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Last active January 7, 2017 18:58
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Save GeorgesOatesLarsen/5348ffd29c408122f5caa79c7bc45899 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
packBlockData(rawdata, bitsPerBlock)
let blockCount = Chunk.l * Chunk.w * 16;
let resultantBuffer = Buffer.alloc(blockCount * bitsPerBlock/8);
for (let block = 0; block < blockCount; block++) {
//Determine the start-bit for the block.
let bit = block * bitsPerBlock;
//Determine the start-byte for that bit.
let targetlong = Math.floor(bit/64);
//We write backwards from the end of the long. First, we determine the local writing start.
let localstart = 64 - bit%64 - bitsPerBlock;
//Next, we determine if we need to write across multiple branches
if (localstart >= 0) { //We do not!
//We'll read both halves of the long out of what we've already written:
let longhalfa = resultantBuffer.readUInt32BE(targetlong * 4, true);
let longhalfb = resultantBuffer.readUInt32BE(targetlong * 4 + 1, true);
//Pretend our data starts at the end of the first half. Bit shift it into the second half accordingly:
let dataToWritea = rawdata >>> (localstart - (64 - bitsPerBlock));
//Pretend our data starts at the end of the second half. Bit shift it into the first half accordingly:
let dataToWriteb = rawdata << (64 - localstart - bitsPerBlock);
//Now, we write into our long-halves:
longhalfa = longhalfa | dataToWritea;
longhalfb = longhalfb | dataToWriteb;
//Finally, we write our long-halves back into the buffer:
resultantBuffer.writeUInt32BE(longhalfa, targetlong * 4);
resultantBuffer.writeUInt32BE(longhalfb, targetlong * 4 + 1);
else { //We do.
//We now have two different local starts:
localstarta = 64 + localstart;
localstartb = 0;
//We'll load the first half of the first long, and the last half of the last long
let longhalfa = resultantBuffer.readUInt32BE(targetlong * 4 + 4, true);//last half of last long
let longhalfb = resultantBuffer.readUInt32BE(targetlong * 4, true);//First half of first long
//Pretend our data starts at the end of the first half. Bit shift it into the second half accordingly:
let dataToWritea = rawdata >>> (localstarta - (64 - bitsPerBlock));
//Pretend our data starts at the end of the second half. Bit shift it into the first half accordingly:
let dataToWriteb = rawdata << (64 - localstartb - bitsPerBlock);
//Now, we write into our long-halves:
longhalfa = longhalfa | dataToWritea;
longhalfb = longhalfb | dataToWriteb;
//Finally, we write our long-halves back into the buffer:
resultantBuffer.writeUInt32BE(longhalfa, targetlong * 4 + 4);
resultantBuffer.writeUInt32BE(longhalfb, targetlong * 4);
return resultantBuffer;
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