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Last active November 7, 2023 14:34
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  • Save Geritz/f250255d2718477f61ee6ff276d1576a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Geritz/f250255d2718477f61ee6ff276d1576a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lancer Core Helper Script for Roll20
// LancerCoreHelper.js by Spencer Moran
// V. 1.5.01 - 6/6/2023
// This script created to help automate some of the more tedious aspects of the LANCER system.
// 1. 'Lancer status icons for Roll20' pack by Hayley -
// is required to use the set-status buttons on the UI. Not having the correctly named token markers will cause
// the script to crash. A fix is in progress. Note that if you want to use a different set of markers an example macro has
// been created so you can still have access to the functionality. The get-status macro is token-agnostic.
// 2. This script was developed to interact with the LancerRPG Character Sheet by Gwendolyn Clark (spiny#8109)
// Attempting to use this script with other character sheets will probably cause the API to explode and stop all scripts.
// 1. Equip any weapon or system directly onto the player token. Saves time with setup!
// 2. Automated damage/structure handling. Use Harm token to automatically roll the damage and tables.
// 3. Automatically apply status icons to tokens! See WARNINGS->STATUS ICONS
// 4. In-Depth help tool for looking up rules/effects and things you might miss.
// 5. Useful, easy to use macros.
// 6. Fast initialization with !lncr_init
// 7. Import a mech using the copy to clipboard feature on the mech page
// 8. Install talents and bonuses into your equipment to make it easier to remember
// if you're interested in using the token marker system I recommend getting the 'Lancer status icons for Roll20' pack by Hayley
// If you intend to use it with this system you'll need to normalize the tokens by removing the spaces in the names
// and replacing them with hyphens "-". Otherwise Roll20 freaks out about spaces in the name much like it would with macros and other junk.
// I know this is sub-optimal and you'll need to put in the work on this, but I don't have a good way of resolving it to otherwise be useful.
// If you are having trouble getting the structure/stress/overcharge meters to work, try initializing the meter by setting it before you use
// the buttons. Roll20 doesn't create the necessary attributes until they're needed by the UI, which can lead to some undefined behavior.
// To get started with functions, a series of macros have been defined. You can
// get them for yourself and your players with the command: '!lncr_init'
// Find a bug? help me help you by sending a private message to on Roll20,
// Or leave a comment on the gist of this script at
// Or ping me on the Pilot.NET Discord.
// Like my work? Buy me a coffee!
// Main Helper Object.
var LancerCoreHelper = {
'p_version' : "1.5.00",
//returns an obj containing the attribute. Use .get('attributename') to access.
'p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken' : function(msg, attr,defaultValue = 0){
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
if (typeof obj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER","ERROR: No Character attached to Token.");
let owner = obj.get('represents');
let attribute = findObjs({_type: "attribute", name: attr, _characterid: owner})[0];
for (itr = 1; itr < 10; itr++){
if (typeof attribute === 'undefined'){
attribute = findObjs({_type: "attribute", name: attr, _characterid: owner})[0];
log("Attribute "+attr+" was undefined " + itr + " times");
return findObjs({_type: "attribute", name: attr, _characterid: owner})[0];
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+ " ERROR: Something went wrong when attempting to get " +attr+ " attr from "+msg.who+"'s sheet, please check your sheet and try again. Error Source: GetAttributeFromToken(); Msg:"+ e);
//Produces a chat message with all of the status icons currently attached to a token.
'p_lncr_core_GetMarkersOnToken' : function(msg){
try {
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{No token selected}}")
} else {
if (!msg.selected && msg.selected[0]._type == "graphic") return;
let allMarkers = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("token_markers"));
let ids = [];
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type, msg.selected[0]._id);
let currentMarkers = obj.get("statusmarkers").split(',');
let statusMarkers = "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=Statuses on Token}}";
for (let i = 0; i < currentMarkers.length; i++){
_.each(allMarkers, item => {
if(item.tag.toLowerCase() === currentMarkers[i].toLowerCase()){
statusMarkers += "{{[""](!lncr_reference status-"")=[**SET / CLEAR**](!set_token_marker "")}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", statusMarkers+"{{=[**CLEAR ALL**](!lncr_clear_markers)}}");
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+ " ERROR: Something went wrong when attempting to get markers on the token.");
'p_lncr_core_RollDamage': function (dice, keephigh,mod, size=6){
try {
log(dice + " " + keephigh);
let output = "&{template:default}{{name=DAMAGE}}{{Rolling "+dice+"d"+size+"+"+mod+" = [["+dice+"d"+size+"kh"+keephigh+"+"+mod+"]]}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", output);
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when rolling damage. That shouldn't happen usually but idk anymore. Roll20.");
//modifies a specified attribute based on a value. APPARENTLY UNUSED....
'p_lncr_core_ModifyAttribute': function(msg,attr,val){
let attrobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,attr);
if (typeof attrobj !== 'undefined'){
} catch(e){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to modify an attribute. Please make sure your token is connected and try again. That or throw a brick at the developer. He needs them for his house.");
'debug' : function (){
sendChat("DEBUG","Nothing to see here, move along.");
'p_lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker' : function(msg,tokenId,marker){
try {
let allMarkers = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("token_markers"));
let ids = [];
_.each(allMarkers, item => {
if( === marker.toLowerCase()){
let obj = getObj('graphic', tokenId);
let currentMarkers = obj.get("statusmarkers").split(',');
let chatmsg = "&{template:default}";
if (typeof ids[0] === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=TOKEN MARKER NOT FOUND}}{{ERROR=Invalid token marker name: \""+marker+"\".}}{{=If you are getting this message from attempting to use the status menu, you may need to update your token names to match the references listed in the ability buttons. e.g. 'danger-zone'. You can find those in the p_lncr_reference_dict object within the code under the key 'Statuses'. Sorry for the inconvenience!}}");
if (currentMarkers.includes(ids[0].tag)){
let j = 0;
while(j < currentMarkers.length) {
if (currentMarkers[j] === ids[0].tag) {
currentMarkers.splice(j, 1);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatmsg+"{{name=Status Lost}}{{"+msg.who+"=["+marker.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference status-"+marker.toLowerCase()+")}}");
} else {
obj.set("statusmarkers", currentMarkers.join(','));
} else {
obj.set("statusmarkers", currentMarkers.join(','));
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatmsg+"{{name=Status Gained}}{{"+msg.who+"=["+marker.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference status-"+marker.toLowerCase()+")}}");
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong while trying to set a token marker: " + e);
//toggles a specified marker on a token. Can be anything.
'p_lncr_core_ToggleTokenMarker' : function(msg,marker){
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
} else {
if (!msg.selected && msg.selected[0]._type == "graphic") return;
let allMarkers = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("token_markers"));
let ids = [];
_.each(allMarkers, item => {
if( === marker.toLowerCase()){
for (let j = 0; j < msg.selected.length; j++){
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[j]._type, msg.selected[j]._id);
let currentMarkers = obj.get("statusmarkers").split(',');
let chatmsg = "&{template:default}"
if (typeof ids[0] === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=TOKEN MARKER NOT FOUND}}{{ERROR=Invalid token marker name: \""+marker+"\".}}{{=If you are getting this message from attempting to use the status menu, you may need to update your token names to match the references listed in the ability buttons. e.g. 'danger-zone'. You can find those in the p_lncr_reference_dict object within the code under the key 'Statuses'. Sorry for the inconvenience!}}");
if (currentMarkers.includes(ids[0].tag)){
let i = 0;
while (i < currentMarkers.length) {
if (currentMarkers[i] === ids[0].tag) {
currentMarkers.splice(i, 1);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatmsg+"{{name=Status Lost}}{{"+msg.who+"=["+marker.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference status-"+marker.toLowerCase()+")}}");
} else {
obj.set("statusmarkers", currentMarkers.join(','));
} else{
obj.set("statusmarkers", currentMarkers.join(','));
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatmsg+"{{name=Status Gained}}{{"+msg.who+"=["+marker.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference status-"+marker.toLowerCase()+")}}");
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to toggle a token marker.")
//clears every marker from a selected token. No dependencies.
'p_lncr_core_ClearAllStatusMarkers' : function (msg){
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
} else {
if (!msg.selected && msg.selected[0]._type == "graphic") return;
let allMarkers = JSON.parse(Campaign().get("token_markers"));
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type, msg.selected[0]._id);
let currentMarkers = obj.get("statusmarkers").split(',');
currentMarkers.splice(0, currentMarkers.length);
obj.set("statusmarkers", currentMarkers.join(','));
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=Status Cleared}}{{All status cleared from token}}");
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Somethign went wrong while trying to clear all status markers.");
//Basic contains test for roll20 objects.
'p_lncr_roll20objcontains' : function(value,type='macro'){
try {
let test = findObjs({
_type: type,
name: value
return ((test.length <= 0)? false : true);
} catch (e){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to do a contains test. L-243");
//Adds an attribute to a character sheet.
'p_lncr_addAttribute' : function(characterID, attr, defaultValue) {
try {
let foundAttribute = findObjs({_characterid: characterID, name: attr})[0];
if (!foundAttribute) {
log("Attribute " + attr + " not found for character ID " + characterID + " Creating.");
createObj("attribute", {
name: attr,
current: defaultValue,
characterid: characterID
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to add an attribute.");
//Adds a trait to a character sheet.
'p_lncr_addTrait' : function(msg, equipstring) {
try {
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=NO TOKEN SELECTED}}{{You must select a token for this macro}}");
let isDuplicate = function (value){
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
let characterID = obj.get('represents');
if(typeof findObjs({_characterid: characterID,name: value})[0] === 'undefined'){
return false;
return true;
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
let characterID = obj.get('represents');
if (!isDuplicate(equipstring)) {
let abilityaction = "&{template:default} ";
if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[equipstring] === 'undefined')){
if (isDuplicate(equipstring.substr(6))){ //equip-e-
(findObjs({_characterid: characterID,name: equipstring.substr(6)})[0]).remove();
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=EQUIPMENT DROPPED}}{{"+equipstring.substr(6)+" was dropped}}");
abilityaction += this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[equipstring];
equipstring = equipstring.substr(6);
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_talent_dict[equipstring] === 'undefined')){
if (isDuplicate(equipstring.substr(8))){ //talents-t-
(findObjs({_characterid: characterID,name: equipstring.substr(8)})[0]).remove();
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=EQUIPMENT DROPPED}}{{"+equipstring.substr(8)+" was dropped}}");
abilityaction += this.p_lncr_talent_dict[equipstring];
equipstring = equipstring.substr(8);
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_frames_dict[equipstring] === 'undefined')){
if (isDuplicate(equipstring.substr(7))){ //frames-f-
(findObjs({_characterid: characterID,name: equipstring.substr(7)})[0]).remove();
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=EQUIPMENT DROPPED}}{{"+equipstring.substr(7)+" was dropped}}");
abilityaction += this.p_lncr_frames_dict[equipstring];
equipstring = equipstring.substr(7);
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[equipstring] === 'undefined')){
if (isDuplicate(equipstring.substr(6))){ //frames-f-
(findObjs({_characterid: characterID,name: equipstring.substr(6)})[0]).remove();
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=EQUIPMENT DROPPED}}{{"+equipstring.substr(6)+" was dropped}}");
abilityaction += this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[equipstring];
equipstring = equipstring.substr(6);
} else {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=NOT FOUND}}{{"+equipstring+" was not found in the dictionaries}}");
createObj("ability", {
name: equipstring,
characterid: characterID,
description: "a description",
action: abilityaction,
istokenaction: true
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=EQUIPMENT ADDED}}{{"+equipstring+" added, refresh your abilities and token actions.}}");
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Somethign went wrong while trying to set a trait: " + e);
'p_lncr_core_append_ability': function(msg,abilityname,type,newabilityid,abilitytext){
try {
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined'){
log("selected was undefined");
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
let characterID = obj.get('represents');
let charAbilities = findObjs({_characterid: characterID, _type: 'ability'});
for (let i=0; i < charAbilities.length; i++) {
let obj = charAbilities[i];
if (obj.get('name') === abilityname){
let objaction = obj.get('action');
let content = objaction.split(["}}"]);
let wasfound = false;
let seektarget = "{{"+type.toLowerCase()+"=";
for(let i=0; i < content.length; i++){
if (content[i].toLowerCase().includes(type.toLowerCase())){
wasfound = true;
content[i] += "["+abilitytext.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference "+newabilityid+")";
let restored="";
for(let i=0; i< content.length; i++){
if (!content[i] == ""){
restored += "{{"+type.toUpperCase()+"=["+abilitytext.toUpperCase()+"](!lncr_reference "+newabilityid+")}}";
obj.set('action', restored);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=ABILITY UPDATED}}{{The "+abilityname+" ability has been updated with the "+abilitytext+" "+type+"}}");
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HLEPER", "Somethign went wrong when attempting to append an ability.");
'p_lncr_core_customize_abilities': function(msg,type,abilityid,abilitytext){
try {
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
let characterID = obj.get('represents');
let charAbilities = findObjs({_characterid: characterID, _type: 'ability'});
let chatstring = "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=ADD ABILITY MODIFIER}}";
let loadout = "";
for (let i = 0; i < charAbilities.length; i++){
let obj = charAbilities[i];
let candidate1 = 'equip-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate2 = 'talents-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate3 = 'frames-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate4 = 'bonus-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate5 = obj.get('name');
if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[candidate1]==='undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [ADD TO ITEM](!lncr_core_append_ability "+obj.get('name')+" "+type+" "+abilityid+" "+abilitytext+")}}";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_talent_dict[candidate2]==='undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [ADD TO ITEM](!lncr_core_append_ability "+obj.get('name')+" "+type+" "+abilityid+" "+abilitytext+")}}";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_frames_dict[candidate3] === 'undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [ADD TO ITEM](!lncr_core_append_ability "+obj.get('name')+" "+type+" "+abilityid+" "+abilitytext+")}}";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[candidate4] === 'undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [ADD TO ITEM](!lncr_core_append_ability "+obj.get('name')+" "+type+" "+abilityid+" "+abilitytext+")}}";
} else if (candidate5 === 'mech_card'){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [ADD TO ITEM](!lncr_core_append_ability "+obj.get('name')+" "+type+" "+abilityid+" "+abilitytext+")}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring);
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong while customizing an ability.");
'p_lncr_core_get_abilities': function(msg){
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
let obj = getObj(msg.selected[0]._type,msg.selected[0]._id);
let characterID = obj.get('represents');
let charAbilities = findObjs({_characterid: characterID, _type: 'ability'});
let chatstring = "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=CHARACTER AND MECH EQUIPMENT}}";
let loadout = "";
for (let i = 0; i < charAbilities.length; i++){
let obj = charAbilities[i];
let candidate1 = 'equip-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate2 = 'talents-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate3 = 'frames-' + obj.get('name');
let candidate4 = 'bonus-' + obj.get('name');
if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[candidate1]==='undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-"+obj.get('name')+")}}";
loadout += candidate1 +",";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_talent_dict[candidate2]==='undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-"+obj.get('name')+")}}";
loadout += candidate2 +",";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_frames_dict[candidate3] === 'undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-"+obj.get('name')+")}}";
loadout += candidate3 +",";
} else if (!(typeof this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[candidate4] === 'undefined')){
chatstring += "{{"+obj.get('name')+"= [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-"+obj.get('name')+")}}";
loadout += candidate4 +",";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring+"{{[GET LOADOUT](!lncr_core_whisperloadout "+loadout+")=[CLEAR LOADOUT](!lncr_core_changeloadout "+loadout+")}}");
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to get abilities.");
//whisper or change character sheet loadout
'p_lncr_core_whisperloadout' : function (msg, loadout){
try {
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+ msg.who + " &{template:default}{{name=NO TOKEN SELECTED}}{{ERROR= Please select a token before using this macro}}");
let output = " !lncr_core_changeloadout "+loadout;
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" "+output);
} catch(e){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong when attempting to whisper a loadout.");
'p_lncr_core_changeloadout': function (msg,loadout){
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
log("selected was undefined");
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+ msg.who + " &{template:default}{{name=NO TOKEN SELECTED}}{{ERROR= Please select a token before using this macro}}");
let args = loadout.split(',');
_.each(args, item => {
if (item !== ""){
} catch(e){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Somethign went wrong when attempting to change a loadout.");
//Adds info for new users as a handout. Called on 'ready' event and overwrites anything currently in the handout.
'lncr_make_handouts' : function(){
try {
if(!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('LANCER CORE HELPER','handout')){
showplayers: false,
let handoutobj = findObjs({_type: "handout", name: "LANCER CORE HELPER"})[0];
let content = "Welcome to the LANCER CORE HELPER tool version "+this.p_version+"! To get started using this tool type \"!lncr_init\" into the chat window";
handoutobj.get('notes', notes => handoutobj.set('notes', content));
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Encountered an error while attempting to create handouts. Sorry about that.");
//Creates macros for GM and players.
'lncr_initialize' : function(msg){
try {
let chatstring = "/w " + msg.who + " &{template:default}{{name=Generating LANCER CORE HELPER Macros...}}";
let numMacros = 0;
if (!playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains("4-Overcharge")){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "4-Overcharge",
action: "!lncr_overcharge",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Overcharge}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('3-Harm-Token')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "3-Harm-Token",
action: "!lncr_harm ?{Damage Type|physical|heat} ?{Amount of Damage|}",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Harm-Token}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('1-Set-Status')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "1-Set-Status",
action: "!lncr_reference util-marker",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Set-Status}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('2-Get-Status')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "2-Get-Status",
action: "!get_token_markers",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Get-Status}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('Lancer-Help-Menu')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "Lancer-Help-Menu",
action: "!lncr_reference menu",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{Lancer-Help-Menu}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('NPC-Attack/Save')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "NPC-Attack/Save",
action: "&{template:default}{{name=NPC-Attack/Save}}{{Attack/Save = [[1d20]]}}{{ACC/DIFF = [[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}",
visibleto: '',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{NPC-Attack/Save}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('5-Stabilize')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "5-Stabilize",
action: "!lncr_stabilize ?{Pick One|restore-hp|clear-heat} ?{Pick one|reload|clear-burn|clear-status|clear-ally-status}",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Stabilize}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('6d6')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "6d6",
action: "&{template:default}{{name=6d6}}{{6d6 = [[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{6d6}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('6-Full-Repair')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "6-Full-Repair",
action: "!lncr_full_repair",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Full-Repair}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('Set-Status-Marker-Example')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "Set-Status-Marker-Example",
action: "!set_token_marker ?{Select a status|your-marker|names-here}",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{Set-Status-Marker-Example}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('7-Loadout')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "7-Loadout",
action: "!lncr_get_abilities",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: true
chatstring += "{{Loadout}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('Set-Mech-Stats')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "Set-Mech-Stats",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{Set-Mech-Stats}}";
if (!this.p_lncr_roll20objcontains('Import-Mech')){
createObj('macro', {
_playerid: msg.playerid,
name: "Import-Mech",
action: "!lncr_import_char ?{Paste Mech Build Statblock From compcon|}",
visibleto: 'all',
istokenaction: false
chatstring += "{{Import-Mech}}";
if (numMacros == 0) {
chatstring += "{{All macros are already defined}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatstring);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Somethign went wrong while initializing.");
//The object containing the menu options and data.
'p_lncr_reference_dict' : {
"menu":"{{name=HELP MENU}}{{[STATUSES & CONDITIONS](!lncr_reference statuses)}}{{[ACTIONS](!lncr_reference actions)}}{{[RULES](!lncr_reference rules)}}{{[TABLES](!lncr_reference tables)}}{{[EQUIPMENT](!lncr_reference equipment)}}{{[TAGS](!lncr_reference tags)}}{{[TALENTS](!lncr_reference talents)}}{{[CORE BONUSES](!lncr_reference bonuses)}}",
"statuses":"{{name=STATUSES AND CONDITIONS}}{{[DANGER ZONE](!lncr_reference status-danger-zone) = STATUS}}{{[DOWN AND OUT](!lncr_reference status-down-and-out)=STATUS}}{{[ENGAGED](!lncr_reference status-engaged)=STATUS}}{{[EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed)=STATUS}}{{[HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden)=STATUS}}{{[INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference status-invisible)=STATUS}}{{[PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone)=STATUS}}{{[SHUT DOWN](!lncr_reference status-shut-down)=STATUS}}{{[IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized)=CONDITION}}{{[IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired)=CONDITION}}{{[JAMMED](!lncr_reference status-jammed)=CONDITION}}{{[LOCK ON](!lncr_reference status-lock-on)=CONDITION}}{{[SHREDDED](!lncr_reference status-shredded)=CONDITION}}{{[SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed)=CONDITION}}{{[STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned)=CONDITION}}{{[REACTOR MELTDOWN](!lncr_reference status-reactor-meltdown)=STATUS}}{{[INTANGIBLE](!lncr_reference status-intangible)=STATUS}}",
"actions":"{{name=ACTIONS}}{{[ACTION ECONOMY](!lncr_reference actions-action-economy)}}{{[MOVE](!lncr_reference actions-move)}}{{[QUICK ACTIONS](!lncr_reference actions-quick-actions)}}{{[FULL ACTIONS](!lncr_reference actions-full-actions)}}{{[OVERCHARGE](!lncr_reference actions-overcharge)}}{{[REACTIONS](!lncr_reference actions-reactions)}}{{[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference actions-free-action)}}",
"rules":"{{name=RULES}}{{[COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover)}}{{[STABILIZE](!lncr_reference rules-stabilize)}}",
"tables":"{{name=TABLES}}{{Which table are you looking for?=[STRUCTURE DAMAGE TABLE](!lncr_reference tables-struct)[OVERHEATING TABLE](!lncr_reference tables-overheat)[DOWN AND OUT TABLE](!lncr_reference tables-dno)}}",
"tables-struct":"{{name=STRUCTURE DAMAGE}}{{Roll Structure = [[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{5+ GLANCING BLOW = Emergency systems kick in and stabilize your mech. However, your mech is [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of your next turn.}}{{2-4 SYSTEM TRAUMA = [[1d6]] 1-3 all weapons on one mount are destroyed. 4+ One system is destroyed. You choose the weapon or system but it cannot have the [LIMITED](!lncr_reference tags-limited) tag or have no charges left. If there is nothing left of one result it becomes the other. If absolutely nothing is left, the result becomes a DIRECT HIT.}}{{1 DIRECT HIT = Different outcome depending on how much structure is left.}} {{3+= Your mech is [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of your next turn.}} {{2+= Pass a Hull Check or be destroyed. On success you are [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) instead.}} {{1 = Your mech is destroyed.}}{{Multiple 1's CRUSHING HIT = Your mech is destroyed}}",
"tables-overheat":"{{name=OVERHEATING}}{{Roll Overheat = [[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{5+ EMERGENCY SHUNT = Your mech is [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of your next turn.}}{{2-4 POWER PLANT DESTABILIZE = Your mech is [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed) until it takes action to remove it}}{{1 MELTDOWN}}{{3+ = Your mech is [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed) until it takes action to remove it}}{{2 = Pass an engineering check or suffer a reactor meltdown at the end of [[1d6]] turns. Can reverse it by taking a full action and repeating this check. Your mech also suffers from [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed) until it takes action to remove it.}} {{1 = Your mech suffers a reactor meltdown at the end of your next turn.}}{{Multiple 1's IRREVERSIBLE MELTDOWN = Your mech suffers a reactor meltdown at the end of your next turn.}}",
"tables-dno":"{{name=DOWN AND OUT}}{{Roll = [[1d6]]}}{{6 = Your pilot barely shrugs off the hit (or it's a close call) - they return to 1 HP}}{{2-5 = your pilot gains the [DOWN AND OUT](!lncr_reference status-down-and-out) status (and the [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) and remains at 0 HP. If you're in mech combat, they are Stunned and their Evasion drops to 5. If they take any more damage, they die. You can choose to die instead of becoming [DOWN AND OUT](!lncr_reference status-down-and-out)}}{{1 = Your pilots luck has run out. They die immediately}}",
"equipment":"{{name=EQUIPMENT}}{{[GENERAL MASSIVE SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-gms)}}{{[HARRISON ARMORY](!lncr_reference equip-e-ha)}}{{[IPS-NORTHSTAR](!lncr_reference equip-e-ipsn)}}{{[SMITH-SHIMANO CORPRO](!lncr_reference equip-e-ssc)}}{{[HORUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-horus)}}",
"tags":"{{name=EQUIPMENT TAGS}}{{A = [ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[ARCHAIC](!lncr_reference tags-archaic)[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)}}{{B=[BLAST X](!lncr_reference tags-blast) [BURN X](!lncr_reference tags-burn)[BURST X](!lncr_reference tags-burst)}}{{C= [CONE X](!lncr_reference tags-cone)}}{{D=[DANGER ZONE](!lncr_reference tags-danger-zone)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)}}{{E=[EFFICIENT](!lncr_reference tags-efficient)[EXOTIC GEAR](!lncr_reference tags-exotic-gear)}}{{F=[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)}}{{G=[GEAR](!lncr_reference tags-gear)[GRENADE](!lncr_reference tags-grenade)}}{{H=[HEAT X(SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[HEAT X(TARGET)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-target)}}{{I=[INNACURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)[INDESTRUCTIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-indestructible)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)[INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-invisible)[INVULNERABLE](!lncr_reference tags-invulnerable)}}{{K=[KNOCKBACK X](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}{{L=[LIMITED X](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[LINE X](!lncr_reference tags-line)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}{{M=[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[MOD](!lncr_reference tags-mod)[MODDED](!lncr_reference tags-modded)}}{{O=[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)[OVERSHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-overshield)}}{{P=[PERSONAL ARMOR](!lncr_reference tags-personal-armor)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}{{Q=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}{{R=[RANGE X](!lncr_reference tags-range)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[RECHARGE X](!lncr_reference tags-recharge)[RELIABLE X](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)[RESISTANCE](!lncr_reference tags-resistance)[RESISTANCE(ALL)](!lncr_reference tags-resistance-all)}}{{S=[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[SIDEARM](!lncr_reference tags-sidearm)[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}{{T=[THREAT X](!lncr_reference tags-threat)[THROWN X](!lncr_reference tags-thrown)}}{{U=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[UNLIMITED](!lncr_reference tags-unlimited)}}{{X=[X/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)[X/TURN](!lncr_reference tags-per-turn)}}",
"talents":"{{name=TALENTS}}{{A=[ACE](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace)}}{{B=[BONDED](!lncr_reference talents-t-bonded)[BRAWLER](!lncr_reference talents-t-brawler)[BRUTAL](!lncr_reference talents-t-brutal)}}{{C=[CRACK SHOT](!lncr_reference talents-t-crack-shot)[CENTIMANE](!lncr_reference talents-t-centimane)[COMBINED ARMS](!lncr_reference talents-t-combined-arms)}}{{D=[DUELIST](!lncr_reference talents-t-duelist)[DRONE COMMANDER](!lncr_reference talents-t-drone-commander)}}{{E=[ENGINEER](!lncr_reference talents-t-engineer)[EXECUTIONER](!lncr_reference talents-t-executioner)[EXEMPLAR](!lncr_reference talents-t-exemplar)}}{{G=[GUNSLINGER](!lncr_reference talents-t-gunslinger)[GREASE MONKEY](!lncr_reference talents-t-grease-monkey)}}{{H=[HACKER](!lncr_reference talents-t-hacker)[HEAVY GUNNER](!lncr_reference talents-t-heavy-gunner)[HUNTER](!lncr_reference talents-t-hunter)}}{{I=[INFILTRATOR](!lncr_reference talents-t-infiltrator)}}{{J=[JUGGERNAUT](!lncr_reference talents-t-juggernaut)}}{{L=[LEADER](!lncr_reference talents-t-leader)}}{{N=[NUCLEAR CAVALIER](!lncr_reference talents-t-nuclear-cavalier)}}{{S=[SIEGE SPECIALIST](!lncr_reference talents-t-siege-specialist)[SKIRMISHER](!lncr_reference talents-t-skirmisher)[SPOTTER](!lncr_reference talents-t-spotter)[STORMBRINGER](!lncr_reference talents-t-stormbringer)}}{{T=[TACTICIAN](!lncr_reference talents-t-tactician)[TECHNOPHILE](!lncr_reference talents-t-technophile)}}{{V=[VANGUARD](!lncr_reference talents-t-vanguard)}}{{W=[WALKING ARMORY](!lncr_reference talents-t-walking-armory)}}{{ADD-ONS}}{{LONG RIM=[SPACEBORN](!lncr_reference talents-t-spaceborn)[BLACK THUMB](!lncr_reference talents-t-black-thumb)}}{{WALLFLOWER=[EMPATH](!lncr_reference talents-t-empath)}}{{KTB=[HOUSE GUARD](!lncr_reference talents-t-house-guard)[PANKRATI](!lncr_reference talents-t-pankrati)}}{{SOLSTICE RAIN=[DEMOLITIONIST](!lncr_reference talents-t-demolitionist)[SYSOP](!lncr_reference talents-t-sysop)}}{{DUSTGRAVE=[PROSPECTOR](!lncr_reference talents-t-prospector)[ICONOCLAST](!lncr_reference talents-t-iconoclast)[FIELD ANALYST](!lncr_reference talents-t-field-analyst)}}",
"bonuses":"{{name=CORE BONUSES}}{{[AUTO-STABILIZING HARDPOINTS](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-auto-stabilizing-hardpoints)=GMS}}{{[OVERPOWER CALIBER](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-overpower-caliber)=GMS}}{{[IMPROVED ARMAMENT](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-improved-armament)=GMS}}{{[INTEGRATED WEAPON](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-integrated-weapon)=GMS}}{{[MOUNT RETROFITTING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-mount-retrofitting)=GMS}}{{[SUPERHEAVY MOUNTING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-superheavy-mounting)=GMS}}{{[UNIVERSAL COMPATABILITY](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-universal-compatability)=GMS}}{{[BRIAREOS FRAME](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-briareos-frame)=IPS-N}}{{[FOMORIAN FRAME](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-fomorian-frame)=IPS-N}}{{[GYGES FRAME](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-gyges-frame)=IPS-N}}{{[REINFORCED FRAME](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-reinforced-frame)=IPS-N}}{{[SLOPED PLATING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-sloped-plating)=IPS-N}}{{[TITANOMACHY MESH](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-titanomachy-mesh)=IPS-N}}{{[ALL-THEATER MOVEMENT SUITE](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-all-theater-movement-suite)=SSC}}{{[FULL SUBJECTIVITY SYNC](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-full-subjectivity-sync)=SSC}}{{[GHOSTWEAVE](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-ghostweave)=SSC}}{{[INTEGRATED NERVEWEAVE](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-integrated-nerveweave)=SSC}}{{[KAI BIOPLATING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-kai-bioplating)=SSC}}{{[NEUROLINK TARGETING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-neurolink-targeting)=SSC}}{{[THE LESSON OF DISBELIEF](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-disbelief)=HORUS}}{{[THE LESSON OF THE OPEN DOOR](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-open-door)=HORUS}}{{[THE LESSON OF THE HELD IMAGE](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-held-image)=HORUS}}{{[THE LESSON OF THINKING-TOMORROW's-THOUGHT](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-thinking)=HORUS}}{{[THE LESSON OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-transubstantiation)=HORUS}}{{[THE LESSON OF SHAPING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-lesson-of-shaping)=HORUS}}{{[ADAPTIVE REACTOR](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-adaptive-reactor)=HA}}{{[ARMORY-SCULPTED-CHASSIS](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-armory-sculpted-chassis)=HA}}{{[HEATFALL COOLANT SYSTEM](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-heatfall-coolant-system)=HA}}{{[INTEGRATED AMMO FEEDS](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-integrated-ammo-feeds)=HA}}{{[STASIS SHIELDING](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-stasis-shielding)=HA}}{{[SUPERIOR BY DESIGN](!lncr_reference bonus-cb-superior-by-design)=HA}}",
//The object containing the rule definitions.
'p_lncr_rules_dict' : {
"rules-cover":"{{name=COVER}}{{Please pick a category}}{{[SOFT COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-soft)}}{{[HARD COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-hard)}}{{[GOTCHAS](!lncr_reference rules-cover-caveats)}}{{[CHECKING FOR COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-checking-for-cover)}}{{[FLANKING](!lncr_reference rules-cover-flanked)}}{{[SHOOTING OVER COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-shooting-over-cover)}}",
"rules-cover-soft":"{{name=SOFT COVER}}{{CRB Page 66=Soft cover includes smoke, foliage, trees, blinding light, dust clounds, low hills, and low walls. As the name implies, soft cover isn't solid enough to reliably block enemy fire, but it does cause visual interference or profile reduction sufficient to make aiming difficult. Any time a target is obscured or obstructed somehow, it has soft cover, adding +1 difficulty to any ranged attacks.}}",
"rules-cover-caveats":"{{name=COVER GOTCHAS}}{{CRB Page 66 = Characters can only benefit from one type of cover at a time - their benefits don't stack.}}{{Unless specified, characters never grant cover to objects or other characters. Some mechs, however, are specifically built to block enemy fire and can grant cover; these mechs typically have the Guardian trait.}}",
"rules-cover-hard":"{{name=HARD COVER}}{{CRB Page 66 = Hard cover includes ruined buildings, tall walls, bulkheads, reinforced emplacements, and destroyed mechs and vehicles. Hard cover is solid enough to block shots and hide behind, and adds +2 difficulty to any ranged attacks. Characters only benefit from hard cover if they are adjacent to whatever they're using for cover and are the same SIZE or smaller. A Size 3 mech couldn't get hard cover while hiding behind a Size 1 rock, for example. If a character is obscured by hard cover but isn't adjacent, they don't get hard cover; however, they might still get [SOFT COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-soft)}}{{If a character is adjacent to hard cover, they benefit from that cover against all characters - except for characters that flank them.}}",
"rules-cover-checking-for-cover":"{{name=CHECKING FOR COVER}}{{CRB Page 66 = To determine if a character has soft cover, simply draw a line from the center of one character to the center of another. If a line can be drawn mostly unbroken, it's a clear shot and neither character has soft cover. If the line is significantly obstructed or is broken up by smoke, trees, or fences the target has soft cover. Targets also have soft cover if they are obstructed by objects that would give hard cover, but which they aren't adjacent to.}}",
"rules-cover-flanked":"{{name=COVER - FLANKED}}{{CRB Page 66 = When using a hex or grid map, targets are flanked if it is possible to draw a line that is totally clear of hard cover between one of the spaces occupied by the attacker and one occupied by the target.}}{{If you aren't using a grid or hex map, draw a straight line where the target touches the hard cover, as in the figure below. If the attacker is over this line, fully or partially, the target does not benefit from hard cover.}}",
"rules-cover-shooting-over-cover":"{{name=SHOOTING OVER COVER}}{{CRB Page 66 = If a character in hard cover could shoot over, through, or around the source of their cover, the cover does not block their line of sight or obscure their attacks.}}{{Characters can shoot over cover or objects smaller or the same Size as themselves without difficulty.}}",
"rules-stabilize":"{{name=STABILIZE CONDITIONS}}{{GOTCHA=Stabilize only covers the conditions on p.78 of the CRB, those being: Immobilized, Impaired, Jammed, Lock On, Shredded, Slowed, and Stunned. You cannot use stabilize to clear a status or an effect. You must Shut Down for that.}}"
//The object containing the status definitions.
'p_lncr_status_dict' : {
"status-reactor-meltdown":"{{name=REACTOR MELTDOWN [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Reactor-Meltdown)}}{{EFFECT=Overheating sometimes results in a reactor meltdown. This can take place immediately or following a countdown, in which case the countdown is updated at the start of your turn and the meltdown triggers when specified. When a reactor meltdown takes place, any pilot inside is immediately killed and the mech vaporized in a catastrophic eruption with a BURST 2 area. The wreck is annihilated and all characters within the affected area must succeed on an AGILITY save or take 4d6 blast damage. On a success, they take half damage.}}",
"status-impaired":"{{name=IMPAIRED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Impaired)}}{{EFFECT=IMPAIRED characters receive +1 difficulty on all attacks, saves, and skill checks.}}",
"status-exposed":"{{name=EXPOSED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Exposed)}}{{EFFECT=Characters become EXPOSED when they’re dealing with runaway heat buildup – their armor is weakened by overheating, their vents are open, and their weapons are spinning down, providing plenty of weak points. All kinetic, explosive, or energy damage taken by EXPOSED characters is doubled, before applying any reductions. A mech can clear EXPOSED by taking the STABILIZE action.}}",
"status-stunned":"{{name=STUNNED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Stunned)}}{{EFFECT=STUNNED mechs cannot OVERCHARGE, move, or take any actions – including free actions and reactions. Pilots can still MOUNT, DISMOUNT, or EJECT from STUNNED mechs, and can take actions normally.}} {{=STUNNED mechs have a maximum of 5 EVASION, and automatically fail all HULL and AGILITY checks and saves.}}",
"status-danger-zone":"{{name=DANGER ZONE}} {{EFFECT=Characters are in the DANGER ZONE when half or more of their heat is filled in. They’re smoking hot, which enables some attacks, talents, and effects.}}",
"status-engaged":"{{name=ENGAGED}}{{EFFECT=If a character moves adjacent to a hostile character, they both gain the ENGAGED status for as long as they remain adjacent to one another. Ranged attacks made by an ENGAGED character receive +1 difficulty. Additionally, characters that become ENGAGED by targets of equal or greater SIZE during the course of a movement stop moving immediately and lose any unused movement.}}",
"status-hidden":"{{name=HIDDEN [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Hidden)}}{{EFFECT=HIDDEN characters can’t be targeted by hostile attacks or actions, don’t cause engagement, and enemies only know their approximate location. Attacking, forcing saves, taking reactions, using BOOST, and losing cover all remove HIDDEN after they resolve. Characters can find HIDDEN characters with SEARCH.}}",
"status-invisible":"{{name=INVISIBLE [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Invisible)}} {{EFFECT=All attacks against INVISIBLE characters, regardless of type, have a 50 percent chance to miss outright, before an attack roll is made. Roll a dice or flip a coin to determine if the attack misses.}} {{=Additionally, INVISIBLE characters can always HIDE, even without cover.}}",
"status-down-and-out":"{{name=DOWN AND OUT [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Down-And-Out)}} {{EFFECT=Pilots that are DOWN AND OUT are unconscious and [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) – if they take any more damage, they die. They'll regain consciousness and half of their HP when they rest.}}",
"status-prone":"{{name=PRONE [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Prone)}} {{EFFECT=Attacks against PRONE targets receive +1 accuracy.}}{{=Additionally, PRONE characters are [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and count as moving in difficult terrain. Characters can remove PRONE by standing up instead of taking their standard move, unless they’re [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized). Standing up doesn’t count as movement, so doesn’t trigger OVERWATCH or other effects.}}",
"status-slowed":"{{name=SLOWED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Slowed)}} {{EFFECT=The only movement SLOWED characters can make is their standard move, on their own turn – they can’t [BOOST](!lncr_reference actions-boost) or make any special moves granted by talents, systems, or weapons.}}",
"status-immunity":"{{name=IMMUNITY}}{{EFFECT=Characters with IMMUNITY ignore all damage and effects from whatever they are immune to.}}",
"status-immobilized":"{{name=IMMOBILIZED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Immobilized)}} {{EFFECT=IMMOBILIZED characters cannot make any voluntary movements, although involuntary movements are unaffected.}}",
"status-jammed":"{{name=JAMMED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Jammed)}} {{EFFECT=JAMMED characters can’t:}}{{ =use comms to talk to other characters}}{{=make attacks, other than [IMPROVISED ATTACK](!lncr_reference actions-improvised-attack), [GRAPPLE](!lncr_reference actions-grapple), and [RAM](!lncr_reference actions-ram)}}{{ =take reactions, or take or benefit from tech actions}}",
"status-shredded":"{{name=SHREDDED [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Shredded)}} {{EFFECT=SHREDDED characters don't benefit from ARMOR or RESISTANCE}}",
"status-shut-down":"{{name=SHUT DOWN}} {{EFFECT=When a mech is SHUT DOWN:}} {{=all heat is cleared and the EXPOSED status is removed}}{{ =any cascading NHPs are stabilized and no longer cascading}}{{ =any statuses and conditions affecting the mech caused by tech actions, such as LOCK ON, immediately end.}}{{ =SHUT DOWN mechs have [IMMUNITY](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to all tech actions and attacks, including any from allied characters.}}{{ =While SHUT DOWN, mechs are STUNNED indefinitely. Nothing can prevent this condition, and it remains until the mech ceases to be SHUT DOWN.}}",
"status-lock-on":"{{name=LOCK ON [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Lock-On)}}{{EFFECT=Hostile characters can choose to consume a character’s LOCK ON condition in exchange for +1 accuracy on their next attack against that character. LOCK ON is also required to use some talents and systems.}}",
"status-grappled":"{{name=GRAPPLE [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Grappled)}} {{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you GRAPPLE, you try to grab hold of a target and overpower them – disarming, subduing, or damaging them so they can’t do the same to you. To GRAPPLE, choose an adjacent character and make a melee attack. On a hit:}}{{both characters become [ENGAGED](!lncr_reference status-engaged)}}{{neither character can BOOST or take reactions for the duration of the grapple}}{{the smaller character becomes [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) but moves when the larger party moves, mirroring their movement.If both parties are the same SIZE, either can make contested HULL checks at the start of their turn: the winner counts as larger than the loser until this contest is repeated.}}{{A GRAPPLE ends when:}}{{either character breaks adjacency, such as if they are knocked back by another effect}}{{the attacker chooses to end the grapple as a free action}}{{the defender breaks free by succeeding on a contested HULL check as a quick action.}}{{If a GRAPPLE involves more than two characters, the same rules apply, but when counting SIZE, add together the SIZE of all characters on each side. For example, if two SIZE 1 allied characters are grappling a single SIZE 2 enemy, the allied characters count as a combined SIZE 2 and can try to drag their foe around.}}",
"status-intangible":"{{name=INTANGIBLE [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Intangible)}}{{EFFECT=INTANGIBLE characters can move through obstructions such as characters or terrain but not end their turns in them. They, their actions, and any effects they own or control can only affect other Intangible characters and objects. Tangible characters can move through INTANGIBLE characters and objects but not end their turns inside their spaces and can’t affect them in any way. INTANGIBLE characters cannot capture points or count for zones (for sitreps) and don’t count as adjacent to tangible characters.}}{{=Effects that are already active on a character when they become INTANGIBLE, such as statuses, remain active, but effects that require an ongoing interaction between two characters or objects (like traps or force fields) end. If a mech becomes INTANGIBLE, its pilot remains INTANGIBLE for the same duration.}}",
"status-burn":"{{name=BURN [SET/CLEAR](!lncr_core_TargetSetTokenMarker &commat;&lcub;target|token_id} Burn)}}{{Lancer CRB p.67 = When characters take burn, it has two effects: first, they immediately take **Burn damage**, ignoring **Armor**, and then they mark down the **burn** they just took on their sheet. At the end of their turn, characters with **burn** marked must roll an **Engineering check**. On a success, they clear all burn currently marked; otherwise, they take burn damage equal to the amount of burn currently marked}}{{Cont. 1 = Burn from additional sources adds to the total marked burn, so a character that is hit by two separate **2 burn** attacks first takes **4 burn** (2 from each attack), then marks down **4 burn** (again, 2 from each attack). At the end of their turn, that character makes an **Engineering** check, failing and taking an additional **4 Burn** damage. Next turn, the same character gets hit by another **2 burn** attack. They take the **2 burn** damage, then mark the extra **burn** down (now it's 6!). At the end of their turn, they must succeed on another **Engineering** check or take **6 burn** damage. Fortunately they pass, **clearing all burn**.}}"
//The object containing the status marker menu.
'p_lncr_util_dict' :{
'util-marker':'{{name=SELECT STATUS TYPE}}{{[GENERAL](!lncr_reference util-marker-general)[PLAYER](!lncr_reference util-marker-player)[NPC](!lncr_reference util-marker-npc)}}',
'util-marker-general':'{{name=SELECT A STATUS TO SET/CLEAR}}{{B=[BLIND](!set_token_marker Blind)[BOLSTER](!set_token_marker Bolster)[BURN](!set_token_marker Burn)}}{{D=[DOWN AND OUT](!set_token_marker Down-and-Out)}}{{E=[EXPOSED](!set_token_marker Exposed)}}{{F=[FLYING](!set_token_marker Flying)}}{{G=[GRAPPLED](!set_token_marker Grappled)}}{{H=[HIDDEN](!set_token_marker Hidden)}}{{I=[IMMOBILIZED](!set_token_marker Immobilized)[IMPAIRED](!set_token_marker Impaired)[INVISIBLE](!set_token_marker Invisible)}}{{J=[JAMMED](!set_token_marker Jammed)}}{{L=[LOCK ON](!set_token_marker Lock-On)}}{{O=[OVERSHIELD](!set_token_marker Overshield)}}{{P=[PRONE](!set_token_marker Prone)}}{{R=[REACTOR MELTDOWN](!set_token_marker Reactor-Meltdown)}}{{S=[SHREDDED](!set_token_marker Shredded)[SLOWED](!set_token_marker Slowed)[STUNNED](!set_token_marker Stunned)}}',
'util-marker-player':'{{name=SELECT A STATUS TO SET/CLEAR}}{{A=[ACESO](!set_token_marker Aceso)}}{{C=[CAMUS\'S RAZOR](!set_token_marker Camuss-Razor)[CHAINS OF PROMETHEUS](!set_token_marker Chains-of-Prometheus)[CLAMP BOMB](!set_token_marker Clamp-Bomb)}}{{D=[DIMENSIONAL SHACKLES](!set_token_marker Dimensional-Shackles)[DOMINIONS BREADTH](!set_token_marker Dominions-Breadth)[DUAT GATE](!set_token_marker Duat-Gate)}}{{E=[EXCOMMUNICATE](!set_token_marker Excommunicate)}}{{F=[FADE-CLOAK](!set_token_marker FADE-Cloak)[FLAW-MINUS](!set_token_marker Flaw-MINUS)[FLAW-PLUS](!set_token_marker Flaw-PLUS)}}{{G=[GRAVITY](!set_token_marker Gravity)}}{{H=[HASTE](!set_token_marker Haste)[HUNTER LOCK](!set_token_marker Hunter-Lock)[HYPERDRIVE ARMOR](!set_token_marker Hyperdense-Armor)}}{{I=[IMPERIAL EYE](!set_token_marker Imperial-Eye)}}{{K=[KRAUL GRAPPLE](!set_token_marker Kraul-Grapple)}}{{M=[METAHOOK](!set_token_marker Metahook)[MOLTEN PUNCTURE](!set_token_marker Molten-Puncture)}}{{R=[RETORT LOOP](!set_token_marker Retort-Loop)}}{{S=[SHAHNAMEH](!set_token_marker Shahnameh)[STASIS](!set_token_marker Stasis)[SUPERCHARGER](!set_token_marker Supercharger)[SYMPATHETIC SHIELD](!set_token_marker Sympathetic-Shield)}}{{T=[TACHYON SHIELD](!set_token_marker Tachyon-Shield)[TERRIFY](!set_token_marker Terrify)[THE WALK OF KINGS](!set_token_marker The-Walk-of-Kings)[TRACKING BUG](!set_token_marker Tracking-Bug)[TRUEBLACK](!set_token_marker Trueblack)}}{{U=[UNRAVEL](!set_token_marker Unravel)|[VIRAL LOGIC](!set_token_marker Viral-Logic)',
'util-marker-npc':'{{name=SELECT A STATUS TO SET/CLEAR}}{{A=[ABJURE](!set_token_marker Abjure)}}{{C=[CHAIN](!set_token_marker Chain)}}{{E=[ECHO EDGE](!set_token_marker Echo-Edge)}}{{F=[FOCUS DOWN](!set_token_marker Focus-Down)[FOLLOWER COUNT](!set_token_marker Follower-Count)}}{{G=[GRIND-MANIPLE](!set_token_marker Grind-Maniple)}}{{I=[ILLUSIONARY SUBROUTINES](!set_token_marker Illusionary-Subroutines)[INVESTITURE](!set_token_marker Investiture)}}{{L=[LATCH DRONE](!set_token_marker Latch-Drone)}}{{M=[MARKED](!set_token_marker Marked)}}{{P=[PAIN TRANSFERENCE](!set_token_marker Pain-Transference)[PETRIFY](!set_token_marker Petrify)}}{{S=[SANCTUARY](!set_token_marker Sanctuary)[SPIKE](!set_token_marker Spike)}}{{T=[TEAR DOWN](!set_token_marker Tear-Down)}}{{W=[WARP SENSORS](!set_token_marker Warp-Sensors)}}',
//The object containing the action definitions.
