AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' |
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 |
Description: Serverless patterns - Amazon API Gateway REST API with VPC Link integration |
Parameters: |
usecase: |
Description: What environment should be deployed |
Type: String |
AllowedValues: |
- "prod" |
- "stage" |
- "dev" |
Default: prod |
NlbInternalArn: |
Type: String |
Default: |
NlbDomainName: |
Description: NLB Domain Name |
Type: String |
Default: |
GatewayDomain: |
Description: ApiGateway domain |
Type: String |
Default: |
DomainConfiguration: |
Description: endpoint types of an Amazon API Gateway domain name |
Type: String |
Default: REGIONAL |
HostedZoneId: |
Default: |
Type: String |
Description: hosted zone ID for given domain name |
Resources: |
AppApi: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::RestApi |
Properties: |
Name: kong-apigw-rest-api-vpclink |
Description: VPC Link integraton REST API demo |
RootMethod: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method |
Properties: |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
ResourceId: !GetAtt AppApi.RootResourceId |
HttpMethod: ANY |
AuthorizationType: NONE |
RequestParameters: |
method.request.path.proxy: true |
Integration: |
CacheKeyParameters: |
- 'method.request.path.proxy' |
ConnectionType: VPC_LINK |
IntegrationHttpMethod: ANY |
ConnectionId: !Ref VPCLinkRestNlbInternal |
Uri: !Sub https://${NlbDomainName} |
PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH |
RootMethodProxy: |
DependsOn: |
- RootMethod |
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::Resource' |
Properties: |
ParentId: !GetAtt AppApi.RootResourceId |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
PathPart: '{proxy+}' |
ProxyMethod: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Method |
Properties: |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
ResourceId: !Ref RootMethodProxy |
HttpMethod: ANY |
AuthorizationType: NONE |
RequestParameters: |
method.request.path.proxy: true |
Integration: |
CacheKeyParameters: |
- 'method.request.path.proxy' |
RequestParameters: |
integration.request.path.proxy: 'method.request.path.proxy' # 'request' should be 'integration.request' |
ConnectionType: VPC_LINK |
IntegrationHttpMethod: ANY |
ConnectionId: !Ref VPCLinkRestNlbInternal |
Uri: !Sub 'https://${NlbDomainName}/{proxy}' # Added single quotes around URI to avoid error in '&' character |
PassthroughBehavior: WHEN_NO_MATCH |
Deployment: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Deployment |
DependsOn: |
- RootMethodProxy |
- ProxyMethod |
Properties: |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
Stage: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Stage |
Properties: |
StageName: Prod |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
DeploymentId: !Ref Deployment |
VPCLinkRestNlbInternal: |
Type: AWS::ApiGateway::VpcLink |
Properties: |
Name: VPCLinkRestNlbInternal |
TargetArns: |
- !Ref NlbInternalArn |
GatewayDomainName: |
DependsOn: AppApi |
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::DomainName' |
Properties: |
DomainName: !Ref GatewayDomain |
# CertificateArn: !Sub "{{resolve:ssm:/${usecase}/infrastructure-ttm4j/certificate-arn:1}}" |
EndpointConfiguration: |
Types: |
- !Ref DomainConfiguration |
RegionalCertificateArn: !Sub "{{resolve:ssm:/${usecase}/infrastructure-ttm4j/certificate-arn:1}}" |
GatewayDomainRecordSetGroup: |
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup |
Properties: |
HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId |
RecordSets: |
- Name: !Ref GatewayDomain |
Type: A |
AliasTarget: |
DNSName: !GetAtt GatewayDomainName.RegionalDomainName |
HostedZoneId: !GetAtt GatewayDomainName.RegionalHostedZoneId |
Mapping: |
Type: 'AWS::ApiGateway::BasePathMapping' |
Properties: |
DomainName: !Ref GatewayDomain |
RestApiId: !Ref AppApi |
Stage: !Ref Stage |
Outputs: |
# API Gateway endpoint to be used during tests |
AppApiEndpoint: |
Description: API Endpoint |
Value: !Sub "https://${AppApi}.execute-api.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/Prod" |