 144 aq 0 obq 0 compq 0 pq 0
000053.916102 wlan0.A[52] reset@1367:reset commander after move fq 144 aq 0 obq 0 compq 0 pq 0
000053.916108 wlan0.A[53] resetFreeCommanderPool@1303:kCmdQFree Count 144
000053.916461 wlan0.A[54] wakeup@1291:Enabled command path.
000053.922507 wlan0.A[55] setupFirmware@6559: Firmware Version: wl0: Jul 6 2021 17:32:18 version 7.64.160 (r936347) FWID 01-dae0aa0d
000053.924667 wlan0.A[56] setupFirmware@6591:Firmware InterfaceVersion: 3
000053.951307 wlan0.A[57] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 28], cap[ 'dualband' ] -
000053.951322 wlan0.A[58] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 29], cap[ 'cdef' ] -
000053.951329 wlan0.A[59] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 27], cap[ 'epno' ] -
000053.951335 wlan0.A[60] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 30], cap[ 'ndoe' ] -
000053.951346 wlan0.A[61] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 21], cap[ 've' ] -
000053.951351 wlan0.A[62] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 31], cap[ 'pktfltr2' ] -
000053.951356 wlan0.A[63] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 25], cap[ 'wnm' ] -
000053.951360 wlan0.A[64] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 26], cap[ 'lpas' ] -
000053.951365 wlan0.A[65] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 17], cap[ 'anqpo' ] -
000053.951369 wlan0.A[66] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 32], cap[ 'fbtoverds' ] -
000053.951374 wlan0.A[67] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 10], cap[ 'dfrts' ] -
000053.951379 wlan0.A[68] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 36], cap[ 'pfnx' ] -
000053.951384 wlan0.A[69] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 37], cap[ 'bsstrans' ] -
000053.951388 wlan0.A[70] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 38], cap[ 'mfp' ] -
000053.951395 wlan0.A[71] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 46], cap[ 'rsdb' ] - RSDB
000053.951401 wlan0.A[72] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 51], cap[ 'scanmac' ] -
000053.951406 wlan0.A[73] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 52], cap[ 'tsync' ] - FW TimeSync
000053.951411 wlan0.A[74] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 53], cap[ 'ifst' ] - FW Estats
000053.951415 wlan0.A[75] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 56], cap[ 'ops' ] - OPS
000053.951420 wlan0.A[76] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 57], cap[ 'bcntrim' ] - EBT
000053.951425 wlan0.A[77] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 59], cap[ 'tvpm' ] - TVPM
000053.951430 wlan0.A[78] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 35], cap[ 'awd_data_info' ] - AWD Data Info
000053.951437 wlan0.A[79] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 15], cap[ 'btc_wifi_prot' ] - btc_wifi_prot
000053.951442 wlan0.A[80] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 6], cap[ 'nan' ] - NAN
000053.951447 wlan0.A[81] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 64], cap[ 'nanho' ] - NANHO
000053.951459 wlan0.A[82] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 65], cap[ 'sae' ] - WPA3 SAE
000053.951465 wlan0.A[83] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 66], cap[ 'gcmp' ] - WPA3 Enterprise
000053.951470 wlan0.A[84] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 68], cap[ 'nap' ] - Digital Nap
000053.951474 wlan0.A[85] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 16], cap[ 'ap' ] - Tethering
000053.951479 wlan0.A[86] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 54], cap[ 'dfsp' ] - DFS Proxy
000053.951484 wlan0.A[87] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 3], cap[ 'psbw' ] - PSBW
000053.951489 wlan0.A[88] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 18], cap[ 'mpf' ] - Motion Assistance
000053.951494 wlan0.A[89] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 69], cap[ 'txhist' ] - TX Datapath Histograms
000053.951499 wlan0.A[90] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 73], cap[ 'ltecx' ] - LTE Coex Stats
000053.951503 wlan0.A[91] processChipCaps@5792: Supported bit flag[ 74], cap[ 'ecounters' ] - Ecounters