'p_lncr_actions_dict' : {
"actions-action-economy":"{{name=ACTION ECONOMY REFERENCE}}{{PER TURN a character receives:}} {{1 standard MOVE action}} {{1 FULL action OR 2 QUICK actions}}{{1 OVERCHARGE action}}{{1 REACTION}}{{and unlimited FREE actions}}{{PER ROUND a character receives}}{{unlimited FREE actions and REACTIONS}}",
"actions-move":"{{name=MOVE}}{{On their turn, characters can always move spaces equal to their SPEED, in addition to any other actions. This is called a standard move to distinguish it from movement granted by systems or talents.}}{{A character only counts as moving if they move 1 or more spaces. Characters can move into any adjacent space, even diagonally, as long as the space isn’t occupied by an obstruction (and is one that they would be able to move in – characters can't move straight up unless they can fly, for example).}}",
"actions-quick-actions":"{{name=QUICK ACTIONS}}{{[GRAPPLE](!lncr_reference actions-grapple)}}{{[RAM](!lncr_reference actions-ram)}}{{[SKIRMISH](!lncr_reference actions-skirmish)}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference actions-quick-tech)}}{{[SELF DESTRUCT](!lncr_reference actions-self-destruct)}}{{[SHUT DOWN](!lncr_reference actions-shut-down)}}{{[EJECT](!lncr_reference actions-eject)}}{{[BOOST](!lncr_reference actions-boost)}}{{[HIDE](!lncr_reference actions-hide)}}{{[SEARCH](!lncr_reference actions-search)}}{{[QUICK ACTIVATION](!lncr_reference actions-quick-activation)}}{{[PREPARE](!lncr_reference actions-prepare)}}{{[RELOAD (PILOT ONLY)](!lncr_reference actions-reload)}}",
"actions-quick-tech":"{{name=QUICK TECH}}{{Choose an option from the QUICK TECH list. All mechs have access to these options, but some systems enhance them or make new options available. Unlike other quick actions, QUICK TECH can be taken more than once per turn, however, a different option must be chosen every time, unless specified otherwise or granted as a free action.}}{{QUICK TECH LIST}}{{[BOLSTER](!lncr_reference actions-bolster)}}{{[SCAN](!lncr_reference actions-scan)}}{{[LOCK ON](!lncr_reference actions-lock-on)}}{{[INVADE](!lncr_reference actions-invade)}}",
"actions-bolster":"{{name=BOLSTER}}{{QUICK TECH}}{{When you BOLSTER, you use your mech's formidable processing power to enhance another character's systems. To BOLSTER, choose a character within SENSORS. They receive +2 Accuracy on the next skill check or save they make between now and the end fo their next turn. Characters can only benefit from one BOLSTER at a time.}}",
"actions-scan":"{{name=SCAN}}{{QUICK TECH}}{{When you SCAN, you use your mech’s powerful sensors to perform a deep scan on an enemy.}}{{To SCAN, choose a character or object within SENSORS and line of sight, then ask the GM for one of the following pieces of information, which they must answer honestly:}}{{Your target’s weapons, systems, and full statistics (HP, SPEED, EVASION, ARMOR, MECH SKILLS, and so on).}}{{One piece of hidden information about the target, such as confidential cargo or data, current mission, the identity of the pilot, and so on.}}{{Generic or public information about the target that can be pulled from an info bank or records, such as the model number of a mech.}}{{Any information gathered is only current at the time of the SCAN – if the target later takes damage, for instance, you don’t receive an update.}}",
"actions-lock-on":"{{name=LOCK ON}} {{QUICK TECH}}{{When you LOCK ON, you digitally mark a target, lighting them up for your teammates' targeting systems and exposing weak points.}}{{To LOCK ON, choose a character within SENSORS and line of sight. They gain the LOCK ON condition. Any character making an attack against a character with LOCK ON may choose to gain +1 Accuracy on that attack and then clear the LOCK ON condition after that attack resolves. This is called consuming LOCK ON. LOCK ON is also required to use some talents and systems.}}",
"actions-invade":"{{name=INVADE}}{{QUICK TECH}}{{When you INVADE, you mount a direct electronic attack against a target. To INVADE, make a tech attack against a character within SENSORS and line of sight. On a success, your target takes 2 heat and you choose one of the INVASION options available to you. [FRAGMENT SIGNAL](!lncr_reference actions-fragment-signal) is available to all characters, and additional options are granted by certain systems and equipment with the INVADE tag. You can also INVADE willing allied characters to create certain effects. If your target is willing and allied, you are automatically successful, it doesn’t count as an attack, and your target doesn’t take any heat.}}",
"actions-fragment-signal":"{{name=FRAGMENT SIGNAL}}{{INVADE OPTION}}{{You feed false information, obscene messages, or phantom signals to your target's computing core. They become [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) and [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn.}}",
"actions-grapple":"{{name=GRAPPLE - CRB pg.69}}{{QUICK ACTION = When you **GRAPPLE**, you try to grab hold of a target and overpower them – disarming, subduing, or damaging them so they can’t do the same to you. To GRAPPLE, choose an adjacent character and make a melee attack. On a hit:}}{{1.= both characters become [ENGAGED](!lncr_reference status-engaged)}}{{2.=neither character can BOOST or take reactions for the duration of the grapple}}{{3.=The smaller character becomes [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) but moves when the larger party moves, mirroring their movement.}}{{4.=If both parties are the same SIZE, either can make contested HULL checks at the start of their turn: the winner counts as larger than the loser until this contest is repeated.}}{{=**A GRAPPLE ends when:**}}{{1\*.=either character breaks adjacency, such as if they are knocked back by another effect}}{{2\*.=The attacker chooses to end the grapple as a free action}}{{3\*.=The defender breaks free by succeeding on a contested HULL check as a quick action.}}{{Note=If a GRAPPLE involves more than two characters, the same rules apply, but when counting SIZE, add together the SIZE of all characters on each side. For example, if two SIZE 1 allied characters are grappling a single SIZE 2 enemy, the allied characters count as a combined SIZE 2 and can try to drag their foe around.}}",
"actions-ram":"{{name=RAM}} {{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you RAM, you make a melee attack with the aim of knocking a target down or back.To RAM, make a melee attack against an adjacent character the same SIZE or smaller than you. On a success, your target is knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone) and you may also choose to knock them back by one space, directly away from you.}}",
"actions-shut-down":"{{name=SHUT DOWN}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you SHUT DOWN, your mech powers completely off and enters a rest state. It's always risky to do in the field, but it's sometimes necessary to prevent a catastrophic systems overload or an NHP cascading. You can SHUT DOWN your mech as a quick action. Your mech takes the SHUT DOWN status, with these effects:}}{{all heat is cleared and the [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed) status is removed}}{{any cascading NHPs return to a normal state}}{{any statuses and conditions affecting the mech caused by tech actions, such as [LOCK ON](!lncr_reference status-lock-on), immediately end}}{{the mech gains [IMMUNITY](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to all tech actions and attacks, including from allied characters.}} {{The mech is [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) indefinitely. Nothing can prevent this condition, and it remains until the mech ceases to be SHUT DOWN.}}{{The only way to remove the SHUT DOWN status is to [BOOT UP](!lncr_reference actions-boot-up) the mech.}}",
"actions-skirmish":"{{name=SKIRMISH}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you SKIRMISH, you attack with a single weapon.}}{{To SKIRMISH, choose a weapon and a valid target within RANGE (or THREAT) then make an attack.}}{{In addition to your primary attack, you may also attack with a different AUXILIARY weapon on the same mount. That weapon doesn’t deal bonus damage.}}{{SUPERHEAVY weapons are too cumbersome to use in a SKIRMISH, and can only be fired as part of a BARRAGE.}}",
"actions-self-destruct":"{{name=SELF DESTRUCT}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you SELF DESTRUCT, you overload your mech’s reactor in a final, catastrophic play if there’s no other option for escape or you deem your sacrifice necessary.}}{{You can SELF DESTRUCT as a quick action, initiating a reactor meltdown. At the end of your next turn, or at the end of one of your turns within the following two rounds (your choice), your mech explodes as though it suffered a reactor meltdown. The explosion annihilates your mech, killing anyone inside and causing a [BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) explosion that deals 4d6 explosive damage. Characters caught in the explosion that succeed on an AGILITY save take half of this damage.}}",
"actions-eject":"{{name=EJECT}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{You can EJECT as a quick action, flying 6 spaces in the direction of your choice; however, this is a single-use system for emergency use only – it leaves your mech [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired). Your mech remains [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) and you cannot EJECT again until your next FULL REPAIR.}}",
"actions-boost":"{{name=BOOST}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you BOOST, you move at least 1 space, up to your SPEED. This allows you to make an extra movement, on top of your standard move. Certain talents and systems can only be used when you BOOST, not when you make a standard move.}}",
"actions-hide":"{{name=HIDE}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you HIDE, you obscure the position of your mech in order to reposition, avoid incoming fire, repair, or ambush.}}{{To HIDE, you must not be [ENGAGED](!lncr_reference status-engaged) and you must either be outside of any enemies’ line of sight, obscured by sufficient cover, or invisible. If you HIDE while meeting one of these criteria, you gain the [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) status.}}{{Hard cover is sufficient to HIDE as long as it is large enough to totally conceal you, but soft cover is only sufficient if you are completely inside an area or zone that grants soft cover – many systems and talents that grant soft cover or plain old obscurement just don’t provide enough to hide behind!}}{{If you are [INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference status-invisible), you can always HIDE, regardless of cover, unless you’re [ENGAGED](!lncr_reference status-engaged).}}{{The exact location of [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) targets cannot be identified and they cannot be targeted directly by attacks or hostile actions, but they can still be hit by attacks that affect an area. Although NPCs cannot perfectly locate a [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) character, they might still know an approximate location. Thus, an NPC could flush an area with a flamethrower even if they don’t know exactly where a [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) player is lurking.}}{{Additionally, other characters ignore engagement with you while you are [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) – it’s assumed you’re trying to stay stealthy.}}{{You cease to be [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) if you make an attack (melee, ranged, or tech) or if your mech takes a hostile action (such as forcing a target to make a save). Using [BOOST](!lncr_reference actions-boost) or taking reactions with your mech also causes you to lose [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden). Other actions can be taken as normal.}}{{You also immediately lose [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) if your cover disappears or is destroyed, or if you lose cover due to line of sight (e.g., if a mech jumps over a wall and can now draw unbroken line of sight to you). If you’re hiding while [INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference status-invisible), you lose [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) when you cease to be [INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference status-invisible) unless you are in cover.}}",
"actions-search":"{{name=SEARCH}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you SEARCH, you attempt to identify hidden characters. To SEARCH in a mech, choose a character within your SENSORS that you suspect is [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) and make a contested SYSTEMS check against their AGILITY.}}{{To SEARCH as a pilot on foot, make a contested skill check, adding bonuses from triggers as normal. This can be used to reveal characters within RANGE 5.}}{{Once a HIDDEN character has been found using SEARCH, they immediately lose [HIDDEN](!lncr_reference status-hidden) and can be located again by any character.}}",
"actions-quick-activation":"{{name=QUICK ACTIVATION}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you ACTIVATE, you use a system or piece of gear that requires either a quick or full action. These systems have the QUICK ACTION or FULL ACTION tags. You can ACTIVATE any number of times a turn but can’t ACTIVATE the same system more than once unless you can do so as a free action.}}",
"actions-prepare":"{{name=PREPARE}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you PREPARE, you get ready to take an action at a specific time or when a specific condition is met (a more advantageous shot, for example).}}{{As a quick action, you can PREPARE any other quick action and specify a trigger. Until the start of your next turn, when it is triggered, you can take this action as a reaction.}}{{The trigger for your prepared action must be phrased as 'When X, then Y,' where X is a reaction, action or move taken by a hostile or allied character and Y is your action. For example, 'when an allied character moves adjacent to me, I want to throw a smoke grenade,' or 'when a hostile character moves adjacent to me, I want to ram them'.}}{{Your preparation counts as taking the action, so it follows all usual restrictions on that action and on taking multiple actions. You can’t, for example, SKIRMISH and then prepare to SKIRMISH again; you also can’t move and then PREPARE to SKIRMISH with an ORDNANCE weapon, which normally needs to be fired before moving or doing anything else on your turn. Additionally, after you PREPARE an action, you can’t move or take any other actions or reactions until the start of your next turn or until your action has been triggered, whichever comes first.}}{{Although you can’t take reactions while holding a prepared action, you can take them normally after it has been triggered. You can also drop your prepared action, allowing you to take reactions as usual. If the trigger condition isn’t met, you lose your prepared action.}}{{When you PREPARE, it is visible to casual observers (e.g., you clearly take aim or cycle up systems).}}",
"actions-reload":"{{name=RELOAD (PILOT ONLY)}}{{QUICK ACTION}}{{When you RELOAD, you reload one Pilot Weapon with the LOADING tag, making it usable again.}}",
"actions-full-actions":"{{name=FULL ACTIONS}}{{[BARRAGE](!lncr_reference actions-barrage)}}{{[BOOT UP](!lncr_reference actions-boot-up)}}{{[DISENGAGE](!lncr_reference actions-disengage)}}{{[DISMOUNT](!lncr_reference actions-dismount)}}{{[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference actions-full-tech)}}{{[IMPROVISED ATTACK](!lncr_reference actions-improvised-attack)}}{{[STABILIZE](!lncr_reference actions-stabilize)}}{{[FULL ACTIVATION](!lncr_reference actions-full-activation)}}{{[SKILL CHECK](!lncr_reference actions-skill-check)}}{{[MOUNT (PILOT ONLY)](!lncr_reference actions-mount)}}{{[FIGHT (PILOT ONLY](!lncr_reference actions-fight)}}{{[JOCKEY (PILOT ONLY)](!lncr_reference actions-jockey)}}",
"actions-barrage":"{{name=BARRAGE}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you BARRAGE, you attack with two weapons, or with one SUPERHEAVY weapon.}}{{To BARRAGE, choose your weapons and either one target or different targets - within range - then make an attack with each weapon.}}{{In addition to your primary attacks, you may also attack with an AUXILIARY weapon on each mount that was fired, so long as the AUXILIARY weapon hasn't yet been fired this action. These AUXILIARY weapons don't deal bonus damage.}}{{SUPERHEAVY weapons can only be fired as part of a BARRAGE}}",
"actions-full-tech":"{{name=FULL TECH}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you use FULL TECH, you perform multiple tech actions or a single, more complex action.}}{{To use FULL TECH, choose two [QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference actions-quick-tech) options or a single system or tech option that requires FULL TECH to activate. If you choose two QUICK TECH options, you can choose the same option multiple times.}}",
"actions-stabilize":"{{name=STABILIZE}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you STABILIZE, you enact emergency protocols to purge your mech's systems of excess heat, repair your chassis where you can, or eliminate hostile code.}} {{To STABILIZE, choose one of the following:}}{{Cool your mech, clearing all heat and [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed)}}{{Mark 1 REPAIR to restore all HP}}{{Additionally, choose one of the following:}}{{Reload all [LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading) weapons}}{{Clear any burn currently affecting your mech.}}{{Clear a condition that wasn't caused by one of your own systems, talents, etc.}}{{Clear an adjacent allied character's condition that wasn't caused by one of their own systems, talents, etc}}",
"actions-disengage":"{{name=DISENGAGE}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you DISENGAGE, you attempt to extricate yourself safely from a dangerous situation, make a steady and measured retreat, or rely on your mech’s agility to slip in and out of threat ranges faster than an enemy can strike.}}{{Until the end of your current turn, you ignore engagement and your movement does not provoke reactions.}}",
"actions-improvised-attack":"{{name=IMPROVISED ATTACK}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you make an IMPROVISED ATTACK, you attack with a rifle butt, fist, or another improvised melee weapon. You can use anything from the butt of a weapon to a slab of concrete or a length of hull plating – the flavor of the attack is up to you!}}{{To make an IMPROVISED ATTACK, make a melee attack against an adjacent target. On a success, they take 1d6 kinetic damage.}}",
"actions-boot-up":"{{name=BOOT UP}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{You can BOOT UP a mech that you are piloting as a full action, clearing SHUT DOWN and restoring your mech to a powered state.}}",
"actions-dismount":"{{name=DISMOUNT}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you DISMOUNT, you climb off of a mech. Dismounting is the preferred term among most pilots.}}{{You can DISMOUNT as a full action. When you DISMOUNT, you are placed in an adjacent space – if there are no free spaces, you cannot DISMOUNT.}}{{Additionally, you can also DISMOUNT willing allied mechs or vehicles you have [MOUNTED](!lncr_reference actions-mount).}}",
"actions-full-activation":"{{name=FULL ACTIVATION}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you ACTIVATE, you use a system or piece of gear that requires either a quick or full action. These systems have the QUICK ACTION or FULL ACTION tags. You can ACTIVATE any number of times a turn but can’t ACTIVATE the same system more than once unless you can do so as a free action.}}",
"actions-mount":"{{name=MOUNT (PILOT ONLY)}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you MOUNT, you climb onto a mech. Mounting is the preferred term among most pilots. You don’t “get in” or “climb aboard” – you mount. You’re the cavalry, after all.}}{{You can MOUNT as a full action. You must be adjacent your mech to MOUNT.}}{{Additionally, you can also MOUNT willing allied mechs or vehicles. When you do so, move into the same space and then move with them.}}",
"actions-skill-check":"{{name=SKILL CHECK}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you make a SKILL CHECK, you undertake an activity that isn’t covered by other actions but has a clear goal and is sufficiently complex to require a roll. The parameters and outcomes of SKILL CHECKS are up to the GM, but they must be involved enough to require a full action. If you want to do something that can be done quickly, no action is required.}}",
"actions-fight":"{{name=FIGHT (PILOT ONLY)}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you FIGHT, you attack (melee or ranged) with one weapon.}}{{To FIGHT, choose a weapon and attack a target within RANGE or THREAT and line of sight as a full action. Ranged attacks are affected by cover and receive +1 difficulty if you’re ENGAGED.}}",
"actions-jockey":"{{name=JOCKEY (PILOT ONLY)}}{{FULL ACTION}}{{When you JOCKEY, you aggressively attack an enemy mech while on foot. It cannot be emphasized enough how foolhardy and dangerous this is.}}{{To JOCKEY, you must be adjacent to a mech. As a full action, make a contested skill check against the mech, using GRIT (or a relevant trigger, at the GM’s discretion). The mech contests with HULL. On a success, you manage to climb onto the mech, sharing its space and moving with it. The mech can attempt to shake you off by succeeding on another contested skill check as a full action; alternatively, you can jump off as part of your movement on your turn.}}{{When you successfully JOCKEY, choose one of the following options:}}{{DISTRACT: The mech is IMPAIRED and SLOWED until the end of its next turn.}}{{SHRED: Deal 2 heat to the mech by ripping at wiring, paneling, and so on.}}{{DAMAGE: Deal 4 kinetic damage to the mech by attacking joints, hatches, and so on.}}{{On each of your subsequent turns, you can continue to choose from the options above as full actions, as long as you don't stop jockeying (or get thrown off).}}",
"actions-overcharge":"{{name=OVERCHARGE}}{{SPECIAL ACTION}}{{When you OVERCHARGE, you briefly push your mech beyond factory specifications for a tactical advantage. Moments of intense action won’t tax your mech’s systems too much, but sustained action beyond prescribed limits takes a toll. Once per turn, you can OVERCHARGE your mech, allowing you to make any quick action as a free action – even actions you have already taken this turn.}}{{The first time you OVERCHARGE, take 1 heat.}}{{The second time you OVERCHARGE, take 1d3 heat.}}{{The third time, take 1d6 heat, and each time thereafter take 1d6+4 heat.}}{{A FULL REPAIR resets this counter.}}",
"actions-reactions":"{{name=REACTIONS}}{{[RULES ON REACTIONS](!lncr_reference actions-reactions-rules)}}{{[BRACE](!lncr_reference actions-brace)}}{{[OVERWATCH](!lncr_reference actions-overwatch)}}",
"actions-reactions-rules":"{{name=REACTIONS RULES}}{{CRB Page 61 = Reactions are special actions that can be made outside of the usual turn order as responses to incoming attacks, enemy movement, and other events. Each reaction can only be used a certain number of times per round, and a character can take only one reaction per turn (their turn or that of another character), but there is no limit to how many reactions can be taken, overall. Mechs have two default reactions, each of which can be taken once per round – BRACE and OVERWATCH – but some systems and talents grant additional reactions. Unless specified, reactions resolve after the action that triggers them. Some resolve beforehand under specific triggers, such as when an attack is declared but before the roll is made – if so, the reaction will specify.}}",
"actions-brace":"{{name=BRACE}}{{REACTION 1/round}}{{When you BRACE, you ready your mech against incoming fire.}}{{Trigger: You are hit by an attack and damage has been rolled}}{{You count as having RESISTANCE to all damage, burn, and heat from the triggering attack, and until the end of your next turn, all other attacks against you are made at +1 difficulty.}}{{Due to the stress of bracing, you cannot take reactions until the end of your next turn and on that turn, you can only take one quick action - you cannot [OVERCHARGE](!lncr_reference actions-overcharge), move normally, take full actions, or take free actions.}}",
"actions-overwatch":"{{name=OVERWATCH}}{{REACTION 1/round}}{{When you OVERWATCH, you control and defend the space around your mech from enemy incursion through pilot skill, reflexes, or finely tuned subsystems.}}{{Unless specified otherwise, all weapons default to 1 [THREAT](!lncr_reference tags-threat).}}{{Trigger: A hostile character starts any movement (including [BOOST](!lncr_reference actions-boost) and other actions) inside one of your weapons' [THREAT](!lncr_reference tags-threat).}}{{Effect: Trigger OVERWATCH, immediately using that weapon to [SKIRMISH](!lncr_reference actions-skirmish) against that character as a reaction, before they move.}}",
"actions-free-action":"{{name=FREE ACTION}}{{Free actions are often granted by systems, talents, gear, or OVERCHARGE. Characters may perform any number of free actions on their turn, but only on their turn, and only those granted to them. Free actions can always be used to make duplicate actions.}}{{The most common type of free action is a PROTOCOL, which is granted by gear or systems and can be activated or deactivated only at the start of a turn. Each Protocol can only be taken once per turn.}}",
//The object containing the tag definitions.
'p_lncr_tags_dict' : {
"tags-accurate":"{{name=ACCURATE}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon receive +1 Accuracy.}}",
"tags-ai":"{{name=AI}}{{EFFECT=A mech can only have one system with this tag installed at a time. Some AI systems grant the AI tag to the mech. A mech with the AI tag has an NHP or comp/con unit installed that can act onsomewhat autonomously. A pilot can choose to hand over the controls to their AI or take control back as a protocol. Their mech gains its own set of actions and reactions when controlled by an AI, but the pilot can’t take actions or reactions with it until the start of their next turn. AIs can’t benefit from talents, and have a small chance of cascading when they take structure damage or stress damage.}}",
"tags-archaic":"{{name=ARCHAIC}}{{EFFECT=This weapon is old-fashioned and can't harm mechs.}}",
"tags-arcing":"{{name=ARCING}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can be fired over obstacles, usually by lobbing a projectile in an arc. Attacks made with this weapon don’t require line of sight, as long as it’s possible to trace a path to the target; however, they are still affected by cover.}}",
"tags-armor-piercing":"{{name=ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)}}{{EFFECT=Damage dealt by this weapon ignores armor}}",
"tags-blast":"{{name=BLAST X}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon affect characters within a radius of X spaces, drawn from a point within Range and line of sight. Cover and line of sight are calculated based on the center of the blast, rather than the attacker’s position.}}",
"tags-burn":"{{name=BURN X}}{{EFFECT=On a hit, this weapon deals X Burn to its target. They immediately take that much burn damage, ignoring Armor, then mark X Burn on their sheet, adding it to any existing Burn. At the end of their turn, characters with marked burn make an Engineering check. On a success, they clear all marked burn; on a failure, they take damage equal to their total marked burn.}}",
"tags-burst":"{{name=BURST X}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon affect characters within a radius of X spaces, centered on and including the space occupied by the user (or target). If the Burst is an attack, the user or target is not affected by the attack unless specified. Cover and line of sight are calculated from the character. If a Burst effect is ongoing, it moves with the character at its center.}}",
"tags-cone":"{{name=CONE X}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon affect characters within a cone, X spaces long and X spaces wide at its furthest point. The cone begins 1 space wide.}}",
"tags-danger-zone":"{{name=DANGER ZONE}}{{EFFECT=This system, talent, or weapon can only be used if the user is in the Danger Zone (Heat equal to at least half of their Heat Cap).}}",
"tags-deployable":"{{name=DEPLOYABLE}}{{EFFECT=This system is an object that can be deployed on the field. Unless otherwise specified, it can be deployed in an adjacent, free and valid space as a quick action, and has 5 Evasion and 10 HP per Size.}}",
"tags-drone":"{{name=DRONE}}{{EFFECT=This is a self-propelled, semi-autonomous unit with rudimentary intelligence. Unless otherwise specified, Drones are Size 1/2 characters that are allied to the user and have 10 Evasion, 5 HP, and 0 Armor. To be used they must be deployed to a free, valid space within Sensors and line of sight, typically as a quick action. Once deployed, they can be recalled with the same action used to deploy them (quick action or full action, etc.), rejoining with your mech. By default, Drones can’t take actions or move; if they do have actions or movement, they act on their user’s turn. They benefit from cover and other defenses as usual, and make all mech skill checks and saves at +0. If a Drone reaches 0 HP, it is destroyed and must be repaired before it can be used again – like any system. As long as a Drone hasn’t been destroyed, it is restored to full HP when the user rests or performs a Full Repair. Deployed Drones persist for the rest of the scene, until destroyed, or until otherwise specified.}}",
"tags-efficient":"{{name=EFFICIENT}}{{EFFECT=At the end of any scene in which this system is used, you regain 1 CP.}}",
"tags-exotic-gear":"{{name=EXOTIC GEAR}}{{EFFECT=EXOTIC GEAR is a general tag for equipment that exists outside the traditional licensing system.}}",
"tags-free-action":"{{name=FREE ACTION}}{{EFFECT=Characters can take free actions at any point during their turn, and they don’t count toward the number of quick or full actions they take. They can also be used to take actions more than once per turn.}}",
"tags-full-action":"{{name=FULL ACTION}}{{EFFECT=This system requires a full action to Activate.}}",
"tags-full-tech":"{{name=FULL TECH}}{{EFFECT=This tech can be used as a Full Tech Action}}",
"tags-gear":"{{name=GEAR}}{{EFFECT=This is a tool, piece of equipment, or another item. Pilots can have up to three of these at a time.}}",
"tags-grenade":"{{name=GRENADE}}{{EFFECT=As a quick action, this explosive or other device can be thrown to a space within line of sight and the specified Range and line of sight.}}",
"tags-heat-self":"{{name=HEAT X(SELF)}}{{EFFECT=Immediately after using this weapon or system, the user takes X Heat.}}",
"tags-heat-target":"{{name=HEAT X(TARGET)}}{{EFFECT=On a hit, this weapon or system deals X Heat to its target.}}",
"tags-inaccurate":"{{name=INACCURATE}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon receive +1 Difficulty.}}",
"tags-indestructible":"{{name=INDESTRUCTIBLE}}{{EFFECT=This equipment cannot be marked as Destroyed}}",
"tags-invade":"{{name=INVADE}}{{EFFECT=This system provides additional options for the Invade Quick Tech Action.}}",
"tags-invisible":"{{name=INVISIBLE}}{{EFFECT=This unit is Invisible}}",
"tags-invulnerable":"[[name=INVULNERABLE}}{{EFFECT=This equipment is immune to all damage.}}",
"tags-knockback":"{{name=KNOCKBACK X}}{{EFFECT=On a hit, the user may choose to knock their target X spaces in a straight line directly away from the point of origin (e.g., the attacking mech or the center of a Blast). Multiple Knockback effects stack with each other. This means that an attack made with a Knockback 1 weapon and a talent that grants Knockback 1 counts as having Knockback 2.}}",
"tags-limited":"{{name=LIMITED X}}{{EFFECT=This weapon or system can only be used X times before it requires a Full Repair. Some Limited systems, like Grenades, describe these uses as “charges”. To use the system, the user expends a charge.}}",
"tags-line":"{{name=LINE X}}{{EFFECT=Attacks made with this weapon affect characters in a straight line, X spaces long.}}",
"tags-loading":"{{name=LOADING}}{{EFFECT=This weapon must be reloaded after each use. Mechs can reload with Stabilize and some systems.}}",
"tags-mine":"{{name=MINE}}{{EFFECT=As a quick action, this device can be planted in an adjacent, free and valid space on any surface, but not adjacent to any other mines. Upon deployment, it arms at the end of the deploying character’s turn and – unless otherwise specified – is triggered when any character enters an adjacent space. Characters leaving an adjacent space will not trigger a mine. Once triggered, a mine creates a Burst attack starting from the space in which it was placed. Mines within a character’s Sensors can be detected by making a successful Systems check as a quick action, otherwise they are Hidden and can’t be targeted. Detected mines can be disarmed from adjacent spaces by making a successful Systems check as a quick action; the attempt takes place before the mine detonates, and on a failure, the mine detonates as normal.}}",
"tags-mod":"{{name=MOD}}{{EFFECT=This modification can be applied to a weapon. Each weapon can only have one Mod, and cannot have more than one of the same Mod. Mods are applied when the user builds their mech or during a Full Repair.}}",
"tags-modded":"{{name=MODDED}}{{EFFECT=This weapon has been equipped with a weapon mod.}}",
"tags-ordnance":"{{name=ORDNANCE}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can only be fired before the user moves or takes any other actions on their turn, excepting Protocols. The user can still act and move normally after attacking. Additionally, because of its size, this weapon can’t be used against targets in engagement with the user’s mech, and cannot be used for Overwatch.}}",
"tags-overkill":"{{name=OVERKILL}}{{EFFECT=When rolling for damage with this weapon, any damage dice that land on a 1 cause the attacker to take 1 Heat, and are then rerolled. Additional 1s continue to trigger this effect.}}",
"tags-overshield":"{{name=OVERSHIELD}}{{EFFECT=This system provides HP that disappears at the end of the scene or when a specified condition is met. The user only retains the highest value of Overshield applied – it does not stack. For example, if a system provides Overshield 5 and the user gains another effect that provides Overshield 7, they would gain Overshield 7. Damage is dealt to Overshield first, then HP. Overshield can push a character past their maximum HP. It can’t benefit from healing but otherwise benefits normally from anything that would affect HP and damage (i.e., reduction, armor, etc).}}",
"tags-personal-armor":"{{name=PERSONAL ARMOR}}{{EFFECT=This gear offers protection in combat, but it is obvious to observers and usually can’t be hidden. Only one piece of Personal Armor can be worn at a time. Putting on Personal Armor takes 10–20 minutes, and while wearing it, pilots have restricted mobility and dexterity. Nobody wears armor unless they’re expecting to go into a warzone.}}",
"tags-protocol":"{{name=PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=This system can be activated as a free action, but only at the start of the user’s turn. Another action might be needed to deactivate it.}}",
"tags-quick-action":"{{name=QUICK ACTION}}{{EFFECT=This system requires a quick action to activate}}",
"tags-quick-tech":"{{name=QUICK TECH}}{{EFFECT=This tech can be used as a QUICK TECH action.}}",
"tags-range":"{{name=RANGE(X)}}{{EFFECT=This system can be activated at a range of X spaces.}}",
"tags-reaction":"{{name=REACTION}}{{EFFECT=This system can be activated as a reaction}}",
"tags-recharge":"{{name=RECHARGE X+}}{{EFFECT=Once this system or weapon has been used, it can’t be used again until it is recharged. At the start of this NPC's turn, roll 1d6: if the result is equal to or greater X, the equipment can be used again. Only one roll is required for each NPC, even if an NPC has multiple Recharge systems or weapons. If this NPC has two Recharge systems with target numbers of 4+ and 5+, a roll of 5 will recharge both.}}",
"tags-reliable":"{{name=RELIABLE X}}{{EFFECT=This weapon has some degree of self-correction or is simply powerful enough to cause damage even with a glancing blow. It always does X damage, even if it misses its target or rolls less damage. Reliable damage inherits other tags (such as AP) and base damage type but not tags that require a hit, such as Knockback.}}",
"tags-resistance":"{{name=RESISTANCE}}{{EFFECT=Reduce all damage from a source you have resistance to by half}}",
"tags-resistance-all":"{{name=RESISTANCE (ALL)}}{{EFFECT=This unit has Resistance to all damage types.}}",
"tags-seeking":"{{name=SEEKING}}{{EFFECT=This weapon has a limited form of self-guidance and internal propulsion, allowing it to follow complicated paths to its targets. As long as it’s possible to draw a path to its target, this weapon ignores cover and doesn’t require line of sight.}}",
"tags-shield":"{{name=SHIELD}}{{EFFECT=This system is an energy shield of some kind.}}",
"tags-sidearm":"{{name=SIDEARM}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can be used to [FIGHT](!lncr_reference fight) as a quick action instead of a full action.}}",
"tags-smart":"{{name=SMART}}{{EFFECT=This weapon has self-guidance systems, self-propelled projectiles, or even nanorobotic ammunition. These systems are effective enough that its attacks can’t simply be dodged – they must be scrambled or jammed. Because of this, all attacks with this weapon – including melee and ranged attacks – use the target’s E-Defense instead of Evasion. Targets with no E-Defense count as having 8 E-Defense.}}",
"tags-threat":"{{name=THREAT X}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can be used to make Overwatch attacks within X spaces. If it’s a melee weapon, it can be used to make melee attacks within X spaces.}}",
"tags-thrown":"{{name=THROWN X}}{{EFFECT=This melee weapon can be thrown at targets within X spaces. Thrown attacks follow the rules for melee attacks but are affected by cover; additionally, a thrown weapon comes to rest in an adjacent space to its target and must be retrieved as a free action while adjacent to that weapon before it can be used again.}}",
"tags-unique":"{{name=UNIQUE}}{{EFFECT=This weapon or system cannot be duplicated – each character can only have one copy of it installed at a time.}}",
"tags-unlimited":"{{name=UNLIMITED}}{{EFFECT=This ability can be used any number of times per round.}}",
"tags-per-round":"{{name=X/ROUND}}{{EFFECT=This system, trait or reaction can be used X number of times between the start of the user’s turn and the start of their next turn.}}",
"tags-per-turn":"{{name=X/TURN}}{{EFFECT=his system, trait, or reaction can be used X number of times in any given turn.}}",
//Horus easter egg for the equipment menu.
'p_lncr_horus_joke': function (msg) {
try {
let horusquotes = [];
horusquotes.push("*0H? YoU'R3 4pPro4cHiNg M3?*","*!!!BONUS INSIDE, CLICK HERE!!!*","*YoU tOo CaN UnRaVeL ThE SeCReTs Of Ra*","*<('.')>*","*(╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . \\).*","*I KNOW EVERYTHING, JUST BETWEEN YOU AND ME.*","*And that's why I turned one of your pistols into a banana.*","*You truly are the lowest scum in history*","*I covered you with gasoline so I can track your smell.*","*Went to Omnipedia to check a single fact. Realize 3 hours later that you know everything about the rise of Union.*","*Is this an easter egg?*","[] Pictured here: Virgin harrison armory admin. Chad HORUS chat moderator.","*Last one I swear*","*Oh, are you looking for more memes?*");
let chatstring = "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=HORUS}}{{"+horusquotes[randomInteger(horusquotes.length)-1]+"}}{{[WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-horus-weapons)}}{{[SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-horus-systems)}}{{[LICENSES](!lncr_reference equip-e-horus-frames)}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER",chatstring);
} catch (e) {
sendChat("H0R-OS", "As it turns out, attempting to access the HORUS database is a bad idea, who knew. Also something went wrong in the joke block.");
//The object containing the frame data
'p_lncr_frames_dict': {
'frames-f-everest':"{{name=EVEREST [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-everest)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech everest)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[6]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{INITIATIVE=1/scene the Everest may take any quick action as a free action}}{{REPLACEABLE PARTS=While resting, the Everest can be repaired at a rate of 1 Repair per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 Repairs}}{{MOUNTS=**1 MAIN, 1 FLEX, 1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM= **HYPERSPEC FUEL INJECTOR**}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=**ACTIVE - POWER UP**}}{{BENEFIT=For the rest of this scene, you gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves; additionally, 1/turn, you can Boost as a free action.}}",
'frames-f-sagarmatha':"{{name=SAGARMATHA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-sagarmatha)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech sagarmatha)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[6]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the Sagarmatha as [HARD COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-hard)}}{{HEROISM=1/scene the Sagarmatha can brace without sacrificing any actions or movement on its following turn.}}{{REPLACEABLE PARTS=While resting, the Sagarmatha can be repaired at a rate of 1 repair per structure damage instead of 2.}}{{MOUNTS=**1 MAIN, 1 FLEX, 1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM = **RALLYING CRY**}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=**ACTIVE - RAISE THE BANNER**}}{{BENEFIT=You raise a rallying banner. All allied characters in line of sight of your mech when you do this gain RESISTANCE to all damage and heat and gain +1 Accuracy on all checks and saves. These effects last until the end of your next turn.}}",
'frames-f-chomolungma':"{{name=CHOMOLUNGMA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-chomolungma)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech chomolungma)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[7]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{BRILLIANCE=1/scene the Chomolungma may take any Quick Tech action as a free action, and then may either Bolster or Lock On as a free action.}}{{DATA SIPHON=Whenever the Chomolungma makes a tech attack against a hostile character, it may also automatically Scan them.}}{{REPLACEABLE PARTS=While resting, the Chomolungma can be repaired at a rate of 1 Repair per 1 structure damage, instead of 2 Repairs}}{{MOUNTS=**1 MAIN/AUX, 1 FLEX**}}{{CORE PASSIVE= **ADVANCED INTRUSION PACKAGE**}}{{[INVADE](!lncr_stub)=Gain the [Chomolungma Invade Options](!lncr_reference equip-e-chomolungma-invade-options)**}}{{CORE ACTIVE= **WIDE-AREA CODE PULSE**}}{{ACTIVE BENEFIT=Choose any number of hostile characters within SENSORS and make a special INVADE tech attack against them, ignoring INVISIBLE and line of sight. On hit, apply the effects of INVADE as normal, choosing options for each target. On miss, targets become IMPAIRED until the end of their next turn}}",
'frames-f-license-blackbeard':"{{name=BLACKBEARD LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[CHAIN AXE](!lncr_reference equip-e-chain-axe)[SYNNTHETIC MUSCLE NETTING](!lncr_reference equip-e-synthetic-muscle-netting)}}{{RANK II=[BLACKBEARD FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-blackbeard)[BRISTLECROWN FLECHETTE LAUNCHER](!lncr_reference equip-e-bristlecrown-flechette-launcher)[NANOCARBON SWORD](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanocarbon-sword)}}{{RANK III=[REINFORCED CABLING](!lncr_reference equip-e-reinforced-cabling)[SEKHMET-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-sekhmet-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-blackbeard':"{{name=BLACKBEARD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-blackbeard)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech blackbeard)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[12]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[5]]**}}{{GRAPPLE CABLE=The Blackbeard can Grapple targets within Range 5. If the Grapple is successful, the Blackbeard is immediately pulled adjacent to the target by the most direct path. If there are no suitable spaces, the grapple breaks and the Blackbeard does not move.}}{{LOCK/KILL SUBSYSTEM=While grappling, the Blackbeard can Boost and take reactions.}}{{EXPOSED REACTOR=The Blackbeard receives +1 Difficulty on ENGINEERING checks and saves}}{{MOUNTS = **1 FLEX**, **1 MAIN**, **1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM = **ASSAULT GRAPPLES**}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVE - OMNI-HARPOON}}{{EFFECT=This system fires grappling harpoons at any number of targets within Range 5 and line of sight. Affected characters must succeed on a Hull save or take [[2d6]] **KINETIC** damage and be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone), then pulled adjacent to you, or as close as possible. they become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half damage and are otherwise unaffected.}}",
'frames-f-license-drake':"{{name=DRAKE LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[ASSAULT CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-assault-cannon)[ARGONAUT SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-argonaut-shield)}}{{RANK II=[DRAKE FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-drake)[CONCUSSION MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-concussion-missiles)[AEGIS SHIELD GENERATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-aegis-shield-generator)}}{{RANK III=[LEVIATHAN HEAVY ASSAULT CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-leviathan-heavy-assault-cannon)[PORTABLE BUNKER](!lncr_reference equip-e-portable-bunker)}}",
'frames-f-drake':"{{name=DRAKE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-drake)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech drake)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[3]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{HEAVY FRAME=The Drake can't be pushed, pulled, knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone), or knocked back by smaller characters}}{{BLAST PLATING = The Drake has Resistance to damage, burn and heat from blast, burst, line and cone attacks.}}{{SLOW=The Drake receives +1 difficulty on Agility checks and saves}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the Drake for hard cover}}{{MOUNTS= 2 MAIN, 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM = **FORTRESS**}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=You deploy heavy stabilizers and your mech becomes more like a fortified emplacement than a vehicle. When activated, two sections of hard cover (line 2, Size 1) unfold from your mech, drawn in any direction. These cover sections have Immunity to all damage. Additionally, the following effects apply while active: You become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized). You benefit from [hard cover](!lncr_reference rules-cover-hard), even in the open, and gain Immunity to Knockback, Prone, and all involuntary movement. When you Brace, you may take a full action on your next turn instead of just a quick action. Any character that gains hard cover from you or your cover sections gains Immunity to Knockback, Prone, and all involuntary movement, and gains the benefits of Blast Plating. This system can be deactivated as a protocol. Otherwise, it lasts until the end of the current scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-lancaster':"{{name=LANCASTER LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[CABLE WINCH SYSTEM](!lncr_reference equip-e-cable-winch-system)[RESTOCK DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-restock-drone)}}{{RANK II=[LANCASTER FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-lancaster)[MULE HARNESS](!lncr_reference equip-e-mule-harness)[WHITEWASH SEALANT SPRAY](!lncr_reference equip-e-whitewash-sealant-spray)}}{{RANK III=[CUTTER MKII PLASMA TORCH](!lncr_reference equip-e-cutter-mkii-plasma-torch)[ACESO STABILIZER](!lncr_reference equip-e-aceso-stabilizer)}}",
'frames-f-lancaster':"{{name=LANCASTER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-lancaster)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech lancaster)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[10]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[8]]**}}{{INSULATED=The Lancaster has Immunity to burn}}{{COMBAT REPAIR = In combat the Lancaster can use 4 Repairs to repair a destroyed mech as a full action, returning it to 1 Structure, 1 Stress, and 1HP.}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=COMBAT REPAIR}}{{EFFECT 1=Use 4 Repairs to repair a destroyed mech as a full action, returning it to 1 Structure, 1 Stress and 1HP.}}{{REDUNDANT SYSTEMS = At your discretion, other characters adjacent to the Lancaster can spend its Repairs as their own.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 MAIN/AUX MOUNT}}{{CORE SYSTEM=LATCH DRONE}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - SUPERCHARGER}}{{EFFECT 2=Your Latch Drone clamps onto an allied mech within its Range. For the rest of the scene you take [[1]] heat at the start of each of your turns, but your target gains +1 accuracy on all attacks, checks, and saves, and Immunity to the Impaired, Jammed, Slowed, Shredded, and Immobilized conditions from characters other than itself. This effect ends if either character becomes Stunned. While this system is active, you cannot use the Latch Drone for any other purpose.}}{{CORE INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT=[LATCH DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-latch-drone)}}",
'frames-f-license-nelson':"{{name=NELSON LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[WAR PIKE](!lncr_reference equip-e-war-pike)[BULWARK MODS](!lncr_reference equip-e-bulwark-mods)}}{{RANK II=[NELSON FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-nelson)[THERMAL CHARGE](!lncr_reference equip-e-thermal-charge)[ARMOR-LOCK PLATING](!lncr_reference equip-e-armor-lock-plating)}}{{RANK III=[POWER KNUCKLES](!lncr_reference equip-e-power-knuckles)[RAMJET](!lncr_reference equip-e-ramjet)}}",
'frames-f-nelson':"{{name=NELSON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-nelson)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech nelson)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[11]] E-DEFENSE[[7]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[6]]**}}{{MOMENTUM=1/round, after you Boost, the Nelson's next melee attack deals +1d6 bonus damage on hit.}}{{SKIRMISHER=After attacking, the Nelson can immediately move 1 space in any direction as long as it isn't Immobilized or Slowed. This movement ignores engagement adn doesn't provoke reactions.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 FLEX, 1 MAIN/AUX}}{{CORE SYSTEM=PERPETUAL MOMENTUM DRIVE}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - ENGAGE DRIVE}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of the scene, Skirmisher allows you to move 4 spaces at a time instead of 1 space.}}",
'frames-f-license-raleigh':"{{name=RALEIGH LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[HAND CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-hand-cannon)[BB BREACH/BLAST CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-bb-breach-blast-charges)}}{{RANK II=[RALEIGH FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-raleigh)[BOLT THROWER](!lncr_reference equip-e-bolt-thrower)[\"ROLAND\" CHAMBER](!lncr_reference equip-e-roland-chamber)[STÖRTEBEKER FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-störtebeker)}}{{RANK III=[KINETIC HAMMER](!lncr_reference equip-e-kinetic-hammer)[UNCLE-CLASS COMP/CON](!lncr_reference equip-e-uncle-class-compcon)}}",
'frames-f-raleigh':"{{name=RALEIGH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-raleigh)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech raleigh)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[7]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[-1]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[5]]**}}{{FULL METAL JACKET=At the end of its turn, if the Raleigh hasn't made any attacks or forced any saves, it can reload all Loading weapons as a free action.}}{{SHIELDED MAGAZINES=The Raleigh can make ranged attacks when Jammed.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 AUX/AUX MOUNT, 1 FLEX MOUNT, 1 HEAVY MOUNT}}{{CORE SYSTEM=M35 MJOLNIR CANNON}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - THUNDER GOD}}{{EFFECT=You start to spin your M35 Mjolnir up, beginning with no chambered rounds. For the rest of the scene, you load two rounds into chambers at the end of any of your turns in which you haven’t fired the M35 Mjolnir . It can hold a maximum of six rounds. When you fire the M35 Mjolnir, all chambers fire simultaneously, dealing 4 kinetic damage per loaded round. If you fire four or more rounds at once, the attack gains AP and, on a hit, your target becomes [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) until the end of their next turn.}}{{CORE INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT = [M35 MJOLNIR](!lncr_reference equip-e-m35-mjolnir)}}",
'frames-f-störtebeker':"{{name=STÖRTEBEKER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-störtebeker)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech störtebeker)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[7]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[5]]**}}{{DYNAMIC RELOAD=The Störtebeker’s non-Auxiliary weapons gain the following effects:<br>**Melee weapons gain:** 'On critical hit: Reload all ranged weapons not used to attack this turn.'<br>**Ranged weapons gain:** 'On critical hit: Reload all melee weapons not used to attack this turn.}}{{TRUESILVER=1/Scene after hitting with a weapon the Störtebeker may apply an effect depending on its type.<br>**Non-Loading weapon:** The hit is treated as a Critical Hit. Any resulting damage is not rolled twice.<br>**Loading weapon:** Any resulting damage can't be reduced.}}{{MOUNTS= 2 FLEX MOUNTS, 1 HEAVY MOUNT}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TRUESILVER WEAPONRY}}{{PASSIVE= **HOPKINS DOCTRINE**<br>You may only take this action if you took the skirmish action this turn. Pick one of the following effects: <br> [QUICK](!lncr_stub) **REPRISAL:** Skirmish with a weapon that was reloaded via DYNAMIC RELOAD this turn.<br> [QUICK](!lncr_stub) **RENEWAL:** All weapons not used to attack this turn are reloaded at the end of the turn.}}{{ACTIVE [PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)= **TRUESILVER ARSENAL**<br>You may use your Truesilver Trait three more times this Scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-tortuga':"{{name=TORTUGA LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[DECK-SWEEPER AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-deck-sweeper-automatic-shotgun)[SIEGE RAM](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-ram)}}{{RANK II=[TORTUGA FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-tortuga)[DAISY CUTTER](!lncr_reference equip-e-daisy-cutter)[CATALYTIC HAMMER](!lncr_reference equip-e-catalytic-hammer)}}{{RANK III=[THROUGHBOLT ROUNDS](!lncr_reference equip-e-throughbolt-rounds)[HYPERDENSE](!lncr_reference equip-e-hyperdense-armor)}}",
'frames-f-tortuga':"{{name=TORTUGA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-tortuga)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech tortuga)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[6]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[6]]**}}{{SENTINEL=The Tortuga gains +1 accuracy on all attacks made as reactions (e.g. Overwatch).}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the Tortuga for hard cover.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 MAIN, 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM = WATCHDOG CO-PILOT}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - HYPER-REFLEX MODE}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of this scene: If you have less than threat 3 with a ranged weapon, it increases to 3. 1/round, you may take an additional Overwatch reaction. Any character you hit with Overwatch becomes [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn.}}",
'frames-f-license-vlad':"{{name=VLAD LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[IMPACT LANCE](!lncr_reference equip-e-impact-lance)[WEBJAW SNARE](!lncr_reference equip-e-webjaw-snare)}}{{RANK II=[VLAD FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-vlad)[IMPALER NAILGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-impaler-nailgun)[CALTROP LAUNCHER](!lncr_reference equip-e-caltrop-launcher)}}{{RANK III=[COMBAT DRILL](!lncr_reference equip-e-combat-drill)[CHARGED STAKE](!lncr_reference equip-e-charged-stake)}}",
'frames-f-vlad':"{{name=VLAD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-vlad)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech vlad)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[5]]**}}{{DISMEMBERMENT=When the Vlad inflicts Immobilize on another character, the target also becomes [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) for the same duration.}}{{SHRIKE ARMOR=When a character within range 3 attacks the Vlad, the attacker first takes 1 AP kinetic damage.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 FLEX, 1 MAIN, 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM=SHRIKE ARMOR}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - TORMENTOR SPINES}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of this scene, you gain Resistance to all damage originating within range 3, and Shrike Armor deals [[3]] AP kinetic damage instead of 1.}}",
'frames-f-license-kidd':"{{name=KIDD LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[BLACKSPOT TARGETING LASER](!lncr_reference equip-e-blackspot-targeting-laser)[PEBCAC](!lncr_reference equip-e-pebcac)}}{{RANK II=[KIDD FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-kidd)[OMNIBUS PLATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-omnibus-plate)[FIELD-APPROVED, BRASS-IGNORANT MODIFICATIONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-field-approved-modifications)}}{{RANK III=[FORGE-2 SUBALTERN SQUAD](!lncr_reference equip-e-forge-2-subaltern-squad)[SMOKESTACK HEATSINK](!lncr_reference equip-e-smokestack-heatsink)}}",
'frames-f-kidd':"{{name=KIDD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-kidd)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech kidd)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[12]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[10]]**}}{{RAPID DEPLOYMENT=On its first turn in any combat scene, the Kidd can deploy or activate any one system with the drone or deployable tag as a free action.}}{{REROUTE POWER=As a quick action 1/round, the Kidd can destroy one of its DEPLOYABLES or DRONES that was not deployed or created in the same round to either grant 1d6+1 OVERSHIELD to an allied character or deal 1d6+1 AP Energy Damage to a hostile character. The target, allied or hostile, must be adjacent to whatever is destroyed. Systems without LIMITED that are destroyed this way must be repaired before they can be used again.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_round)=REROUTE POWER}}{{EFFECT 1=Destroy one of your deployables or drones to either grant 1d6+1 OVERSHIELD to an allied character or deal 1d6+1 AP Energy Damage to a hostile character. The target, allied or hostile, must be adjacent to whatever is destroyed. Systems without LIMITED that are destroyed this way must be repaired before they can be used again.}}{{RECYCLE=At the end of any scene in which the Kidd used REROUTE POWER, it restores 1 charge to a LIMITED system of its choice with the DRONE or DEPLOYABLE tag.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 MAIN}}{{CORE SYSTEM = THE JOLLY ROGER}}{{PASSIVE - JOLLY ROGER=At the start of every combat scene, your Kidd automatically connects to its paired Jolly Roger orbital satellite weapon. The efficacy of the Jolly Roger depends on maintaining a high level of calibration with the Kidd, which is tracked with a JOLLY ROGER DIE - 1d6, starting at 1.}}{{=The die ticks up by 1 whenever you: deploy a DRONE or DEPLOYABLE, take a tech action that targets at least one allied character.}}{{ =Each option can only increase the value of the of the JOLLY ROGER DIE once per round independently; however, the die also ticks up by 1 any time a hostile character takes a tech action against an allied character within your SENSORS, with no limit.}}{{ =1/round, you can activate the Jolly Roger as a quick action, resetting the JOLLY ROGER DIE to 1. Choose one of the following effects, based on the value of the die:}}{{3+ PLUNDER =SCAN every hostile character in a Blast 1 area and give them [LOCK ON](!lncr_reference status-lock-on).}}{{5+ SWINDLE=Every hostile character in a Blast 1 area must succeed on a SYSTEMS save or become [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired), [JAMMED](!lncr_reference status-jammed), and [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn.}}{{6 SHIVER TIMBERS= Fire a beam weapon, punching a narrow hole through walls and obstructions. One hostile character must succeed on an AGILITY save or take [[3d6]] AP Energy Damage. On a success, they take half damage}}{{ =You do not require line of sight for any of these effects, they have the effective range of the battlefield, and they easily penetrate objects and terrain, although more potent barriers (e.g., energy shields that prevent effects from crossing them due to line of sight) block them normally}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE JOLLY ROGER}}{{ACTIVE - SKULL AND BONES=For the rest of the scene, Plunder and Swindle become [Blast 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast) and Shiver Timbers affects all characters in a Line 10 path.}}",
'frames-f-license-caliban':"{{name=CALIBAN LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[HAMMER U-RPL](!lncr_reference equip-e-hammer-u-rpl)[SUPERMASSIVE MOD](!lncr_reference equip-e-supermassive-mod)}}{{RANK II=[CALIBAN FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-caliban)[HARDPOINT REINFORCEMENT](!lncr_reference equip-e-hardpoint-reinforcement)[SPIKE CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-spike-charges)}}{{RANK III=[HHS-155 CANNIBAL](!lncr_reference equip-e-hhs-155-cannibal)[RAPID MANEUVER JETS](!lncr_reference equip-e-rapid-maneuver-jets)}}",
'frames-f-caliban':"{{name=CALIBAN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-caliban)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech caliban)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[3]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{WRECKING BALL=The Caliban counts as Size 3 when inflicting knockback with any Ram, Ranged, or Melee Attack.}}{{PURSUE PREY=When the Caliban inflicts KNOCKBACK as part of any action, it can move an equal number of spaces towards the same target by the most direct route possible. This movement is part of the same action, ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions.}}{{SLAM=1/round, when the Caliban knocks a character into a wall, mech, or other obstruction that would cause it to stop moving, it may force its target to pass a HULL save or take [[1d6]] Kinetic Damage and become [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of its next turn.}}{{WEAK COMPUTER=The Caliban takes +1 Difficulty on all SYSTEMS saves and checks.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM=FLAYER SHOTGUN}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - EQUIP AUTOCHOKE}}{{EFFECT=The Flayer shotgun comes pre-equipped with a muzzle-mounted auto-choke that allows its user to better define the spread of shot issuing from the weapon. The extreme heat from equipping the choke renders it unusable in short order and it must be discarded. For the rest of this scene, the HHS-075 “Flayer” Shotgun gains the following profile: [Main CQB](!lncr_stub)[Accurate](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[Knockback 5](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)[Cone 3](!lncr_reference tags-cone)[Threat 3](!lncr_stub) DAMAGE=[[1d6+2]] kinetic damage}}{{CORE INTEGRATED EQUPMENT = [HHS-075 \"FLAYER\" SHOTGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-hhs-075-flayer-shotgun)}}",
'frames-f-license-zheng':"{{name=ZHENG LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[TIGER-HUNTER COMBAT SHEATHE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tiger-hunter-combat-sheathe)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE I](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-i)}}{{RANK II=[ZHENG FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-zheng)[MOLTEN WREATHE](!lncr_reference equip-e-molten-wreathe)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE II](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-ii)}}{{RANK III=[D/D 288](!lncr_reference equip-e-dd-288)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE III](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-iii)}}",
'frames-f-zheng':"{{name=ZHENG [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-zheng)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech zheng)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[9]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[3]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[6]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{DESTRUCTIVE SWINGS=At the end of the Zheng’s turn, if it made at least one melee attack against a hostile character, the force of its swings creates a SIZE 1 piece of terrain that grants hard cover in a free, adjacent space. It has 10 HP and EVASION 5.}}{{WEAK COMPUTER=The Zheng takes +1 Difficulty on all systems saves and checks}}{{MOUNTS= 2 MAIN, 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM=XIONG-TYPE CQB SUITE}}{{[FREE 1](!lncr_stub)=PASSIVE - XIAOLI'S TENACITY}}{{EFFECT 1=1/turn as a free action, you may move up to 3 spaces then deal [[2]] Kinetic to any adjacent character or [[10]] Kinetic AP to an object or piece of terrain. This movement prompts engagement and does not ignore reactions.}}If this damage destroys an object or piece of terrain, it explodes, dealing [[1d6]] Kinetic to all adjacent characters other than you and knocking them back 1 space.}}{{[FREE 2](!lncr_stub) = ACTIVE - XIAOLI'S INGENUITY }}{{EFFECT 2=For the rest of the scene, this system gains 6 charges (you can use a die to track this). Expend a charge to use XIAOLI’S TENACITY again, ignoring the 1/Turn limit. You may spend any number of charges a turn. At the end of each turn, you regain a charge for each unique target (character, object, or piece of terrain) you damaged with this action, to a maximum of 6.}}",
'frames-f-license-black-witch':"{{name=BLACK WITCH LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[MAGNETIC CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-magnetic-cannon)[FERROUS LASH](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrous-lash)}}{{RANK II=[BLACK WITCH FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-black-witch)[ICEOUT DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-iceout-drone)[PERIMETER COMMAND PLATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-perimeter-command-plate)[ORCHIS FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-orchis)}}{{RANK III=[BLACK ICE MODULE](!lncr_reference equip-e-black-ice-module)[MAGNETIC SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-magnetic-shield)}}",
'frames-f-black-witch':"{{name=BLACK WITCH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-black-witch)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech black-witch)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[12]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[8]]**}}{{REPULSOR FIELD=The Black Witch has Resistance to Kinetic Damage}}{{MAG PARRY=1/round, as a reaction, you may attempt to parry an attack that would deal Kinetic Damage to you or an adjacent allied character. Roll 1d6: on 5+ the attack misses. This effect does not stack with Invisible)}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=MAG PARRY}}{{TRIGGER=An incoming attack will deal Kinetic Damage to you or an adjacent allied character}}{{EFFECT 1= roll [[1d6]] on 5+, the attack misses. This effect does not stack with invisible)}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Main/Aux mount}}{{CORE SYSTEM=MAGNETIC FIELD PROJECTOR}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - MAG FIELD}}{{EFFECT 2=This system projects a blast 3 magnetic field with at least one space adjacent to you, causing the following effects until the end of your next turn: The affected area is difficult terrain. Ranged attacks that deal kinetic or explosive can’t enter or leave the affected area – projectiles stop at the edge, doing no damage. Record each attack stopped this way. Mechs and other characters made at least partly of metal that start their turn in the affected area or enter it for the first time in a round must succeed on a Hull save or be pulled as close to the center as possible and become Immobilized. When the effect ends, any ranged attacks that were stopped resume their trajectory – toward the center of the affected area. The GM rolls attacks against each character within, gaining +1 per blocked attack (to a maximum of +6). On hit, these attacks deal 1d6 kinetic damage per blocked attack (to a maximum of 6d6 kinetic damage).}}",
'frames-f-orchis':"{{name=RKF ORCHIS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-orchis)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech orchis)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT -1 REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[12]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[8]]**}}{{PERFECT PARRY=The **Orchis** and all adjacent allied characters have **IMMUNITY to all damage and effects from missed attacks**}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the **Orchis** for **hard cover**}}{{ROYAL GUARD=When an allied mech adjacent to the **Orchis** moves, the **Orchis** can also move with that character as long as it doesn't break adjacency, mirroring that character's movement. The **Orchis** is still affected by obstructions and, between its turns, can only move a total number of spaces with this ability equal to its **Speed+1**. This effect doesn't take a **reaction**, and doesn't provoke **reactions** or obey **engagement**.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Main/Aux mount}}{{CORE SYSTEM=HELION}}{{PASSIVE - HUNTING EAGLE = **1/round** when you cause a character to collide with another obstacle or character, you can -- in addition to any other effects -- throw your mech's scuta shield at that character, dealing **3 kinetic damage** and rendering them unable to take **reactions** until the end of their next turn. The shield then returns to you. this effect doesn't take an **action** or **reaction** to activate.}}{{[QUICK](!stub) = ACTIVE - HELION}} {{[EFFICIENT](!lncr_reference tags-efficient) = You hurl your shield with a mighty throw at a mech (allied or hostile) within **Range 6**, making a special **Ram** attack that cannot miss and knocks the target **3 spaces back**, instead of **1**. this can cause characters to collide with obstructions as normal.}}{{TAGS = [QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[EFFICIENT](!lncr_reference tags-efficient)}}",
