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Writing bugs

Geoffrey Coulaud GeoffreyCoulaud

Writing bugs
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GeoffreyCoulaud /
Last active January 13, 2025 17:31
PROOF OF CONCEPT - Installing TeknoParrot on Linux

Installing TeknoParrot on Linux

⚠️ You should not execute scripts that you don't understand and trust from the internet.

1. Using Lutris

Both methods need you to provide a teknoparrot release archive. You can find it here.

Install from Lutris' website

Note : TeknoParrot is at the moment pending on, and so is my installer. You can find my install script on Lutris

GeoffreyCoulaud /
Last active August 7, 2023 10:22
How to install 64bit Manjaro linux on the Asus t100ta

How to setup Manjaro on the Asus t100ta

Based on this tutorial by jbMacAZ on
Made on 26/05/2020 for the Asus t100ta and Manjaro 20.0.1
These instructions should work for any 32bit EFI / 64bit CPU system, but I only tested it on the Asus t100ta, use at your own risk.
I tested the community editions for Budgie, Gnome and LXQt, but this tutorial should be good for any 64bit Manjaro edition.

My setup

I'm using vanilla Ubuntu 20.04, you will need gparted and unetbootin for this tutorial.
You will also need a 4GB or more USB stick which data will be wiped.
If like me your t100ta dock is broken, you can charge the computer normally until full, then use the charging micro-usb port to have an OTG cable + USB hub to connect the USB stick, a keyboard and a mouse.