000053.951508 wlan0.A[92] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 75], cap[ 'sae-ap' ] - WPA3 SAE SoftAP
000053.951513 wlan0.A[93] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 76], cap[ 'sc' ] - Low Power Scan Core
000053.951518 wlan0.A[94] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 77], cap[ 'fie' ] - IE Filter
000053.951523 wlan0.A[95] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 78], cap[ 'tx-prof' ] - Tx Profile
000053.951528 wlan0.A[96] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 79], cap[ 'dsa' ] - Dynamic SAR Averaging
000053.951533 wlan0.A[97] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 80], cap[ 'ltecxlbt' ] - LTE COEX LBT
000053.951538 wlan0.A[98] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 81], cap[ 'rng_reseed' ] - Re Seed random generator
000053.951544 wlan0.A[99] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 83], cap[ 'avoid-bssid' ] - BSS Blacklist
000053.951549 wlan0.A[100] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 84], cap[ 'rc2cx' ] - RC2 Coex
000053.951554 wlan0.A[101] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 85], cap[ 'rc1cx' ] - RC1 Coex
000053.951559 wlan0.A[102] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 82], cap[ 'iot_bm' ] - Beacon Mute Mitigation
000053.951564 wlan0.A[103] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 87], cap[ 'iot_bd' ] - Beacon Drift Mitigation
000053.951569 wlan0.A[104] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 89], cap[ 'adv_ecounters' ] - Advance eCounters
000053.951575 wlan0.A[105] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 90], cap[ 'phy_ecounter' ] - PHY eCounter
000053.951580 wlan0.A[106] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 91], cap[ 'ptm' ] - PTM Support
000053.951590 wlan0.A[107] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 92], cap[ 'spmi' ] - SPMI Support
000053.951595 wlan0.A[108] processChipCaps@5799: Unsupported bit flag[ 93], cap[ 'phy_cal_ecounter' ] - PHYCAL eCounter
000053.951602 wlan0.A[109] processChipCaps@5838:DigitalNap NOT Supported
000053.951622 wlan0.A[110] isAdvEcountersSupported@36598:advance eCounter cap string found? 0
000053.967417 wlan0.A[111] configureDualPowerMode@47181:Set kFeatureDualPowerMode SET
000053.988678 wlan0.A[112] setupFirmware@6859:WiFi MAC Address: 98:46:0a:c4:0a:01
000054.039545 wlan0.A[113] configureLqmRssiUpdates@36980:Setting rate_limit_msec 2000 rssi_levels -90, -85, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60.
000054.107368 wlan0.A[114] configureLqmChanQUpdates@37030:Setting rate_limit_msec: 5000 hysterisis: 2 bounds: 25,40,50,60,70,75,80,90
000054.181313 wlan0.A[115] configureWeightAvgLQMUpdates@36930:Firmware does not support weighted average LQM
000054.257358 wlan0.A[116] setStatsTimerIntervalMS@4330: Configured delta_stats_interval(secs): 5
000054.331877 wlan0.A[117] configureMotionProfiles@1920:Configured Motion Profiles for SSID/BSSID Based PNO Networks
000054.428898 wlan0.A[118] configureProductInfoReporting@1832: ivars->fOSVersion OR ivars->fProductType is NULL!
000054.497872 wlan0.A[119] handleBeaconReportingConfigAsyncCallBack@1656:
Error: cannot configure beacon reporting BCOM Unsupported
apfs_load_inode_internal:6462: disk0s1s2 *** reset ino 27759 size back to 3765712 (from 3773952)
ACMRM: _logPolicy: SAVING: ver=8 smTm=0 poRsn=0 gpTm=0 smExp=NO gpBlk=NO suTm=0 svTm=1663963432 gpRsn=0 cMs=NO.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving policy (len=41) in 3 seconds.
000054.645537 wlan0.A[120] checkRoamCacheQuerySupport@3962:Roam Cache Query not supported!
000054.714932 wlan0.A[121] checkCcaStatsExtSupport@3927:cca_get_stats_ext not supported!
000054.784937 wlan0.A[122] createDefaultReportersAndLegend@973:Adding IOReporter API ConfigureReport Calls
IOAccessoryManager::configureAccessoryPowerGated: tristar: Configuring Accessory Power to (3)
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: _powerState=3, _powerStateInternal=1, _sleeping=0, _accessoryPowerModeExtOffRequested 0
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: !getAccessoryPowerReady(); set PowerModeOff?