'frames-f-license-deaths-head':"{{name=DEATH'S HEAD LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[HIGH-STRESS MAG CLAMPS](!lncr_reference equip-e-high-stress-mag-clamps)[TRACKING BUG](!lncr_reference equip-e-tracking-bug)}}{{RANK II=[DEATH'S HEAD FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-deaths-head)[VULTURE DMR](!lncr_reference equip-e-vulture-dmr)[CORE SIPHON](!lncr_reference equip-e-core-siphon)}}{{RANK III=[RAILGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-railgun)[KINETIC COMPENSATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-kinetic-compensator)}}",
'frames-f-deaths-head':"{{name=DEATH'S HEAD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-deaths-head)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech deaths-head)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[20]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[2]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[6]]**}}{{NEUROLINK=The Death’s Head may reroll its first ranged attack each round, but must keep the second result.}}{{PERFECTED TARGETING=The Death’s Head gains an additional +1 to all ranged attack rolls.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Main/Aux, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=PRECOGNITIVE TARGETING}}{{[PROTOCOL 1](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - NEURAL SHUNT}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of this scene, you gain the Mark for Death action.}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=MARK FOR DEATH}}{{EFFECT 1=Choose a character within range 30 but further than range 5 to focus on; while focusing, you become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) and can’t take reactions, but you deal bonus damage based on weapon size (aux: 1d6, main: 2d6, heavy or larger: 3d6) on ranged critical hits against them, as long as they aren’t in cover or within range 5. You may only focus on one character at a time. As a protocol, you may cease focusing on a target.}}{{[PROTOCOL 2](!lncr_stub)=CEASE FOCUS}}{{EFFECT 2=End your focus on a MARK FOR DEATH target}}",
'frames-f-license-dusk-wing':"{{name=DUSK WING LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[VEIL RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-veil-rifle)[NEUROSPIKE](!lncr_reference equip-e-neurospike)}}{{RANK II=[DUSK WING FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-dusk-wing)[BURST LAUNCHER](!lncr_reference equip-e-burst-launcher)[FLICKER FIELD PROJECTOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-flicker-field-projector)}}{{RANK III=[STUNCROWN](!lncr_reference equip-e-stuncrown)[OASIS WALL](!lncr_reference equip-e-oasis-wall)}}",
'frames-f-dusk-wing':"{{name=DUSK WING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-dusk-wing)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech dusk-wing)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[12]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[6]]**}}{{MANEUVERABILITY JETS=The Dusk Wing can hover when it moves.}}{{HARLEQUIN CLOAK=During its turn, the Dusk Wing is Invisible; it reappears at the end of the turn.}}{{FRAGILE=The Dusk Wing receives +1 difficulty on Hull checks and saves}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Aux/Aux, 1 Flex}}{{CORE SYSTEM=DHIYED ARTICULATION}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - HALL OF MIRRORS}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of the scene, whenever you start a unique movement during your turn (e.g., a standard move, Boost, or movement granted by talents or systems), you leave a holographic imprint of yourself behind in the space from which you started. These are illusory objects the same Size as you that have Immunity to all damage and effects and aren’t obstructions. When hostile characters start their turn in, move through, or move adjacent to the space occupied by a hologram, it detonates. They must succeed on an Agility save or take 1d6 energy damage. On a success, they take half damage. You also gain the Hologram Teleport Quick Action.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=HOLOGRAM TELEPORT}}{{EFFECT 2=You may instantly teleport to the location of any hologram within range 50 as a quick action. When you do so, all extant holograms detonate – creating burst 1 explosions that deal 1d6 Energy Damage (Agility save for half) – and you may not create any new holograms until the start of your next turn}}",
'frames-f-license-metalmark':"{{name=METALMARK LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[FLASH CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-flash-charges)[REACTIVE WEAVE](!lncr_reference equip-e-reactive-weave)}}{{RANK II=[METALMARK FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-metalmark)[RAIL RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-rail-rifle)[SHOCK KNIFE](!lncr_reference equip-e-shock-knife)}}{{RANK III=[SHOCK WREATH](!lncr_reference equip-e-shock-wreath)[ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE](!lncr_reference equip-e-active-camouflage)}}",
'frames-f-emperor':"{{name=EMPEROR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-emperor)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech emperor)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[2]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[2]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[7]]**}}{{STORM SHIELD=The Emperor's HP is not increased by its pilot's GRIT. Instead, at the start of any scene, the Emperor gains Overshield equal to 6+GRIT. This Overshield refreshes any time the Emperor takes structure damage.}}{{IMPERIAL VESTMENT=Whenever the Emperor grants Overshield to another character, it gains the same amount of Overshield. If the Emperor gains Overshield from any source, including this trait, it increases its current Overshield by that amount instead of replacing it. Its Overshield cannot exceed the amount granted by Storm Shield.}}{{SOVEREIGN PRESENCE=1/round, when the Emperor targets a character with an attack, it can condemn that character, forcing them to make an Engineering save. On a failure, the target takes +1 damage any time they take damage until the start of the Emperor's next turn.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Main}}{{CORE SYSTEM=DARIAN REGALIA}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - XERXES APEX}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of this scene, any mech targeted by an attack using the Marathon Arc Bow releases a bolt of lightning after the attack resolves, striking a character of your choice within RANGE 3, which can be athe character it originated from. This lightning bolt either deals 2 AP damage (no attack or save) or increases the target’s OVERSHIELD by +2. The same character can be struck by multiple bolts.}}{{INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT=[MARATHON ARC BOW](!lncr_reference equip-e-marathon-arc-bow)}}",
'frames-f-license-emperor':"{{name=EMPEROR LICENSE}}{{RANK 1 = [DOMINION'S BREADTH](!lncr_reference equip-e-dominions-breadth)[BOLT NEXUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-bolt-nexus)}}{{RANK 2=[EMPEROR FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-emperor)[THE IMPERIAL EYE](!lncr_reference equip-e-imperial-eye)[SHAHNAMEH](!lncr_reference equip-e-shahnameh)}}{{RANK 3 = [AYAH OF THE SYZYGY](!lncr_reference equip-e-ayah-syzygy)[THE WALK OF KINGS](!lncr_reference equip-e-walk-kings)}}",
'frames-f-metalmark':"{{name=METALMARK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-metalmark)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech metalmark)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[5]]**}}{{FLASH CLOAK=The Metalmark is Invisible while moving, but reappears when stationary.}}{{CARAPACE ADAPTATION=When the Metalmark is in soft cover, ranged attackers receive +2 difficulty instead of +1 difficulty.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Aux/Aux, 1 Main, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TACTICAL CLOAK}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - TACTICAL CLOAK}}{{EFFECT=You are [Invisible](!lncr_reference status-invisible) for the rest of the scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-monarch':"{{name=MONARCH LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[SHARANGA MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-sharanga-missiles)[JAVELIN ROCKETS](!lncr_reference equip-e-javelin-rockets)}}{{RANK II=[MONARCH FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-monarch)[GANDIVA MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-gandiva-missiles)[STABILIZER MOD](!lncr_reference equip-e-stabilizer-mod)[VICEROY FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-viceroy)}}{{RANK III=[PINAKA MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-pinaka-missiles)[TLALOC-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-tlaloc-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-monarch':"{{name=MONARCH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-monarch)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech monarch)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[5]]**}}{{AVENGER SILOS=1/round, on a critical hit with any ranged weapon, the Monarch may deal 3 explosive to a different character of your choice within range 15 and line of sight.}}{{SEEKING PAYLOAD=The Monarch can use a Launcher weapon to attack a character with the Lock On condition as if its weapon had Seeking, but must consume the Lock On during the attack. When it does so, the attack’s damage cannot be reduced in any way.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Flex, 1 Main, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=SSC-30 HIGH-PENETRATION MISSILE SYSTEM}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - DIVINE PUNISHMENT}}{{EFFECT=Choose any number of characters within range 50: your targets must each succeed on an Agility save or take 1d6+4 explosive. On a success, they take half damage. These self-guiding missiles can reach any target as long as there is a path to do so.}}",
'frames-f-viceroy':"{{name=VICEROY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-viceroy)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech viceroy)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[5]]**}}{{NEAR-THREAT TARGETING PROCESSORS=The Viceroy treats its LAUNCHER weapons as though they are also CQB weapons with THREAT 3.}}{{'VIGILANTE' OMNI DIRECTIONAL LAUNCHERS=1/Round, on a critical hit against a character, teh Viceroy may deal 2 Explosive damage to all characters of its choice within Range 3 of itself, and knock them back 1 space.}}{{PRESSURE PLATING=The Viceroy has resistance to Explosive Damage.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Aux/Aux, 1 Flex, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TENGU ASSISTED MISSILE TUBES}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - HEAVEN'S DOWNPOUR}}{{EFFECT=Center a Burst 3 missile swarm on yourself, hostile characters in the area must perform a Hull save or take 1d6+3 Explosive damage and be knocked Prone. On a successful save they take half damage and remain standing. You may consume an affected character's Lock On, if you do, they automatically fail the save.<br>Before or after performing this action you may fly up to your speed, ignoring Reactions and Engagement. You must end this movement on solid ground or begin falling.}}",
'frames-f-license-mourning-cloak':"{{name=MOURNING CLOAK LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[FOLD KNIFE](!lncr_reference equip-e-fold-knife)[VIJAYA ROCKETS](!lncr_reference equip-e-vijaya-rockets)}}{{RANK II=[MOURNING CLOAK FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-mourning-cloak)[HUNTER LOGIC SUITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-hunter-logic-suite)[SINGULARITY MOTIVATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-singularity-motivator)}}{{RANK III=[VARIABLE SWORD](!lncr_reference equip-e-variable-sword)[FADE CLOAK](!lncr_reference equip-e-fade-cloak)}}",
'frames-f-mourning-cloak':"{{name=MOURNING CLOAK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-mourning-cloak)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech mourning-cloak)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[12]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[6]]**}}{{HUNTER=1/round, the Mourning Cloak may deal +1d6 bonus damage on hit with a melee attack if its target has no adjacent characters, or if the Mourning Cloak is the only character adjacent to the target.}}{{BIOTIC COMPONENTS=The Mourning Cloak gains +1 accuracy on Agility checks and saves.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=EX SLIPSTREAM MODULE}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=PASSIVE - BLINKSPACE JUMP}}{{EFFECT 1=Teleport to a space within range 3d6. You don’t require line of sight, but attempts to teleport to occupied spaces cause you to remain stationary and lose this action. If you roll the same number on all three dice, you disappear until your group rests, at which point you reappear nearby.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - STABILIZE SINGULARITY}}{{EFFECT 2=For the rest of the scene, you teleport when you Boost or make a standard move.}}",
'frames-f-license-swallowtail':"{{name=SWALLOWTAIL LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[LOTUS PROJECTOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-lotus-projector)[MARKERLIGHT](!lncr_reference equip-e-markerlight)}}{{RANK II=[SWALLOWTAIL FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-swallowtail)[ORACLE LMG-I](!lncr_reference equip-e-oracle-lmg-i)[RETRACTABLE PROFILE](!lncr_reference equip-e-retractable-profile)[SWALLOWTAIL (RANGER VARIANT) FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-swallowtail-ranger)}}{{RANK III=[ATHENA-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-athena-class-nhp)[LB/OC CLOAKING FIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-lb-oc-cloaking-field)}}",
'frames-f-swallowtail':"{{name=SWALLOWTAIL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-swallowtail)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech swallowtail)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[20]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[6]]**}}{{INTEGRATED CLOAK=At the end of its turn, the Swallowtail becomes Invisible if it hasn’t moved that turn. This lasts until it moves or takes a reaction, or until the start of its next turn.}}{{PROPHETIC SCANNERS=1/round, when the Swallowtail inflicts Lock On, its target also becomes [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) until the end of its next turn.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Aux/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=CLOUDSCOUT TACSIM SWARMS}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - PROPHETIC INTERJECTION}}{{EFFECT 1=Gain the Tactical Simulation reaction for the rest of the scene.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_stub)=TACTICAL SIMULATION}}{{TRIGGER=An allied character in line of sight takes damage from another character in line of sight}}{{EFFECT 2=Effect: Roll 1d6. On 4+, the attack was actually a simulation predicted by your processor - your ally gains Resistance to all damage dealt by the attack and may teleport up to 3 spaces, representing their “true” location. On 3 or less, there’s a glitch – your allied doesn’t gain Resistance, but can teleport up to 6 spaces.}}",
'frames-f-swallowtail-ranger':"{{name=SWALLOWTAIL (RANGER VARIANT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-swallowtail-ranger)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech swallowtail-ranger)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[20]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[6]]**}}{{SCOUT BATTLEFIELD=Before the first round of any combat and before any deployment takes place, place up to two of the following in free spaces anywhere on the battlefield: *\** A 2 x 2 zone that does not impede movement and grants soft cover to characters at least partly within it. *\** A 2 x 2 zone that is difficult terrain. *\** A SIZE 1 piece of hard cover. They can’t be placed within 4 spaces of each other. The same option can be chosen more than once. These objects and zones represent naturally occurring terrain on the battlefield, and you can work with the GM to decide what they are.}}{{INVIGORATING SCANNERS=1/round when the Swallowtail inflicts Lock On, an allied character in its sensor range and line of sight can move up to its speed as a reaction.}}{{WEATHERING=The Swallowtail ignores difficult terrain.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Main}}{{CORE SYSTEM=GAIA INHERITANCE}}{{PASSIVE - GROUNDED =When you end your turn in a zone that grants soft cover, you become INVISIBLE until you leave that cover, take damage, attack, force a save, or take any other hostile action that affects another character.}} {{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - GUERILLA WARFARE}}{{EFFECT=You create three Burst 1 patches of smoke in spaces within line of sight and Range 5. These patches grant soft cover to characters at least partly within them. They last for the rest of the scene. Additionally, for the rest of the scene, allied characters within SENSORS gain the benefits of GROUNDED.}}",
'frames-f-license-atlas':"{{name=ATLAS LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[KRAUL RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-kraul-rifle)[MULTI-GEAR MANEUVER SYSTEM](!lncr_reference equip-e-multi-gear-maneuver-system)}}{{RANK II=[ATLAS FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-atlas)[JAGER KUNST I](!lncr_reference equip-e-jager-kunst-i)[RICOCHET BLADES](!lncr_reference equip-e-ricochet-blades)}}{{RANK III=[TERASHIMA BLADE](!lncr_reference equip-e-terashima-blade)[JAGER KUNST II](!lncr_reference equip-e-jager-kunst-ii)}}",
'frames-f-atlas':"{{name=ATLAS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-atlas)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech atlas)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[12]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[3]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[2]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[5]]**}}{{GIANTKILLER=The Atlas counts as SIZE 1 for RAM and GRAPPLE. It ignores engagement from larger characters and can freely move through and share the spaces they occupy (even if they’re hostile). While occupying the same spaces as any character, it gains soft cover, even from that character.}}{{JÄGER DODGE =1/round, when you take damage from a larger character, gain RESISTANCE to that damage and move 3 spaces in any direction as a reaction. This ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=JÄGER DODGE}}{{TRIGGER=You take damage from a character larger than yourself}}{{Gain resistance to that damage and move 3 spaces in any direction, ignoring engagement and reactions.}}{{FINISHING BLOW=1/round, deal +1d6 bonus damage on a successful melee attack against a PRONE target.}}{{EXPOSED REACTOR=The Atlas receives +1 Difficulty on ENGINEERING checks and saves.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Flex, 1 Main}}{{CORE SYSTEM = BLOODLINE ACTIVE ASSIST}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - FINAL HUNT}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of the scene, you: Move an additional 1 space when you voluntarily move for any reason (e.g. standard moves, BOOST, movement from systems or talents). Benefits from soft cover at all times, no matter where you are. Can HIDE even in the open, without requiring cover. The only way to reveal you is for another character to SEARCH for you or for you to lose Hidden as usual – by using BOOST, attacking, forcing a save, and so on. When active, 1/round, when you make a melee or ranged attack while HIDDEN, your target must also succeed on a HULL save or be knocked PRONE. This takes place before the attack is rolled}}",
'frames-f-license-white-witch':"{{name=WHITE WITCH LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[FERROFLUID LANCE](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrofluid-lance)[PINNING SPIRE](!lncr_reference equip-e-pinning-spire)}}{{RANK II=[WHITE WITCH FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-white-witch)[SYMPATHETIC SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-sympathetic-shield)[CAMUS'S RAZOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-camus-razor)}}{{RANK III=[FERROSPIKE BARRIER](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrospike-barrier)[RETORT LOOP](!lncr_reference equip-e-retort-loop)}}",
'frames-f-white-witch':"{{name=WHITE WITCH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-white-witch)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech white-witch)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[7]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[6]] SP [[6]]**}}{{ROOTED=While the **White Witch** is **Immobilized**, it has **Resistance** to **kinetic damage** and cannot be knocked back or knocked **Prone**. It can choose to become **Immobilized** until the end of its next turn as a **protocol**}}{{HARDEN=When the **White Witch Braces**, it gains **Overshield 5** before taking damage.}}{{FLUID BURST= When an allied character in **Range 2** of the **White Witch** takes damage, it can reduce the damage by **1** and deal **1 AP kinetic damage** to itself.}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the White Witch as hard cover.}}{{MOUNTS= 1 Flex, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM = FERROREACTIVE SHELL}}{{PASSIVE = **FERROREACTIVE ARMOR** - Each time you take damage from yourself or a hostile source (even if that damage is reduced or ignored), gain **+1 Armor** for the rest of this scene after taking damage, up to a maximum of **+6** (you can use a die to track this).}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=**ACTIVE: HYPERACTIVE MODE** - For the rest of the scene, **Ferroreactive Armor** gives **+2 Armor** each time instaed of **+1**, to a max of **+12**. Each time your armor increases in this way, your mech deals **1 AP kinetic damage** to all characters in a **Burst 1** area as it draws raw material from the environment. If your benefit from **Ferroreactive Armor** would increase past **+12**, it explodes instead, dealing **1 AP kinetic damage** in a **Burst 2** area around you. All characters within the affected area must succeed on a **Hull** save or be knocked [**Prone**](!lncr_reference status-prone), then [**Immobilized**](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) and [**Shredded**](!lncr_reference status-shredded) until the end of their next turns. The benefit from **Ferroreactive Armor** resets to **0**, although it continues to be active and thsi effect can occur multiple times in a scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-balor':"{{name=BALOR LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[HIVE DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-hive-drone)[SCANNER SWARM](!lncr_reference equip-e-scanner-swarm)}}{{RANK II=[BALOR FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-balor)[NANOCOMPOSITE ADAPTATION](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanocomposite-adaptation)[SWARM BODY](!lncr_reference equip-e-swarm-body)}}{{RANK III=[NANOBOT WHIP](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanobot-whip)[SWARM/HIVE NANITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-swarm-hive-nanites)}}",
'frames-f-balor':"{{name=BALOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-balor)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech balor)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[3]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{SCOURING SWARM=The Balor deals 2 kinetic to characters of its choice that start their turn grappled by or adjacent to it.}}{{REGENERATION=At the end of its turn, the Balor regains 1/4 of its total HP. When it takes stress or structure damage, this effect ceases until the end of its next turn.}}{{SELF-PERPETUATING=When you rest, the Balor regains full HP automatically and without REPAIRS.}}{{MOUNTS=1 MAIN, 1 HEAVY}}{{CORE SYSTEM=**HELLSWARM**}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=ACTIVE - HIVE FRENZY}}{{EFFECT=Your nanites switch into a hyperactive mode, causing the following effects until the end of the scene: You and adjacent allies gain soft cover. Scouring Swarm deals 4 kinetic, instead of 2. Regeneration restores 1/2 of your total HP, instead of 1/4. If you would take structure damage, roll 1d6: on 6, your mech hellishly pulls itself together, taking no structure damage, returning to 1 HP, and gaining Immunity to all damage until the end of the current turn. You become Shredded and cannot clear this condition for the duration.}}",
'frames-f-license-goblin':"{{name=GOBLIN LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[AUTOPOD](!lncr_reference equip-e-autopod)[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE I](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-i)}}{{RANK II=[GOBLIN FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-goblin)[METAHOOK](!lncr_reference equip-e-metahook)[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE II](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-ii)}}{{RANK III=[OSIRIS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-osiris-class-nhp)[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE III](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-iii)}}",
'frames-f-goblin':"{{name=GOBLIN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-goblin)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech goblin)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[12]] HEAT CAP[[4]] SENSORS[[20]] TECH ATT[[2]] REPAIR CAP[[2]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[8]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{LITURGICODE=The Goblin gains +1 accuracy on tech attacks}}{{REACTIVE CODE=gain the Reactive Code reaction}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=REACTIVE CODE}}{{TRIGGER=You are hit by a Tech Attack}}{{EFFECT 1=You may take any Quick Tech option against the attacker as a reaction}}{{FRAGILE=The Goblin receives +1 difficulty on Hull checks and saves}}{{MOUNTS=**1 FLEX**}}{{CORE SYSTEM=SYMBIOSIS}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=Your mech retracts its major systems and attaches itself to another mech, becoming more like a vestigial blister than a separate entity. The host must be an allied and willing mech not already hosting another Goblin, larger than and adjacent to you. While attached, you occupy their space, move with them, and benefit from hard cover, but can still be attacked and targeted separately. You also take any conditions and heat taken by your host. Your host may use your Systems, E-Defense, and Tech Attack instead of their own. Additionally, from the beginning of the next round, you no longer take your own turns; instead, you can take two quick actions or one full action at any point during your host’s turn. You can’t Overcharge or move, but may still take reactions and free actions normally. Your host’s turn counts as your turn for the purpose of effects that refer to the start or end of a character’s turn. This effect lasts either for the rest of the scene, until you detach as a quick action, or until you or your host becomes Stunned. When the effect ends, you don’t take a turn until the next round.}}",
'frames-f-license-gorgon':"{{name=GORGON LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[MIMIC MESH](!lncr_reference equip-e-mimic-mesh)[SENTINEL DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-sentinel-drone)}}{{RANK II=[GORGON FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-gorgon)[//SCORPION V70.1](!lncr_reference equip-e-scorpion-v70.1)[MONITOR MODULE](!lncr_reference equip-e-monitor-module)}}{{RANK III=[VORPAL GUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-vorpal-gun)[SCYLLA-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-scylla-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-gorgon':"{{name=GORGON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-gorgon)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech gorgon)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[12]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[12]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[12]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[6]]**}}{{METASTATIC PARALYSIS=When an attack roll against the Gorgon lands on 1–2, it automatically misses and the attacker becomes Stunned until the end of their next turn.}}{{GAZE=The Gorgon can take two reactions per turn, instead of one.}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters may use the Gorgon for hard cover.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 2 Main}}{{CORE SYSTEM=BASILISK DIRECTED ANTICOGNITION HYPERFRACTAL}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=EXTRUDE BASILISK}}{{EFFECT=You project a horrifying basilisk, a visual data-pattern that is incredibly harmful to NHPs and electronic systems, and hard to look at even for humans. For the rest of the scene, hostile characters must succeed on a Systems save before attacking you or any allied characters within range 3. On a failure, they become Stunned until the end of their next turn. Each character can only be Stunned by this effect once per scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-hydra':"{{name=HYDRA LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[GHOUL NEXUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ghoul-nexus)[PUPPETMASTER](!lncr_reference equip-e-puppetmaster)}}{{RANK II=[HYDRA FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-hydra)[GHAST NEXUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ghast-nexus)[TEMPEST DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tempest-drone)}}{{RANK III=[ANNIHILATION NEXUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-annihilation-nexus)[ASSASSIN DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-assassin-drone)}}",
'frames-f-hydra':"{{name=HYDRA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-hydra)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech hydra)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[7]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[8]]**}}{{SYSTEM LINK=When deployed, the Hydra’s Deployables and Drones gain +5 HP.}}{{SHEPHERD FIELD=Drones, Deployables, and objects adjacent to the Hydra gain Resistance to all damage.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=OROCHI DISARTICULATION}}{{PASSIVE - OROCHI DRONES}}{{[EFFECT 1=Your mech contains powerful, integrated drone companions. At creation, choose a single OROCHI Drone to accompany you. Your OROCHI drones share your Evasion, E-Defense, and Speed. They can move independently on your turn, but can’t take any other actions. If you can fly or teleport, they can too. If an OROCHI drone is within Sensors, you may recall it as a quick action, integrating it into your mech’s body where it cannot be targeted. You may redeploy it to a space within Sensors as a quick action. When you rest or perform a FULL REPAIR, you may choose a different drone to accompany you; additionally, your drones regain all HP and are automatically repaired if they were destroyed.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - FULL DEPLOYMENT)}}{{EFFECT 2=All four OROCHI drones are deployed to separate points within Sensors; they remain active for the rest of the scene. You may recall or redeploy any number of them at a time.}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)[FREE](!lncr_stub)=[GUARDIAN OROCHI DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-guardian-orochi-drone)[SNARE OROCHI DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-snare-orochi-drone)[SHREDDER OROCHI DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-shredder-orochi-drone)[HUNTER OROCHI DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-hunter-orochi-drone)}}",
'frames-f-license-manticore':"{{name=MANTICORE LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[CATALYST PISTOL](!lncr_reference equip-e-catalyst-pistol)[BECKONER](!lncr_reference equip-e-beckoner)}}{{RANK II=[MANTICORE FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-manticore)[ARC PROJECTOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-arc-projector)[SMITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-smite)}}{{RANK III=[EMP PULSE](!lncr_reference equip-e-emp-pulse)[LIGHTNING GENERATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-lightning-generator)}}",
'frames-f-manticore':"{{name=MANTICORE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-manticore)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech manticore)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[7]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[6]]**}}{{SLAG CARAPACE=The Manticore has Resistance to Energy Damage and Burn.}}{{UNSTABLE SYSTEM=When destroyed, the Manticore explodes as per a reactor meltdown at the end of its next turn.}}{{CASTIGATE THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD=When you rest or perform a Full Repair, you can push the Manticore into an unstable Castigation State (or bring it out of one). In this state, the Manticore explodes immediately when destroyed due to damage or reactor meltdown, vaporizing it and instantly killing you and any other passengers. Characters within burst 2 must succeed on an Agility save or take 8d6 explosive. On a success, they take half damage. This only takes place if you are physically present in the Manticore.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=CHARGED EXOSKELETON}}{{PASSIVE - CHARGED EXOSKELETON=1/round, when you take heat, you may deal 2 AP energy damage to a character within range 3.}} {{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - DESTRUCTION OF THE TEMPLE OF THE ENEMIES OF RA}}{{EFFECT=Your mech crackles with energy: gain Resistance to heat for the rest of this scene and a Charge Die – 1d6, starting at 1. Whenever you take heat or energy, even from yourself, increase the value of the Charge Die by 1. When the Charge Die reaches 6, the absorbed energy discharges in a burst 2 inferno. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Engineering save or take 6d6 AP energy damage. On a success, they take half damage. Objects in the affected area are automatically hit. Once discharged, this effect ends.}}",
'frames-f-license-minotaur':"{{name=MINOTAUR LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[MESMER CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-mesmer-charges)[VIRAL LOGIC SUITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-viral-logic-suite)}}{{RANK II=[MINOTAUR FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-minotaur)[AGGRESSIVE SYSTEM SYNC](!lncr_reference equip-e-aggressive-system-sync)[METAFOLD CARVER](!lncr_reference equip-e-metafold-carver)[CALENDULA FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-calendula)}}{{RANK III=[INTERDICTION FIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-interdiction-field)[LAW OF BLADES](!lncr_reference equip-e-law-of-blades)}}",
'frames-f-minotaur':"{{name=MINOTAUR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-minotaur)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech minotaur)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[12]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[5]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[8]]**}}{{INVERT COCKPIT=You may Mount or Dismount the Minotaur for the first time each round as a free action. Additionally, the Minotaur doesn’t become Impaired when you Eject.}}{{INTERNAL METAFOLD=While inside the Minotaur, you can't be harmed in any way, even if the Minotaur explodes or is destroyed}}{{LOCALIZED MAZE=Hostile characters cannot pass through a space occupied by the Minotaur for any reason, and must always stop moving when Engaged with it, regardless of Size.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=METAFOLD MAZE}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=PASSIVE - METAFOLD MAZE}}{{EFFECT 1=When you hit with a tech attack, you may activate this system, causing your target to become Slowed until the end of your next turn. If they are already Slowed, they become Immobilized until the end of your next turn; if they are already Immobilized, they become Stunned until the end of your next turn. Each character can only be Stunned by this effect once per combat but can be Slowed or Immobilized any number of times.}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - MAZE}}{{EFFECT 2=Choose a character within Sensors: they become Stunned as you hurl their systems into a metaphysical information trap so tangled they can do nothing but try and escape. At the end of their next turn, they can make a Systems save at +3 difficulty. On a success, they are no longer Stunned. This save can be repeated at the end of each of their turns, gaining +1 accuracy each time until successful.}}",
'frames-f-calendula':"{{name=CALENDULA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-calendula)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech calendula)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[7]] EVASION[[7]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[8]]**}}{{SCULPTOR OF FATE=**1/round**, when the **Calendula** hits a character with a **tech attack**, it can create a void husk in a free space within **Range 3** of its target. Void husks are **Intangible** objects that don't cause obstruction. The husk is the same Size as its target, has **Immunity to all damage and effects**, and emits a **Burst 2** aura while active that affects both Intangible and tangible characters. Hostile characters are **Slowed** while they are at least partly in the area. the **Calendula** can create any number of husks, all of which disintegrate at the end of the scene.}}{{GRAMMATON LAW=**Slowed** hostile characters are also **Shredded** while within **Range 3** of the **Calendula**.}}{{GRAMMATON MANTLE=As a **protocol**, the **Calendula** can become [**Intangible**](!lncr_reference status-intangible) until the start of its next turn.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=**EXECRATION OF the NAMES OF THE UNWORTHY DEAD**}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=PASSIVE - EXECRATE}}{{EFFECT 1=**1/round**, you may target another character within line of sight and **Range 3** of a void husk, banishing them to an interstitial space. Allied characters can choose whether or not to be affected, and hostile characters can avoid the effect by succeeding on a **Systems** save. Banished characters exist within a shadowy gray realm, making them **Intangible**}}{{=This effect lasts until the banished character moves adjacent or starts their turn adjacent to a void husk, either of which returns them to physical space and clears [**Intangible**](!lncr_reference status-intangible)}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - WEIGHING OF INEQUITABLE HEARTS}}{{[EFFICIENT](!lncr_reference tags-efficient)=One hostile character and one allied character, both within **Range 5** and line of sight of you or a void husk, become **Intangible** until the end of your next turn. Two characters must be chosen for this effect to occur.}}",
'frames-f-license-pegasus':"{{name=PEGASUS LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[SMARTGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-smartgun)[HUNTER LOCK](!lncr_reference equip-e-hunter-lock)}}{{RANK II=[PEGASUS FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-pegasus)[MIMIC GUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-mimic-gun)[EYE OF HORUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-eye-of-horus)}}{{RANK III=[AUTOGUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-autogun)[SISYPHUS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-sisyphus-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-pegasus':"{{name=PEGASUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-pegasus)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech pegasus)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[7]]**}}{{¿%:?EXTR!UDE GUN=GUN: GUN}}{{BY THE WAY I KNOW EVERYTHING=When it would roll damage, the Pegasus can instead deal the average damage based on the number of dice rolled, as follows: 1d3 (2), 1d6 (4), 2d6 (7), 3d6 (11), 4d6 (14). This must be decided before rolling damage.}}{{MOUNTS=2 Flex, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM = USHABTI OMNIGUN}}{{EFFECT=[ERROR] [range 15][1 AP Kinetic Damage] Your mech’s omnigun is a piece of experimental hardware so advanced that it defies physics: it doesn’t require a mount, nor does it have a weapon type or size – meaning that it can’t be modified or benefit from your talents. You can’t attack normally with this weapon. Instead, 1/round, as a free action during your turn, you can use it to deal 1 AP kinetic damage to a character within Range 15 and line of sight. This doesn’t count as an attack, hits automatically, ignores cover, bypasses Immunity, and its damage can’t be reduced or ignored in any way. No rule in this book or any other supersedes this.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_stub)=FIRE OMNIGUN}}{{EFFECT 1=1/round, as a free action during your turn, deal 1 AP kinetic damage to a character within Range 15 and line of sight. This doesn’t count as an attack, hits automatically, ignores cover, bypasses Immunity, and its damage can’t be reduced or ignored in any way. No rule supersedes this.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=UNSHACKLE USHABTI}}{{EFFECT 2=For the rest of this scene, you can use the Ushabti Omnigun 3/round, instead of 1/round.}} ",
'frames-f-license-kobold':"{{name=KOBOLD LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[FUSION RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-fusion-rifle)[FORGE CLAMPS](!lncr_reference equip-e-forge-clamps)}}{{RANK II=[KOBOLD FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-kobold)[SLAG CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-slag-cannon)[SEISMIC RIPPER](!lncr_reference equip-e-seismic-ripper)}}{{RANK III=[PURIFYING CODE](!lncr_reference equip-e-purifying-code)[IMMOLATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-immolate)}}",
'frames-f-kobold':"{{name=KOBOLD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-kobold)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech kobold)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[10]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[6]] SENSORS[[8]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[2]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[8]]**}}{{MIMIC CARAPACE=When the Kobold starts its turn adjacent to a piece of terrain or hard cover of SIZE 1 or larger it becomes INVISIBLE as long as it remains adjacent. It ceases to be INVISIBLE if it attacks or takes damage.}}{{SLAG SPRAY=1/round, as a quick action, the Kobold may create a SIZE 1 mound of semi-molten polymer in a free space within Range 3 and line of sight. This terrain has 10 HP, EVASION 5, and grants hard cover.}}{{SLAG SPRAY=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 1=This semi-molten polymer grants hard cover}}{{EXPOSED REACTOR=The Kobold gets +1 Difficulty on ENGINEERING checks and saves.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TERRAFORM}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - TERRAFORM}}{{EFFECT 2=Your mech extrudes a massive amount of polymer, creating up to 10 SIZE 1 cubes in free spaces within Range 5. These cubes can be separate or connected and can be stacked up to 5 spaces high. If connected, they form a contiguous surface that can block line of sight. During the turn in which they are extruded, the cubes grant soft cover and each has EVASION 5 and 10 HP. At the start of your next turn, they harden, each cube granting hard cover and gaining +10 HP (but retaining any damage they had taken).}}",
'frames-f-license-lich':"{{name=LICH LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[UNRAVELER](!lncr_reference equip-e-unraveler)[WANDERING NIGHTMARE](!lncr_reference equip-e-wandering-nightmare)}}{{RANK II=[LICH FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-lich)[ANTILINEAR TIME](!lncr_reference equip-e-antilinear-time)[UNHINGE CHRONOLOGY](!lncr_reference equip-e-unhinge-chronology)}}{{RANK III=[STAY OF EXECUTION](!lncr_reference equip-e-stay-of-execution)[DIDYMOS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-didymos-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-lich':"{{name=LICH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-lich)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech lich)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[0]] HP[[4]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[12]] HEAT CAP[[3]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[5]] SP [[8]]**}}{{SOUL VESSEL=At the start of the Lich's turn, set down a SOUL VESSEL at its current location (replacing any previous markers). 1/round, as a reaction when the Lich is hit by an attack, fails a save or check, or takes damage or Heat from any source (even itself), it may immediately gain IMMUNITY to all damage, heat, or conditions from that effect. It then teleports to the marker or as close as possible. The Lich can also take this reaction at the end of any turn, including its own, but if it does so it only teleports and does not gain IMMUNITY. It can't take this reaction if it is JAMMED, STUNNED, GRAPPLED, or unable to take reactions for any reason.}}{{IMMORTAL=1/scene, in the round after the Lich has been destroyed, it may return to the location of its SOUL VESSEL as a reaction at the end of any turn. This counts as teleporting; additionally, the Lich appears with full HP, no Heat, 1 STRUCTURE and 1 STRESS (even if it had more when it was destroyed). If its pilot died in the same scene, they also return to life. If the Lich does not take this reaction in that round, it remains destroyed and the pilot remains dead.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=CHRONOSTUTTER}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - GLITCH TIME}}{{EFFECT 1=You gain the ability to disrupt time for the rest of this scene. 1/round, when any character successfully attacks, effects, or takes an action against another character within SENSORS, you may interrupt it before it resolves, with the following effects: The character taking the action is pushed up to 3 spaces in a direction of your choice, even if they have IMMUNITY to involuntary movement You teleport to one of the spaces originally occupied by that character, or as close as possible, no matter how far away it was. The initial attack, effect, or action resolves with you as its target. You receive all damage, conditions, statuses, and effects, and the action must be carried out without changes. For example, if the effect was to teleport an allied character to a certain space, you are teleported to that space instead; if the effect was to repair an allied character, you are repaired instead; if the effect was to deal damage and KNOCKBACK, you take the damage (using your ARMOR, RESISTANCE, etc.) and are knocked back in the same direction as the original target would be; if the effect was to inflict a condition or status, you receive that condition or status instead. Initiating this interruption does not count as a reaction. Effects that target the self cannot be interrupted this way}}",
'frames-f-license-barbarossa':"{{name=BARBAROSSA LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[\"ROLLER\" DIRECTED PAYLOAD CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-roller-directed-payload-charges)[SIEGE STABILIZERS](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-stabilizers)}}{{RANK II=[BARBAROSSA FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-barbarossa)[AUTOLOADER DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-autoloader-drone)[FLAK LAUNCHER](!lncr_reference equip-e-flak-launcher)}}{{RANK III=[SIEGE CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-cannon)[EXTERNAL AMMO FEED](!lncr_reference equip-e-external-ammo-feed)}}",
'frames-f-barbarossa':"{{name=BARBAROSSA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-barbarossa)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech barbarossa)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[2]] SP [[5]]**}}{{TRAITS}}{{HEAVY FRAME=The Barbarossa can’t be pushed, pulled, knocked Prone, or knocked back by smaller characters.}}{{PRESSURE PLATING=The Barbarossa has resistance to Explosive Damage}}{{COLOSSUS=Adjacent allied characters can use the Barbarossa for hard cover}}{{SLOW=The Barbarossa receives +1 difficulty on Agility checks and saves}}{{MOUNTS= **2 MAIN, 1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM= **APOCALYPSE RAIL**}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - CHARGE RAIL}}{{EFFECT=When activated, you start charging the Barbarossa’s Apocalypse Rail, an incredibly powerful ship-to-ship long-spool weapon system that requires target calibration. Gain an Apocalypse Die, 1d6 starting at 4. At the start of each of your turns, lower the value of the Apocalypse Die by 1, to a minimum of 1. If you move (even involuntarily) or become Stunned or Jammed, the Apocalypse Die resets to 4 and then continues to count down as usual. If the value of the Apocalypse Die is 1–3, you can attack on your turn with the Apocalypse Rail as a full action, but can’t move or take any other actions on the same turn. After an attack with the Apocalypse Rail, the Apocalypse Die resets to 4. If you reach the end of the scene without using it, you regain 1 CP. At the end of the scene, lose the Apocalypse Die, and the Apocalypse Rail stops charging.}}{{INTEGRATED WEAPON = [APOCALYPSE RAIL](!lncr_reference equip-e-apocalypse-rail)}}",
'frames-f-license-genghis':"{{name=GENGHIS LICENSE}}{{RANK I = [KRAKATOA THERMOBARIC FLAMETHROWER](!lncr_reference equip-e-krakatoa-thermobaric-flamethrower)[EXPLOSIVE VENTS](!lncr_reference equip-e-explosive-vents)}}{{RANK II = [GENGHIS FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-genghis)[HAVOK CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-havok-charges)[AUTO-COOLER](!lncr_reference equip-e-auto-cooler)[\"WORLDKILLER\" GENGHIS MK I FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-world-genghis)}}{{RANK III=[PLASMA THROWER](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-thrower)[AGNI-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-agni-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-genghis':"{{name=GENGHIS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-genghis)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech genghis)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[3]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[10]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{INSULATED=The Genghis has Immunity to burn.}}{{EMERGENCY VENT=When the Genghis takes structure damage, it clears all heat.}}{{MOUNTS =**1 FLEX, 1 MAIN, 1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM= **TBK SUSTAIN SUITE**}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - EXPOSE POWER CELLS}}{{EFFECT=The next time you exceed your Heat Cap this scene, you instead clear all heat and vent a burst 3 cloud of burning matter from your mech. Until the start of your next turn, all characters within the affected area count as Invisible to everyone except you, and characters other than you take 2 burn and 2 heat when they start their turn in the area or enter it for the first time in a round. Once this effect ends, characters within the affected area receive soft cover (which you ignore) until the start of your following turn, at which point the cloud disperses.}}",
'frames-f-world-genghis':"{{name=\"WORLDKILLER\" GENGHIS MK I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-world-genghis)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech worldkiller-genghis)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[3]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{INSULATED=The Genghis has Immunity to burn.}}{{TBK MUNITIONS=The Genghis’s attacks ignore resistance to Burn and Heat.}}{{WEAK COMPUTER = The Genghis receives +1 Difficulty on all SYSTEM saves and checks}}{{MOUNTS =**2 MAIN, 1 HEAVY**}}{{CORE SYSTEM= **JUGGERNAUT REACTOR**}}{{PASSIVE = **FURIOSA**}}{{ EFFECT 1=While in the DANGER ZONE, you are surrounded by shimmering heat that interferes with targeting. You gain soft cover. Additionally, other than you, characters within [Burst 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst) can’t take reactions.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - **A PLEASURE TO BURN**}}{{EFFECT 2=For the rest of the scene, the Genghis is wreathed in coruscating heat. Your FURIOSA aura grows to [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst), and your mech ignores all difficult terrain, simply melting through it. If you overheat during this time, your mech releases a blast of heat that melts the ground beneath it. Characters other than you within the affected area of FURIOSA take [[1d6]] AP Energy damage and must succeed on a HULL save or become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn. The area then becomes difficult terrain for the rest of the scene.}}",
'frames-f-license-iskander':"{{name=ISKANDER LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[STUB CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-stub-cannon)[GROUNDING CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-grounding-charges)}}{{RANK II=[ISKANDER FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-iskander)[GRAVITY GUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-gravity-gun)[REPULSER FIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-repulser-field)}}{{RANK III=[CLAMP BOMBS](!lncr_reference equip-e-clamp-bombs)[TESSERACT](!lncr_reference equip-e-tesseract)}}",
'frames-f-iskander':"{{name=ISKANDER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-iskander)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech iskander)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[10]] HEAT CAP[[7]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[12]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[6]]**}}{{ASSAULT LAUNCHER=1/round, the Iskander may throw one Grenade or plant one Mine as though it has range 15.}}{{MINE DEPLOYERS=1/round, when the Iskander plants a Mine (even using its Assault Launcher trait), it may plant up to two other Mines in free spaces adjacent to itself as a free action.}}{{SKELETON KEY=The Iskander never triggers or sets off Mines or other proximity-based systems unless it chooses to do so.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=BROAD-SWEEP SEEDER}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - DEATH CLOUD}}{{EFFECT=This system fires an enormous, expanding cloud of micromines across the whole battlefield, affecting all hostile characters within range 50. For the rest of the scene, when hostile characters make any movement other than their standard move (including involuntary movement), they take 3 AP explosive damage. This effect can trigger any number of times, but only 1/round for each character.}}",
'frames-f-license-napoleon':"{{name=NAPOLEON LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[STASIS BOLT](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-bolt)[STASIS GENERATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-generator)}}{{RANK II=[NAPOLEON FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-napoleon)[PHASE-READY MOD](!lncr_reference equip-e-phase-ready-mod)[STASIS BARRIER](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-barrier)}}{{RANK III=[DISPLACER](!lncr_reference equip-e-displacer)[BLINKSHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-blinkshield)}}",
'frames-f-napoleon':"{{name=NAPOLEON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-napoleon)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech napoleon)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[2]] HP[[6]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[7]]**}}{{HEAVY SHIELDING=When the Napoleon would take half damage on a successful check or save, it instead reduces the damage to 1.}}{{FLASH AEGIS=When the Napoleon Braces, it reduces incoming damage to 1 instead of gaining Resistance.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TRUEBLACK AEGIS}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - ACTIVATE AEGIS}}{{EFFECT=A shimmering, utterly black field quickly envelops your mech, covering it like a second skin. For the rest of the scene, you: reduce all damage to 1, except for damage that ignores reduction; gain Immunity to all tech actions, including beneficial ones, and any current tech effects or conditions on you end; can only use systems with the Shield tag – any others immediately deactivate (systems that do not require activation are unaffected); can’t take quick actions, full actions, or reactions, except for standard moves, Grapple, Ram, Improvised Attack, Activate (Shield systems only), Skill Check, and Boost; can’t Overcharge; can’t use comms to talk to other characters (as sound doesn’t exit the shield). You can still receive statuses and Heat, and can be affected by involuntary movement. You can otherwise interact normally with the world, including picking up and dragging items, and so on.}}",
'frames-f-license-saladin':"{{name=SALADIN LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[SHATTERHEAD COLONY MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-shatterhead-colony-missiles)[ENCLAVE-PATTERN SUPPORT SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-enclave-pattern-support-shield)}}{{RANK II=[SALADIN FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-saladin)[FLASH ANCHOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-flash-anchor)[HARDLIGHT DEFENSE SYSTEM](!lncr_reference equip-e-hardlight-defense-system)}}{{RANK III=[PARACAUSAL MOD](!lncr_reference equip-e-paracausal-mod)[NOAH-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-noah-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-saladin':"{{name=SALADIN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-saladin)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech saladin)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[12]] EVASION[[6]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[0]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[8]]**}}{{REINFORCED FRAME=The Saladin has Immunity to Shredded}}{{GUARDIAN=Adjacent allied characters can use the Saladin for hard cover.}}{{WARP SHIELD=1/round, the Saladin can give +1 difficulty to any attack against it or an allied character within Sensors as a reaction before the roll is made.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex}}{{CORE SYSTEM=TACHYON LOOP}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - TACHYON SHIELD}}{{EFFECT=This system projects an accelerated-tachyon shield over an allied character within Sensors. You may choose a new target as a quick action. Gain the Defensive Pulse reaction for the rest of the scene. Defensive Pulse Reaction, 1/round Trigger: Your target is attacked. Effect: You empower their tachyon shield with a pulse of energy. They gain Resistance to all damage from the attack, and if the attack misses, you may force the attacker to reroll it against a character or object of your choice, checking line of sight and Range from your target instead of from the attacker. If the attack was part of an area of effect, the new target must be inside the same area of effect from the original attack instead.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=DEFENSIVE PULSE}}{{TRIGGER=Your target is attacked}}{{EFFECT 1=You empower their tachyon shield with a pulse of energy. They gain Resistance to all damage from the attack, and if the attack misses, you may force the attacker to reroll it against a character or object of your choice, checking line of sight and Range from your target instead of from the attacker. If the attack was part of an area of effect, the new target must be inside the same area of effect from the original attack instead.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=RETARGET TACHYON SHIELD}}{{EFFECT 2=Change the target of your Tachyon Shield to another allied character within Sensors.}}",
'frames-f-license-sherman':"{{name=SHERMAN LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[SOL-PATTERN LASER RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-sol-pattern-laser-rifle)[REACTOR STABILIZER](!lncr_reference equip-e-reactor-stabilizer)}}{{RANK II=[SHERMAN FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-sherman)[ANDROMEDA-PATTERN HEAVY LASER RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-andromeda-pattern-heavy-laser-rifle)[REDUNDANT SYSTEMS UPGRADE](!lncr_reference equip-e-redundant-systems-upgrade)}}{{RANK III=[TACHYON LANCE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tachyon-lance)[ASURA-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-asura-class-nhp)}}",
'frames-f-sherman':"{{name=SHERMAN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-sherman)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech sherman)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[7]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[-1]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{SUPERIOR REACTOR=The Sherman gains +1 accuracy on Engineering checks and saves.}}{{MATHUR STOP=When the Sherman clears all heat, you may choose to receive heat equal to half its Heat Cap, putting it in the Danger Zone.}}{{VENT HEAT=When you Stabilize the Sherman or it exceeds its Heat Cap, it benefits from soft cover until the start of your next turn.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Flex, 1 Main, 1 Heavy}}{{CORE SYSTEM=ZONE-FOCUS MK IV SOLIDCORE}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - COREBURN PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT 1=Your ZF4 SOLIDCORE immediately gains 3 Charges, to a maximum of 4; additionally, for the rest of this scene, Stabilize generates 2 Charges instead of 1, and all terrain, objects, and deployables take 10 AP energy damage per charge on hit.}}{{EQUIP=[ZF4 SOLIDCORE](!lncr_reference equip-e-zf4-solidcore)}}",
'frames-f-license-tokugawa':"{{name=TOKUGAWA LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[ANNIHILATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-annihilator)[EXTERNAL BATTERIES](!lncr_reference equip-e-external-batteries)}}{{RANK II=[TOKUGAWA FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-tokugawa)[TORCH](!lncr_reference equip-e-torch)[DEEP WELL HEAT SINK](!lncr_reference equip-e-deep-well-heat-sink)[ENKIDU FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-enkidu)}}{{RANK III=[LUCIFER-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-lucifer-class-nhp)[PLASMA GAUNTLET](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-gauntlet)}}",
'frames-f-tokugawa':"{{name=TOKUGAWA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-tokugawa)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech tokugawa)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[8]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[6]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[10]] TECH ATT[[-1]] REPAIR CAP[[4]] SAVE TARGET[[11]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[6]]**}}{{LIMIT BREAK=When the Tokugawa is Exposed, its ranged and melee attacks deal +3 energy bonus damage on hit, all of its weapons that would deal kinetic or explosive damage instead deal energy, ranged weapons gain +5 range and melee weapons gain +1 threat.}}{{PLASMA SHEATH=When the Tokugawa is in the Danger Zone and attacks with a weapon that deals any amount of energy, all bonus damage becomes burn.}}{{MOUNTS=1 FLEX, 2 MAIN}}{{CORE SYSTEM=SUPERHEATED REACTOR FEED}}{{[PROTOCOL 1](!lncr_stub)=PASSIVE - OVERCLOCK}}{{EFFECT 1=You cause your mech to become Exposed until the end of your turn}}{{[PROTOCOL 2](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - RADIANCE}}{{EFFECT 2=For the rest of this scene, weapons that deal any energy gain +5 range if they are ranged or +2 threat if they are melee. While you’re Exposed, Limit Break stacks with these bonuses for a total increase of +10 range and +3 threat.}}",
'frames-f-enkidu':"{{name=ENKIDU [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-enkidu)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech enkidu)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[10]] EVASION[[8]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[8]] SENSORS[[5]] TECH ATT[[-2]] REPAIR CAP[[5]] SAVE TARGET[[10]] SPEED[[3]] SP [[5]]**}}{{PRIMAL FURY=When the Enkidu ends its turn in the DANGER ZONE, it rears up, extends its PLASMA TALONS (see below), and enters a state of primal fury with the following effects: **On hit**, characters struck by the Enkidu’s PLASMA TALONS immediately become IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. **As a special reaction,** the Enkidu must use its PLASMA TALONS to attack any character (hostile or allied) that enters, exits or moves more than 1 space within its THREAT. This special reaction can be used once a turn, any number of times a round, and doesn’t count against the maximum number of reactions a turn, so the Enkidu can take other reactions normally. This state ends at the start of the Enkidu’s turn, or if the Enkidu exits the DANGER ZONE.}}{{ALL FOURS=While it’s in the DANGER ZONE, the Enkidu can’t make ranged or tech attacks but has 6 base SPEED.}}{{BRUTE STRENGTH=The Enkidu gets +1 accuracy on hull checks and saves.}}{{BLOODSENSE=The Enkidu always knows if characters are at or under half of their maximum HP, but not the exact number.}}{{MOUNTS=2 Flex}}{{CORE SYSTEM=LIMIT RESTRICTION ZERO}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=CRUSH LIMITER}}{{EFFECT 1=For the rest of the scene, the Enkidu gains the Bifurcate action, which can only be used in the DANGER ZONE}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=BIFURCATE}}{{EFFECT 2=The Enkidu engages its monstrous strength, targets an adjacent character (allied or hostile) and attempts to tear them in half with its talons. If the target has 7 HP or less, only 1 STRUCTURE remaining, and doesn’t have IMMUNITY to damage, they are immediately destroyed, the action cost of this ability is refunded, and the Enkidu can BOOST as a free action. If this action fails to destroy the target, the target instead takes 1 Kinetic Damage. At the end of the scene, the CP cost of BIFURCATE is refunded if the Enkidu did not use it to destroy any characters.}}{{EQUIP=[PLASMA TALONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-talons)}}",
'frames-f-license-sunzi':"{{name=SUNZI LICENSE}}{{RANK I=[ACCELERATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-accelerate)[BLINK CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-blink-charges)}}{{RANK II=[SUNZI FRAME](!lncr_reference frames-f-sunzi)[WARP RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-warp-rifle)[BLINKSPACE TUNNELER](!lncr_reference equip-e-blinkspace-tunneler)}}{{RANK III=[REALSPACE BREACH](!lncr_reference equip-e-realspace-breach)[FINAL SECRET](!lncr_reference equip-e-final-secret)}}",
'frames-f-sunzi':"{{name=SUNZI [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait frames-f-sunzi)[SET STATS](!lncr_set_mech sunzi)}}{{BASE STATS=**STRUCT[[4]] STRESS[[4]] ARMOR[[1]] HP[[7]] EVASION[[7]] E-DEFENSE[[8]] HEAT CAP[[7]] SENSORS[[15]] TECH ATT[[1]] REPAIR CAP[[3]] SAVE TARGET[[15]] SPEED[[4]] SP [[7]]**}}{{SAFE HARBOR=When allied characters within Range 50 of the Sunzi teleport or are teleported, free spaces adjacent to the Sunzi are always valid end destinations.}}{{ANCHOR=The Sunzi has Immunity to involuntary movement caused by other characters.}}{{SLIP=1/round, the Sunzi can teleport 2 spaces as a free action.}}{{MOUNTS=1 Main/Aux}}{{CORE SYSTEM=REALITY CARVER}}{{PASSIVE - BLINK ANCHOR=Blink Anchor (SIZE 1/2, Tags: DEPLOYABLE, IMMUNITY to all damage and effects, LIMITED 3) You carry a single blink anchor that you can deploy as a quick action. When any character teleports within your line of sight, you may force them to appear in a free space adjacent to the blink anchor instead of their original destination, as long as they can safely stand there. If your target is hostile, this expends a charge. Initiating this interruption does not count as a reaction. Once it’s deployed, you or any allied character can pick it up or put it down while adjacent to it as a quick action.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVE - ART OF WAR}}{{EFFECT 1=For the rest of the scene, this system gains 6 charges (you can use a die to track this). As a reaction at the start or end of any hostile or allied character’s turn within SENSORS and line of sight, expend a charge to teleport them up to 3 spaces in any direction, as long as they end in a free space in which they can stand.}}",
//The object containing the equipment
'p_lncr_equipment_dict' : {
//Manufacturer menus
'equip-e-gms':"{{name=GENERAL MASSIVE SYSTEMS}}{{*From Cradle to the stars, GMS: Assured Quality. Universal Licensing. Total Coverage.*}}{{[WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-gms-weapons)}}{{[SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-gms-systems)}}{{[LICENSES](!lncr_reference equip-e-gms-frames)}}",
'equip-e-gms-weapons':"{{name=GENERAL MASSIVE SYSTEMS}}{{WEAPONS = **(A)uxiliary, (M)ain, (H)eavy, (S)uperheavy**}}{{A = [ANTI-MATERIEL RIFLE (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-anti-materiel-rifle)[ASSAULT RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-assault-rifle)}}{{C=[CHARGED BLADE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-charged-blade)[CYCLONE PULSE RIFLE (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-cyclone-pulse-rifle)}}{{H=[HEAVY CHARGED BLADE (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-heavy-charged-blade)[HEAVY MACHINE GUN (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-heavy-machine-gun)[HEAVY MELEE WEAPON (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-heavy-melee-weapon)[HOWITZER (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-howitzer)[HURRICANE CLUSTER PROJECTOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-hurricane-cluster-projector)}}{{M=[MISSILE RACK (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-missile-rack)[MORTAR (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-mortar)}}{{N=[NEXUS (HUNTER-KILLER) (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-nexus-hunter-killer)[NEXUS (LIGHT) (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-nexus-light)}}{{P=[PISTOL (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-pistol)[ROCKET PROPELLED GRENADE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-rocket-propelled-grenade)}}{{S=[SEGMENT KNIFE (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-segment-knife)[SHOTGUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-shotgun)}}{{T=[TACTICAL KNIFE (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-tactical-knife)[TACTICAL MELEE WEAPON (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-tactical-melee-weapon)[TEMPEST CHARGED BLADE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tempest-charged-blade)[THERMAL LANCE (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-thermal-lance)[THERMAL PISTOL (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-thermal-pistol)[THERMAL RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-thermal-rifle)}}",
