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Created May 4, 2017 14:28
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Generate dummy/fake RPMs - great for acceptance testing systems
# From:
# Generate dummy/fake RPMs - great for acceptance testing systems
# GEnerate Provides:
PROVIDES="Provides: ${1}"
# Generate Spec file
cat <<EOF > ${SPECFILE}
#----------- spec file starts ---------------
Name: ${NAME}
Version: 1.0.0
Release: 0
Vendor: dummy
Group: dummy
Summary: Provides %{name}
License: %{vendor}
# in Provides: you add whatever you want to fool the system
Buildroot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
# Build it
rpmbuild --define '_rpmdir /tmp' -bb "${SPECFILE}" > "${BUILD_LOG}"
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "ERROR: Could nto build dummy rpm!"
PKG=$(awk '/^Wrote:/ { print $2 }' < "${BUILD_LOG}" )
rm "${BUILD_LOG}"
# Install it:
#rpm -Uvh "${PKG}"
rm "${SPECFILE}"
echo "DONE! created ${PKG} and moved it here..."
mv $PKG .
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Hi there! I don't have rpmbuild installed, and searching in dnf shows mutliple options. Which one do you have installed?

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GeoffWilliams commented Sep 13, 2021

This is for rpmbuild before dnf existed.

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Oh right... no worries anyway, I found it under the package copr-rpmbuild. I guess before dnf existed that would still be installed in the same way using yum.

And hey, thanks for the script! It worked like a charm for creating an android-tools dummy to keep using the ones bundled with Android Studio.

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