Port-Lightning::handleAccessoryPowerWillChange: ret=0x0 acc1=0x69646273, acc2=0x0, set PowerModeOff?
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: handleAccessoryPowerWillChange, confirm PowerModeOff
Port-Lightning::setAccessoryPower: (enabled=0 highCurrent=0 sleepPower=0 BM3=0 lowVoltage=0)
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleAccessoryPowerDidChange: tristar: Processing power state change to 1
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
IOAccessoryManager::configureAccessoryPowerReadyGated: tristar: Configuring Accessory Power Ready 0->1
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: _powerState=3, _powerStateInternal=1, _sleeping=0, _accessoryPowerModeExtOffRequested 0
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
Port-Lightning::handleAccessoryPowerWillChange: ret=0x0 acc1=0x69646273, acc2=0x0, set PowerModeOff?
Port-Lightning::configureAccessoryPowerInternal: handleAccessoryPowerWillChange, confirm PowerModeOff
Port-Lightning::setAccessoryPower: (enabled=0 highCurrent=0 sleepPower=0 BM3=0 lowVoltage=0)
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleAccessoryPowerDidChange: tristar: Processing power state change to 1
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
handleIDBusState: already in progress
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: (acc1Config=0x69646273, acc2Config=0x0)
AppleCBTL1610::setACCxConfig: orientationCheck=0, ACC_CTRL=0
IOPort::registerService(): [Port-Lightning@101] Registering service Port-Lightning@101...
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
ACMRM-C: _logRecord: acc-cache-add: adding: tm=1663963432 hash(19)=<2000000000001f011f251f0000b2d16e255ad0> data(0)=<>.
ACMRM-S: setData: saving acc-cache (len=2756) in 3 seconds.
ACMRM-C: _logRecord: acc-cache-check: returning unexpired: tm=1663963432 hash(19)=<2000000000001f011f251f0000b2d16e255ad0> data(0)=<>.
IOAccessoryTRM::_setPropertiesGated(): Setting USB Restricted Mode: NO... (m_mgrPrimaryPortID: 1)
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommand: GetState
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommand: GetState: status: 0x0
handleIDBusResponse:16: RspGetState
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
000054.879384 wlan0.A[123] setDisassocDelay@7391:Could not set disassoc_dly 10: error e3ff8117
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
000054.949343 wlan0.A[124] setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE@31438: create virtif role 5
IO80211VirtualInterface::AppleBCMWLANIO80211APSTAInterface::init name <ap1> role 5
IOAccessoryDock9Pin::handleIDBusCommandForMagicPullDown: !supportsHvc
AppleBCMWLANIO80211APSTAInterface::apStaAttachToBpf name <ap1> role 5 successful attach to bpf type 147
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *, void *)::433:main dispatcher, selector=0x9
IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::ExecuteRequest(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *)::369:selector=0x9
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *, void *)::461:main dispatcher, selector=0x9 status = 0x00000000
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *, void *)::433:main dispatcher, selector=0x9
IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::ExecuteRequest(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *)::369:selector=0x9
IO80211VirtualInterface::init ivars->_controller is 0xeec418830ad7c39b, provider is 0xeec41884d78595bb role is 5
virtual IOReturn AppleNVMeUpdateUC::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *, void *)::461:main dispatcher, selector=0x9 status = 0x00000000
Finding _faultReporter
Not adding subscription due to missing boot-arg wlan.iorsubscriptions
tx_flush:1170: disk0s1 xid 28931 tx stats: # 20 finish 20 enter 515 wait 2 11395us close 0us flush 8926us
IO80211VirtualInterface::init SUCCESS ivars->_controller is 0xeec418830ad7c39b, provider is 0xeec41884d78595bb
000055.422294 wlan0.A[125] setupDriver@5531: Core Driver Initialization Time 55.422288250
Not adding subscription due to missing boot-arg wlan.iorsubscriptions
Creating all peerManager reporters
bpfAttach len 72 dlt 12
000055.696262 wlan0.A[126] initDefaultScanParametersFromChip@3498:Default Scan Home Away Time is 100
000055.753527 wlan0.A[127] enableDatapath@324:AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface en0 ifid 0 Role Infrastructure enable skywalk Datapath.