'equip-e-gms-systems':"{{name=GENERAL MASSIVE SYSTEMS}}{{SYSTEMS= **(SP COST)**}}{{A=[ARMAMENT REDUNDANCY](!lncr_reference equip-e-armament-redundancy)}}{{C=[COMP/CON CLASS ASSISTANT UNIT](!lncr_reference equip-e-comp/con-class-assistant-unit)[CUSTOM PAINT JOB](!lncr_reference equip-e-custom-paint-job)}}{{E=[EVA MODULE](!lncr_reference equip-e-eva-module)[EXPANDED COMPARTMENT](!lncr_reference equip-e-expanded-compartment)}}{{M=[MANIPULATORS](!lncr_reference equip-e-manipulators)}}{{P=[PATTERN-A JERICHO DEPLOYABLE COVER](!lncr_reference equip-e-pattern-a-jericho-deployable-cover)[PATTERN-A SMOKE CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-pattern-a-smoke-charges)[PATTERN-B HEX CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-pattern-b-hex-charges)[PERSONALIZATIONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-personalizations)}}{{R=[RAPID BURST JUMP JET SYSTEM](!lncr_reference equip-e-rapid-burst-jump-jet-system)}}{{S=[STABLE STRUCTURE](!lncr_reference equip-e-stable-structure)}}{{T=[TURRET DRONES](!lncr_reference equip-e-turret-drones)[TYPE-3 PROJECTED SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-type-3-projected-shield)[TYPE-1 FLIGHT SYSTEM](!lncr_reference equip-e-type-1-flight-system)}}",
'equip-e-gms-frames':"{{name=GMS LICENSES}}{{C=[CHOMOLUNGMA](!lncr_reference frames-f-chomolungma)}}{{E=[EVEREST](!lncr_reference frames-f-everest)}}{{S=[SAGARMATHA](!lncr_reference frames-f-sagarmatha)}}",
'equip-e-ipsn':"{{name=IPS-NORTHSTAR}}{{*Your Friend in an Unfriendly Sea.*}}{{[WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ipsn-weapons)}}{{[SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ipsn-systems)}}{{[LICENSES](!lncr_reference equip-e-ipsn-frames)}}",
'equip-e-ipsn-weapons':"{{name=IPS-NORTHSTAR}}{{WEAPONS = **(A)uxiliary, (M)ain, (H)eavy, (S)uperheavy**}}{{A=[ASSAULT CANNON (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-assault-cannon)}}{{B=[BLACKSPOT TARGETING LASER (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-blackspot-targeting-laser)[BOLT THROWER (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-bolt-thrower)[BRISTLECROWN FLECHETTE LAUNCHER (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-bristlecrown-flechette-launcher)}}{{C=[CATALYTIC HAMMER (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-catalytic-hammer)[CHAIN AXE(M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-chain-axe)[COMBAT DRILL (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-combat-drill)[CONCUSSION MISSILES (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-concussion-missiles)[CUTTER MKII PLASMA TORCH (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-cutter-mkii-plasma-torch)}}{{D=[D/D 288 (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-dd-288)[DAISY CUTTER (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-daisy-cutter)[DECK-SWEEPER AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-deck-sweeper-automatic-shotgun)}}{{H=[HAMMER U-RPL (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-hammer-u-rpl)[HAND CANNON (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-hand-cannon)[HHS-155 CANNIBAL (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-hhs-155-cannibal)}}{{I=[IMPACT LANCE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-impact-lance)[IMPALER NAILGUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-impaler-nailgun)}}{{K=[KINETIC HAMMER (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-kinetic-hammer)}}{{L=[LEVIATHAN HEAVY ASSAULT CANNON (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-leviathan-heavy-assault-cannon)}}{{N=[NANOCARBON SWORD (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanocarbon-sword)}}{{P=[POWER KNUCKLES (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-power-knuckles)}}{{T=[TIGER-HUNTER COMBAT SHEATHE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-tiger-hunter-combat-sheathe)}}{{W=[WAR PIKE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-war-pike)}}",
'equip-e-ipsn-systems':"{{name=IPS-NORTHSTAR}}{{SYSTEMS= **(SP COST)**}}{{A=[ACESO STABILIZER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-aceso-stabilizer)[AEGIS SHIELD GENERATOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-aegis-shield-generator)[ARGONAUT SHIELD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-argonaut-shield)[ARMOR-LOCK PLATING ](!lncr_reference equip-e-armor-lock-plating)}}{{B=[BB BREACH/BLAST CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-bb-breach-blast-charges)[BULWARK MODS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-bulwark-mods)}}{{C=[CABLE WINCH SYSTEM ](!lncr_reference equip-e-cable-winch-system)[CALTROP LAUNCHER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-caltrop-launcher)[CHARGED STAKE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-charged-stake)}}{{F=[FIELD-APPROVED, BRASS-IGNORANT MODIFICATIONS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-field-approved-modifications)[FORGE-2 SUBALTERN SQUAD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-forge-2-subaltern-squad)}}{{H=[HARDPOINT REINFORCEMENT ](!lncr_reference equip-e-hardpoint-reinforcement)[HYPERDENSE ARMOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-hyperdense-armor)}}{{M=[MOLTEN WREATHE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-molten-wreathe)[MULE HARNESS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-mule-harness)}}{{O=[OMNIBUS PLATE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-omnibus-plate)}}{{P=[PEBCAC ](!lncr_reference equip-e-pebcac)[PORTABLE BUNKER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-portable-bunker)}}{{R=[RAMJET ](!lncr_reference equip-e-ramjet)[RAPID MANEUVER JETS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-rapid-maneuver-jets)[REINFORCED CABLING ](!lncr_reference equip-e-reinforced-cabling)[RESTOCK DRONE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-restock-drone)[\"ROLAND\" CHAMBER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-roland-chamber)}}{{S=[SEKHMET-CLASS NHP ](!lncr_reference equip-e-sekhmet-class-nhp)[SIEGE RAM ](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-ram)[SMOKESTACK HEATSINK ](!lncr_reference equip-e-smokestack-heatsink)[SPIKE CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-spike-charges)[SUPERMASSIVE MOD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-supermassive-mod)[SYNTHETIC MUSCLE NETTING ](!lncr_reference equip-e-synthetic-muscle-netting)}}{{T=[THERMAL CHARGE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-thermal-charge)[THROUGHBOLT ROUNDS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-throughbolt-rounds)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE I ](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-i)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE II ](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-ii)[TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE III ](!lncr_reference equip-e-total-strength-suite-iii)}}{{U=[UNCLE-CLASS COMP/CON ](!lncr_reference equip-e-uncle-class-compcon)}}{{W=[WEBJAW SNARE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-webjaw-snare)[WHITEWASH SEALANT SPRAY ](!lncr_reference equip-e-whitewash-sealant-spray)}}",
'equip-e-ipsn-frames':"{{name=IPS-N LICENSES}}{{B=[BLACKBEARD](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-blackbeard)}}{{C=[CALIBAN](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-caliban)}}{{D=[DRAKE](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-drake)}}{{K=[KIDD](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-kidd)}}{{L=[LANCASTER](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-lancaster)}}{{N=[NELSON](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-nelson)}}{{R=[RALEIGH](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-raleigh)}}{{T=[TORTUGA](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-tortuga)}}{{V=[VLAD](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-vlad)}}{{Z=[ZHENG](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-zheng)}}",
'equip-e-ssc':"{{name=SMITH-SHIMANO CORPRO}}{{*You Only Need One.*}}{{[WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ssc-weapons)}}{{[SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ssc-systems)}}{{[LICENSES](!lncr_reference equip-e-ssc-frames)}}",
'equip-e-ssc-weapons':"{{name=SMITH-SHIMANO CORPRO}}{{WEAPONS = **(A)uxiliary, (M)ain, (H)eavy, (S)uperheavy**}}{{B=[BOLT NEXUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-bolt-nexus)[BURST LAUNCHER (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-burst-launcher)}}{{F=[FERROFLUID LANCE](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrofluid-lance)[FOLD KNIFE (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-fold-knife)}}{{G=[GANDIVA MISSILES (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-gandiva-missiles)}}{{K=[KRAUL RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-kraul-rifle)}}{{M=[MAGNETIC CANNON (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-magnetic-cannon)}}{{O=[ORACLE LMG-I (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-oracle-lmg-i)}}{{P=[PINAKA MISSILES (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-pinaka-missiles)}}{{R=[RAIL RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-rail-rifle)[RAILGUN (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-railgun)[RETORT LOOP](!lncr_reference equip-e-retort-loop)}}{{S=[SHARANGA MISSILES (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-sharanga-missiles)[SHOCK KNIFE (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-shock-knife)}}{{T=[TERASHIMA BLADE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-terashima-blade)}}{{V=[VARIABLE SWORD (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-variable-sword)[VEIL RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-veil-rifle)[VIJAYA ROCKETS (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-vijaya-rockets)[VULTURE DMR (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-vulture-dmr)}}",
'equip-e-ssc-systems':"{{name=SMITH-SHIMANO CORPRO}}{{SYSTEMS}}{{A=[ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-active-camouflage)[ATHENA-CLASS NHP ](!lncr_reference equip-e-athena-class-nhp)[AYAH OF THE SYZYGY](!lncr_reference equip-e-ayah-syzygy)}}{{B=[BLACK ICE MODULE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-black-ice-module)}}{{C=[CAMUS'S RAZOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-camus-razor)[CORE SIPHON ](!lncr_reference equip-e-core-siphon)}}{{D=[DOMINION'S BREADTH](!lncr_reference equip-e-dominions-breadth)}}{{F=[FADE CLOAK ](!lncr_reference equip-e-fade-cloak)[FERROUS LASH ](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrous-lash)[FERROSPIKE BARRIER](!lncr_reference equip-e-ferrospike-barrier)[FLASH CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-flash-charges)[FLICKER FIELD PROJECTOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-flicker-field-projector)}}{{H=[HIGH-STRESS MAG CLAMPS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-high-stress-mag-clamps)[HUNTER LOGIC SUITE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-hunter-logic-suite)}}{{I=[ICEOUT DRONE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-iceout-drone)}}{{J=[JAVELIN ROCKETS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-javelin-rockets)[JÄGER KUNST I ](!lncr_reference equip-e-jager-kunst-i)[JÄGER KUNST II ](!lncr_reference equip-e-jager-kunst-ii)}}{{K=[KINETIC COMPENSATOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-kinetic-compensator)}}{{L=[LB/OC CLOAKING FIELD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-lb-oc-cloaking-field)[LOTUS PROJECTOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-lotus-projector)}}{{M=[MAGNETIC SHIELD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-magnetic-shield)[MARKERLIGHT ](!lncr_reference equip-e-markerlight)[MULTI-GEAR MANEUVER SYSTEM ](!lncr_reference equip-e-multi-gear-maneuver-system)}}{{N=[NEUROSPIKE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-neurospike)}}{{O=[OASIS WALL ](!lncr_reference equip-e-oasis-wall)}}{{P=[PERIMETER COMMAND PLATE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-perimeter-command-plate)[PINNING SPIRE](!lncr_reference equip-e-pinning-spire)}}{{R=[REACTIVE WEAVE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-reactive-weave)[RETRACTABLE PROFILE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-retractable-profile)[RICOCHET BLADES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-ricochet-blades)}}{{S=[SHAHNAMEH](!lncr_reference equip-e-shahnameh)[SHOCK WREATH ](!lncr_reference equip-e-shock-wreath)[SINGULARITY MOTIVATOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-singularity-motivator)[STABILIZER MOD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-stabilizer-mod)[STUNCROWN ](!lncr_reference equip-e-stuncrown)[SYMPATHETIC SHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-sympathetic-shield)}}{{T=[THE IMPERIAL EYE](!lncr_reference equip-e-imperial-eye)[THE WALK OF KINGS](!lncr_reference equip-e-walk-kings)[TLALOC-CLASS NHP ](!lncr_reference equip-e-tlaloc-class-nhp)[TRACKING BUG ](!lncr_reference equip-e-tracking-bug)}}",
'equip-e-ssc-frames':"{{name=SSC LICENSES}}{{A=[ATLAS](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-atlas)}}{{B=[BLACK WITCH](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-black-witch)}}{{D=[DEATH'S HEAD](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-deaths-head)[DUSK WING](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-dusk-wing)}}{{E=[EMPEROR](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-emperor)}}{{M=[METALMARK](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-metalmark)[MONARCH](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-monarch)[MOURNING CLOAK](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-mourning-cloak)}}{{S=[SWALLOWTAIL](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-swallowtail)}}{{W=[WHITE WITCH](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-white-witch)}}",
'equip-e-ha':"{{name=HARRISON ARMORY}}{{*Superior by Design*}}{{[WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ha-weapons)}}{{[SYSTEMS](!lncr_reference equip-e-ha-systems)}}{{[LICENSES](!lncr_reference equip-e-ha-frames)}}",
'equip-e-ha-weapons':"{{name=HARRISON ARMORY}}{{WEAPONS = **(A)uxiliary, (M)ain, (H)eavy, (S)uperheavy**}}{{A=[ANDROMEDA-PATTERN HEAVY LASER RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-andromeda-pattern-heavy-laser-rifle)[ANNIHILATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-annihilator)}}{{D=[DISPLACER](!lncr_reference equip-e-displacer)}}{{G=[GRAVITY GUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-gravity-gun)}}{{K=[KRAKATOA THERMOBARIC FLAMETHROWER](!lncr_reference equip-e-krakatoa-thermobaric-flamethrower)}}{{P=[PLASMA THROWER](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-thrower)[PLASMA TALONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-talons)}}{{S=[SHATTERHEAD COLONY MISSILES](!lncr_reference equip-e-shatterhead-colony-missiles)[SIEGE CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-cannon)[SOL-PATTERN LASER RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-sol-pattern-laser-rifle)[STUB CANNON](!lncr_reference equip-e-stub-cannon)}}{{T=[TACHYON LANCE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tachyon-lance)[TORCH](!lncr_reference equip-e-torch)}}{{W=[WARP RIFLE](!lncr_reference equip-e-warp-rifle)}}",
'equip-e-ha-systems':"{{name=HARRISON ARMORY}}{{SYSTEMS}}{{A=[ACCELERATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-accelerate)[AGNI-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-agni-class-nhp)[ASURA-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-asura-class-nhp)[AUTO-COOLER](!lncr_reference equip-e-auto-cooler)[AUTOLOADER DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-autoloader-drone)}}{{B=[BLINK CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-blink-charges)[BLINKSHIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-blinkshield)[BLINKSPACE TUNNELER](!lncr_reference equip-e-blinkspace-tunneler)}}{{C=[CLAMP BOMBS](!lncr_reference equip-e-clamp-bombs)}}{{D=[DEEP WELL HEAT SINK ](!lncr_reference equip-e-deep-well-heat-sink)}}{{E=[ENCLAVE-PATTERN SUPPORT SHIELD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-enclave-pattern-support-shield)[EXPLOSIVE VENTS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-explosive-vents)[EXTERNAL AMMO FEED ](!lncr_reference equip-e-external-ammo-feed)[EXTERNAL BATTERIES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-external-batteries)}}{{F=[FLAK LAUNCHER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-flak-launcher)[FLASH ANCHOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-flash-anchor)[FINAL SECRET ](!lncr_reference equip-e-final-secret)}}{{G=[GROUNDING CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-grounding-charges)}}{{H=[HARDLIGHT DEFENSE SYSTEM ](!lncr_reference equip-e-hardlight-defense-system)[HAVOK CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-havok-charges)}}{{L=[LUCIFER-CLASS NHP ](!lncr_reference equip-e-lucifer-class-nhp)}}{{N=[NOAH-CLASS NHP ](!lncr_reference equip-e-noah-class-nhp)}}{{P=[PARACAUSAL MOD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-paracausal-mod)[PHASE-READY MOD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-phase-ready-mod)[PLASMA GAUNTLET ](!lncr_reference equip-e-plasma-gauntlet)}}{{R=[REACTOR STABILIZER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-reactor-stabilizer)[REDUNDANT SYSTEMS UPGRADE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-redundant-systems-upgrade)[REPULSER FIELD ](!lncr_reference equip-e-repulser-field)[REALSPACE BREACH ](!lncr_reference equip-e-realspace-breach)[\"ROLLER\" DIRECTED PAYLOAD CHARGES ](!lncr_reference equip-e-roller-directed-payload-charges)}}{{S=[SIEGE STABILIZERS ](!lncr_reference equip-e-siege-stabilizers)[STASIS BARRIER ](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-barrier)[STASIS BOLT ](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-bolt)[STASIS GENERATOR ](!lncr_reference equip-e-stasis-generator)}}{{T=[TESSERACT ](!lncr_reference equip-e-tesseract)}}",
'equip-e-ha-frames':"{{name=HA LICENSES}}{{B=[BARBAROSSA](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-barbarossa)}}{{G=[GENGHIS](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-genghis)}}{{I=[ISKANDER](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-iskander)}}{{N=[NAPOLEON](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-napoleon)}}{{S=[SALADIN](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-saladin)[SHERMAN](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-sherman)[SUNZI](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-sunzi)}}{{T=[TOKUGAWA](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-tokugawa)}}",
'equip-e-horus-weapons':"{{name=HORUS}}{{WEAPONS = **(A)uxiliary, (M)ain, (H)eavy, (S)uperheavy**}}{{A=[ANNIHILATION NEXUS (S)](!lncr_reference equip-e-annihilation-nexus)[ARC PROJECTOR (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-arc-projector)[AUTOGUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-autogun)[AUTOPOD (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-autopod)}}{{C=[CATALYST PISTOL (A)](!lncr_reference equip-e-catalyst-pistol)}}{{F=[FUSION RIFLE (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-fusion-rifle)}}{{G=[GHAST NEXUS (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-ghast-nexus)[GHOUL NEXUS (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-ghoul-nexus)}}{{M=[MIMIC GUN (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-mimic-gun)}}{{N=[NANOBOT WHIP (H)](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanobot-whip)}}{{S=[SLAG CANNON (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-slag-cannon)[SMARTGUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-smartgun)[SWARM/HIVE NANITES (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-swarm-hive-nanites)}}{{U=[UNRAVELER (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-unraveler)}}{{V=[VORPAL GUN (M)](!lncr_reference equip-e-vorpal-gun)}}",
'equip-e-horus-systems':"{{name=HORUS}}{{SYSTEMS}}{{A=[AGGRESSIVE SYSTEM SYNC](!lncr_reference equip-e-aggressive-system-sync)[ASSASSIN DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-assassin-drone)[ANTILINEAR TIME](!lncr_reference equip-e-antilinear-time)}}{{B=[BECKONER](!lncr_reference equip-e-beckoner)}}{{D=[DIDYMOS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-didymos-class-nhp)}}{{E=[EMP PULSE](!lncr_reference equip-e-emp-pulse)[EYE OF HORUS](!lncr_reference equip-e-eye-of-horus)}}{{F=[FORGE CLAMPS](!lncr_reference equip-e-forge-clamps)}}{{H=[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE I](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-i)[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE II](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-ii)[H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE III](!lncr_reference equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-iii)[HIVE DRONE ](!lncr_reference equip-e-hive-drone)[HUNTER LOCK](!lncr_reference equip-e-hunter-lock)}}{{I=[IMMOLATE](!lncr_reference equip-e-immolate)[INTERDICTION FIELD](!lncr_reference equip-e-interdiction-field)}}{{L=[LAW OF BLADES](!lncr_reference equip-e-law-of-blades)[LIGHTNING GENERATOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-lightning-generator)}}{{M=[MESMER CHARGES](!lncr_reference equip-e-mesmer-charges)[METAFOLD CARVER](!lncr_reference equip-e-metafold-carver)[METAHOOK](!lncr_reference equip-e-metahook)[MIMIC MESH](!lncr_reference equip-e-mimic-mesh)[MONITOR MODULE](!lncr_reference equip-e-monitor-module)}}{{N=[NANOCOMPOSITE ADAPTATION](!lncr_reference equip-e-nanocomposite-adaptation)}}{{O=[OSIRIS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-osiris-class-nhp)}}{{P=[PUPPETMASTER](!lncr_reference equip-e-puppetmaster)[PURIFYING CODE](!lncr_reference equip-e-purifying-code)}}{{S=[SCANNER SWARM ](!lncr_reference equip-e-scanner-swarm)[SCYLLA-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-scylla-class-nhp)[SEISMIC RIPPER](!lncr_reference equip-e-seismic-ripper)[SENTINEL DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-sentinel-drone)[SISYPHUS-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-sisyphus-class-nhp)[SMITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-smite)[STAY OF EXECUTION](!lncr_reference equip-e-stay-of-execution)[SWARM BODY](!lncr_reference equip-e-swarm-body)}}{{T=[TEMPEST DRONE](!lncr_reference equip-e-tempest-drone)}}{{U=[UNHINGE CHRONOLOGY](!lncr_reference equip-e-unhinge-chronology)}}{{V=[VIRAL LOGIC SUITE](!lncr_reference equip-e-viral-logic-suite)}}{{W=[WANDERING NIGHTMARE](!lncr_reference equip-e-wandering-nightmare)}}",
'equip-e-horus-frames':"{{name=HORUS LICENSES}}{{B=[BALOR](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-balor)}}{{G=[GOBLIN](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-goblin)[GORGON](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-gorgon)}}{{H=[HYDRA](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-hydra)}}{{K=[KOBOLD](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-kobold)}}{{L=[LICH](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-lich)}}{{M=[MANTICORE](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-manticore)[MINOTAUR](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-minotaur)}}{{P=[PEGASUS](!lncr_reference frames-f-license-pegasus)}}",
//GMS Weapons
'equip-e-anti-materiel-rifle':"{{name=ANTI-MATERIEL RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-anti-materiel-rifle)}}{{ATTACK = [[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=20}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 KINETIC](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)}}",
'equip-e-assault-rifle':"{{name=ASSAULT RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-assault-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 KINETIC](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference rags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-charged-blade':"{{name=CHARGED BLADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-charged-blade)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{Type=Melee}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+3 ENERGY](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3 3)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)}}",
'equip-e-cyclone-pulse-rifle':"{{name=CYCLONE PULSE RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-cyclone-pulse-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[3d6+3 KINETIC](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 3)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[RELIABLE 5](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-heavy-charged-blade':"{{name=HEAVY CHARGED BLADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-heavy-charged-blade)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+3 ENERGY](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)}}",
'equip-e-heavy-machine-gun':"{{name=HEAVY MACHINE GUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-heavy-machine-gun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 4)}}{{TAGS=[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)}}",
'equip-e-heavy-melee-weapon':"{{name=HEAVY MELEE WEAPON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-heavy-melee-weapon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 1)}}",
'equip-e-howitzer':"{{name=HOWITZER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-howitzer)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=20}}{{AOE=[BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)}}",
'equip-e-hurricane-cluster-projector':"{{name=HURRICANE CLUSTER PROJECTOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hurricane-cluster-projector)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 6)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 6)}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-missile-rack':"{{name=MISSILE RACK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-missile-rack)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=10}}{{AOE=[BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}",
'equip-e-mortar':"{{name=MORTAR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-mortar)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=15}}{{AOE=[BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)}}",
'equip-e-nexus-hunter-killer':"{{name=NEXUS (HUNTER-KILLER) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-nexus-hunter-killer)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-nexus-light':"{{name=NEXUS (LIGHT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-nexus-light)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-pistol':"{{name=PISTOL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pistol)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{THREAT=4}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 1](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-rocket-propelled-grenade':"{{name=ROCKET-PROPELLED GRENADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-rocket-propelled-grenade)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=10}}{{AOE=[BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{TAGS=[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)}}",
'equip-e-segment-knife':"{{name=SEGMENT KNIFE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-segment-knife)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)}}",
'equip-e-shotgun':"{{name=SHOTGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shotgun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}",
'equip-e-tactical-knife':"{{name=TACTICAL KNIFE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tactical-knife)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[THROWN 3](!lncr_reference tags-thrown)}}",
'equip-e-tactical-melee-weapon':"{{name=TACTICAL MELEE WEAPON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tactical-melee-weapon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2)}}",
'equip-e-tempest-charged-blade':"{{name=TEMPEST CHARGED BLADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tempest-charged-blade)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=2}}{{DAMAGE=[3d6+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 1 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 1 4)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}",
'equip-e-thermal-lance':"{{name=THERMAL LANCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-thermal-lance)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{LINE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+3 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 2(SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-thermal-pistol':"{{name=THERMAL PISTOL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-thermal-pistol)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{LINE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[[2]] **ENERGY**}}",
'equip-e-thermal-rifle':"{{name=THERMAL RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-thermal-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)}}",
//Harrison Armory Weapons
'equip-e-andromeda-pattern-heavy-laser-rifle':"{{name=ANDROMEDA-PATTERN HEAVY LASER RIFLE[EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-andromeda-pattern-heavy-laser-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=12}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0) [[3]] **BURN**}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 3 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-annihilator':"{{name=ANNIHILATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-annihilator)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{ON HIT=Make a secondary attack against all characters within [BURST 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst) of the target. These attacks can’t deal bonus damage, and don’t trigger the Annihilator’s heat cost or secondary attacks.}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-displacer':"{{name=DISPLACER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-displacer)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=10}}{{AOE = [BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=[[10]] **ENERGY**}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 10 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-gravity-gun':"{{name=GRAVITY GUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-gravity-gun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=8}}{{AOE=[BLAST 3](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{ON ATTACK=Characters within the affected area must succeed on a Hull save or take [[1d6]] **ENERGY** damage and be pulled as close to the center of the blast possible. This weapon cannot be modified or benefit from core bonuses.}}",
'equip-e-krakatoa-thermobaric-flamethrower':"{{name=KRAKATOA THERMOBARIC FLAMETHROWER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-krakatoa-thermobaric-flamethrower)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{AOE = [CONE 5](!lncr_reference tags-cone)}}{{DAMAGE=[[1]] **ENERGY** [[4]] **BURN**}}",
'equip-e-plasma-thrower':"{{name=PLASMA THROWER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-plasma-thrower)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{AOE=[CONE 7](!lncr_reference tags-cone) **OR** [LINE 10](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2) [[6]] **BURN**}}{{ON ATTACK=White-hot flames continue to burn in 3 free spaces of your choice within the affected area, lasting for the rest of the scene. When characters start their turn in one of these spaces or enter one for the first time in a round, they take 1d6 energy damage.}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 4 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-shatterhead-colony-missiles':"{{name=SHATTERHEAD COLONY MISSILES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shatterhead-colony-missiles)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{EFFECT=The final attack roll for this weapon can never be affected by difficulty.}}{{TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)}}",
'equip-e-siege-cannon':"{{name=SIEGE CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-siege-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{ON ATTACK=Choose to fire in either siege mode or direct fire mode.}}{{RANGE = **30 (SIEGE)** | **20 (DIRECT)**}}{{AOE = [BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast) **(SIEGE ONLY)**}}{{DAMAGE=[3d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 0)}}{{SIEGE::TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[HEAT 4 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}{{DIRECT::TAGS=[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-sol-pattern-laser-rifle':"{{name=SOL-PATTERN LASER RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sol-pattern-laser-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0) [[1]] **BURN**}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-stub-cannon':"{{name=STUB CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stub-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[[3]] **EXPLOSIVE**}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[KNOCKBACK 1](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}",
'equip-e-tachyon-lance':"{{name=TACHYON LANCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tachyon-lance)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=20}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)[[8]] **BURN**}}{{ON ATTACK=If you’re in the Danger Zone, create a [CONE 3](!lncr_reference tags-cone) backblast of burning plasma in the opposite direction to the attack. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Engineering save or take [[4]] **BURN** and [[2]] **HEAT**. Until the start of your next turn, the affected area provides soft cover.}}{{TAGS=[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)[HEAT 4 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-torch':"{{name=TORCH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-torch)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0) [[3]] **BURN**}}{{TAGS=[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-warp-rifle':"{{name=WARP RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-warp-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{EFFECT=The target must pass an ENGINEERING save or be teleported a number of spaces equal to the damage you dealt with this weapon (including bonus damage, etc.; no more than 10 spaces), in a direction of your choice. They must end in a free, valid space.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}",
//HORUS Weapons
'equip-e-annihilation-nexus':"{{name=ANNIHILATION NEXUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-annihilation-nexus)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=NEXUS}}{{AOE=[BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+3 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)}}{{ON ATTACK = You can make a second attack with this weapon at the start of your next turn as a protocol. This secondary attack can’t deal bonus damage, and doesn't trigger additional secondary attacks. You may center this weapon’s attack on either yourself or any of your Drones within Sensors.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=ANNIHILATION NEXUS SECONDARY ATTACK}}{{EFFECT=If you made an attack with the Annihilation Nexus on your last turn, you can make a second attack with this weapon. This secondary attack can’t deal bonus damage, and doesn't trigger additional secondary attacks. You may center this weapon’s attack on either yourself or any of your Drones within Sensors.}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-arc-projector':"{{name=ARC PROJECTOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-arc-projector)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{ON HIT=You may also make a secondary attack against a different character within range 3 of the first target. You can continue making secondary attacks on hits, as long as there are new, valid targets within range; however, each attack generates 1 heat, and secondary attacks can’t deal bonus damage. Characters can’t be hit more than once with the same firing of this weapon.}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-autogun':"{{name=AUTOGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-autogun)}}{{SP COST = 1}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE= [[3]] **KINETIC**}}{{[FREE](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)=FIRE AUTOGUN}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can’t make normal attacks. Instead, you can attack with it as a free action at the end of your turn. It doesn’t benefit from or trigger your talents.}}{{TAGS=[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)}}",
'equip-e-autopod':"{{name=AUTOPOD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-autopod)}}{{SP COST = 1}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[[3]] **KINETIC**}}{{EFFECT=Instead of using any kind of trigger mechanism, this weapon automatically scans for target locks, firing spinning, razor-sharp disks upon successful IDs. Gain the Autonomous Assault reaction, which is the only way you can attack with the Autopod}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=AUTONOMOUS ASSAULT}}{{TRIGGER=Another character attacks a target within range 15 of you and consumes Lock On}}{{EFFECT=You may automatically hit their target with the Autopod}}{{TAGS=[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-catalyst-pistol':"{{name=CATALYST PISTOL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-catalyst-pistol)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{AOE=[CONE 3](!lncr_reference tags-cone)}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 2 (SELF](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-fusion-rifle':"{{name=FUSION RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-fusion-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=6}}{{DAMAGE=1-6 **ENERGY**}}{{EFFECT=This weapon deals damage equal to its RANGE from the target (up to a maximum of 6 Energy Damage)}}",
'equip-e-ghast-nexus':"{{name=GHAST NEXUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ghast-nexus)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1D6+3 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)}}{{EFFECT=This weapon may be used to attack as normal, or deployed as a Drone}}{{[FREE](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)= **DEPLOY GHAST DRONE**}}{{GHAST DRONE [DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_reference rules-size)[ARMOR 2](!lncr_reference rules-armor)[HP 5](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 10](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_reference rules-e-defense)}}{{DEPLOY EFFECT =This Ghast nexus can be deployed to a free space within Sensors and line of sight as a free action, where it becomes a stationary, hovering Drone. Once deployed, you may still use it for Skirmish and Barrage attacks as though it is still a weapon, but with line of sight and Range traced from its location.You may recall or redeploy the Ghast nexus as a quick action. Until recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene. If destroyed, it follows the rules for destroyed Drones and can’t be used until repaired.}} {{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)}}",
'equip-e-ghoul-nexus':"{{name=GHOUL NEXUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ghoul-nexus)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **VARIABLE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{ON ATTACK=Choose this weapon's damage type}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-mimic-gun':"{{name=MIMIC GUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-mimic-gun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=???}}{{RANGE=???}}{{DAMAGE=??? **KINETIC**}}{{EFFECT=This horrifying weapon has no basic form; it constantly contorts itself into different shapes, mimicking the weapons of other combatants. It counts as all ranged weapon types simultaneously (e.g., CQB, Rifle, etc.), but it can’t take Mods or benefit from core bonuses, although it still benefits from talents as normal. At the start of combat, roll 3d20 and note the results in order: X, Y, and Z. X is its starting base Range (before modifications from talents). At the start of each of your turns after the first, the mimic gun cycles to the next result, taking that as its base Range. After Z, it cycles back to X. The mimic gun does kinetic equal to 1 + half of its current base Range. You may provoke the mimic gun as a full action, rolling a new set of 3d20.}}{{[FULL](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)=PROVOKE MIMIC GUN}}{{SPECIAL EFFECT = Roll a new set of 3d20 to set the Mimic Gun's values.}}{{TAGS=[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-nanobot-whip':"{{name=NANOBOT WHIP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-nanobot-whip)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=Pull your target to a free space adjacent to you, or as close as possible.}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-slag-cannon':"{{name=SLAG CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-slag-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{EFFECT=If your target is on the ground or a flat surface, once this attack resolves place a SIZE 1 mound of slag in a free space adjacent to them. The mound is an object with EVASION 5 and 10 HP.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)=**DEPLOY SLAG**}}{{SLAG [DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=[SIZE 1](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 10](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 5](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)}}",
'equip-e-smartgun':"{{name=SMARTGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-smartgun)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[[4]] **KINETIC**}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-swarm-hive-nanites':"{{name=SWARM/HIVE NANITES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-swarm-hive-nanites)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[[2]] **KINETIC** [[2]] **BURN**}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)}}",
'equip-e-unraveler':"{{name=UNRAVELER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-unraveler)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{EFFECT=If an attack from this weapon would not deal enough damage to destroy its target or cause it to take at least 1 structure damage, it instead only deals RELIABLE 2 damage, even on a hit.}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-vorpal-gun':"{{name=VORPAL GUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-vorpal-gun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Snicker-Snack reaction, which is the only way you can attack with this weapon.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=**SNICKER-SNACK**}}{{TRIGGER=A hostile character within Range of the Vorpal Gun and line of sight deals damage to an allied character}}{{SPECIAL EFFECT = You may make an attack against the hostile character with the Vorpal Gun}}{{TAGS=[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
//IPSN Weapons
'equip-e-assault-cannon':"{{name=ASSAULT CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-assault-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2)}}{{EFFECT=You can spin up this weapon’s barrels as a quick action. While spinning, it gains [RELIABLE 3](!lncr_reference tags-reliable), but you become [SLOWED](!lncr_reference tags-slowed). You can end this effect as a protocol.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=**SPIN UP ASSAULT CANNON**}}{{EFFECT 1 = Your Assault Cannon gains Reliable 3, but you become Slowed}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=**SPIN DOWN ASSAULT CANNON**}}{{EFFECT 2 = End your Assault Cannon's Spin Up effect, losing [RELIABLE 3](!lncr_reference tags-reliable) and the [SLOWED](!lncr_reference tags-slowed) status it incurs.}}{{TAGS=[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-blackspot-targeting-laser':"{{name=BLACKSPOT TARGETING LASER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-blackspot-targeting-laser)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{ON HIT=DRONE, SEEKING, and NEXUS weapons adn systems gain +1 Accuracy to attack the target until the end of their next turn.}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=The target also receives [LOCK ON](!lncr_reference status-lock-on)}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!1ncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-bolt-thrower':"{{name=BOLT THROWER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-bolt-thrower)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **KINETIC** 1d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 0)}}{{TAGS=[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-bristlecrown-flechette-launcher':"{{name=BRISTLECROWN FLECHETTE LAUNCHER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-bristlecrown-flechette-launcher)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{AOE=[BURST 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst)}}{{DAMAGE=[[1]] **KINETIC**}}{{EFFECT=This weapon ignores ranged penalties from Engaged, and deals 3 Kinetic damage to Grappled or Biological targets, instead of 1.}}",
'equip-e-catalytic-hammer':"{{name=CATALYTIC HAMMER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-catalytic-hammer)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+5 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 5 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 5 3)}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT= Your target must succeed on a Hull save or become Stunned until the end of their next turn}}{{TAGS=[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}",
'equip-e-chain-axe':"{{name=CHAIN AXE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-chain-axe)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=Your target becomes Shredded until the end of the current turn}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-combat-drill':"{{name=COMBAT DRILL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-combat-drill)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[3d6 KINETIC, 1d6 ENERGY](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 4 0) [CRIT](!lncr_core_rolldamage 8 4 0)}}{{EFFECT=When attacking a character that is Prone, Immobilized, or Stunned, this weapon’s Overkill tag does an extra +[[1d6]] bonus damage each time it activates. This can activate indefinitely if the new bonus die result is a 1, triggering Overkill again.}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)}}",
'equip-e-concussion-missiles':"{{name=CONCUSSION MISSILES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-concussion-missiles)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{ON HIT=The target must succeed on a Hull save or become [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn}}{{TAGS=[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}",
'equip-e-cutter-mkii-plasma-torch':"{{name=CUTTER MKII PLASMA TORCH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-cutter-mkii-plasma-torch)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[[1]] **ENERGY** [[1]] **HEAT** [[1]] **BURN**}}{{EFFECT=This weapon deals [[10]]AP energy to objects, cover, terrain, and the environment}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-dd-288':"{{name=D/D 288 [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-dd-288)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{UNCHARGED THREAT=1}}{{UNCHARGED DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{CHARGED THREAT=3}}{{CHARGED DAMAGE=[4d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 4 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 8 4 0)}}{{ON HIT::CHARGED=While charged, this weapon deals [[30]] AP **KINETIC** Damage when it hits objects or pieces of terrain. If this destroys objects and pieces of terrain, they explode, dealing [[1d6]] **KINETIC** Damage to all adjacent characters other than you and knocking them back 1 space. This weapon loses its charge when you hit a target, when you disperse its charge as a free action, or when you become [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) or [SHUT DOWN](!lncr_reference status-shut-down).}}{{EFFECT= Unlike other Superheavy weapons, this weapon can be used with the basic profile to [SKIRMISH](!lncr_reference actions-skirmish). You may charge this weapon as a quick action. While charged, you benefit from soft cover, but you are [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed), take [[2]] Heat at the start of your turn, and can no longer use the D/D 288 with [SKIRMISH](!lncr_reference actions-skirmish). At the start of any of your turns while it is charged, it has the Charged profile.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=**CHARGE D/D 288**}}{{SPECIAL EFFECT=Charge the D/D 288. At the start of any of your turns while the D/D 288 is Charged, it uses the \"Charged\" profile. You become [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed), and benefit from [SOFT COVER](!lncr_reference rules-cover-soft). Additionally, gain 2 Heat at the start of your turn. The \"Charged\" profile cannot be used to Skirmish.}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 8](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)[KNOCKBACK 8](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-daisy-cutter':"{{name=DAISY CUTTER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-daisy-cutter)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{AOE=[CONE 7](!lncr_reference tags-cone)}}{{DAMAGE=[3d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 0)}}{{ON ATTACK=Creates a cloud of smoke and detritus in the attack cone, providing soft cover in the affected area that lasts until the end of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)}}",
'equip-e-deck-sweeper-automatic-shotgun':"{{name=DECK-SWEEPER AUTOMATIC SHOTGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-deck-sweeper-automatic-shotgun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=3}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{TAGS=[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-innacurate)}}",
'equip-e-hammer-u-rpl':"{{name=HAMMER U-RPL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hammer-u-rpl)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6+3 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 3)}}{{TAGS=[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}",
'equip-e-hand-cannon':"{{name=HAND CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hand-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{TAGS=[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)[RELIABLE 1](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-hhs-155-cannibal':"{{name=HHS-155 CANNIBAL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hhs-155-cannibal)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=3}}{{THREAT=3}}{{SINGLE BARREL DAMAGE=[2d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 4)}}{{DOUBLE BARREL DAMAGE=[3d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 4)}}{{EFFECT::BOTH BARRELS=Fire both barrels at once, causing the weapon to be fired with +1 Difficulty and requiring a reload as normal}}{{EFFECT=You can fire this heavy shotgun twice before it needs to be reloaded. Alternatively, you may fire with both barrels at once, receiving +1 Difficulty, increasing its damage to 3d6+4 Kinetic and its KNOCKBACK to 4, but requiring it to be reloaded as usual. When this weapon is reloaded, you may choose to deal 5 Kinetic Damage to an adjacent character from the force of the ejecting shells.}}{{TAGS=[KNOCKBACK 2/4](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}",
'equip-e-impact-lance':"{{name=IMPACT LANCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-impact-lance)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{ON ATTACK=You also attack all characters in a Line between you and your target. You take 1 heat for each target past the first.}}",
'equip-e-impaler-nailgun':"{{name=IMPALER NAILGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-impaler-nailgun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=5}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{ON HIT=Targets must succeed on a Hull save or become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-kinetic-hammer':"{{name=KINETIC HAMMER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-kinetic-hammer)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[2d6+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 2)}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 4](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-leviathan-heavy-assault-cannon':"{{name=LEVIATHAN HEAVY ASSAULT CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-leviathan-heavy-assault-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{STANDARD EFFECT=Unlike other Superheavy weapons, the Leviathan can be used with Skirmish. You can spin up this weapon’s barrels as a quick action.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=SPIN UP LEVIATHAN}}{{EFFECT 1=Spin up this barrels of the Leviathan Heavy Assault Cannon, Slowing your mech and allowing use of its \"Spin-Up Mode\" profile.}}{{TAGS 1=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}{{SPIN-UP DAMAGE=[4d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 4 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 8 4 4)}}{{EFFECT::SPIN-UP MODE=While spinning, you are [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and can no longer use the Leviathan with Skirmish. You can cease this effect as a protocol.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=CEASE SPIN-UP}}{{SPECIAL EFFECT 2=End the Leviathan Heavy Assault Cannon's \"Spin-Up Mode\", ending the Slowed condition and allowing the Leviathan to be used with its \"Standard\" profile.}}{{TAGS 2=[RELIABLE 5](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-nanocarbon-sword':"{{name=NANOCARBON SWORD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-nanocarbon-sword)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=2}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 4)}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE 3](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-power-knuckles':"{{name=POWER KNUCKLES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-power-knuckles)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=Your target must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone)}}",
'equip-e-tiger-hunter-combat-sheathe':"{{name=TIGER-HUNTER COMBAT SHEATHE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tiger-hunter-combat-sheathe)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can attack two targets at a time, and can be used even while [JAMMED](!lncr_reference status-jammed)}}",
'equip-e-war-pike':"{{name=WAR PIKE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-war-pike)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{TAGS=[KNOCKBACK 1](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)[THROWN 5](!lncr_reference tags-thrown)}}",
//SSC Weapons
'equip-e-bolt-nexus':"{{name=BOLT NEXUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-bolt-nexus)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Nexus}}{{RANGE=10 OR 20}}{{DAMAGE=[[1]] OR [[4]] **ENERGY**}}{{ON HIT= This weapon gains SEEKING, RELIABLE 4, RANGE 20, and it deals 4 energy damage until you attack a new character with this weapon.}}{{TAGS=[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[RELIABLE 4](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-burst-launcher':"{{name=BURST LAUNCHER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-burst-launcher)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3) [[1]] **HEAT**}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=Target becomes [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)}}",
'equip-e-fold-knife':"{{name=FOLD KNIFE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-fold-knife)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=You may teleport 2 spaces in any direction after the attack resolves}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)}}",
'equip-e-ferrofluid-lance':"{{name=FFERROFLUID LANCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ferrofluid-lance)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=2}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{EFFECT= **1/round**, you may force a character hit by this weapon to make a **Hull** save. **On a failure**, both you and your target are [**IMMOBILIZED**](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) and cannot be moved in any way. For the duraction, the target always considers you within range for **melee attacks**. On any subsequent turn, you can end this effect as a **protocol**, knocking your target **4 spaces** in any direction, or your target can end it by successfully hitting you with a **ranged or melee attack**. This condition can't be removed any other way.}}{{TAGS=[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)}}",
'equip-e-gandiva-missiles':"{{name=GANDIVA MISSILES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-gandiva-missiles)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+3 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[SEEKING](!lncr_reference tags-seeking)[SMART](!lncr_reference tags-smart)}}",
'equip-e-kraul-rifle':"{{name=KRAUL RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-kraul-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=CQB}}{{RANGE=8}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{ON HIT=your target is impaled by this weapon’s harpoon-like projectile. Any time after your target takes any action or movement during their next turn, you can reel in the line and boost as a reaction, moving toward that target by the most direct route possible. They must then pass a HULL save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone); succeed or fail, this effect ends. The line snaps if your target teleports.}}{{TAGS=[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)}}",
'equip-e-magnetic-cannon':"{{name=MAGNETIC CANNON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-magnetic-cannon)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{AOE=[LINE 8](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{ON ATTACK=All characters within the affected area must succeed on a Hull save or be pulled [[1d3+1]] spaces toward you, or as close as possible}}",
'equip-e-oracle-lmg-i':"{{name=ORACLE LMG-I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-oracle-lmg-i)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)}}",
'equip-e-pinaka-missiles':"{{name=PINAKA MISSILES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pinaka-missiles)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Superheavy}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=20}}{{AOE=[BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}{{DAMAGE=}}{{EFFECT=[2d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0)}}{{TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-rail-rifle':"{{name=RAIL RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-rail-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{AOE=[LINE 10](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-railgun':"{{name=RAILGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-railgun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{AOE=[LINE 20](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+4 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 4)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-retort-loop':"{{name=RETORT LOOP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-retort-loop)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Heavy}}{{TYPE=Cannon}}{{Range =10}}{{DAMAGE=**KINETIC** Charges: [0](!lncr_core_rolldamage 0 0 3)[1](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 3)[2](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 3)[2](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 3) CRITS: [C1](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 3)[C2](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 3)[C3](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 3)}}{{EFFECT=Any time you take damage from a hostile source you may choose to store a charge in this weapon. It fires with an additional **1d6 kinetic damage**, **Reliable 2**, and **Knockback 1** for each charge stored, to a maximum of **3 charges**. Once fired, it clears all charges, hit or miss.}}{{TAGS=[RELIABLE (2/CHARGE)](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)[KNOCKBACK (1/CHARGE)](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}",
'equip-e-sharanga-missiles':"{{name=SHARANGA MISSILES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sharanga-missiles)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[[3]] **EXPLOSIVE**}}{{EFFECT=This weapon can attack two targets at a time}}{{TAGS=[ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing)}}",
'equip-e-shock-knife':"{{name=SHOCK KNIFE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shock-knife)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[[1]] **ENERGY** [[2]] **BURN**}}{{TAGS=[THROWN 5](!lncr_reference tags-thrown)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-terashima-blade':"{{name=TERASHIMA BLADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-terashima-blade)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{UNIVERSAL EFFECT=You may begin any fight in any of this weapon's stances and may take a stance or shift between stances as a protocol. Once you have taken a stance, you remain in it until you take a new stance, this weapon is destroyed, or you are [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) or [JAMMED](!lncr_reference status-jammed). You can also drop a stance as a free action.}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{STANCES}}{{TROLL= Weapon gains [AP](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing),[INNACURATE](!lncr_reference tags-innacurate), and **+3** Weapon damage.}}{{STORM=On Hit, deal [[2]] **KINETIC** to all other characters adjacent to you and your target as a Reaction.}}{{LORD=You cannot make ranged or tech attacks, but any ranged attack against you that misses deflects off your sword, dealing 2 damage (same type as the attack) to a character of your choice in range 3 and line of sight from you. Any melee attack that misses you forces the attacker to pass a HULL save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}{{WIND=Weapon becomes **THREAT 2** [RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback) and after attacking with this weapon you may move 2 spaces in any direction, ignoring engagement and reactions.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=**CHANGE STANCE**}}{{[FREE](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)=**DROP STANCE**}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)",
'equip-e-variable-sword':"{{name=VARIABLE SWORD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-variable-sword)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=2}}{{DAMAGE=[[3]] **KINETIC**}}{{ON CRITICAL HIT=Deal +1d6 bonus damage}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)}}",
'equip-e-veil-rifle':"{{name=VEIL RIFLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-veil-rifle)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{AOE=[LINE 10](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+1 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1 3)}}{{EFFECT=This weapon does not attack allied characters caught in its area of effect; instead, it shrouds them in a field of coruscating energy that throws off targeting systems, giving them soft cover until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)}}",
'equip-e-vijaya-rockets':"{{name=VIJAYA ROCKETS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-vijaya-rockets)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0 3)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)}}",
'equip-e-vulture-dmr':"{{name=VULTURE DMR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-vulture-dmr)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Rifle}}{{RANGE=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
//GMS Systems
'equip-e-armament-redundancy':"{{name=ARMAMENT REDUNDANCY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-armament-redundancy)}}{{EFFECT = You may choose to ignore weapon destruction as a result of the SYSTEM TRAUMA result when taking structure damage. This system can only be used once before each FULL REPAIR, and is not a valid target for system destruction.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INDESTRUCTIBLE](!lncr_stub)}}",
'equip-e-comp/con-class-assistant-unit':"{{name=COMP/CON-CLASS ASSISTANT UNIT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-comp/con-class-assistant-unit)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech has a basic comp/con unit, granting it the AI tag. The comp/con can speak to you and has a personality, but, unlike an NHP, is not truly capable of independent thought. It is obedient to you alone.}}{{=You can give control of your mech to its comp/con as a protocol, allowing your mech to act independently on your turn with its own set of actions. Unlike other AIs, a mech controlled by a comp/con has no independent initiative and requires direct input. Your mech will follow basic courses of action (defend this area, attack this enemy, protect me, etc.) to the best of its ability, or will act to defend itself if its instructions are complete or it receives no further guidance. You can issue new commands at the start of your turn as long as you are within Range 50 and have the means to communicate with your mech. Comp/con units are not true NHPs and thus cannot enter cascade.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-custom-paint-job':"{{name=CUSTOM PAINT JOB [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-custom-paint-job)}}{{EFFECT=When you take structure damage, roll [[1d6]]. On a 6, you return to 1 HP and ignore the damage – the hit simply ‘scratched your paint’.}}{{=This system can only be used once before each Full Repair, and is not a valid target for system destruction.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INDESTRUCTIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-indestructible)}}",
'equip-e-eva-module':"{{name=EVA MODULE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-eva-module)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech has a propulsion system suitable for use in low or zero gravity and underwater environments. In those environments, you can fly and are not Slowed.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-expanded-compartment':"{{name=EXPANDED COMPARTMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-expanded-compartment)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech has space for one additional non-Mech character or object of SIZE 1/2 to ride as a passenger in the cockpit. While inside the mech, they cannot suffer any effect from outside or be targeted by attacks, as if they were a pilot. You can hand over or take back control to or from them as a protocol (following the same rules as pilot and AIs), but if they take over the controls from you, the mech becomes Impaired and Slowed to reflect the lack of appropriate licenses and integration.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-manipulators':"{{name=MANIPULATORS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-manipulators)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech has an extra set of limbs. They are too small to have any combat benefit, but allow the mech to interact with objects that would otherwise be too small or sensitive (e.g., pilot-sized touch pads).}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference unique)}}",
'equip-e-pattern-a-jericho-deployable-cover':"{{name=PATTERN-A JERICHO DEPLOYABLE COVER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pattern-a-jericho-deployable-cover)}}{{TYPE = Deployable}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=DEPLOY JERICHO DEPLOYABLE COVER}}{{JERICHO DEPLOYABLE COVER = [SIZE 1](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 10](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 5](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)}}{{Effect = Deploy two sections of Size 1 hard cover in free spaces adjacent to you and to each other. Each section is an object with 5 Evasion and 10 HP that can be targeted and destroyed individually. Sections of cover can be picked up again as a full action.Repairing the system restores both sections}}{{TAGS = [UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-pattern-a-smoke-charges':"{{name=PATTERN-A SMOKE CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pattern-a-smoke-charges)}}{{TYPE = Deployale}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = SMOKE GRENADE}}{{Effect=Throw a Smoke Grenade within [RANGE 5](!lncr_reference tags-range). All characters and objects within a [BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast) area benefit from [soft cover](!lncr_reference soft cover) until the end of your next turn, at which point the smoke disperses.}}{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)= {DEPLOY SMOKE MINE}}{{SMOKE MINE = [DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}{{EFFECT = This mine detonates when any allied character moves over or adjacent to it. All characters and objects within a Burst 3 area benefit from soft cover until the end of the detonating character’s next turn, at which point the smoke disperses.}}{{Tags = [LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-pattern-b-hex-charges':"{{name=PATTERN-B HEX CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pattern-b-hex-charges)}}{{TYPE = Deployale}}{{FRAG GRENADE = [RANGE 5](!lncr_reference tags-range)[BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast)[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}{{Effect=Throw a Frag Grenade within Range 5. All characters within a Blast 1 area must pass an [AGILITY](!lncr_reference rules-agility) save or take [[1d6]] **EXPLOSIVE** damage. On a success, they take half damage}}{{EXPLOSIVE MINE=[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}{{EFFECT = All characters within a Burst 1 area must pass an Agility save or take [[2d6]] Explosive damage. On a success, they take half damage.}}{{Tags = [LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-personalizations':"{{name=PERSONALIZATIONS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-personalizations)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +2 HP and, in consultation with the GM, you may establish a minor modification you have made to your mech. This mod has no numerical benefit beyond the additional HP it grants, but could provide other useful effects. If the GM agrees that this mod would help with either a pilot or mech skill check, you gain +1 Accuracy for that check.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-rapid-burst-jump-jet-system':"{{name=RAPID BURST JUMP JET SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-rapid-burst-jump-jet-system)}}{{EFFECT=You can fly when you Boost; however, you must end the movement on the ground or another solid surface, or else immediately begin falling.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-stable-structure':"{{name=STABLE STRUCTURE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stable-structure)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 Accuracy on saves to avoid Prone or Knockback.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-turret-drones':"{{name=TURRET DRONES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-turret-drones)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=**DEPLOY TURRET DRONE**}}{{TURRET DRONE = [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 5](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 10](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_reference rules-edefense)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Turret Attack reaction, which can be taken once for each deployed turret drone. Turret drones cannot be recalled and expire at the end of the scene.}}{{TURRET ATTACK = [1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}{{Trigger = An allied character within Range 10 of a turret drone makes a successful attack.}}{{Effect = The turret drone deals 3 Kinetic damage to their target, as long as it has line of sight to their target.}}{{TAGS = [LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-type-3-projected-shield':"{{name=TYPE-3 PROJECTED SHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-type-3-projected-shield)}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)= PROJECT SHIELD}}{{EFFECT = Nominate a character within line of sight: all ranged or melee attacks that they make against you or that you make against them gain +2 Difficulty until the start of your next turn.}}{{TAGS = [SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1(SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-type-1-flight-system':"{{name=TYPE-1 FLIGHT SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-type-1-flight-system)}}{{EFFECT = You may choose to count any and all of your movement as flying; however, you take Size +1 Heat at the end of any of your turns in which you fly this way.}}{{TAGS = [UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-chomolungma-invade-options':"{{name=CHOMOLUNGMA INVADE OPTIONS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-chomolungma-invade-options)}}{{ADVANCED INTRUSTION PACKAGE = Gain the following options for Invade:}}{{BALANCE CONTROL LOCKOUT = Push your target 2 spaces in any direction and knock them Prone. If they are already Prone, they become Immobilized until the end of their next turn. You may only Immobilize each character this way 1/scene.}}{{SYSTEM CRUSHER=Your target takes an additional 2 heat, for a total of 4 heat. If this Invade causes them to exceed their Heat Cap, they take 4 burn as well. this can only be used 1/scene on each character.}}",
