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Last active December 4, 2024 08:50
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  • Save Gesugao-san/4b1cf7b20b2c28c6aeeed9aa93c30c4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gesugao-san/4b1cf7b20b2c28c6aeeed9aa93c30c4b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
let buttLoot, buttLeave, _debug = Boolean(1);
let _store = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).find(e => e.__vue__).__vue__.$store;
// Seach for buttons to click
function querySelectorIncludesText(selector, text) {
if ((!selector) || (!text)) return console.error('querySelectorIncludesText error!');
return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))
.find(el => el.textContent.includes(text));
// Run away if player can be killed in two successfully hits.
// ToDo: Auto run away if low food.
function leaveIfLowHP() {
if (
(_store.getters["playerMob/health"] -
(_store.getters["enemyMob/maxHit"] * 2)) <
) return;
buttLeave = querySelectorIncludesText('button', 'Leave') ||
querySelectorIncludesText('button', 'Yakety sax away');
if (!buttLeave) return console.error('Autobattle: Can\'t click to leave - no button found!');;
if (_debug) console.debug('leaving...');
// Loop for autobattle.
// ToDo: Make interval changing more dynamically.
setInterval(() => {
if (!_store.getters["combat/isActive"]) return;
buttLoot = querySelectorIncludesText('button', 'Loot all');
if (!buttLoot) return console.error('Autobattle: Can\'t click to loot - no button found!');;
if (_debug) console.debug('looting...');
}, _store.getters["playerMob/targetStats"].attackSpeed * 1000);
function replaceInVuex(key1, key2, value, force_reload = false) {
if (!key1) return console.error("Err: no key1.");
if (!key2) return console.error("Err: no key2.");
var _vuex = JSON.parse(localStorage.vuex);
_vuex[key1][key2] = value;
localStorage.vuex = JSON.stringify(_vuex);
if (force_reload) window.location.reload();
return console.log('replaceInVuex:', _vuex[key1], '- OK');
const _store = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('*')).find(e => e.__vue__).__vue__.$store;
if (0) replaceInVuex('chrono', 'lastLogoutTime', 1, true); // Gives max hours of chrono
// if (0) replaceInVuex('playerMob', 'health', _store.getters["playerMob/stats"].maxHealth); // dispatch("playerMob/addHealth", 123);
if (0) replaceInVuex('enemyMob', 'health', 1);
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