000055.764701 wlan0.A[128] bootChipImage@5216: posting APPLE80211_M_DRIVER_AVAILABLE, available[1] reason[0xe0822803] sub_reason[0x00000000] minor_reason[0x00000000]
000055.778662 wlan0.A[129] removeFirmwareLoader@47342:Terminating/releasing request of firmware loading
000055.797224 wlan0.A[130] enable@367:AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface en0 ifid 0 ready to handle packet data, running 1
000055.807125 wlan0.A[131] enable@375:data path cannot enable, power state 0, watchdog status 0
bpfAttach len 128 dlt 127
000055.820587 wlan0.A[132] setPOWER@31957: [wifid]: Setting power state to 1. stateFlags(1)
000055.827638 wlan0.A[133] wakeup@1291:Enabled command path.
000055.833210 wlan0.A[134] enableDatapath@324:AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface en0 ifid 0 Role Infrastructure enable skywalk Datapath.
000055.846729 wlan0.A[135] powerOn@35547: posting APPLE80211_M_DRIVER_AVAILABLE, available[1] reason[0xe0821803] sub_reason[0x00000000] minor_reason[0x00000000]
en0: channel changed to 34
000055.864065 wlan0.A[136] configureProductInfo@1720:osVersion:15.6.1 productType:iPod9,1
000055.871086 wlan0.A[137] configureProductInfoReporting@1830:
osVersion:'15.6.1' productType:'iPod9,1'
000055.881290 wlan0.A[138] setProperties@10470:WiFi LQM CrashTracer Feature flag Enabled
000055.888281 wlan0.A[139] setProperties@10475:WiFi ViVODatapath Tuning Feature flag Enabled
000055.896849 wlan0.A[140] setProperties@10482:DNS symptoms feature flag enabled
000055.905379 wlan0.A[141] handleBeaconReportingVendorIEAsyncCallBack@1951:
Error: cannot configure beacon reporting with Vendor IE (productInfo) BCOM Unsupported
000055.921140 wlan0.A[142] setProperties@9289:Active during sleep supported (false)
000055.937647 wlan0.A[143] createProxInterface@24234: ma 1E:53:4D:4D:59:8E associated 0
IO80211VirtualInterface::AppleBCMWLANProximityInterface::init name <awdl0> role 4
AppleBCMWLANProximityInterface::peerToPeerAttachToBpf name <awdl0> role 4 successful attach to bpf type 147
IO80211VirtualInterface::init ivars->_controller is 0xeec418830ad7c39b, provider is 0xeec41884d78595bb role is 4
Finding _faultReporter
Not adding subscription due to missing boot-arg wlan.iorsubscriptions
IO80211VirtualInterface::init SUCCESS ivars->_controller is 0xeec418830ad7c39b, provider is 0xeec41884d78595bb
000055.990646 wlan0.A[144] setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE@31433: create virtif <awdl0> role 4
AirPort: Link Up on awdl0. Reason Unspecified (1)
000056.007458 wlan0.A[145] createChipInterface@3609:createChipInterface: Creating AWDL chip interface 2, fw ver 3
000056.017214 wlan0.A[146] wlan AppleBCMWLAN: sending awdl_if = (20)
wlan 0000: 03 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 25 00 ff 94 73 00 00 00 00 00 00 | .........%...s......