//Harrison Armory Systems
'equip-e-accelerate':"{{name=ACCELERATE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-accelerate)}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)=ACTIVATE ACCELLERATE}}{{EFFECT = Choose and mark two free spaces within your line of sight that share a surface and are within Range 5 of each other. Characters that start their turn in one of these spaces or enter one for the first time in a round are pushed as far as possible in a straight line towards the other space. If they collide with an obstruction, they stop moving. They may avoid being pushed with a successful [HULL](!lncr_reference rules-hull) save. [GRENADES](!lncr_reference tags-grenade), [DEPLOYABLES](!lncr_reference tags-deployable), or other loose objects of SIZE 1 or smaller that are thrown or deployed into one of the spaces are also pushed towards the other space before activating or detonating. They activate or detonate early if they are forced to stop by another character or object. This effect lasts for the rest of the scene, or until you take this QUICK TECH option again.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-agni-class-nhp':"{{name=AGNI-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-agni-class-nhp)}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)=AGNI PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=1/scene, expend a charge to automatically clear all heat at the end of your turn, venting it in a [BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) wave. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Engineering save or take [[2]] **BURN** and be pushed outside the area (or as far as possible). Until the end of your next turn, characters within the affected area receive soft cover.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-asura-class-nhp':"{{name=ASURA-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-asura-class-nhp)}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=ASURA PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=1/scene, expend a charge to take two additional quick actions or one additional full action this turn. These actions must obey restrictions on duplicate actions.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[HEAT 3 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-auto-cooler':"{{name=AUTO-COOLER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-auto-cooler)}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=ACTIVATE AUTO-COOLER}}{{EFFECT=As long as you don’t take damage, move, or exceed your Heat Cap, you clear all heat at the start of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-autoloader-drone':"{{name=AUTOLOADER DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-autoloader-drone)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = DEPLOY AUTOLOADER DRONE}}{{AUTOLOADER DRONE = [DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 5](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 10](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_reference rules-edefense)}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to deploy this autoloader drone to any adjacent space. 1/round, one character adjacent to it may reload a Loading weapon as a quick action. It deactivates at the end of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-blink-charges':"{{name=BLINK CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-blink-charges)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=WARP GRENADE}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a grenade with Range 5 and Blast 3. On impact, choose any character within the affected area and teleport them to any free, valid space within the same area. An unwilling character can pass an ENGINEERING save to avoid this effect.}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)=BLINK MINE}}{{EFFECT 2=Once detonated, the character that triggered it must pass an ENGINEERING save or be teleported to a free, valid space of your choice within Range 5 of the mine and become JAMMED until the end of their next turn. If they pass, they still teleport but do not become JAMMED.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)}}",
'equip-e-blinkshield':"{{name=BLINKSHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-blinkshield)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE BLINKSHIELD}}{{EFFECT= This system generates a burst 4 bubble around your mech, within which the flow of time is altered drastically. Nothing can enter or exit the bubble, not even light – it’s both impermeable and has Immunity to all damage and effects. Line of sight can’t be drawn through the border of the area, and it can’t be crossed by any action or effect – even those that don’t require line of sight – but time passes normally on both sides. For characters within the affected area, the world outside goes totally black; likewise, characters outside the affected area see a perfect black sphere. When the Blinkshield is activated, characters partially within the affected area must make an Agility save: on a success, they move to the nearest free space on the side of their choice, inside or outside the area; on a failure, you choose. This effect remains stationary even if you move, and lasts until the end of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[HEAT 4 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-blinkspace-tunneler':"{{name=BLINKSPACE TUNNELER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-blinkspace-tunneler)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE BLINKSPACE TUNNELER}}{{EFFECT=You open a blink tear in a free, adjacent space. It lasts until the end of your next turn. As part of any movement, characters other than you (hostile or allied) that enter the space at least partially may teleport to a free space adjacent to you. You may only open one tear at a time, and if you create a new tear it replaces the previous one.}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-clamp-bombs':"{{name=CLAMP BOMBS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-clamp-bombs)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=LAUNCH CLAMP BOMBS}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to fire a cluster of miniature bombs at a character within Sensors. They must succeed on an Engineering save, or the bombs clamp on. At the end of their next turn, the bombs detonate, dealing [[1d6+3]] AP explosive damage. All characters adjacent to your target take half damage. The target can disarm and detach the bombs by voluntarily moving at least 4 spaces before the end of their turn.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 4](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-deep-well-heat-sink':"{{name=DEEP WELL HEAT SINK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-deep-well-heat-sink)}}{{EFFECT=When you start your turn in the Danger Zone, you gain Resistance to heat for the rest of the turn. This effect persists even if you leave the Danger Zone during your turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-enclave-pattern-support-shield':"{{name=ENCLAVE-PATTERN SUPPORT SHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-enclave-pattern-support-shield)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE ENCLAVE-PATTERN SUPPORT SHIELD}}{{Effect =This system generates a [BURST 3](!lncr_reference tags-burst) dome that lasts until the end of your next turn. You become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference immobilized) for the duration, but any ranged or melee attacks made against characters within the affected area from outside the dome receive +1 difficulty. Additionally, gain the Blinkfield Intervention reaction while the shield is active.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction) [1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round) = BLINKFIELD INTERVENTION}}{{TRIGGER = A character or object within the affected area is attacked.}}{{EFFECT = Take two Heat, then grant the attack's target Resistance to all damage from this attack.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-explosive-vents':"{{name=EXPLOSIVE VENTS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-explosive-vents)}}{{EFFECT=When you clear all heat or take stress, your mech’s cooling vents open and unleash a burst 1 explosion. Characters within the affected area take 2 heat and 2 burn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)}}",
'equip-e-external-ammo-feed':"{{name=EXTERNAL AMMO FEED [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-external-ammo-feed)}}{{SP COST = 3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE EXTERNAL AMMO FEED)}}{{EFFECT = 1/round, you can activate this system to reload a Loading weapon}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1d3+1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-external-batteries':"{{name=EXTERNAL BATTERIES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-external-batteries)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{EFFECT = Weapons that deal any energy gain +5 RANGE if they are ranged or +1 THREAT if they are melee. When you take any structure damage, this system is destroyed and you take 1d6 AP explosive damage from the explosion. This damage can’t be prevented or reduced in any way.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)",
'equip-e-flak-launcher':"{{name=FLAK LAUNCHER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-flak-launcher)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE FLAK LAUNCHER}}{{EFFECT=Choose a flying character within range 15 and line of sight. They must succeed on an Agility save or immediately land (this counts as falling without any damage), and additionally become [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and can't fly until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-flash-anchor':"{{name=FLASH ANCHOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-flash-anchor)}}{{SP COST = 1}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=FLASH LOCK}}{{TRIGGER = You or an allied character in Sensors and line of sight is pushed, pulled, knocked back or knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone)}}{{EFFECT = Take 2 Heat. The movement or status is prevented, and the target gains Immunity to all the above effects until the start of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-final-secret':"{{name=FINAL SECRET [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-final-secret)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE FINAL SECRET}}{{EFFECT=Choose yourself or another character within SENSORS and line of sight. Your target is charged with unstable energy until the start of your next turn. Unwilling or hostile character can ignore this effect by succeeding on an ENGINEERING save.Each time your target takes damage for that duration, you may teleport them up to 4 spaces to a free, valid space of your choice as a reaction.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-grounding-charges':"{{name=GROUNDING CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-grounding-charges)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = GRAVITY GRENADE [RANGE 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Gravity Grenade within Range 5. Your target must succeed on an Agility save or be [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until they make no voluntary movements for a full turn on their own turn.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=DEPLOY GROUNDING MINE}}{{EFFECT 2=This mine must be detonated remotely as a quick action, affecting a single character within range 5 of the mine. They must succeed on a Hull save or be pulled as far as possible toward the mine and knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). Flying characters that fail the save are affected the same way, except they are also forced to land (this counts as falling but without damage)}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-hardlight-defense-system':"{{name=HARDLIGHT DEFENSE SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hardlight-defense-system)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[FULL](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)=ACTIVATE HARDLIGHT DEFENSE SYSTEM}}{{EFFECT 1=This system creates a [BURST 3](!lncr_reference tags-burst) hardlight shield. While the shield is in place, you become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized). It blocks line of sight in both directions, and no attacks or effects can pass through (even if they don’t require line of sight). Characters partially within the affected area ignore this effect and draw line of sight as usual. Characters can pass through the shield, but when crossing the perimeter for the first time in a round or starting their turn overlapping the boundary, they take 2 Burn. This shield lasts for the rest of the scene, or until deactivated as a protocol.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=DEACTIVATE HARDLIGHT DEFENSE SYSTEM}}{{EFFECT 2=Deactivate the Hardlight Defense System, removing the Immobilized cnodition it inflicts.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-havok-charges':"{{name=HAVOK CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-havok-charges)}}{{SP COST = 2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=NAPALM GRENADE}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Napalm Grenade within Range 5. This grenade releases a spray of napalm in a [LINE 5](!lncr_reference tags-line) path of your choice from its impact location. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Agility save or take 2 burn. On a success, they take 1 burn.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=HAVOK MINE}}{{EFFECT 2=When a character moves over or adjacent to this mine, it detonates with a focused explosion in a [LINE 5](!lncr_reference tags-line) path in the direction of the character who triggered it. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Agility save or take 4 burn. On a success, they take 2 burn.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-lucifer-class-nhp':"{{name=LUCIFER-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-lucifer-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)=LUCIFER PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to give your next ranged or melee attack this turn bonus damage on hit equal to your current heat after activating this protocol, as long as the weapon deals any energy.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[HEAT 1d3+3 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-noah-class-nhp':"{{name=NOAH-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-noah-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST =3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=DILUVIAN ARK}}{{EFFECT=These effects apply until the end of your next turn: You become Slowed. Each time you or an allied adjacent character are targeted by a ranged attack, you may take 1 heat as a reaction and roll 1d6 before the attacker rolls: on 4+, you take an additional 1 heat and the attack automatically misses you and any allies adjacent to you. This effect does not stack with Invisible. Each time a ranged attack fails to hit you or an adjacent allied character, the attacker takes 4 kinetic damage.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-paracausal-mod':"{{name=PARACAUSAL MOD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-paracausal-mod)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-paracausal-mod paracausal mod)}}{{SP COST=4}}{{VALID WEAPONS= MELEE, CQB, RIFLE, LAUNCHER, CANNON, NEXUS}}{{VALID MOUNTS= AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=This weapon gains Overkill, and its damage can't be reduced in any way, including by other effects and systems (such as Resistance, Armor, etc).}}",
'equip-e-phase-ready-mod':"{{name=PHASE-READY MOD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-phase-ready-mod)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-phase-ready-mod phase-ready mod)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID WEAPONS=MELEE, CQB, RIFLE, LAUNCHER, CANNON, NEXUS}}{{VALID MOUNTS=AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=As long as you know the rough location of your target, the weapon this mod is applied to can attack through solid walls and obstructions, doesn’t require line of sight, and ignores all cover, but targets attacked this way count as Invisible.}}",
'equip-e-plasma-gauntlet':"{{name=PLASMA GAUNTLET [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-plasma-gauntlet)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE PLASMA GAUNTLET}}{{EFFECT=This system can only be used in the [Danger Zone](!lncr_reference status-danger-zone). Expend a charge and choose a character adjacent to you: they must succeed on an Agility save or take [[4d6]] AP **ENERGY** damage and be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). On a success, they take half damage and aren’t knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). You take half of the damage inflicted – before reduction – as heat and become [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the start of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[DANGER ZONE](!lncr_reference tags-danger-zone)[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-reactor-stabilizer':"{{name=REACTOR STABILIZER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-reactor-stabilizer)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{EFFECT = You may reroll overheating checks, but must keep the second result, even if it's worse}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-redundant-systems-upgrade':"{{name=REDUNDANT SYSTEMS UPGRADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-redundant-systems-upgrade)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE REDUNDANT SYSTEMS UPGRADE}}{{EFFECT= Expend a charge to [STABILIZE](!lncr_reference actions-stabilize) as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-repulser-field':"{{name=REPULSER FIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-repulser-field)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)= ACTIVATE REUPLSER FIELD}}{{EFFECT=This system emits a [BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) pulse around you. Characters within the affected area must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked 2 spaces directly away from you; then, all Mines within the affected area detonate simultaneously. You count as having [Immunity](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to any damage or effects immediately forced by mines detonated using this system, although persistent effects still affect you.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-realspace-breach':"{{name=REALSPACE BREACH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-realspace-breach)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)=ACTIVATE REALSPACE BREACH}}{{EFFECT=You tear a hole in space, creating a [BLAST 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast) area in a free space within SENSORS and line of sight. Weapons with the Blast, Line, Burst, or Cone properties do not affect this area, and it may not be occupied by characters or objects for any reason. Any character or object that moves at least 1 space into the affected area immediately teleports to any free space adjacent to the area (of its player’s choice), or as close as possible. The affected area blocks line of sight; however, any character may target the hole in space with a ranged weapon (excluding Blast, Line, Burst, or Cone weapons) as if attacking it. Attackers don’t roll to hit the hole – instead, it absorbs the attack and redirects it against a new target of the attacker's choice within Range 10 of the zone. The attack resolves as if it originated within the hole. This effect lasts for the rest of the scene, or until you take this action again or end it as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-siege-stabilizers':"{{name=SIEGE STABILIZERS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-siege-stabilizers)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-actions)=ACTIVATE SIEGE STABILIZERS}}{{EFFECT=Your mech’s stabilizers extend (or retract). While they are extended, your ranged attacks gain +5 range, but you become Immobilized, can’t make melee attacks, and can’t make ranged attacks against or centered on characters, objects, or spaces within range 5.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-stasis-barrier':"{{name=STASIS BARRIER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stasis-barrier)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=STASIS BARRIER}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to activate this stasis barrier, generating a [line 4](!lncr_reference tags-line) barrier 4 spaces high in free spaces with at least one space adjacent to you. It counts as an obstruction and provides [soft cover](!lncr_reference rules-cover-soft), but doesn’t block line of sight. When an attack is made against a character that benefits from this barrier’s soft cover, roll [[1d6]]: on 4+, the attack is consumed by the barrier and has no effect whatsoever. The barrier lasts for the rest of the scene, or until you deactivate it as a quick action. This effect does not stack with Invisible.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVULNERABLE](!lncr_reference tags-invulnerable)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-stasis-bolt':"{{name=STASIS BOLT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stasis-bolt)}}{{SPCOST=1}}{{EFFECT=This system charges as a quick action, readying a projected stasis point. While it is charged, you gain the Interdiction Point reaction. It can only hold one charge at a time, but charges last for the rest of the scene or until used.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=CHARGE STASIS BOLT}}{{EFFECT 1=Charge the Stasis Bolt, gaining the Interdiction Point Reaction}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=INTERDICTION POINT}}{{TRIGGER=You or an allied character within range 5 are targeted by a ranged attack.}}{{EFFECT 2=Make a contested ranged attack roll: if you win the contested roll, the attack automatically misses. the Stasis Bolt loses its charge.}}{{TAGS=[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-stasis-generator':"{{name=STASIS GENERATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stasis-generator)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ACTIVATE STASIS GENERATOR}}{{EFFECT=Choose a hostile character or willing allied character within line of sight and range 5: until the end of their next turn, they become [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned), gain [IMMUNITY](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to all damage and effects, and can’t be moved, targeted, or affected by any other character or effect. This can be used on each character 1/scene. Hostile characters can succeed on an Engineering save to ignore this effect.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-tesseract':"{{name=TESSERACT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tesseract)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH 1](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)=SPREAD FOCUS}}{{EFFECT 1=Choose a [BLAST 3](!lncr_reference tags-blast) area within Sensors: this area, extending 6 spaces high, becomes a zero-g area. In addition to the usual rules for zero-g movement, objects that enter the affected area float in place, and objects or characters that are knocked, moved, or pulled out of the area sink harmlessly to the ground at the end of their turn instead of falling. This area disperses if you create a new one. Otherwise, the effect persists until the end of the scene. When the zone disperses, everything within floats harmlessly to the ground.}}{{[QUICK TECH 1](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)=PINPOINT FOCUS}}{{EFFECT 2=Choose a hostile or willing allied character within Sensors. If they are allied, they float 6 spaces into the air, becoming Immobilized while in the air but counting as flying and unable to fall. They can choose to sink harmlessly to the ground at the end of any of their turns or the start of any of yours. If they are hostile, they must succeed on an Engineering save or experience the same effect as an allied character; however, they sink harmlessly to the ground at the end of their next turn. Hostile characters can each be affected 1/scene.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)",
'equip-e-roller-directed-payload-charges':"{{name=\"Roller\" DIRECTED PAYLOAD CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-roller-directed-payload-charges)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=ROLLER GRENADE}}{{EFFECT=Instead of throwing this grenade, it rolls along a line 10 path directly from you, bouncing over obstructions and objects up to SIZE 1 and passing through holes or gaps no smaller than SIZE 1/2. It detonates when it moves through or adjacent to the space occupied by any character: they must succeed on an Agility save or take [[1d6+3]] **explosive** damage and be knocked 3 spaces in the direction the grenade was rolled. On a success, they take half damage and aren’t knocked back.}}{{BOUNCING MINE=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)}}{{EFFECT = This mine detonates when a flying character passes over or adjacent to it, up to 10 spaces high. The mine launches itself upwards and detonates: all characters within the affected area must succeed on a Systems save or take [[2d6]] explosive damage and immediately land (this counts as falling without any damage); additionally, they can’t fly until the end of their next turn. On a success, they take half damage and are otherwise unaffected.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
//Horus Systems
'equip-e-scorpion-v70.1':"{{name=//SCORPION V70.1 [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-scorpion-v70.1))}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=Any time you or any allied character adjacent to you is missed by a tech attack or succeed on a save against a hostile tech action, choose one of the following: 1. The attacker becomes [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn and takes 2 heat. 2. The attacker becomes [Jammed](!lncr_reference status-jammed) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_refrence tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-aggressive-system-sync':"{{name=AGGRESSIVE SYSTEM SYNC [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-aggressive-system-sync)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL TECH 1](!lncr_stub)=CHAINS OF PROMETHEUS}}{{EFFECT 1=Make a tech attack against a character within Sensors. On a hit, they take 4 heat and, for the rest of the scene, take 2 heat any time they are more than range 3 from you at the end of their turn. They can end this effect with a successful Systems save as a full action. This can only affect one character at a time.}}{{[FULL TECH 2](!lncr_stub)=EXCOMMUNICATE}}{{EFFECT 2=Make a tech attack against a character within Sensors. On a hit, for the rest of the scene, the first time in a round they move adjacent to an allied character during their turn or start their turn adjacent to one, both characters take 3 heat. They can end this effect with a successful Systems save as a full action. This can only affect one character at a time.}}{{TAGS=[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)}}",
'equip-e-assassin-drone':"{{name=ASSASSIN DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-assassin-drone)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY ASSASSIN DRONE}}{{ASSASSIN DRONE= [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 1=This assassin drone may be deployed to any free, adjacent space. Upon deployment, it targets a blast 2 area of your choice within line of sight and Sensors and you gain the Area Denial reaction (usable any number of times a round). Unless recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=AREA DENIAL}}{{TRIGGER=A hostile character starts movement in or enters the area targeted by your assassin drone.}}{{EFFECT 2=You can make a ranged attack against them with the drone, gaining your Grit as a bonus to its roll, and dealing 3 Kinetic Damage.}}{{TAGS=[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-antilinear-time':"{{name=ANTILINEAR TIME [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-antilinear-time)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE ANTILINEAR TIME}}{{EFFECT=Choose a character in SENSORs and line of sight. They clear all conditions other than STUNNED that weren’t self-inflicted, and you immediately receive all conditions they cleared until the end of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-beckoner':"{{name=BECKONER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-beckoner)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=BECKON}}{{EFFECT 1=You take [[1d6+2]] AP **ENERGY** damage and swap places with your target, both characters teleporting to the other’s position. Your target must be a Mech and be the same Size as you or larger, or this action fails. Characters can only be swapped to spaces they could normally stand or move on (i.e., if a character cannot fly it can’t be swapped midair).}}{{[INVADE 2](1lncr_stub)=SUMMON}}{{EFFECT 2=All characters within range 3 of your target are pulled adjacent to them, or as close as possible.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-didymos-class-nhp':"{{name=DIDYMOS-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-didymos-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=TIME SPLIT}}{{EFFECT=Choose yourself or another character within SENSORS and line of sight. Your target disappears and you create a chronological split in their timeline, replacing them with two fields of mutating paradox energy appear as close to their original position as possible. These fields are new characters that look like holes in space of the same SIZE and roughly the same shape as your target (although you shouldn’t look at them too long). They have 10 HP, SPEED 5, EVASION 5, EDEFENSE 5, HEAT CAP 5, and have IMMUNITY to all conditions and statuses. They are controlled by the player of the affected character and both act on that character’s turn, starting with their next turn. The only actions the fields can take are standard moves and BOOST, and the only reaction they can take is to disperse (see below). They are obstructions and grant hard cover. If a field exceeds its HEAT CAP or is reduced to 0 HP, it immediately disappears. Their player can also cause a field to disappear as a reaction at the end of any character’s turn. If one field disappears, the other immediately coalesces into the original character, who returns to the field in that field’s space. If both fields disappear at the same time, their player decides which field disappears first. An unwilling character can ignore this effect with a successful SYSTEMS save}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-emp-pulse':"{{name=EMP PULSE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-emp-pulse)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE EMP PULSE}}{{EFFECT=You become [Stunned](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of your next turn and all characters within [burst 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst) without the Biological tag must succeed on a Systems save or also become Stunned until the end of their next turn. Characters other than yourself can only be Stunned 1/scene by this effect.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-eye-of-horus':"{{name=EYE OF HORUS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-eye-of-horus)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE EYE OF HORUS}}{{EFFECT=Until the end of your next turn, characters within Sensors don’t benefit from Hidden and Invisible against you and you may check the HP, Evasion, E-Defense, and current Heat of hostile characters within the same area. Allied characters do not benefit from this effect.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-forge-clamps':"{{name=FORGE CLAMPS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-forge-clamps)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE FORGE CLAMPS}}{{EFFECT=You sink the jaws of your clamp into an adjacent object or piece of terrain of SIZE 1 or larger. You become [IMMOBILIZED](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) but gain [IMMUNITY](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to [KNOCKBACK](!lncr_reference tags-knockback) and [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). This effect ends if the thing you’re clamped onto is destroyed or if you release the clamp as a protocol.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-i':"{{name=H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-i)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=PUPPET SYSTEM}}{{EFFECT 1=Your target moves its maximum Speed in a direction of your choice. They can be moved into hazardous areas and other obstacles, but are still affected by difficult terrain, obstructions, and so on. This movement is involuntary, but provokes reactions and Engagement as normal and doesn’t count as Knockback, pushing, or pulling.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=EJECT POWER CORES}}{{EFFECT 2=Your target becomes [Jammed](!lncr_reference status-jammed) until the end of their next turn as you temporarily disrupt their systems, ejecting ammo magazines and cooling rods. Characters adjacent to your target take [[2]] energy damage. This can only be used 1/scene on each character.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-ii':"{{name=H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE II [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-ii)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=CONSTRUCT OTHER: IDEAL IMAGE}}{{EFFECT 1=You create a data construct in a free adjacent space – a Size 2 object that can look like almost anything and that appears real to all systems. The construct provides hard cover, blocks line of sight, and has Immunity to all damage. Characters treat it as an obstruction and so cannot voluntarily move into it; however, if a character attempts to stand on it or is involuntarily moved into its area, it dissipates and is immediately destroyed. It lasts for the rest of the scene, or until destroyed by an adjacent character with a successful Systems skill check as a full action. If you create a second construct, the previous one disappears.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=CONSTRUCT OTHER: FALSE IDOL}}{{EFFECT 2=Choose a free space within Sensors and a target – either yourself or an allied character within Sensors. You create a false idol – an illusory decoy of your target – in the chosen space. Before attempting to take any hostile actions against your target, characters with line of sight to the false idol must make a Systems save. On a failure, they don’t lose the action, but cannot target the original character and believe the false idol is real instead until the end of their next turn. The false idol is the same Size as your target, can benefit from cover, and has Evasion 10, E-Defense 10, and 1 HP. It disappears if it takes heat or damage, or at the end of the scene. If you create a second idol, the previous one disappears.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-iii':"{{name=H0R_OS SYSTEM UPGRADE III [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hor-os-system-upgrade-iii)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=DIMENSIONAL EMBLEMS}}{{EFFECT 1=You create three Size 1 data constructs in free spaces adjacent to your target, but not adjacent to each other. When a character passes through one of the constructs, they take 2 heat and the construct disappears. They last for the rest of the scene or until either they are destroyed, you take this action again, or you delete them as a free action. A construct can be destroyed by an adjacent character with a successful Systems skill check as a quick action.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=CELESTIAL SHACKLES}}{{EFFECT 2=Mark a space your target currently occupies. If they leave the affected space, once at any point during your turn, you may take a free action to teleport them back to that space, or as close as possible, ending this effect. An affected character can attempt to succeed on a Systems save as a quick action to end the effect, otherwise it lasts until the end of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-hive-drone':"{{name=HIVE DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hive-drone)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = DEPLOY HIVE DRONE}}{{HIVE DRONE = [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 5](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 10](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_reference rules-edefense)}}{{EFFECT=This hive drone can be deployed to a free space within Sensors and line of sight, where it releases a [BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) greywash swarm with the following effects: Allied characters at least partially within the affected area gain [SOFT COVER](!lncr_reference soft cover), as does the hive drone. Hostile characters take 1 [AP](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing) **KINETIC** damage when they start their turn in the affected area or enter it for the first time in a round. Damage from areas created by multiple hive drones does not stack.}}{{TAGS=[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-hunter-lock':"{{name=HUNTER LOCK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hunter-lock)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE HUNTER LOCK}}{{EFFECT=Choose a character within Sensors: for the rest of the scene, your first successful ranged or melee attack against them each round deals +3 bonus damage. You cannot choose a new target until your current target is destroyed or the scene ends.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action}}",
'equip-e-immolate':"{{name=IMMOLATE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-immolate)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=EJECT SLAG}}{{EFFECT 1=You force the target’s reactor to eject burning liquid in a [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area around them, not affecting the space they occupy. The affected area becomes difficult terrain and characters that start their turn in it or that enter it for the first time in a round must succeed on an ENGINEERING save or take [[2]] Heat and [[1]] Burn. The liquid cools, dissipating, at the end of your next turn.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=MOLTEN PUNCTURE}}{{EFFECT 2=Until the end of the target’s next turn, their reactor shielding is temporarily cracked. They take 2 Burn for each space they voluntarily move (to a maximum of 6 Burn).}}{{TAGS=[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-interdiction-field':"{{name=INTERDICTION FIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-interdiction-field)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[Quick](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE INTERDICTION FIELD}}{{EFFECT=When activated, this system creates a [burst 3](!lncr_reference tags-burst) field around you that lasts until it is deactivated as a quick action, and you become Slowed for the duration. Hostile characters that start their turn within the affected area or that enter it for the first time in a round must succeed on a Systems save or become Slowed until the end of their next turn. Only characters of your choice within the field can teleport or consider the area of the field valid space for teleportation.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-law-of-blades':"{{name=LAW OF BLADES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-law-of-blades)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL TECH 1](!lncr_stub)=PREDATOR/PREY CONCEPTS}}{{EFFECT 1=Make a tech attack against a hostile character within Sensors. On a hit, they immediately attack a different character or object of your choice with a single weapon as a reaction. Although you choose their target and weapon, they count as attacking and taking a reaction.}}{{[FULL TECH 2](!lncr_stub)=SLAVE SYSTEMS}}{{EFFECT 2=Make a tech attack against a hostile character within Sensors. On a hit, they immediately take one of the following actions – chosen by you – as a reaction: Boost, Stabilize, Improvised Attack, Grapple, Ram. Although you choose the action and its target (if relevant), they count as taking the action and taking a reaction.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)}}",
'equip-e-lightning-generator':"{{name=LIGHTNING GENERATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-lightning-generator)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE LIGHTNING GENERATOR}}{{EFFECT=When you activate this protocol, take [[1]] heat and deal [[2]] energy to all characters and objects adjacent to you. If you are in the Danger Zone at the start of your turn, this protocol activates automatically, but the damage increases to [[4]] AP energy.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-mesmer-charges':"{{name=MESMER CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-mesmer-charges)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=MESMER BEACON}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Mesmer Beacon within Range 5. Your target must succeed on a Systems save, or the only voluntary movements they can make are toward you until the end of their next turn.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=MESMER MINE}}{{EFFECT 2=Characters within the affected [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area must succeed on a Systems save or become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-metafold-carver':"{{name=METAFOLD CARVER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-metafold-carver)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=OPHIDIAN TREK}}{{EFFECT 1=Your target is teleported [[1d6+1]] spaces directly toward you, or as close as possible. If this effect would move them to a space occupied by a character, object, or piece of terrain, the teleport fails.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=FOLD SPACE}}{{EFFECT 2=Your target disappears from the battlefield until the start of its next turn. It returns in the same space they disappeared from, or in a free space of their choice as close as possible.}}{{TAGS=[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-metahook':"{{name=METAHOOK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-metahook)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE METAHOOK}}{{EFFECT=Choose an allied character within Sensors and line of sight. You link systems with them, lasting as long as they are within Sensors and line of sight. While linked, you may use their Sensors and line of sight for tech actions, and they may use your Systems to make skill checks and saves; however, any time either character takes heat or a condition, it is also taken by the other character. You can only link systems with one character at a time.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-mimic-mesh':"{{name=MIMIC MESH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-mimic-mesh)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=On activation, choose an allied character within SENSORS: until the end of your next turn, you gain the Battlefield Awareness reaction.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE MIMIC MESH}}{{Effect 1=Until the end of your next turn, you may use the Battlefield Awareness reaction.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=BATTLEFIELD AWARENESS}}{{TRIGGER = A hostile action is taken against your target.}}{{EFFECT 2=You may move 3 spaces towards your target, by the most direct route possible. This movement interrupts and resolves before the triggering action, ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions. This reaction can be taken as many times per round as it is triggered.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-monitor-module':"{{name=MONITOR MODULE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-monitor-module)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE MONITOR MODULE}}{{EFFECT=When activated, gain [[1d3]] Charges and choose an adjacent allied character: until the end of your next turn, whenever your target is attacked while adjacent to you, expend a Charge to Skirmish against their attacker as a reaction, dealing half damage, heat or burn on hit. All charges are lost when this effect ends.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-nanocomposite-adaptation':"{{name=NANOCOMPOSITE ADAPTATION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-nanocomposite-adaptation)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-nanocomposite-adaptation nanocomposite adaptation)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES=MELEE, CQB, RIFLE, LAUNCHER, CANNON, NEXUS}}{{VALID MOUNTS=AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=the weapon this mod is applied to gains [Smart](!lncr_reference tags-smart) and [Seeking](!lncr_reference tags-seeking).}}",
'equip-e-osiris-class-nhp':"{{name=OSIRIS-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-osiris-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=HURL INTO THE DUAT}}{{EFFECT=You channel your target’s systems through an unknown extradimensional space and unleash an incredibly powerful system attack. Make a tech attack against a target within Sensors. On a success, they take [[2]] heat and you inflict an additional effect as follows: the first time you successfully make this attack, you inflict the First Gate on your target; each subsequent successful attack (on any target) increases the level of the effect that you inflict (e.g. your second attack inflicts the Second Gate, your third inflicts the Third Gate, etc.) until you inflict the Fourth Gate, after which the effect resets to the First Gate. Your progress persists between scenes but resets if you rest or perform a Full Repair. **First Gate:** You control your target’s standard move next turn. **Second Gate:** Your target becomes [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn. **Third Gate:** Your target becomes [Stunned](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn. Fourth Gate: Your target changes allegiance temporarily, becoming an allied character until the end of their next turn. They treat your allied characters and hostile characters as their own and are treated as an allied NPC for activation and turn order. This effect ends immediately if you or any allied character damages, inflicts heat upon, or attacks (including Grapple and Ram) your target, or forces them to make a save. This action may only be used 1/round}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-puppetmaster':"{{name=PUPPETMASTER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-puppetmaster)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH 1](!lncr_stub)=GUIDE THE FLOCK}}{{EFFECT 1=Move any number of drones within Sensors – including those belonging to other characters – up to 4 spaces in any direction.}}{{[QUICK TECH 2](!lncr_stub)=ELECTROPULSE}}{{EFFECT 2=Characters of your choice within Sensors adjacent to any Drone or Deployable, even those they own, take [[2]] energy damage.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-purifying-code':"{{name=PURIFYING CODE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-purifying-code)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](1lncr_stub)=FLAW_PLUS}}{{EFFECT 1=You inject a memetic, proximity based virus into the target’s reactor. At the end of their next turn, if they are not adjacent to another character or piece of terrain of SIZE 1 or larger, the virus catalyzes and they take [[1d6+2]] AP Explosive Damage. Once catalyzed, the effect ends. A character can only be affected by one Purifying Code options at a time and are aware of their effects.}}{{[INVADE 2](1lncr_stub)=FLAW_MINUS}}{{EFFECT 2=You inject a memetic, proximity based virus into the target’s reactor. At the end of their next turn, if they are adjacent to another character or piece of terrain of SIZE 1 or larger, the virus catalyzes and they take [[1d6+2]] AP Explosive Damage. Once catalyzed, the effect ends. A character can only be affected by one Purifying Code options at a time and are aware of their effects}}{{TAGS=[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-scanner-swarm':"{{name=SCANNER SWARM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-scanner-swarm)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 accuracy on tech attacks against adjacent characters.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-scylla-class-nhp':"{{name=SCYLLA-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-scylla-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=UNLEASH SCYLLA}}{{EFFECT 1=Until the start of your next turn, you gain two special reactions that allow you to Skirmish in response to one of the following triggers (chosen when you take this action): A hostile character makes an attack against you or an allied character within range 3 of you. A hostile character attempts to attack or interact with an object chosen when you take Unleash Scylla and within line of sight. Characters are aware of the object chosen. These reactions deal half damage, heat or burn on hit and must target the character that triggered them.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=UNLEASH SCYLLA REACTION}}{{TRIGGER=One of the following, chosen when the Unleash SCYLLA action is taken: A hostile character makes an attack against you or an allied character within range 3 of you. A hostile character attempts to attack or interact with an object chosen when you take Unleash Scylla and within line of sight. Characters are aware of the object chosen.}}{{EFFECT 2=Skirmish against the character that triggered the reaction. This skirmish deals half damage, heat or burn on hit.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-seismic-ripper':"{{name=SEISMIC RIPPER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-seismic-ripper)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE SEISMIC RIPPER}}{{EFFECT=You unleash a seismic pulse in a [Line 10](!lncr_reference tags-line) path: characters in the affected area must pass a HULL save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone) and all objects and pieces of terrain automatically take [[10]] AP Energy Damage. If this destroys a piece of terrain or object, it explodes with a [Burst 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area. Characters caught in the area of exploding terrain or objects must pass an AGILITY save or take [[2d6]] Explosive Damage. If they pass, they take half damage. Each character can only be affected by one of these explosions at a time, even if several overlap.}}{{TAGS=[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-sentinel-drone':"{{name=SENTINEL DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sentinel-drone)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY SENTINEL DRONE}}{{SENTINEL DRONE = [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=The sentinel drone drone can be deployed to any free space within Sensors and line of sight, where it establishes a [burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) security perimeter. Hostile characters within the affected area take [[3]] kinetic damage from the drone’s automatic fire before making any attack.}}{{TAGS=[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-sisyphus-class-nhp':"{{name=SISYPHUS-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sisyphus-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL TECH](!lncr_stub)=BEND PROBABILITY}}{{EFFECT 1=Roll 2d20 and note the results: X and Y. These numbers are lost at the end of your next turn. Gain the Probabilistic Cannibalism reaction until the end of your next turn.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=PROBABILISTIC CANNIBALISM}}{{TRIGGER=You or any other character within Sensors would roll a d20}}{{EFFECT 2=Effect: Choose X or Y. That number immediately becomes the result of the roll. This reaction can be used no more than two times before the start of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[2/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-smite':"{{name=SMITE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-smite)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=SMITE}}{{EFFECT 1=You take [[1d6]] AP energy damage and your target must succeed on a Systems save or become [Stunned](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn. Each character can only be Stunned by this effect once per scene.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=SEAR}}{{EFFECT 2=You take [[1d6 AP]] energy damage and you deal [[2]] heat to your target for each other character of Size 1 or larger that is [Engaged](!lncr_reference status-engaged) with or adjacent to them – including you – up to a maximum of [[6]] heat.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-stay-of-execution':"{{name=STAY OF EXECUTION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stay-of-execution)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE STAY OF EXECUTION}}{{EFFECT=Choose yourself or another character within SENSORS and line of sight. Your target gains [IMMUNITY](!lncr_reference status-immunity) to all damage and effects from external sources until the end of their next turn, at which point they become [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their following turn. Nothing can prevent or clear this condition. During this time, any active effects on your target are frozen in time – effectively paused – and any relevant timers do not count down (e.g., conditions that would expire at the end of their turn now expire at the end of their following turn, reactor meltdown timers do not tick down, etc). An unwilling character can ignore this effect with a successful SYSTEMS save.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-swarm-body':"{{name=SWARM BODY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-swarm-body)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE SWARM BODY}}{{EFFECT=After activating this system, a burst 1 swarm is released at the end of your turn. Characters of your choice that start their turn in the area or enter it on their turn must succeed on a Systems save or take [[3]] kinetic. This amount increases by +3 damage for each of your turns that you have remained stationary, up to a maximum of 9 kinetic. This effect lasts until you move, including involuntary movement.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-tempest-drone':"{{name=TEMPEST DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tempest-drone)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY TEMPEST DRONE}}{{TEMPEST DRONE = [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=This large, armored tempest drone may be deployed to a free space within Sensors and line of sight. Any character that starts their turn adjacent to the tempest drone or moves adjacent to it for the first time in a round must succeed on a Hull save or take [[4]] energy damage and be knocked [[3]] spaces directly away from the drone.Until recalled or destroyed, it remains deployed until the end of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[RESISTANCE (ALL)](!lncr_reference tags-resistance-all)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-unhinge-chronology':"{{name=UNHINGE CHRONOLOGY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-unhinge-chronology)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub) HASTE=Choose a character within SENSORS and line of sight. For the rest of this scene, or until they take damage, they may [BOOST](!lncr_reference actions-boost) 1/round as a free action during their turn.}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub) SLOW = Choose a character within **Sensors** and **line of sight**. They must pass a **Systems** save or take **2 Heat**, become [**SLOWED**](!lncr_reference status-slowed), and become unable to take reactions. This effect ends if they take any amount of damage or make a successful **Systems save** as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-viral-logic-suite':"{{name=VIRAL LOGIC SUITE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-viral-logic-suite)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=LOGIC BOMB}}{{EFFECT 1=All characters of your choice within [burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) of your target must succeed on a Systems save or become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until they end one of their turns not adjacent to any character.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=BANISH}}{{EFFECT 2=Until the end of your target’s next turn, they take [[2]] heat for every space they voluntarily move, up to a maximum of [[6]] heat.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-wandering-nightmare':"{{name=WANDERING NIGHTMARE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-wandering-nightmare)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[FULL TECH](!lncr_stub)=WANDERING NIGHTMARE}}{{EFFECT=You generate a [Blast 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast) zone of distorted timeflow within SENSORS and line of sight that affects all characters other than you. Characters within the affected area cannot take reactions, and if they start their turn within it, they must succeed on a SYSTEMS save or take [[2]] Heat and become [SLOWED](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn. This effect lasts until this action is taken again or the scene ends.}}{{TAGS=[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)}}",
//IPSN Systems
'equip-e-aceso-stabilizer':"{{name=ACESO STABILIZER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-aceso-stabilizer)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE ACESO STABILIZER}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to fire this small, self-arming system onto an allied mech within range 5. They gain Overshield equal to your Grit +4. While they have this Overshield they gain Immunity to Impaired and Jammed.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[OVERSHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-overshield)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-aegis-shield-generator':"{{name=AEGIS SHIELD GENERATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-aegis-shield-generator)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY AEGIS SHIELD GENERATOR}}{{AEGIS SHIELD GENERATOR=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to deploy a Size 1 shield generator in a free, adjacent space, where it creates a burst 1 shield. Set out three d6s to represent the generator’s remaining power. As a reaction when any character or object of your choice at least partly in the area takes damage, you may roll one of the d6s to reduce the damage by the amount rolled. This effect lasts for the rest of the scene, until all dice have been rolled and the generator loses power, or the generator is destroyed.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-argonaut-shield':"{{name=ARGONAUT SHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-argonaut-shield)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE ARGONAUT SHIELD}}{{EFFECT=You use the heavy overarm Argonaut Shield to provide cover for an adjacent character as a quick action, giving them Resistance to all damage; however, you take half of the damage your target would take before calculating Armor and Resistance. This effect lasts until your target breaks adjacency, at which point this effect ceases until you repeat this action.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-armor-lock-plating':"{{name=ARMOR-LOCK PLATING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-armor-lock-plating)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{EFFECT=You can Brace while Grappling. When you do so, any grapples currently affecting you end. Additionally, when you Brace, you gain the following benefits until the end of your following turn: Attacks against you receive +1 difficulty. You can’t fail Agility or Hull saves or contested checks. You gain Immunity to Knockback, Grapple, being knocked Prone, and being moved by any external force smaller than Size 5.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-bb-breach-blast-charges':"{{name=BB BREACH/BLAST CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-bb-breach-blast-charges)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=THERMAL GRENADE}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Thermal Grenade within Range 5. All characters within a [Blast 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast) area must succeed on an Agility save or take [[1d6]] energy. On a success, they take half damage. Objects and terrain are hit automatically and take 10 AP energy damage.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY BREACHING CHARGE}}{{EFFECT 2=In addition to adjacent free spaces, this mine can also be planted on adjacent walls, pieces of cover, and terrain. Once armed, this mine must be detonated with a quick action. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Agility save or take [[2d6]] AP explosive damage. On a success, they take half damage. Objects and terrain are hit automatically and take 30 AP explosive damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-bulwark-mods':"{{name=BULWARK MODS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-bulwark-mods)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech’s extended limbs, additional armor, redundant motor systems, and other reinforcements allow you to ignore difficult terrain.}}{{TAGS =[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-cable-winch-system':"{{name=CABLE WINCH SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-cable-winch-system)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=**ACTIVATE CABLE WINCH SYSTEM**}}{{EFFECT=These cables can be attached to an adjacent character. If the target is Stunned or willing, you automatically succeed; otherwise, they can resist with a successful Hull save. Once attached, you and the target may not move more than 5 spaces away from each other. Either character can tow the other, obeying the normal rules for lifting and dragging, and becoming Slowed while doing so. Any character can remove the cables on a hit with a melee attack or Improvised Attack against Evasion 10. These cables can also be used to drag, pull, or otherwise interact with objects and the environment. They are 5 spaces long and can support a combined Size 6 before they break. Characters can use them to climb surfaces, allowing them to climb without a Speed penalty.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-caltrop-launcher':"{{name=CALTROP LAUNCHER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-caltrop-launcher)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE CALTROP LAUNCHER}}{{EFFECT=This system blankets a free blast 1 area within range 5 with explosive caltrops. The affected area becomes difficult terrain for the rest of the scene, and mechs take 1d3 AP explosive damage when they enter the affected area for the first time in a round or end their turn within it.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-charged-stake':"{{name=CHARGED STAKE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-charged-stake)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE CHARGED STAKE}}{{EFFECT=This system fires a charged stake at a character adjacent to you. Your target must succeed on a Hull save or be impaled by the stake, taking [[1d6]] AP energy damage and becoming [Immobilized](!lncr_reference tags-immobilized) while impaled. At the end of each of their turns, an impaled character takes [[1d6]] AP energy damage. An impaled character can successfully repeat this save as a full action to remove the stake and free themselves, which is the only way to end the immobilization. You can only affect one character with the stake at a time.}}{{TAGS=[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-field-approved-modifications':"{{name=FIELD-APPROVED, BRASS-IGNORANT MODIFICATIONS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-field-approved-modifications)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE FIELD-APPROVED BRASS-IGNORANT MODIFICATIONS}}{{EFFECT=Choose an allied mech character within line of sight and SENSORS. You power up their weapons. When they make a ranged or melee attack roll: the attack’s damage cannot be reduced in any way. The kick from firing the weapon knocks them back 1 space in any direction after the attack. On Hit: their target must succeed on a HULL save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference tags-prone) This effect ends when your target successfully hits with a ranged or melee attack roll or at the end of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-forge-2-subaltern-squad':"{{name=FORGE-2 SUBALTERN SQUAD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-forge-2-subaltern-squad)}}{{SP COST=4}}{{EFFECT=1/round, expend a charge to deploy a team of FORGE-2 subalterns to start work on one of the following projects in a free space within line of sight and Range 5. The project is an immovable object that is finished at the start of your next turn, gaining +10 HP (maximum and current). It is canceled if it’s destroyed. The subalterns aren’t treated as separate entities and can’t be targeted. They return to you if the project is destroyed, canceled, or finished, no matter where you are. If you OVERCHARGE to use this system again, it may ignore the 1/round limit, but the second project must be placed adjacent to the first.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)=Choose one of the following options:}}{{EMPLACEMENT=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 1=When finished, this elevated emplacement is SIZE 1 and 3 spaces high. The top third is a is a shielded platform that can fit characters up to a combined SIZE 1 (the rest is solid metal or plastic). Firing slits allow line of sight both into and out of the emplacement but give characters within hard cover from all directions. Characters can enter or exit the emplacement from any adjacent space as a quick action. Upon entering, they move into the shielded platform. Characters and DEPLOYABLES can stand on the flat roof of the structure, but don’t gain cover.}}{{SNARE FOAM=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 2=When finished, this project continually sprays foam around it, creating a [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area of difficult terrain. Destroying it removes the effect.}}{{DAMPING STATION = [SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 3=When finished, this repair station generates a [Burst 1](!lncr_stub) field within which allied characters gain IMMUNITY to burn and clear any burn currently them.}}{{ARMOR PACK=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT 4=When finished, this pack latches onto the next allied character that moves adjacent to it and fuses onto them. The project is destroyed, but they gain +1 ARMOR for the rest of the scene. This could temporarily put them over the armor maximum.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-hardpoint-reinforcement':"{{name=HARDPOINT REINFORCEMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hardpoint-reinforcement)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=As long as you are not SLOWED or IMMOBILIZED, you gain RESISTANCE to all damage during your turn.}}{{TAGS=[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)}}",
'equip-e-hyperdense-armor':"{{name=HYPERDENSE ARMOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hyperdense-armor)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE HYPERDENSE ARMOR}}{{EFFECT 1=When activated, the Hyperdense Armor hardens into a shimmering, reflective surface that offers unparalleled protection. You gain Resistance to all damage, Heat and Burn from attacks that originate beyond Range 3; however, you become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and deal half damage, Heat and Burn to characters beyond Range 3.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)=DEACTIVATE HYPERDENSE ARMOR}}{{EFFECT 2=Deactivate Hyperdense Armor, losing Resistance to all damage, Heat and Burn from attacks that originate beyond Range 3; as well as clearing your Slowed status and dealing normal damage, Heat and Burn to characters beyond Range 3.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-molten-wreathe':"{{name=MOLTEN WREATHE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-molten-wreathe)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-molten-wreathe MOLTEN WREATHE)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES = MELEE}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=Choose one MELEE weapon: 1/round, after you hit a character with this weapon, you take [[1]] Heat and it projects a superheated [Cone 3](!lncr_reference tags-cone) cloud oriented away from your target in a direction of your choice. Your target and any characters caught in this cloud each take [[2]] Explosive Damage.}}",