000056.037172 wlan0.A[147] handleEvent@395: AWDL interface index is: 1 (bsscfg=3), fwVer 3
000056.046124 wlan0.A[148] createSkywalkInterface@48804:Creating skywalk interface llw0 id:1 role:2, sif 0xeec41883f0a7839b
Not adding subscription due to missing boot-arg wlan.iorsubscriptions
Creating all peerManager reporters
000056.066575 wlan0.A[149] setLinkState@249:awdl0 LowLatencyInterface setLinkState: 2
000056.073859 wlan0.A[150] enableDatapath@324:AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface llw0 ifid 1 Role LowLatency enable skywalk Datapath.
llw0: channel changed to 34
llw0: channel changed to 34
000056.092161 wlan0.A[151] setAWDL_Config@3541: bring up awdl if success! [1E:53:3D:4D:59:8E] election_metric=0
000056.103454 wlan0.A[152] setAWDL_Config@3584: success, set BSSID to: 00:25:00:ff:94:73
000056.116325 wlan0.A[153] setLinkState@249:awdl0 LowLatencyInterface setLinkState: 2
000056.123351 wlan0.A[154] enableDatapath@324:AppleBCMWLANSkywalkInterface llw0 ifid 1 Role LowLatency enable skywalk Datapath.
hfs: mounted DeveloperDiskImage on device disk2
static IOReturn AppleMobileFileIntegrityUserClient::loadTrustCache(OSObject *, void *, IOExternalMethodArguments *): PID 183 is requesting a trust cache load
AMFI: Successfully loaded a new image4 v1 trust cache with 78 entries.
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(39) took 3/3 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
ACMRM-S: _saveAll: pushing policy -> locker (gen=2 len=41) (csLen=86 critical=NO).
ACMRM-S: _saveAll: pushing acc-cache -> locker (gen=2 len=2756) (csLen=86 critical=NO).
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 mounting volume System, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 201); parent: mount (pid 199)
authapfs_seal_break:383: disk0s1s1 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 28945)
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::validateFirmware() Performing img4 validation outside of workloop
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext[<ptr>]::validateImage4() Entering
AppleFirmwareDecodeImage4() Requesting AppleImage4 Validation
firmwareExecutionCallback() error = 0
firmwareExecutionCallback() Validation Successful
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext[<ptr>]::validationComplete() Exiting with status = 0x0
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Time Taken For IMG4 Validation: 39 ms
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Total Time Taken For User Space Request to complete: 40 ms
AppleFirmwareUpdateKext::loadFirmware() Total Time Taken For Kernel Client's to complete: 20230 ms
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s1 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0001-766F6C756E00 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 28.0.12)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s1 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7762: disk0s1s1 Volume System is not in a volume group
nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock:5417: disk0s1 nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock(0, 1), (0, 0, 0, 0)
nx_global_extent_manipulation_lock:5487: disk0s1 Shared global_extent_manipulation lock taken after 0 attempts
handle_revert_to_snapshot:5772: disk0s1s1 On next mount, volume will revert to snapshot '' w/snap xid 40
nx_global_extent_manipulation_unlock:5512: disk0s1 nx_global_extent_manipulation_unlock(0, 1), (0, 0, 1, 1)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 unmounting volume System, requested by: (pid 182); parent: launchd (pid 1)
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2740: disk0s1s1 waiting for purgatory cleaner to finish
authapfs_seal_restore:482: disk0s1s1 integrity protection will be re-enabled
apfs_vfsop_unmount:3074: disk0s1 nx_num_vols_mounted is 6
apfs: total mem allocated: 35122732 (33 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:3087: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 6)
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 mounting volume System, requested by: mount_apfs (pid 205); parent: mount (pid 204)
authapfs_seal_break:383: disk0s1s1 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 28948)
revert_to_snapshot:1629: disk0s1s1 Reverting to snapshot w/xid 40 and old sblock oid 7690449.
revert_extents_to_snapshot:1453: disk0s1s1 free'ing extents in main extentref tree 7691287
free_allocated_snapshot_extents:1368: disk0s1s1 processed 0 extents and free'd 0 blocks
supplemental_tree_revert:324: disk0s1s1 reverted supplemental tree (type 5): 7691289 -> 7691105
omap_cleanup:1496: disk0s1s1 started cleaning snapshots 28949-28949
tx_flush:1170: disk0s1 xid 28951 tx stats: # 40 finish 40 enter 362 wait 6 9349us close 596us flush 13115us
omap_cleanup:1718: disk0s1s1 completed cleaning snapshot 28949, om_snap_count 1 om_most_recent_snap 28949
obj_cache_remove_reverted_fs_objects:1562: disk0s1s1 removing reverted fs objects for fs 1026: 41 - 28949
revert_to_snapshot:1723: disk0s1s1 DONE reverting to snapshot w/xid 40
authapfs_seal_break:383: disk0s1s1 integrity protection will be disabled (from xid: 28953)
handle_mount:655: disk0s1s1 vol-uuid: 61706673-7575-6964-0001-766F6C756E00 block size: 4096 block count: 7812489 (unencrypted; flags: 0x1; features: 28.0.12)
handle_mount:668: disk0s1s1 setting dev block size to 4096 from 512
nx_volume_group_update:7762: disk0s1s1 Volume System is not in a volume group
apfs_stop_bg_work:1065: disk0s1s1 Volume System is unmounting, stop any bg work
apfs_log_mount_unmount:1889: disk0s1s1 unmounting volume System, requested by: (pid 182); parent: launchd (pid 1)
apfs_vfsop_unmount:2740: disk0s1s1 waiting for purgatory cleaner to finish
authapfs_seal_restore:482: disk0s1s1 integrity protection will be re-enabled
apfs_vfsop_unmount:3074: disk0s1 nx_num_vols_mounted is 6
apfs: total mem allocated: 40149209 (38 mb);
apfs_vfsop_unmount:3087: all done. going home. (numMountedAPFSVolumes 6)
AppleCredentialManager: sendSEPCommand: SEP cmd(2) took 1/1 ms -> ioErr=0x0 acmErr=0.
tx_flush:1170: disk0s1 xid 28971 tx stats: # 60 finish 61 enter 263 wait 8 8102us close 397us flush 11343us
000063.823292 wlan0.A[155] setProperties@9094:setProperties: ERROR: Unexpected non-ioctl set property call for this platform
tx_flush:1170: disk0s1 xid 28991 tx stats: # 80 finish 81 enter 225 wait 8 8102us close 298us flush 9530us
AppleSEPKeyStore:11126:0: AppleKeyStoreUserClient: Assertion timer fired
000120.199753 wlan0.A[156] setLQM_CONFIG@30278:Setting ECounter update interval to: 5
000120.208729 wlan0.A[157] setStatsTimerIntervalMS@4330: Configured delta_stats_interval(secs): 5
000120.215983 wlan0.A[158] configureLqmRssiUpdates@36980:Setting rate_limit_msec 2000 rssi_levels -90, -85, -80, -75, -70, -65, -60.
000120.229770 wlan0.A[159] configureLqmChanQUpdates@37030:Setting rate_limit_msec: 5000 hysterisis: 2 bounds: 25,40,50,60,70,75,80,90
000120.247498 wlan0.A[160] setProperties@9289:Active during sleep supported (false)
000120.266070 wlan0.A[161] setVIRTUAL_IF_CREATE@31433: create virtif <awdl0> role 4
scanControl: AWDL is controlling scan, ePNOScan ON, roamScan ON, limitedRoam OFF, abortScan 0
scanControlCommand: Sending scan control command, ePNOScan ON (0x0), roamScan ON (0x0), limitedRoam OFF (0x0), abortScan 0
000120.304996 wlan0.A[162] setSCAN_CONTROL@30598:Abort scan 0, ePnoScans ON, roamScans ON, limitedRoam OFF
000120.313857 wlan0.A[163] setSCAN_CONTROL@30644:t54: 000000, t43: 000000, t32: 000000, t21: 000008,
apfs_vnop_reclaim:14304: disk0s1s1 free'ing 1 iterators
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleEmbeddedNVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleARMWatchdogTimer
not enabling long period watchdog (cleared SoC watchdog if enabled prior), panic SoC watchdog disabled
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSynopsysMIPIDSIController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8010MemCacheController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff00f2f5f58): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from SpringBoard since monitoring enabled by backboardd (90 seconds ago)
service: backboardd, total successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago): 10, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: SpringBoard, no successful checkins since monitoring enabled by backboardd (90 seconds ago)
service: mediaserverd, no successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago)