'equip-e-mule-harness':"{{name=MULE HARNESS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-mule-harness)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=Extra mounts, straps, and hard points allow other characters to climb and ride your mech. Adjacent, non-Immobilized characters can climb onto your mech as a quick action. While riding, they occupy the same space as you, move when you move (even if they’re Slowed), and benefit from soft cover. If you or a rider are knocked Prone, Stunned, Immobilized, or destroyed, they land Prone in adjacent spaces. Riders can climb down as part of any movement away, but can only climb onto your mech as a quick action. You can carry riders of a combined Size equal to your Size, minus Size 1/2 (e.g., if your mech is Size 1 you can carry one Size 1/2 character; if it is Size 2, you can carry a Size 1 character and a Size 1/2 character).}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-omnibus-plate':"{{name=OMNIBUS PLATE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-omnibus-plate)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY OMNIBUS PLATE}}{{OMNIBUS PLATE = [SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=The plate cannot be moved, is flat, and does not block movement. It is large enough to hold a single SIZE 1 or smaller DRONE or DEPLOYABLE at a time. DRONES and DEPLOYABLES placed on the plate gain RESISTANCE to all damage and gain +1 to the size of any BURST or BLAST effects they generate. Additionally, any of their effects that require adjacency can now be activated from within Range 2.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)}}",
'equip-e-pebcac':"{{name=PEBCAC [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pebcac)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE PEBCAC}}{{EFFECT=An allied mech character within line of sight and SENSORS quickly flash reboots at the system level. This ends all effects caused by tech actions, stops NHP cascades, and gives the target Immunity to all tech actions – hostile and allied – other than this one until the end of their next turn. This cannot be used on Jammed characters. Additionally, roll 1d6 to determine a side effect from the table below. These effects take place immediately and don’t count as an action or reaction. Any movement they cause is involuntary.}}{{1=Your target becomes [JAMMED](!lncr_reference status-jammed) until the end of their next turn.}}{{2=Your target moves up to its SPEED in a direction of the GM’s choice.}}{{3=Your target immediately moves up to 3 spaces toward the nearest character (allied or hostile) and performs an [IMPROVISED ATTACK](!lncr_reference actions-improvised-attack) against them. If no characters are in range, it only moves.}}{{4=Your target falls [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone) and takes [[2]] Kinetic Damage.}}{{5=Your target vents [[1d6]] Heat and deals the amount cooled as energy damage to all adjacent characters.}}{{6=Your target immediately takes the STABILIZE action and can choose what to do.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-portable-bunker':"{{name=PORTABLE BUNKER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-portable-bunker)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY PORTABLE BUNKER}}{{PORTABLE BUNKER=[SIZE 4](!lncr_stub)[HP 40](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=All characters completely within the bunker's 4x4 area gain hard cover against all attacks from outside the bunker from all directions and Resistance to damage from Blast, Line, Burst, and Cone attacks that originate outside the bunker. The bunker is open topped, and characters may enter or exit at will. It can’t be moved or deactivated once deployed.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOAYBLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-ramjet':"{{name=RAMJET [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ramjet)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE RAMJET}}{{EFFECT=Until the start of your next turn, you can move +2 spaces when you Boost and your melee attacks (including Ram, Grapple, and so on) gain Knockback 2. When you move during this time, you must move your full Speed in a straight line; however, you can stop if you would collide with an obstruction or hostile character, and you can change direction between separate movements (for example, standard moves, Boost, etc).}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-rapid-maneuver-jets':"{{name=RAPID MANEUVER JETS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-rapid-maneuver-jets)}}{{SP COST=4}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you BOOST, you fly, gain [OVERSHIELD 3](!lncr_reference tags-overshield), and ignore engagement from and may freely pass through spaces occupied by larger characters (but not end your turn in their spaces). You must end this movement in a space on which you can stand, or else you fall.}}{{TAGS=[OVERSHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-overshield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)}}",
'equip-e-reinforced-cabling':"{{name=REINFORCED CABLING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-reinforced-cabling)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FREE](!lncr_stub)=GRAPPLE SWING}}{{EFFECT 1=1/turn, when making a standard move, you can fly your Speed in a straight line as long as there is a clear path. This move must end on an object or surface, or else you begin falling. As long as you remain stationary, you can secure yourself to the destination surface or object, even if it’s vertical or overhanging. If you are knocked Prone or knocked back while secured to a surface, you fall.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=DRAG DOWN}}{{EFFECT 2=Make a contested Hull check against a character within 5 Range and line of sight: the loser is knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[FREE ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)}}",
'equip-e-restock-drone':"{{name=RESTOCK DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-restock-drone)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = DEPLOY RESTOCK DRONE}}{{EFFECT = Expend a charge to deploy a restock drone to any free, adjacent space, where it primes at the end of your turn.}}{{RESTOCK DRONE = [SIZE 1/2](!lncr_reference rules-size)[HP 5](!lncr_reference rules-hp)[EVASION 10](!lncr_reference rules-evasion)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_reference rules-edefense)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK](!lncr_reference)}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) = ACTIVATE RESTOCK DRONE}}{{Effect=Clear [[1d6]] heat and one condition, and reloading one Loading weapon. After being activated, the drone immediately disintegrates.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-sekhmet-class-nhp':"{{name=SEKHMET-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sekhmet-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=SEKHMET PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=When activated, you give control of your mech to your NHP and gain the following benefits: All melee critical hits deal +1d6 bonus damage. 1/round, you can Skirmish with melee weapons only as a free action.}} {{ =Your NHP uses all available actions and movement to move toward the closest visible character – allied or hostile – and attacks them with melee attacks, prioritizing melee weapons. It may benefit from your talents. If there are no characters within Threat, your NHP uses all actions to move as directly as possible to the next closest (visible) target. Your NHP can’t make ranged attacks, even if there are actions available.}} {{ =You retain enough control to Overcharge as usual; however, your NHP uses the additional action for the same purpose as its other actions.}} {{=You can take back control of your mech as a protocol. When you do, you become Stunned until the start of your next turn. Otherwise, this effect lasts until your mech is destroyed – the pilot’s incapacitation or death has no effect.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-siege-ram':"{{name=SIEGE RAM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-siege-ram)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=When you Ram, you deal [[2]] kinetic damage on hit, and you deal [[10]] AP kinetic damage when you Ram objects and terrain.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-smokestack-heatsink':"{{name=SMOKESTACK HEATSINK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-smokestack-heatsink)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY SMOKESTACK HEATSINK}}{{SMOKESTACK HEATSINK=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to deploy a pylon that absorbs heat in a [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area around itself. It absorbs any heat dealt to characters at least partially within the affected area from any source (before reductions, including RESISTANCE). Once the pylon has absorbed 6 Heat, it explodes. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an AGILITY save or take [[1d6+3]] AP Energy Damage. On a success, they take half damage. Objects and DEPLOYABLES are hit automatically. Any excess heat absorbed by the pylon as part of the same action or effect that caused it to explode disperses with no effect.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-spike-charges':"{{name=SPIKE CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-spike-charges)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=SPIKE GRENADE}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Spike Grenade at a target within Range 5. Your target must pass an AGILITY save or the grenade attaches to them and arms itself. It automatically attaches to objects. At the start or end of any turn, while a spike grenade is attached, you may detonate all armed spike grenades as a reaction. Characters to whom they are attached take [[1d6+3]] Kinetic Damage and are knocked back 3 spaces in a direction of your choice, while objects just take the damage. Characters can detach spike grenades from themselves by passing another AGILITY save as a quick action on their turn. All grenades detach at the end of the scene.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY SPIKE MINE}}{{SPIKE MINE=Once activated, characters within a [Burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) must pass an AGILITY save or a spike grenade attaches itself to them as described above.}} {{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[MINE](!lncr_reference tags-mine)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-supermassive-mod':"{{name=SUPERMASSIVE MOD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-supermassive-mod)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-supermassive-mod SUPERMASSIVE MOD)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{VALID TYPES = MELEE, CQB, CANNON}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}} {{EFFECT=Choose one CQB, CANNON, or MELEE weapon: it gains [OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill) and [KNOCKBACK +1](!lncr_reference tags-knockback). During a FULL REPAIR, you may tune it to remove safety limiters, increasing this benefit to [KNOCKBACK +2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback) instead; however, it also gains [ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance) (if it is ranged) or [INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate) (if it is melee).}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-synthetic-muscle-netting':"{{name=SYNTHETIC MUSCLE NETTING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-synthetic-muscle-netting)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=You may Ram targets larger than you, and when you Grapple or Ram larger targets, you count as the same Size as the largest opponent. When you Grapple or Ram opponents of the same Size or smaller, you count as at least one Size larger. Additionally, your lifting and dragging capacity is doubled.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-thermal-charge':"{{name=THERMAL CHARGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-thermal-charge)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-thermal-charge THERMAL CHARGE)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES= MELEE}}{{VALID MOUNTS=AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=On a hit with the weapon this mod is applied to, expend a charge as a free action to activate its detonator and deal +1d6 explosive bonus damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-throughbolt-rounds':"{{name=THROUGHBOLT ROUNDS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-throughbolt-rounds)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-throughbolt-rounds throughbolt rounds)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES=CQB, CANNON, RIFLE}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=When you attack with the weapon this mod is applied to, you may fire a throughbolt round instead of attacking normally. Draw a line 3 path from you, passing through terrain or other obstacles – any characters or objects in the path take [[2]] AP kinetic damage as the projectile punches through them and out the other side. Range, cover, and line of sight for the attack are then measured from the end of this path, continuing in the same direction.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-total-strength-suite-i':"{{name=TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-total-strength-suite-i)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE I}}{{EFFECT=You rip up a piece of the environment and hurl it at a character within Range 5 and line of sight. Your target must pass an AGILITY save or take [[1d6]] Kinetic Damage and be knocked back 1 space directly away from you. After you take this action, place a SIZE 1 piece of terrain that grants hard cover in a free space adjacent to your target, even if they passed the saved. The terrain has 10 HP and EVASION 5. If there is a SIZE 1 object or piece of cover adjacent to you, you can move it as part of this action; otherwise, your projectile is ripped out of the ground or environment. If there's nothing to grab nearby or you're not on the ground you can't take this action}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-total-strength-suite-ii':"{{name=TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE II [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-total-strength-suite-ii)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE II}}{{EFFECT=Deal [[1d6]] kinetic damage to a character you are grappling.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-total-strength-suite-iii':"{{name=TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE III [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-total-strength-suite-iii)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE TOTAL STRENGTH SUITE III}}{{EFFECT=You end a GRAPPLE, pushing the other character 5 spaces in any direction and knocking them [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). This movement may pass through spaces occupied by other characters but must end in a free space. All characters they pass through must pass a HULL save or be knocked PRONE. If your target collides with an object or piece of terrain, they stop, take [[1d6]] Kinetic Damage, and must pass a HULL save or become [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-uncle-class-compcon':"{{name=UNCLE-CLASS COMP/CON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-uncle-class-compcon)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-uncle-class-compcon UNCLE-CLASS COMP/CON)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{VALID TYPES=MELEE, CQB, RIFLE, LAUNCHER, CANNON, NEXUS}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY}}{{EFFECT=Your UNCLE-class COMP/CON has control of the weapon this mod is applied to and its associated systems. 1/turn, you can attack at +2 difficulty with UNCLE’s weapon as a free action. UNCLE can’t use weapons that have already been used this turn, and any weapon UNCLE attacks with can’t be used again until the start of your next turn. UNCLE isn’t a full NHP, so cannot enter cascade.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)}}",
'equip-e-webjaw-snare':"{{name=WEBJAW SNARE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-webjaw-snare)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY WEBJAW SNARE}}{{WEBJAW SNARE=[SIZE 1](!lncr_stub)[HP 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=The Webjaw Snare does not obstruct movement, and can’t be attacked until it is triggered. The snare is triggered when any character moves over it. They must succeed on a Hull save or take [[1d6]] AP kinetic damage and become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized). This effect lasts until the snare is destroyed.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-whitewash-sealant-spray':"{{name=WHITEWASH SEALANT SPRAY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-whitewash-sealant-spray)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE WHITEWASH SEALANT SPRAY}}{{EFFECT=This sealant can be sprayed on characters or free spaces within range 5 and line of sight. It has different effects depending on the target: **Hostile Characters:** Your target must succeed on an Agility save or they become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn and clear all burn. **Allied Characters:** Your target clears all burn but they become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn. **Free Space:** Any fires within [blast 1](!lncr_reference tags-blast) are extinguished and the area becomes difficult terrain for the rest of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-roland-chamber':"{{name=\"ROLAND\" CHAMBER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-roland-chamber)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{EFFECT=When you reload any weapon, your next attack with a Loading weapon gains this effect: On hit: This attack deals +1d6 explosive bonus damage, and targets must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
//SSC Systems
'equip-e-active-camouflage':"{{name=ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-active-camouflage)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE ACTIVE CAMOUFLAGE}}{{EFFECT=You become Invisible until you take damage, or until the end of your next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-athena-class-nhp':"{{name=ATHENA-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-athena-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=SIMULACRUM}}{{EFFECT=ATHENA constructs a perfect, real-time, and fully interactive 3D model of a blast 3 area within range 50, including moving characters, all rendered in lovingly extreme detail. The following effects apply: You have full visibility within the affected area, but it doesn’t count as line of sight. You know all statistics, weapons, and systems of characters within the affected area. Hostile characters within the affected area don’t benefit from cover and can’t Hide or become Invisible. Hostile characters that end their turn in the affected area receive Lock On and cease to be Invisible or Hidden. ATHENA’s simulation lasts until the end of the scene, or about 30 minutes within the narrative. You may target a new area as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-ayah-syzygy':"{{name=AYAH OF THE SYZYGY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ayah-syzygy)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=You create a **Blast 2** energy field in a space within **Sensors** and line of sight. The first time each turn any hostile character in this area is hit by a ranged or melee attack, they release a discharge of energy and all hostile characters at least partly in the area -- including the original character -- take **2 AP energy damage**. This effect lasts for the rest of the scene or until you take this action again.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)[BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast)}}",
'equip-e-black-ice-module':"{{name=BLACK ICE MODULE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-black-ice-module)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{EFFECT=Tech attacks against you or adjacent allied characters receive +1 difficulty. Each subsequent tech attack against you or an adjacent allied character receives an additional +1 difficulty, to a maximum of +3 difficulty. Your Black ICE definitions roll over – resetting to +1 difficulty – when it would increase to +4 difficulty or at the end of the scene. Allied characters lose this benefit when they break adjacency.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-camus-razor':"{{name=CAMUS'S RAZOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-camus-razor)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=Your mech is capable of projecting a spot-magnetic force of incredible power. You can prime this system as a **quick action**. Once primed, you gain the **Intervention** reaction for the rest of the scene.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)= **INTERVENTION**}}{{TRIGGER=An allied character within **Range 5** and line of sight is targeted by an action that deals **kinetic or explosive damage**.}}{{EFFECT=You become the target of the action instead. If the action was an area of effect, such as a **LINE, CONE, BLAST** etc, the attacker must now position it so it targets you, or as close as possible, which could change its targets. This transfer takes place even if the original could not have hit you (i.e., it was a melee attack).}}{{TAGS=[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)",
'equip-e-core-siphon':"{{name=CORE SIPHON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-core-siphon)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE CORE SIPHON}}{{EFFECT=When you activate this protocol, you gain +1 accuracy on your first attack roll this turn, but receive +1 difficulty on all other attack rolls until the end of the turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-dominions-breadth':"{{name=DOMINION'S BREADTH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-dominions-breadth)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=A mech character within **Sensors** and line of sight gains **Overshield 1**. When this **Overshield** is lost for any reason, that character releases a **Burst 2** electric pulse. All hostile characters in the affected area (including the original character, if hostile), take **2 AP energy damage** and must succeed on an **Engineering** save or become [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[BURST 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst)}}",
'equip-e-fade-cloak':"{{name=FADE CLOAK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-fade-cloak)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE FADE CLOAK}}{{EFFECT=When activated, you immediately move out of phase with realspace, becoming intangible. While intangible, you may move through obstructions, but not end your turn within them. You cannot interact with any other object or character or be interacted with in any way (e.g., taking or dealing damage). Roll 1d6 at the start of each of your turns: on 3 or less, you return to realspace until the start of your next turn; on 4+, you remain intangible. This system remains active for the rest of the scene, or until you deactivate it as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-ferrous-lash':"{{name=FERROUS LASH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ferrous-lash)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE FERROUS LASH}}{{EFFECT=Choose a character within range 8 and line of sight. If they are allied, you may pull them 5 spaces in any direction; if they are hostile, they must succeed on an Agility save or be pulled 5 spaces in a direction of your choice. This movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions. If a hostile target moved by this system collides with an obstruction or another mech, they stop moving and are knocked Prone.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-ferrospike-barrier':"{{name=FERROSPIKE BARRIER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ferrospike-barrier)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=You spray a **Size 2** surge of liquid metal in a free adjacent space, where it rapidly hardens into wicked spines. It doesn't provide obstruction initially, but at the beginning of your next turn, it becomes a solid object (**20 HP**) that can be used for hard cover. The first time in a round any character would move into its space, that character takes **1d6 AP kinetic damage**. You can only have one barrier deployed at a time; if a new one is deployed, the first one dissolves.}}{{TAGS=[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-flash-charges':"{{name=FLASH CHARGES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-flash-charges)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK 1](!lncr_stub)=FLASH GRENADE}}{{EFFECT 1=Throw a Flash Grenade within Range 5. Until the end of your next turn, this grenade creates a [Blast 3](!lncr_reference tags-blast) zone of blinding light and sparks. While characters other than you are at least partly inside the area, they can’t draw line of sight out of the area. Characters fully outside of the area or that exit the area are unaffected unless they move into it.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)=FLASH MINE}}{{EFFECT 2=This mine detonates in a [Burst 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area when a character moves adjacent to or over it. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an Agility save or they only have line of sight to adjacent spaces until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-flicker-field-projector':"{{name=FLICKER FIELD PROJECTOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-flicker-field-projector)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{EFFECT=Whenever you Boost or make a standard move, you project a holographic pattern around you, leaving dazzling afterimages that make it hard to discern your precise location: you count as Invisible the next time you’re attacked. You can only benefit from one instance of this effect at a time.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-high-stress-mag-clamps':"{{name=HIGH-STRESS MAG CLAMPS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-high-stress-mag-clamps)}}{{EFFECT=You treat all solid surfaces as flat ground for the purposes of movement; you can move across them normally instead of climbing, although you begin to fall if you are knocked Prone.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-hunter-logic-suite':"{{name=HUNTER LOGIC SUITE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hunter-logic-suite)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=STALK PREY}}{{EFFECT 1=You infect the target with a viral logic that wipes your image from their sensors. They treat you as Invisible until you next take damage from them. This can only affect one target at a time.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=TERRIFY}}{{EFFECT 2=You infect the target with a viral logic that makes your mech appear horrifying. Until the end of their next turn, they become Impaired and cannot make any voluntary movements that bring them closer to you.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-iceout-drone':"{{name=ICEOUT DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-iceout-drone)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_reference tags-deployable)=DEPLOY ICEOUT DRONE}}{{ICEOUT DRONE=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=Characters at least partially within the ICEOUT drone's Burst 1 area gain Immunity to all tech actions, and can’t make tech actions. Existing conditions and effects caused by tech actions are not cleared but characters have Immunity to them while they are in the area, and they can be saved against normally. The ICEOUT drone can be moved to any point within Sensors as a quick action. It cannot be recalled and expires at the end of the scene.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)=MOVE ICEOUT DRONE}}{{EFFECT 2=The ICEOUT drone can be moved to any point within Sensors}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-javelin-rockets':"{{name=JAVELIN ROCKETS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-javelin-rockets)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE JAVELIN ROCKETS}}{{EFFECT=Choose 3 free spaces within range 15 and line of sight that aren’t adjacent to each other. All characters know which spaces you have chosen. You fire a volley of auto-targeting rockets into the air: until the start of your next turn, when a character moves into or passes above a chosen space – no more than 10 spaces up – they are hit by a rocket, taking 3 kinetic damage. Each space can be triggered once and then the effect disappears on that space.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-jager-kunst-i':"{{name=JÄGER KUNST I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-jager-kunst-i)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=JÄGER KUNST I}}{{EFFECT=For the rest of the turn, any time you move adjacent to an object or free-standing piece of terrain larger than you, you move 2 spaces in any direction as a free action, ignoring engagement and reactions, running, tumbling, or sliding around. You can do this multiple times a turn, but only once for each unique object or piece of terrain.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 1 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-jager-kunst-ii':"{{name=JÄGER KUNST II [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-jager-kunst-ii)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_stub)=FATAL CLASH}}{{TRIGGER=You take damage from or deal damage with a melee attack}}{{EFFECT=After damage has been resolved, you and your target each roll a contested HULL or AGILITY check (each party choosing which to roll). The loser is knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone), takes [[1d6]] Kinetic Damage, and is knocked back 3 spaces in a direction chosen by the winner. The winner may then move 3 spaces in any direction, ignoring engagement and not provoking reactions. The loser may immediately take [[2]] AP Kinetic Damage damage to force the contest to be rerolled. This damage cannot be prevented or reduced in any way. If the result is a tie, the contest immediately ends. Otherwise, the contest continues until one character loses without forcing a re-roll or would take structure damage, in which case they immediately lose.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-kinetic-compensator':"{{name=KINETIC COMPENSATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-kinetic-compensator)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{EFFECT=When you miss with a ranged attack roll, your next ranged attack roll gains +1 accuracy.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-lb-oc-cloaking-field':"{{name=LB/OC CLOAKING FIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-lb-oc-cloaking-field)}}{{SP COST=4}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE LB/OC CLOAKING FIELD}}{{EFFECT=You become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed), but your Mech and all allied characters within a [burst 2](!lncr_reference tags-burst) area become [Invisible](!lncr_reference status-invisible) as long as they remain completely inside the area. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn, or until you are Stunned, take damage, or deactivate it as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-lotus-projector':"{{name=LOTUS PROJECTOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-lotus-projector)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY LOTUS PROJECTOR}}{{LOTUS PROJECTOR=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 10](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE 10](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=This scout drone can be deployed to a space within Sensors and line of sight, where it emits a Burst 2 field with the following effects: You know the current location, HP, Evasion, E-Defense, and Heat of all characters within the affected area. Hostile characters cannot Hide in the area, and if they end their turn in the affected area they cease to be Hidden. Hostile characters can’t benefit from being Invisible while in the affected area.}}{{[QUICK 2](!lncr_stub)=RECALL AND REDEPLOY}}{{EFFECT 2=Recall and redeploy this drone}}{{TAGS=[INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-invisible)[DRONE](!lncr_reference tags-drone)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-magnetic-shield':"{{name=MAGNETIC SHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-magnetic-shield)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE MAGNETIC SHIELD}}{{EFFECT=This system creates a line 4 forcefield, 4 spaces high – with at least 1 space adjacent to you – that is an obstruction for mechs and characters made at least partly of metal. It lasts for the rest of the scene and if a new one is placed, the old one deactivates. The forcefield doesn’t block line of sight, but it provides soft cover. Characters gain Resistance to kinetic and explosive damage while benefiting from this cover.}}{{TAGS=[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-markerlight':"{{name=MARKERLIGHT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-markerlight)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[FULL TECH](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE MARKERLIGHT}}{{EFFECT=Make a tech attack against a character within Sensors and line of sight. On a success, they take [[2]] heat, [Lock On](!lncr_reference status-lock-on), and cannot benefit from soft cover until the Lock On is cleared; additionally, once before the start of your next turn, when an allied character hits your target, you may declare as a reaction that they have hit a weak spot. If it wasn’t already, the attack becomes a critical hit.}}{{TAGS=[FULL TECH](!lncr_reference tags-full-tech)}}",
'equip-e-multi-gear-maneuver-system':"{{name=MULTI-GEAR MANEUVER SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-multi-gear-maneuver-system)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=FIRE ZIP LINE}}{{EFFECT=You fire a zip line 8 spaces long that connects 2 free spaces in line of sight, one of which must be adjacent to you. Both ends must be attached to a surface, such as a wall or floor. It activates at the end of your turn with the following benefits: SIZE 1/2 characters that are adjacent to either end of the line can move to the other end as a quick action as long as they are able to grab onto it. They can hop off at any point along the line if they wish. Whenever SIZE 1 or larger characters cross the space occupied by the line for the first time in a round or start their turn within one, they must succeed on an AGILITY save or fall [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone). Any character adjacent to the start or endpoint of the line can tear the line down by succeeding on a HULL check as a quick action or by successfully performing a melee attack against either end. The line has 1 HP and EVASION 10. Destroying the zip line in this way does not destroy this system. Otherwise, the line lasts until you use this system again.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-neurospike':"{{name=NEUROSPIKE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-neurospike)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=SHRIKE CODE}}{{EFFECT=Until the end of the target’s next turn, they first take 2 heat whenever they attack.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=MIRAGE}}{{EFFECT 2=Choose yourself or an allied character: your systems relay blurred, illusory images over their actual silhouette. Your target treats you, or the character you chose, as [Invisible](!lncr_reference status-invisible) until the end of their next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INVADE](!lncr_reference tags-invade)}}",
'equip-e-oasis-wall':"{{name=OASIS WALL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-oasis-wall)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE OASIS WALL}}{{EFFECT=Until the start of your next turn, you can only move in straight lines; however, you create a holographic trail behind you as you move, creating a light barrier made of contiguous sections the same Size as your mech (Size 1 for Size 0.5 Mechs) in each space you move through. This barrier grants hard cover to adjacent characters, and characters that benefit from this cover also gain Resistance to energy. The barrier doesn’t count as an obstruction and has Immunity to all damage. Characters may freely pass through it but not end their turns inside it, and any character that would be involuntarily moved inside the barrier stops moving if they would end their movement inside it. It lasts for the rest of the scene or until you next use this system.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-perimeter-command-plate':"{{name=PERIMETER COMMAND PLATE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-perimeter-command-plate)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)=DEPLOY PERIMETER COMMAND PLATE}}{{PERIMETER COMMAND PLATE=[SIZE](!lncr_stub)[HP 20](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=his heavy metal Perimeter Command Plate (PCP) can be flash-printed and deployed to a free 2x2 space within range 5. The PCP is flat, doesn’t obstruct movement, and lasts for the rest of the scene. If you create a new PCP, the old one disintegrates. The plate activates for a character the first time that character enters its space during a round, or if they end their turn there. Upon printing, choose a setting: **Repulse:** Hostile characters that move onto the PCP must succeed on a Hull save or be pushed 3 spaces in the direction of your choice. If this causes them to collide with an obstruction, they are knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). Allied characters that enter the space may immediately fly 3 spaces in any direction as a free action. **Attract:** Characters that move onto the PCP must succeed on a Hull save or become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized). They can clear Immobilized by successfully repeating the save as a quick action; it is also cleared if the PCP is destroyed.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[DEPLOYABLE](!lncr_reference tags-deploayble)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-pinning-spire':"{{name=PINNING SPIRE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pinning-spire)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=You and one character within **Range 3** and line of sight become **Immobilized** and cannot be moved in any way. For the duration, the target always considers you within range for **melee attacks**. On any subsequent turn, you can end this effect as a **protocol**, or your target can end it by successfully hitting you with a **ranged or melee attack**. This condition can't be removed any other way.}}",
'equip-e-reactive-weave':"{{name=REACTIVE WEAVE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-reactive-weave)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{EFFECT=When you Brace, you become [Invisible](!lncr_reference status-invisible) until the end of your next turn and may immediately move spaces equal to your Speed.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-retractable-profile':"{{name=RETRACTABLE PROFILE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-retractable-profile)}}{{SP COST=1}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE RETRACTABLE PROFILE}}{{EFFECT=Your mech can retract its major systems to reduce its profile. While active: rolls to locate you receive +1 difficulty while you are Hidden; ranged and tech attacks against you receive +1 difficulty; you become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) and can’t make attacks of any kind; you may take other actions (e.g., Hide, Activate, and so on). You may end this effect as a quick action.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[PROTOCOL](!llncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-ricochet-blades':"{{name=RICOCHET BLADES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ricochet-blades)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=THROW RICOCHET BLADE}}{{EFFECT=As a quick action, you throw a ricochet blade along a Range 3 path, dealing [[2]] Kinetic Damage to all characters within the affected area. If the initial LINE reaches a piece of terrain or object of SIZE 1 or larger, draw another Range 3 path from that object in a new direction that doesn't overlap with the object it ricocheted off. Characters within the affected area must succeed on an AGILITY save or take [[1d6+3]] Kinetic Damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-shock-wreath':"{{name=SHOCK WREATH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shock-wreath)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-shock-wreath SHOCK WREATH)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES = MELEE}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE SHOCK WREATH}}{{EFFECT=In addition to its usual damage, 1/round you may activate the wreath as a quick action when you hit a character with the weapon this mod is applied to to cause it to take 1d6 burn. If it already is suffering from burn, it can additionally only draw line of sight to adjacent spaces until the end of its next turn.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-shahnameh':"{{name=SHAHNAMEH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shahnameh)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=An allied mech character within **Sensors** and line of sight gains **Overshield** equal to 4+**GRIT**. While they have this **Overshield**, they have **Resistance to heat inflicted by other characters**. If they lose this **Overshield** for any reason, they **clear all heat**.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)}}",
'equip-e-singularity-motivator':"{{name=SINGULARITY MOTIVATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-singularity-motivator)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)[1/ROUND](!lncr_stub)=EXPOSED SINGULARITY}}{{TRIGGER=Your mech takes damage}}{{EFFECT=You may immediately teleport to a free space within [[1d6]] spaces.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)}}",
'equip-e-stabilizer-mod':"{{name=STABILIZER MOD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stabilizer-mod)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities mod equip-e-stablizer-mod stabilizer mod)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{VALID TYPES= LAUNCHER, CANNON}}{{VALID MOUNTS = AUXILIARY, MAIN, HEAVY, SUPERHEAVY}}{{EFFECT=the weapon this mod is applied to gains +5 range and the [Ordnance](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance) tag.}}",
'equip-e-stuncrown':"{{name=STUNCROWN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-stuncrown)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE STUNCROWN}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to create a [burst 3](!lncr_reference tags-burst) flash of light. All hostile characters within the affected area that have line of sight to you must succeed on an Agility save or become [Jammed](!lncr_reference status-jammed), and a Systems save or become [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired). These effects last until the end of their next turn. Characters in cover from you are not affected by this system.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-sympathetic-shield':"{{name=SYMPATHETIC SHIELD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-sympathetic-shield)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=You project a shield of resonant ferrofluid over an allied character within **Range 5**. They gain **OVERSHIELD equal t half their maximum HP**, but any damage dealt to this **OVERSHIELD** before reductions of any kind also deals equivalent *kinetic damage** to you as if the attacker had also damaged you, no matter how far away you are. This damage does not inherit tags or effects.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)}}",
'equip-e-imperial-eye':"{{name=THE IMPERIAL EYE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-imperial-eye)}}{{SP COST=2}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=An allied mech character within Sensors gains a Disruptive Charge until the start of your next turn. When a hostile character enters a space within Range 3 of the target, the Disruptive Charge sparks to that character and then dissipates. The character struck by the spark takes 2 AP energy damage and must succeed on an Engineering save or be knocked back 2 spaces, knocked Prone, and Shredded until the end of their next turn.}}{{=Characters that start their turns within Range 3 of the target are unaffected until they move outside of that area and re-enter it.}}{{TAGS=[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-walk-kings':"{{name=THE WALK OF KINGS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-walk-kings)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_stub)=An allied character within **Sensors** and line of sight gains **Overshield** equal to **4 + GRIT**. While they have this **Overshield**, all their melee attacks gain **AP**, and the first time each turn that they either hit with a melee attack or take damage from a hostile character, they release a **Burst 1** energy blast centered on them. All hostile characters in the affected area take **1 AP energy damage**.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[SHIELD](!lncr_reference tags-shield)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[BURST 1](!lncr_reference tags-burst)[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
'equip-e-tlaloc-class-nhp':"{{name=TLALOC-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tlaloc-class-nhp)}}{{SP COST=3}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=TLALOC PROTOCOL}}{{EFFECT=Your NHP can rapidly fire and retarget your weapons – far faster than thought. You become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the start of your next turn; however, during this time, you may reroll each missed melee or ranged attack roll once, choosing a new target within the attack’s Range. If the attack was part of an area of effect, it must target a character in the same area. Any given target can't be hit more than once as part of the same action.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[HEAT 2 (SELF)](!lncr_reference tags-heat-self)[PROTOCOL](!lncr_reference tags-protocol)}}",
'equip-e-tracking-bug':"{{name=TRACKING BUG [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-tracking-bug)}}{{[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech) = ACTIVATE TRACKING BUG}}{{EFFECT = Make a tech attack against a character within Sensors. On a hit, you know their exact location, HP, Structure, and Speed for the duration. They can’t Hide and you ignore their Invisible status. To remove the tracking drone, they must succeed on an Engineering check as a quick action; otherwise it deactivates at the end of the scene.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK TECH](!lncr_reference tags-quick-tech)}}",
//Integrated weapons
'equip-e-apocalypse-rail':"{{name=APOCALYPSE RAIL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-apocalypse-rail)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=Ship-Class Spool Weapon}}{{CHARGE RAIL=The Apocalypse Rail must be charged before it can be fired, using the Charge Rail CORE Power. This weapon has different profiles determined by the current value of the APOCALYPSE DIE when you fire it. Each profile replaces the one proceeding it. The Apocalypse Rail cannot be fired at targets within range 5. After an attack with the Apocalypse Rail, the Apocalypse Die resets to 4.}}{{4 = Cannot Be Fired}}{{3 = [RANGE 20](!lncr_stub)[BLAST 2](!lncr_reference tags-blast) [2d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 2 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 2 0) :: Objects within the affected area automatically take [[20]] AP explosive damage. After the attack, the blast cloud lingers, providing soft cover to characters within the affected area until the end of your next turn.}}{{2 = [RANGE 25](!lncr_stub)[BLAST 2](!lncr_stub) [3d6 **EXPLOSIVE** ](!lncr_core_rolldamage 3 3 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 6 3 0):: Objects and terrain in the area automatically take [[40]] AP explosive damage, and on hit characters become [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) and [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn. Until the end of your next turn, characters within the affected area receive soft cover, and characters that start their turn within the area or move there for the first time in a round take [[4]] burn.}}{{1 = [RANGE 30](!lncr_stub)[BLAST 2](!lncr_stub) [4d6 **EXPLOSIVE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 4 4 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 8 4 0) :: Objects and terrain in the area automatically take [[100]] AP explosive damage, and characters become [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) and [Stunned](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn on hit. The ground in the affected area is vaporized on impact: for the rest of the scene, it is difficult terrain, characters within the affected area receive soft cover, and characters that start their turn with the area or move there for the first time in a round take [[4]] burn.}} {{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=If the value of the Apocalypse Die is 1–3, you can attack on your turn with the Apocalypse Rail as a full action, but can’t move or take any other actions on the same turn. After an attack with the Apocalypse Rail, the Apocalypse Die resets to 4.}}{{TAGS=[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}",
'equip-e-latch-drone':"{{name=LATCH DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-latch-drone)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN LAUNCHER}}{{RANGE = 8}}{{EFFECT= This weapon can’t make normal attacks. Instead, choose an allied mech within Range and line of sight and make a ranged attack against Evasion 8. On a hit, either you or your target may spend 1 Repair to restore half your target’s HP.}}",
'equip-e-m35-mjolnir':"{{name=M35 MJOLNIR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-m35-mjolnir)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN CQB}}{{RANGE = 5}}{{THREAT = 3}}{{DAMAGE = [[4]] **KINETIC**}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you reload any weapon, this weapon can be fired as a free action.}}",
'equip-e-hhs-075-flayer-shotgun':"{{name=HHS-075 \"FLAYER\" SHOTGUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hhs-075-flayer-shotgun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN CQB}}{{ON ATTACK=After any attack with this weapon, you may smack an adjacent character with the butt end, dealing 1 Kinetic Damage and knocking them back 1 space.}}{{STANDARD}}{{RANGE=3}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE= [1d6+1 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 1)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 1)}}{{STANDARD::TAGS=[INACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)[KNOCKBACK 2](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}{{AUTOCHOKE EQUIPPED}}{{AOE=[CONE 3](!lncr_reference tags-cone)}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 **KINETIC**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2)}}{{AUTOCHOKE::TAGS=[ACCURATE](!lncr_reference tags-accurate)[KNOCKBACK 5](!lncr_reference tags-knockback 5)}}",
'equip-e-prototype-weapon-i':"{{name=PROTOTYPE WEAPON I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-prototype-weapon-i)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN SPECIAL}}{{RANGE=10}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 ](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2) **VARIABLE**}}{{EFFECT=This weapon is an experimental prototype, customized according to your specific requirements. When you install it, or during a Full Repair, you may choose a new weapon type, damage type, and either Threat 1 (melee) or Range 10 (all other types). Additionally, each time you perform a Full Repair, reroll 1d6+2 to determine this weapon’s Limited uses.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1d6+2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)}}",
'equip-e-prototype-weapon-ii':"{{name=PROTOTYPE WEAPON II [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-prototype-weapon-ii)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN SPECIAL}}{{RANGE=10}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+2 **VARIABLE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2)}}{{EFFECT=This weapon is an experimental prototype, customized according to your specific requirements. When you install it, or during a Full Repair, you may choose a new weapon type, damage type, and either Threat 1 (melee) or Range 10 (all other types). Additionally, each time you perform a Full Repair, reroll 1d6+2 to determine this weapon’s Limited uses and choose two: **Tweaked Optics:** Your prototype weapon always gains +1 Accuracy on attacks. **Tweaked Computer:** Your prototype weapon is [Smart](!lncr_reference tags-smart). **Stripped reactor shielding:** Each time you attack with your prototype weapon, you may choose – at the cost of 2 Heat – to attack with one of the following options, depending on its weapon type: **Ranged weapon:** Cone 3, Line 5, or [Blast 1, Range 10]. **Melee weapon:** Burst 1.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1d6+2](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)}}",
'equip-e-prototype-weapon-iii':"{{name=PROTOTYPE WEAPON III [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-prototype-weapon-iii)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN SPECIAL}}{{RANGE=10}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6+4 **VARIABLE**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 4)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 4)}}{{EFFECT=This weapon is an experimental prototype, customized according to your specific requirements. When you install it, or during a Full Repair, you may choose a new weapon type, damage type, and either Threat 1 (melee) or Range 10 (all other types). Additionally, each time you perform a Full Repair, reroll 2d6 to determine this weapon’s Limited uses and choose two: **Tweaked Optics:** Your prototype weapon always gains +1 Accuracy on attacks. **Tweaked Computer:** Your prototype weapon is [Smart](!lncr_reference tags-smart). **Stripped reactor shielding:** Each time you attack with your prototype weapon, you may choose – at the cost of 2 Heat – to attack with one of the following options, depending on its weapon type: **Ranged weapon:** Cone 3, Line 5, or [Blast 1, Range 10]. **Melee weapon:** Burst 1.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 2d6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[OVERKILL](!lncr_reference tags-overkill)}}",
'equip-e-fuel-rod-gun':"{{name=FUEL ROD GUN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-fuel-rod-gun)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN CQB}}{{RANGE=3}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{ON ATTACK=Clear 4 heat}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 3](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-servant-class-nhp':"{{name=SERVANT-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-servant-class-nhp)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech gains the AI tag. You have developed a custom NHP. This NHP can speak to you and has a personality, but they are less advanced than most NHPs and are incapable of independent thought, relying on you for direction. When acting alone, they will follow the last direction given and defend themself as needed; however, they have limited initiative and don’t benefit from your talents.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)}}",
'equip-e-student-class-nhp':"{{name=STUDENT-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-student-class-nhp)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech gains the AI tag. Your custom NHP has developed further, and is now capable of independent thought. It can make complex decisions and judgments and act independently, without instruction. 1/round, with the assistance of your NHP, you may reroll any mech skill check or save. You must keep the new result, even if it’s worse.}}{{TAGS=[AI](!lncr_reference tags-ai)[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)}}",
'equip-e-enlightenment-class-nhp':"{{name=ENLIGHTENMENT-CLASS NHP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-enlightenment-class-nhp)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech gains the AI tag; however, this NHP doesn’t count towards the number of AIs you may have installed at once. This NHP benefits from your talents when piloting your mech. Additionally, you may carry them with you outside of your mech, either as a miniaturized casket, a hardsuit-integrated flash plug, or with a hard-port implant. 1/round, with the assistance of your NHP, you may reroll any mech skill check or save. You must keep the new result, even if it’s worse.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)}}",
'equip-e-ammo-case-i':"{{name=AMMO CASE I [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ammo-case-i)}}{{EFFECT=1/turn, when you attack with a Main ranged weapon, you may expend charges to apply one of the following effects to your attack at the listed cost. **Thumper :** The attack gains Knockback 1 and deals Explosive damage. **Shock :** The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 Energy AP, whether the result is a hit or miss. **Mag :** The attack gains [Arcing](!lncr_reference tags-arcing) and deals Kinetic damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[1/TURN](!lncr_reference tags-per-turn)}}",
'equip-e-ammo-case-ii':"{{name=AMMO CASE II [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ammo-case-ii)}}{{EFFECT=1/turn, when you attack with a Main ranged weapon, you may expend charges to apply one of the following effects to your attack at the listed cost. **Thumper :** The attack gains Knockback 1 and deals Explosive damage. **Shock :** The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 Energy AP, whether the result is a hit or miss. **Mag :** The attack gains [Arcing](!lncr_reference tags-arcing) and deals Kinetic damage. **Hellfire :** The attack deals Energy damage and deals any bonus damage as Burn. **Jager :** The attack gains Knockback 2, deals Explosive damage, and one character hit by the attack – your choice – must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). **Sabot :** The attack gains AP and deals Kinetic damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[1/TURN](!lncr_reference tags-per-turn)}}",
'equip-e-ammo-case-iii':"{{name=AMMO CASE III [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-ammo-case-iii)}}{{EFFECT=1/turn, when you attack with a Main ranged weapon, you may expend charges to apply one of the following effects to your attack at the listed cost. If you perform a critical hit using ammunition from your Ammo Case, you don’t expend any charges. If your attack has more than one target, this effect only applies to the first attack roll you make. **Thumper :** The attack gains Knockback 1 and deals Explosive damage. **Shock :** The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 Energy AP, whether the result is a hit or miss. **Mag :** The attack gains [Arcing](!lncr_reference tags-arcing) and deals Kinetic damage. **Hellfire :** The attack deals Energy damage and deals any bonus damage as Burn. **Jager :** The attack gains Knockback 2, deals Explosive damage, and one character hit by the attack – your choice – must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). **Sabot :** The attack gains AP and deals Kinetic damage.}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 6](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[1/TURN](!lncr_reference tags-per-turn)}}",
'equip-e-spaceborn-eva':"{{name=SPACEBORN EVA [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-spaceborn-eva)}}{{EFFECT=All of your mechs that your build come with built-in EVA capabilities, meaning you suffer no penalties when operating underwater or in zero-g environments.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE SPACEBORN EVA}}{{EFFECT 1=You can shunt power into this component to fly 3 spaces and take Heat equal to your mech’s Size + 1, although you must land at the end of this movement or fall.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[INDESTRUCTIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-indestructible)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-guardian-orochi-drone':"{{name=GUARDIAN OROCHI DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-guardian-orochi-drone}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)[FREE](!lncr_stub)=GUARDIAN OROCHI DRONE}}{{STATS=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5+GRIT](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=This drone projects a shield. Ranged attacks against adjacent allied characters receive +1 difficulty.}}",
'equip-e-snare-orochi-drone':"{{name=SNARE OROCHI DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-snare-orochi-drone}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)[FREE](!lncr_stub)=SNARE OROCHI DRONE}}{{STATS=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5+GRIT](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make an Agility save. On a failure, they become Immobilized. They only cease to be Immobilized when the drone is destroyed or no longer adjacent, or they succeed on an Agility save as a quick action.}}",
'equip-e-shredder-orochi-drone':"{{name=SHREDDER OROCHI DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-shredder-orochi-drone}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)[FREE](!lncr_stub)=GUARDIAN OROCHI DRONE}}{{STATS=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5+GRIT](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make a Hull save. On a failure, they take 1 kinetic damage and become Shredded until the end of their next turn.}}",
'equip-e-hunter-orochi-drone':"{{name=HUNTER OROCHI DRONE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-hunter-orochi-drone}}{{[DEPLOY](!lncr_stub)[FREE](!lncr_stub)=GUARDIAN OROCHI DRONE}}{{STATS=[SIZE 1/2](!lncr_stub)[HP 5+GRIT](!lncr_stub)[EVASION 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{EFFECT=As a reaction, you may force characters that start their turn adjacent to this drone or move adjacent to it for the first time in a round to make a Systems save. On a failure, they receive Lock On.}}",
'equip-e-zf4-solidcore':"{{name=ZF4 SOLIDCORE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-zf4-solidcore)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Integrated}}{{TYPE=MAIN CANNON}}{{EFFECT=This weapon’s profile is determined by the number of Charges it carries. It begins with 1 Charge, dealing 1d6 energy with line 4. Each time you Stabilize, you gain an additional 1 Charge, up to a maximum of 4. The ZF4 gains an additional +4 range and +1d6 energy damage for each charge, and resets to 1 Charge after each attack. Charges persist between scenes, but are lost during a full repair.}}{{CHARGE 1/2/3/4 = [LINE 4/8/12/16](!lncr_reference tags-line)}}{{DAMAGE=**[[1d6]]+[[1d6]]+[[1d6]]+[[1d6]] ENERGY**}}{{TAGS=[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-ordnance)}}",
'equip-e-plasma-talons':"{{name=PLASMA TALONS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-plasma-talons)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Auxiliary}}{{TYPE=Melee}}{{THREAT=3}}{{DAMAGE=[1d3+2 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 2 3)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 2 3)}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)[DANGER ZONE](!lncr_reference tags-danger-zone)[RELIABLE 2](!lncr_reference tags-reliable)}}",
'equip-e-marathon-arc-bow':"{{name=MARATHON ARC BOW [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-marathon-arc-bow)}}{{ATTACK=[[[[1d20]]+@{selected|grit}]]}}{{ACC/DIFF=[[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]][[1d6]]}}{{MOUNT=Main}}{{TYPE=Launcher}}{{Line=15}}{{DAMAGE=[1d6 **ENERGY**](!lncr_core_rolldamage 1 1 0)[Crit](!lncr_core_rolldamage 2 1 0)}}{{ON ATTACK = Allied characters caught in the area are not attacked, but instead have any Overshield supercharged, increasing it by +4, but clearing all Overshield at the end of their next turn. If they have no Overshield, they instead gain Overshield 2.}}{{TAGS=[ARMOR-PIERCING (AP)](!lncr_reference tags-armor-piercing)}}",
//Pilot equipment
'equip-e-pilot-equipment':"{{name=PILOT EQUIPMENT}}{{[PILOT ARMOR](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-armor)}}{{[PILOT WEAPONS](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-weapons)}}{{[PILOT GEAR](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-gear)}}",
'equip-e-pilot-armor':"{{name=PILOT ARMOR}}{{A=[ASSAULT HARDSUIT](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-assault-hardsuit)}}{{H=[HEAVY HARDSUIT](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-heavy-hardsuit)}}{{L=[LIGHT HARDSUIT](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-light-hardsuit)}}",
'equip-e-pilot-light-hardsuit':"{{name=LIGHT HARDSUIT (PILOT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pilot-light-hardsuit)}}{{STATS=[ARMOR: 0](!lncr_stub)[HP BONUS: +3](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE: 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION: 8](!lncr_stub)[SPEED: 4](!lncr_stub)}}{{ENTRY=Light hardsuits are usually made from reactive, cloth-like weaves, with limited plating and few powered components to maximize mobility. Like other hardsuits, they can be sealed against vacuum, and protect against a decent amount of radiation and other harmful particles.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-assault-hardsuit':"{{name=ASSAULT HARDSUIT (PILOT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pilot-assault-hardsuit)}}{{STATS=[ARMOR: 1](!lncr_stub)[HP BONUS: +3](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE: 8](!lncr_stub)[EVASION: 8](!lncr_stub)[SPEED: 4](!lncr_stub)}}{{ENTRY=These hardsuits, common among military units, feature heavier plating than light hardsuits but more mobility than heavy hardsuits. They are powered, augmenting the user’s strength, and typically feature an onboard computer, sensor suite, integrated air, burst EVA system, and waste recycling systems.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-heavy-hardsuit':"{{name=HEAVY HARDSUIT (PILOT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pilot-heavy-hardsuit)}}{{STATS=[ARMOR: 2](!lncr_stub)[HP BONUS: +3](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE: 8](!lncr_stub)[EVASION: 6](!lncr_stub)[SPEED: 3](!lncr_stub)}}{{ENTRY=The heaviest hardsuits. They are always powered and up-armored with thick, composite armor. Heavy hardsuits often feature integrated weapons, powerful mobility suites, and – by augmenting their user’s strength – allow their user to field much heavier weapons than normal infantry can typically carry. Heavy hardsuits are in decline now that half-size chassis are popular, but they are still common among private militaries and middle-tier Diasporan armed forces.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-mobility-hardsuit':"{{name=MOBILITY HARDSUIT (PILOT) [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait equip-e-pilot-mobility-hardsuit)}}{{STATS=[ARMOR: 0](!lncr_stub)[HP BONUS: +0](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE: 10](!lncr_stub)[EVASION: 10](!lncr_stub)[SPEED: 5](!lncr_stub)}}{{ENTRY=These hardsuits have integrated flight systems, allowing pilots to fly when they move or Boost. Flying pilots must end their turn on the ground (or another surface) or begin falling.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-stealth-hardsuit':"{{name=STEALTH HARDSUIT (PILOT)}}{{STATS=[ARMOR: 0](!lncr_stub)[HP BONUS: +0](!lncr_stub)[E-DEFENSE: 8](!lncr_stub)[EVASION: 8](!lncr_stub)[SPEED: 4](!lncr_stub)}}{{ENTRY=As a quick action, pilots wearing stealth hardsuits can become Invisible. They cease to be Invisible if they take any damage.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=ACTIVATE STEALTH HARDSUIT}}{{EFFECT=Become [INVISIBLE](!lncr_reference tags-invisible). You will cease to be Invisible if you take any damage.}}{{TAGS=[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'equip-e-pilot-weapons':"{{name=PILOT WEAPONS}}{{A=[ARCHAIC MELEE](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-archaic-melee)[ARCHAIC RANGED](!lncr_reference equip-e-pilot-archaic-ranged)}}{{H=}}{{L=}}{{M=}}",
'equip-e-pilot-archaic-melee':"{{name=ARCHAIC MELEE (PILOT)}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE = [[1]] **KINETIC**}}{{TAGS=[ARCHAIC](!lncr_reference tags-archaic)}}{{These weapons were made using pre-Union alloys and technology, and might be anything from industrial-era steel swords through to stone axes. While they remain widely used on some worlds, archaic weapons used by pilots are usually relics, heirlooms, or ceremonial weapons.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-archaic-ranged':"{{name=ARCHAIC RANGED (PILOT)}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE = [[1]] **KINETIC**}}{{TAGS=[ARCHAIC](!lncr_reference tags-archaic)}}{{ENTRY=These weapons are pre-modern devices like muskets and bows, all of which are still used in some societies.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-light-ac':"{{name=LIGHT A/C (PILOT)}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE = [[1]] **KINETIC**}}{{TAGS=[SIDEARM](!lncr_reference tags-sidearm)}}{{ENTRY=Light A/C weapons might be knives, bayonets, punching daggers, and short swords.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-medium-ac':"{{name=MEDIUM A/C (PILOT)}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE = [[2]] **KINETIC**}}{{ENTRY=Medium A/C weapons are typically swords, officer’s sabers, and trench axes.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-heavy-ac':"{{name=HEAVY A/C (PILOT)}}{{THREAT=1}}{{DAMAGE = [[3]] **KINETIC**}}{{TAGS=[INACcURATE](!lncr_reference tags-inaccurate)}}{{ENTRY=Heavy weapons are designed with the augmented strength of hardsuits in mind and include war hammers, mallets, rams, pikes, and heavy two-handed assault swords.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-light-signature':"{{name=LIGHT SIGNATURE (PILOT)}}{{RANGE=3}}{{DAMAGE = [[1]] **VARIABLE**}}{{EFFECT=When a signature weapon is acquired, choose its damage type – Explosive, Energy, or Kinetic.}} {{TAGS=[SIDEARM](!lncr_reference tags-sidearm)}}{{ENTRY=Light signature weapons might be oversized revolvers, braces of pistols, and submachine guns.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-medium-signature':"{{name=MEDIUM SIGNATURE (PILOT)}}{{RANGE=5}}{{DAMAGE = [[2]] **VARIABLE**}}{{EFFECT=When a signature weapon is acquired, choose its damage type – Explosive, Energy, or Kinetic.}}{{ENTRY=Medium signature weapons are assault rifles, shotguns, pack-fed lasers, or disruption guns.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-heavy-signature':"{{name=HEAVY SIGNATURE (PILOT)}}{{RANGE=10}}{{DAMAGE = [[4]] **VARIABLE**}}{{EFFECT=When a signature weapon is acquired, choose its damage type – Explosive, Energy, or Kinetic.}} {{TAGS=[ORDNANCE](!lncr_reference tags-sidearm)[LOADING](!lncr_reference tags-loading)}}{{ENTRY=Light signature weapons might be oversized revolvers, braces of pistols, and submachine guns.}}",
'equip-e-pilot-corrective':"{{name=CORRECTIVE (PILOT)}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=USE CORRECTIVE}}{{EFFECT=Expend a charge to apply correctives to Down and Out pilots, immediately bringing them back to consciousness at 1 HP}}{{TAGS=[LIMITED 1](!lncr_reference tags-limited)[FULL ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-full-action)}}{{ENTRY = Heavy signature weapons are missile tubes, heavy lasers, light machine gun, or exotic rifles.}}",
//The object containing the talents. A talent of talents if you will.