service: logd, total successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago): 10, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: thermalmonitord, total successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago): 10, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: runningboardd, total successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago): 10, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service: wifid, total successful checkins since load (90 seconds ago): 3, last successful checkin: 10 seconds ago
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0xff
OS release type: User
OS version: 19G82
Kernel version: BlizzardJB15 Kernel 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 15:38:26 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.142.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
KernelCache UUID: BA325CABCFC529F8F6AD556F7758D3F9
Kernel UUID: B9AFFF15-1AA1-3A2D-9972-7C48CE1ADA4D
iBoot version: iBoot-7459.102.5
secure boot?: YES
Paniclog version: 13
Kernel slide: 0x0000000008620000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff00f624000
mach_absolute_time: 0xc7a94e85
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x632e1117 0x000d1a31
Sleep : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Wake : 0x00000000 0x00000000
Calendar: 0x632e117d 0x00063422
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffffe006fd0000 - 0xffffffe606fd0000
. VM : 0xffffffe006fd0000 - 0xffffffe0ed634000
. RO : 0xffffffe0ed634000 - 0xffffffe13a300000
. GEN0 : 0xffffffe13a300000 - 0xffffffe220964000
. GEN1 : 0xffffffe220964000 - 0xffffffe306fc8000
. GEN2 : 0xffffffe306fc8000 - 0xffffffe3ed630000
. GEN3 : 0xffffffe3ed630000 - 0xffffffe4d3c98000
. DATA : 0xffffffe4d3c98000 - 0xffffffe606fd0000
Metadata: 0xffffffece4710000 - 0xffffffece5f10000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffece5f10000 - 0xffffffece6a40000
CORE 0 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
CORE 1: PC=0x0000000180bfc11c, LR=0x0000000180beedd8, FP=0x000000016bd8aa30
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Total cpu_usage: 32045290
Thread task pri cpu_usage
0xffffffe306543840 watchdogd 97 0
0xffffffe3061cdc20 wifid 37 0
0xffffffe3062ff138 runningboardd 37 10330
0xffffffe3062fea30 runningboardd 37 2620
0xffffffe306019c20 watchdogd 31 0
Panicked task 0xffffffe306f03888: 300 pages, 3 threads: pid 56: watchdogd
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe306543840, backtrace: 0xffffffee76983200, tid: 1175
lr: 0xfffffff00f7e5cdc fp: 0xffffffee76983240
lr: 0xfffffff00f7e5a64 fp: 0xffffffee769832b0
lr: 0xfffffff00f903aa0 fp: 0xffffffee76983320
lr: 0xfffffff00f902a44 fp: 0xffffffee769833d0
lr: 0xfffffff00f7a95fc fp: 0xffffffee769833e0
lr: 0xfffffff00f7e5780 fp: 0xffffffee76983770
lr: 0xfffffff00f7e5780 fp: 0xffffffee769837d0
lr: 0xfffffff00fe24fc0 fp: 0xffffffee769837f0
lr: 0xfffffff00f2f5f58 fp: 0xffffffee76983810
lr: 0xfffffff00f2f591c fp: 0xffffffee76983830
lr: 0xfffffff00f2f4cac fp: 0xffffffee76983950
lr: 0xfffffff00fdbb764 fp: 0xffffffee76983af0
lr: 0xfffffff00f8d1604 fp: 0xffffffee76983c10
lr: 0xfffffff00f7eb300 fp: 0xffffffee76983ca0
lr: 0xfffffff00f7c442c fp: 0xffffffee76983d00
lr: 0xfffffff00f7d9b14 fp: 0xffffffee76983d90
lr: 0xfffffff00f8f8fd0 fp: 0xffffffee76983e60
lr: 0xfffffff00f902edc fp: 0xffffffee76983f10
lr: 0xfffffff00f7a95fc fp: 0xffffffee76983f20
** Stackshot Succeeded ** Bytes Traced 135485 (Uncompressed 338384) **
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleEmbeddedNVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleARMWatchdogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSynopsysMIPIDSIController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8010MemCacheController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleEmbeddedNVMeController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleARMWatchdogTimer
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleNubSynopsysOTG3Device
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleSynopsysMIPIDSIController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> AppleT8010MemCacheController
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
IOPlatformPanicAction -> RTBuddy
Please go to to report this panic
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