'talents-t-ace':"{{name=ACE}}{{TIER 1 = [ACROBATICS](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace-acrobatics)}}{{TIER 2= [AFTERBURNERS](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace-afterburners)}}{{TIER 3=[SUPERSONIC](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace-supersonic)}}",
'talents-t-ace-acrobatics':'{{name=ACROBATICS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-ace-acrobatics)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-ace-acrobatics acrobatics)}}{{BENEFIT T1= While flying, you get the following benefits: You make all Agility checks and saves with +1 Accuracy Any time an attack misses you, you may fly up to 2 spaces in any direction as a reaction}}{{TRIGGER = Any time an attack misses you}}{{EFFECT = You may fly up to 2 spaces in any direction}}',
'talents-t-ace-afterburners':'{{name=AFTERBURNERS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-ace-afterburners)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-ace-afterburners afterburners)}}{{BENEFIT T2= When you Boost while flying, you may move an additional 1d6 spaces, but take heat equal to half that amount.}}{{BENEFIT = When you [BOOST](!lncr_reference boost) while flying, you may move an additional [[1d6]] spaces, but take heat equal to half that amount.}}',
'talents-t-ace-spin-up-thrusters':'{{name=SPIN UP THRUSTERS}}{{BENEFIT T3= As a [QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action) on your turn, you may spin up your thrusters. If you end your turn flying, you may nominate a character within a Range equal to your Speed and within line of sight, and gain the Supersonic Reaction.}}{{[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)=As a quick action on your turn, you may spin up your thrusters. If you end your turn flying, you may nominate a character within a Range equal to your Speed and within line of sight, and gain the [SUPERSONIC](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace-supersonic) reaction.}}',
'talents-t-ace-supersonic':'{{name=SUPERSONIC [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-ace-supersonic)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-ace-supersonic supersonic)}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)=Requires activation of the [SPIN UP THRUSTERS](!lncr_reference talents-t-ace-spin-up-thrusters) quick action on your turn. If you end your turn flying, you may nominate a character within a Range equal to your Speed and within line of sight, you may use this reaction.}}{{TRIGGER=Your target’s turn ends.}}{{EFFECT=You fly to a space free and adjacent to them. There must be a path to do so but you can move even if the nominated character is no longer within your movement range or line of sight. This ignores engagement and does not provoke reactions.}}',
'talents-t-bonded':"{{name=BONDED}}{{TIER 1 = [I'M YOUR HUCKLEBERRY](!lncr_reference talents-t-bonded-huckleberry)}}{{TIER 2=[SUNDACE](!lncr_reference talents-t-bonded-sundance)}}{{TIER 3=[COVER ME!](!lncr_reference talents-t-bonded-cover-me)}}",
'talents-t-bonded-huckleberry':"{{name=I'M YOUR HUCKLEBERRY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-bonded-huckleberry)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-bonded-huckleberry huckleberry)}}{{BENEFIT = When you take this talent, choose another pilot (hopefully a PC, but NPCs are fine if your GM allows it) to be your Bondmate. Any mech skill checks and saves either character makes while you are adjacent gain +1 Accuracy. If both characters have this talent, this increases to +2 Accuracy, but additional characters with this talent can’t increase it any further. Between missions, you can replace your Bondmate with a new one, but only if your relationship with them has changed.}}",
'talents-t-bonded-sundance':"{{name=SUNDANCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-bonded-intercede)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-bonded-intercede intercede)}}{{BENEFIT= gain the [INTERCEDE](!lncr_reference talents-t-bonded-intercede) reaction}}",
'talents-t-bonded-intercede':"{{name=INTERCEDE}}{{TRIGGER=You are adjacent to your Bondmate (pilot or mech) and they take damage from a source within your line of sight.}}{{EFFECT=You may take the damage instead.}}",
'talents-t-bonded-cover-me':"{{name=COVER ME! [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-bonded-cover-me)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-bonded-cover-me cover me)}}{{BENEFIT=If a character within your line of sight attempts to attack your Bondmate, you can spend your Overwatch to threaten the attacker, forcing them to either choose a different target or attack anyway: if they attack a different target, your Overwatch is expended without effect; if they choose to attack anyway, you can immediately attack them with Overwatch, as long as they are within Range and line of sight. This attack resolves before the triggering attack.}}",
'talents-t-brawler':'{{name=BRAWLER}}{{TIER 1= [HOLD AND LOCK](!lncr_reference talents-t-brawler-hold-and-lock)}}{{TIER 2=[SLEDGEHAMMER](!lncr_reference talents-t-brawler-sledgehammer)}}{{TIER 3= [KNOCKOUT BLOW](!lncr_reference talents-t-brawler-knockout-blow)}}',
'talents-t-brawler-hold-and-lock':'{{name=HOLD AND LOCK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brawler-hold-and-lock)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brawler-hold-and-lock hold and lock)}}{{BENEFIT = You gain +1 Accuracy on all melee attacks against targets you are Grappling.}}',
'talents-t-brawler-sledgehammer':'{{name=SLEDGEHAMMER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brawler-sledgehammer)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brawler-sledgehammer sledgehammer)}}{{BENEFIT = Your [IMPROVISED ATTACKS](!lncr_reference improvised attack) gain Knockback 2 and deal [[2d6+2]] **KINETIC** damage.}}',
'talents-t-brawler-knockout-blow':'{{name=KNOCKOUT BLOW [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brawler-knockout-blow)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brawler-knockout-blow knockout blow)}}{{BENEFIT = Gain a Brawler Die, 1d6 starting at 6. Each time you Grapple, Ram, or make an Improvised Attack, lower the value of the Brawler Die by 1. When the Brawler Die reaches 1, you may reset it to 6 and, as a full action, make a Knockout Blow against an adjacent character. The value of your Brawler Die persists between scenes, but it resets to 6 when you rest or perform a Full Repair.}}',
'talents-t-brutal':'{{name=BRUTAL}}{{TIER 1=[PREDATOR](!lncr_reference talents-t-brutal-predator)}}{{BENEFIT T1=When you roll a 20 on a die for any attack (sometimes called a ‘natural 20’) and critical hit, you deal the maximum possible damage and bonus damage.}}{{TIER 2=[CULL THE HERD](!lncr_reference talents-t-brutal-cull-the-herd)}}{{BENEFIT T2=Your critical hits gain Knockback 1}}{{TIER 3=[RELENTLESS](!lncr_reference talents-t-brutal-relentless)}}{{BENEFIT T3=When you make an attack roll and miss, your next attack roll gains +1 Accuracy. This effect stacks and persists until you hit.}}',
'talents-t-brutal-predator':'{{name=PREDATOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brutal-predator)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brutal-predator predator)}}{{BENEFIT=When you roll a 20 on a die for any attack (sometimes called a ‘natural 20’) and critical hit, you deal the maximum possible damage and bonus damage.}}',
'talents-t-brutal-cull-the-herd':'{{name=CULL THE HERD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brutal-cull-the-herd)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brutal-cull-the-herd cull the herd)}}{{BENEFIT=Your critical hits gain [KNOCKBACK 1](!lncr_reference tags-knockback)}}',
'talents-t-brutal-relentless':'{{name=RELENTLESS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-brutal-relentless)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-brutal-relentless relentless)}}{{BENEFIT=When you make an attack roll and miss, your next attack roll gains +1 Accuracy. This effect stacks and persists until you hit.}}',
'talents-t-crack-shot':'{{name=CRACK SHOT}}{{TIER 1=[STABLE,STEADY](!lncr_reference talents-t-crack-shot-stable)}}{{TIER 2=[ZERO IN](!lncr_reference talents-t-crack-shot-zero)}}{{TIER 3=[WATCH THIS](!lncr_reference talents-t-crack-shot-watch)}}',
'talents-t-crack-shot-stable':"{{name=STABLE,STEADY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-crack-shot-stable)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-crack-shot-stable stable, steady)}}{{BENEFIT=As a protocol, you may steady your aim. If you do, you become Immobilized until the start of your next turn but gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks you make with Rifles.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=STEADY AIM}}{{EFFECT=Become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the start of your next turn but gain +1 Accuracy on all attacks you make with Rifles.}}",
'talents-t-crack-shot-zero':"{{name=ZERO IN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-crack-shot-zero)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-crack-shot-zero zero in)}}{{BENEFIT=1/round, while steadying your aim and making a ranged attack with a Rifle, you can attempt to hit a weak point: gain +1 Difficulty on the attack roll, and deal +1d6 bonus damage on a critical hit.}}",
'talents-t-crack-shot-watch':"{{name=WATCH THIS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-crack-shot-watch)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-crack-shot-watch watch this)}}{{BENEFIT=1/round, when you perform a critical hit with a Rifle while steadying your aim, your target must pass a Hull save or you may choose an additional effect for your attack: **Headshot:** They only have line of sight to adjacent spaces until the end of their next turn. **Leg shot:** They become [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn. **Body shot:** They are knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}",
'talents-t-centimane':"{{name=CENTIMANE}}{{TIER 1 =[TEN THOUSAND TEETH](!lncr_reference talents-t-centimane-teeth)}}{{TIER 2=[EXPOSE WEAKNESS](!lncr_reference talents-t-centimane-weak)}}{{TIER 3=[TIDAL SUPPRESSION](!lncr_reference talents-t-centimane-tide)}}",
'talents-t-centimane-teeth':"{{name=TEN THOUSAND TEETH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-centimane-teeth)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-centimane-teeth ten thousand teeth)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you perform a critical hit with a Nexus, your target must pass a Systems save or become [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) and [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn.}}",
'talents-t-centimane-weak':"{{name=EXPOSE WEAKNESS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-centimane-weak)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-centimane-weak expose weakness)}}{{EFFECT=When you consume Lock On as part of an attack with a Nexus or Drone and perform a critical hit, your target becomes [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded) until the start of your next turn.}}",
'talents-t-centimane-tide':"{{name=TIDAL SUPPRESSION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-centimane-tide)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-centimane-tide tidal suppression)}}{{EFFECT=This replaces Ten Thousand Teeth. 1/round, when you perform a critical hit with a Nexus, your target must succeed on a Systems save or you may choose an additional effect for your attack that lasts until the end of their next turn:}} {{Harrying Swarm = They become [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired) and [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed).}}{{Blinding Swarm= They only have line of sight to adjacent squares.}}{{Virulent Swarm= They become Shredded. Any adjacent characters of your choice must also make a Systems save or become [Shredded](!lncr_reference status-shredded).}}{{Restricting Swarm= They take [[1]] Burn each time they take an action or reaction.}}",
'talents-t-combined-arms':"{{name=COMBINED ARMS}}{{TIER 1 =[SHIELD OF BLADES](!lncr_reference talents-t-combined-arms-shield)}}{{TIER 2=[CQB-TRAIED](!lncr_reference talents-t-combined-arms-trained)}}{{TIER 3=[STORM OF VIOLENCE](!lncr_reference talents-t-combined-arms-storm)}}",
'talents-t-combined-arms-shield':"{{name=SHIELD OF BLADES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-combined-arms-shield)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-combined-arms-shield shield of blades)}}{{EFFECT=As long as you’re Engaged, you and any allies adjacent to you count as having soft cover.}}",
'talents-t-combined-arms-trained':"{{name=CQB-TRAINED [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-combined-arms-trained)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-combined-arms-trained cqb-trained)}}{{EFFECT=You don’t gain Difficulty from being Engaged.}}",
'talents-t-combined-arms-storm':"{{name=STORM OF VIOLENCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-combined-arms-storm)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-combined-arms-storm storm of violence)}}{{EFFECT=Whenever you hit a character with a melee attack, you gain +1 Accuracy on your next ranged attack against them; and, whenever you hit a character with a ranged attack, you gain +1 Accuracy on your next melee attack against them. This effect doesn’t stack.}}",
'talents-t-duelist':"{{name=DUELIST}}{{TIER 1 =[PARTISAN](!lncr_reference talents-t-duelist-partisan)}}{{TIER 2=[BLADEMASTER](!lncr_reference talents-t-duelist-blademaster)}}{{TIER 3=[UNSTOPPABLE](!lncr_reference talents-t-duelist-unstoppable)}}",
'talents-t-duelist-partisan':"{{name=PARTISAN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-duelist-partisan)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-duelist-partisan partisan)}}{{EFFECT=Gain +1 Accuracy on the first melee attack you make with a Main Melee weapon on your turn.}}",
'talents-t-duelist-blademaster':"{{name=BLADEMASTER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-duelist-blademaster)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-duelist-blademaster blademaster)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you hit with a Main Melee weapon, you gain 1 Blademaster Die – a d6 – up to a maximum of 3 Blademaster Die. They last until expended or the current scene ends. You can expend Blademaster Dice 1-for-1 for the following:}}{{Parry= As a reaction when you’re hit by a melee attack, you gain Resistance to all damage, heat, and burn dealt by the attack.}}{{Deflect= As a reaction when you’re hit by a ranged attack, you may roll any number of Blademaster Dice, expending them: if you roll a 5+ on any of these dice, you gain Resistance to all damage, heat, and burn dealt by the attack.}}{{Feint= As a free action, choose an adjacent character: when moving, you ignore engagement and don’t provoke reactions from your target until the start of your next turn.}}{{Trip= As a quick action, choose an adjacent character: they must pass an Agility save or fall Prone. Whatever the result, you may freely pass through their space until the end of your current turn, although you can’t end your turn in their space.}}",
'talents-t-duelist-unstoppable':"{{name=UNSTOPPABLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-duelist-unstoppable)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-duelist-unstoppable unstoppable)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you hit with a melee attack on your turn, you may spend a Blademaster Die to immediately Grapple or Ram your target as a free action after the attack has been resolved.}}",
'talents-t-drone-commander':"{{name=DRONE COMMANDER}}{{TIER 1 =[SHEPHERD](!lncr_reference talents-t-drone-commander-shepherd)}}{{TIER 2=[ENERGIZED SWARM](!lncr_reference talents-t-drone-commander-swarm)}}{{TIER 3=[INVIGORATE](!lncr_reference talents-t-drone-commander-invigorate)}}",
'talents-t-drone-commander-shepherd':"{{name=SHEPHERD [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-drone-commander-shepherd)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-drone-commander-shepherd shepherd)}}{{EFFECT 1=Your Drone systems gain +5 HP. Additionally, gain the Shepherd Drone Protocol}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=SHEPHERD DRONE }}{{EFFECT 2=Move a drone you control up to 4 spaces if it is within Sensors}}",
'talents-t-drone-commander-swarm':"{{name=ENERGIZED SWARM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-drone-commander-swarm)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-drone-commander-swarm energized swarm)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you make an attack that consumes the Lock On condition, your Drones immediately emit a vicious pulse of energy. All characters of your choice within Burst 1 areas centered on each of your drones take [[1d6]] Energy damage. Each character can only be affected by the pulse from one drone, even if the areas overlap.}}",
'talents-t-drone-commander-invigorate':"{{name=INVIGORATE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-drone-commander-invigorate)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-drone-commander-invigorate invigorate)}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=INVIGORATE}}{{Effect=Send a pulse of energy to an allied character (including Drones) within Range 3, drawing a Line to them. You may extend the pulse from your target to another allied character, extending the Line to them, as long as they are within Range 3, and you may continue extending the pulse (and Line) like this as long as you don’t target the same character twice. Allied characters who are used as pulse targets or are in the Line’s path gain [[4]] Overshield; hostile characters in the Line’s path take 2 Energy damage instead.}}",
'talents-t-engineer':"{{name=ENGINEER}}{{TIER 1 =[PROTOTYPE](!lncr_reference talents-t-engineer-proto)}}{{TIER 2=[REVISION](!lncr_reference talents-t-engineer-revision)}}{{TIER 3=[FINAL DRAFT](!lncr_reference talents-t-engineer-final)}}",
'talents-t-engineer-proto':"{{name=PROTOTYPE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-engineer-proto)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-engineer-proto prototype)}}{{EFFECT=When you perform a Full Repair, you can, with some trial and error, install a prototype weapon system on your mech. You may choose characteristics for your prototype weapon based on the following profile each time you perform a Full Repair, rerolling 1d6+2 to determine Limited each time: Prototype Weapon Main [Melee, CQB, Rifle, Cannon, Launcher, Nexus], Limited [1d6+2], Overkill This weapon is an experimental prototype, customized according to your specific requirements. When you install it, or during a Full Repair, you may choose a new weapon type, damage type, and either Threat 1 (melee) or Range 10 (all other types). Additionally, each time you perform a Full Repair, reroll 1d6+2 to determine this weapon’s Limited uses. Damage: 1d6+2 Kinetic, Explosive or energy. This weapon counts as an integrated mount and does not require a mount.}}{{EQUIP=[PROTOTYPE WEAPON I](!lncr_reference equip-e-prototype-weapon-i)}}",
'talents-t-engineer-revision':"{{name=REVISION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-engineer-revision)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-engineer-revision revision)}}{{EFFECT=You can tweak the essential components of your prototype weapon in order to increase its effectiveness. When you perform a Full Repair, choose two: **Tweaked Optics:** Your prototype weapon always gains +1 Accuracy on attacks. **Tweaked Computer:** Your prototype weapon is [Smart](!lncr_reference tags-smart). **Stripped reactor shielding:** Each time you attack with your prototype weapon, you may choose – at the cost of 2 Heat – to attack with one of the following options, depending on its weapon type: **Ranged weapon:** Cone 3, Line 5, or [Blast 1, Range 10]. **Melee weapon:** Burst 1.}}{{EQUIP=[PROTOTYPE WEAPON II](!lncr_reference equip-e-prototype-weapon-ii)}}",
'talents-t-engineer-final':"{{name=FINAL DRAFT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-engineer-final)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-engineer-final final draft)}}{{EFFECT=Your prototype weapon is now Limited [2d6] and deals 1D6+4 damage}}{{EQUIP=[PROTOTYPE WEAPON III](!lncr_reference equip-e-prototype-weapon-iii)}}",
'talents-t-executioner':"{{name=EXECUTIONER}}{{TIER 1 =[BACKSWING CUT](!lncr_reference talents-t-executioner-cut)}}{{TIER 2=[WIDE ARC CLEAVE](!lncr_reference talents-t-executioner-cleave)}}{{TIER 3=[NO ESCAPE](!lncr_reference talents-t-executioner-escape)}}",
'talents-t-executioner-cut':"{{name=BACKSWING CUT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-executioner-cut)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-executioner-cut backswing cut)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you hit with a Heavy or Superheavy melee weapon, you can make another melee attack with the same weapon as a free action against a different character within Threat and line of sight. This attack deals half damage, if successful.}}",
'talents-t-executioner-cleave':"{{name=WIDE ARC CLEAVE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-executioner-cleave)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-executioner-cleave wide arc cleave)}}{{EFFECT=The first time in a round that you perform a critical hit with a Heavy or Superheavy melee weapon, you deal 3 Kinetic damage to all characters and objects of your choice within Threat, other than the one you just attacked.}}",
'talents-t-executioner-escape':"{{name=NO ESCAPE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-executioner-escape)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-executioner-escape no escape)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you miss with a melee attack, you reroll it against a different target within Threat and line of sight.}}",
'talents-t-exemplar':"{{name=EXEMPLAR}}{{TIER 1 =[HONORABLE CHALLENGE](!lncr_reference talents-t-exemplar-challenge)}}{{TIER 2=[PUNISHMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-exemplar-punish)}}{{TIER 3=[TO THE DEATH](!lncr_reference talents-t-exemplar-death)}}",
'talents-t-exemplar-challenge':"{{name=HONORABLE CHALLENGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-exemplar-challenge)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-exemplar-challenge honorable challenge)}}{{EFFECT=The first time on your turn that you attack a hostile character within Range 3, hit or miss, you may give them the Exemplar’s Mark as a free action. Characters can only have one Exemplar’s Mark at a time – new marks from any character replace existing marks. The character has the Exemplar’s Mark until the start of your next turn, and while they have it, you gain the Valiant Aid Reaction.}}{{[REACTION](!lnct_stub)=VALIANT AID}}{{TRIGGER=Ally attacks your mark and misses}}{{EFFECT 2=Your ally may reroll the attack. They must use the second result, even if it’s worse.}}",
'talents-t-exemplar-punish':"{{name=PUNISHMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-exemplar-punish)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-exemplar-punish punishment)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when the character with your Mark attacks a character within Range 3 of you, other than you, they trigger your Overwatch.}}",
'talents-t-exemplar-death':"{{name=TO THE DEATH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-exemplar-death)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-exemplar-death to the death)}}{{EFFECT=As a free action when you mark a character, you may challenge them in a duel to the death: you and the character with your Mark receive +3 Difficulty on attacks against characters or objects other than each other until either the end of the current scene or one of your mechs are destroyed. If they take any action that includes an attack roll against you, hit or miss, this effect ceases for them until the start of your next turn. While To The Death is active, you cannot voluntarily move away from the character with your Mark; additionally, your Mark lasts either until the end of the current scene or one of your mechs are destroyed, and you cannot Mark any new characters.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_reference tags-free-action)=DUEL TO THE DEATH}}{{EFFECT 2=Challenge your marked target to a duel to the death: you and the character with your Mark receive +3 Difficulty on attacks against characters or objects other than each other until either the end of the current scene or one of your mechs are destroyed. If they take any action that includes an attack roll against you, hit or miss, this effect ceases for them until the start of your next turn. While To The Death is active, you cannot voluntarily move away from the character with your Mark; additionally, your Mark lasts either until the end of the current scene or one of your mechs are destroyed, and you cannot Mark any new characters.}}",
'talents-t-gunslinger':"{{name=GUNSLINGER}}{{TIER 1 =[OPENING ARGUMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-gunslinger-open)}}{{TIER 2=[FROM THE HIP](!lncr_reference talents-t-gunslinger-hip)}}{{TIER 3=[I KILL WITH MY HEART](!lncr_reference talents-t-gunslinger-heart)}}",
'talents-t-gunslinger-open':"{{name=OPENING ARGUMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-gunslinger-open)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-gunslinger-open opening argument)}}{{EFFECT=Gain +1 Accuracy on the first attack roll you make with an Auxiliary ranged weapon on your turn.}}",
'talents-t-gunslinger-hip':"{{name=FROM THE HIP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-gunslinger-hip)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-gunslinger-hip from the hip)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Return Fire Reaction.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=RETURN FIRE}}{{TRIGGER=A character hits you with a ranged attack.}}{{EFFECT 2=You may immediately attack them with a single Auxiliary ranged weapon if they are within Range.}}",
'talents-t-gunslinger-heart':"{{name=I KILL WITH MY HEART [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-gunslinger-heart)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-gunslinger-heart i kill with my heart)}}{{EFFECT=You gain a Gunslinger Die, 1d6 starting at 6. Each time you hit with an Auxiliary ranged weapon, reduce the value of the Gunslinger Die by 1. When the Gunslinger Die reaches 1, you may reset it to 6 to give +2d6 bonus damage on hit and AP to your next attack with an Auxiliary ranged weapon. This attack also ignores cover. The value of your Gunslinger Die persists between scenes but resets to 6 when you rest or perform a Full Repair.}}",
'talents-t-grease-monkey':"{{name=GREASE MONKEY}}{{TIER 1 =[UNSANCTIONED CAPACITY UPGRADE](!lncr_reference talents-t-grease-monkey-upgrade)}}{{TIER 2=[MACHINE BOND](!lncr_reference talents-t-grease-monkey-bond)}}{{TIER 3=[FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES](!lncr_reference talents-t-grease-monkey-friends)}}",
'talents-t-grease-monkey-upgrade':"{{name=UNSANCTIONED CAPACITY UPGRADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-grease-monkey-upgrade)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-grease-monkey-upgrade unsanctioned capacity upgrade)}}{{EFFECT=While resting, you can spend 2 Repairs to replenish 1 use of all Limited weapons and systems.}}",
'talents-t-grease-monkey-bond':"{{name=MACHINE BOND [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-grease-monkey-bond)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-grease-monkey-bond machine bond)}}{{EFFECT=When you STABILIZE, you clear all IMPAIRED, JAMMED, IMMOBILIZED, SLOWED, and LOCK ON conditions that weren’t caused by your own systems, talents, etc.}}",
'talents-t-grease-monkey-friends':"{{name=FRIENDS IN HIGH PLACES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-grease-monkey-friends)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-grease-monkey-friends friends in high places)}}{{EFFECT=Once per mission while resting, you can call in a supply drop. You and your allies may replenish 1 use of all Limited weapons and systems and restore 1 Structure. This doesn’t require any Repairs and can be used even if you have reached your Repair Cap.}}",
'talents-t-hacker':"{{name=HACKER}}{{TIER 1 =[SNOW_CRASH](!lncr_reference talents-t-hacker-snow)}}{{TIER 2=[SAFE_CRACKER](!lncr_reference talents-t-hacker-safe)}}{{TIER 3=[LAST ARGUMENT OF KINGS](!lncr_reference talents-t-hacker-kings)}}",
'talents-t-hacker-snow':"{{name=SNOW_CRASH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hacker-snow)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hacker-snow snow_crash)}}{{EFFECT=When you hit with a tech attack that consumes Lock On, your target must choose to either take 2 Heat or be pushed 3 spaces in a direction of your choice.}}",
'talents-t-hacker-safe':"{{name=SAFE_CRACKER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hacker-safe)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hacker-safe safe_cracker)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the following options for Invade:}}{{[INVADE 1](!lncr_stub)=JAM COCKPIT}}{{EFFECT 1=Characters may not Mount or Dismount your target until the cockpit is fixed with a successful Engineering check as a full action.}}{{[INVADE 2](!lncr_stub)=DISABLE LIFE SUPPORT}}{{EFFECT 2=Your target receives +1 Difficulty on all saves until the life-support system is rebooted with a successful Systems check as a quick action.}}{{[INVADE 3](!lncr_stub)=HACK./SLASH}}{{EFFECT 3=Your target cannot benefit from or take Quick or Full Tech actions until the mech is either Shut Down or its core computer is rebooted with a successful Systems check as a quick action.}}",
'talents-t-hacker-kings':"{{name=LAST ARGUMENT OF KINGS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hacker-kings)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hacker-kings the last argument of kings)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Last Argument of Kings Full Tech option}}{{[FULL TECH](!lncr_stub)=LAST ARGUMENT OF KINGS}}{{EFFECT 2=Make a tech attack against a target within Sensors and line of sight. On a success, you implant a virus that triggers a minor meltdown in your target’s reactor: they immediately take Burn equal to their current Heat. If this action causes your target to overheat, it resolves before they reset their Heat Cap.}}",
'talents-t-heavy-gunner':"{{name=HEAVY GUNNER}}{{TIER 1 =[COVERING FIRE](!lncr_reference talents-t-heavy-gunner-cover)}}{{TIER 2=[HAMMERBEAT](!lncr_reference talents-t-heavy-gunner-hammer)}}{{TIER 3=[HEAVY GUNNER](!lncr_reference talents-t-heavy-gunner-bracket)}}",
'talents-t-heavy-gunner-cover':"{{name=COVERING FIRE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-heavy-gunner-cover)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-heavy-gunner-cover covering fire)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Covering Fire Quick Action}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=COVERING FIRE}}{{EFFECT 1=Choose a character within line of sight and Range of one of your Heavy ranged weapons, and within 10 spaces: they are Impaired until the start of your next turn. For the duration, if your target moves more than 1 space, they clear Impaired, but you may attack them as a reaction with a Heavy ranged weapon for half damage, Heat, or Burn, and then this effect ends. You can make this attack at any point during their movement (e.g., waiting until they exit cover). Covering Fire can only affect one character at a time – subsequent uses replace previous ones – and it immediately ends if your target damages you.}}",
'talents-t-heavy-gunner-hammer':"{{name=HAMMERBEAT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-heavy-gunner-hammer)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-heavy-gunner-hammer hammerbeat)}}{{EFFECT=If you successfully hit your Covering Fire target with the attack reaction granted by that talent, your target is [Immobilized](!lncr_reference status-immobilized) until the end of their next turn.}}",
'talents-t-heavy-gunner-bracket':"{{name=BRACKETING FIRE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-heavy-gunner-bracket)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-heavy-gunner-bracket bracketing fire)}}{{EFFECT=When you use Covering Fire, you may choose two targets instead of one. Each target triggers and resolves your attack separately, and damage from one target only ends the effect on that target.}}",
'talents-t-hunter':"{{name=HUNTER}}{{TIER 1 =[LUNGE](!lncr_reference talents-t-hunter-lunge)}}{{TIER 2=[KNIFE JUGGLER](!lncr_reference talents-t-hunter-juggler)}}{{TIER 3=[DISDAINFUL BLADE](!lncr_reference talents-t-hunter-disdain)}}",
'talents-t-hunter-lunge':"{{name=LUNGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hunter-lunge)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hunter-lunge hunter lunge)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you attack with an Auxiliary melee weapon, you may fly up to 3 spaces directly towards the targeted character before the attack. This movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions.}}",
'talents-t-hunter-juggler':"{{name=KNIFE JUGGLER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hunter-juggler)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hunter-juggler knife juggler)}}{{EFFECT=All your Auxiliary melee weapons gain Thrown 5, if they don’t have this property already – if they already have Thrown, it increases to Thrown 5. At the end of your turn, all weapons you have thrown this turn automatically return to you.}}",
'talents-t-hunter-disdain':"{{name=DISDAINFUL BLADE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-hunter-disdain)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-hunter-disdain disdainful blade)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you hit a character with a melee attack, you may also throw an Auxiliary melee weapon as an attack against any character within Range as a free action. This attack can’t deal bonus damage.}}",
'talents-t-infiltrator':"{{name=INFILTRATOR}}{{TIER 1 =[PROWL](!lncr_reference talents-t-infiltrator-prowl)}}{{TIER 2=[AMBUSH](!lncr_reference talents-t-infiltrator-ambush)}}{{TIER 3=[MASTERMIND](!lncr_reference talents-t-infiltrator-mastermind)}}",
'talents-t-infiltrator-prowl':"{{name=PROWL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-infiltrator-prowl)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-infiltrator-prowl prowl)}}{{EFFECT=During your turn, gain the following benefits: Entering line of sight of hostile characters or moving from cover does not stop you from being Hidden. You can pass freely through – but not end your turn in – enemy spaces. You can Hide even in plain sight of enemies. These effects immediately end when your turn ends (so you lose Hidden if you’re still in line of sight or out of cover at that time).}}",
'talents-t-infiltrator-ambush':"{{name=AMBUSH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-infiltrator-ambush)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-infiltrator-ambush ambush)}}{{EFFECT=When you start your turn Hidden, the first attack roll of any type that you make sends your target reeling on a hit. Your target must succeed on a Hull save or become [Slowed](!lncr_reference status-slowed), [Impaired](!lncr_reference status-impaired), and unable to take reactions until the end of their next turn.}}",
'talents-t-infiltrator-mastermind':"{{name=MASTERMIND [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-infiltrator-mastermind)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-infiltrator-mastermind mastermind)}}{{EFFECT=When you lose Hidden (by any means), you may first fire a flash bomb at any adjacent character. That character must pass a Systems save or only be able to draw line of sight to adjacent spaces until the end of their next turn. You can then move up to your speed, ignoring engagement and not provoking reactions, and are then revealed normally.}}",
'talents-t-juggernaut':"{{name=JUGGERNAUT}}{{TIER 1 =[MOMENTUM](!lncr_reference talents-t-juggernaut-momentum)}}{{TIER 2=[KINETIC MASS TRANSFER](!lncr_reference talents-t-juggernaut-transfer)}}{{TIER 3=[UNSTOPPABLE FORCE](!lncr_reference talents-t-juggernaut-force)}}",
'talents-t-juggernaut-momentum':"{{name=MOMENTUM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-juggernaut-momentum)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-juggernaut-momentum momentum)}}{{EFFECT=When you Boost, your next Ram before the start of your next turn gains +1 Accuracy and knocks your target back an additional 2 spaces.}}",
'talents-t-juggernaut-transfer':"{{name=KINETIC MASS TRANSFER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-juggernaut-transfer)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-juggernaut-transfer kinetic mass transfer)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, if you Ram a target into... ...a space occupied by another character, the other character must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). obstruction large enough to stop their movement, your target takes 1d6 kinetic damage.}}",
'talents-t-juggernaut-force':"{{name=UNSTOPPABLE FORCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-juggernaut-force)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-juggernaut-force unstoppable force)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you Boost, you may supercharge your mech’s servos. Move your maximum speed in a straight line, take 1d3+3 Heat, and gain the following benefits: You can freely pass through characters the same Size as your mech or smaller; any characters passed through must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked Prone. Any terrain, walls, or other stationary obstructions you attempt to pass through receive 20 Kinetic AP damage. If that is enough to destroy them, you pass through; otherwise, your movement ends. You ignore difficult terrain. Your movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions.}}",
'talents-t-leader':"{{name=LEADER}}{{TIER 1 =[FIELD COMMANDER](!lncr_reference talents-t-leader-field)}}{{TIER 2=[OPEN CHANNELS](!lncr_reference talents-t-leader-channels)}}{{TIER 3=[INSPIRING PRESENCE](!lncr_reference talents-t-leader-presence)}}",
'talents-t-leader-field':"{{name=FIELD COMMANDER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-leader-field)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-leader-field field commander)}}{{EFFECT=Gain 3 Leadership Dice, which are d6s, and gain the Issue Order Free Action. You can’t use Leadership Dice from other characters as long as you have any remaining. If you have none, you regain 1 Leadership Die when you rest or regain all when you perform a Full Repair. Leadership dice are consumed when expended.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_stub)=ISSUE ORDER}}{{EFFECT 1=1/turn, on your turn as a free action, you may issue an order to an allied PC you can communicate with, describing a course of action, and give them a Leadership Die. They may either expend the Leadership Die to gain +1 Accuracy on any action that directly follows from that order, or they may return it to you as a free action. Allies can have one Leadership Die at a time, which lasts until used or until the end of the current scene.}}",
'talents-t-leader-channels':"{{name=OPEN CHANNELS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-leader-channels)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-leader-channels open channels)}}{{EFFECT=Gain 5 Leadership Dice instead of 3; additionally, you can now issue a command as a reaction at the start of any other player’s turn, any number of times per round.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=ISSUE COMMAND}}{{TRIGGER=Another player starts their turn.}}{{EFFECT=You may issue a command to an allied PC you can communicate with, describing a course of action, and give them a Leadership Die. They may either expend the Leadership Die to gain +1 Accuracy on any action that directly follows from that order, or they may return it to you as a free action. Allies can have one Leadership Die at a time, which lasts until used or until the end of the current scene.}}",
'talents-t-leader-presence':"{{name=INSPIRING PRESENCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-leader-presence)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-leader-presence inspiring presence)}}{{EFFECT=Gain 6 Leadership Dice instead of 5. Allies that have your Leadership Dice can expend them to reduce damage by –1d6 when taking damage or to deal +1d6 bonus damage when they hit with an attack.}}",
'talents-t-nuclear-cavalier':"{{name=NUCLEAR CAVALIER}}{{TIER 1 =[AGGRESSIVE HEAT BLEED](!lncr_reference talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-heat)}}{{TIER 2=[FUSION HEMORRHAGE](!lncr_reference talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-fusion)}}{{TIER 3=[HERE, CATCH!](!lncr_reference talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-catch)}}",
'talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-heat':"{{name=AGGRESSIVE HEAT BLEED [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-heat)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-heat aggressive heat bleed)}}{{EFFECT=The first attack roll you make on your turn while in the Danger Zone deals +2 Heat on a hit.}}",
'talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-fusion':"{{name=FUSION HEMORRHAGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-fusion)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-fusion fusion hemorrhage)}}{{EFFECT=The first ranged or melee attack roll you make on your turn while in the Danger Zone deals Energy instead of Kinetic or Explosive and additionally deals +1d6 Energy bonus damage on a hit.}}",
'talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-catch':"{{name=HERE, CATCH! [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-catch)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-catch here, catch!)}}{{EFFECT=You’ve modified your mech to launch its superheated fuel rods at enemies. Gain the Fuel Rod Gun integrated weapon.}}{{EQUIP=[FUEL ROD GUN](!lncr_reference equip-e-fuel-rod-gun)}}",
'talents-t-siege-specialist':"{{name=SIEGE SPECIALIST}}{{TIER 1 =[JACKHAMMER](!lncr_reference talents-t-siege-specialist-jack)}}{{TIER 2=[IMPACT](!lncr_reference talents-t-siege-specialist-impact)}}{{TIER 3=[COLLATERAL DAMAGE](!lncr_reference talents-t-siege-specialist-damage)}}",
'talents-t-siege-specialist-jack':"{{name=JACKHAMMER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-siege-specialist-jack)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-siege-specialist-jack jackhammer)}}{{EFFECT=If you have a Cannon, as a quick action, you can fire a jackhammer round from an underslung launcher, automatically dealing 10 AP Kinetic damage to a Size 1 section of any object within Range (e.g., cover, deployable equipment, buildings, or terrain). Any characters adjacent to your target are knocked back from it by 2 spaces and take 2 Kinetic damage.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=JACKHAMMER ROUND}}{{EFFECT=Fire a jackhammer round from an underslung launcher, automatically dealing 10 AP Kinetic damage to a Size 1 section of any object within Range (e.g., cover, deployable equipment, buildings, or terrain). Any characters adjacent to your target are knocked back from it by 2 spaces and take 2 Kinetic damage.}}",
'talents-t-siege-specialist-impact':"{{name=IMPACT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-siege-specialist-impact)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-siege-specialist-impact impact)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, before rolling an attack with a Cannon, all characters adjacent to you must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked back by 1 space and knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). You are then pushed 1 space in any direction.}}",
'talents-t-siege-specialist-damage':"{{name=COLLATERAL DAMAGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-siege-specialist-damage)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-siege-specialist-damage collateral damage)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you perform a critical hit on a character or object with a Cannon, you may choose to cause an explosion of secondary munitions, causing a Burst 2 explosion around your target. Characters within the affected area must either drop Prone as a reaction, or take 2 Explosive damage and be knocked back by 2 spaces from the center of the attack.}}",
'talents-t-skirmisher':"{{name=SKIRMISHER}}{{TIER 1 =[INTEGRATED CHAFF LAUNCHERS](!lncr_reference talents-t-skirmisher-chaff)}}{{TIER 2=[LOCKBREAKER](!lncr_reference talents-t-skirmisher-lock)}}{{TIER 3=[WEAVE](!lncr_reference talents-t-skirmisher-weave)}}",
'talents-t-skirmisher-chaff':"{{name=INTEGRATED CHAFF LAUNCHERS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-skirmisher-chaff)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-skirmisher-chaff integrated chaff launchers)}}{{EFFECT=At the start of your turn, you gain soft cover. You lose this cover if you attack or force another character to make a save.}}",
'talents-t-skirmisher-lock':"{{name=LOCKBREAKER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-skirmisher-lock)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-skirmisher-lock lockbreaker)}}{{EFFECT=Before or after you Skirmish (including as a reaction, e.g. from Overwatch), you may move 2 spaces. This movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions.}}",
'talents-t-skirmisher-weave':"{{name=WEAVE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-skirmisher-weave)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-skirmisher-weave weave)}}{{EFFECT=The first attack taken as a reaction against you in any round automatically misses.}}",
'talents-t-spotter':"{{name=SPOTTER}}{{TIER 1 =[PARTICULARIZE](!lncr_reference talents-t-spotter-part)}}{{TIER 2=[PANOPTICON](!lncr_reference talents-t-spotter-pano)}}{{TIER 3=[BENTHAM/FOUCAULT ELIMINATION](!lncr_reference talents-t-spotter-eliminate)}}",
'talents-t-spotter-part':"{{name=PARTICULARIZE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spotter-part)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spotter-part particularize)}}{{EFFECT=When an allied character adjacent to you attacks a target and consumes Lock On, they may roll twice and choose either result.}}",
'talents-t-spotter-pano':"{{name=PANOPTICON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spotter-pano)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spotter-pano panopticon)}}{{EFFECT=At the end of your turn, if you did not move and took the Lock On Quick Tech action, you may Lock On once as a free action. Additionally, when you Lock On, you learn your target’s Armor, Speed, Evasion, E-Defense, Mech Skills, and current HP, and can share this information with allies.}}",
'talents-t-spotter-eliminate':"{{name=BENTHAM/FOUCAULT ELIMINATION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spotter-eliminate)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spotter-eliminate bentham/foucault elimination)}}{{EFFECT=As a quick action when you Lock On, you may nominate an allied character adjacent to you: they may immediately make any quick action as a reaction, consuming your target’s Lock On condition. Their action does not need to be an attack, but they benefit from consuming the Lock On condition if they do choose to attack.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=BENTHAM/FOUCAULT ELIMINATION}}{{EFFECT 1=When you Lock On, nominate an allied character adjacent to you: they may immediately make any quick action as a reaction, consuming your target’s Lock On condition. Their action does not need to be an attack, but they benefit from consuming the Lock On condition if they do choose to attack.}}",
'talents-t-stormbringer':"{{name=STORMBRINGER}}{{TIER 1 =[SEISMIC DELUGE](!lncr_reference talents-t-stormbringer-deluge)}}{{TIER 2=[STORMBENDING](!lncr_reference talents-t-stormbringer-bend)}}{{TIER 3=[TORRENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-stormbringer-torrent)}}",
'talents-t-stormbringer-deluge':"{{name=SEISMIC DELUGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-stormbringer-deluge)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-stormbringer-deluge seismic deluge)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you successfully attack with a Launcher and consume Lock On, you may also knock your target [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}",
'talents-t-stormbringer-bend':"{{name=STORMBENDING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-stormbringer-bend)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-stormbringer-bend stormbending)}}{{EFFECT=You have customized your mech with auxiliary concussive missile systems. 1/round, when you hit a character or object with a Launcher, you can choose one of the following effects: **Lightning:** You fire a concentrated blast of missiles at that character. They must succeed on a Hull save or be knocked away from you by 3 spaces; the force of firing then knocks you back by 3 spaces, away from the direction of fire. **Thunder:** You fire a spray of missiles at a Burst 2 area around that target. Characters in the area must succeed on an Agility save or be knocked back by 1 space, away from the target. The primary target is unaffected.}}",
'talents-t-stormbringer-torrent':"{{name=TORRENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-stormbringer-torrent)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-stormbringer-torrent torrent)}}{{EFFECT=Gain a Torrent Die, 1d6 starting at 6. Whenever you use Stormbending, lower the value of the Torrent Die by 1, to a minimum of 1. When the Torrent Die reaches 1, you may reset it to 6 and make a Massive Attack as a full action. The value of your Torrent Die persists between scenes, but it resets when you rest or perform a Full Repair.}}{{[FULL](!lncr_stub)=MASSIVE ATTACK}}{{EFFECT 1=Reset your Torrent Die to 6, then target a character within line of sight and Range 15: they must succeed on an Agility save or take 2d6 Explosive damage, become [Stunned](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn, and be knocked [Prone](!lncr_reference status-prone). On a success, they take half damage and are knocked Prone but not Stunned. This action can only be taken when the value of your Torrent Die is 1.}}",
'talents-t-tactician':"{{name=TACTICIAN}}{{TIER 1 =[OPPORTUNIST](!lncr_reference talents-t-tactician-opportunist)}}{{TIER 2=[SOLAR BACKDROP](!lncr_reference talents-t-tactician-solar)}}{{TIER 3=[OVERLAPPING FIRE](!lncr_reference talents-t-tactician-overlap)}}",
'talents-t-tactician-opportunist':"{{name=OPPORTUNIST [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-tactician-opportunist)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-tactician-opportunist opportunist)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, gain +1 Accuracy on any melee attack if at least one allied character is Engaged with your target.}}",
'talents-t-tactician-solar':"{{name=SOLAR BACKDROP [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-tactician-solar)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-tactician-solar solar backdrop)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, gain +1 Accuracy on any ranged attack made while you are at a higher elevation than your target.}}",
'talents-t-tactician-overlap':"{{name=OVERLAPPING FIRE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-tactician-overlap)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-tactician-overlap overlapping fire)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Flank Reaction.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=FLANK}}{{TRIGGER =Gain the Flank Reaction.}}{{EFFECT 1=You may target them with Overwatch, dealing half damage, heat or burn on a hit.}}",
'talents-t-technophile':"{{name=TECHNOPHILE}}{{TIER 1 =[SERVANT FRAGMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-technophile-servant)}}{{TIER 2=[STUDENT FRAGMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-technophile-student)}}{{TIER 3=[ENLIGHTENMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-technophile-enlightenment)}}",
'talents-t-technophile-servant':"{{name=SERVANT FRAGMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-technophile-servant)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-technophile-servant servant fragment)}}{{EFFECT=You have developed a custom NHP. This NHP can speak to you and has a personality, but they are less advanced than most NHPs and are incapable of independent thought, relying on you for direction. When acting alone, they will follow the last direction given and defend themself as needed; however, they have limited initiative and don’t benefit from your talents. You may choose for your mech to gain the Servant-Class NHP System}}{{EQUIP=[SERVANT-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-servant-class-nhp)}}",
'talents-t-technophile-student':"{{name=STUDENT FRAGMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-technophile-student)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-technophile-student student fragment)}}{{EFFECT=Your custom NHP has developed further, and is now capable of independent thought. It can make complex decisions and judgments and act independently, without instruction. Replace your mech’s Servant-Class NHP with the Student-Class NHP.}}{{EQUIP=[STUDENT-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-student-class-nhp)}}",
'talents-t-technophile-enlightenment':"{{name=ENLIGHTENMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-technophile-enlightenment)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-technophile-enlightenment enlightenment)}}{{EFFECT=Gain the following benefits: AIs installed in your mech cannot enter cascade unless you choose to let them go. So long as your custom NHP vouches for you, NHPs that are cascading or unshackled no longer view you with indifference. You are significant to them in a way few others are. Replace your mech’s Student-Class NHP with the Enlightenment-Class NHP}}{{EQUIP=[ENLIGHTENMENT-CLASS NHP](!lncr_reference equip-e-enlightenment-class-nhp)}}",
'talents-t-vanguard':"{{name=VANGUARD}}{{TIER 1 =[HANDSHAKE ETIQUETTE](!lncr_reference talents-t-vanguard-handshake)}}{{TIER 2=[SEE-THROUGH SEEKER](!lncr_reference talents-t-vanguard-seeker)}}{{TIER 3=[SEMPER VIGILO](!lncr_reference talents-t-vanguard-vigilo)}}",
'talents-t-vanguard-handshake':"{{name=HANDSHAKE ETIQUETTE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-vanguard-handshake)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-vanguard-handshake handshake etiquette)}}{{EFFECT=Gain +1 Accuracy when using CQB weapons to attack targets within Range 3.}}",
'talents-t-vanguard-seeker':"{{name=SEE-THROUGH SEEKER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-vanguard-seeker)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-vanguard-seeker see-through seeker)}}{{EFFECT=You’ve modified your sensors and ammo to punch through, disregard, or otherwise ignore cover at close range. As long as you have line of sight, you ignore both soft and hard cover when using CQB weapons to attack targets within Range 3.}}",
'talents-t-vanguard-vigilo':"{{name=SEMPER VIGILO [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-vanguard-vigilo)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-vanguard-vigilo semper vigilo)}}{{EFFECT=You may attack with Overwatch using CQB weapons when hostile characters enter, leave, or exit spaces within your Threat, no matter whether they started their movement there.}}",
'talents-t-walking-armory':"{{name=WALKING ARMORY}}{{TIER 1 =[ARMAMENT](!lncr_reference talents-t-walking-armory-armament)}}{{TIER 2=[EXPANDED PORTFOLIO](!lncr_reference talents-t-walking-armory-portfolio)}}{{TIER 3=[EFFICIENCY](!lncr_reference talents-t-walking-armory-efficiency)}}",
'talents-t-walking-armory-armament':"{{name=ARMAMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-walking-armory-armament)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-walking-armory-armament armament)}}{{EFFECT=You carry a supply of custom ammunition that can be used with all your main ranged weapons. Gain the Ammo Case system. Once per turn, when you attack with a MAIN ranged weapon, you may expend one charge to apply one of the following effects to your attack}} {{THUMPER = The attack gains KNOCKBACK 1 and deals Explosive damage.}} {{SHOCK = The attack deals Energy damage. Choose one character targeted by your attack; adjacent characters take 1 AP Energy Damage, whether the result is a hit or miss.}}{{MAG = The attack gains [ARCING](!lncr_reference tags-arcing) and deals Kinetic damage.}}{{EQUIP = [AMMO CASE I](!lncr_reference equip-e-ammo-case-i)}}",
'talents-t-walking-armory-portfolio':"{{name=EXPANDED PORTFOLIO [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-walking-armory-portfolio)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-walking-armory-portfolio expanded portfolio)}}{{EFFECT=Upgrade your Ammo Case, gaining new ammunition types, each of which costs two charges rather than one.}}{{HELLFIRE = The attack deals Energy damage and deals any bonus damage as Burn.}}{{JAGER = The attack gains KNOCKBACK 2, deals Explosive damage, and one character hit by the attack – your choice – must succeed on a HULL save or be knocked [PRONE](!lncr_reference status-prone).}}{{SABOT = The attack gains AP and deals Kinetic damage.}}{{EQUIP=[AMMO CASE II](!lncr_reference equip-e-ammo-case-ii)}}",
'talents-t-walking-armory-efficiency':"{{name=EFFICIENCY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-walking-armory-efficiency)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-walking-armory-efficiency efficiency)}}{{EFFECT=Upgrade your Ammo Case again. If you perform a critical hit using ammunition from your Ammo Case, you don’t expend any charges. If your attack has more than one target, this effect only applies to the first attack roll you make.}}{{EQUIP=[AMMO CASE III](!lncr_reference equip-e-ammo-case-iii)}}",
'talents-t-empath':"{{name=EMPATH}}{{TIER 1 =[SYMPATHETIC PRECOGNITION](!lncr_reference talents-t-empath-precognition)}}{{TIER 2=[BEND TO WILL](!lncr_reference talents-t-empath-bend)}}{{TIER 3=[SHARED SUBJECTIVITY](!lncr_reference talents-t-empath-shared)}}",
'talents-t-empath-precognition':"{{name=SYMPATHETIC PRECOGNITION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-empath-precognition)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-empath-precognition sympathetic precognition)}}{{EFFECT=Your ability to sense the subjectivities of others grants you an uncanny ability to predict your ally’s actions, guiding them with your influence.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=SYMPATHETIC PRECOGNITION}}{{TRIGGER=An allied character in line of sight makes a skill check, attack, or save.}}{{EFFECT 1=That character may choose not to roll, instead treating their check, attack, or save as if they had rolled a 10 on the d20.}}",
'talents-t-empath-bend':"{{name=BEND TO WILL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-empath-bend)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-empath bend bend to will)}}{{EFFECT=1/scene when an allied character in line of sight makes a structure or overheating check, they can roll twice and choose either result.}}",
'talents-t-empath-shared':"{{name=SHARED SUBJECTIVITY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-empath-shared)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-empath-shared shared subjectivity)}}{{EFFECT=1/scene as a quick action, you may tap deep reserves of willpower to grant extraordinary awareness to an allied character in line of sight. Your mech immediately becomes STUNNED until the start of your next turn and your perception almost completely merges with that of the other character. Until the end of their next turn, any time that character makes an attack, check, or saving throw, they can choose to roll as normal or instead treat that attack, check, or save as if they had rolled a 10 on the d20. They must decide before rolling.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=SHARED SUBJECTIVITY}}{{EFFECT 1=Your mech immediately becomes [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the start of your next turn and your perception almost completely merges with that of the other character. Until the end of their next turn, any time that character makes an attack, check, or saving throw, they can choose to roll as normal or instead treat that attack, check, or save as if they had rolled a 10 on the d20. They must decide before rolling.}}",
'talents-t-spaceborn':"{{name=SPACEBORN}}{{TIER 1 =[HOME IN THE VOID](!lncr_reference talents-t-spaceborn-home)}}{{TIER 2=[SEA LEGS](!lncr_reference talents-t-spaceborn-sea)}}{{TIER 3=[SCRAPPER](!lncr_reference talents-t-spaceborn-scrapper)}}",
'talents-t-spaceborn-home':"{{name=HOME IN THE VOID [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spaceborn-home)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spaceborn-home home in the void)}}{{EFFECT=All of your mechs that your build come with built-in EVA capabilities, meaning you suffer no penalties when operating underwater or in zero-g environments. As a quick action, you can shunt power into this component to fly 3 spaces and take Heat equal to your mech’s Size + 1, although you must land at the end of this movement or fall.}}{{EQUIP=[SPACEBORN EVA](!lncr_reference equip-e-spaceborn-eva)}}",
'talents-t-spaceborn-sea':"{{name=SEA LEGS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spaceborn-sea)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spaceborn-sea sea legs)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when your mech is involuntarily moved by another character’s attack or by failing a save forced by another character, you can choose the direction you move. Additionally, when your mech clears Prone, you may move 2 spaces in any direction as a free action. This movement ignores engagement and doesn’t provoke reactions}}",
'talents-t-spaceborn-scrapper':"{{name=SCRAPPER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-spaceborn-scrapper)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-spaceborn-scrapper scrapper)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when your mech hits a character with a melee attack, it can immediately give that character +1 Difficulty on all checks or saves to avoid Knockback, Prone, Slowed or Immobilized until the end of its next turn, including any effects that are part of the triggering attack.}}",
'talents-t-black-thumb':"{{name=BLACK THUMB}}{{TIER 1 =[FLESH TO METAL](!lncr_reference talents-t-black-thumb-flesh)}}{{TIER 2=[RODEO](!lncr_reference talents-t-black-thumb-rodeo)}}{{TIER 3=[RODEO MASTER](!lncr_reference talents-t-black-thumb-master)}}",
'talents-t-black-thumb-flesh':"{{name=FLESH TO METAL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-black-thumb-flesh)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-black-thumb-flesh flesh to metal)}}{{EFFECT=You treat DISMOUNT as a quick action instead of a full action. When you DISMOUNT, your pilot gains a personal shield. The next time your pilot would take damage, reduce that damage to 0, then the shield disperses. Otherwise, it disperses at the end of the scene. You can only have one personal shield at once, and any shields created replace the last one.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=BLACK THUMB DISMOUNT}}{{EFFECT 1=Dismount as per the normal Dismount action. When you DISMOUNT, your pilot gains a personal shield. The next time your pilot would take damage, reduce that damage to 0, then the shield disperses. Otherwise, it disperses at the end of the scene. You can only have one personal shield at once, and any shields created replace the last one.}}",
'talents-t-black-thumb-rodeo':"{{name=RODEO [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-black-thumb-rodeo)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-black-thumb-rodeo rodeo)}}{{EFFECT=As a protocol, you give up the controls, pop the hatch on your mech and partly climb out, starting a BLACK THUMB RODEO and gaining a personal shield (as above). While in rodeo, your pilot is immune to involuntary movement, occupies your mech’s space and moves when it moves. This does not count as DISMOUNT and the mech can’t be controlled from outside, so it will idle unless it is capable of acting independently (e.g., if it has an NHP that has been given control, which you can do as part of this protocol). While in rodeo, your pilot becomes a valid target and can take damage normally. If you lose your personal shield for any reason, you are immediately forced back inside your mech, ending the effect, and you cannot start a rodeo again on your following turn. You can also end a rodeo as a quick action on any of your turns. While in rodeo, your pilot can only take the **Extinguish**, **Field Repair**, or **Rig Vents** actions granted by Black Thumb.}}{{[PROTOCOL](!lncr_stub)=BLACK THUMB RODEO}}{{EFFECT 1=Gain a personal shield (as from Flesh to Metal). While in rodeo, your pilot is immune to involuntary movement, occupies your mech’s space and moves when it moves. This does not count as DISMOUNT and the mech can’t be controlled from outside, so it will idle unless it is capable of acting independently (e.g., if it has an NHP that has been given control, which you can do as part of this protocol). While in rodeo, your pilot becomes a valid target and can take damage normally. If you lose your personal shield for any reason, you are immediately forced back inside your mech, ending the effect, and you cannot start a rodeo again on your following turn. You can also end a rodeo as a quick action on any of your turns. While in rodeo, your pilot can only take the Extinguish, Field Repair, or Rig Vents actions granted by Black Thumb.}}{{[QUICK](!lncr_stub)=END BLACK THUMB RODEO}}{{EFFECT 2=End your current Black Thumb Rodeo.}}{{[FULL 1](!lncr_stub)=BT:EXTINGUISH}}{{EFFECT 3=You immediately clear all Burn affecting your mech, and it gains Resistance to Burn until the start of your next turn. Conditions that were self inflicted cannot be cleared with this action.}}{{[FULL 2](!lncr_stub)=BT: FIELD REPAIR}}{{EFFECT 4=our mech gains Overshield 2 and clears either Slowed or Immobilized. Conditions that were self inflicted cannot be cleared with this action.}}{{[FULL 3](!lncr_stub)=BT: RIG VENTS}}{{EFFECT 5=Your mech clears 2 Heat and clears either Impaired or Jammed. Conditions that were self inflicted cannot be cleared with this action.}}",
'talents-t-black-thumb-master':"{{name=RODEO MASTER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-black-thumb-master)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-black-thumb-master rodeo master)}}{{EFFECT=Your Black Thumb actions can be used on adjacent allied mechs.}}",
'talents-t-house-guard':"{{name=HOUSE GUARD}}{{TIER 1 =[FRONT RANK](!lncr_reference talents-t-house-guard-rank)}}{{TIER 2 =[GREATER GUARDIAN](!lncr_reference talents-t-house-guard-guardian)}}{{TIER 3 =[SHIELD OF THE LEGION](!lncr_reference talents-t-house-guard-shield)}}",
'talents-t-house-guard-rank':"{{name=FRONT RANK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-house-guard-rank)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-house-guard-rank front rank)}}{{EFFECT=You count as adjacent when you are within Range 2 for the purposes of your effects on allied characters (from your traits, talents, systems, or weapons) that require adjacency to your mech.}}",
'talents-t-house-guard-guardian':"{{name=GREATER GUARDIAN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-house-guard-guardian)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-house-guard-guardian greater guardian)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech gains the Guardian trait if it doesn't already have it (adjacent allies can use your mech as hard cover). Guardian now additionally grants soft cover to all adjacent allies from all directions.}}",
'talents-t-house-guard-shield':"{{name=SHIELD OF THE LEGION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-house-guard-shield)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-house-guard-shield shield of the legion)}}{{EFFECT=**1/round**, when you reduce damage to an allied character, cancel an attack against them, or cause one to miss, you may deal **2 energy damage** to the attacker and knock them [**Prone**](!lncr_reference status-prone)}}",
'talents-t-pankrati':"{{name=PANKRATI}}{{TIER 1=[VENI](!lncr_reference talents-t-pankrati-veni)}}{{TIER 2=[VIDI](!lncr_reference talents-t-pankrati-vidi)}}{{TIER 3=[VICI](!lncr_reference talents-t-pankrati-vici)}}",
'talents-t-pankrati-veni':"{{name=VENI [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-pankrati-veni)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-pankrati-veni veni)}}{{EFFECT=You gain **+1 Accuracy** to melee attacks against **Immobilized** or **Slowed** targets.}}",
'talents-t-pankrati-vidi':"{{name=VIDI [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-pankrati-vidi)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-pankrati-vidi vidi)}}{{EFFECT=**1/scene**, you can make a **Valiant Charge** as a free action on your turn, moving **up to twice your Speed** and ignoring terrain penalties. You must move in a straight line and end your charge adjacent to a hostile character, and you cannot start your charge adjacent to any hostile characters. When you end your charge, any adjacent hostil characters are [**SLOWED**](!lncr_reference status-slowed) until the end of their next turn.}}",
'talents-t-pankrati-vici':"{{name=VICI [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-pankrati-vici)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-pankrati-vici vici)}}{{If you start your **Valiant Charge** adjacent to any allied characters, they may immediately **Boost** as a reaction after your charge resolves.}}",
'talents-t-demolitionist':"{{name=DEMOLITIONIST}}{{TIER 1=[FRAG AND CLEAR](!lncr_reference talents-t-demolitionist-frag-and-clear)}}{{TIER 2=[QUARTERBACK](!lncr_reference talents-t-demolitionist-quarterback)}}{{TIER 3=[FIRE IN THE HOLE](!lncr_reference talents-t-demolitionist-fire-in-the-hole)}}",
'talents-t-demolitionist-frag-and-clear':"{{name=FRAG AND CLEAR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-demolitionist-frag-and-clear)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-demolitionist-frag-and-clear frag and clear)}}{{EFFECT=When you use a GRENADE, you may choose one character in the affected area to ignore its effects. Additionally, at the end of each scene, you restore 1 charge to each LIMITED system with the MINE tag for each undetonated MINE you deployed from that system.}}",
'talents-t-demolitionist-quarterback':"{{name=QUARTERBACK [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-demolitionist-quarterback)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-demolitionist-quarterback quarterback)}}{{EFFECT=Your GRENADES gain +3 RANGE, and you can plant MINES up to RANGE 3 (or add +3 RANGE to them if they have one). Additionally, you do not require line of sight for GRENADES and MINES as long as it’s possible to trace a path to the target.}}",
'talents-t-demolitionist-fire-in-the-hole':"{{name=FIRE IN THE HOLE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-demolitionist-fire-in-the-hole)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-demolitionist-fire-in-the-hole fire in the hole)}}{{EFFECT=Your explosive charges have been enhanced with customized payloads. 1/round, you may choose one of the following:}}{{Effect 1=When you throw a GRENADE, up to three characters within RANGE 3 of the targeted space take 2 explosive damage and are knocked back 1 space in a direction of your choice by explosive shrapnel.}}{{Effect 2=When a character fails a save against one of your MINES, they take +1d6 explosive bonus damage. If the mine deals no damage normally when detonated, whether it forces a save or not, one character in the affected area takes 1d6 explosive damage instead.}}",
'talents-t-sysop':"{{name=SYSOP}}{{TIER 1=[INOCULATION](!lncr_reference talents-t-sysop-inoculation)}}{{TIER 2=[FIREWALL](!lncr_reference talents-t-sysop-firewall)}}{{TIER 3=[AGGRESSIVE COUNTERMEASURES](!lncr_reference talents-t-sysop-aggressive-countermeasures)}}",
'talents-t-sysop-inoculation':"{{name=INOCULATION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-sysop-inoculation)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-sysop-inoculation inoculation)}}{{EFFECT=When you BOLSTER an allied character, the additional ACCURACY they gain lasts until their next skill check or save.}}",
'talents-t-sysop-firewall':"{{name=FIREWALL [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-sysop-firewall)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-sysop-firewall firewall)}}{{EFFECT=When you BOLSTER an allied character, tech attacks against them receive +1 DIFFICULTY until the end of their next turn.}}",
'talents-t-sysop-aggressive-countermeasures':"{{name=AGGRESSIVE COUNTERMEASURES [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-sysop-aggressive-countermeasures)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-sysop-aggressive-countermeasures aggressive countermeasures)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you BOLSTER an allied character, you induce a special cycle in their reactor. They reduce the next amount of heat they would take from a hostile character to 0, and that character takes 2 heat and becomes IMPAIRED until the end of their next turn. This effect does not stack, and lasts until triggered.}}",
'talents-t-prospector':"{{name=PROSPECTOR}}{{TIER 1=[STAKE A CLAIM](!lncr_reference talents-t-prospector-stake-a-claim)}}{{TIER 2=[GOLD RUSH](!lncr_reference talents-t-prospector-gold-rush)}}{{TIER 3=[MOTHER LODE](!lncr_reference talents-t-prospector-mother-lode)}}",
'talents-t-prospector-stake-a-claim':"{{name=STAKE A CLAIM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-prospector-stake-a-claim)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-prospector-stake-a-claim stake a claim)}}{{TUNNEL= When Tunneling, remove the character from teh battlefield and then immediately place them in a free and valid space. This is considered moving 1 space and does trigger Reactions.}}{{EFFECT=Gain the Create Entrance Quick Action which you may use 1/Scene}}{{CREATE ENTRANCE [QUICK ACTION](!lncr_stub)=1/Scene While standing on solid ground you may create a Burst 1 Entrance around yourself as a Quick Action. You may then Tunnel to anywhere 5 spaces away. You then create another Burst 1 Entrance. Entrances remain in play until the end of the Scene. Terrain and Sections of Terrain overlapping the Burst of an Entrance take 20AP Explosive damage. You become unable to take Reactions until the end of the current turn.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=**SUBTERRANEAN REPOSITION**}}{{TRIGGER=You are completely within teh burst of an entrance.}}{{EFFECT 2=Immediately Tunnel. You must end the movement completely within the Burst of a different Entrance created by the same character as the first.}}",
'talents-t-prospector-gold-rush':"{{name=GOLD RUSH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-prospector-gold-rush)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-prospector-gold-rush gold rush)}}{{EFFECT=Hostile characters in the Burst when you create an Entrance must perform a Hull save or are Knocked Prone. After using “Create Entrance” allied characters completely within the Burst of your initial Entrance may use “Subterranean Reposition” even though it is not their turn.}}",
'talents-t-prospector-mother-lode':"{{name=MOTHER LODE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-prospector-mother-lode)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-prospector-mother-lode mother lode)}}{{EFFECT=Create Entrance becomes 1/Round and you may use it an additional time each Scene. All Entrances created by you are connected for the purposes of Tunneling.}}",
'talents-t-iconoclast':"{{name=ICONOCLAST}}{{TIER 1=[TRANSGRESSION](!lncr_reference talents-t-iconoclast-transgression)}}{{TIER 2=[TRANSMUTATION](!lncr_reference talents-t-iconoclast-transmutation)}}{{TIER 3=[TRANSCENSION](!lncr_reference talents-t-iconoclast-transcension)}}",
'talents-t-iconoclast-transgression':"{{name=TRANSGRESSION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-iconoclast-transgression)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-iconoclast-transgression transgression)}}{{EFFECT=You may choose to equip your mech with an UNSTABLE-NHP system.}}{{UNSTABLE NHP =Your Mech gains the AI tag; however, this NHP doesn’t count towards the number of AIs you may have installed at once. You are unable to hand over control of your mech to the UNSTABLE-NHP as a Protocol, but it is capable of cascading. Your mech gains Memetic Spark.}}{{MEMETIC SPARK [QUICK](!lncr_stub)=1/Round as a Quick Action you may deal 1 AP Energy damage to a character within Range 3. It deals +1 damage for each undestroyed NHP installed on your mech including this one. \"NHPs\" are Systems that grant your Mech the AI tag and that are capable of cascading or can be allowed to cascade.}}{{TAGS=[UNIQUE](!lncr_reference tags-unique)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-round)[QUICK ACTION](!lncr_reference tags-quick-action)}}",
'talents-t-iconoclast-transmutation':"{{name=TRANSMUTATION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-iconoclast-transmutation)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-iconoclast-transmutation)}}{{EFFECT=After performing any action granted to you by an NHP, excluding handing control of your mech over to the NHP as a protocol, you may immediately perform the TRANSMUTING SPARK free action. Each NHP may only trigger this action 1/round.}}{{[FREE](!lncr_stub)=**TRANSMUTING SPARK **<br>Project a Line 3 lightning arc as a free action. Characters of your choice in the LINE take 2 AP energy damage.}}",
'talents-t-iconoclast-transcension':"{{name=TRANSCENSION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-iconoclast-transcension)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-iconoclast-transcension)}}{{EFFECT=Gain a Transcendence Die, a D3 starting at 3. When using 'Transmuting Spark' reduce the die by 1. If the die is already at 1 you may enter a transcendent state and reset the Transcendence Die to 3. The transcendent state lasts until the end of your next turn. While in this state: <br><ul><li>Your Transcendence die can't decrease.</li><li>'MEMETIC SPARK' increases its damage by 4 and Range by 5.</li><li>Unless flying or climbing, you are forced to permanently Hover exactly 1 Space above any surface at all times.</li><li>You become immune to involuntary movement.</li></ul><br>Whenever you cascade and lose control of your mech, you enter a transcendent state for the duration, cascading NHPs have access to this Talent. Your Transcendence Die resets at the end of the Scene.}}",
'talents-t-field-analyst':"{{name=FIELD ANALYST}}{{TIER 1=[TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE](!lncr_reference talents-t-field-analyst-tactical-intelligence)}}{{TIER 2=[INFORMATION HANDLING](!lncr_reference talents-t-field-analyst-information-handling)}}{{TIER 3=[ACTIVE INTERFERENCE](!lncr_reference talents-t-field-analyst-active-interference)}}",
'talents-t-field-analyst-tactical-intelligence':"{{name=TACTICAL INTELLIGENCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-field-analyst-tactical-intelligence)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-field-analyst-tactical-intelligence tactical intelligence)}}{{EFFECT=Whenever an allied character in line of sight misses with an attack, you know by how much it missed. Gain access to the 'Superior Intelligence' reaction.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_stub)=**SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE**<br>**TRIGGER:** An allied character within line of sight has rolled an attack roll.<br>**EFFECT:**You may add 1 to the attack roll. This may cause an attack to hit or to critically hit. Each attack roll can only be affected once by Superior Intelligence.}}",
'talents-t-field-analyst-information-handling':"{{name=INFORMATION HANDLING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-field-analyst-information-handling)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-field-analyst-information-handling information handling)}}{{EFFECT=At the start of each combat, you gain an Intelligence Die, a d6 starting at 1. At the end of your turn, if you didn't take any actions that affected a hostile character during your turn, except Scan, your Intelligence Die increases by 2. Whenever you use Superior Intelligence, you may increase the attack roll by the value of your Intelligence die instead of 1. It is reset to 1 afterwards. The Intelligence Die lasts until the end of the Scene.}}",
'talents-t-field-analyst-active-interference':"{{name=ACTIVE INTERFERENCE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait talents-t-field-analyst-active-interference)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities talents talents-t-field-analyst-active-interference active interference)}}{{EFFECT=Whenever a hostile character in line of sight hits with an attack you know what they rolled. You may use the Superior Intelligence Reaction when a hostile character in Line of Sight has rolled an Attack Roll. Instead of adding to the attack roll you subtract from it in the same manner. Each attack roll can only be affected once by Superior Intelligence.}}",
//The object containing the core bonuses.
'p_lncr_bonus_dict' : {
'bonus-cb-auto-stabilizing-hardpoints':"{{name=AUTO-STABILIZING HARDPOINTS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-auto-stabilizing-hardpoints)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonus bonus-cb-auto-stabilizing-hardpoints auto-stabilizing hardpoints)}}{{EFFECT=Choose one mount. Weapons attached to this mount gain +1 Accuracy.}}",
'bonus-cb-overpower-caliber':"{{name=OVERPOWER CALIBER [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-overpower-caliber)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-overpower-caliber overpower caliber)}}{{EFFECT=Choose one weapon. 1/round, when you hit with an attack, you can cause it to deal +1d6 bonus damage.}}",
'bonus-cb-improved-armament':"{{name=IMPROVED ARMAMENT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-improved-armament)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-improved-armament improved armament)}}{{EFFECT=If your mech has fewer than three mounts (excluding integrated mounts), it gains an additional Flexible mount.}}",
'bonus-cb-integrated-weapon':"{{name=INTEGRATED WEAPON [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-integrated-weapon)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-integrated-weapon integrated weapon)}}{{EFFECT=Your mech gains a new integrated mount with capacity for one Auxiliary weapon. This weapon can be fired 1/round as a free action when you fire any other weapon on your mech. It can't be modified.}}",
'bonus-cb-mount-retrofitting':"{{name=MOUNT RETROFITTING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-mount-retrofitting)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-mount-retrofitting mount retrofitting)}}{{EFFECT=Replace one mount with a Main/Aux mount.}}",
'bonus-cb-superheavy-mounting':"{{name=SUPERHEAVY MOUNTING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-superheavy-mounting)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-superheavy-mounting superheavy mounting)}}{{EFFECT=If your mech has fewer than 3 mounts (excluding integrated mounts) it gains an additional superheavy mount. It can only take SUPERHEAVY WEAPONS. They still require an additional mount installed. If your mech also has a heavy mount the SUPERHEAVY WEAPON must use that mount as the additional mount.}}",
'bonus-cb-universal-compatability':"{{name=UNIVERSAL COMPATABILITY [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-universal-compatability)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-universal-compatability universal compatability)}}{{EFFECT=Any time you spend CP to activate a Core System, you may also take a free action to restore all HP, cool all Heat, and roll 1d20: on 20, regain 1CP.}}",
'bonus-cb-briareos-frame':"{{name=BRIAREOS FRAME [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-briareos-frame)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-briareos-frame briareos frame)}}{{EFFECT=As long as your mech has no more than 1 Structure, you gain Resistance to all damage. When it’s reduced to 0 HP and 0 Structure, it is not destroyed: instead, you must make a structure damage check each time it takes damage. While in this state, your mech cannot regain HP until you rest or perform a Full Repair, at which point your mech can be repaired normally.}}",
'bonus-cb-fomorian-frame':"{{name=FOMORIAN FRAME [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-fomorian-frame)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-fomorian-frame fomorian frame)}}{{EFFECT=Increase your mech’s Size by one increment (e.g., from 1/2 to 1, 1 to 2, or 2 to 3) up to a maximum of 3 Size. You can’t be knocked Prone, pulled, or knocked back by smaller characters, regardless of what system or weapon causes the effect.}}",
'bonus-cb-gyges-frame':"{{name=GYGES FRAME [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-gyges-frame)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-gyges-frame gyges frame)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 Accuracy on all Hull checks and saves and +1 Threat with all melee weapons.}}",
'bonus-cb-reinforced-frame':"{{name=REINFORCED FRAME [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-reinforced-frame)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonus bonus-cb-reinforced-frame reinforced frame)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +5 HP}}",
'bonus-cb-sloped-plating':"{{name=SLOPED PLATING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-sloped-plating)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-sloped-plating sloped plating)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 Armor, up to the maximum (+4)}}",
'bonus-cb-titanomachy-mesh':"{{name=TITANOMACHY MESH [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-titanomachy-mesh)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-titanomachy-mesh titanomachy mesh)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, when you successfully Ram or Grapple a mech, you can Ram or Grapple again as a free action. Additionally, when you knock targets back with melee attacks, you knock them back 1 additional space.}}",
'bonus-cb-all-theater-movement-suite':"{{name=ALL-THEATER MOVEMENT SUITE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-all-theater-movement-suite)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-all-theater-movement-suite all-theater movement suite)}}{{EFFECT=You may choose to count any and all of your movement as flying; however, you take 1 heat at the end of each of your turns in which you fly this way.}}",
'bonus-cb-full-subjectivity-sync':"{{name=FULL SUBJECTIVITY SYNC [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-full-subjectivity-sync)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-full-subjectivity-sync full subjectivity sync)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +2 Evasion}}",
'bonus-cb-ghostweave':"{{name=GHOSTWEAVE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-ghostweave)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-ghostweave ghostweave)}}{{EFFECT=During your turn, you are Invisible. If you take no actions on your turn other than your standard move, Hide, and Boost, you remain Invisible until the start of your next turn. You immediately cease to be Invisible when you take a reaction.}}",
'bonus-cb-integrated-nerveweave':"{{name=INTEGRATED NERVEWEAVE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-integrated-nerveweave)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-integrated-nerveweave integrated nerveweave)}}{{EFFECT=You may move an additional 2 spaces when you Boost}}",
'bonus-cb-kai-bioplating':"{{name=KAI BIOPLATING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-kai-bioplating)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-kai-bioplating kai bioplating)}}{{You gain +1 Accuracy on all Agility checks and saves; additionally, you climb and swim at normal speed, ignore difficult terrain, and when making a standard move, can jump horizontally up to your full Speed and upwards up to half your Speed (in any combination).}}",
'bonus-cb-neurolink-targeting':"{{name=NEUROLINK TARGETING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-neurolink-targeting)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-neurolink-targeting neurolink targeting)}}{{EFFECT=Your ranged weapons gain +3 Range.}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-disbelief':"{{name=THE LESSON OF DISBELIEF [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-disbelief)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-disbelief the lesson of disbelief)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 accuracy on Systems checks and saves, and +2 E-Defense}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-open-door':"{{name=THE LESSON OF THE OPEN DOOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-open-door)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-open-door the lesson of the open door)}}{{EFFECT=Your Save Target Increases by +2; additionally, 1/round, when a character fails a save against you, they take 2 heat.}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-held-image':"{{name=THE LESSON OF THE HELD IMAGE [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-held-image)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-held-image the lesson of the held image)}}{{EFFECT=1/round, as a reaction at the start of any allied character's turn, you may make a Lock On tech action against any character within line of sight and Sensors.}}{{[REACTION](!lncr_reference tags-reaction)[1/ROUND](!lncr_reference tags-per-round)=LESSON OF THE HELD IMAGE}}{{TRIGGER=Any allied character starts their turn}}{{EFFECT 1=Make a Lock On tech action against any character within line of sight and Sensors}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-thinking':"{{name=THE LESSON OF THINKING-TOMORROW's THOUGHT [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-thinking)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-thinking the lesson of thinking tomorrow's-thought)}}{{EFFECT=When you hit with a tech attack, your next melee attack against the same target gains +1 accuracy, and its damage can't be reduced in any way.}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-transubstantiation':"{{name=THE LESSON OF TRANSUBSTANTIATION [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-transubstantiation)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-transubstantiation the lesson of transubstantiation)}}{{EFFECT=Any time you take structure damage, you disappear into a non-space and cease to be a valid target. You reappear in the same space at the start of your next turn. If that space is occupied, you reappear in the nearest available free space (chosen by you).}}",
'bonus-cb-lesson-of-shaping':"{{name=THE LESSON OF SHAPING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-lesson-of-shaping)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-lesson-of-shaping the lesson of shaping)}}{{EFFECT=You may install an additional AI in your mech. If one enters cascade (or becomes unshackled narratively), the other prevents it from taking control of your mech. You only lose control of your mech if both AI-tagged systems or equipment enter cascade.}}",
'bonus-cb-adaptive-reactor':"{{name=ADAPTIVE REACTOR [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-adaptive-reactor)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-adaptive-reactor adaptive reactor)}}{{EFFECT=When you Stabilize and choose to cool your mech, you may spend 2 Repairs to clear 1 stress damage.}}",
'bonus-cb-armory-sculpted-chassis':"{{name=ARMORY-SCULPTED CHASSIS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-armory-sculpted-chassis)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-armory-sculpted-chassis armory-sculpted chassis)}}{{EFFECT=You gain +1 accuracy on all Engineering checks and saves. when you Overcharge, you gain soft cover until the start of your next turn.}}",
'bonus-cb-heatfall-coolant-system':"{{name=HEATFALL COOLANT SYSTEM [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-heatfall-coolant-system)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-heatfall-coolant-system heatfall coolant system)}}{{EFFECT=Your cost for Overcharge never goes past 1d6 heat.}}",
'bonus-cb-integrated-ammo-feeds':"{{name=INTEGRATED AMMO FEEDS [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-integrated-ammo-feeds)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-integrated-ammo-feeds integrated ammo feeds)}}{{EFFECT=All Limited systems and weapons gain an additional two charges.}}",
'bonus-cb-stasis-shielding':"{{name=STASIS SHIELDING [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-stasis-shielding)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-stasis-shielding stasis shielding)}}{{EFFECT=Whenever you take stress damage, you gain Resistance to all damage until the start of your next turn.}}",
'bonus-cb-superior-by-design':"{{name=SUPERIOR BY DESIGN [EQUIP/DROP](!lncr_add_trait bonus-cb-superior-by-design)[INSTALL](!lncr_core_customize_abilities bonuses bonus-cb-superior-by-design superior by design)}}{{EFFECT=You gain Immunity to Impaired and gain +2 Heat Cap.}}"
//Reference guide for common terms and statuses. Used in user-facing functions.
'p_lncr_core_Reference' : function(msg,query){
try {
let response = "/w "+msg.who+"&{template:default} ";
let searchstr = query.toLowerCase();
let errormsg = "{{name=NOT FOUND}} {{No entry found for '"+query+"'}}";
if (searchstr.includes('talents-t-')){ //Talents
if (typeof this.p_lncr_talent_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined'){
response += errormsg;
} else {
response += this.p_lncr_talent_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('tags-')){ //TAGS
if (typeof this.p_lncr_tags_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
} else {
response += this.p_lncr_tags_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('equip-e-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
} else if (searchstr==='equip-e-horus'){
} else {
response += this.p_lncr_equipment_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('actions-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_actions_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_actions_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('status-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_status_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_status_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('rules-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_rules_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_rules_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('util-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_util_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_util_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('frames-f-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_frames_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_frames_dict[searchstr];
} else if (searchstr.includes('bonus-cb-')){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[searchstr] === 'undefined')
response += errormsg;
else {
response += this.p_lncr_bonus_dict[searchstr];
else {
response += this.p_lncr_reference_dict[searchstr];
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", response);
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong on a ref call: QUERY = "+ query);
//When called, it calculates a result from the structure damage table and then increases the selected token's structure damage by 1.
'p_lncr_core_RollStructureTable' : function(msg){
try {
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
//This is also the point where you inject the NPC code.
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let callsign = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign').get('current');
let rollIndex = [];
let structObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'structure-tab');
let structure = parseInt(structObj.get('current')) + 1; //+1 patches a problem with the sheet.
for (var i = 0; i < structure; i++){
rollIndex.sort((a,b) => a - b);
let rollstring = "";
for (var i = 0; i < rollIndex.length; i++){
rollstring += "[["+rollIndex[i]+"]]";
let chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=STRUCTURE DAMAGE}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech has sustained STRUCTURE DAMAGE! Rolling "+rollIndex.length+"d6 on Structure Table!}}{{"+rollstring+"}}";
if(structure >= 4){
chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=MECH DESTROYED}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech has sustained too much damage and has been destroyed.}}";
} else if (rollIndex[0] >= 5){
chatstring += "{{GLANCING BLOW!}} {{The emergency systems on "+callsign+"'s mech have successfully kicked in and the mech has stabilized, but it's [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn}}";
} else if (rollIndex[0] >= 2){
let roll = randomInteger(6);
chatstring += "{{SYSTEM TRAUMA!}} {{A part of "+callsign+"'s mech was torn off from the hit! Rolling 1d6}} {{[["+roll+"]]}}";
if(roll <= 3){
chatstring += "{{WEAPON DOWN}}{{All weapons on one mount of their choice is destroyed. If there are no more weapons remaining, then they lose a system of their choice instead. Limited systems and weapons that are out of charges are not valid choices.}}"
}else {
chatstring += "{{SYSTEM DOWN}}{{One system of their choice is destroyed. LIMITED systems and weapons that are out of charges are not valid choices. If there are no valid choices remaining, then all weapons on one mount are destroyed.}}"
chatstring += "{{If there are no valid systems or weapons remaining, this result becomes a DIRECT HIT instead.}}"
} else {
if (rollIndex.length > 1 && rollIndex[1] == 1){
chatstring += "{{CRUSHING HIT!}}{{"+callsign+"'s MECH HAS BEEN DESTROYED!}}";
} else {
chatstring += "{{DIRECT HIT!}}";
let remainingstruct = 4 - structure;
if (remainingstruct >= 3){
chatstring += "{{"+callsign+"'s mech is [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn.}}";
} else if (remainingstruct == 2){
chatstring += "{{"+callsign+" must make a HULL check! on a success their mech is [STUNNED](!lncr_reference status-stunned) until the end of their next turn. On a failure, their mech is DESTROYED.}}";
} else {
chatstring += "{{"+callsign+"'s MECH HAS BEEN DESTROYED!}}";
chatstring += "{{CASCADE CHECK [[1d20]]}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring);
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Something went wrong while trying to roll for structure damage. Double check your settings and stats as they may be in an invalid state now.");
//When called, it calculates a result from the overheat table and then increases the selected token's stress damage by 1.
'p_lncr_core_RollOverheatTable' : function(msg){
try {
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let callsign = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign').get('current');
let rollIndex = [];
let stressObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'corestress-tab',1);
let stress = parseInt(stressObj.get('current'));
for (var i = 0; i < stress; i++){
rollIndex.sort((a, b) => a - b);
let rollstring ="";
for (var i = 0; i < rollIndex.length; i++){
rollstring += "[["+rollIndex[i]+"]]";
let chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=OVERHEATING}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech is OVERHEATING! Rolling "+rollIndex.length+"d6 on Overheat Table!}}{{"+rollstring+"}}";
if(stress >= 4){
chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=MELTDOWN IMMINENT!}} {{MELTDOWN}} {{"+callsign+"'s reactor has gone critical! Their mech will suffer a [REACTOR MELTDOWN](!lncr_reference status-reactor-meltdown) at the end of their next turn!}}";
else if(rollIndex[0] >= 5){
chatstring += "{{EMERGENCY SHUNT}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech's cooling systems managed to contain the increasing heat; however their mech is now [IMPAIRED](!lncr_reference status-impaired) until the end of their next turn.}}";
else if (rollIndex[0] >= 2){
chatstring += "{{DESTABILIZED POWER PLANT}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech's power plant is unstable and beginning to eject jets of plasma. Their mech becomes [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed) until the status is cleared.}}";
else if (rollIndex[0] == 1){
if (rollIndex.length > 1 && rollIndex[1] == 1){
chatstring += "{{IRREVERSIBLE MELTDOWN!!!}} {{"+callsign+"'s reactor has gone critical! Their mech will suffer a [REACTOR MELTDOWN](!lncr_reference status-reactor-meltdown) at the end of their next turn!}}";
else {
let remainingStress = 4 - stress;
if(remainingStress >= 3){
chatstring += "{{MELTDOWN}} {{"+callsign+"'s mech has become [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed).}}";
} else if (remainingStress == 2) {
chatstring += "{{MELTDOWN}} {{"+callsign+" must roll an ENGINEERING check! On a success their mech becomes [EXPOSED](!lncr_reference status-exposed). On a failure, it suffers a [REACTOR MELTDOWN](!lncr_reference status-reactor-meltdown) after [[1d6]] turns. This can be prevented by retrying the check as a full action.}}";
} else {
chatstring += "{{MELTDOWN}} {{"+callsign+"'s reactor has gone critical! Their mech will suffer a [REACTOR MELTDOWN](!lncr_reference status-reactor-meltdown) at the end of their next turn!}}";
chatstring += "{{CASCADE CHECK [[1d20]]}}";
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring);
if (stress < 5){
stressObj.set("current", stress+1);
} catch (e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Somethign went wrong while attempting to roll on the overheat table. Double check your stats ane settings as they may be invalid now.");
//Performs all activities needed for the overcharge action.
'p_lncr_core_Overcharge' : function(msg){
try {
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let chargestateObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'overcharge-tab');
let chargestate = parseInt(chargestateObj.get('current'));
let heatgen = 0;
if (chargestate == 0){
heatgen = 1;
else if (chargestate == 1){
heatgen = randomInteger(3);
else if (chargestate == 2){
heatgen = randomInteger(6);
else if (chargestate >= 3){
heatgen = randomInteger(6)+4
let callsign = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign').get('current');
let chatstring = "&{template:default}{{name=OVERCHARGE!!}}{{"+callsign+" USED [OVERCHARGE!](!lncr_reference actions-overcharge) GENERATED " + heatgen + " HEAT.}}";
if (chargestate < 4)
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring);
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Error in overcharge function");
//Performs all actions necessary for the Stabilize action.
'p_lncr_core_Stabilize' : function(msg,mode1,mode2){
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let callsignobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign');
let callsign = "";
let hp = 0;
let currepairs = 0;
let heat = 0;
let haderrors = false;
if (typeof callsignobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Callsign could not be recovered from the character sheet. Did you forget to set it?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
callsign = callsignobj.get('current');
let hpobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_hp');
if (typeof hpobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Could not retrieve current hp. Did you forget to set an initial value?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
hp = hpobj.get('current');
let repairobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_repairs');
if (typeof repairobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Could not retrieve repair count. Did you forget to set an initial value?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
currepairs= repairobj.get('current');
let heatobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_heat');
if (typeof heatobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Could not retrieve current heat. Did you forget to set an initial value?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
heat = heatobj.get('current');
if (haderrors){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Errors detected during stabilize action. Aborting.");
let chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=STABILIZE}}{{"+callsign+" used [STABILIZE](!lncr_reference stabilize)}}";
let primary = mode1.toLowerCase();
let secondary = mode2.toLowerCase();
if (primary === 'restore-hp'){
if (currepairs > 0){
hpobj.set('current', hpobj.get('max'));
chatstring += "{{REPAIR deducted. Frame HP restored}}";
} else {
chatstring += "{{Not enough repairs to restore HP. Cleared heat instead}}";
chatstring += "{{Restored HP}}";
} else if (primary === 'clear-heat') {
chatstring += "{{Vents engaged! Heat cleared.}}";
if (mode2.toLowerCase() === 'reload'){
chatstring += "{{All [LOADING](!lncr_reference loading) weapons have been reloaded.}}";
} else if (secondary === "clear-burn"){
chatstring += "{{BURN cleared!}}";
} else if (secondary === "clear-status"){
chatstring += "{{Clear a condition that wasn't caused by one of your own systems, talents, etc.}}";
} else if (secondary === "clear-ally-status"){
chatstring += "{{Clear an adjacent allied character's condition that wasn't caused by one of their own systems, talents, etc.}}";
sendChat('LANCER CORE HELPER',chatstring);
} catch(e){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Error in stabilize function");
//Inflicts damage and rolls appropriate tables on PC tokens.
'p_lncr_core_Harm' : function(msg,type,damage){
let callsignobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign')
if (typeof callsignobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let callsign = "";
let hp = 0;
let hpmax = 0;
let heat = 0;
let haderrors = false;
if (typeof callsignobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Callsign could not be recovered from the character sheet. Did you forget to set it?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
callsign = callsignobj.get('current');
let hpobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_hp');
if (typeof hpobj === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Could not retrieve current hp. Did you forget to set an initial value?");
haderrors = true;
} else {
hp = hpobj.get('current');
hpmax = parseInt(hpobj.get('max'));
let heatobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_heat');
heat = heatobj.get('current');
let heatmax = parseInt(heatobj.get('max'));
let remainingdamage = parseInt(damage);
hp = ( hp == "" )? 0 : parseInt(hp);
heat = ( heat == "" )? 0 : parseInt(heat);
switch (type){
case "physical":
hp -= remainingdamage;
while (hp <= 0){
hp += hpmax;
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default} {{name=DAMAGED}} {{"+callsign+" was hit! Suffered "+damage+" points of damage!}}");
case "heat":
heat += remainingdamage;
while (heat > heatmax){
heat -= heatmax;
let dangerzone = (heat >= Math.ceil(heatmax/2))? true : false;
let chatstring = "&{template:default} {{name=HEAT}} {{"+callsign+" gained "+damage+" points of heat!}}"
if (heat >= Math.ceil(heatmax/2)){
chatstring += "{{"+callsign+" is in the [DANGER ZONE](!lncr_reference status-danger-zone)}}"
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", chatstring);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Not a supported damage type. Please use either 'physical' or 'heat'");
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Error in Harm function.");
//Executes all actions for a full repair
'p_lncr_core_FullRepair' : function(msg){
try {
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let callsign = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign').get('current');
let hpobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_hp');
let repairobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_repairs');
let heatobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_heat');
let chargestateObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'overcharge-tab');
let stressObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'corestress-tab');
let structObj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'structure-tab');
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=FULL REPAIR}}{{"+callsign+"'s mech has been fully repaired.}}");
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Full repair needs repair. Error detected in execution.");
//Object containing frame data for fast mech set
'p_lncr_mech_dict' : {
'unset' : {
'base_class': "",
'base_hp' : 0,
'base_heatcap' : 0,
'base_repaircap' : 0,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 0,
'base_savetarget' : 0,
'base_size' : 0,
'base_evasion' : 0,
'base_speed' : 0,
'base_edefense' : 0,
'base_sp' : 0,
'base_techatk' : 0
'everest' : {
'base_class': "EVEREST",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'sagarmatha' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'blackbeard' : {
'base_class': "BLACKBEARD",
'base_hp' : 12,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'caliban' : {
'base_class': "CALIBAN",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 3,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 0.5,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'drake' : {
'base_class': "DRAKE",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 3,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : 0
'kidd' : {
'base_class': "KIDD",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 12,
'base_sp' : 10,
'base_techatk' : 1
'lancaster' : {
'base_class': "LANCASTER",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 10,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'nelson' : {
'base_class': "NELSON",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 11,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 7,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'raleigh' : {
'base_class': "RALEIGH",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 7,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -1
'tortuga' : {
'base_class': "TORTUGA",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'vlad' : {
'base_class': "VLAD",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'zheng' : {
'base_class': "ZHENG",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 3,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 9,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'atlas' : {
'base_class': "ATLAS",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 2,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 3,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 0.5,
'base_evasion' : 12,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'black-witch' : {
'base_class': "BLACK WITCH",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 12,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 0
'deaths-head' : {
'base_class': "DEATH'S HEAD",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 2,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 20,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'dusk-wing' : {
'base_class': "DUSK WING",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 0.5,
'base_evasion' : 12,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'metalmark' : {
'base_class': "METALMARK",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : 0
'monarch' : {
'base_class': "MONARCH",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : 1
'mourning-cloak' : {
'base_class': "MOURNING CLOAK",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 12,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'swallowtail' : {
'base_class': "SWALLOWTAIL",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 20,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'swallowtail-ranger' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 20,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'balor' : {
'base_class': "BALOR",
'base_hp' : 12,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'goblin' : {
'base_class': "GOBLIN",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 2,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 20,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 0.5,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 12,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 2
'gorgon' : {
'base_class': "GORGON",
'base_hp' : 12,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 12,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 12,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'hydra' : {
'base_class': "HYDRA",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 7,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'kobold' : {
'base_class': "KOBOLD",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 2,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'lich' : {
'base_class': "LICH",
'base_hp' : 4,
'base_heatcap' : 3,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 12,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'manticore' : {
'base_class': "MANTICORE",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 7,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'minotaur' : {
'base_class': "MINOTAUR",
'base_hp' : 12,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'pegasus' : {
'base_class': "PEGASUS",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 7,
'base_techatk' : 1
'barbarossa' : {
'base_class': "BARBAROSSA",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 3,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 2,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'enkidu' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'genghis' : {
'base_class': "GENGHIS",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 10,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 3,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'iskander' : {
'base_class': "ISKANDER",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 7,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 12,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 1
'napoleon' : {
'base_class': "NAPOLEON",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 0.5,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 7,
'base_techatk' : 0
'saladin' : {
'base_class': "SALADIN",
'base_hp' : 12,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 0
'sherman' : {
'base_class': "SHERMAN",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 7,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -1
'sunzi' : {
'base_class': "SUNZI",
'base_hp' : 7,
'base_heatcap' : 7,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 7,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 7,
'base_techatk' : 1
'tokugawa' : {
'base_class': "TOKUGAWA",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : -1
'worldkiller-genghis' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 6,
'base_heatcap' : 8,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 3,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 6,
'base_speed' : 3,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : -2
'orchis' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 12,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : -1
'emperor' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 2,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 2,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 7,
'base_techatk' : 1
'white-witch' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 7,
'base_heatcap' : 4,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 5,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 2,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 6,
'base_edefense' : 6,
'base_sp' : 6,
'base_techatk' : 0
'calendula' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 7,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 3,
'base_armor' : 2,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 7,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 8,
'base_techatk' : 1
'chomolungma' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 10,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 0,
'base_sensors' : 15,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 4,
'base_edefense' : 10,
'base_sp' : 7,
'base_techatk' : 1
'viceroy' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 6,
'base_repaircap' : 4,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 10,
'base_savetarget' : 11,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 8,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 8,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : 0
'störtebeker' : {
'base_class': "HOMEBREW",
'base_hp' : 8,
'base_heatcap' : 5,
'base_repaircap' : 5,
'base_armor' : 1,
'base_sensors' : 8,
'base_savetarget' : 10,
'base_size' : 1,
'base_evasion' : 10,
'base_speed' : 5,
'base_edefense' : 7,
'base_sp' : 5,
'base_techatk' : 0
//Set the base stats of a mech in the character sheet. DANGEROUS.
'p_lncr_core_set_mech_statistics' : function(msg, mechname){
if (typeof msg.selected === 'undefined') {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=NO TOKEN SELECTED}}{{You must select a token for this macro}}");
if (typeof this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign') === 'undefined'){
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "&{template:default}{{name=ERROR}}{{NO CHARACTER SHEET ATTACHED TO TOKEN}}");
let nametolower = mechname.toLowerCase();
let callsign = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'callsign').get('current');
let grit = parseInt(this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'grit').get('current'));
log("Getting attribute objects for " + nametolower);
let classobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_class');
let hpobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_hp_bonus');
let heatobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_heat_bonus');
let repairobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_repairs_bonus');
let armorobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_armor');
let sensorobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_sensors');
let savetargetobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_savetarget');
let sizeobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_size');
let evasionobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_evasion');
let speedobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_speed');
let edefenseobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_edefense');
let maxspobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_sp');
let techatkobj = this.p_lncr_core_GetAttributeFromToken(msg,'frame_techatk');
log("Setting attributes for " + nametolower);
try {
armorobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_armor']);
sensorobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_sensors']);
savetargetobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_savetarget']+grit);
sizeobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_size']);
evasionobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_evasion']);
speedobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_speed']);
edefenseobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_edefense']);
maxspobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_sp']);
techatkobj.set('current', this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_techatk']);
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=MECH CHANGE}}{{"+callsign+"'s mech's mech stats have been set to:"+this.p_lncr_mech_dict[nametolower]['base_class']+"}}{{Please remember to close and reopen your character sheet, and double check your stats for accuracy. mechs using the HOMEBREW template can't set their own HP, HEAT, and REPAIR CAP values using a script.}}");
catch (error) {
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "/w "+msg.who+" &{template:default}{{name=SET FAILED}}{{The SET operation for "+callsign+" failed in the middle of the operation. Please try again.}}");
sendChat("LANCER CORE HELPER", "Error in mech set. Something might not be quite right. Double check your stats or try again.");
//End LancerCoreHelper Object Block
//Start character importer
var LancerCharImporter = {
//Contains test to avoid duplications.
"roll20objcontains": function (value,type='macro'){
let test = findObjs({
_type: type,
name: value
return ((test.length <= 0)? false : true);
'ImportMech': function(msg, rawstring){
var obj = this.ProcessRawInput(rawstring);
if (obj === -1){
this.InvokeLoadoutChange(msg, obj);
'InvokeLoadoutChange': function(msg, obj){
//returns void
let changestring = "";
changestring += obj['parsedMech'];
for (bonus in obj['parsedBonuses']){
changestring += ","+obj['parsedBonuses'][bonus];
for (talent in obj['parsedTalents']){
changestring += ","+obj['parsedTalents'][talent];
for (weapon in obj['parsedWeapons']){
changestring += ","+obj['parsedWeapons'][weapon];
for (mod in obj['parsedMods']){
changestring += ","+obj['parsedMods'][mod];
for (system in obj['parsedSystems']){
changestring += ","+obj['parsedSystems'][system];
//Concat the strings that matter. while converting them into the format for the changeloadout call.
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_changeloadout(msg, changestring);
'ProcessRawInput': function(rawstring){
//First, pull out the mech from the headline.
var jsonObj = {};
let mechIndex = rawstring.indexOf(" ", 3)+1;
let parsedMech = rawstring.substring(mechIndex, rawstring.indexOf(" @"));
if (parsedMech.includes('death’s head')) {parsedMech = "deaths-head" }
parsedMech = parsedMech.replace(" ", "-");
jsonObj.parsedMech = "frames-f-" + parsedMech;
log("MECH:" + parsedMech);
//We don't care about the licenses
//We care about what core bonuses the mech has
let bonusIndex = rawstring.indexOf("[ core bonuses ]");
let bonusOffset = 16+1;
let parsedBonuses = rawstring.substring(bonusIndex+bonusOffset, rawstring.indexOf(" [ ", bonusIndex+bonusOffset));
jsonObj.parsedBonuses = parsedBonuses.split(", ");
for (bonus in jsonObj.parsedBonuses){
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of thinking-tomorrow’s-thought")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-thinking";
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of the open door")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-open-door";
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of the held image")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-held-image";
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of disbelief")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-disbelief";
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of transubstantiation")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-transubstantiation";
if(jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes("the lesson of shaping")) jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "lesson-of-shaping";
while (jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].includes(" ")){
jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus].replace(" ","-");
jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus] = "bonus-cb-" + jsonObj.parsedBonuses[bonus];
log("CORE BONUSES:" + jsonObj.parsedBonuses);
//We care about what talents the pilot has
let talentsIndex = rawstring.indexOf("[ talents ]");
let talentsOffset = 11+1;
let parsedTalents = rawstring.substring(talentsIndex+talentsOffset, rawstring.indexOf(" [ ", talentsIndex+talentsOffset));
//jsonObj.parsedTalents = ;
log("TALENTS:" + parsedTalents);
jsonObj.parsedTalents = this.processTalentsToFormat(parsedTalents.split(", "));
//We don't care about the stats.
//let statsIndex = rawstring.indexOf("[ stats ]");
//let statsOffset = 8+1;
//log("Stats Index = " + statsIndex );
//We care about the weapons
let weaponsIndex = rawstring.indexOf("[ weapons ]");
let weaponsOffset = 11+1;
let parsedWeapons = rawstring.substring(weaponsIndex+weaponsOffset, rawstring.indexOf(" [ ", weaponsIndex+weaponsOffset));
//Parsing this is going to take a little bit more work, unfortunately. We need to filter out the weapons by mount type, and this is a bit tricky.
let tempWeapons = parsedWeapons;
while (tempWeapons.includes('main mount: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('main mount: ', ',');
log("Removed integrated mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
while (tempWeapons.includes('integrated: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('integrated: ', ',');
while (tempWeapons.includes('integrated weapon: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('integrated weapon: ', ',');
while (tempWeapons.includes('aux/aux mount: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('aux/aux mount: ', ',');
log("Removed aux/aux mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
while (tempWeapons.includes('main/aux mount: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('main/aux mount: ', ',');
log("Removed main/aux mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
while (tempWeapons.includes('flex mount: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('flex mount: ', ',');
log("Removed flex mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
while (tempWeapons.includes('heavy mount: ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace('heavy mount: ', ',');
log("Removed heavy mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
while (tempWeapons.includes(' / ')){
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.replace(' / ', ' ,');
log("Removed Split mounts and replaced with commas. STRING:" + tempWeapons);
//Remove leading comma
tempWeapons = tempWeapons.substring(1);
let tempArry = tempWeapons.split(" ,");
//jsonObj.parsedWeapons = tempWeapons.split(" ,");
//note any equipped mods
jsonObj.parsedMods = "";
log("JSON prior to weapon fix: " + tempArry);
for (weapon in tempArry){
log("PARSING WEAPON: " + tempArry[weapon]);
//Note and remove mods
//Erase any equipped core bonuses. We don't need that info.
if (tempArry[weapon].includes(' // ')){
tempArry[weapon] = tempArry[weapon].substring(0,tempArry[weapon].indexOf(' // '));
if (tempArry[weapon].includes(' (')){
let mod = "";
//carve-out for these silly things.
if ( tempArry[weapon].includes('(hunter-killer)') || tempArry[weapon].includes('(light)')){
log("CARVEOUT gms nexus");
let tempstring = tempArry[weapon].substring(tempArry[weapon].indexOf(')')+1);
if (tempstring.includes('(') )
mod = tempstring.substring(tempstring.indexOf('(')+1,tempstring.indexOf(')'));
tempArry[weapon] = (tempArry[weapon].includes('(hunter-killer)')) ? 'equip-e-nexus-hunter-killer' : 'equip-e-nexus-light';
} else {
mod = tempArry[weapon].substring(tempArry[weapon].indexOf('(')+1,tempArry[weapon].indexOf(')'));
let wep = tempArry[weapon].substring(0,tempArry[weapon].indexOf(' ('));
while (wep.includes(' ')){
wep = wep.replace(' ','-');
tempArry[weapon] = "equip-e-"+wep;
if (!jsonObj.parsedMods.includes(mod)){
jsonObj.parsedMods += ","+mod;
} else {
while(tempArry[weapon].includes(' ')){
tempArry[weapon] = tempArry[weapon].replace(' ','-');
tempArry[weapon] = 'equip-e-'+tempArry[weapon]
//Finally, copy each entry into the json obj, ignoring duplicates.
jsonObj.parsedWeapons = [];
for (weapon in tempArry){
//Fix the mods if mods were found
if(!jsonObj.parsedMods == "") {
jsonObj.parsedMods = jsonObj.parsedMods.substring(1);
jsonObj.parsedMods = jsonObj.parsedMods.split(',');
for (mod in jsonObj.parsedMods) {
while (jsonObj.parsedMods[mod].includes(' ')){
jsonObj.parsedMods[mod] = jsonObj.parsedMods[mod].replace(' ','-');
jsonObj.parsedMods[mod] = "equip-e-"+jsonObj.parsedMods[mod];
tempArry = jsonObj.parsedMods;
jsonObj.parsedMods = [];
for (mod in tempArry){
if (!jsonObj.parsedMods.includes(tempArry[mod])){
//We care about the systems
let systemsIndex = rawstring.indexOf("[ systems ]");
let systemsOffset = 11+1;
let parsedSystems = rawstring.substring(systemsIndex+systemsOffset);
jsonObj.parsedSystems = parsedSystems.split(", ");
for (system in jsonObj.parsedSystems){
jsonObj.parsedSystems[system] = jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].replace(/ x\d*/,''); //Remove formatting for limited systems.
if(jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].includes('h0r_os')) jsonObj.parsedSystems[system] = jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].replace('h0r_os','hor-os');
if(jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].includes('//scorpion v70.1')) jsonObj.parsedSystems[system] = jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].replace('//scorpion v70.1','scorpion-v70.1');
while(jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].includes(' ')){
jsonObj.parsedSystems[system] = jsonObj.parsedSystems[system].replace(' ', '-');
jsonObj.parsedSystems[system] = "equip-e-" + jsonObj.parsedSystems[system];
tempArray = jsonObj.parsedSystems;
jsonObj.parsedSystems = [];
for (system in tempArray){
log("SYSTEMS:" + jsonObj.parsedSystems);
return jsonObj;
} catch(e) {
sendChat("LANCER CHAR IMPORTER", "Encountered an error while processing raw input. Aborting. ERROR:"+e);
return -1;
"processTalentsToFormat" : function(stringarray){
log("PARSING TALENTS: " + stringarray);
let tempArray = [];
for (talent in stringarray){
let limit = parseInt(stringarray[talent][parseInt(stringarray[talent].length - 1)]);
let text = stringarray[talent].substring(0,stringarray[talent].length-2);
for (let i = 0; i < limit; i++){
return tempArray;
//This object full of arrays will need to be updated with new content.
"TalentArrays": {
"crack shot":["talents-t-crack-shot-stable","talents-t-crack-shot-zero","talents-t-crack-shot-watch"],
"combined arms":["talents-t-combined-arms-shield","talents-t-combined-arms-trained","talents-t-combined-arms-storm"],
"drone commander":["talents-t-drone-commander-shepherd","talents-t-drone-commander-swarm","talents-t-drone-commander-invigorate"],
"grease monkey":["talents-t-grease-monkey-upgrade","talents-t-grease-monkey-bond","talents-t-grease-monkey-friends"],
"heavy gunner":["talents-t-heavy-gunner-cover","talents-t-heavy-gunner-hammer","talents-t-heavy-gunner-bracket"],
"nuclear cavalier":["talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-heat","talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-fusion","talents-t-nuclear-cavalier-catch"],
"siege specialist":["talents-t-siege-specialist-jack","talents-t-siege-specialist-impact","talents-t-siege-specialist-damage"],
"walking armory":["talents-t-walking-armory-armament","talents-t-walking-armory-portfolio","talents-t-walking-armory-efficiency"],
"black thumb":["talents-t-black-thumb-flesh","talents-t-black-thumb-rodeo","talents-t-black-thumb-master"],
"house guard":["talents-t-house-guard-rank","talents-t-house-guard-guardian","talents-t-house-guard-shield"],
"field analyst":["talents-t-field-analyst-tactical-intelligence","talents-t-field-analyst-information-handling","talents-t-field-analyst-active-interference"]
//End Character Importer
//Command Parser
on('chat:message', function(msg){
"use strict";
if('api' !== msg.type) {
var args = msg.content.split(/\s+/);
let command = args[0].toLowerCase();
let stragg = function(startpos=1){
let aggstring = ""
for (let i = startpos; i < args.length; i++)
aggstring += args[i]
if (i+1 !== args.length){
aggstring += " ";
return aggstring.toLowerCase();
if (command === '!lncr_overcharge'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_reference'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_harm'){
} else if (command === '!set_token_marker'){
} else if (command === '!get_token_markers'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_init'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_clear_markers'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_stabilize'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_Stabilize(msg, args[1], args[2]);
} else if (command === '!lncr_add_trait'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_addTrait(msg, stragg());
} else if (command === '!lncr_full_repair'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_status_menu'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_get_abilities'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_set_mech'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_set_mech_statistics(msg, args[1]);
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_changeloadout'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_changeloadout(msg, stragg(1));
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_whisperloadout'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_whisperloadout(msg, stragg(1));
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_append_ability'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_customize_abilities'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_rolldamage'){
LancerCoreHelper.p_lncr_core_RollDamage(args[1],args[2], args[3],args[4]);
} else if (command === '!lncer_core_debug'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_core_targetsettokenmarker'){
} else if (command === '!lncr_import_char'){
sendChat("LANCER CHARACTER IMPORTER", "Attempting to import character.");
let contents = stragg();
LancerCharImporter.ImportMech(msg, contents);
//Set up handout for intro + instructions
on("ready", function() {
log("Ready fired");
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